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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1934, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, B0WMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1934 PAGE TEflEN Facts About Eyes And Vision BY C. H. Tueck, Opt. Eyesight SpeciaUst PAY FOR VISION AND) NOT BLENDNESS Nu Ieo1 What wouid be more natural than te expect that the weakemed type of individual would not stand up te the physical abuse cf every day life as well as his robust brother. This is the solution leading te many of the cases of defective vision and per- haps gives rise te the belief that the eyes 0f today are mot se geod as the eyes of past generatiens. The steadily increasing stress of modern civilization is throwing a constant strain on the eyes and is too important to be ignored. Nat- ure dees not allow amy part of our body te function iinproperly without conveying some impression to our brain to warn us of the improper function. If we heed the warnings of nature and take tbem in time there is ne need to fear but if we wait the ten or twclve years and expect te Win back what we bave lest through our owm neglect, we may be cxpecting tee mucli. I re- member seing an article headed, Three eut or every four wait tee long, yet if the simplest precautions bad been taken at the proper time, four eut of every four would be leadlng a useful. happier existence. <To be continued) t .. In the days of a leisure class, as well as our appetites for dinner, miany servants and heavy eatlng, to so indulge, althougb a generous our ancestors had many between- menu is frequently served to the meal lunches. Chef of these was large company, who usually go home their higli tea or low tea in late and eat little or nothing for sup- afternoon. It made a pleasant per. siesta for sociability and did not For afternoon tea, the only drink spoil the appetites of an outdoor offered is tea. The sandwiches are people who had late evening meais. tiny and artistic. The bostess may It does not fit well into our mod- keep the makings of sandwiches al- ern life and is today observed oniy ways in ber refrigerator or, if she rarely, when one wishes to stage a knows she is to have guests, may party. make the sandwiches hours in ad- The hospitable housewif e who vance, cover the plate with a waxed wishes te serve something refresh- paper te keep them moist. and set ing when friends drop in, or who in- them in the refrigerator to chill. vites a few guests for an intimate If two kinds of sandwiches are hour, will find the afternoon tea a served, they shouid contrast In color, charming way to regale them. The shape and flavor; as, one kind with large teaparty, or reception, is a cheese, celored green, and one with way *of bringing together many red raspberry jam; one flat and one guests for an afternoon affair. rolled: one sweet and one tangy- In olden days. one was offered a but neyer any which are mussy or choice of drinks and there were sev- diff icuit to eat. or so liquid that the eral kinds of sandwiches and breads filiing will ooze out and spot a gown. and a variety of tea cakes. Today If the teg is elaborate, there may be we have too much regard for' our sandwiches, tea cakes, fruit confec- standing with the batbroosn scales, tion, and salted nuts or minis. Carroti Te give variety te carrots, add a bay leaf when boiiing them. Lef t- over carrots may be f ried a delicate brolpn in bot fat. To sprinkle them with chopped parsley or serve with water cress makes thens attractive. Breakf ast's ready! THE breakfast your famnily likes Lest takes only a fcw seconde to prepare. Kellogg's Corn Flakes-crisp, golden, paeked with flavor! Pour tbem frorn the easy- open package into bowls-and breakfast's ready!1 This nourishing energy-food cornes to you always oven-fresh. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. FOR CON VENIENCE CORN ; FLAKES Corn Variations Corn "oysters"' are made by add ing te two cups of canned cernc cern finely cut from the ceb, tv beaten egg yolks, four tablespooî fleur, two tablespoons melted but ter, one smail minced enien, ar sait and Pepper te taste. When we mixed, add the stiffiy beaten whitE of two eggs and drop from a spoc ente a hot, greased fry pan. FiY until fritters are brown on bot sides. To make cern chowder, brown haif cup of choPped sait perkc bacon with a smaIl chopped eniet Add twe cups 0f diced potatees an three cups of water and simmer ur tii Petatoes are neariy tender. Ad three cups o! cern cut from the co or canned corn and sait and peppei When potatoes and cern are cooked add a pint of miik, heat te the boiJ ing Point and serve. Succotash is made by adding cori cut from, the cob, or canned cern, t an equal amount of cooked bean. These shouid simmer tegether unti the cern is tender. Season with but, ter, sait, Popper and a teaspoon o: sugar. Add a bai! cup of mlIk an simmer untii Most of the miik ha been absorbed. A cup and a baif of cern; or corr and mashed squash, mixed: may bf made into fritters by the addition ej six tablespeons fleur, sifted wltb teaspeon of baking Pewder and E hall teaspoon o! sait, and two wel beaten eggs. Pan-fry this mixtur in bot grease and serve with butte and syrup. A cup of cern may be added t( your custard reciPe and bakeci Cheese may be added. Cern may b, escailoped with crumbs and cheese Fashions, Fads, Foibles Along wlth wearing the bat tlppe< back, cernes a brusb back o! tht hair, cxposing the forehead and even the cars. If ever you permit- ted COY littie curis te slip eut o1 place about the ears and neck, tih is ne year for sucb indulgences, tNeatness. te the extreme e! severity, is the dictum of bah, styles. No stray scolding iocks er messy coiff- urcs wiii be toecrated by the smart wemen O! today. A baoser wlder wave is the vogue in Permanents. Straight bair is comlng back as a reaction against the ever-fuzzy crowns e! giory of recent years. As aiways, styles favor Tenny- ;onns dreamn woman Who Is "divinely tal and Most dlvimely fair" -epec- alY tail. Hat Styles, bair styles, silhouette limes, draped gowns, ail conspire to do ber honer. If we aren't tail we Must do everytbing In our Power te appear so. Foodi Ideas The next You make pastry for tarts or patty shelis, add a hall cup of grated cheese te Your deugh. Cut marshmaiiews in quarters and add thcm te Yeur stewed rbubarb just as you remove it from the fire. Spice, addcd te angel food cake. please seme. Combine borseradish r chili sauce witb the tomatees yeu wiii mnake Inte gelatin molds. Stains Paint stains may be removed from the hands b)y rubbing tbem wlth .nSeed oul or olive 011. Iodine stains may be remeved rom White Cotton or linen fabrics )Y dlPPing tbem into aicohol or rong ammemia watcr, then wasb- sg tbem. Te remove gresse or tar stains 'rom fabrics, soak a piece o! white 'g in eucalyptus o11 and rub tbe ,aln wltb ItL Stains f rom, the iran in water may >e remOved from, bathroom porce- ins by the use of oxaiic acld solu- ion. Do met leave it on too long as tmay dissolve the finish as well as, frd Delight fui Quality .ma.Umm a TEA.Fresla fTom teGardens d- o0 No it- rid eii ýes h a or. r- There's A Wealth 0f Health In This summer make your tamily a 'mik" family. Make it a habit to serve both aduits and children with fresh Glen Rae pasteurized germ-proof milk - tihe qulck, easy, appetizing way te sec that they get ail the proper vitamins ln one, necessary to fore- stail summer complaints and hot weather sickness. Milk, say scientlsts, is thse only Item containlng aul the vitamins necessary to humais lite - but to get good, proper nourishing milk sec that you get the right dalry. Glen Rae Dafry PHONE 408J R. R& STEVENS & SON, Proprietom the stain. Rmnse it away thoroughly <*>- and bandie carefuily as it is a NE WTON VILLE poison. Pape DoiiesMr. George Laidley, Chicago, vis- Pape Doiiesited his cousin, Mr. S. R. Joncs. Paper doilies which are water- Mrs. George Thompson bas re- proof and color-fast are to be found turned f rom a pleasant holiday at in the shops. They are just the EIiiWood. thing for summer use, for the porch Mrs. Epzwhiler, Milwaukee, is vis- Party and to save laundering table iting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. linens in hot weather. They may be Thos. Burkell * used over and over, since they may Miss Elsie Wallace spent the be wiped off with a damp cloth if weekcnd witb Mr. and Mrs, George any food should be spilled on them. Wallace, Belleville. They corne In lacy designs and pret- Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones, Castle- ty celors and are decorated with ton, were weekend gucsts of bis me- fruits and fiowers. ther, Mrs. G. W. Jones. Messrs. Jack Glover and Cleland Lane recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Beauty Hint Reg. Gibbs, Port Carling. The great secret of beauty is - Mr. Wm. Tbompson and mother, make the skin work. This begins Mrs. Alf. Tbompson, Chicago, are with proper food, proper elimination. visiting Miss Bertha Tbompson. and proper washing. The skmn will Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lippett and flot be healthy unless you exercise family, Toronto, visited ber parents, in the fresh air, cultivate a good Mr. and Mrs. John Colin, Sunday. circulation of the blood and kcepI Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane visited the skin fresh and dlean. their son and daugbter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Castieton, on Mechaical kiII Sunday. Mechnica SUIMs. and Mrs. R. Bruce and Mr. Many women are learning how te and Mrs. Maurer visited Mrs. Cecil take care of their household mach- Buricy at ber camp at Rice Lake on inery today. Do you know an am- SundaY. pere frem a kilowatt? Neither one Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton, 0f thesn will bite and both deserve Jr., and family spent Sunday witb dloser acquamntance. Thie five and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Williams, Port ten cent stores offer ail sorts of Britain. devices te mend your electrlc iren, Master Bruce Lockbart, Niagara your vacuum cleaner, your radio, Falls, N. Y., is bolidaylng witb bis your leaky faucet or other plumb- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ing devices. A few pennies will buy Lancaster. the wberewithaliIf yeu bave the Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nichols and know-how te apply them. Wilma, Port Hope, and Miss S. M. James, Montreal, visited Mr. and iMrs. J. W. Lancaster on Sunday. I Mr. SoomonSaysMiss Helen Darlington, Mr Jack M rs.S ol m on ays Giever, amd Mr. and Mrs. Étanley IGlover were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, Port Brîtain, on In the fainily, the child learns Sunday. bow People dcPend upon one an- other. This spirit of co-eperation The art of making money is more and loyalty te common purposes is important than the art of saving fine training In citizenship. money.-Wiîîiam Peather. I If SILK UNDIES That will cause a Sensation at- only $1,000 Beautiful Lingerie of glove silk in Bloomers, Panties and Vests. Wonderful gar- ments that are a surprise at this low price. E x pe rt workmanship, and values that you cannot affordl to miss. SilA Hosiery 79c Real silk stockings, re-in- forced at heel an d oe. In chiffon or' service weight. Shimmer Cool Silverwing Sand Rose Natural Beige Light and Dark Gunmetal 1 AZ &'IWF 1WIu±a Phone 164 Bowmanville Horatio Nelson was the most fam- The giraffe Is the tallest of quad- ous of Englsh admiras. rupeds. WITli2c kg. (Brown label) r' Are you one of those who feels Paste. Add milk gradually, stirring rjust a littie embarrassed whenever constantly to avoid lumping and dyusit in on a discussion of failing cook until sauce thiekens. Add chop- Isummer appetites or read about sug- ped egg whites. Pour over whole gestions for light summer ineals to wheat biscuits which have been split ntempt those who mnust be coaxed and buttered. Rub the cooked yolks to along until Fall frosts bring bigger through a fine sieve and sprinkle s. appet.ites? over the egg sauce. Serve at once. Jl It is a fact that some of us are J_______ -just starved to death on the very ,hottest days. We Inay have a guilty For years Mother Graves' Worm ,d feeling about it, but we are really Exrterminator bas ranked as a re- is hungrier in suinmer than during any liable worm preparation and it al- other tine of the year. ways maintains its reputation. 9 ,n Warm weather is the tune for us e who live in a four-season climate to )f get out-of-doors. We go in for a sports. We get enthusiastic about a ganies, contests and plans for trips Il and outings. Ail of these things .e take energy and we get energy only ýr f rom the food we eat. The menus given below are for the Dactive, healthy People who forget hot weather by keeping busy. The emeals abound in summertime fruits Band vegetables to regulate and tone up the system. Plenty of energy 15 stored In tbem because of the gen- erous use of oereals-the crisp, eready-to-eat klnd that nourisheS dyou but keeps you cool. The quart o f milk per day that each of us needs is there, part of it tucked away in sauces, desserts, beverages, 3. breads, cheese. The proteins appear fin the form of eggs, mllk, cheese, *meat, f lsh and vegetables. There is fat to keep you satisfled and happy, ,t but net enough to make the meaIs r over-heatlng. L BREAKFAST a Red Raspberries iea* rCorn FlakesofEsenat Top Miik more economica *Frizzied Ham Sut with an Y, Whoie Wheat Toast Soes that sain * Bevragefood shopping LUNCHEON String Beans au Gratin * Potato Chips C[ÀRJC'S 1 Nut Bread Butter Fruit Dessert Salad DB ea n s DINNER Assorted Coid Meats E en r Itailan Spaghetti Cheese Sticks Mixed Green Saiad SALADA H-ard Rotis Butter Frozen Custard Butterscotch Bran Cookies 3-b k HRAiKASTaiueTa 3-b 1 H~BAKF aSTaluel Eggs Goidenrod on Toasted Whoie Wheat Biscuits 'Coffet' Cake McLAREN'S Beverage LITNCUEION Potato and Ham Salad Powdi B~ran Muffins }ney I Mocha Float flINNER Raw Vegetabie Appetizer Baked Fi.9h, Spencer Steamed Summer Squash T ie a e Lettuce, Roquefort Dressing BreadGreAplPi Butter r AMAZING SC Beverage BAKED FISH U (Spencer Method) Cut f ish Into pieces for serving. spoon of sait for each cup of milk. Evaporated milk may be used. Dip into finely ground or rolled corn flakes. Arrange on well-olled bak- lng sheet and sprinkie liberally wlthP a m lv oïl. Bake In a very hot over (500' a m lv F.) for about ten minutes. EGOS GOLDEN ROD 6 eggs ,~ tsp. Salt 2 tbsps. butter 1Dasti of pepper 4 tbsps. flour 2 cupa tailk Put the eggs in cold water In oov G I ered pan and brlng slowly to the____________ boillng point. Remove fromt beat, keep pan covered, and a110w the CORNED - water te cool. WMen Cool, the eggs wlll be firm, but tender. Ecp yoks Copwits.Metbutter I double boiler. Add flour, mlxed L wlth aeasonings and atir to a sniooth -~ 1J Ites2 Tis 3 Keen's 1i-oz. Tin MUSTARD - 10*t Clubhouse Plain OLIVES - 8Y2 oz- 17d Christies Pierrot Creams IL.24t Bulk VINEGÂR - Gal. 404 Seedless RAISINS - 2 Ibs. 27t Domino 1-lb. Tin Dakin Powder - 19é 0 a Our Booth at the C.N.E. will be serving Fragrant and Deliclous Riclîmello Coffee lb.c Twist-Top Tin 49 a 0 0 ders 5 Pgs. 24 c NAVY 3 Rells 2&C >AP VALUES I m 3Cakes2lci 9) - OMINIO'N %loi-31kEs T E D Phone 164 30

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