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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1934, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1934 -~sale of furnitune ai the home of the jMAPLE GROVEj laie R. T. Stephens, iovn, on Sat- 4 unday. Mrs. Hl. A. Farrow, Town, visited Miss M. Barrett. Newcastle, who Mrs. J. D. Stevens last week. bas been visiing Mn. and Mrs. F. Mn. W. P. Coyne. Toronto, spent Honey for the pasi few weeks, re- the weekend wibh bis wif e and farn- turned home on Friday. ily. Miss M. Honey spent bbc past two Miss Doris Grooms, Toronto' visit- weeks at Bowmanville Beach in a cd Misses Betty and Mildred Snow- cottage with several girl chunis, and den. reports a splendid holiday. Ili Miss Venna Pethick spent the Mrs. F. Cator went borne with berJ weekend with ber parents at Ennis- son and wife, Mn. and Mrs. W. Cabor, killen. to Windsor lasi week to spend a Miss Gwen Bray, Oshawa, spent holiday, taking her grandson Doug- the weekend with ber cousin, Miss las Cabor home to Toronto afbcr he Lyra Freeman. had spent several weeks wiih bis Miss Anna and Mn. Albert Brown, grandparents. Lake Hurst, spent Sunday with Miss Salemi fnîends extend deepesb sym- Nellie Snowden. pabhy to Mrs. H. Brock o! Bowman- Misses Pearl and Lenore Collacoti ville in tbc death of ber sîster, Mrs. are visiiing iheir auni, Mrs. Norman Rosevear. wbo passed away in Tor- Mutton, Oshawa. onto hospital and was buried ai Miss Vera Baker, Solina, and Mrs. Cold Springs on Tuesday. Several L. C. Snowden visited Miss Iva Ev- relatives f nom Ibis district attended erson, Oshawa, on Tuesday. bbc funcral. Miss Betty Snowden bas returned Salem Harvesi Home services will home afier a pleasani visit wiib ber be beld on Sunday and Monday, cousin, Miss Muriel Baker. Solina. Ags 26th and 27tb. On Sunday Mn. and Mrs. Charlie White and at 2 30 and 7.30 p. m. services *ill two daugbters, Oshawa, vîsited ber be conducted by Mr. J. J Mellor. parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Special music by the choir,> assisted on Saturday. by Mrs. H. M. Foster and others.1 Mn. Bob Corbett, Town, occupied Collections in aid of cburch funds. the pulpit very acceptably on Sun- On Monday. at 6 p. m. a girls' sofi- day. Miss Berniece Belîman, Town, bahl game, Courtice vs Hampton. At sang a solo. 8 pm.the young people o! No. 91 Miss Greta Munday bas returned Clarke will present their play en- home a! ber spending ten days ai the titled 'Lonely Little Liza Lou." Ad- C.G.I.T. Leaders' Camp ai Beausoleil, mission 25c. Services on standard Georgian Bay. ie Mrs. Ncsbitt and son John, Win-,tîe___________ nipeg, arc visiting ber mother, Mrs.. J. B. Worden, and brother, R. L. Once Pioneer ]Business Worden, and other relatives. Mn. and Mrs. J. G. Emmerson, Place Renovated Fer Miss Phyllis Emmerson, R. N., Lind- Mdm Sric tto say, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Emmerson M dr evc tto and family. Buffalo, Mn. Jack Em- merson, Town, visited with bbc for- The old Burk store next b bbc' mer's daugbber ,Mrs. Victor Wilson,. Vanstone mill is norw. after many on Tusdhy.changes in business, being turned t SALEMtm a service station and garage by ________SALEM______ Harold D. Clemens. Workmcn are now busily engaged in the transfor-c Mrs. Hobbs and son, and Mrs. J. mation. This was one of the town's Cator, Toronto, visited with Mn. F. early or pioncer stores wberc in tbc Cator lasi week. eanly days one could buy a cradlc Pastor Rev. A. M. Wootton Occup)- and rake for bbc barvest, a jug o! ied bbe pulpît Sunday afternoon, de- molasses or a suit o! clothes, aF livering a fine sermon. pound o! muscbovado sugar or a Mn. and Mrs. J. Cornish and Mas- banrel o! sali herring; while across ter Carman, Orono, were Sunday bbc road you could gel a gallon o! guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge. good old nye or a jug o! yeast. Those Several Salem people abtended the wene tbc good old days for businessC in the west end of bbc town, espec- TH E FAMOU S ially in the bollow bclow ibis store, RUBING wbicb was the centre o! rade and LINIMENT commerce in Bowm-ianville in thata eanly period. Robent Squair store - Rub on- pain goem. was opposite bbc Bunk place which Get the new large econ- is now used as a dwlling bouse. The omy sze-Also avail btrade of bbc town is steadily ad-0 __ able in sînaller. regular vancing toward bbc cast, as manyE suze. 17 vacant stores of the west end wibha their grass grown curb show whereî once the bulk of trade was donc in bd ~grain buying and other lines sucb as groceries, hardware, boots and 66IN OGFPAIN" sbces and so on. The old lines and bbc old bumes and likewise tbc old pioneers pass away and bbc new or-c der follows; and se it goes.-D. Mon- ison, Sr. in The Orono News. When Preserving Pickling Canning LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH i Spices - Pure, full flavored - Priced 'J . Gemi Rings, quart size. ..... 4 doz. 25cC Mms Price's Preserving Powder....... 1 pkg. 15e ' Kerslake's Piekie Mixture, easy to use . ,/2 gai. 25e Whiz Fly Fume and 2 Colgate's Paste wth E Sprayer ... 1... 33c Brush ..... 49ec J Fly Coi]l for 10c I Rubber Fly Swatters. 10e ea. 3 Squibb's Faste ...50ec Woodbury's Facial Soap, Kolynos Faste and Spoon, 43c 3 for 25e 27e Noxzemla (ream ....15e C PARENTS! - CAN YOIJR CHILD SEE TO STUDYPROPERLLY? E We test eyes and fit glasses properly at satisfyîng prices. i KERSLAKIE'S Drug Store R Phone 49 - P. R. COWVLING, Phmn.B. - Bowmanville a 1 WHEN you read about an oId friend a . and he's just been Ieft a fortune . . . and he may be movng back to town qu i Calil hm on Long Distance.a.a and set in your good word early *bLong Distance is the quickest, casiest way to reach an absent friend whether it's congratulations or a genile hint. It bas the personal touch. You can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. See the Biat of rates in the front of yaur directory. hunston, Bobcaygeon. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Todgham. Master Maurice Dunbar, Perry- Olerla, Ohio, renewed old acquaint- ;wn, is visiting bis grandmotber, ance witb Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gear- frs. Wesley Ellioti. while his mo- ing last weck. Misses Hfelen and ;er, Mrs. Milton Dunbar Is holi- Muriel Loti, Oshawa, are spendlng laylng ln Detroit. bolldays wlth Mrs. Gearlng, whlle Rev. Mr. Wallace was able to Master Ernest Gearlng Is vlsltlng )reacb again on Suriday and, delv- Cameron Loti, Oshawa, aLqso bisais- red a wonderfui sel7mon on 'Jesus ter, Mrs. Oco. Johnson, Oshawa. * the Physician." Mr. Mellor was also SOLINA 1present and asisted Coin Oh awa, visited at Mrs. A. Jacksori's on Mr. Bruce Tink visited Toronto Sunday. friends on Sunday. A heavy rain and wind storm miss Margaret McKessock iS viSit- swept over this locality Sunday af- ing frtendle at Fern Glen. . ternoon, doing considerable damage .Miss Graoe Willan, Toronto, 1S to fields of corn and the telephone visiting Miss Jean Scott. line. The 110e crop and pasture have Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kiveil visîted been greatly benefitted. at Mr. Norman Leach's, Taunton. Miss Lois Rowe, Sydenham, has been visiting her cousin, Miss Ileeri HAMPTON Balson. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and family, Ebenezer, visited at Mr. H. Mr. Wallace Horn recently visited E Tink's. at Kingston. .Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smnith and Miss Doris Johns, Tyrone, visit- Miss Shirley, Tharnesford, -visited at ed Miss Madlyn Wilcox and rela- Mr. Alan McKessock's. tives. Miss Marion and Mr. Mel. Wil- Master Douglas Caverly enter- liams and Mr. Reader, Porit Perry, taiiied on his fifth birthday this visited at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks and Miss Annie Rowe and Miss Saw- Orley, Oshawa, Miss Mildred Snow- yers visited her brother, Mr. T.ý den, Maple Grove, visited at Mr. S. Rowe. E. Werry's. Miss Frankie Wood, Harmony, Miss Margaret Lockwood, Oshawa, spent a few days with Miss Ruth and Master Chas. Hoar. Bowman- Johns. ville, have been holidaying at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Adcock and Chas. Smith's. family visited Toronto friends on Mrs. Eva Fletcher and Miss Vera Sunctay. have returned to their home in Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters' infant Kalamazoo, Mich.. after a pleasant son is receiving medical attention in ,ýisit with relatives here. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Chapin of Miss Madilyn Wilcox had her ton- Buffalo. Mrs. J. Hughes, Alton, Mrs. sils remflved at Bowmanville Hos- Arthur Gibbons, Toronto. were re- pital on Monday. cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. A. McGlaschan, Taylor. Oshawa, and Miss Joyce Garrett, 14r. and Mrs Jim Verney, Joan Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and and Bob, Toronto, Mrs. Elmer vi Mrs. Lorenzo Trull. bur MS. Frank During the electrie storm on Sun- Gibson and family. Mrs. Lockwood, day a large spruce tree in front of Oshawa. visited at Mr. Chas. Mr. E. H. Cole's residence was blown Smith's. down. Other trees in this district jA carnpfire meeting was held in were also damaged. the shool yard Friday evening when 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. White and sons, our 'young -people entertained the Donald and Douglas, Mrs. Elmina members of Zion League. A splen- Johns and daughter Nancy, visited did program was given by the visit- at Mr. M. Slemon's, Haydon, on ors. Cames were played and lunch Sunday. Mrs. Slemon returned with was served. themn to visit her mother. Temperance program. at Sunday Misses Stella and Maud Reyniolds, School on Sunday morning was in Bowmanville, renewed acquaintances charge of Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Read- on Monday while acting as judges ings were given by Miss Jessie Yel- for the Women's Institute exhibitsI lowlees and Eber Milîson, and Mrs. to be taken to Oshawa Fair. The Taylor told the children a very in- articles were judged at the Park1 teresting temperance story. bungalow.1 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pearce and son Mr-s. S. T. Mountjoy returned on1 Robert, Claremont, Mr. Kenneth Sunday fromn Hariflton with her son Pearce, Port Perry. Mr. Albert Theron and wife o! Haydon, who Pearce, Newcastle, Mr. Jack Rick- sPent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. ard. Port Coiborne, Misses Marion A. Bird, whom the former visited for and Helen and Messrs. Stanley and two weeks, also visiting friends at Garnet Rickard. Shaws, visited at Gaît and Fenwick. Mr. Thos. Baker's.* Mrs. Albert Stainton and son Clif- Plea.sed to have our pasior, Rev. ford, Mr. Jack Mcore, Toronto, Miss W. Rackham. at church on Sunday Eva Souch. Mrs. Laura PYe. Ennis- after his holidays. He gave a very killen, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cole and inspiring message to the people. The son Donald. Dr. and Mrs. Fred choir gave a selection and a quariet Heablie, Goodland. Indianna. w-ere of Misses Muriel Baker and Ileen recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Balson and Messrs. George Werry Souch. and Bill Nicol sang very nicely.. Miss L. Horn, while recently visit- ing in the Lake Simncoe district. at- tended the annual Lennox picnic ai EBENEZER Jack-Son Point which is sponsored by _____________ *the Conservabive Association of Mrs. Aylmer Hezzelwood Toronto. North York, and conducted by Mr. is visîting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Case, K.C.. Toronto, since George Pearce. the death of Mr. Herbert Lennox. Little Miss Doreen Jeffery, Maple Sunday services were well attend- Orove, has been visiting her cousin. ed. Rev. W. A. Buniner, Bowman- Miss Greta Wilkins. ville. baught the Adult Bible Class Rev. Dr. MûTavish and family, at the morning Sunday School ses- Oshawa, were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. sin It being Temperance Sunday, Frank Worden on Friday evening. Mrs. G. Barron conducted the pro- Messrs Cordon and Jack Pickell gram in the absence of Miss Kaier- who have been holidaing with re- son, Temperanoe Superintendent, latives returned to Detroit on Sun- who was speaking ai Zion. Read- day. ings were given by Misses Doreen Congratulations bo Messrs Donald Perreti and Betty Knox. Jimmie Courice and Harold, Forsythe on Adamson and Bertha Armour were passing their Middle School Exam- presenbed with books as prizes from inations. W.C.T.U. for bighesi honors in the Miss Louise Courtice, Mrs. Blake last Temrperance study course taken Courtice, Misses Alma and Carnie in our Sunday School. Mr. Robt. Courtice enjoyed a pleasani visit Corbeit. Bowmanville, will teach the with Pickering fricnds on Thunsday. AduIt Bible Class next Sunday in Mrs. Bert Hughes, Kingston, Mrs. bhc absence Of Mr. F. J. Groat who ERenowden and daughters, Joyce and is in ili bealtb. Rev. W. Rackham Jean, Windsor, are visiting their bae his remarks on Sunday on brother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Treg- FTor my People have comsrntted bwo unna. evils, they have fonsaken, etc. etc.", Mrs. Geo. Lander and Mrs. Hicks, Jer. 2:13. His congregabion was Oshawa, are wibh thein niece. Mrs: pleased to see hlm, in the pulpit Cecil Worden who bas been quite again following his holiday4s. Sev- seroulyirdisosd it abad nose eral former acquainiances from inetioulnd ,sd ihaWbitevaîe gneeted bim at the close. Miss Luella McCaplin and Mrs W Miss Elinor Sykes assisbed the choir R~. Courtice, Toronto, called on sev- with a vocal solo. Miss Lillian Jeb- eral friends in the village on Friday son also contributed a vocal num- and wcre afterwands guests at the ber bearing on Temperance at the home of Mr. F. W. Rundle.i Sunday sehool session. Mr. Bob Corbet. Bovnmanville,! took charge of the morning service' COURTICE on Sunday. There was an attend- 1 mnce of 94 at bbe Sunday ScboolMs il esTrno pn session in the afternoon. thesweekendat elhme. nosp Mrs. Jack Hicks and Mrs. Carman Mih ween t oe Curran. Toronto, werc Fniday guesis I .Mis Marguerite Trevail has been ab the home of Mr. and Mrn. L. J. spending her holidays with Miss Short. Sorry to, report Mrs. Shr Catherine Lowe at "The Flame.' net ainng i helthver Shortly Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Toronto, Miss gaînîngine and vr ra. spent Thursday at the home of Mr. MisHaeounde and rs. h as. and Mrs. Jas. Short. Mrs. Short's Muridl.anjd cidan aphadhealth is stili* in a very precarious ~fuiel enoye apleasant motor state. trip to Muskoka and visited Mr. Ot- udy colonAglt a tae Wodna1fml iterct under the leadership of Mr. Harold ag. adMsEs kan Mi Summerford, Bowmanville, as Sergt. Mn. nd rs lsi ke nd issMajor Aldworth was unable to ai- Elsie were Sunday guests at Mr., tendown tobrhsad Mr MaretndWbiedsBtesa.MsssJohn Aldworth, having run a Pitch- -frean dthe returned homne okithshad after a pleasant week spent at the r okit i ad )ke home. 1The~ skating nink at the village bas Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hagermankn on a very different appear- v!eda and Ina Lou, Osbawa. Mrs J. ance lately. Mr. Roy Nichols, Mari- ~. Febon, Noxlolk, irna.,* ager. has had Messrs. Hugh Short ENNISKILLEN Our young people are giving their play ai Raglan on FYiday. Master Allan Ferguson is holiday- ing wibh fricnds ai Zepher. . Miss Reva McGill reiurned Frilay from. her trip througb the West.' Miss Maud Ashton has returned. to Toronto after holidaying with fri- ends. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton and Dorobhy, Sundayed at Mr. Frank Orchard's. Miss Elsie Ferguson, Toronto, spent the weekcnd wiih her brother, Dr. H. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruni and fam- ily spent Sunday wiih her sister, Mrs. Orr Jeffrey. Miss Laverne Orchard, Bowman- ville, speni the weekend ai. ber father's, Mr. Frank Orchard. Misses Clara and Lorreen Page had their tonsils removed in Bow- manville Hospital on Monday. Miss Vera Shackleton, Bowman- ville Hospital, is holidaying with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shackleton. Miss M. Wearn spent a fcw days in Blackstock and assisted in the choir concert beld on Wednesday nigbb. Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Wes- 1ey Glads and, Harvey, Solîna. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis. Mr. Paul Williams, Port Perry, Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Williams, Nestleton, recently visited the laiter's sister, Mrs. Frank Orchard. Mr. .r. M. Slemon. accompanied by Mr. P. Corbeit and Mr. J. H. Johnsbon and son, Bowrmanville, are spending a few days ai Jack Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jeffrey, Win- nipeg, are holidaying with bbe latter's cousins, Mrs. George Reid and Mrs. Frank Orchard. Mr. Floyd Peihick, Toronto, Miss Verna Peibick, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smitb, Newionville. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Payne, visiied at Mr. S. R. Peihick's. Mr. J. A. Stainton, Toronto, speni bbc weekend at Mrs. J. Pye's. Mrs. Stainton and Cli!! ond retunned home to Toronto after spending a month here among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pebhick visited Mrn. and Mrs. W. R. Smitb, Newton- ville. Master Alfred R.edknapp ne- turned to his home in Newtonville afier a week at bis uncle's. Mn. and Mns. E. C. Ashton speni rbursday in Toronto visiiing the .atten's brother. Rev. H. Stainton, who is now convalescing ai bbc borne of bis niece. Mrs. Stanley May. Sunday evcning service was in charge of the Young People's League with the President. Mn. Edgar Bowmanvifl Phone 104 Wright, in bbc chair. Meeting op- ened with a bysun, after whicb Mn. J. A. Werry led in prayer. The choir consisting o! members of bbc Lea- gue, rendened one selection, assisted by a ladies' quartette, Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mrs. Milton Stainton, Mrs. R. Ormiston and Mrs. W. J. Stain- ton. Mrs. R. Ormiston 1.00k the de- votional which was very interesting LIMITED and belpful. Miss Gladys Page gave a reading. Mrs. A. E. BlUett, Hampton, gave an intercsting talk on several byxnn writers, the differ- cnt bymns being afterwands sung by members o! tbc choir and congre- gabion. A vote o! thanks was tend- ered by the Presideni to Mrs. Billeti for ber splendid balk. Meeting clos- cd with the Mizpah. I WORLD'S [AR[ TIIE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXIBITION -hegiffl to-mnorrow. and we'll be there te Meet and grec! you with a big show of Our own. Butî righi now. h. îbth world's fare we want Io îalik nbou-the world's fare you'II find on exhibit every day in the year as A & P storcS. For A & P Stores are stocked with the rhoiccéit foods grown anywhere in the world. And chaosing these food8 i. the fuil-tirne wcek of hundreds of A & P buyers scattered over the face of the carth. That'a wh- when fou SI-OnP whh us. Yeu eau actually select, from tlie whole vorld's fare, tlhe foods Ibm! FINE GRANLfATE SUGAR .10îbL5* p TS lb.j2.C b19 27 e M. 2c lb. 1 5c STEAKS l.29c 1«.7Ic -- « a 1~ LAMB LEGS ~20LM FRON' A &I.'QUALITYRErF PRIME RIB ROAST Shoulder oxf Chucik IO FA.CY SLGAR CURED-SIIOKED H AMS or Hl! b PEAMEALED-NO JVASTE COUNTRY STYLE Cottage Relis lb. 20c 1 SAUSAGE ANGWO BRAAD-COOKED CORNED BEEF SIE FRESB STEEUIEAD SALMON FRESII CAIJ<HT WHITEFISK Insa SPECIALS By the Piecee M. 27e RET TLNTC ACT - A. A 6 PAGE FOUR 'I i '7SWEETE.NED %%% M1LK E r ,t ai&P 3 'o23e 6 Tins 23c P &4 G Laundry Soap 10 Bats 29e LUX1 4 Cakcs ]19e M«UFFETS QUAKER 31'K(;.'25e fil R! ""MGOR FODlZED ROEIR4.% 3 o.2eSALT 2 Lb. Pkg. 7c PIKLS ixed Jar;. 9 JELLO Assorted d4 PKGS. 21c CHIRISTIE BROJTV <IMRSTIî flROfl-'N No. 80 Assorted 3 P'KC.S.14e 'A' Soda Waters 31PKGS. 14e TIIE IORLD'S FINEST COFFEES BOKAR aS 'CLOCK lM.ffcRED»ICL b COFIE' '35 _ _ _ OFE SPECIALLY PRIÇEE FUL 0F FRUIT Valent'à Cke l.1So 1 Raisin Loaf WrPped02ioa 7c RED MALAGA LARGE. FLLOjV RIPE GwRAPEwS 2 lbs. 29c 1DANANAS lbs. 19e) SPECIAL SALE Sumnmer Dresses 15 Only, SMART VOILES, values to $3.50 BACK TO SCHOOL School Opens Shortly. Your son's best clothes will now be lis school clothes, and you'Il be wanting a new suit for Sunday and special oc- casions. Don't overlook Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's big assortment of fine suits. We have them at ail prices. Good serviceable suits for as iow as $3.9 up FINAL CLEARANCE 0F ALL SUMMER SUITS Reduced almoat to cost this week-end. When you need shoes, remember that we seil the famous CADILLAC CUSTOM BUILT SHOE Made to your own measurement. Fit and comfort assured. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman m 1 mua qý r CIIOICE )EIT SEASO.y SPRI.N G

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