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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIX LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Publie - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg Bownianville. Office hours 9 a. m to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Ecjuipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any da3 F. F. MORRIS CO. Modemn Motor Equlpment Ambulance and Invalid Car Call Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Cosnplete Funcral Service Modern Equipmnent -Ambulance A. W. G. Northeutt- Aubrey Smnith Phone Days 58 Nlght.s, Sundays or Holdays Phone 523 or 276 Repairs R. PAWSON B001 AND SH-OE REPAIRING Soies sewn on. by Goodyear Stjtcbing Machine. Prices reasonable. King Street East - Bowmanvilllo Opposite artons Bus Station 9-tf WE DELI VER Pure .... Clean PASTEURIZED Fresh MiIk - TO - Bowmanville Bowmanville Beach Hampton Enniakillen Burketon Blackstock Caesarea Newcastle Newcastle Beach Newtonville In ail these centres Bowman- ville Dafry Mllk is recognized as the cleanest. purest, and richest niilk available. It you haven't tricd It yct Phone 446 and wc wilI eall. Bowmanville Dairy W. I-4. Betties, Prop. Phone 446 C.' H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author of: The Child and Its Development muscle anomalies, eyeslght and rlasses. Spehaiz ng e u iey i for appointment 1516 Dsney Bldg. Opp. P. 0. Di1EOshawa, Ont. Forget the Washang It's too hot anyway and we'11 make a good job of it at very littie cost. I. wMarjorana WE CALL AND) DELI VER Phone 478 King St. E. - Bowmanville For job prlntlflg to suit particu- Jar people corne to The Statesman Office. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934 .7o-r the J7Zomce Riddick Boys 1 Home Improvement To make home more attractive Make necessary drainage and ditch- and convenient, nurnerous things ing about the yard, with sand and might be done which woulct cost gravel walks or flagstone walks littile or no money, but only fore- made f rom broken cernent walks. thought, time and energy. Put Up shelves: mcnd floors, steps. As you go about your home, with doors and windows: build benches. this in mmnd, you will think of such window seat.s, closets, moth-proof improvements, one by one. Jot them enclosures and partitions; paint, pa- down immediately and keep the list per, dye and rearrange. where you can add to it often. It is Begin with improvements which surprising how slow we are to, think do flot cost money, and later, if you of ways in which we could better our feel able, spend something on kit- condition. and how patiently we ac- chen conveniences. bath room cept inconveniences, as though they equipment. painting and remodeling. could not be remedied. Make your home convenient and Landscape your yard; plant trees, lovely with your thoughtful care, shrubs and f lowers; cxchange these your devoted effort, and some o! with the neighbors. Put up a swing.i your money., Cucunibers are usually served sliccd, raw with vinegar, sait and pepper, and perhaps sliced onion; or they are made into, pickles. This has been the liniit o! aur usage o! this formerly despised food. But re- cent years and added scientific knowledge h.ave brought us a new appreciation of most vegetables, and the cucuniber is not an exception. The cucumber is rich in minerai saîts and vitaxuins and should be much more largely used in the diet. Besides being served raw, as ment- ioned above, it may be minced and added to alimost any salad or fruit cup, and give.s [o these a pecutîariy rich flavon. Cucumbers may also be fricd, baked, broi]ed and utilized. as alnost every other vegetabie. To make cucumber soup, peel and chop fine a cucuniber; stew it with a minccd onion until tender. Sea- son with butter, saît and pepper; add threc cups of milk and thickcn with two tablespoons flour, stirred smnooth in a part o! the cold miik. A bay leaf, chopped parsley, a dash o! some peppery sauce or a few grains of nutmeg may be added for various flavors. Cucumbers may be stuffed and baked as follows: pare four large cucumbers and cut in haives length- wîs. Soopoutthe seed portion withoutcbreaking the shells. Parboîl the sheils In slightiy salted water for ten minutes, Malte a stuffing by !rying in hoa fat two tabiespoons eh of chopped onion and chopped parsley; add ont cup each of bread crumbs and tomate, puip; scason with sait and pepper and cook this mixture for f ive minutes. Fi the cucumber sheils with this bot stuf!- ing and bake for fifteen minutes. A littie water may be added ta the baking disb [to kecp them from sticking. The Traveller She who traveis by boat. train or motar f inds that the rush a! wind, tescorching sun., the saIt breeze. tedry desent air do unpleasant things ta her skmn, bain and nails. They make thern di-Y. coarse and bittle. A litIle oi1 'wili wash away the deed. and then hov easy is't" (wth apologies ta Lady Macbeth). The ail to soothe, heal and lubni- cate tht 5km., nais and hair shauld be a î'efined pnoduct. It sbouid te applied gently. massaged in, ailow- e ormin until it has ptrmeated the member. perhaps for thirty min- utes, and then tboroughly washed off. with a mild soap and with svr al rinsings wvhich remove bath oul and soap. Such treatment wil ne- store tht naturai softness ta the dnicd 5kmn, nails and hair. If you are [o continue your travel and ex- posure, it is wcU ta use a vanishing crearn on the 5kin before appiying your powder. This vrill belp to keep tht skin sof t and will hold the pow- der. A greasy hip-stick is best for tnavelers, as it keeps the lips f romn cracking. The traveler nteds a hat which is light weight. admits air ta cool the hcad, is firm enough in weave ta kccp out the dust and is nat 50 tight as to bamper circulation. Store Up Vitamins Sunshine. fruits and vegetabies are aur sources o! vitamins, and in the wintcr months, when there is a shortage o! these, we add cud li',e oiù. Mort and more we are ieanning that bodily beaith dcpends iargely on our suppiy o! vitamîns, from in- fancy toasgt. and most o! our phy- sical ills are due ta the lack o! them. Be outdoors, in the sunshine, al yau can. Store Up a vitamin reserve against unfavorable manths. Ont o! tht btest ways ta take a sun-bath is ta 1011 on tht beach. in tht suni, ýwbcne it îs permissible ta wear the minimum of clotbing and nobody takes note of it. Play golf. play ten- nis. hike. garden, live autdoors. jVitanîîn rich foocis arc musk- ni(101vs. watermelons. cantaloupe, piîîeappie, peaches. cherries. peans, apples. pliums, gr-apt.s, blueberries,' trwbriifs. ciibbitgo. lettuct', car- rats. toinatots. boeans. boots, ail sorts of r'n and the whoie lî.st o! raw % egetablos. If yoî canr.o>t remember the ILt .of fruit.s anîd ;egetables, %-ou xill -1 ot soami5., if y<sî ake it a i-uic ta ncludr' in the !anily menti a W5iCe 'Vai :ety cof rwfruits and voge- tabheC . plus nmîlk pi)oduct. Th(sss( uiuy be rtdawfls- -cU.. frit W up. %vith boiled cu.tard ,dre5ssîna cmo. wî-th sh(jrtc,-ke. .A fruit or* vertctdijie s'ente rjiu'c, w ith an iin- terûcting arrani2omtnt of raw fruits and v*egetaible.s is an attractive ! table cecoration, and bas the ad- vantagf- tha' stl may lx cten,- j and Sa the incident clasedý Cooked fruits and vcgsta ble.s arc valuabie for vitamins, but a per- centage o! vitamins i.',dostroyeci by 1 stnong beat. The Summer Drink To give a new fiavor ta your iced tea, rub sugar over slces o! lemon and orange, then store it in tightly covered jars. The sugar will absorb the flavor and impart it to the drink. To keep sugar in a tight jar in which are layers o! f rcsh mint leaves, will give ta the sugar a mint flavor wh.ich is delicious in iccd tea, lemonade or other fruit juices. It is economy ta, malte a syrup for your iced drinks, as the sugar stirred inta them at the last mo- ment is not f ully dissolved nor dees it impart s0 much sweetness. Malte a syrup by combining equal parts o! sugar and water and stirring over the f ire until the sugar is complctely dissolvcd. Cool and set away in the refrigeratar until the time o! need. Soup MoId To malte combination salad or a kind o! luncheon dish. open a can o! any canned soup, add the water or milk it requires, heat ta boiling. add the neccssary amount o! gelatin ta, formn into a mold and set away ta, chilI. When firm, dish this with a spoon into even sized pieces and serve in a sherbet glass or bouillon cup; or on a lettuce leaf and topped with salad dressing. The molds may be shaped into individual servings or cut with a knif e inta lnd.ividual squares. t There is just one place. in al the world, where confidence en- dures, where harts are sure o! each other, where ioyalty neyer f ails, where there is an inexhaustibile sup- ply o! sympathy and understanding -and that anc place is HOME. Facts About Eyes And Vision By C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist PAY FOR VISION AINO NOT BLINI)NESS NO. 8 Because we are happy and satis- fied to live in such a progressive age dots not mean that we just in- herit this eficiency bcause we hap- Pen to live at this time. If we would participate in tht present o! this condition o! efficiency or even if we are not capable a! holding a place at present because of visual defects uncorrectcd we may develop a fu- ture place by being carrected, pen- mittîng Nature ta work harmonious- iy with us developing and winning back to normal. Medical reports prove that many o! the ilis and diseases which wene bard to c4ntrol in days gone by are now easily mastered, but can we truthfully say [bat we today are a healthier, handier race o! people than aour ancestors. We migbt te if wc ignorcd more of tht present day' temptations. We right be if we did flot burn so much mid-night oul. We might te if w'e followed the bealtb- fui habits o! living tsught us by our forefathers, forgotten in this modern whirl o! industnial efficiency made perfect at tht expense o! man power dtretched ta tht limit o! its endur- ance and rapidiy replaced when found wanting .through broken hearted incompetcncy. 4To te continued) ORONO s (Fî'am The Ncws, August 2) Miss Betty Ratz, Toronto, is visit- îng Miss Marion Dicks-on. Miss Elva Tuckcr, Toronto, is vis- itîng her brother, Dr. J. B. Tucker. MisEthel Stark returned on Suday f rom Janetville, Lake Scu- gag. Mr. F'rank Graham, Winnipeg, Man., is holîdaying with friends in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. MacDonald are on a camping trip tao Eastern Ontario. Mrs. McElroy and family of Peter- boro, are visitîng her parents. Mn. and Mrs. D. Noble. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Vinson and daughter Lois, Toronto, visitcd at Mr'. Thos. Somerville's. Miss Enid Cobbledick has rcturn- cd frîom a visit with her cousin, Mrs. John MeKeever, Oshawa.j Miss Kathryn Townley of Fenelon Falls is visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph. at Ncwcastle-on-the-Lake. Mrs. H. Walker, Winnipeg, visit- ing relatives in Ontario, spent a fcw days with her sister-mn-law, Mrs. A. A. Rolph. Mr. Ken Tamblyn was home .from. Lachute. Que.. where he has an en- gagement with two orchestras in that town. Mr- and Mrs. Bell motorcd f rom Saskatchewan and are visitîng her sisters, Mrs. J. R. Cooper and Miss K. McKay. Mr. A. A. Somerville, Toronto. is holidaying with his brother here.j Sandy underwent an operation but is doing nicely. Miss Greta Davey, teacher o! Sixth Line school. is convalescifig here. having recently undergone an operation for tonsils. Mr. C. T. Mller, manager Red Rose Tea Co., Toronto, and Mrs. Miller are holidaying with his mo- ther. Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Phipps and Mr. and Mrs. George Rowe and son Hifliard, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Fred Blackburn's. Misses Eilcen and Dorothy M. Souch, Mamie Archer and Mary Stark are on a motor trip through Western Ontario and ta Wasaga Beach, Georgian Bay. Members o! Orono Lodge, No. 409, picnicked at Onono Community Park on Wednesday afternoon. A nuin- ber o! the brcthren f rom other parts o! Clarke District wcre present. Mr. Ai!. Pinch, Oshawa, one-time resident o! Orono when he served his apprenticeship in the black- smithing trade with the late John Allin, called on bis old friend. Mr. Jacob Cobblcdick. Bot'n werc mcm- bers of the old Bible Christian Sun- day school of that day, and of which the late Charles Tamblyn was sup- erintendent. Mr. Thos. Finlay. Owen Sound, ý-4sited Mr. T. J. Carscadden and mýet a number of his old school mates. Mr. Finlay le! t Kendal dis- trict for Owen Sound oven haîf aj century ago. He has a family ofr four sans, two o! whom are in busi-' ness in Toronto; also one daughter,' Mrs. Grant, residing in Toronto. Another son is with the Union Pac- if ic Railway at San Francisco, Cal.a Two o! his sons served four yeaî's< overseas in the~ great war. Mr. and Mms. William Seymour wcre remembered by employees of Orono Division, C.N.R., and fricnds, who gathered at their home July f 27th. Mr. Seymour had recently completed 40 years' !aithfui service i en the road. An address was read by Mrs. F. B. Whyte, and Miss Don- 1 othy Cox on behaif o! the assemb- ced friends presentcd Mr. Seymour with an easy chair andt smoking stand. Miss Dorothy Why-te pre- sented Mrs. Seymour with a bouquet of roses. Mr. Seymour made a suit- t able reply. after which refreshinents I wcre served. 2 E For constipation and sluggishness l- nry Kipp's Unequalled Herb rablets,1 25 cents a box at Alex McGregor's. c relephone 92.11 'lit Helps Me!" T7hat's wbat 98 out of 100 woen say after taking this medicine. It quiets quiverlrmg nerves, gives them more strength before and after childbirth, tides tbem over Change of Life ... makes life seem worth living again. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Eah ad wil ki il fles aul day anc. every day for three weeks. 3 pade In each packet. 10 CENTS PER PACKET at Dru ggiss, Grocera, Generai Stores. WIIY PAY MORE? THBi WILSON VLY PAD CO.. Hai&-lon. Ont- I OBITUARY Albert WV. Short, Oshawa A fox-mer resident of Darlington. in the person o! Albert W. Short. passec away a' his home in Osha-,ýa jon Sunday, July 29th. aged 69 years. The late Mir. Short was born at Ccurtice and spent his boyhood days i n Little Britain district. He was a I farmer for some forty years near Taunton and carne to Oshawa nine years ago on the death of his wife. During his early life he was assoc- iated with the Orange Order. He wa-s a regular attendant, when his health permnitted, of King St. Unit- 1 ed Church. Deceased had been sub- [ject to heart trouble for some time but was only confined to bed for a week. The funeral was held from the home o! his son-ln-law, 127 Brock street east, on July 31st, with in- terment in the Union Cemetery. Service was conducted by Rev. J. S. L. Wilson, Of Simcoe Street United Church. Mr. Short is survivedby four sons and four daughters, Mrs. Phillip Bronson, Mrs. Bert Winnecott, Mrs. Norman Welsh. Miss Audrey Short, all of Oshawa; Elmo. of Greenwood: Gordon. o! Taunton; Russell, o! North Oshawa; and Blake of Bow- manville. one sister, Mrs. Stephen- son, Oshawa, also survives. Mrs. Ira Travelle, Oshawa A former resident of Tyrone in the persan of Mrs. Ira Travelle pass- ed away at her residence in Osh- awa on Sunday, July 29th,*aged 80 ycars. The late Mrs. Travclle's maiden naine was Dinah Branton, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Branton, Tyrone. She had been in failing health for three or four years but she had only been con- fined ta her bcd for a week. Her death followed that of her husband by just four wceks. Born in Cornwall, England, she came to Canada with her parents at the age of eight years. Follow- ing her marriage about fifty-five years ago, she lived with her hus- band on the Henry f armn on the Manvers Road, Darlington, a!ter- wards moving to Oshawa. In addition tc: a wide circle of friends, Mrs. Travelle is mourned by one sister, Mrs W. W. Short, Bow- rnanvilie, the only surviving mem- ber o! a large family; one son. Ira Ruf us Travelle, o! Oshawa; a grand- son, Ira George Travelle; one grand- daughter. Mrs. ira Burr, of Walk- erville. Two great grandchildren. MIuriel af'îd Jack Burr, of Walker- ville, alsýo survive. The funeral was held f rom the family residence on Tuesday aftcr- noon, and was very largely attend- 'd. Service was conducted by Rev. A.. C. Belfry, and interment was nade in Mount Lawn Cemetei'y. [he floral tributes were nunierous. [he pali bearers wcre Messrs. Char- les Cornish, Alfred Green, J . . Burr, Charles Ridgen. Frank Braund and Jack Service. NE WTON VILLE Miss Helen Couch is visiting friends in Hamilton. Mr'. Ray Soules, Toronto, is visit- ing Mr. Melville Samis. Miss Allie Nesbitt, Tor'onto, came home for Civic Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John Davey recently 'isitcd Mrs. Wm. Rutherford. Rcv. W. Sterling. Coîborne, was guest at the Pansonage, Moniday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Castle- ton, are bolidaying at Mr. W. C. Lanc's. Miss Inez Symons, Marrish. visit- ed with Miss Lamna Pearce over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randali, Oshawa, v'isited his mother. Mrs.1 Harry RandaUl, Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. D. Denauit and(am [3' have returned froxu a pleasant ioliday near North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cowan, Newcastle, were guests a! Mrs. Wm. Rutherford on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Hampshirc, Cana, Sask., recently visited her sis- Ler, Mrs. J. W. Lancaster. Newtonvilic Womcn's Institute wiii picnîc at the home o! Mrs. Cccii Valkey on Wednesday, August 15th. Mr. Campbell has maved thej ouse he punchased to bis farm where uis former bouse was burned. Miss Hazel Reid accompanied Miss Beulah Halloweil on a boat [rip rom Toronto ta the Tbousand Is- ands. Miss Veima Gay, Caurtice, has )en visiting Miss Marion Samis, ho has now retunned to her duties, i Bowmanvîlle Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, chleville. and Mn. and Mrs. Herb. lexandler, Maple, were weekend ,uests of their parents. Rev. and [nrs. Thos. Wallace. Mn. Bob Unry. aur popular telier, staking the place o! Mr. Batty, the nanager o! the Bank o! Commence, ;ewcastlc. while the latter is on a lirce weeks' vacation. Mn. and Mrs. Wiliis Joncs. Castle- on, have i'eturned f ram a wonder- ul [rip ta Bermuda bringing inany nteresting pictunes and souvenirs ith thexu. Mî's. Joncs was ane o! he lucky entrants ini the contest nit on reccntly by the Cobour'g Sen- inel Star, entitling lici'self and anc ber ta this deiight!ui trip. Mn. moes Ls a son o! Mrs. Wmn. Jones of1 lis village. Milier's Wormn Powdei's are flot l'passed by any othen preparation .a vermifuge on wonm destrnoyer. Ldctd, there are few preparations hat have the menit that it has ta commend it. Mothers, awaî'e o! -s excellence, seck its. aid at the ut indication o! the presence o! i'rms in [heu' childnen, knawing hat it is a perfectly tnustwoi'thy iedicine that will give immediate idc lasting nelief. i: te wi w hc wl E fir lai be wl in Be AI i Ne th: ti irt wi ti t utI sur as the nec it.s [he me anr ore prompdtly end thoroughly relivsd by the use of Dur.IASI',S Il orm i '% Have you Tried ? DURHAM CORN STARCH Produet of the. St Lwrence Starch Co. Limited. Port Credit Ont. WHEN the argument is deadlocked a and the answer rests with a friend . . . and he lIves in another town Get him on Long Distance . . you can settie the matter in two minutes *b Long Distance is quick and easy to use - and you don't have to wait for a reply. Look at the list of rates in the front of your directory and see how inex- pensive it is-100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. h. The Helping Hand of SOUND INSURANCE For any moern and thrifty tamlly thc services of a good insurance agent provides the one reliable as- sistance in thc managing ot ordinary and extra- erdinary t mandiaI affairs. Learn more about the many ways insurance can be et help and how sound insurance means seunder living for yen. We'l bc more than glad te explain the many features ot ail branches ot dependable insurance. Je J. MASON (& SON Phone 50 Insurance Agents Bownianville TI'ere's A ) Wealth OF Health In This sunimer make your farnuly a "milk" famnlly. Make it a habit to serve both aduits and chidren with fresh Glen Bac pasteurized germ-proof mnlik - the quick, easy, appetlzlng way te sec that thcy get ail the preper vitamins ln one, ncessary to fore- stail summier complaint.s and hot tveather sickness. MiIIc, say sclentlsts, is the only itemn contalnlng al the vitamins nececssary to humna lite - but to get good, proper nourlshlng mIIk sec that yen get the rlght dalry. Glen ]Rae Dafry PHONE 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON, Pro<,rietor. wW171 à Ir

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