With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1934 NUMBER 34 Upper School Examination Resuits at Local High School Much Discussed Geometry Paper Brings Out Many Failures Here - Many Students Do Well The Geometry paper, over whicln complaints were registered ail over the province, proved a stumbling block for local H]gh School students, most o! wbom register failures in this subject in the Upper Sehool re- sults published berewith. The syni- bols are as follows: EL, English Lit- erature; EC. Eng. Composition; MM, Modern History; FA, French Auth- ors; PC, French Composition; LA, Latin Authors; LC, Latin Composi- tion; GA, German Authors; GC, German Composition; Gr.A., Greek Authors: Or.Acc., Greek Accidence; Phys., Physics; Cheni., Chemistry; Zoo., Zoology; Bot., Botany; Alg., Algebra; Geoni., Geometry. Figures 1, 2 or 3, following a subjeci stand for grade o! honors, c for credit or pass, and x denotes thai subject must be studied another year. Albert Abbot-EL x; MM 3: LC x; FA 45r; F0 x. Joyce Adams-EL x: EC x. Annie Aln-EL x; LA c; LC 48r. Adelaide Annis-EL x; LA x; LC c. Bert Ashion-Alg. c; Phtys. x; Chem. 3. Austin Barron-BO x. Lorraine Batty-EC x; EL x; MM x; LA x: LC x; FA c; FC x. Walter Blackburn-EC 3: EL c; MR 3; Geo. c; Trig. 3; LA 3; LC c; FA 2: PC c. Viola Bradley-B)C 3; EL c. Hilda Brown-LÀ x; LC x. Leroy Brown-EL x; MM 3: Alg. x; Geo. x; Trig. c; Phys. c; Chem. c. Murray Butler-AI. c. Elsie Carruthers-MH 11. Mary Clemence - EC x; EL x; LC c. Doris Collacott-EC c; EL x. Harold Colmer-EL 45r; Trig. x; LC x: FA 47r; F0 x. Roy Colville-Al. 2; FA 2; PC 3; Phys. 2: Chem. 2. Louise Courtice-Alg. 3; Geom. c. Elford Cox-MH 3; Bot. 3: Zoo. 1. Albert Culley-EC c; EL x. Gertrude Dewell-EC c. Edwin Hancock-EC 2: EL 3: MM 3; Geo. 44r; Trig. 2; LA c; LO c; FA c; F0 42r. Eileen Hately-EC c; EL x. Annabelle Hendry-MH c; Geo. x; Trig. x. Ruby Mobbs-MH c; Mlg. 2; Trig. 2: LA 2; LC 3; FA c; PC c; GA 3: OC 3: Bot. 2; Zoo. 3. Marry Jackman-EC x; EL x. Edward Johns-EL x; LA 3; LO 3. Arnold Johnson-EL c; MM c; Oeo. x: LA x; Phys. c. Gordon Jollow-Bot. c; Zoo, c. Madeline Jones-EL c; MM c; Trig. x; LA 2; LC 3; FA 3: PC x. Evelyn McKinnon-EC 2; EL 1; MM c; LA 1; LC 2: FA 2; F0 1; GA 1, OC 1. Doris Marlow - MM c; Mlg. x; Geom. x; PC x. Helen Mason-ElO 2; EL 2. Frank Mcfveen-EC c; EL x. Howard McLaughlin-EL x; MH 40r; FA c; F0 c; GA 44r; GO 3. Jean Morris-EC 1: EL 1. Nelson E. Osborne-EL c; lg. x; FA c; PC x. Bessie Patterson-EC 1: EL 3. Ned Rehder-EL c; AI. x; Geo. x; Trîg. 3; FA c; PIC c; Phys. 1; Chem. 1. Betty Rowe-MH c; Trig. x; FA c; PIC x; Bot. c; Zoo, c. Albert Rundle-Meg. x; Trig. x. Margaret Scoti--Geoni. x; Trig. x: PC 44r. Martba Serrels-EC 2; EL 3. James Sisson-EC c; EL c. Jasper Smih-EL c. Robert Smith - EL c; MM 44r: Alg. c; Geom. c; Trig. x; LA x; LC x: FA c; PC 45r. Mildred Snowden-EC 3: EL c. Florence Spencer - EC 3: EL 3: LA c; LC x: FA 48r: PC 41r. Benefit Band Cg Hall Here on Sal The Canadian Legion Band will present Saturday at 8.15 p.m. a Ben- efit Concert In the Opera House, to de! ray the expenses o! the bandi taking part in the band conipeti- tions at the Canadian National, Ex- hibition in Toronto. The Legion Band bas proven itsel! worthy 0f the support o! the entire comumun- lty in its efforts to bring honor to the town. The band, whlch was formed, less than 3 years ago with a few exper- ienced players, has, under the dir- ection o! former Bandmuster R. J. Lowens. and the present Bandmaster R. Founitain, become a splendid mu- sical organization. Qulte a number o! young musicians have received a splendid training and are now regu- lar players with the band. Bandmaster Richard Founitain has had considerable experlence in con- ducirting bands in coniesi. Tn11925 Fil HAYDON Church service next Sunday at 2.30 p. mi. Mr. R. McNeil lost a valuable cow last Sunday. Mr. S. Smith, Toronto, is visiting at Mr. E. Bradley's. r Miss Effa Stainton, Tyrone, spent 9the weekend at Mr. A. Beech's. Rev. and Mrs. Eugene L. Beech, Flinton, visited at Mr. A. Beecb's. Mrs. Mary Lambkin, Port Ferry, has been visiting at Mr. C. Gerrard's. Miss Lily Cowling, Salem, has re- turned home after holidaying ai her uncle's, Mr. Thos. Cowling. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Williams, Mrs. E. H. Lormor, Jane and Earl. Buf- falo, Mrs. A. T. Morgan and Ross, Oshawa, visited at Mr. E. Bradley's. Miss Marie Trewin, Ottawa, Miss- es Norma, Beth and Urma Mc- Quade, Mr. Lloyd Thompson, Cad- Smus. visited at Mr. W. Thompson's. j Misses Lillian Spratt and Lyla rPoulson, Oshawa, were weekend tguests with Mrs. T. Cowling. Myrtle Cowlîng returned with them after spending a week at home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Miss Verna Trewin, Mr. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trewin, Fred and Roy, Mrs. Silas Trewln, spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Greenway, i honor o! their aunts birthday, Mrs. Richard Greenway who is 94 years old. $150,000 MOTION PICTURE STUDIO COMING HERE Completely EquiPped HoIlywood Studio Here on Wednesday Above is pictured the !amous shows the Voice Recording studio jecting o! sound pictures. (Centre) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Travelling wiib coniplete sound equipment and Screen and rear projection systein, Motion Picture Studio equipped at a the Travelling Studio sîartîng' out and (righi) the glass enclosed pro- coato! 150.00,wbic wil hain n usword tor. Lowe lei) 1 jection rooni sbowing latest project cos of$15,00, wichwil beinon ts orl tor. Lowr lft)St- and reprodUcing set. The public is Bowmanville next Wednesday after- db entrance tbrough whicb publie cordially invited to view the studio noon froni 2 to 2.45 o'clock. (Top) w-ill nass to view recording and pro- wiihout charge. Five owmanilleTEACHERS' SUMMER COURSE OvrNn t Y aso ge Eeetr Art: Bertha M. J. CiEdward J. R. Mason, Neil S. Stew art, Ethel B. Webber. Supervisor o! Vocal Music: Mrs. George Spencer-EL 44r; Mlg. x; Mrs. Jane Hall at 96 18 G. H. Camirpbell. Geoni. x; Tmig. x; FA x; FC x; Elementaryl AÉriculiure, Guelph, Phys. c; Cheni. c. Bowmanville's 0 1 d e s t Part II: Florence A. J. Bennett, J. Betty Tamblyn-BO c; EL 42r. H.i1~ -ForOhr Johnston. Mary Thompson-EC 3; EL c. Reiei orOhr Intermediate Zgriculture, Part II: Oco. Tordi!!-EL x. Have Passed Their 9Oth Levi m. Annis. Byron Vanstone-EL x; Mig. x; Gem ;Trig. 43r; FA x; PC x; Birthday -.Su i ofM to Phys. 43r; Cheni. x.1 George Werry-FA 3; PC c. 1S u i fM to Geowardx;Wig.tx; FA c; PC ,.c; Bowmarîville bas long been noted eowarx: Wigbtx:FA ELPX;.Mc for the longevity o! uts residents and t Jean Wight-EC c; EL c; LA x; no Iess than !îve residenis ai the PicLures to Visit LCc'present tume, may boasi o! bavmng w Margaret Wigbrnan-EL c; MM S Passed tibe ninetieth milesione o! I" ' m nvll 1 C; GeoIn. x; Trig. c; LA 3; LCc;c their lives. There are more iban a ___ Gr.A c; Gr.Acc. c. W~ore o! others who are between Donald Williams-EL 43r; LA x; eighty and ninety. and cjuite a few Travelling Studio Designed LC c; FA c; PC c. o!. ibese are nearing the nonagen- Leonard Wilson-Alg. 3; JTmg. c; arian age. , at Cost of $1 50,000 to1 LA 1; LC 3; FA 2; PC 2; Gr.A. 1; Te Statesman recenily madea Pa BifVstHreNx Gr-Acc. 1. survey tb !ind oui those wbo bave Py reVitHr Nx i passed their ninetietb birthday and Wednesday Afternoon Movies a Big Succes the resulis o! ibis survey follows: iThe oldest person in iown is Mrs. Movie piclures o! Lake Scugog Jane Hall, who resides on Second Througb the influence o! Mr. C. Regatta and o! old timers o! Cari - Sreet.bSe was born i Port Hope1 T. Ross, manager o! the Royal wrighi were sbown on Saturday ev- in 1838, which makes ber 96 years 'Theatre, arrangements have been ening to enormous crowdis ai Fray- of age. Mer husband, who was the1 made to bave the elaborate Metro- ers Camp, Caesarea. The pictures samne age as Mms. Hall died 371 Goldwyn-Mayer Travelling Motion were taken and exhibited by Dr. L. years ago. Mer children stiil living Picture Studio visit Bowmanville on B. Williams. Toronto. president of are Nigbt Constable Walter Hall and uts extensive goodwill exhibition the Regatia Association. People Richard Hall o! Bowmianville and tour o! the world. iumned oui from alu sections o! the George Hall o! Toronto. Mrs. Chas. The lavishly equipped studio ont county to see the pictures wbicb McFeeters o! Bowmanville was an weicntutdb h ra were exceptionally gooci. Reeve Nor- adopted daughier o! Mrs. Hall. motion picture company ai a siag- manGr~n 0 Catwrghtwasan- The next in order o! senioriiy is gering cost o! $150.000. la scbeduled ong the audience, as were practicalîy Mius Ellen Taylor, wbo 'Ras born on to arrive bere next Wednesday, Aug. the entire summer resori Population. JUly 27th, 1841 and is therefore 93 29tb, and according to present plans, - years old. She lives with Mrs. Mcex will be open for public inspection iTaylor, ber brothers widow on Con- 'from 2.00 until 2.45o'clock, D. S. T., 5h11l Painting Up cession Street. Miss Taylor was boni in front o! the Royal theatre. the Seveal orestoes re ecevi r near Hamrpton and is tbe only sur- home here o! Metro-Goldywn-Mayer aeer caore sntresareeceiin viving member o! ber family. Pictures. Mayor Ross Strike will ha a nw oato!Pait biswek.Amn- Mr. James Ellioti, King Street, on band to, give the Studio and' di- ong tbem are Fred W. Knox's Shoe is the next in point of age, 92 years. redtors and officiais welcome. Store on King Street and Kerslake's Me was born on December 15ib, TeSui.wicta rvle Drug Store. There are sth11 several 1841. Me lives wiib bis daugbter, acoThe dontinei f rom thaelfani- othr tors ady i nedo! catMiss Maud Ellioti. Me was bom n nous M-G-M Studios ai Culver City. o! paint. Weeds in front o! empty Hampton and was prominent i the California, has aboard ht more thans stores on King Street West are life o! Darlington before coming to $60,000 wortb o! costly and intricatet badly in need o! cutting, as aiso are Bowrmanville; Mrs. C. A. Jobnston sound motion picture recording andt several backyards o! King Street o! Bowmanville and Mrs. Jas. F. projection equipment. It is a coin-1 stores, wbicb are really a dlsgrace to Allen o! New York City are also pfletelv~ equipped Hollywood studio onÈ the stores and a deiriment to ibose daughlers. wbeels, capable o! taking and re- i endeavouring to keep Ibeir back The !ourib person reportedascrigond icue.s els yars idyan prsetabe.over 90 years o! age is Mr. Fenton projecting theni on the screen. c Stevens who celebrated bis 90tb birthday on December 16tb last. Mr. A Metro-Goldlwýyn-Mayer director, Stevens was born on the Base Line and a complete staff o! camera,0 oncert in TFow n o! Darlington Township in 1843. Me soundmen, electricians,an oid farmIed for many years ln Western makeup experts compose tbe per- Canada where Most o! bis !am.lly sonnel o! the outfit. but it is nol turd y Ev nïng now reside. Me lives in retirement known as yet wbetber any motion urday Evening King. Menbers o! is family living visit here. beale drn l ar M.WiladSteen s oto,! are Mr.proWnadarconTrrsontohIls brie! stop-over here is being sumier romnad cocers wicba son. and four daugblers, Mrs. Frick regarded purely as one 10 permit bave been very well received. (Lillian) o a~r;M.Bye imfn !tetw 0isei t AIth DrbniConY Music (Lottie) o! Morden, Manitba;- Mrs. magnificent ouI! il, 10 learn how Festival in May. the Band was M-uni (Maggle) and Mrs. Phlpps lalking pictures are filmed and re- awarded the county cbampionsblp (Lida) botb o! Darllngford, Man., corded -and projected. and the mo-p in competition with the more ex- Mrs. Ferry <Nellie) died in Darling- lion picture techiciana witb the Perienced and long organlzed Dur- f ord some years ago. sui ilh vial 0ase hami Regimental Band o! Orono. The mosi recent and final grad- qstions rl eaig ltework swle This came as a complele surprise to uate to the nonegenarian class is Mr. the studio is bere.h the communiiy, and a surprise o! -James Stanley, Queen Street, who which the lown la very proud. The attained bis 901h blrtbday on June During the perlod the studio is 10 band is now attempling 10 brlng 2nd lasi. HMeM'as boni in Devonshire, open for Inspection, the general pub- furiber honor to Bowmanville aI the England, but bas llved Most o! hi lic willI be permullted te enter the C. N. E. Band contesta. It cosîs a life in Canada. Mis onîy survlvlng studio. They willl h escorted through considerable suni te transport and child la Miss Susie Stanley wbo re- by the motion picture men, and the pay the expen-ces o! the band for ides witbhlm. oparatîlon o! the sound recording r' tbis trip, and the public are haing rooni in one section o! tbe 65 foota asked. lbrough the means o! Ibis oulfit, and the sound projectionW concert, 10 support the band. A Lady Hughes, Birthday room compartiment o! the studio,d fealure o! tbe concert will be the Lady Hughes, wl!e o! the late Sir will be explalned un detail. f plavlng o! the Exhibition test place. Sami Hughes, K.C.B., M.P., celebrai- Miss Ruth Webb, Max Factor Valuable cash prizes bave been ed ber eighty-second birthday aI ber makeup expert froni the movie stud-0 o!fered t0 lucky ticket holders. Ev- home. 2 Glenelg Street West, Lind- ios in California, wb0 la traveling ery 25e ticket admits one 10 the con- say, on Wednesday, Augusl 151h. around the orld wllb tbe studio. cetan bas nm -r A draw Lady Hughes spent the day quietly wlll answer questions regardingR will ha made by W. J. Bragg, M.P.P. receiving the congratulations o! a makeup which may ha asked o! ber and the lbree lucky tickeù,. holders bost O! frienda who sent birtbday byfmnnriiosif5anucd willl recelve $25.00, $15.00i *nd $10. greetings andi hast wisbes in honor Tem studvior auld y gano n.tl Ticket bolders are eligible for the o! the event. Tinie bas dealt kindly Tkessudlooiv ae equipped it R prises wbether or nol tbcy are able, wt trackdy Hughesmandveshela enjoy to attend the concert on Saturday in 1ý Odld hcalth despite bra powerful speclal built Waukesha tl evenng. vance years. The Post Joins wit motors, and ibis tremendous engineW The full prograni wlll be as fol- ber manY friends in wlshlng ber Is -in itsel! truly an outstandingd lows: Marcb, Colonel Bogey; Over- many more years o! hcalth and hap- slgbt.- Special bouit Studebaker cai- I ture. Callpb de Bagdhad. Waltz, plness.-Llndsay. Post. era, pilot and advance cars make upd Selected; Songa o! Scotland, Seîec- - ------------- 49 - - Ibe remainder o theHlly woth lion; Canadian National Exhibition Trinlty Sunday âchool held a very ihe studi.igBomnilew Test Plae, Veeran, HYnin salec- succesaful pionlo ai Crcam o! Bar-thsudo tion, Abida with Me; Vocal selections lcy CaMp on Wednesday aiternoon, Mr. Ross cordially Invites every- IV by Mrs. Vernon Ott and Mr. C. S. August lBth, when a good crowd en- ona 10 vlew this unsual studio onw Halman. ' Chairman, W. J. Braggr, Joyed the program Of Sports and wheeils. an OPPOrtUnltY neyer beforeB MPP. abundance 0f eats. and llkely »neyer ,mgmin presented. & William H. Gibson, Ontario Apple King Died Thursdave TYRONEF Mr. Brenton McCullough, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Miss Beriece Warren is holiday- ing with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wllbert Dudley, Bowinanville, spent Sunday witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dudley. Mrs. R. Pooley, Mrs. Laura Virtue, Miss Mae Brent and Mr. Ross pool- a: ey motored to Balsam Lake recently. o] Messrs. Harry and Frank Hatb- hE erly, Dixie. called on their parents, de Mr. and Mrs. R. Hlatherly on Sun- il day. H Mr. and Mrs. Warren entertained Pi a number of their friends on Satur- ar day evening at a corn and weiner g] roast. th Rev. F. M. Wootton and Misses a] Helen and Jean Wootton. Peterboro, ne visited Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Wootton e] jon Monday. f Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Wootton and fa Master John are home after spend- li ing several weeks at their cottage 'v'ý at Lake Baptiste. d Mrs. T. Richards and Mrs.* Albert gr jHawkey spent a few days with the Ol former's daughter, Mrs. Howard do Findley, Unionville. t Don't fail to attend the Harvest a] Home Anniversary Services on Sun- th day and Monday, Sept. 2nd and 3rd. gr IDr. Hincks of Toronto will be the hi speaker for the Sunday services, and It o n Monday there wlll be a chicken hi Pastor of St. Andrew's Church ir tr Delivers an Inspiring Address 'a tia Rev. W. G. Blake Speaks at MAGISTRATE RETIRED cc cc W ee kl1y Luncheon on i Ideal of Ki n dn ess- u1 Kindness to Men Apex of1 of Ail Virtues ni hi A splendid inspiralional. address t.Il appealingly poatical, was lisiened tý! A by members o! the Rotary Club on f Friday, wben Rev. W. G. Blake, iet minister o! St. Andrew's Preshyter- a ian Cburcb, was the guesi speaker. 1 Mr. Blake was introduced by Ro- tarian Ross Stuti, and Preaident a Fred Cryderman presided over the of meeting, or The Word Rotary, suggcsts action, il, Mr. Blake said in bis opening re- lh marks, but I suppose like all tbings, du tbat move, Rotary stops rolling oc-i lu casionally 10 look around, 10 scee 1h whal community need il can apply aI isel! 10. Applying itsel! 10 the needs ~i.:Wi il sees, Rotary brings joy into some P. drab life, ligbts the fire in somne cold lei rooni in the lhings thai il accom- se plishes. -.pi Rotary work. be added, enibuses Magistrate R. M. Cotton Ur and kindles hope in the hearts o!f de ihose who are weary. hI changes tbe of Bowmnanville, wbo was reiired lb drab outlook sa, ibat the sun shines froni office by Attorney Gencral Ar- flc tbe !lowcrs blooni. the birds begin thur W. Roebuck. in the Ontario J. 10 sing andi the step of the weary Government's economy drive lasI H1g one becomes elastic. The old -tbings week. The whole community joins ot bave passed away and all ibings are in expressing regret aI Mr. Cotton's 50 new. Me goes on witb a song in bis retirement. Me bas given splendid beari. service ln tbe two years be bas held ai All tbese tbings are wroughi by Ibis office. ci scaltering thebesedsof kindness. aI Kindness and ki come froin. tbe EXHIBITION BUSES gr saine root. Mr. Blake said, and when b one is kind 10 men be is also km 10o tbem. Kindness is the apex o! aIll After the rfrst section of The ch virlues. Statesman hall gone te, press wlth st, Il is one o! the virtues o! a Ro- the Garton Coach Lines advertise- Wl tary club 10 do kindiness, and in ment, we received notice that the P. serving ibis kindness reacis on fare from BowmnanviUe te the Ex- &e Ibenselves. But behind all the work hibition and return, including ad- Ti the Rotary accomplishes alI the mission, would be $1,40. The buses ani hearis that il cheers and ail the g o daily from August 24th to Sep- drab lives il changes is neededi an' e Se th. ideal, and that ideal is Jesus Christ,- - Wbo watching wbat Rotary is ac- complishing passes on bis message Fi a "In-as-much as ye did il unte one o! tbe least my hrethren, ye have Fi a Lakeshore donc il unte Me."', Rotarian E. F. Armstrong In mov- iga bcarty vote o! tba.js on ha, Dowmanville De bal! o! the club said Ihat here bad been a message deeply inspirational and one Ihat stirredA.ts hearers. Me Working the squeeze play te per- bil referred brie! ly 10 the fact thai as fection Bowmanville pullcd a 6-5 toc Mr. Blake niears the end o! tbe way, eleven innings vidtory ouI o! the f ire rec Ici wbich be made poetic reference, against Cobourg Ponica, iying the thi he was glad 10 sec that ha main- iPlayof! serles in a fealure game o!f mi tained an interest in sport, being Ibrilîs on Wedncsday night. The cd last year the Ontario Singles Cham- win forced ibe series into a third' Sei Pion in Lawn Bowling, gaine 10 ha playad aI Bowanvillc uci PasI President Tommiy Ross ex- to-igbt (Tbursday) aI 5.30 Sharp. seiE pressed apprecialion for the many TIhe conteat contained cverythlng lfljî kind expressions of syrmpathy be and Ihat goes 10 make a basebaîl game. On' his famly bad rcclved in tbe aad lndludlng plenty Of errors, bits, tw deatb o! bis brother Ivan Rosa of tbrilling hurllng, and even a double À Wblbby. play and a home run. wh Charter Preýident Tom Molgate BowmanviUle opencd tbe acoring exj ivas welcomed back to the club witb in the second frame witb two runs Wbi nnuch applausp afler several weeks only te bave Cobourg creep -up witb liv absence dite la illness. Rosa StutI one In bbc Ibird and finally tic tbe oui and W. E. Groves were presented score 3-3 in'tbe sixtb. Bowmianvllle tt zith flowers 10 mark recent birtb-i broke away again for a single run on laya and were f ined for hiding the lin the next frame, only to bave thebo faci froni tbe club. Ponies pass ihern witb lwo runs in 112 tbc seventb. Coming back un the B Open Short Cut Road eigtb, tbe locals ted il Up again oi and held bbc visltors acorclesa in bbc drî The Short cut 10 bbc Goodyear last tbrec inning. In the f inal ii Plant, f rom Queen Street over the f rame, with one man down and Iwo su R.ailway tracks, west o! Dr. Dcvltt's me on bases, Bert Colwcll execut- duc residence, bas been ra-opened Ibru ed Qfl9, o! tbe amartest plays scen nul the efforts o! the Goodyear Tire & tbis waron wben he drove a perfect- a i R.ubar 0., wo hve garaneedly tlmed and perfecbly placed 3rdce the payment, o! $15.00 par year ta bascline bunt lie brlng Cameron the town for upkaep o! tbUxPa4VIl homewlth the wlnning run. Co was closedi lasI week becd.4 4t':pro- Ted Brooks look battlng honors B luccd a dust nuisance and those us-frCbugb crlgtaoelg3 Lng il wcre not wllhlng bo pay for 1IfrCbugb crngteoeig3 dusb layer or upikeep. It is not a rn. a berner, and !ellowlnag up wltb dll Publie street. a lbrcc baggei the next lime te, bat, sol pGoozcy Osborne wlth two threa- Br baggers, a two-bagr. and a sacri- Mr. 0. M. Alger, Osbawa. and fice bit, won the local babting hon- M1isi Margaret SYkes. Bownanvlla, Ors. 2b were elcctcd on bbc executive of the Camipbell pitchcd the first six ne Black Pamly Reulan offIcers at the innings fer Oobourg and was pulled .1 annual plcnie on Atguet 11th. I the seventb when Bowmanvllle Mi Fruit Growers of Ontario Suf fer Irreparable Los& In Death of One of Most Prominent Figures in the Industry Fruit growers of this communlty ind of Durham County, and apple )chardists of Ontario generally, lave experienced a great los i the leath of one of the most prominent igures in the industry, William Ieslop Gibson. He was one of the loneers, a blazer of trails, a leader Lnd adventurer in commercial fruit ,owing on a big seale. He made he planting and culture of plants Lnd bushes and trees an art, a busi- iess and a Profession. He started ýrly in bis youth on the farin of bis ,tber the late Thos. Gibson-the :rm on wbich, be bas lived ail bis ife until he was taken to Bownian- .11le hospital witb a bad: heart con- ition early this surnmer. Many Irown men and wlonben in this and :her communities can recail the lays of their youth when It was îeir pleasure jo pick strawberrles rid other fruit for W. H. Gibson, îen iè young man in bis teens, Irowing fruit on bis own account on is father's lands. Me has kept at tever since, enlarglng the scale of lis operations, and while flot neg- ectmng other bush and tree fruits, le bas specialized more particujarly napples and more than any other me man has made Durham county id Partlcularly bis own section Lmnous as an apple producing dis- rict and recognized as such in .aniy parts o! the world, for there e few places where the Gibson ap- les have not found a market. Ini ,od times and bad tinies, in bright mnes and dull tinies, he has kept onsistently at it with unbounded ýurage and optinrism. Witb bis 00 acres o! orchardis and bis cult- ral fruit bandling and marketing perations, he well deserved the title ýf"Apple King" applied to hlm any years ago. Me was one of the organizers and Ls always been a leadlng figure in he Northumnberland and Durham Lpple Growers' Association and bas ilied many offices ini the organiza- in including that of president and ýthe tume o! his death was one of ts directors. On FYrlcay, August 3rd, there w-às conducted tour of apple growers ,fDurham through a number e' rchards o! the county in the vicl ,y of Welcome and Newcastle for be purpose of observing and dis- ussing winter înjury. A picnlc inch was partaken of at noon in âe Newcastle Comxnunity Hall and t te after luncheon programin t as moved by Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. I sec. by Mr. A .A. ColwlU that a tter o! sympathy and regret be ant to Mr. Gibson. then in bos- bal, in his critical llness. Thlis was LaniTously adopted. It was also ecided throu-gh a contribution by àese present to send hlmi some owers. After luncheon speakers, Mr. .H. M. Jury, Prof. Kimbal, Mr. ldgett, Mr. Andrew Plulton and thers spoke in eulogy of Mr. alb- :n's work and character. The f uneral service on Saturday fternoon. Aug. 18th at St. GJeorge's îurch, foilowing a private service tthe bouse, brouglit together a reat concourse of relatives, nelgb- ors and frlends in so anuch that lany could flot gain entrance to the hurch whfle many others remalned Lnding tbroughout the service îicb was conducted by Rector, Rev. . Mason. assisted by Rev. J. cott Howard and Rev. Lorne siomas. A full choir were present .d led in the singlng of the funeral <Continued on page 8) Game Tonight cfeats Cobourg *t bu two ln a row. Hoot Gibson ik the mound and made a better uord in the last four lnnings of iganie. George Pi-per, on the cund for Bill Corden's boys, pltch- 1eleven innings for only five hits. ,rlng ten strikeouts Piper contin- id bis record of no lost games this ason. Wlth the opposition plac- «five men on bases via the base- lbalîs route, Piper allowed only vo in a stlf!ly fougbt gaine. A, crowd of close to a thousand àlch attended last nlght's gaine, is 1iected to be edllpaed this evenlng .en the East and West representa- Ves of the United Counties battle b to a fiish the lakeshore league le playdowns. The .wlnner gets le day~s rest and then meets Peter- ro on Saturday, llkely in Bow- ,nvllle. If the several hundred wmanvlle fans wlll do as much )stlng tonight as the haîf a hun- .d did for Cobouirg on wedlnesdayi