i fs THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVI.LLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST l6th, 1934 devotional was taken by Mrs. W. î ENFIELD Stainton. Mrs. J. Shackleton con- SOLINA ducted the followrng: Reading, "Par -_______________ alyzed Grandpa Testifies," Mrs. R. No service in the church here next Ormiston; piano solo, Miss Annie Miss Helen Baker is visiting Sunday.! Oke; "One Dozen Do's for Our Or- friend3 at St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Webster and farn- ganization" by Mrs. G. T. Werry; Miss Betty Snowden, Maple Grove, iy, Toronto, have been visiting at Mrs. L. Ashton then favored with a is visiting Miss Muriel Baker. Mr. Milton Samells'. solo, "Carry Love's Message." Af- Miss Doris Grooms, Toronto, is Mr. Wallace Pascoe, Mr. Godfrey ter the Mizpah, refres#x»ents were visting at Mr. S. E. Werry's. Bowman, Mrs. L. C. Pascoe and servedi by Mrs. Shackletén's group Miss Kathleen Baker is visiting Misses Helen ancd E. J. visited Tor- and a social hour enjoyed. at Mr. Will Quick's, Bowmanville. onto on Tuesday. 1 Miss Evelyn Tink spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Al. Prescott and a-- end at Mr. Alan McGlashan's, Osh- family have been visiting Mr. R.j SALEM awa. Glide, Uxbridge, and also at Mount - ~ Miss Doreen Arney, Westport, has Forest, and towns in Western On- been visitmng at Mr. Clifford Nay- tario. Mrs. H. Goodwin, Memphis, Tenn.' îor's. Mr. and Mrs. H. James and Mrs. visited at "'Me Maples" on Friday Miss Ruth Reynolds visited at ber J. Delve and Bobby, and Norman iast.. uncle's, Mr. Nelson Reynolds, Tor- James, Columbus, Mr. Levi Niddery, Mr. J. Goodfellovv, Toronto, is onto. Toronto, visited at Mr. Abert Nid- bolidaying with Mr. and Mrs. J. Master George Scholl, Salem, has dery's. IrWin. been visiting Master Charlie Lang- Mrs. Homer Hurîbut, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkins spent a few days maid. Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Lyndale Hurîbut, last week with her sister, Mrs. R.1 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. O>wýen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Eis Pooley, Tyrone. W il Leask on the arrivai of a fine Pascoe, Brooklin, visited at Mr. G. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cator and babe. ayby Ormiston's. of Windsor. visited his parents, Mr. Mry . adMs retDbr n We had a very welcome ramn here and Mrs. F. Cator. b.aby. T r Eret Sunday inh iast Monday. It was a real dowýn- Sunday afternoon service was friends here. pour with some wind and hail which withdrawn. Rev. A. S. Kerr being Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and damaged the buckwbeat some and aw.ay- on vacation. aiyBlcsokspnSud t probably the few remaining fields of Mr. Ben Smitb and Miss SmithfMily, B lacsockspetSndya grain that was flot cut. There was Brandon, Man., are visiting his bro- ' M. E RTos.n ilimBag about two inches of rainfail. tber-in-law, Mr. A. Richards. ProviMastesRse ad Willia Bhrag _______________________ *Mrs. P. Foster and Miss Magaret uncle's, Mr. Jack Baker. ENNISKILLEN motored to Woodbridge to visit her1 Miss Elizabeth Kiveil, Toronto, siser:Mis Magart rmaiing i and Mrs. Herb. Cameron, Tyrone, Miss Irene Sharp is hola i M and Mrs. POsawanmd Mr. itd at Mr. Jack Kivell's. with relatives in Toronto.'n Mrs. Halltz. Oawavil, san MSu nd- Misses Muriel and Helen Lang- Mrs. J. Fallis, Hamilto.n, visited Mrs. W.itzeM. anetvilespe. ontSn- maid visited their grandparents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley. IaywtMranMs.Cois. and Mrs. G. A. Stephens, Salem. Master Alfred Redknapp, Newton-,~~- Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Maple Grove, ville, is visiting his uncle, Mr. S. R.j HAYDON and Miss Margaret Everson. Osh- Pethick. . awa, visited at Mr. Thos. Baker's. Miss Aberta Page, Bostcn. U. S.jMsHenNicTrtoisbl Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie Penfound Mrs. C. Branton. Oshawa, visited at j idaying at Mr. W. Thompson's. and Miss Hazel, and Mrs. James, Mr. S. Pages r n s. .Neean onOshawa, visited ait Mr. W. T. Bak-b Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick Sun- Tr.nved ars..C . Nec ad orn-e, ' dayed with Newtonvil]e f riends and I onto iitda M.W Top Mr. Alan McKessock spent thes attended decoration. MsOf . A rn a rtre oweekefld at Thamesford. His wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Walton, Osh- TorsntoA Gran dbs MiretUrdt and baby Elma, wbo have been vis-v awa. spent Monday with ber par- Tornto ccmane y is ru iting her parents there, accompan- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. M i. ied bim home.c Mrs. J. A. Stainton, Miss Eva' Miss Maude Ashton. Toronto. Mr. odatnac tteDvso Souh nd rs J.Py spnt'rus-Ira Travelle, Oshawa, visited at Mr.'Tburd a eeniang Ate the reg-in day ha Mr. . . SouchsHaton.es-Wm. Trewin's. ua uies w e ebr dayaitMr.C. . Suchs ampon. Corne to the Play by the Black- ulrebined pestonew meormrs Mr. and Mrs. C. Clemence. Osb- stock Ladies at our Cburcb, Friday werenadcakseand i prgami awa, spent Sunday at Mr. W. J. a- ilenand cke ad icecrea Staintons, and called on other night uus-7h were enjoyed.h friends. Mrs . Fred Ashton, Toronto, visit- Missionary program on Sunday t Rev. J. W. Bunner, wbo took tbe ed at Mr. E. Bradley's. Miss Viola morning was in charge of Mrs. Roy work on this circuit on Sunday. was Bradley returned home witb ber on Langrnaid. Miss Betty Smales sang t entertained at the home of MÂr. J~. Friday. a solo, and missionary stories wereA A. Werry.. What migbt have been very ser-j given by Misses Mae Westlake and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moore and 1 ous 'as checked by the prompt ac- Ileen Balson. Church service was Jack, Toronto, are visiting tbe f or-~ tion of several of the men f rom En- in cbarge of the C.G.I.T. group who I mer's mother and brother, Mrs. J.. nis-killen and Haydon wben fire occupied the choir, and their leader, Moore and Mr. A. Moore. started in the ridge north of Hay- Mrs. S. E. Werry, who took charge.p Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason, don last Saturday morning. Misses Kathleen Baker and EllaS Bob arid Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Laid- Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley, Freda Mlsnfvrdwt oa ut law, Toronto. Mr. John McGill. Or- and Viola, Mrs. M. Greenwood, Mr.Misnd favcoiredae wit ocl ets ono, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- and Mrs. L. Grabam, Roy and Jim and th.E.choirr gave tnwo seetns. GiliBer Mr. and Mrs. . Ashton. Mr.san ing talk, Miss Fanny Smales gave a Mr. and Mrs. H. Slemon and, et r and A.reird Andbae.snt r reading, and Misses Margaret Scott t Greta, Miss Kate McNeii, Toronto,lan Mrs.A.Rian bespt and Ruth McKessock took up the 0 Mrs. M. Moore and Miss Kate Moore, 1 Sundas' at St. Christopher. offering. Bowmanviile, visited at Mr. J. Sle-I Service last Sunday evening con- August meeting of tbe Women's f mon's. adsisted of: Readings, Mrs. Roy Lang- Institute was beld Tuesday after- IV Mr.an Mrs. H. Wannarnaker, maid: splendid address by Mrs. noon at the home of Mrs. Norman Seagrave, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kay. Mr. i (Dr. Ferguson cni "The Rich Yourng Leach, Taunton, with nearly fty b, and Mrs. H. McComb and daughters, Ruler": vocal sclo by' Miss Wilma pýresent. Mrs. Chas. Smith. the istst Mr ndMrs R C.Mceanan fan-Wctten: trio by MisssEenCo- vice president, presided. Arrange- ily, Toronto. Mr. W. Byers and Mrs. ing, May Trewin. Ruth McNeil; ments were made for the Institutea C. Sanderson. Burketon. spent Sun- chorus by Class; instrumental xwas xitatOswaFranfoouR day at Mr. Adam Sbarp's. nicely rendered by Mr. Jim Grant. exiit t o swa FairSand. for our Monthly meeting of the W. M. S.;- program was in charge of Group 4, a was held at the home of Mrs. J. A. EBENEZER and the leader, Mrs. Everett Cry- a Werry on Wednesday. August 8th, ý> derman, took charge: Piano solo. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. lst vice presi-1MrGodnPkelDtois Miss Ruby Parker; reading. "The IV dent, in charge. After a hymn and hMr. iGordonPîcei Daterod it, Manufacture of Linoleum," Mrs. Roy ti severai leading in prayer, it was de- t1edYir ît bs ateran 55 Langmaîd: vocal duet, Misse.s Elsa d cided to have our quiting on Aug.1 Misses Velma and Louise Pearce Bowman and Jessie Yellowlees; 22nd, when Mrs. <Dr.> Williams are hoîidaying witb Miss Dorothy reading. "Buying Canadian Pro- j (wbo so kindly donated two pieced Fros Pteboro. ducts" by Mrs. Clifford Naylor: vo- la t.ops) will be invited to, attend. The Mrtandtrs.CclDde n cal solo, Miss McLagan; Miss Vera B j r] ndBMrs.Cecl DuleyandFletcher of Kalamazoo, Mich., gave so ay, Bowmanville, were guests a very instructive talk on Preventive fs of Mr. A. B. Werry on Sunday. Dentistry for Children. Roll calT, ataMrsniW. H Nichos and daughter, was answered by a Canadian Pro- fc motor trip to Brantford recently. duandmeemnuatrd About Misses Aima and Carnie Courtice, diîty lunch was served and a soc- sc R. N.'s, Chicago, are holidaying with a time enjoyed. cs Eyes their many relatives and friends e- Io here. HAMPTON Ied Ad Mrs. Bessie Braund, Mr. and Mrs. h( Wilf red Pogson, and Mr. Wil Oke, Viin Oshawa, were guests of Mr. Blake Mrs. Anna Scruby, London, was aM Viin Oke on Sunday. recent guest of Mrs. Myritle Taylor. Mrs. Hugh Fitzsimmons and son Mrs. Jas. Curtis visited friends at f Harry, Detroit, spent a pleasant Orono. h By C. H. Tuck, Opt. holiday witb ber parents, Mr. and Miss Reta Kerslake is visiting El Eyesight Specialist 'Mr.s. S. S. Brooks. friends in Toronto. Mrs. Howard Flintof f in company Ferguson family enjoyed a picnic ta PAY FOR VISION AND NOT i with ber daughter Miss Florence, is ini the park on Friday afternoon. M BLENDNESS1 enjoying a motoî trip to, North Car- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parker, Mon- s olini', to visit friends. treal, visited her mother, Mrs. Good- Number 9 C. G. I. T. girls pienicked at Lake-, man. Bi _____vîew Park. Oshawa, on Tbursday Norma, June and Master Ray Godgae .s hed.ffeen ~ afternoon wben a .iolly time wa en- Cowling visited their aunt, Mrs. S.ce the gane uenowth nk fe esesoyed by aIl, going to the theatre in Hockaday. ithe o f we squatnerfthee isj the evening. Miss M. Brown, Toronto, is holi-M crîiatelIf in the iter teso!in-j Rev. and Mrs. C. Smitb are en- daying xith Misses Marjory andM dustî'iatlypnogress were jstf id ,ioying their vacation with the lat- Editb Pascoe.TI dstpapingrsthink arf who wîll suflerter's father, Mn. Evans, Toronto, Mr. Burrows, Mr. Goodman and nstping we nlect. houl oufr vs Rev. Mr. Boyce supplied at Maple Louise were in Orillia and Midland yl MOio go belactain l rvi-Grove and Ebenezer on Sunday. over the weekend.Bc ion g belo a cetainpercentage. Mrs. Edwin Worden, Ottawa, wbo Miss Beatrice Leach, Oshawa,an of efficiency bow many are waiting bas been spending a pleasant holi- spent the weekend with ber sister, for oun job, and if lve step down to day with the families of Messrs. MisWim Lab ben replaOdub laothvser, hat hap- Frank and Cecil Wonden. bas gone A great many f rom Hampton at- an pens ito rour l vsal efflency. toc Clinten to visit ber sisters there., tended Rotary Fair in Bowmanville a Thisis pesonl materperaps Symp athy is extended to Mrs. <on Wednesday evenîng. we can w in it back or' pay to de- Frank Everson and son William in Mrs. Cleve Clemence and daughter Gi velo it gaînbut t isa n the loss sustained by the passîng Mîldî'ed. Oshawa, spent the week- ' miatter. Learn now to be selfish Mr vro n omnil end at the home of ber brother, Mi. GI the protection o! these talents of a I yo riday. The fuwmnralonE.HCoe oursandthatit aysus frstandHospital nFia.Tefnrlo .H oe ouhrs adthra i topay srt a Sunday was iargely attended by Mr. and Mrs. E. Jobnston, Mr. L. foi othrsafenand t potcitheir friends and relatives.I Hurîbut, Kemble, Mr. and Mrs. Ells a effciency. Where your visual effilo- Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pascoe, Brooklin, visited Mrs. Jno. Ot iency is concerned it pays to buy' Nichols necently were: Mrs. Sam 1 Colwill on Sunday. health not sickness, vision not blind- Rynd-ad1aubt-.Mis-ea- M.Go arn a eunda- I Ladrsat- Wbitby.. he last-cbap- Aav , speclal sneaker was Pnt I ter of the Study Book was taken by Mn. M. H. Staffles. Onono. who sroke loit I Mnsq. R. C. Peance-: duet was given oni "The Kingdom or Gnri." taklnîg solc "KN U'* by Marilyn and Billy Rundle: a va- the parables found ln Math. i3th l I pen "On Vacation wltb Our Mis- chapter for thie foundatfrn of bis w1j j "onaries" was rend by Mns. A. J. remanks. Mr. Jas. Hancock. Coun- novi Gay: and a Diano solo by Mns. Cecil tice, contnlbuted two sfflendtd voeal wee Wordlen. Meeting closed wth a solos. "Crossing the Bar" and "The nei hymnn and Mlzpah benediction. Old Churcbî Bell," whlch wene very N T'(, service in the ÙUnlted Cburchj iSunrlay evening was taken by Mn. nbt. Corbett, Bowmanville, a Div- tv stiident. Miss Helen Knox, oist, Hampton, sang. Miess Dorotbv Taylor. Toronto, oc bas been visitlne Mrs. F. Hol- wd. siistalned pninful Iniuries last eek when she fefr and eut ber nrmn, 'epssitatlng severRl stitcbes. M&r. and Mrs. Oliver Barton and much appreciated as was Mn. Sta- pies' nddress. Our pastor who bas returaed from bis vacation wili oc- cupy the pulpit next Sunday even- mng. MAPLE GROVE Miss Helen Meteal! is bolidaying in Toronto. Miss Manjony MacKay, Toronto, is visiting Miss Jean Coyne. Mn. Bob Corbett, Town, will oc- cupy the pulpit here on Sunday. Miss Jean Stevens is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Chanlie White, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Vaughan, To- ronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. F. Swai- iow. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tucker and tbree oildren, Sterling, vîsited Mn. and Mrs. R. Metcalf and called on other fniends. Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Munday and sons Ray and Jack, and daugbten Joan, visited Mn. and Mns. John Hopps, Toronto, on Sunday. The sympatby o! this comimunity is extended to Mrs. W. J. Snowden in the losa o! ber brother. the late Mn. Frank Everson. Sevenai fnom here attended the funeral on Sun- day. Mn. Howard Foley and daughters. Louise and Marion, Mrs. P. M. Dor- man, Oshawa, and Mrs. Walter Foi- ey visited the iatter's daugbten. Mns. Mark Blackburn, Orono. on Sunday. Misses Louise and Marion Foley ne- mnined for a few days' visit. BLACKSTOCK Miss Agnes Gaunt, Preston, bas been visiting Mns. John Hamilton. Miss Irene Graham, Mapie Grove, spent Sunday at Mn. John Larmer's. Miss Wiima Van Camp bas been visiting Miss Pearl Taylor at Raglan. Miss Margaret Swain and Mn. Oakley Caniey were in Bolton for the weekend. Miss Mae Wright, Tyrone, visited ber aunt, Mrs. John Larmen, on Monday. Junrnie and Roy Graham, Haydon, have been visiting Mn. and Mrs. Ar- thur Read. Miss Mary Conley, Toronto, spent the weekend witb Mn. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. Mn. and Mrs. Hollinger and sons, (Jxbridge, spent Sunday with Mns. D. Johnston. Mn. Hancock o! Newcastle is preaching in the United Chunch on Sunday evening. Mrs. Russel Neshitt and Mns. W. E'lett, Toronto, wene recent guests of Mr1s. R. J. Crozier. Biackstock boys won an 8-4 vic- tory oven Scugog in a ba'.ebali game on Wednesday evenîng. Mn. and Mns. Gordon Henry and famiiy spent Sunday wîth Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Graham. Mir. Richard Allen, Bienheim, bas been engaged as principal of Black- stock Continuation School. Mn. and Mns. W. A. VanCamp, Mn. and Mrs. Atbur Bîiley and son Rcss. were in Elmira necently. Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Larmen were at Solina on Sunday and Misses Lois and Beryl returned home wîth tbem. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Bell and MIiss Pearl Bell wene in Lindsay for the Deconation Day services on Sun- day. Mns. R. Connish and daughtens Jean and Greta. Tyrone, were guests ast week o! Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Bradburn. Mn. and Mns. Roy Fenguson and famiiy, Lipton, Sask., bave gone te Tronto where tbey wiil soon leave for the West. Mn. and Mrs. Ernest McBriaiù and sons, Ross and Wallace. Toronto, calied upon Mn. and Mrs. Wm. 'ray- lo cn Sundny. Miss Marion Stinson bas return- d to Oshawa after spending ber holidays witb ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. R. Stinson. Mn. and Mrs. Herb. Trewin and family, Ottawa. have been visiting his brothens. Messrs. Gandham and .verett Tnewin. Mrs. R. Parr, Miss Mabel Wbit- taker. Miss Florence Parr and Misa Doris Manlow spent Sunday at Mid- [ad and Penetang. Several membens of the Royal Black Preceptory, and their wives. verp in Mîllbrook on Saturday to, ýelebrate Derry Day. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Smith, Mrs. Wahood. Mns. Virginia Archer, and Ur. Oliver Smith visited friends in 'ononto on Sunday. Mrs. Hanna E. Reynolds, Misses Yvonne Rhone. and Jean Smith, Betbany. were recent guests of Mn. ind Mrs. Thos. Smith. Mrs. John Hamilton was in.iured Khile motoring to Millbrook on Derry Day. Injuries te ber head ind neck are still painfuil. Messrs. Bruce Mountjoy. Gien ibson, Keith Fallis and Arnold rhnston camped last weekend at lenny's Landing, Lake Scugog. Mn. Alvin Bell lef t on Saturdny .io Lake Nipissinz wbere be will be tgiîest of Mn. Fred Rlchardson cf tta wn wbo bas a cottage the re. ,50 40 iI PAGE POUR OSHAWA FAIX AIl roads lead to Oshawa next week. Tuesday and Wed- nesday, the Directors o! the South Ontario Agicultllral ISociety will give the public the best of a long uine o! shows. Tuesday and Wednesday nigbts there wiil be a circus in front of the Grand Stand with mnu- s. c, fine works and other at- trations. AIl day Wednesday Will be exhibitons day witb two races of the usual high standard. Two nigbt shows and one day show will malte up the prognnm. *Entries are large in ail uines. See the bis and posters and nead the pro- gram and you will be at the Pair. 33-1 j sons, Leonard. Tommy and Jim. and Mn. Thos. Barton have retunned to Richards Landing, St. Josepb's Is- land, after visiting Mrs. M. Smith. Miss Helen and Miss Jessie Knox. Hampton, were weekend guests o! Miss Olive VanCanîp. Miss Helen Knox sang a solo on Sunday nigbt in the United Cburcb, Blackstock. Mn. and Mns. Joseph Rutledge and baby, Mn. Wm. Kelusky, Tononto. were Sunday guests o! Mn. and Mrs.l N. McNally. Miss Venna McNallY netunned fromn Toronto with tbem. Mns. Stanley o! Toronto is lend- ing ber summen home at Scugog Point for a Silven Tea in the inter- est.s o! the Womens Auxiliany o! St. John's Cbunch this Thursday evening. Mn. and Mns. Roy Tweelleguen and cbildren, Lorraine and Douglas.Oh~ awa. spent Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. Ira Argue. Mrs. E. Fîc. Osýh- awa, will visit ber niece, Mns. Argue. foi' a few days. Mn. and Mns. Jabez Wright, Mn.1 and Mrss J. armen, spent Sunclayl near Fenelon. and Miss Anniel Wright and Miss Hazel Wright wbo' have been visiting fiends thene, ne- tunned with them.1 Mn. Leslie Gibson, Toronto, bas been visiting Mrs. NomnT 1o and Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mrs. L. Poîgrain and children, Allan and Bert, Toronto, also wene guestsi during the week of Mns. Wm. Tay- lor. A Choir Concert will be given in the Community Hall, at Blackstock. on Wednesday evenisig. August 22nd. A splendid programn wiii be givî,en by the United Cburcb Choir unden the direction of Ada Jones-Sadien.AH C.M. See bis for full particulas Admission 25c, cbildren 15c. 3- The syinpathy of the community is extended to those who are ber- ioe %57 years' experience as fea merchants enables A&Pto bring you choice teas, perfectly blended- and priced fo sut every pursel PASTEl RlZED CREA3IERY BUTTER Silverbroo 21 SUNNYFIEL» 2 M. 43 TOILET SOAP 3 L.r11EO IE Mlanyflowers 6 CAKE'S 25C MALT.P V'inFO Iegr Bran lakeS 2 P KG.SI 11, VR CRIOCjQUALITY Bra Fake 2PK(S.23e Peas No. 4 Sieve 2t No. 220 RROJI11I.RIJLL-BLALKTins Salada Tea 1iR, 590eMi" h30eSot ITSOT WHITE TOIz.ET TISSUJE FOR EkEROY ScottlTis.u. 2 nous 290 FOR ENERGIl 1<,q 4 1? If I J' G OR OLD vwP tin 59e A AP Health Biscuits 2 Ibs. 25ec, CHOICE ROASTS OF A &. P QUALITY Prim e Rib Roast nem'iredl M. -19,1 hA atRound or Mb..15 1ÇH LDIRo RUPRatSquare Sidf SHULDR oASlbg FOR BOILING OR FRICASSEE FOWL lb. e .SJIFT'S PREMIL «M WEINERS lb.21 BOILED fRAlM l.49 ANGI..O ',*-SI(114 9 CORNED BEEF lb. FRESII CA1 Il 111 <(IIOF STEAKS 27BYt b Fresh FILLETSl. L.ARGEj RIPE >'ELLOIV FRUIT B1ANANAS 2 a bountiful supper was served in the sevening. 1 An unforttinate accident occurred 1at Wmn. Taylor's garage about 5.30 rp. m, Sunday evening when the cars driven by Mr. John Rush of Toronlto and Miss Maize Guy, Toronto, col- lîded. Mr. Rush, Who was driving »east on the Port Perry road, wa travelling to St. Christopher where his wife bas been spending a vaca- 1tion. Miss Guy, ber mother andj Esister, were returming from Arm- strong*s Point when the accident oc- curred. Both cars were Chevrolet sedans, and the one driven by Miss~ Guy'was badly wrecked. Mrs. Guy was the only one injured and ber cuts were sligbt. ATTACK the CAUSE 0F RHEUMATISM Rt U,%ACAPS ARE MORE TilAN A RELIEF FROMI PAIN. This scienti- lie formula (%%'id"CI' nt a patenut medicine) really reaclies the source ot Iheitisfl. nuric ciddpod are ecliminated from the Joint.- and muscles and th de and blood are cleansed of im- purtiÎes. one box will covinee)où that permanent relief s possible, PAINSDISA PEAR day of treatnsent. Rumacaps relieve the pain while removlng the cause, yet tlîey contaiiin nolarniful drugs or nar- coties. iluidreîls of people bave testltled to the qîîick relief giien lîy tîsîs efficient remedy. Start the treatinient today and end Rheumntic pain. SOnc or two capsules will banish the ,.ses cre backache. l'uts new 13ACK CHES Me lto tired and achlng bncks- boonto ouswlvý--"d ore <Ma .ust a temporary rellef. PUATum -loînq,.«Luago and ail allied Rheumatic SCI TI A roulesl respond qulckly to Rumaap. swein s1 h mtod' rilriti'. di'.appear ln most cases wih S and lilader clennsed of Impurities. H gise sou new health and vigor KID N E nirugliilieir cleansing and germ killng action. Mnny serlus dis.s -ia e asoided by keeplng the kidneys' Inoo rder. A box of 50 capsule 'mreni !n o sweeks' treatment, la $1.00. Start iu ni tinuî-'isk for RUMACAPS IRHIEUMAkTIC CAPSULES Alex McGregor, Drugs Pbonc 92 PrescriptionF A Speeialty We Deliver THE -r ý REAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC eavecl in the tragie deatb o! Mace Sweetmafl. scugog Island. Mace was finst baseman on the Scugog bal team and played at Blackstock on Wednesday, August gtb. Severai of the Blackstock teamn members at- tended bis funeral, and a wreath from the team waNs sent. The Fenguson famnily beld a ne- union on Fniday at Hampton Mern- onial Park. The afternoon was spent in piaying bail games and several speeches wene given by, membens o! the Fenguson familY. Those giving speeches wene Mn. W. Él Fengusoil, chairman, Mn. Foster Fenguson, Mn. Roy Ferguson and Mn. Miliard Fallis and a !ew othens. A gnoup photo was taken by Mr. Millard Fallis. and