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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1934, p. 5

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TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23nd, 1934 PAGE DIVE Î Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elliott, Mr. Arthur Baker spent Sunday le, - the Presbyterian Chunch on Sunday, fLOCAL & PERSONAL Kingston, visited at their uncle's, at Cobourg. COMING EVENTS August 26tb, when a visiting pastor Mn. J. E. Elliott's, last week. Mrs. 'mos. Irwin, Fort Stewart, is will be in charge. MsSicarLidai iiig Miss Grace Rundie is bolidaying visiting Mrs. William Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Roper, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.Sinlai, Lndsy, s vsitng ithherunce ~ aut, . ~ Mrs ~.'mopso ~ î5~fl~her Will any I.O.O.F. member wishing J. Moore and daughter June, BoVfr he auhe, r.FrdMtcel M r un d rbtn t h r nd Ms C hMs. n i sitrno e resenved seats for "Special Feature manville, -visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Miss Lizzie Spry is visiting her Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy and Miss Annie Mountjoy, Torontol, iS rignraind connecton b Sov- Edgessrtnound r-. niece, Mrs. Harny Rose, South Bay. Miss Lena Haddy have returned af-visiting ber sister, Mrs. .J. E. Elliott. eregn Gad den, Tonol, eo n Miss Ruby VeaTerndMr. qMar-. Miss Myrtie Sanders, Lindsay, is ter a very pleasant visit in Toronto. ià !s à e~MMullen has been vis- Wednesday, Sept. 19th, please get in Andrew McGill, Janetville, visitod visitiriglher aunt, Mrs. Geo. Web- Miss Beulah HallowelI, Starkville, iting lier aunt, Mrs. Cousins, Tor- touch with J. E. Anderson, Secretary, at Mr. Fred Veale's on Sunday. ster. spent the weekend with he.r aunt, onto. Bowmanville. Mr. James Dickey had an un! ort- Mr. Hugb Smale 1vis ting bis Mrs. Jennie Graham, at Lorilla. Dr. J. C. Devitt bas returned f rom Bowmanville Women's Institute unate accident on Wednesday wben uncie, Mn. Clarence Peebles, Lake- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gould, Mrs. a pleasant holiday in Algonquin wili hold the August meeting at the lie feul backward from a load of port. T. Brown and Mr. Downey necently Park. home of Mrs. John Challis, Liberty grain. His foot caught in the rack, Mrs. John Hl. Morris, Beech Ave., visited Mr. and Mrs. A .Slute, Rag- Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Colmer and Street, on Pniday, August 3lst, at holding him a captive. is visiting Mrs. William B. Young. Ian. son Gregory have been holidaying in 3 P. m- Program in charge of Mrs. Mns J McGibbon and Misses Sad- Toronto. Mr0n r.J ilasadM.Batod . E. Pritchard and Mrs. W. B. Pol- ie and Margaret, Mr Bill Bryan, Mr. Mr. E. M. Down, Detroit, visited and Mrs. Jeffery have been visiting Mrs. Envine Poster, Scarbono o f lreds rop. To c "'eBAuties Gae or Hamstonnt, rs. J. W his sister, Miss Lola Down, over the Mr. and Mrs. Elton Qoodrich, Dun- visiting Mrs. Sulas Poster adohero hedbp" Rî al ic>.WtbrHmtn eeSna weekend. donald. relaties her verb. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Arm- Mns. Rupert Watson, Montreal, Mr. and Mns. Lewis Mutton and reaives heirrtOisbo- strong. has eenvistin Mrs Frnk e- r. Bll ngrhmTorotois ol-Mn. Jack Smith, Mrs. Lofting and has~~~~ benvstgMr.PakH daughter Mae, Dundonald. werere idaying witb bis parents, Mr. and CHURCHES Miss Florence Loftlng, Mrs. Arthur, Morris, Elgin St. cent guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mrs. H. Ingnabm. ~ and Miss Mildred and, Mr. George Mr. Howard Reynard attended tbe Mutton. Mrs. Sarah Skuce and Miss Lor- Arthur, bave returned to, Tronto funeral o! the late Mrs. Jos. Thiba- Mr. and Mrs. Psy M. James, War- etta McMann visited Mrs. F. Baker Salvation Arny: Il a. m.-Holi- aften spending 9, vacation witb Miss dean, Bobcaygeon. saw, N. Y., who are on a trip to a few days as week. ness Meeting; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Ethel 'mompson. Mr. and Mrs. H. G.lcln e- Canada called on relatives hene on School; 7 P. m.-Salvation Meeting. cently visited bis mohe, rs a w-ay Mrs. William Irwin and Mary bave Adit. F. Bower. Al are welcome. e son Macklin. mootrg rs.Lw-Missnd Mssbeen visiting with friends in Ban- 1 SA ILL Mr e.Taylor, Bobcaygeon, ne- Donotby Richards are guests o! MisscrfanFotSerST OEH RC.HU H cently visited his daughter-in-law, Selma Bartlett at Salmon 'rnout Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Hobbs bave Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pastor Mrs. Reginald I. Taylor. Lake. Ont. been-visiting ber sister, Mr.s. Gor- Sunday, August 26th: Mass at Mrs. Silven, Cobourg, was bere on Mrs. Carnie Curtis bas netunned Mrs. Charles R. Bickle and daugb- don Witheridge. Oshawa. 10.30 a. m. D.S.T. Sunday. from an extended visit wth Mn. and ter June bave been bolidaying with Mrs. F. Young, Pay and Daisy, STAME' RSBTRA eeraed thins.RWilr w eg MsDaiHoprOrn.relatives in Kitchenen for the past Deseronto. attended the Scott fain- ST ADR U' RU Mn. N elbrtdh slensn unBwmadnvi. Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Penkin, Palm- two weeks. ly ne-union beld near Bowrnan±ville. Rev. W.MG. BakMnse vite bsbothr n.tu Dunn. mnvle enston, spent the weekend with bis Mn. Chas. Lowens and Mn. . . j Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Cattran and RSunday Serviceati a. m and isdsMeda Hale ll is. visitiDng uncie, Mn. Edwin Reynolds. Hughson. Toronto, both expert band sons, Charles and John, bave ne- ~p Sunday nd Mss Hrodannaowlugh Wesley- Mn. and Mrs C. A. Johnston are players, bave been visiting old lindfrmto ots'trip to ville. holidaying witb .tbeir daughten, Mrs. friends here. England. ST. JOHNS ANGLICAN CHURCH Miss Ruth Saveny and Miss Gwent W. J. T. Veale, Harrow, Ont. Miss Pauline Fleischauer and Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Eddi~e Cowling and Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector Gilmen spent a few days at Balsam Morton Schmidt o! Kitchener spent Lonaine, Toronto, are vîsiting hi Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist Lake. Mrs. T.* H. McMurtry, Oshawa, the weekend with Miss Evelyn Bic- aunt and uncle, Mn. and Mns. Geo. Sunday, August 26tb, l3th Sun- Mn. and Mns. Laurence White, recently visited Mn. and Mrs. J. T. kle, Liberty Street. E. Pritchard. day after Tinity: Sunday Scbool at Oshawa, visçited at Mn. Ross Hallo- Hooper and othen !iends bene. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Brown and Mn. and Mrs. B. S. McMurtry and 10.30 a. m.; Morning Frayer il a.m.; wel'.s Miss Neilie Mutton and Mn. B. daughter Viola, Butler, Penn.. are Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Parker, Tononto, Evening Frayer 7 p. m. Preachen, Miss Mary Mellor bas gone to Mutton have been visiting Mn. and bolidaying with bis mothen, Mrs. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mns. Rev. Capt. S. C. Jarrett, Holy Trin- Tononto whene she bas secured a Mns. Lewis Mutton, Dundonald. 'mos. Brown, Centre Street. M. W. Tamblyn.1 ity Cbunch, Oshawa. position. Mn. and Mrs. Edward Mayer and Miss Beatnice Cryderman, Osb- Miss E. E. Haycnaft attended the Mse om n elhHlo daugbtens, Buffalo, N. Y., are visit- awa, and Miss Pbyllis Clemence, Bligbt Pamily ne-union at the home UNION SERVICES well have been bolidaying over tbe ing Mr. and Mns. T. H. Knigbt. Shaw's, spent the weekend witb Mn' o! bier niece, Mns. Prank Briggs, St. Paul's and Trinity Churches weekend. _______________________and Mns. F. M. Crydlenian. My'rtle, on Saturchiy. Sunday, August 26th, in Trinity Miss Lorean Stark of~ Hanoven bas Mesdames Fnoom, Hagerman, Oke Mn. and Mns. Kenneth Bragg and Chuncb: il a. x.-Subject "Doemntuned ro mrsoI. îayk. lb e Taylor, and Miss Lattimen, Peter- daughten Betty, London, are visiting God Guide?"; 7 p. m.-Subject ..'Me mteMs .Sak boro, were recent guests oMrs. Mn. and Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg and Link of Contact" or "'me MinistryTontbvbenvsig Flo0ral Service i themreatiesTnohisoicnitohthavae."Youar codialy trnly Frank H. Morris, Elgn Sre. ohrrltvsi hsv nt. ofteHn. uarcrdlyi-hs mother, Mrs. Robt. Reid. Mn. and Mns. Howard H. Finley Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Ripenberg vited to these services. Bring your 'me nain was welcomeel y every Flowers Say and daughten. Miss Florence, Chi- of Bowmanvilie Beach bad a short visitons. one. A numben have finished han- GR E IGcago, Ill., were recent guests of Mrs. visit f roi the latten's. brother, Dr vest and the sound of tbe threshing GREETINGR. D. Davidson and Miss A. Petes L. C. La Zerte and famuly on Friday: A MU machine is beard. LOVE Dr Frank C. Trebilcock, Mms. Mn. and Mrs. Ewant Bunnien and ____________________ Mn. Bail, Leskand, called upon Mn. SY P T Y TeiccTrno r.Norman daugbters Helen and Margaret, R. Hallowell on Sunday. Mn. Bal SYMPATHndTJeancockToron o, s en Weston, are bolidaying with bis Mn. Jack Starn, Toronto, is visit- was bornn this neighborbood and Our personal servie heijis to< Sunday with thein mother, Mns. P. parents Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Bun- ing Mn. Gordlon Brown. found many changes since be moved say these things perfectly. C. Trebilcock. ner. Mn. Ross Philp and Mn. H. Sarnelîs from bene. TYour flower message can be Doctor and Mrs. L. C. La Zente recently .visited in Midland. Mrs. A. A. Martin of Brighton bas sent to any other place just as Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Newt.on and and son Gordon o! Massachusetts Mms. Pearceail, New York City, is been visitîng at ber motben's, Mrs. easily as in Bowmanville. Roy, and Mn. and Mrs. H. J. Bab- bnci dinner on Fniday witb thein occupying ber cottage in the yull- John McKay. Mn and Mrs. Harold cock spent Sunday with Mn. Gor- brother-in-law and sister, Mn. and age. Barrowclougb, Wesleyville, were also S don Ashton at Mr. and Mns. John Mrs. James P. Murray o! Roseholme, Miss Helen Fowler and Mns. Geo. guests o! Mrs. McKay. W E.G e Bnoderick's. Bond Head, Ont. Scugog Street. P owlen visited in Lindsay on Thurs- Glad to report some hnprovement KIG W YMns. Ed. Mclnroy, Mn. and Mms. Congratulations to Miss Marion day. in the bealth of our esteemed neigh- Earl Mclnnoy andi son Keith, Mrs. Slemon on passing bier rugonometny Miss Marie Trewxiii, Ottawa, is bon,' Mrs. Savery. She is now back KINGERSAY Wilfrid Wilson and daughten Anna examination with first class bonors, o! Mn. and Mrs. Oscar Mc- !nom Baisam Lake and is staying a FO E SH P Jean, o! Kenrwo>od, Ont.. wene recent and Algebra with second class bon- Quade. !ew weeks with bier daugbten, Mrs. King St. - Next Royal Theatre gueris of Mn. andi Mrs. B.E. îng- ors in the Uppen Sebool at Ontario Miss Hazel Mountioy and Miss Barclay, Oshawa. P0.BO 163 Phoe 7 ham. Ladies' College, Wbitby. Mabel Argue were recent guests o! Mrs. Jennie Graham of Bowman- P. . ox 63 Phoe 2 M. ndMis Sithan Mesr. M. ndMrs CeveMcann Oh-Miss Helen Powler. . ville, and Mns. Chas. Reid of New- Mn.anc Mis Sithani Mssr. M. ad Ms.Clee MMan, Ob- Muss Georgina Fowlen, Oshawa, is touville and bier daugbten Hazel, _______________________Douglas and Erie Smith, Pamillus, awa, and Mrs. Fred Baker, wene at bolidaying with bier parents, Mn. andspntedaattirrte'sM. _______________________ N. Y.. who bave been on a trip toThunstonia Park, Sturgeon Lake, for Ms erePwe. .SpeG. he ay ow ei b ers Hen. the Wold's Pair in Chicago, Ill., the weekend visiting Mr. andi Mrs. Mm P allis, Mr. Lowel PalliMs k* !PotHp n isMl weneJ. .gest a weeontSr. aveoy Snn an aer boViolet Pacey and Mn. Ross Pbilp lie Hassard o! Dryden were also vis- ~ Ms. . H Ned'bm, ente Sree. hve unst Vew ottge.visited frielnds in Orilla necently. iting. S ho l Mn. and Mns. J. F. George and Mn. Paton Edwarcis o! the Akron Misses Marguerite and Georgina Sch ol Harold, Smuthfield, visited iber mo- (Ohio) Times Press and Mrs. Ed- Giibson have been. spending two Sbilob W. A. beld their regular ther, Mrs. B. M. Wannica, on Fni- wands, and Mr. andi Mm. Dan Plr- weeks vacation with. Mis. H. Hicks. meeting at Mms. S. G. Hallowell's day. Their tbree daugbtens, Phyllis, 51150 f! the Goodyear, Akron, dre Mr. Isaac Whitfield retunned on where they entertalned Keudal W.A. 0pI~Denin JanadShre, hgav ensPendifg two weeks with Mr. and Suuday fnom Pont Arthur wbere he A dl enadSily aebeelightful afternoon was spent, bolidaying bere, returned home witb Mns. Chas. Cattran, Elgin Street. attendeci the Sons o! England Con- the Kendal ladies us a neal them.I Menibens o! Maple Leaf Circle 143, vention. . good prograin of readings, necita- The Coni ~ ~ Copanions o the Fores epnoso h oest, celebrat- Mms. Payne, Montreal, is visitlng tions and music, after wblcb eacb The ompaionsof te Foested the lOth birthday held at the ber daughtcn, Mms. Cecil Ferguson. society beld thein business meeting. held their regulan pienic at the Exhibition grounds, Toronto. It was Mn. Milton Payne neturned on Sun- Shiloh ladies senved anexlen beach on Civic Holiday. 'me day a gala day, 50,000 niembers wene day to Montreal. lunch. xeln choseu made a double picnic for the present. During the af tennoou Mr. Alex Wole's dahlias are Conipanions as it was the sports day sports and races o! ahl kincis wene bloomlng luxuriantly. Time wilU be A very pleasant evening was spent for the beach. Tea was served enjoYeci. Later a basket suppen was well spent for any who have the at the beome o! Mn. and Mis. lorne HIGH SCROOL whicb all enJoyed. served, the ruenbens havlng the use opporttinity ta, go and vlew theni. Todd when over a hundred fniends Tuesday, September 4th Mn. and Mms. William H. Yeo, o! oeeoe the buildings. 'me Coin- Mrs. Elizabeth Willlanson and and nelgbbons gatheneci te shower Bowmanville, announce the engage- panions anived home at 12.30. Ail Mn. Elgin Wilamson, Peterbono, good wishes and glfts upon the bride PUBLIC SCROOL ment o! their ouly daugbter, Elsie reported a very pleasant day. Mn. were Suuday guests of! Mr. and Mis. and groom, Mr. and Mis. Fred Todd, Marguerite, to George Edward, son Garton's bus was chartened for the Levi MoGiîI. Mn. McGill's bealth is who were taken completely by sur- Wednesday, September 5th o! Mn. and Mns. Alfred Richards, occasion. itnproving. .Prise. Mrs. Lorne Todd had invlted We are ready and waitlflg te Salemi; the marriage te take place A very deliightfui evenlng was . Miss Crystal Pallis, nurse-lu-train- the newlyweds to meet a frieud. .Îerve you with everytbiiig the latter part o! Septemben. spent at the bomne o! Mis. A. P. Cox îng at Rss Memonlal Hospital, Upon ariiving tbey found the bouse you need. Mn. Ronald Adamns, teller o! the on Wednesday, when she entertain- Llndsay, bas been spending a va.:- full.r A splendid Program was gîven - MOTHERS - Royal Bank here, bas been trans- cd at a kitchen shower held iun bon- cation witb bier parents, Mn. and after which was an address aud the Yor liire w~I l-e fenneci te a bnanch o! the Barik at or o! Miss Plonence Cox, wbo is to be Mms. M. Pallis. shower. 'me bride and groom made fà Yourchilren ill eed Tillsonburg. Ris many f rlends will marnied iun the nean future. About Miss Irene Hyland, Toronto, bas neat replies and lunch was serveci. fo warmi wool sweaters for b laeit eno i promotion thinty-!ive guests gatheneci and gave been visiting ber parents, Mr. andi_________________ school. There is nothlng and will wisb him tofhbst !sc the bride-eleet a deligbt!ul surprise. Mrs. T. Hylanci. Misses Lucile, Ai- better than Bel d Ing' s cess. Mn. C. H. Smith o! Port Credit The noom was prettily decorated in leen andi Muriel Hylanci returned Thistlebloomn yarn. We will f111 the vacancy bere. Pink and white. and thie many use- fromn Toronto with ber. have ail colons . MAso fui gifts were brought inte the noom Mrs. W. E. Warden, Cranbrook, B. needles and patterns. John Redpath Dougall, M. A., LL. in a crib. After the gi!ts were pre- C., a sister o! Mrs. Isaac Whit!ield, _____________________ D., dean o! Canadian Journalism, sented, a diainty lunch was serveci bas been stricken wlth fever in Eng-1 0 ' Monrea, ws 9 yers ld n Ag-by a number o! the girl !nlends o! land where she andi ber husband D j. W . JeW el ust 17, 1934. Seventy-three yas Miss Cx-Ohaa ies. have been seding a Ivacatrioren.ayRfa 130KS & STATIONERY ment o! the Montreal Witness. o! altbough stili reanfing bera bepialhRCEwtou U PAINTS & WALLPAPER whicb bie bas been Editor in Chie! Soccer Game Tled . Orange service was net held as rank extravagance. CHINA & GLASS for 64 years. He is the last surviv- Bowmanville Football Club played intimateci In the'United Cburch on the trio--QUALITY, "Bg2"Bewmanuile ing Editon o! pre-Confederation an exhibition gaine on Tuesday Suuday night, but will be held on SHOP wlth CONFII _____________20____ days. night with a teain from Oshawa, the Suuday. August 26th, at 7 p. mi. wlth SERVICE are of pan gaine concluding with the score tied Rev Dr. R. P. Bowles in charge, at 2-2. It was a fine exhibition of choir will provide special music. ______________ football and a f air size crowd wit- Collection in aid of True Blue Or- nessed the gaine. Bowmanvllle will phanage, Richmond Hill. 'mis Or- ~ ' h returnuthe visit te COshawa next phanage bas been doing a noble S K~IBN BN Y 'O eTuesday. work, owes Its maintenance te Loy- There is no need for people ta Gettng repredal Orange onders, and wlll apprec- call you skinny or flot-chested. C an ,ei g miGetig reard ate any assistance the local ongan- Give Thoraxlum a trial and prove C a n n in g T iaati w ns' are no: well:uder izations are able te, give. this yourself. metwic wyfrtebig celebration of the ~*Toalml And We Are Ready to F111 Your Every Need. St. Pau's United Cuc A sou- NESTLETON e. a.ymtre.a -- .__ - . -1p -- State Rugby Star, and Buck WeerM Athr SapeoM is. o __________ te20 lb. Colorado boy. Th ia has. MeClIII spent Sunday at Bewd- m HA la G OC Vtwo bouts are fer eue fal tha 30- lev. Rice Lae KOLYNOS TOOTE AT Hirry llaGr ccrminute turne lixnlt, and te feature Misses Wiunifned sud Suowle Frpr ht et - 32c, 43o Phone 186 or 11 Bowmanville bout for eue heur libit, best twe Marlow, Oshawa, were weekeud Frpr bt et acheduled to get under way' at 8.30 Mis. E. Marlow. w!beeMl Celebrating .....0 ..-Our Second Biri hday Toyears g today The Evlyn Shop was formally opened. Wecelebrate our second birthday wlth a speclal sale of Fç aUl Dresses and Winter Coats. THE IJOATS THE DRESSES... In the ne-w Tree Bark ma- The season's favorite shades tenas, nfmmd wtb salof brown, and lovely blaoks, terilstrImed ith eafeaturing the new metallic beaver, and wolf furs, beauti- trixmings. Also the new wool f uily linedl$1975 to $45.00 plaids. $10.95 up A FEW SUMMER DRESSES LEFf - ALL REDUCIED TO COST The Evlyn 'SLEY Shopuir Phone 594 King Street Bowmnfvile Rsoyal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THE HOME 0F METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PICTURES Friday - Saturday - August 24th - 25th SPENCER TRACY in SHOW OFF With Madge Evans. "1CLANCY 0F THE MOUNTED" and Comedy Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Monday - Tuesday - August 27th - 28th A Great Child Star in BABY TAKE A BOW With Shirley Temple, James Dunu, Claire Trevor. Fox News - - - Comedy Matlnee Monday at.2.30 p. m. DON'T MISS IT! Ali At the Royal Theatre for 45 minutes only on Wednesday, Augua 29th. No charge for admission to this magnlfîcent denonstra- tienostlng $150,000. Here oniy fromn 2 p. m. te 2.45 p. m. Day- lght Saving Time. Watch for the parade. Be walting for It. Wednesday - Thursday - August 29th - 30&h MARIE DRESSLER sud su All Star stin DINNER AT EJGHT A Metro-Goldwyn-f4ayer TrIumph with John Barrymore, Wal- lace Beery, Jesu Harlow, Lionel Barrymore, Lee Tracy, Edmund Lowe, Mille Burke, Madge Evans, Jean Hersholt, Karen MorlIey aud Phip Holmes. Comedy - -- Cartoon Matiee Wednesday at 3 p. m. Ambengnis is a fatty secretion Iwbales sud valueci as a matenlal for )rmed lu the bowels o! some spcnm perfuine. TOU GET VAL etors that enter into what may be termed 1 &LITY Is wonthless. SERVICE without QUALII QUALITY at exorbitant pnice la sheer luxury PRICE, SERVICE, and your resutlt s bound DENCE at any I. D. A. Drug Store where PRICI ramount importance, resulting ln REAL VALUE SPECIAL PRICES THURS. - FR1. - BAT. A.B.S.&C. Tablets ... 2 for 25e 1 lb. Dorade Acld ........19e Absorbent Cotton, 1 M.b. . 29c Kleenex................ 15e $1.25 Absorbine Jr ........ 89e Dutch Drops ... 5c, 6 for 25e FRUITATIVES SPECIAL OFFER 1 large sze 50o AUl For 1amal l ie 25l Value 75c PARKE'S CATSUP FLAVOR - 35c Mlways Reliable. Complete, Fresb Stock of Pickling Spîces WHIZ FLY FUME 33c - 57c f7ýcolis - - - rfor c Fly Paper - 3 double sheets 10o PHONE TOUR ORDERS Prompt Fast, Delîvery De' PARIS FuiNsA OLIVE C0 -8000 ais rigi J.c W. WCb9 at-il-l ALEX MeGREGO1I PHONE 92 PIRESCRIPTONS A SPECIAI UE m 'TRUE VALUE.") rY sud PRICE ià; 1.Add, however, d tu, be VALUE. E, QUALITY and C Pu.pImU S30c to $2.50 À I5Tr7U Faci Powmua 25c te 90c A D FARcafljg 150esacs ComwAcR Rouen 55C ma lvi 5HAMlW csas lRoue& 60C &«Ms oIuRnoeoF Ramo*na MIAPalmolive à"daS oap Special t0AP etter ftflsdy for Corne. grown Tot Nuls, Wartts. ,end&Gt a tsisg g IL à 1 IRRALL, Optîcluan ;aur, store .0 a. m. - 1 p. m. LDruga TM WB DELIVER THE CANADIAN STATF.SMAN, BOWMMVILLE, THUR.SDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1934 PAGE ipm

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