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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1934, p. 3

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'1 't 'i. DT. 14 li I ' -- i Mr. ad Mr. R.H. W od iilestones in the journey of 1f e. Mr n Ms . .W od Iofahr lo us spru fSALEM Celebrated Golden moth~er as rwe are sure you must have looked on that. event.ful day. Pso e.A .Wotncn Wedding A niversar And you. mother, could flot, have Pso e.A .Wotncn - -locked ait father any more trusting- ducted the afternoon service Sunday. Friends and relatives to the num- 'y than you do today. The deep The subjeet of his fine discourse ber of 150 gathered at the home of .1oy of union on that giad day is vwas. -The Angel in the Sun." Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. E. Rundie. again renewed today, as you gi Wootton wa.s also in attendance. Lot 12. Concession 5, Darlingît.on igh our trot.h for the years 3ou Mr. andsMrs. W ndn Ms Township, near Hampton,.on Mon- are yet to be together. As you have ldsMran Mrs.. P. Cann and day afternoon, July 30t.h. Vo cele- journeyed together God has been babe. adMs. E. Doidge attend- braVe with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood, with you and has bles-sed you. We ed the Hooper-McFeeters Picnic at of Orono, the fiftieth anniversary of kflow that you have loved and hon- Hampton Park, on the holiday, their wedding day. i cured Him on the journey, and that where a very enjoyable tlme was Mr. and Mrs. Wood, who have has made life very much more worth spent., various kinds of sport. were in Passed their t.hree score Years and while. As you have corne 50 f ar f ull sway and an abundance of good ten, were married July 30th, 1884, along inl lit e sharing its joys and its things to eat. were served to ail. by Rev. Mr. Martin, of Port Perry, 1 scrrows let us ail today forget. the Salemn friends and acquaintances at t.he home of t.he bride's parents, sorrows and think only of the joys. will be glad Vo again meet and greet. the laVe Mr. and Mrs. John BuckleyI Th is 15 a day for rejoicing-t.hat yo Mrs. H. Goodwin (nee Miss L. Si.nce t.heir marriage t.hey haverebave been so long spared to us. and McFeeters) of Memnphis, Tenn.. who sided in the district. about Ornofor the richness of your lives. Le is home for a visit with her sisters and have won many friends, a fewus.3ail rejoice together and aste and brothers, Mrs. W. Henderson, of whom gathered with the family .ife's .oys t.o t.he full. Happineas Providence; and Mrs. A. Annis, Ty.- o offer their congratulations and increases by sharing it, and in t.hat. rone; Mr. J. A. and Mr. W. Me- shared in the presentation which way, let. us ail become more and Feeters of Toronto and Oakville and was made on the occasion, more happy. other friends. Well spread tables were set on the As a token of our love and respect beauti.ful lawn at. the home of Mr. for you, we ask you to accept theseHA P N and Mrs. R.undle, and the decora- gifts and we pray God's blessing Up -___ HAMPTON_______ tions here as well as in the home onl you. Our prayer is that you were magnificently carried out. in both will be spared many years yet Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory, Oshawa, white and gold. Mr, Rundle acted with us." visit.ed Mrs. C. W. Souch. as chairman for the occasion and Your family, relatives and friends. Miss Thelma Willis, Toronto, is a welcomed the guests. Every mem- guest at Mrs. C. John's. ber of the family was present, there ~' Mrs. W. Wilbur visited ber sister, being five daughters and two sons.,VVEDDAINGS.z. Mrs. W. Burnet.t, Stou.ffville. 27 grandchildren and four great 1~ Mrs. Archer and son, Cartwright, grandchildren. The sons and daugh- Morris-Moore visit.ed at Mrs. J. Clatworthy's. ters are: Mrs. W. M. Hoskin, Burke- AMuetbtieysrts edig Lenore Reynolds, Toronto, ton; C. S. Wood, Orono; Mrs. H. E. wAssuiemniutze inTrot.oWedgi holidaying at Mrs. Jas. Jebson's. Rundle. Darlington; Mrs. wsslDelberTrotte- M. n rs .Wikn adfm Flintff. Ohawa:Mrs. . H. r nesday, August lst at. il o'clock, M.adMs .Wlisadfan Flinoff.Oshaa: Ms. G H. rm-ily, Ebenezer, visited ait Mrs. T. H. our, Hampton; Miss Allie Wood. and vwhen MilÈa Francas. of Clayton's. W. R. Wood. Orono. Mrs. C. P. Leander and the late Dr. Mrs. Green and famnily of Ham- Rev.J. H Ostrhot, OonowmF. W. Moore, Detroit, and Kenneth ilton are holidaying with ber sister, aogthe guests and in a short N. Morris, son of Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Harold Allun. amdeon rdhsfliiain n the late F. H. Morris, Bowmanville, Mts Sinclair, B. A., Winnipeg, addss eed h i elicitagons and were united in marriage. They were who bas been visiting in the Mari- mioed te ri f de d bgroom man attended by Miss Helen Argue and tinies, visit.ed Mrs. Geo. Gilbert. ceding the presentation Glen and Mr. W. A. E. Ingram 0of Bowmanville. A number fromn our community Donald Fllntoff, Oshawa, offered o The ceremony was perforined by attended the special doings in Tor- their grandniother a lovely basket Rev. S. C. Moore, Toronto.- onto, and at Caesarea on Monday. of golden 'mums. Mrs. Hoskin read The bride looked charming in a odWlo ndJcsnWa a weli worded address and at a suit- powder blue crepe ensemble with enoyed a isit wian theJack Ways able moment., on behaîf 0f those white accessories and wearing a at te i ct te theMuslemns gathered there. three grand-daugh- shoulder corsage of sweetheart roses Lake. ers, Ella Hoskin, Bertha Arinour and maiden-hair fern. The brides- Mr. R. Bird and Miss Margaret, and Ama Rundie presented the fol- maid was beconungly gowned in a Hamilton, spent. the weekend with lowing gifts. Vo Mrs. Wood a whitVe tea-rose crepe ensemble wiith white her sister. Mrs. S. Mountjoy, who gold necklace. to Mr. Wood an en- accessories and wearing a shoulder accompanied them home. graved gold band fountain pen. and corsage 0f sweet peas and maiden Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson and Vo both a purse of gold. Mr. Woodihair fern. Mre mad asutabe epy.A chicken dinner was served at Muil Toronto, Mrs. E. Wood and mduring teafe rnoo ad enngt.he Faloon Club after which the, Bowmanville, were week- Durig te ateroonandeveingend visitors at Mr. S. Williamns'. a program of music, readings and happy couple left on a motor trip A number enjoyed a quiet picnic comniunit.y singing was indulged int.hrough the Kawartha Lake district.. in our pretty park on Sunday, some which wit.h the social intercourse On their return Mr. and Mrs. Moore f rom Port Hope, and other districts constituted a most. happy gat.hering. will reside in Toronto. who also renewed acquaintances in Address ( the village. -Dear Father and Mother:-On CONSERVATORY PREPARES A lively game of softball was thi. occasion o! your golden wed- FOR RE-OPENING played in the park on Sat.urday din aniersry w yur ovng Preartinsevening between Courtice and chfldren. grandchildren. relatives rrtos for the opening, onHmtnad eute 5- nfao and friend.s, are assembled wit.h one September 4t.h, of its 48t.h season of Courtice. accord to do honour t.o yo on this are proceeding apace at. the Toronto Mr. Lewis Johns, Mr. Chas. Johns, glad event. As vou look back over Conservatory of Music. Extensive Misses Rut.h Johns and Florence the past. fifty years we know that. improvements have been made in Burns have returned f rom a plea- hey have been to you but lovelylt.he Womens Residence, adding sant. nine day motor trip via Mont- ________________________ jgreatly Vo its convenience and at- real and Quebec City Vo Gaspe en- tractiveness, whie a number of circling the Gaspe Peninsula, re- SChoo ? changes in he main buildings Vo urning by way of New Brunswick increase the f acilities available to and Ottawa. Tbey report a very en- students have been carried out. joyable and interesting trip. W hat Sc oo ? Teachers througbout the country. Church srieon Sna vn Decisions are always in order. Our in he new course leading Vo the Igillett very capably assisted in the catalog may help s'eu. We send it on L.T.C.M. (Teacher's) Diploma. The ser-vice, and gave the origin of sev- request. We train for Business Pos- course covers a period of two yer eral bymins teiling how they came Itions and help to place our Gradu- an nldsprcia ecin n ob witn ube ffmla ates. Enter aniy urne. No forced ad hymnsrctclte in n t ewren.sub congreaionr vacations. Write to der supervision. handin esol, nd duets, by choir members Miss E. Reynolds led in Shaw Business Schools Ar o btee with Belching, the soripture passages which were Dept. K-3 . Bay & Charles Sts. Ilaig erbr and Gas? Take int.erspersed wit.b singing. Mr. Mills Toronto. Kirk's Stomaîka. McGregor's Drug rendereci nicely an accordian solo. ______________________ Store. Next Sunday evening the service aWornde in children, if t.hey be noV will be in charge of the young Vtede o, cause convulsions. and people. 0f ten death. Mother Graves' Worm T oronto Exterminator will protect the child- An 011 of M'nit-Dr.Thms ren f rom Vthese distressing afflict- ElcrcQli o ubeo O p o e rs s ions. ElcrcOli o ubeo Optom tr'ilstsmedicinai substances thrown to- Persian BaIn, promotes daintiness, gether and pushed by advertising, 2143 DANFORTH AVENUE charm and beauty. It is unrivalled but. the result. of the careful inves- Phone Grover 7078 in its magicai effect on the skin tigation of the bealing qualities of G. M. BOSNELL, PORT HOPE Swiftly absorbed by the tissues, it certain oils as applied Vo the buman Wednesday - 9 a. m. to 9 P. m. leaves neyer a vestige of stickiness. body. IV is a rare combination and Opposite John Street Delightfully cool Vo the skmn. Stim- iV won and kept public favor f rom Phone 248 or 525J ulating and invigorating. Sof ens the f irst. A trial of it will carry G. E. GARNETT, COBOURG and makes the hands flawlessly conviction Vo any who doubt its Saturdas' - 9 a. m. ta 9 P. m. white. Subtly fragrant. Imparts power Vo repair and heal. over A. & P. Store youth and loveiiness Vo the complex- Iover twenty correspondents chro- W ion. Persian Balm is the inevitable nicle the news of their districts for or _______________________choice of the woman who cares. Statesinan readers. Orange Pekzoe Henry Carpenter Blend Who completed ten years of service__________ n June 9Vh, with the Goodyear Co. - Mr. Carpenter was born in Vic- tora County onateshoreof Lake Rot ary CUb England in a sailing shlp when it (Continued from page 1) book nine weeks and three days to sible for the good of the commun- mss the Atlantic. They ianded in itY. Bowmanville and went north tVo set- A number o! aniusing incidents le in Victoria County about elghty were related, showing the funnoy years ago. things that happen when the re- HIe lived near Valen Via, until he Porters or the printer or the type soine to BowmanviUe eleven years gt le p go0. Aithougb a farmer, be spent Concludlng an address t.hat wel nuch time trapping and fishing, bis j maintained the hlgh reputation of argest maskinonge was 34 pounds.'Rotaly Club talks, Mr. Mortlock yven since coming Vo Goodyear, stressed the Vhougbt that though fenry had bis week or Vwo each faîl the newspaper bad to be profitable ; go Vo Valentia trapping muskrats. Vo exist, there was back o! anl the Henry worked around BowmanviUe very obvious tblngs a heart and a ibout a year before startlng with soul sympathe tic towards every- ioodyear. His f irst work bere wa thlng that was worth whle and up- ýthe Asbestos Dept. LaVer be was lifting. xansferred Vo the Yard Gang and The speaker was introduced by rom there Vo the Beit Cure and the Mayor W. R. Strike who referred Eeel DepV. lHe took over the nlght in very complinentary terms to the vatch seven years ago. HIe bas work o! Mr. Mortlock for the news-, sen on nlght work nine o! bis ten paper and bis activities In the omc- 7ars service. munity. W. E. Groves volced the There are few men wbo eau boast Vhanks o! the club members for the %record such as Henry. HIe noV inspiring address Vo wb.lch they had rily advocates emperance, but listened. Eitor Oea. W. James al- )ractises Vemperance. HIe bas yet. £0 added a few words o! apprecla- odrink his first glass of beer or ion o! bis deputy's address, and noke bis first cigarette. No doubt pai public tribute Vo the splendidl his accounts for Henry carrying bis service and co-operation he gave bis ,ars so lightly. chie!. -_______________Visitors at the Club included A. E. LoveUl and Don Ferguson o! the It What Stage of Maturity Oshawa Club, and Alex Elliot, f or- Should Crops De Harvested mer Bowmianville merchant, now o! Experiments liy the Fild Hus- St. John, N. B. sndry Division of Ithe Dominion , perimental Farms show that cropa ut at the following stages gives Reports at hand indicate that ghest yields o! best quality. some 935,000 pounds o! dressed HAY-Alf ai!a one tentb In bloom, poultry were exported f rom. Canada ed clover full bloom, Vhnothy when Vo the United Klngdom durmng the he bloom has fallen, grain for bay f lrst five montbis of this year. Com vhen tbe kernels are in the mllk pareil wlVb the correspondlng perlod age. gancossol or last year, this is an increase oi GRAIN-Allgancossol be approxliately 537,122 pounds. ut wben the kerneis are f lrm and The LasV Astbrna Attack may wf ore the heads are Voo easllIY really be the last one if prompt sattered. measures are taken. Dr. J. D. Kel- S1I.AGE-Corn laVe dougb, sun- logg's Asthma Remedy wll safeguard lowers 50 per cent. in bloom, red you. IV wili penetrate te the small- 4over full bloom, ai! aI!a full bloom, est broncil passage and brlng td wlVed 5 bours afVer cuttlug, about a healthy condition. It ai- its and peas wben oats are i the ways relleves and Its coutinued usé lugh stage. often bas a permanent effect. Why ROOS-As laVe ln the f ail as noV geV this long-f amous remedy te- )ossibie. day and commence Its use? inbaled POTATOES-When the tops are as suioke or vapor It Is equally ef- Ul dead. fective. Vi Sc Er to cn t]E ye Ca ag mi la Ev ab in fi wa be ye' to Sm thi At E: cul hiÊ 'ec th. sto cul ci di fl U* aUUmma T EA Freala from teGarclens SWlMinlng events at the Cnan I print stars are entered in the dash- National Exhibition are netcofn es and stellar perforzners swlm In ed to the Marathon. International the middle distance raceS. Better Fo0-d Values at the Corner Grocery KELLOGG'S CO Crn Flaktes 3 Packages 25c Red Rose Tea........................ 50c lb. Derby Matches.............. 3 large boxes 25c Grape Nut Flakes, reg. 12e.....*Special 9c pkg. Jlawes' Floor Gloas and Handy Mop, Both for 79c Robin Hood Flour, 7 lb. bag............... 25c Maple,Leaf Lard ...........2 lba. 25c Picnic Bar Cheese, plan or pimento. .. . 1Oc pkg. PALMOLIVIE 1 cake 5c 3 cakes 14c SOAP 4 cakes 19c New Stabilized 5 cakes 23c Prices 12 cakes 55c Canada Dry, Sweet Ginger Ale. .2 Ige bottle 25c Whiz Fly Fume............ 8 oz. 33c; 16 oz. 57c Pard, Meat Food for dogs and cats .... 2 tins 25c Spratt's Dog Biscuits Fresh Fish for Thursday and Friday Barry Allia, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934 COMPLETES 10 YEARS FFI PAGE THRE k. WIL LA R BlATTERIES De VULCANIZER GATIS SEamRVnIIRCDPO CITESSERVOICEai so IE E Phone 193 Statesman Block Bowmanville b&- Am ý 1 1 m . m mWývw PAGE IUPM

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