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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1934, p. 3

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PAGE TEREB THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16Vb, 1934 Best Dy Every Test/ I LAWRENCE CORN'STARCH' Product of the St. Lawrence Starch Co. Limited, Port Credit. Ont. TRAVEL TORONTO EXHIBITION SPECIALS B'Y Garton'sCoacbhLties Comf ortable up-to-date Busses going daily from AUGUST 24th to SEPTEMBER 8th Daylight Saving Time Ride on the Bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy ti'affic or crd'wding for street cars. LEAVE ARRIVE RETUEN Read 1)own Read Up FARE A. M. 7.00 Kawartha Maples 1.35 $2.65 7.10 Janetville 1.25 2.50 7.20 Yelverton 1.15 2.40 7.30 Nestletom 1.05 2.25 7.40 Blackstock 12.55 2.15 7.50 Burketon 12-.45 2.10 8.00 Enniskillen 12.35 2.00 8.10 Hampton 12.25 1.90 8.20 Bowmanville 12.15 1.65 10.00 Tor'onto Exhibition Leave 10.45 p.m. Above fares include admission to Exhibition. Bus takes passengers right on to Exhibition Grounds and stays there ail day for the convenience of passengers. For information phone - Lindsay 453r33 or Bowmanville 412J. PATRONS USING OUR BUSSES MAY LEAVE THEIR CARS IN PARKING SPACE AT KAWARTHA MAPLES OR AT OUR GARAGE IN BOWMANVILLE FREE 0F CHARGE. ONE WEEK ONLY - AUG. 2Oth, 1934 0 25 per cent Discount on all DRY CLEANING of $2..00 or over Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagnell, Agent.- Phone 152 ALWAYS the big value in cereals--Kellogg's Corn Flakes are îoday a bigger value than ever! Quality and flavor that can't bc equaled. Mlany servings for a few cents. Your grocer is featuring Kellogg'& Corn Flakes - buy now! Made Lv Kellogg in London, Ontario. - mon, orange, grapefruit, grape juice, pineappie, cranberry, blackberry, To Keep Cool strawberry, raspberry, canned pears or peaches, and .iams and jellies ____________________ elted with hot water. Wear the ieast clothing the law- Ginger ale, or tea adds a pleasing aliows. Drink at least twelve glass- flavor to fruit drinks. Peppermintt es f wterdaly.EatmotiYfrutsgives a sensation of coolness. To and vegetables, not much me' as~ gv eeyatseo t orsm tries or fats; and flot too rnuch of peppermint oil into a teaspoon, then anything. Reduce!1 pour it back into the bottie, and Hot tea is more cooling than ice stir the drink with the spoon. The cream because it starts perspiration. wee bit lef t on it is sufficient tot Avcxd sweet f oods and swten f lavor the drink. drinks in hot weather. For most punches, a very strong Sugar is a fuel food. Keep out- lernonade is made and other fruit doors wvere the air is circulating. juiuces are added. In hot weather It is the shut-in, who lives where îti laathai oke ie the air is stili, v.ho feels the heat1 fruit juices in the refrigerator. Ice most. An electric fan helps to keep cubes and lemon juice may be added1 the air moving.............en the drink is desired. L.-osely woven, porous clotbîng is cooler than air-tight, rain-proof, Less Delinquency firmiy-woven fabrics. Corsets, gar- Juvenile court workers are report- ters, beits. bands make one warmer. ing less child delincîuency in thesei Light colors reflect and deflect heat. turnes of depression than in more1 whiie dark colors. absorb and retain1 prosperous times. Many citizens arei t. 1 surprised at this, thinking the in-1 Avoid alcoboiic drinks and tobac- creased need wouid cause morei co. Take a cool sponge bath a doz- stealing, and the discouragementj en tintes a day. Go in swimming, if wouid induce a "don't care" attitude.1 yo)ur beart is normal. Perbaps thbe better behavior is due1 Keep in the shade. Don't run nor to tbe fact that parents are at homei work toc, bard. If it is 50 hot you more, giving dloser supervision to< cant sleep at nigbt, wring a towel their children. We are living at a out of cold water and lay it over less speedy tempo antd our jazz at- yourself. The evaporation cools YOU. titude has been replaced by more1 Don't worry about the heat. Keep tbrift and serious-mindedness. 'Me1 your mind caim and cool. unusual care of the needy and ourj "relief" removes some of the urge, ________________________for stealing, and it behooves recipi-j ents of this aid to walk straight. Home Cooking Many commercial resorts have Ihad to close on account of the lack people are no longer dashing about Whether one will save money by the country, fifty miles away. seek- canning foods at home is a matter ing entertainment. The famiiy auto which deserves study. 0f course, if spends more ime in the garage. you have the foods in your garden Home and community recreation and can gather them without ex- provides more wholesome enterlain- penditure and the cans are in your ment. cellar, then there us no question Every depression bas its beneficial about it. If you éan Vem, your oiy lining. cost will be your fuel. time and- labor. In the country, the fuel may be f romi your own wood lot, and Summer Dishes your time and labor, tbough valu- Enamel dishes, daintily coiored, able, cannot otherwise be turned Vo are off ered for use in the summer cfash. ei on n us o cottage, for porch meals, picnics or If yu lve n twn nd ustbuYcamping trips. They are lighter to the raw prod'uct, the cans, tops, rub- carry about and not subject Vo bers; run the risk of breakage and breakage as is fine china or porce- spoilage; pay the full value of the lains. Another virtue is that tbey fuel; and use time whicb could be are very inexpensive and may be otherwise comnierciaily employed,9 it destroyed after use, andi save dish is a different matter. washing. Take your pencil and paper and estimate wbat the cost of a quart of To Clean Aluminum tomatoes, beans, peas or corn would be if purchased readyr canned, and Aluminum pots andi pans may be if canned in your kitchen. You may cleaned by scouring them with an f ind that you pay for tbe priviiege, abrasive. by boiiing rain water in or you may save money by it. them, by rubbing them witb a paper it is different witb making an and lard andi sait, or by boiiing in angel food cake. Tbe cake, baked them for ten minutes a solutioni andi frosteti, may cost you less than composed of a quart of water and one-fourth as much as the store two ablespoons of oxalic acid. Or, product, in egg season, and be bet- let tbis solution stand in tbem over- er, Vo boot. If you wish just a littie night. cake, and vour ime can_ be used to cheaper Vo buy it. Eacb housewif e, in her own locality, must determine these matters for ber bousehoît. If one off-sets the ease o! reaty- maties against the smali pay for do- ing it bersel!, the balance is in fav- or of buying the store can or cake. Fashions, Fads, Foibles c Handbags are a blaze of glory.0 The banclbag Msed tVo be just a bag.a Now it is a Ilactional part of an 'ensemble anti must match the other accessories. One wontiers if this ist a trick of the shops Vo seil moret bags, so that we shall bave one for eacb scarf, bat anti pair of gloves. Fortunately these ensemble sets are not of expensive materials. Jabots cascade down the front of Idark suits andi dresses anti give the Iwite toucb needeti for accent. Tbe 1 neckwear section can f urnisb you furbisbnient whicb will make your last year's dresa look so f resb anti new your best f rienti will not recog-1 nize it. Flattering lacy veils make the up- turneti bats seem less severe. anti adti a mystery anti becoming sbadow Vo tbe eyes. Fruit Drinks On a hot day, there is notbing more refreshing than a colti fruit drink. It may be madie of almost any combination of fruit juices, can- neti or f resh. The addition of lemon julce improves the f lavor. The sy- rup f rom sweetened canneti fruit may be useti witb aciti fruits. It is better o sweeten the drink witb syrup than witb sugar, whicb dis- solves slowly. To make a syrup, mix equal parts of sugar anti water anti stir over the f ire until the sugar is tissolveti, then cool it. Make the drink stronger anti sweeter than you expect iV Vo aste, as the meiting ice wiUl diluVe it. Fruit juices, frozen in the mech- anicai refrigerator, may be useti for cbilllng the fruit drink anti wiil not weaken its flavor. Paper nut cups may be usedt o freeze Juices in the refrigerator. Water ices anti aber- bets, used Vo chili tbe drink, lmpart a gooti flavor. Juices teiicious in drinks are le- Unvarying T E AFresh from Quality the Gardena Mrs. Solomon Says As the mother thinketh, the chilti lvt.If the mother is ambitious, the cbilti imbibes it anti succeetis. If the mother wbines, the chilti be- comes a grouch . If the mother ia an optimist her chiltiren bave courage anti strength for tbe battles of life. If the mother pities herseîf anti Vbem, tbey are cowarda. If the mo- ther 15 f ine anti bigh anti noble. she thiniks those characteristizs into the hearts of ber chîltirexi. Watcb your W.M.S. Plans Teachers' School A fine opportuiiity of spenting a profitable vacation under very pleas- ant conditions is proviteti by the School for Leaders Vo be helti at the Ontario Ladies' College, WhitbY, f romi August 27th Vo 30th, under the auspices of the Bay of Quinte Con- ference Branch of the Woman's missionary Society of the Unitedi Cburch. It will co-operate with the Rural Welfare Conference, anti the worsbip services in the morning anti the inspirational services in the ev- enings wiii be helti jointly. For these speciai services the Rev. John S. Wbaie. M. A., of Cambridige, Eng- lanti, has been procureti. He is the man of wbom Lloyd George has sait: "There is no more attractive preacher in Englanti toti4y." Misa Winnifreti Thonmas, General Secretary of the Dominion Board, la Vo be Dean of the Scbool ant iwll conduct a Bible study on the King- dom o! Goti. Mrs. W. L. Smyth anti Mrs, C. R. Carscaileil, Preaitients respectlvely of the Bay of Quinte Branch anti of the Oshawa Presbyterial, wlll both be leaders of group study on MeVh- ods in Mlssionary Education. Each evening from '1.30 to 8.30 "Our Study of India" for 1934-35 wll be taken and there will be adi- dresses by missionaries from India, anti temonstratiomis of metbods for use in our study of Intia, atiapteti Vo the variaus age groups, auch as games, songs, posters, sides, draina- tization. discussion anti projecta. Registrations shoulti be sent now Vo Mrs. W. L. Smytb, Drawer 1023, Pembroke, Ont. There is no regis- tration fee anti the rate per day is oniy $1.50 if there are 710 delegatea. wbich is f ully expecteti. This Schooi for Leaders Is for ail officers o! Conference Brancb, Prea- byterlal, Auxiliary, Evenlnge Auxil- iary. anti Mission Circle, anti ah leaders of affillateti COL.T. groups, Mission Bands anti Baby Bands-as well as potential leaters-who wlsh Vo, study untier experlenced leader- ship The Misalonary Enterprise of Totiay, The Klngdom of God Move- ment, Our Mlslonary Work ini In- dia, and the best methotis for their own particular department. îl For Job printlng to suit particu- lar people corne Vo The Btatesman Office. ARD I PICKLES SEALERS Sinai - par dot. 1.09 Medium per dos..1.23 Large - per dos. 1.69 Ruliber Rings pkg. ft Parowaz 2 pkga. 259 Vingar - gai. 440< Zinc Rings am. 25< c 007-00 TODDY Christie's Fis RollIb" ~~I hrrffs 2-lb. Ja Marmau.e ÔOrange Corn Flakes 3Pkgs 2 c 1-lb Pkg.~ IOc PURE FRESH and SWEET PICNIC BRAND .1c r 35 Special Values This Week In RECKITT'S BLLJE . . . Pkg. 6< TOILET and LAUNDRY SOAPS PALMOLIVE - 3 cakes 14c P.& G. - - «lOBars29c Infants Delight - 3 cakes 14c SUNLIGHT - - lOBars49c W Sweet 28 oz. Bot.c KEEN'S 10 MUSTARD 6 m 14 or- tini 10< 0 & VEGETABLE KMIEI estre to c Kint Book. They're ah- Trins 2 2ClyFRE Ask the manager about the big hicen 3Tns%25C CERTO S SURE Boule -1-b. tin 4 Liptons Te&.. * b.Pl.29 c Shr.dd.d Wh..t 2Pkgs. 23 c CHEF PORK AND BEANS Tini S< CRABMEAT . . . . ttin 35< PICKLING SPICE * lb. 2199 BRUNSWICK SARDINDS T:ns5ge Domino Balidng Powd.w -b. tini19 CHASE &ad SANBORN'5 COFFEE it's 1-1b. ti Dated 3 Finest Quality, Large Size PRUNES 2 bs25c Minister lnducted FnlCe ac <Contînueti from page 8)F i a C l r nc mains. We bave the Word of Qod. 0F BETTER STYLED which cannot be destroyeti, the Church, Prayer, Faith and Hope. The members of the choir led in the congregational singing and .iust before Mr. Eiford's heart.ening ser-m~ mon a maie quartette, W. J. S. Rick- S me r s e H. C. Allun, sang "Forward." Miss Winnifred Rickard also sang "Cast Thy Burclen on the Lord." Rev. Thos. Wallace then proceed- eti with the induction, acquainteda the congregation with the steps tak- en in regard to Rev. Samuel Mac- Lean's caîl to Newcastle frous Tara in the Hamilton Conference. Rev. Mr. MacLean standing be- fore the aitar aniswereti distinctiy the solemn questions on faith and duty submitted to bim by the pre- siding clergyman, Rev. Wallace, who then gave him the right banti of weicome andi fellowship as titi af- terward the members of the session and other church officiais. The congregation also at Rev. Mr. Wallace's bebest rose Vo their feet and piedged themselves Vo be true andi loyal to their minister. Rev. Geo. Mason, Bow-manville, charged the Minister and the People wvith their several duties antiv,-ishedi Mr. MacLean all success, hard work, joy anti pleasantness and happy re- Y' iationsbips in bis ministry. The minister's throne is bis pulpit.. 1V is bis duty. f irst of all to preach.................... the gospel of Jesus Christ Vo the people. Nothing sbould urn hlm_ away from that great work. Church organizations will need bis help. bis eua $39 goodwill anti bis encouragement and SAND CREPEReua $39 will appreciate and be grateful to On Sale him for ail bis interest and sym- FLAT CREPE patby. There is great neeti of toucb- $ ing Vhe ives of men in a personal Shirtmaker STRIPES.9 way. The personal toucli wili mean- much. Tbe minister shouiti have a P SE H D SEc sympathetic understanding of the P S E H D SEc rigbts of others, their feelings anti their limitations. He also enjoined on the congre- Don't miiss this striking opportunity of securing two or gation their obligations andi duties. three fine quality summer dresses at this remnarkable Every member should make it bis low price. You still have two months to wear summer purpose Vo reacb out Vo bis fellow clothes. men and do whaV hie can Vo bring joy anti hope and inspiration Vo __-----------_____________________ those about hem. Some iittle word, kindiy act might help much. There is an obigation upon ail Vo stand up W LK RS O E ,f]M D for the Vings that are rigbt and gooti anti glorious and boly. The Minister can do only bis share of pi 16Bo m n le the work and bear his part of the Phone16 o anil load __________________________________ Foliowing the induction service a reception was held in the S. S. Hall ______________________ wben Mr. anti Mrs. MacLean and members of the congregation were jcburch, H. R. Pearoe, the circuit, ministry. Mr. MacLean spoke brief- enabled to become acquainteti. A Thos. A. Rodger, the Sunday scbool. ly in reply anti saidti tat he bad committee of ladies served refresh- Mrs. N. L. Rickard, the W.M.S., and been much impresseti by ail the pro- ments of sandwiches, drop cakes and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, the Womans ceedings of tbe evening. That he tea. Association, also a representative bad been closely observant of ail Following this social perioti the f romn Clarke, Vo atdress a few words that bati been saiti and done was Inducting Officer suggested an im- of weicome anti cheer to Rev. anti evident Vo ali present as hie matie promptu program and after al bat Mrs. MacLean. Ail spoke in turn kindly reference Vo the utterances joinet in singing "Where He Leads anti extendedti o their new pastor of the clergymen andti o every feat- Me I Wili Follow," lie calleti on Mr. and wife a bearty welcome and best ure of the induction anti reception Fred Grahanm, representing the local wishes for a happy anti fruitfui program. QI Meo DOMINION STORES L 1 M 1 T i EDN 6xxxsm L Ld

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