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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1934, p. 7

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THE ~ANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934 PAGE SEVEN ITHE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORT Locals Trounce Hlateleys DeFeat Croup Leaders Front Street Team In Fast Game Hatelys Cubs took an easy victory Dsplaying a superior brand of froin Front. Street on Thursday bail thogotte ieinns nght when they outh-it the boys B3owmanville handed "Toey" Ibys froin the Main Drag 5 hits to 2. Cobourg Ponies, Lakeshore League wnning by a score of 4-0. Only leaders, a 7-1 trouncing on Co- once tbrough the gaine did the bourg's home diamond on Saturday 'Counter Hopper' become danger- aftermoon. The boys gave Geo. Pi- ous, when Bates and Piper got to, per on the mound magnificent sup- second and third, Dave Osborne port throughout the game, and then pulling away with a strikeout on batted both Campbell and Ibey for Little and Roach getting out at 10 clean cut hits. f irst base. True to past perf ormances Co- Dave Osborne pitched one of his bourg fought the issue till the last best games this season. He steadies man struck out in the ninth innings. cdown the older he gets, and the With Hoot Gibson away, the County fans look f orward to bis being one Towers were flot at their best and of the big pitchers of the Lake- neither Campbell or Ibey proved to shore League. Piper was not at his be in forin. Campbell, with seven best. wsith only 6 strikeout.s to Os- istrike-outs, was unsteady and after bornes 10. The teama were: walking three men and allowmng six Cubs - D. Osborne, p; Tordiff, c; bits. he was pulled and replaced by H. Osborne. lb; Cole, 2b; Bradd. 3b; Manager Ibey. Ibey in the last two F. Jackman, ss; Hunt, if, Werry. and a half innings that he pitcheti, cf; H. Hooper, rf. allowed four hit.s and walked three. Front Street - G. Piper, p: O. Bowmanville looked in good plaY- Hooper. c; Witheridge, lb; Little, off f orm and a continuance of the 2b Naylor, 3b; Bates, ss; H. Hobbs, pep and alertness that marked Sat-1! E. Hooper, cf; Roach, s'f. urday's gaine should win the group Umpires-A. Osbornie and E. Col- championship. The teara is consid- well. erably better ahl rqund than Port Hope, and it has defeated Cobourg, league leaders twice, and bast to thein only in ten innings garnes, when Cobourg st.aged spectacular rallies. Oeo. Piper bas won every game he -' has pitcbed this season and should prove a real asset in the playoffs. With Bowrnan and Osborne there seerns 10, be plenty of pitchers. Both infield and outfield players are in fine fettle. and close attention to play and an absence of grandstand- ing will win the series. Several double plays and smart catches featured Saturday's gaine, and quite a numnber of fans made the trip to witness the gaine. The Box Score Cobourg AB R Rollings, ss. 3 1 Elliott, 3b, 4 0 Ibey, lb. and p. 3 0 McFadden. 2b. 4 0 Mitchell, c. 4 0 Ooody, cf. & lb. 4 0 E. Brooks. ni. 4 0 Campbell, p & cf 4 0 A. Brooks, If. 3 0 Totals 33 1 Bowmanville Cameron, cf. Moore, rf. A. Osborne, ss. Colwell, 2b. Corden, lb. Large. f. E. Bagnell, 3b. Bates, c. Piper, p. Totals A E 5 1 0 l 3 0 4 0 0Do 0 0 0 0 4 0 0Do 16 2 2 120 1 2 21 00 0 00 60 015 5 1 0 3 12 0 O 0 1 000 1 132 0 1 14 10 10 05 0 7 10 27-19 2 Sumnmary Errors, Cameron, Colweill Roil- ings, Elliott; 2 base hits. McFadden, A. Brooks; Sacrifice bits. Colwell; Double plays, Osborne to Colwell to Cordien, Rollings to McFadden to Ibey: Stolen bases. Rollings 1; Lef t on bases, Bow-manville 1, Cobourg 6; Bases on balls. off Piper 1. off Campbell 3, off Ibey 3: Wild, Camp- bell 1; Umpires: .Kenefick, New- castle, and Gordon, Cobourg HOMING PIGEON CLUB Bowmanville Homning Pigeon Club flew their f irst young bird training race f rom Whitby on Saturday, Aug- ust 4th, with the following results: F. Bottreil 31 mina. 44 sec. Wm. Woolner 34 mins. 5 sec. P. Bathgate 34 mins, 30 sec. E. Hunt 34 mins. 47 sec. I. Piper 35 mins, 9 sec. I. Hobbs 35 mina. 28 sec. R. Dilling 36 rina. 24 sec. THET'RE TOUl1 Kellogg's Rice Krispies actually snap and crackle in rnilk or creamn. No other rice cereal can equal their tempt- ing crispness. And what delicious fia- vont A treat for breakfast or lunch. So easy ta digest, they're ideal for children'a supper. In the red-and- green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. t- e Bowman ville Bowlers Win (Continued from page 1) Brownlee, Oshawa 9-8. Alger, Osh- awa, defeateci Sturgess, Wbitby, 14- 1. Fh-st Round Stanley, defeated McKinley, 12-6; Gimblett defeated Alger, 15-4; Nie- bols Bowrnanville, defeated David- son, Toronto, 20-10; Stenhouse, Oshawa, defeatedi Ford, Toronto, 16-4; Goodman, Oshawa, defeated Spragg, Toronto, 11-7; Blake, Bow- manville, defeated Rosevear, Port Hope. 19-10; Dr. Allun. Peterboro, defeated St. John, Sunderland, 14- 5; Carruthers, Bowmanville, de- feated Perkina, Port Hope. 12-8. Second Round Gimblett defeated Stanley, 13-7; Nichols defleated Stenhouse, 15-7; Goodman defeated Blake, 11-6; Carruthers defeated Dr. Allin, 21-6; Serni - Finals Nichols defeated Gimblett. 14-5; Carruthers defeated Goodman, 13- Finals Carruthers, Boçwmanville defeated NichoLs. Bowm-ranville. 13-11. Wlnnlng rink was composed of:- F. O McIlveen, Bob Kent, Alex El- hiot, J. D. Carruthers. skip. Runners up were: A. H. Moore, J. Infantine, C. B. Kent, L. B. Nichols, skip. Consolation Event In the consolation. which was completed after midnigbt Gimblett of Peterboro defeated Rosevear of Port Hope. 8-4; in a remnarkable 12 end gaine. registering only one p>oint to each end. Bowmanville rinks of Gould and Blake were eliminated in the 3rd round. FINISHES 10 YEARS John A. Tait who completed ten years' service with the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., May 22, 1934. John was born in North Shields, England. He was a tallor by trade in the Old Land and joined the R.AiS.C. in 1916 and was with this corps three years, two of wbicb be was in France. Jack came directly to Bowmanville wben be lef t England and started with Goodyear two years later. He bas been in the Mai Dept. practically ail the ine. His hobby and main entertaininent is banda. At the present time be belongs to tbe Bow- manville Legion Band and the Sal- vation Army Band in which he plays the alto horn. Durlng bis years spent in banda, whîch started at eigbt. he has Played ail brass in- struments, excepting the basa. On Tbursday, Aug. 30th, the wo- men's five-mile Marathon will be beld ai the Canadian National Ex- hibition. The open event for men and women will be held the day be- fore, August 29th. SLUFEPIÂSSINESSe^rýr INDIGESTION Dr. C HASES Another Soccer Football Protest, e -z With the protest entered by IClarke football teain, against Sat- urday's gaine at Leskard in which Bowmanville won 3-0, our theory that there la a determined attempt to force Bowmanville out of the league leadership becomes more ap- parent. There must be something sadly lacking in the sportsmanship of some of these trouble rnakers. if they think tbey wrill by continuai protests force Bowý;manville out of the playoffs. We hold no brief for the Bovrmanville teain, any more than any other teain in the league, but the discrimination by other teains in the league la becoming so îobvious that it would be foolish to ignore it. Last week, despite the statement by the referee, a Bow- manville player was suapended for the remainder of the team's sched- uled gaines. We do not quarr-el with the verdict found by the executive. but it does sinatter of discrimination when the referee's statement that he not see the d.isputed play was practically ruled out. The fact tbat another player was said to have been warned several timea f ailed to have the saine effeet on the execu- tive as did the complaints against the Bowmanville player. Now Clarke comes back with a protest follow- ing Saturday's gaine, because of the alleged inefficiency of the referee. He waa agreed upon as referee by both teamas before the gaine was played. We saw trie gaine and we doubt very much if his ability would have been questioned. had Bowýman- ville lost. Soccer football in West Durhamn is doomed to extinction if this type of play and lack of sports- manship la ailowed to become ramp- ant. It is'to be hoped that the playof fs will resuit in fair play min- us protests. Otherwise it might be- coine necessary to have a squad of provincial police on the job to see that at least bad tempers and pre- juctices are flot permitted to enter into a gaine which is supposed to be entirely free of achool child scauabbling of this type. Agriculture. lndustrY, education, pageantry. science, recreation. mu- sic, travel, sport, art. engineering. and ail the varlous activities of the people are portrayed in fitting set- tings at the Canadian National Ex- hibition. [1834. O RO N TO CE~NTEN A RY 7y ËAR 94 CÂNADIA XU IlNTROI4T0 HATI0 MAÀÀL E 1TI ON AU G. 24-TO-SE PT. 8 Take Out The Weeds Althougb nmodern seed cleaning machinery will do a great deal te, take out weed seeds f rom grass and clover seed it wiil noV make perfect separation in all cases. In f ields for seedi weeds should be taken out in the sunner so as to make poss- ible high grades and best prioes. Sucb weeds as mustard, dalaies, bladder campion, white cockle, and others classed as noxious should be removed during the sumnier so as keep thera out of seed crops and, what la just as important, keep thein please the consunuers, and tend to froin seeding theinselves down again. discourage buying of laiub. For a number of years the price of buck Feeding of lamb abas been cut below that of Feedlg of ambswether and ewe lambs, and on and Quality is important in lambs. a! er July 2 of this year 2 cents Finish and weight along wlth breed- more vriil be paid for e'we and weth- ing play an equaily important part er laxnbs than for bucks. A prein- in determmning quality. While un- lum will be paid for good quality, provements in the breedlng and well-finished lambs Up to 90 pounds f of lambs has increased the over those ranging froin 100 to 110 cuality of the finlahed product, pounds. In order to get top price ibere is still much to be done in castrate ail male lambs noV intended order to supply the trade with what for breeding purposes and finish the it desires throughout a greater por- lambs Vo a desired weight. This tion of the year. Buck lambs do not requires extra f eed. and it wiil be rieoessary Vo grain the lambs on Pasture. With the way ibis season is startmng off grain feeding on pas- ture may be necessitatedi more than in the past. It is a good plan Vo pick out the earliesi and f astest- growlng lambs and crowd them for market. As the season adivances the price may drop. Early summer sales are always at hlgher price tha.u f aI sales. Light lambs should be held back until they have taken on the deslred fleshing. It s W' paying attention to market require- ments that the best returns are ob- tained f rom the flock. T ST December, people said: "You can Six, pioneering fully-enclosed, protected counit on Chevrolet to lead the way in Knee-Action! 1934!" And, as everybody knows, Chevrolet. Then came the 1934 Chevrolet Standard bas justified the prediction. Six-the lowest-priced car in Canada! First of ali came the new Chevrolet Master Now cornes a brand-new, five-passenger Master Six Sedan with buit-in trunk-a further proof, if one were needed, that Chevrolet leads its field in modern body styling. Is it any wonder that the car to score al these triumphs is Canada's Great Sales Leader? Drive a Chevrolet yowrselj, today! READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Master Six front Standard Six front W844'710 Dedieed, fully equipg.ed at ijc,, Oshaw~a, Ont. Freight and Government Ucense onl'i extra. New' b.' Iime.Pricel on. the GMAC Plan. ROY NICROLS BOWMANVILLE COURTICE Equine perfection, proud scions of. noble ancestry, glossy, apirited 4 throghres ndStndrdbrds thron ghbresfand Standard breds \f\ ~. thrngs famrr f i aet h hre journey front distant centres ,. througbout the continent and even from abroad to see the finest array of horses on review at any annual Exhibition. See the nation's best from Shetland to heavy draft... bays and blacks, grays and chestnuts, roans and dal: pies.. carniage horses in glittering trappings . .. hunters and hackneys... brilant performances of theToronto Mounted Police in the intricate ~' ~' evolutions of the musical ride .., lady r and gentleman riders in thnilling jumping events.. . grand parade of champions... speed trials featuning '~'a Canadian Standard Bred Society's $6000 Futurities, Canada's biggest race meet rharness horses...abso. lutely a most engrossingiy interesting review of the <'elite of horsedoin". This is the big year at your Exhibition. COLONU P. H. DEACON. ELWOOD A. nvcso Ou,,.I MMn. Listen qd4u a" 1 THE eANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934 PAGE SEVEN 1 1 1

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