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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1934, p. 6

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PAESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1934 THET SPEAK FOR THEMaSELVES POUR on rnilk or crearn. Then listen to Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Their "Snapl Crackle! Pop 1" tells a story of delicious crispness. You'll love their flavor. Great for breakfast or lunch. Ideal for the chil- dren's supper. Light and easy to digest. Ready-to-eat. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Listen ! YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL DUT 0F SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile -No Calomel needed when you feel blue, depreeeed. toiur on the world, tlats your lver wlueIh iMnt poýnrng Ce daily two pounlds of Ltquid bile lto your boue. Dligeetion and elimination are being lowed up, food je ac.cumulating and rieraviug inside you and mking you feel wretc.ed. Niere bowel-movers lke ýtll. ,il, minerai water. laxative caîîdy or clewing goto, or rouglage, dont go fur enuh. Y.u need a lier etimulant. Carterea Little Lîver Pills ie the beet one. Safe. Purely vege- tble. Sure. Aaek for theni by name. Refuse subatituteS. 250. at ail druggitAl. .52 Ask Mother- She Knows Mother took this medicine bie- fore and after the babies came. It gave her more strength and energy wben she wus nery- ous and rundown . .. kept er on the job ail througt th, Change. No wonder she rcc- ommrends it. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND i c 3st of ail fly killers. l c Clean, quick, sure, WsH1 cheaip. Ask your Drug. ui>t, <rorer or General PAY Stcr.. M ORE THE WILSON FLY PAD C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author off: Optometry Feature Service The Chid and its Development Specîalîzîng exclusîvely ln muscle anomalies, eyesight and rlasses. Phone for appontment 1516 Disney BIdg. Opp. P. 0. Osha wa, Ont. Forget the Washing It's too hot anyway and we'Il make a good job of it at very ittie coat. W. Marjoram IjTI' (ALL MA»DDELI VER Phone 478 ~hI I N.- omaflville r Ivan James Ross, Whitby OBITUARY Terîibly injured in an accident SSaturday, August 4th, when he was demonstrating a car near Uxbridge, Franklin 1. Everson, Courtice Ivan James Ross, of Whitby. died in Oshawa General Hospital Friday af- A lie long resident of Darlington! ternoon. Mr. Ross was a son of Township in the person off Franklin Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ross of Whitby. I. Everson, son off the late Mr. andan spourinWtbadth Mrs. William Everson, off Courtice.,uandias poputr inhtb. adh Ont., passed away in Bowmaîwillei- The accident occurred on Quaker Hospital on Friclay, August lth. af- Hil near Uxbridge, when Clarence ter an llness off a few months. Mr. Coalo xrdewsdiig Everon ws a embr ofEbenzerThe car is said to have skidded on United Church and for many years Ioose gravel and turned over in the was an active workeî' in the Sunday î ditch. Mr. Ross was thrown through1 Schoci. Kind and patient of dis- the windshield and suffered extens- position, he was hîohly respected ive head injuries. He was rushed to and much loved in the comunity, Oshawa Genieral Hospital and every as shown by the many kindnesses effort was made to save his if e. In of friends and neighbors during his the car aise were Hugh Ross of Osh-E illnezs ava, and David. son off Mr. Ross. The' funeral was ht'ld froun the but 'they escaped with lîttie injury.c famîly î'esidence at Courtice on Sun- Mr'. Ros ,as weil known and well fday. August l2th, to Eber.ezer Cern- lîked in Whitby and district. He etery and -,as conducted by Rev .ýetoesa with the 1l6th Bat- J S. 1. Wilson, assisted by Rev. W. S. talioe e P. Boyce, both former pastors off the Defsdlae omunhslt deceased. The pall bearers were a wif e. formnerly Esther Roberts, and Mesrs. Norman Down. Georze Rey- two chiidren, Elsie and David: his nolds, Harry Phair, Blake Courtice, parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rots: Eber Snowden and Harold Gay. two sisters, Miss Nina Rots and Mrs.9 Besides his widoiv, who was Miss Robertson. of Whitby: and threei; Minnie Morî'ow. alto of Courtice, brothers, Elmer of Whitby. C. T.. of f theîe are left to mourn his passing. Bowmanville. and Harold of Ter-t one son. William off Courtice. and onto. Hugh Ross of Oshawa, is anE t wo ss t ors, Mrs. WV. J. Snowden off uncIe.c Maple Grove, and Mrs. B. J. Gay of The funeral was heid on Mondayn Oshawa. afternoon fromn Armstrong's funerai raiors. Oshawa, and was attended I Mrs. Clarence S. Mlason, ibv' cuite a number of Whitby anda Bou-manvilic Bowmanville friends. Interment was t made in Groveside Cemetery, Brook-A Citizens were shocked to hear of lin. Rev. E. Ralph Adye of Ail the death of Norma T. Couch, Saints Anglican Church, Whitby,J younge-,t daughter off the late Mr. had charge of the services.n and Mrs. W. B. Couch, and wife of i Clarence S. Mason, who passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George F. Bigham, Buffalo P Philip Nind, Thorold, on Wednes- George (Foray) Bigham, a native ic day, August 8th, folliwing a long off Orono, Antioch section, son off the i and painful illness. late George Bigham, passed away e Mrs. Mason was born in Bowman - Au gust 2nd, at Buffalo, N. Y., foi- e ville and iived the greater part off iowing a stroke while watching the S her lîfe here. Last fal. when her International Lawn Bowling tourna- u health begain te fail, Mr'. and Mrs. ment at the Parkside greens. F Ma.on decided to spend the winter Funerai serv ice on Saturday took ir in Fiorida w.hence she returnied place to Orono Cemetery. Rev. tc thîs spring apparontly much better George Mason off Bowmanvile con- 1( in. health. About a month ago0, ducted service at the grave.B ho-vever, Mrs. Mason again becamo Mir. Bigham was born in Orono 61 a seriously iii. and despîte ail the 10v- years ago. He gratiuated from the v ing care off her husband and daugh- Ontario College off Pharmacy in To- d ter and that medicai science could ronto and woi'ked iin Canada for a do, she passed peaceffully away last short turne. Fer several years hie i Wednosday in the presenice of î-in-) had a drug store in Attica, N. Y.C bers of her fam.ily. Mrs. Mason Thirty-five yeaî's ago3 Mr. Bigham l possessed a brîght and choorful disît- enrt te Buffalo and entered into ot pozîtion and was popuiar wherever partnership xath William C. Dam- i' sho went and will thus be mîssed byl bach. In recent years Mr. Bigham 6( a wd circle off friends.1 had been 'b-ie president, secretary The romains ;vere brought to ar.d managaror f the store, tc B omianvilie for burial from the 'Mr. Bio-ha. was married twioe. of iclsidence offlher sister, Mrs. C. W. E. His f'rst 't:D'e was fformerly Miss a IMoath. Centre Street, who had made sox oral trips tg Thoi;oid during her i z:sters iliness. The funerai. which oas very largely attonded by scor'es *off frends who had known her throiîghout her life, -was held on Friday- afternoon. It was conducted -! y Rev. T. A. Nind off Port Perry. formerly recter off St. John's Angli- can Church, and father-in-iaw off Mrs. Matons daughter. Jane. The brief but impressive Anglican ser- vice for the dead was read at the home and at the gravesido. Pali- bearers were Messrs. Lawry Cryder- man, C. A. Johniston, Geo. W. James. A. L. Hagerman. Sam W. Mason and C. E. Rehder. Ainong the sorrowing survivors are her husband; one daughter, Mrs. Phîlip Nind, Thoroid; and one sis- ter, Mrs. C. W. E. Meath of Bow- manvilie. The casket was surrounded by numerous beautiful floral tributes from the foliowing relatives and .1 friends: Mrs. W. E. Tiiley, Mr. and 1Mrs. G. H. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilfilian. Mr. J. J. Mason and f family, Mr. Thorne and Leslie Phil- lips, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke, Mrs. Francis Clarke. Misses Lillian and May Clarke, Mr. Ted Clarke, Mrs. Thompton. Miss Bird Thompson, 'Miss Helen Thompton, Mr. and Mrs. George Hill, Mrs. C. Arthur Caw- ker, Mrs. Bingham. Mrs. A. M. Wil- liams. Bridge Club, Mr. and Mrs. Harcld Denton. Mr. Dougias.s Den- ton, Miss L. Risebrough. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, Miss Agnes i Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery Johnston. Mi'. and Mrs. E. S . Senk, lex'. Mrs. M. E. Couch, Mr. and Mrs.: George Weekes. Mis.s Edith Weekes. Mr. and Mrs. Wîlton, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Couch. Mi'. and Mrs. Jack Meath, Rev. Muîrhead and family, Mir. and Mrs. Rogerson, The Cryder- mans. Mr'. MA. James, Mir. andj Mrs. Geo. W. James, Mrs. C. M.*: Cawkeir and Miss Addie, Couich.i Johnston & Cryderman Ltd. staff. Mr'. and Mrs. C. B. Kent and Mr.; Jtýhn Kent. Workers off Midmayý Camp, Mrs. Bell and Miss Edith. Mr.! and Mrs. Harry Cole, Mr. and Mrs.! Jas. Infantine, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rohder, Mrs. Edsall and Miss Ann, Mrs. Samuel Mason, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Roen- igk, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath. Mrs. F. W. Clark, Mrs.i Dr.) Frank Dayment, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Leitruin Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Ogil- vie, Mrs. Alan Miilsap, Mr. and Mrs. HEADACHE INDIGESTION quickly reive.d by j~~2 Da(ASES Wllhelmina Morgenstern off Attica. His second wife was Miss Laura Casey off Mitchell. Mr. Bigham had been president off both the Buiffalo and New York State Pharmaceuticai Associations and the Greater Buffalo Drug Club. and was vice president off the Na-, tional Association off Retail Drug- gists, and the treastîror off the West- ern New York Deug Ti'ados Confer- once. He is survived by his widoix and a brother, J. Clas ton Bigham off Vancouver. Anotheî' brother, James piredeceased hlm tome yoar-. Williamn Lawson 'Mackiin, Cobourg One off the links betweon the pion- eer days off this country, and the present, uwas broken by the pasing off Mr. Wm. Lawson Macklîn, on August 3rd. Me. Macklin was the son off the late Edward Mackiin, who came ffîcm Devonshire, Engiand. 10 Can- ada, in the early days, and is iffe Dorcas Staplet. who wvas off Irish doscent. Of this union there wero thirteen chiidren. twolve off whom grew to rnanhood and womanhood. William Lawson Macklin was born April 101h. 1854. in Haldirnand township, In 1879 ho marî'iod Miss Eliza Jane George. Together thoy celebrated very quiotiy the 55th an- niversary off thoir marriage on April 16th off this yoar. With Mrs. Mack- lin is left to mourn the passing off a loving husband and kind fathel', the ffollowing sons and daughters, Aines. at home; Harold G., Bow- manville: J. Stanley, off Hfemilton Township: Mrs. S. Snowdon, Bow- manville; Mrs. R. Mor~ton, off Hamn- iton township. One son. Edward L. patsed away in 1902. Mi'. Macklin has spont ail off a long and useful life in Northumber- .and Couînty. Aftor his marriage, ho engaged in milling. in one off the old stone rnills in Haldimand town- ship. Because off iil-heith. ho gave îp miliîng and ongaged in farming. F'or ton years ho ffarmod in Haldi- mand. In 1893 ho rnoved te Perey township, neai' Waîrkworth. and in 1908 to Hamilton township. near 3ethesda. In 1920 ho i'otired f rom active work on the ffarm, to Elin- viw where ho resided until his death. Mr. Macklin is survived by two )rethert. George off Fenoila' anti Charles off Windsor'. He was thel ant one off the MackUn triplets. the others. John H. andi Thonmas Rober't. h'.ving predeceaseti hini in their 66th year. During the fourscorc vears given1 o Mr. Macklin. his liffe hat been one1 if service andi sturdy u-trightneso; and goodwill to God and t-) his fol-1 low-men. This has won for hirn the trespect and osteemn of ail with whomn he came in contact in business and 1social life. He has always been a faîthful attendant and supporter off 3the Methodist Church and off the United Church. In politios he has been a Liberal. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mir. McTavish off Port Hope. The pail bearers weî'e nephew.s,M Hcward Mackiin and Percy Macklin 9 off Fenelia. Frank Macklin off Beth- esda, Joseph George off Cobouîrg. Fred Brenton off Bethol Grove, and William Brenton off Port Hope. Barbara Yeilowiees, Toronto Many old friends in Bowmanville were sorry to learn off the sudden passing off Miss Barbara Yeilowlees in Toronto on Wednesday, August th. Miss Yellowlees was a daugh- te' off the late Mr. and Mrs. John Yellowlees off Bowmanville whore she lived previons to making hec t home in Toronto tome years ago. I She undorwent an operation about a year ago and has net been well foi' tome months, aithough appar- ently nothing sorious was expected as the summons came most unex- pectedly on a street car while on- r'oute te the doctors. SAFE AND C The romains were brought ta Bowmanvilie, the funeral taking It is neyer safe toa1k place on Friday afternoon from the is otoede residence off her brother, Mr. Neil ismotaedd Yellowiees, Centre Street. Rev. at homie where fire George Mason conducted the ser- a reaal os vice. The paîl boarers wero Messrs. a reaal os Alex Hume, flot. Moffat, cousins, at The Royal Banki John and Donald Yellowlees. neph- gives compiete fcei ews. J. R. Philp and W. H. Carruth- ors. Many beautiful flowers ex-THE pressed the sympathy off a large cir-THE cie off friends. Internent took place in Bowmanvil]e Cemetery.R 0 Y A L Surviving are two brothers, Neil Yellowlees. Bowmanviile. and John0 F CA Yeilowlees, Winnipeg, Man.; andO F CA one sister, Mrs. J. G. Gibson, Wey- burn, Sask. BOWMANVILI.E BRANCH CARD OF TIIANKS Mr'. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees de- sire te thank their rnany friends for' the kind expressions off sympathy Mrs. Ache who has been sufffering and foi' the beautiful floral tributes frein foot troubles is well. She used roceived in their bereavernent by Cross Corn and Bunion Salves. At the doath off their sisteî', Miss B. Jury & Lovelî's. Yollowlees. Ready-made Medcine.-You need - ne physician for ordinary ilis when Ot er-acidity and other Stomach you have at hand a bottle off Dr. complaints corrected by Kirk's Thoinas' Eclectrie Oul. For coughs, Stornalka. MoGregors Drug Store. colds, sore throat, bronchial troub- To have the children sound and les, it is invaluable; for scalds. heaithy is the fiî'st care off a mo- burns, bruises, sprains it is unsur- ther. They cannot be healthy if passed; while for cuts, sores and the troubled with worms. Use Mother like it is an unquestionabie healer. Graves' Worm Exterminator. iIl neecis ne testimonial other than the use, and that wiil satisfy any- one as to its effectiveness. No More Asthma. Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Asthma Remedy sounds the death knell of this trying trouble. It stops the awfui choking and pain- fui breathing. It guards against night attacks and gives renewed ability to sleep and rest the whole night long. Much is ciaimed for this remedy, but nothing but what can be demonstrated by a trial. If yo>u suffer f rom asthma try it and cbn- vince yourseif of its great value. I N EEACTION RIDE ticed how ail Canada bas - great leadership, it is Chevrolet's bump- cvrolet-and to, Chevrolet's conquering, bounce- abolishing Knee-Action on Ride? 1 Rie! No other ride in any low-priced car - just the same as i was in can compare with it for comfort, safety or iblic demand for Chevrolet stability! Owners themselves have proved action to the highest total that in millions of miles of driving. nanu facturer! Why flot try the ride-sensation of 1934 one single feature which today? We'1l gladly provide a Chevrolet for her has contributed to chis )Y FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY you to drive yourself. A General Ma fors Vlu. Produced mn Canada Master Six from Standard Six fram '844 '710 Delivered, fuily quipp il ai facorv. Osh.awa, Ont. Freighm m Govemment license extra. New low carne. prces on the G MAC plan. ROY NICHOLS 80 WMAN VILLE COURTICE ONVEN lENT ceep insurance poli- cls and similar papers or theif may cause A Safe Deposit box costs very littie and edom from worry. B ANK N A DA 1. G. HEFKEY, Manage'r PAGE six

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