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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1934, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST l6th. 1934 PAGE SEVEN *IN THE REALM OF SPQRT * BowmanvIIe Annexed First Game oF Lalceshore Semi-Finaîs et Port Hlope Bowman Pitches Locals to Brilliant Victory on Port Hope Diamond on Satur- day __ Picking up a slima one run lead in the furth innings, Bill Corden's Bowmanviile Lakeshore entry main- tamned and increased their lead to defeat Port Hope 3-1 in the first of the League playoffs to decide the right to meet Cobourg in the finals. Bovrmanville's win on Port Hope's home diamond augurs weii for the success of the locals in the series. Considerably heartened by his Junior team's success in Oshawa, Bowvman pitched outstanding bal throughout the game, holding the home teamn to anly five hits. Len Wakely on the mound for Port Hope failed to pitch very spectacular bail despite the enthuslastic rooting of his dad on the sidelines. Until the fourth innings, Corden was the only man to register a hit. In the fourth Bert Colwell swatted a two bagger, and Corden's second single to centre f ield brought in the f irst run. In the next innings Cam- eron reached first base on an error of Hudson's, the St. Louis tryout, and Ted Bagnell batted him home. In the final innings "Buck" Large ciouted one of Wakeiy's weak offer- ings over the north fence for a home run. Rowliffe with a three bagger was Port Hopes strongest hitter. coming home on a passed bail, in which Bob Bates and Bowman failed to catch hiin at the home plate. A hast threat by Port Hope, with two men on in the iast innings, was stopped when Bowman struck out Hozack and McElroy grounded to f irst base to end the game. The game was particuiarly inter- esting because the resuit was in doubt untii the end. A nice single, or at least a two bagger wouhd have tied the score. The game was kept weli in hand by Kearney of Peter- boro, behind the plate and Mac- Dougalof Oshawa on the bases. The Box Score Bowmanville AB R H PC0 A E 1 2 2 2 0 3 1 2 0 0 2 8 il1 0 9 0 0 7 27 4 00 20 0 4 004 4 0 3 0 020 0 4 0 19 00 3 00 23 0 4 0 121 1 4 11 4 10 2 0 000 0 4 02 2 00 32 1 5 27 9 1 Cameron. cf. E. Bagneil, 3b. A. Osborne, ss. Colwell, 2b. Moore, rf. Corden, lb. Large, If. Bates, c. Bowman, p. Tetals Port Hope McElroy, cf. Brown, 2b. Phillips, cf. F. Wakely, lb. ,-Hudson, ss. Berry, 3b. Rowcliff e, C. L. Wakely. p. Hozack, If. Totals Summary Two base hits, Colwell; 3 base hits, Rowciffe; home runs, Large; strikeouts, Bowman 9, Wakely 3: bases on bails, Bowman 3, Wakely 3; hit by pitched bail, L. Wakely: emors, Large and Berry; stolen bas- es. A. Osborne 1, P. Wakely 1. i Chafing end 5kin Irritations quickly relieved by D..(UAS ['S [JIN'U IEN I T' GOODYEAR BEATS CUBS IN FINAL SCHEDULED GAME Goodyear made absolutely certain their undisputed right to the Town 3League leadership on Thursday night when they defeated Hately's Cubs 7-5 in a hard tussie in which Cubs were one time heading 5-2. Getting away to a good. start in the f irst innigs Goodyear scored two runs but were held scoreless for the next four frames. Meanwhile Hate- ly's came f rom behind in the third 3to take the iead 3-2 and increased their iead in the fourth by two, more runs. In the sixth. Goodyear stag- ed a determined effort to win and batted Dave Osborne for f ive hits out of sIXixnen to bat, scoring four runs to regain their lead. An addi- t1onal mun in the seventh cinched the score. Alan Osborne>'ame back in the sixth and seventh innings to hoid the Cubs, when he struck out four of the six men out. The score jby innings was: RH E Goodyear 200 004 1 -7 6 4 Cubs 012 200 0 -5 9 3 Goodyear - A. Osborne, p; A. Cameron. c; N. Jackman, lb: Col- weli 2b; Hobbs, 3b; Hart. ss: Roach, If; Moorcraf t, cf; Murphy, cf. Cubs - D. Osborne, p; Tordiff. c; F. Bradd, lb: Savery, 2b; D. Bradd, 3b; F. Jackman. ss: Moore, If: Wer- ry. cf: H. Hooper, rf. Umpires - Kent and Naylor. Beach Associat'n Sports Day Big Holiday Success BowmanviUle Beach Association held its annual Fieid Day on Civic Holiday, August 6th, at the Beach. Ideai weather brought a good at- tendance. Mr. William Street was in charge of sports, assisted by Dr. G. J. Mihien, President; Mr. J. Mil- den, Mr. Tillett and Mr. Fowler. Mrs. Street, Mrs. Fowler. Mrs. il1- lett, Mrs. J. Millen and Mrs. Berry distributed the prizes. The winners were: Kiddies, 5 and under--Jack O: Leary, Bobby Rehder, Dorothy Wal- don.1 Girls. 6 and under-Louise Sellers, Betty Peacock, Thelma Curtis, Mar- garet Stacey. Boys, 6 and under-Harvey 0'- Leary. Douglas Chapman. George Millen. Girls. 8 and under-Reta Laphan, Dorothy Gammon. Louise Sellers. Boys, 8 and under-Bobby Paddy, George Sellers, Douglas Wiseman. Girls. 10 and under-Lois Large, Ruth Virtue, Evelyn Harnden. Boys, 10 and under-Norman Mil- len, Fred Boyd, Norman Harcourt. Girls, 12 and under-Lois Large, Shirley Fowier, Marion Mutton. Boys. 12 and under-Tommy De- pew. Jack Millen, Norman Millen. Girls. 15 and under-Helen Wil- liams, Irene Casborn. Helen Rundie. Boys. 15 and under-Verne Kim- bail. S. Edell. Harold Bennett. Young ladies' race-Winnie Street, Sybil Mutton. Irene Casborn. Ladies' walking race-Mrs. Man- t-1. Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Latimer, Mrs. 93hot*er, Mrs. Millen. Mrs. Penny- worth. Water Events Girls, 10 and under-Lois Large, Velda Latimer. Boys, 10 and under-Bill Rice, Raymond Fice. Girls. 12 and under - Marjorie !Wiseman, Doris Virtue. GUTTA PERCHA TIRES GUM CUISHIONED THE tZfe~ IN TIRE CONSTRUCTION SINCE THE BALLOON TIRE!l ,SNOCK ABSORIEIS Evezy Gutta Percha 1/' ,4and Raderaft Tire is 1~ ~ buitof the highest. qaiycotton corde, 1~ every trand impreg- nated with and pro. tected by rubber. These protected corda ar'e huit into criss-cross layera for added strength, and are further protected at crucial pints by broad pade of live gum rubber built-in beween the plies to safeguard the corda froni damage, as ahown in the photograph ahove. See for your. self bow blows on the tread or @ide-walls would bc eushioned b y these ushock-abaorbers." Tiiere are 7 of them-the a5you sece in the photograph and 2 on the other aide of the tire. OnIy Cutta Percha andi Roadcraft Tires give you this safer construction at no extra couL GUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER, LIMITED *.ud off..,sTORONTO, Caa. Druacbes fr Cý osu.Co0884. GUTTA PERCHA TIRES SOU) BY Dean Hoigmon WHITE ROSE KING & LIBERTY STS. SERVICE STATION BOWMANVILLE Boys. 12 and under-Tommy De- pew, Raymond Welsh. Balloon race, girs-Irene Cas- born, Florence Shotter. Balloon race, boys-Harold Darch. Canoe Tilting--.Guy Roach, Bert Hutchison. Lucky Draw, consisting of chick- ens. hams, bacon and coffee, were kindly donated by Mr. W. Carpenter, popular member of the Association. Winners were Mrs. Smith, Mr. Roacli, Mr. Duf f. Mr. Berry, Mr. Quinn, Miss Henry, Mrs. Paddy, Mr. Poole. The worry and discomfort suffer- ed this year by cottage owners on the West Beach did not interfere with the good time provided for the kiddies, the sections of the beach getting together with generai feel- ing of goodwiil. Ail are hoping that some way wiil be made to settle the road matter satisfactorily and per- manently in the near future. NEWCASTLE TEAM WINS TOURNAMENT ON CIVIC HOLIDAY Bill Brunt, Newcasthe's coming Young hurler, pitched his team to a two game victory at the annuai civ- ic holiday bail tournament at New- castle on Monday which again brought them, the grand challenge silver cup. The f irst game between Orono and Kendai resuhted in a win by the f or- mer, 15 to 3. Battery for Orono was Ab. West, p. and Roy Winters, c.; and for Kendal, Jack Swarbrick, p. and Savery, c. The only home mun of the tournanient. a f ly over Mr. Purdy's fence, was made in this game by Darlington of Kendal. In the second gaine Newcastle de- feated Newtonvihie by 10 to 5. Geo. Walton and Bill Brunt pitching for the locals and Stan Graham catch- ing. Geo. Wallace, who first went int the box for the eastern village, was relieved in the third by McGre- gor Jones, ex-student of Newcastle High School. He held his Newcastle acquaintances down pretty wehi for the rest of the term. Smith caught his offerings. Orono and Newcastle then faced each other with Brunt again in the box for manager S. E. Stacey's teani and with John (Tex) Rickard be- hind the bat this turne, and Fred Lycett hehping out in the box for Mercer's team. Newcastle scored il te their opponents, 3. The scores by innings: Orono 411 020 7-15 Kendal 100 002 0- 3 Newtonville 113 000 0- 5 Newcastle 107 110 0-10 Orono 000 020 1 - 3 Newcastle 024 032 x-îî Line up of Winning team: First Gamne - AIL. Graham, lb; Shili Moise, 2b, Harry Couch. 3b; Bihl Brunt, Geo. Walton, ss;, Chas. Thackray, rf; Geo. Graham, cf; J. Riekard,' f; Stan. Graham, c; Geo. Waton, Bill Brunt, pp. Second Game-Bihl Brunt Pitched through- out; Stan. Graham went to lef t fiehd and J. Rickard was brought into catch; Ross Dickenson took Thack- ray's place in right field. There was a big crowd fromn ail over Clarke Tp. in attendance as weli as many visitors from outside Points. The local baîl club had the diamond in the pink of condition and the Park was looking its pretti- est With flags flying andi hundredas 0f SUMmer girls lending theniselves to its adornment. Mrs. F. B. Lovekin's group of the W. A. of the Unitedi Churc cn ducted the refreshinent booth andj were on the jump ail afternoon ser- ving the wants of their thirsty andi hungry Patrons. It was a profitable venture. SSPORT NEWS Local Teams Come Through With both Intermediate and Jun- ior basebali teams winning their first piayeff games on Saturday, Bowmanville seemns te be sitting on top of the world. Tise second Jun- ior game is being playedti tnight at thse High Sehool grounds and there shouhd bc a real crowd eut te see Lanky Dave Osborne make his sec- ond attempt te hurl the Metor City Squad off the mound. 0 * * 0 Seme Funt Eh Kd ? We couldn't help wondering iust how our goot f rienti George Camp- bell, sport writer on the Oshawa Times, felt after Saturtiay's Junior phayoff tilt. A few years ago we worked along with George ln the same news room and he then hati unbounded enthusiasm, if not op- timism. Here's what he had te say on Friday about our Orono-Bow- manvihle Junior eutfit: "Oshawa Cuba should wln the game tomer- row, since the Orono team, compos- eti mostiy 0f Bowmanviile boys, is a Young squad, without much experi- ence. having oniy a tiesire te play bail." Either orme Gaisby's been kitiding George, or else tise 10-1 vlc- tory was just beginners' iuck. Thurs- day nlght will tell. 0 * * * And Affer the Storm (Prom Oshawa Times) Orme Gamsby~s Oreno Orloles provedti t be more or less a fiock of dangerous eagles who had migrated f rom Bowmanville, when they came te Oshawa on Saturday afternoon. Whiie they may have resembleti a bunch of farmers ln appearance. they handed thse Oshawa Cubs and their supporters a rude joît as well as a 10-i licking. It was a major upset, as the teamn frem down east was net concedeti mucis chance ag- ainst the classy Oshawa team, but Mr. Osborne of Bowmanvllle made the Cubs look very ordinary anti his team-mates slapped thse bahl te al corners of the diamond and chaîketi up an lmpress.tve vlctory. Prom this distance, It looks very much as if thse eld fox from Orono has pulîrd another "f ast one" on thse local boys. At any rate. that game is golng te, cost us a dinner. Orme's "Hlgh Schooh boys whe had neyer played bail before," proved to be a hearty buncis of Juniors Who net only knew what It wasailU about, but dispiayed plenty of real class in the f ield and were dynamite when at bat. And in Osborne, they produc- ed a hurler who f ar exceetis any- thing seen in Junior company ar- ounti these parts since "Doze" Qg- den threw 'em f-or the oid St. An- drew's team, back in '25 and '26. Local Junior Team Trounces Oshiawa in Group PIayofF Organized too late in the summer te participate in a regular schedule and therefore granteti a bye into the finals, Orme Gamsby's Orono Jun- iors marched into Oshawa on Sat- urday andi defeated the winners of the Lakeshore group, 10-1 in the f irst game of a home and home ser-, ies.1 Going into the game with nothing' te, lose and a lot to gain, they play- ed almost perfect bail and were re- warded with the best reward that a Bowmanviile team can get-the piaudits of an Oshawa crowd. Out on thse mounti andi pitching bail was long, ianky, loosejointed Dave Osborne. He struck eut eleven, walked three, anti aVowed four hits. anti onhy five bails were hit out of the inf ieid. In the second and fourbis innings he struck out the side. Dave also hati 2 hits. Catch- ing was Tony McIlveen and you oniy need te think of that old adage that a pitcher is only as good as his catcher to realize that Tony caught a swell bail gaine. He also led the team at bat, cohecting three isits, one a towering home run over tise right f ieldi fence. Williams on first, had sixteen putouts with nary a f umble. Dud. Bradd, star Oshawa pitcher anti erstwhihe Bowmanvilie boy. struck out twelve, but was only ef- fective in spots. the winners comb- ing him for fifteen iusty waihops. His support was not of the best, Oshawa making f ive mispiays. The return game wilh be played on thse High School groundis on Thurs- day (today) at 5.45, and the admis- sion is 15c. How about ceming eut ini large numbers and cheering the teamn on te another victory. On their play they deserve a big crowd. Score by innings: R HE Oshawa 000 100 000 - 1 4 5 Orono 032 000 212 - 10 15 2 Orono - D. Osborne, p; Mcdl- veen, c; Williams, lb; Jackman, 2b: HlooPer, 3b; Roach, ss; Aluin. If: Celvîlle, -cf; Kent, rf. Oshawa - Bradd, p; Kennedy, c;- Wilkinson, lb; Bawks, 2b; Cooper, 3b; Barnes, ss; Morrison. If; Hersia, cf; Mauntireil. rf. Rogers batted for Kennedy in the 9th. Umnpires - Osborne, Bowmanville; Donald, Oshawa. BOWMANVILLE PIGEON CLUB Bowmanviile Homing Pigeon Club flew their second young bird train- ing race on Saturday, Aug. llth, from Leaside, Ont.. 38 miles, with the foilowing results: I. Hobbs 1 hr, 13 mins, 28 sec. L. Richards 1 hr, 13 mins, 36 sec. W. Woiner 1 hr, 14 mins, 40 sec. E. Hunt 1 hr, 14 mins. 55 sec. 1. Piper 1 hr, 15 mins, 55 sec. P. Bathgate 1 hr, 16 mins, 2 sec. R. Dllling 1 isr, 18 mina. 6 sec. F. Bottrelh i hr, 22 mins, 37 sec. Persian Balm-Invaluable tO e ej whoie family. To the mother, a flawless aid te loveliness. To the chihd a soothing, healing balm. Anti te the father, a splendid hair fixa- tive anti cooling shaving lotion. Persian Balim tones and refreshes thse ski. Makes hand delightfuUly sof tand white. Indispensable te dainty women. A littie gentle rub- bing and it is absorbed by the tis- sues, making the skin truiy rose- leaf in texture. Do net allow wormns te sap the vitality of your chiltiren. If net at- tendedti te wormis may work irre-1 parable harm te the constitution of thse infant. The littie sufferers can- net voice their ailment. but there are many signs by which mothers are made aware that a dose of Mil- ler's Worm Powder is necessary. These powders act quickly and wili expel wornis f rom the system with- eut any inconvenience te the child. 4 Firat Prize ~Tbird Prize S5Glu and $ 5IlCredit I nîuand Credit 1$ 0Cash a V V0oucher 1$15J Cash a 12 Voucher IS2 Second Prizei $12 Credit DIRECTIONS Firet prize goea to the person wbo sends ln the beat slogan. Second prime goes to the next best, and se on. Here are five examples ot slogans whlch are* now in use by other firms. They wlll give yen au idea ef what te send ln: "Be Moden-Drive a Chevrolet." "Poniac-What a car." "The Place Where Value and Service Meet. "Pontiac Sella and Excella." "Chevrolet Rules The Ways." Et la flot necessary to use eltiier the Dame Ontar-lo Metor Sales Limlted, Chevrolet or Pontiac ln your slogan, altbough one or ftll may be used if deslred. SEND AS MANY SLOGANS AS YOU WISH. The Judgea Who Will Decîde This Contest Are: L. S. BISHOP-4.ales Engineer.. T. L. WILSON-The Oshawa DalIy Times. )AS. H. ORMISTON-Whitby Gazette. and Chronicle, Whitby, Ont. Send ail slogans, to Conte«t Department, Ontario Motor Ipdb Sales, Ltd., by 9 pan. Mon- (6ay, Aut 20. Honorable Mention I WHY WE DO THIS IL is a well-known tact that hlgh-grade advertlslng la the l11e ef business. la ad- vertlsiag, short, catcby phrases and sentences, called slogans, are very valuable. We need thzm and will gladly pay for them, and are taking this mnethod ef gettlng a number of suggestions. Most slogans whlch have breught fortune te business houses were thought of by some- one not connected wlth the house. Cash anld credit vouchers will be given to peoPle whe leaet expect them. Only a few minutes' work luaIl IL takes. Equal prizes ln case of tie. Ahl prizes are given free. Succestul contestants wlll be notified by mail. Credit vouchers are transferable. More than one honorable mention prize wlll be Issued. Any one credit good for face value flot to exceed one-half the purchase price on any used car or truck ln stock. Credit expires Aug. 25, 1084. ~ AIlslogans lnust be ln the mail by 9 p.m., bionday, pub& Aug. 20, 1984. 'Use coupon or plain white paper! I I hereby subruit the followlng slogan jfor the judges' consideration. I agre.j to abide by the decislon of the judges without question' ... ... .........1 .....................*....j ................................I .............................I IName..... ...................... IStreet and number ............... ITown.......................... (Write with pen. pencil or typewriter) ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, LTD. I CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE, MeLAUGHLJN-BUICK, PONTIAC, LA SALLE, I * CADALAC, G.M.C. TRUCKCS. DEALERS J 86 King Street East Oshawa i The peoples cf near landsa andi fait lands foregather in friendly rivalry .. . in commerce and in sport, in the aria, the sciences, music and indusiry' the Canadian National Ex. hibition. Merchania; are attracteci from the bazaars and market p laces of distant~ Calcutta ... fromn the potteries cf Stoke-on-Trent .. . froma the planta- tions cf Ceylon and Sierra Leone. In an atmosphere cf carnival gaiety and romance the enterprising sirangers from abroaci iransaci business andi joiîn their Canadian brcîhren in~ whole-hearted appreciation cf the world's largesi annual Exhibition. From over the seven seas, from îthe Antipodes andi the United States corne athietes who strive mightily with Canada's besi for world champ. lonships on landi and waîer. East meets weaî on commen ground atthe"SbowWindowof theNations" where Toronto once again becomes "fa place cf meeting". the big year ai your Exhibition.- COLONEL . . WDEACOtI ELWOO A U0B , CA4DIi HIBllNTOOT MÂNLE X H1B1TA0MÀU G.24 -TO-S EPT. 8 CANADIAN CORPS to be in timé for the big parade. Keep Douglas' Egyptian Liniment They wished to eat first and with aivways in the stable, ready for ii- RE-UNION PROVID ES 1eylti agno ielf on mediate use. Removes proud flesh , vrylitlemarinof im let oun ýand inflammation, Thrush or Hoof COINCIDENCE HERE that their motor cars were non est. Rot. and infection of cow's teat. ____But that didn't stop them, embued Relief from. Stomach and Liver Second Battalion Color Party as they were with the old armny trouble quickly assured by the use spirit. Out they went to the street of Kipp's Herb Tablets. Alex Mc- Thumbs Former O. C. For and the f irst motor car that came Gregor, Telephone 92. Ride to Toronto along was commandeered, the back________________ seats fiiied with the colors and the Many amusing and interesting driver a total stranger to the party, * * stories came out of the reunion of by the way, given his marching or- veterans at Toronto where the Great ders. 'Right-,o." said thedrv, War as ougit il veragan vrb-"you birds certainly struck the riglit b aig Warwasfoghtal ovr aai veb-car, don't you know me?" Who was b aiga ally whiie the poor baily infantry, it but Coi. "Dolly" Swif t, Officer Efevsig and the cavalry and the biooming Commanding the 2nd Battalion Eff;grtnglsc of navy sailed away f rom workaday life overseas and one of the best knownIvgoaig f and most popular omfcers in the on oceans of beer and lived again C.E.F. The rest of the story you can the great adventure of their lives in write yourself. The color party in- the maud and blood of Flanders andi cluded Capt. George Hunter, Sim- other f ields. One incident which coe; Capt. S. J. Gilmore, Regt. concerned Belleville officers is in- Sergt. Major W. C. Jack, D.C.M., teresting as a coincidence. The col- M.M. and bar; Sergt. O. R. Munn- 0 COOL YOUR SLOOD or party of the 2nd Battalion pro- ings, M. M., of Belleville; and Sergt.1 ceeedtoBomaviletoget the Fred J. Moore, M. M., Bowmanville. Noew, gorge bottin, 750 colors and hurried back to Toronto -Ontario Intelligencer, Belleville. Cani You Write A Slogan? Contest Closes at 9 p.m., August 2.Oth Send Your Slogans in Today FREE PRIZES!1 Ontario Motor Sales, Limited, Chovrolot and Pontiac Dealers C CI ive Valuablo Prizos for a Suitablo Business Slogan la mmmmQ-ý 1 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1934 lý 't', '1ýl» eý@ t s We 8 teq

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