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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1934, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATSMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1934 PAGE SIX THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIVER Wake Up Your Liver Bile ... Without Calomel, And Feel Like a Million Dollars. Nothing con put your myten. out of kiltr mnore quckly than your liver. Al t haa to do ia @top Pourig z il, daily t.wo poun d of bila into yorbwe ajlîecramygt rey. That elugzieh flow of bile @Iowa up digto and elimnation and makeayou felpuk Your tomach acta eas iatnsourne, pain. Your breath ia b.d an" the taste in youýr mouth ia naty. Your hadache.. in l blotchy. AUl of couree, beeauae your system taà Mare b.eli movera like Salta, ol, minera wate, rughce.laxative candy or chewinc gum re fot o..-.ouh to correct this condi- tion entiely. oue vry and yýou ruet wake 1,v yorlvrbile to behpyaa. Avoid clomel (roercury). The thing for n i. a box of Carter@ Lttle IÀ,er Pilla. Tr.; neyr uset~OUbecusetheyre purly vee tale,v gen= e and safe;but how they do ehang .or w on lie! Dont wate your money on subatitutea. B dafinite. Ank for Carter@ by nu e-anMd e thenlLook for the name. Carter$, on th* a label. 25c. etaiU draggata bc Persian Baln-the peerless aid to loveliness. DelightfulY f ragrant. Dainty to use. Leaves no stickiness. A littie gentie rubbing and it is swiftly absorbed bY the tissues. Tonic in cf fect. Soothes and dis- peis roughness and chafing. Kccps skins sof t and velvet-textured.- Un- rivalled for charm. distinction and refinement. Used by lovely womcn everywhcre to preserve and enhance their natural beauty. An Oil for AUl Men.-The sailor, the soldier, the f isherman, the lum- berman, tie out-door laborer and al who arc cxposed to injury and the elements will find in Dr. Thomias' Eclcctric Oul a truc and f aith.fui friend. To case pain, relieve colds, dress wounds. subdue lumbago and overcome rheumatism, it is excellent. Therefore, it should have a place in aIl borne medicines and be amongst those taken on a journey. HOW TO KEEP COOL Take an effervescing glass of pleasant- tasting Andrews Liver Sat wben you begin to feel the heat. At once you will feel coolr-and you'll stay cooler. Andrews flot only quenches thirst, but cools your blood. Taken occasonally- say twice each week-Andres will keep you fit by purifying your cystem and insuring reizuar and compite eimina- tiorl. At al druggists. In tins, 35c and 60c. New, large botule, 75c. Sole Agents: John A. Huston Co., Ltd., Toronto. 26 Liver and Kidneys DaM ous.d bv A Often in hot weather and occasion- aly t other tmea ùLttle toniacha turn sour and acjd. "'When 1 notice any sign of sick tomach," says Mm .J. lphonous Brown, Bayside, P.E.I., "I always give a Baby Own Tablet." They quirkly set things right, are verv easy to take and quite sale. AIl corfmon ail- mente of childbood includig teeth- ing are proenptiy relieved with Babys Own Tablete. 25c a pack- age et drug stores, tac Dr. Wîi Iias' ..I - 1-9, MATURITY-MATERNITY MIDDLE ACE At these three critical periods a woman needs a inedicine sLe can depend on. Tha's why so 2Inany take Lydia E. .ika' Vegetable Com- pon.98 out of 100 Say, "'lt e e!" Let i hellp you, too. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND WILSONS REALLY KILL Orne pad kils fliles ail day and every day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pad8 in each packet. No spraylng, no stickiness, no bad odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or General Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WYPAY MORE? THE WILSON FLY PAD CO.. Hamilton, Ot Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Festure Service The Chfid and its DeveloPment Specializiflg exclusivelY in mnuscle anomalies, eyesight and sIasaes. phone fo loi OItnl*1516 mIuay DMg. Opp. P. O OoàLawdL. Ont. Dickinson and Rosenburg Tie at B.T.S. Sports J. Dckinson, senior champion, and Benny Rosenburg, j u ni o r champion, tied witb 26 points each on Friday for the Field Day Champ- ionship of Camp Scbolfield, summer home of the boys of tbe Ontario Training School. The sports were run off under ideal weatber condi- tions, but with only a small attend- ance of visitors, including Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sorsoleil, Deputy Minis- ter of Public Welf are, represcntiflg H-on. David Croll. The boys went into the various events enthusiastically and produced an interesting afternoon's sport. Mr. Sorsoleil, Mr. Fred Cryderman, President of the Rotary Club, Mr. Fred W. Bowen, M. P., Mr. J. H. Jobnstofl, Principal of the Public Schools, Col. W9. J » Hoar. 0. C. Dur- ham Regiment, and Mr. J. H. H. Jury. a member of the Advisory Board of the Scbool, took part in the presentation of prize ribbons. At supper trne, Mr. Virgin, who supervised the sports, assisted by Geo. L. Davidge and J. J. Brown, announced the winners and champ- ionships. Mr. M. A. Sorsoleil pre- scnted the Kingston Kiwanis Tro- pby to the joint champions of the school. Mr. Sorsoleil briefly ad- dressed the boys and Mr. Virgin led in a sing-50fl. with Frank Carroll, Hamilton, providing two fine solos. The f ull results of the track and f ield events follows: Juvenile 75 Yard Dash-H. Holloway, T. Mermigides, V. Sedgewick. Running Broad Jump-V . Sedge- wick, A. Crapps, E. French. Bah Throwiflg. accuracy -W. Brock, T. Mermrigides, F. Moran. Puck Shooting - E. French, A. Crapps, L. Barr. Bail TIirowing, distance-H. Hol- loway. V. Sedgewick, E. Guiler. R. High Jump--H. Holloway V. Sedgewick, C. Hall and G. Guiler, tied. Relay - Holloway, Mermigides, Williams, Sedge-wick. Junior 75 Yard Dash-C. Smith, B. Ros- enberg, A. Beasley. Running Broad Jump--C. Smith, Rosenburg, Beasley. Hurdies - Rosenburg, B e asie y, Smith. Bail Throwing, distance-Rosen- burg. L. Bastine, L. Arbour. Bail Throwing, accuracy-Rosefl burg, B. Tbcrnhill, G. Gimple. Puck Shooting-D. Frank, L. Bas- tine. Arbour. Running High Jump-Smith, Bas- tine, B. Marsh. Relay-Rosenburg, Bastine, Beas- ley, Smith. Interrnediate 100 Yard Dash-J. Jordan, L. Car- ter, A. Edwards. Runnlflg High Jump-C. Hayward, W. Polock, S. H-offburg. Hurdes-Jordan, M. Waites, Car- ter. Pole Vault-A. Mitchell, Carter. Shot Put-W . Adams, H. Naster,ý Carter., Mitchell. Reiay-Jordan, Naster, Snelavitcb, Barr. Senior 100 Yard Dasb-J. Dickinson, E. Dalton, E. McKay. Running 111gb Jump-B. Mo!! at, Dickinlson, J. Kenney. Shot Put-Dickinson, Kenney, P. Wilson. Hurdles--Dickinson, Dalton, Mc- Kay. Rugby Bal Throw-J. Grahamn, Dickinsoni, Kenney. pole Vauit-Kcnney, Wilson, Dal- ton. Broati Jump - Dalton, Deckcr, Garvey. Reiay-Dicinson, Decker, Rich- ards, Higgins. Fieldi Champions-Dickinson anti Rosenburg. tieti witb 26 points for the Kingston Kiwanis CuP. Group Cbampions--Juvenile, Hol- -loway; Junior, Rosenburg; Inter- mediate. Jortian; Senior, Dickinson. BLACKSTOCK M1iddle School Results (1> stands for First Clasa Honora. (2> stands for Second Clasa Honora, (3) stands for Thirti Clasa Honora, c) stands f or Credit, anti wben a number follows a subject it shows thc number of marks receiveti in that subjcct. Louise Davidson-Eng. Comp. (c); Eng. Lîterature (1); Ancient Hiat- ory (2>; Aigebra (2); Geometry (3); Physicai Science (c>; French Auth- Sors (c); French Composition (3). Leona Devitt-EIig. Lit. (3; Can- adian History (2); Aigebra (2); Geom. 33: Cbem. 40. Edgar Emerson--Can. Hist. <c); Anc. Hist. (c); Pby. <c); Cbem. (2); Lat. Autb. (3): Fr. Auth. (c); Fr. Comp. (c). Muriel Fallis-Eng. Comp. (c); Eng. Lit. 24; Can. Rist. <c); Phy. 2>: Cbem. (2); Fr. Authors 35. Winifreti Goody-Can. Hist. (2); Phy. <c>; Cbcm. (2>; Fr. Autb. 12): Fr. Comp. <2). Ray Grabam-Aigebra (c); Latin Comp. (2). Miltireti Hooper-Eng. (c>; Eng. Lit. (c>; Geom. <c); Fr. Auth. 41. Lawrence Malcolm - Anc. Hist. (2>; Lat. Autb. (3): Lat. Comp. <2); French Auth. <c); Fr. Comp. (3). Victor Maicolm-Phy. (c>; Geom. 41: Cbem. 45. Anson Taylor-Eng. Comp. (ci; Eng. Lit. 48; Anc. History (2); Alg. f3); Gcom. (3: Lat. Auth. (c>; Lat. Comp. (3); Fr. Auth. 31. Marion Tayloc-Eng. Comp. (c); -Can. Hist. (2); Phy. (c); Fr. Autb. (2o, Fr. Comp. (2>. Pearl Taylor-Eng. Comp. (c). Ivan Thompson-Eng. Lit. 35; Can. Hist. (2); Anc. Hist. (2): Chem. ici: Lat. Auth. <c); Fr. Autb. (c>; Fi. Comp. (c). Mabel VanCamp-Eng. Comp. (2) Eng. Lit. (1); Anc. Hist. (1); Alg. (1): Gcom. (1): Phy. (2>; Lat. Auth. (1): Lat. Comp. (1). Lewis Watson-Can. Hist. (c); Anc. Hist. (c>; Lat. Comp. 41; Fr. 1Autb. (c); Fr. Conip. 41. Annie Wblte-Eng. Lit. 34; Can. Hist. (c); Anc. Hist. (2); Pby. (c); Cbem. 33. Jean Wright--Eng. Comp. (c); iAnc. Hist. (2); Pby. (c); Cbem. (c); Fr. Autb. (2); Fr. Comp. (2). I OBITUARY John S. Greenwood, Haydon At the midnight hour on Satur- day, August 4th, at the residence of bis brother-ln-law, Mr. Elxner Brad- ley, Haydon, there passed to rest John S. Greenwood, aged .64 years. Deceased 'was a son of te late Mr. and Mrs. Job Greenwood, and was born in Clarke township where his early if e was spent. After his inar- niage in June 1898 with Miss Myrtie Bradley, also of Clarke township, they resided in Orono for eight years, later moving to Buffalo and Bridgeport where they spent twenty years. Fobr the past ten years Mr. Greenwood has been in failing health, the past two of wbich he bas been at is brother-in-law's at Hay- don. The funeral took place on Tues- day, August 7th, service being con- ductcd by Rev. A_ M. Wootton, pas- tor of Tyrone circuit. The bearers were ail nephews: Messrs. Lawrence Greenwood, Neil Porter. Carl and Clarence Bradley, Lloyd Ferguson and Bruce Montgomery. Besides his wif e he is survived by one daughtcr, Mrs. R. S. Edmnonds, Bridgeport. Conn., also tbree brothers. William Greenwood. Kendall, Thomas Green- wood. Peterboro. and Joseph, Green-' wood, Newtonville. Many beautful flowers f rom sympathîzing friends pald silent tribute to the deceased. The interment took place in Hamp- ton Cemetery. ___________________________________ J. A. Taylor, St. Thomnas > walk, is a mucb nceded imrv- J. A. Taylor, inspector o! schools Newcastle W ifrls ment. Mr. Frank Hall is incharge for St. Thomas and West Elgin, died of the work. In the Memorial Hospital on Satur- Nume ous rize , Wodstock made a flying visit to bis a month and a bai!. IVumeruhome town here Saturday, call- Mr. Taylor was one of the fore- Wins Many Prizes and High Honors ing on Mr. A. J. Staples, Bll A1- ost educatîonists in Ontario and at District Flower Show strong andi a few other olti frientis. hati a long and successful career as --League belti a corn roast near the a teacher. Born at Bowmanville, H. E Miiso reîdene o ModayOntario, on July l4th, 1865. a son o! Newcastle Horticutural Society niHtE.itb gn es, îng-ong o- onandayTalrar.Tyo under the presidency o! Mrs. Percy ngt ihgms wn-ogpo oadcated a yorric TayCo rgit Hare put itself once more on the gram and a stunt. aedct t orihClgae Messs. . N Powrs nd obt. Institutead Queen's University, map last Thursday at Orono whcn Hancock are taking a trip thro' graduating from the latter iristitu- atothecDistrictarNo 4 Fo r So Northern Ontario, calling on old tion in 1895 witb a degree o! B.A. Proie o! 0 nariofothwon ist c friends at Cochrane and district. His f irst work as a teacher was praie of 300 ashoforuteboos dor They expect to spend a couple of at Pickering College where be was oratvandislyo!e pct loPofo days as f ar nortb as James Bay be- classical master for a year. Then plantsawn aio ui o the pca rseocf fore they return. he returneti to Queen's for a post-, 00Y Darin Tlpbub o the sraet u roc- Mrs. Georgina Cobbledick and graduate course in science. In 1898 ieyer bavi n the atshnw.nbe o! r W. H. Rowe attendeti the wed- he came to Elgin County, as science bers o! the Society aiso pîled d ng at London, thîs week, of their master at Dutton High School and mPiccc, Miss Beuiah Abbott, and are two years later became principal of many points for individual exhibits, remaining for a couple of weeks' that institution. He continueti in notably Mrs. Chris Law wbo alone visit . this capacity until 190'7 wbcn he ac- won 17 points for six lst prises and, Mr. and Mrs. James Burgess and cepted the principalship of the five 2nd prises on hr various ex- daughtcr have returneti from a mo- Wingbamn High Scbool, Mr. Taylor hibîts. Mrs. M. Brown won one lat, tor trip to their sons. Rcv. J.L. returneti to St. Thomas in 1909, on and three 2nds or five points on: Burgess and family at South h~ is appointmcnt to the inspectorate dalis Ms.Lw' wnings in- loss. They aiso visiteti at Kincar- o! St. Thomas and West Elgin. lutieti the speciai by Mr. W. F. dne, Wingham and other western Mr. Taylor, in addition to bis Rickard. District Representative. for points. academic qualifications. possesseti the beat collection of local wilti Members of the 98th Toronto naturai tcacbing abiity-and was fiowers. The show was open to ail TrooP, Boy Scouts, witb Assistant able at ail times to do the moa-t for horticultural socicties and ail mcm- Scoutmaster Arthur Cook andi Patrol bis pupils. Wbile at the Dutton bers in the counties o! Durham, Leader Harry Smith. returned to High Schooi he establisheti some- Northumberland, Haliburton, Peter- Toronto Friday after enjoying a thlng o! a record. As inspector of borough and Victoria. week's outing at the William Neai achools here and in West Elgin, he The exhibition judge, in addition f arm, south o! Orono.1 proveti to be a capable and pains- to the prizes mentioneti above, aiso Mr. Robert Martin, Lake Shore, takîng officiai. awardcd a rcd ribbon by the Ontario i rcigafn e rc 1 In community life Mr. Taylor was Horicuturl Scity o te Nw-story modemn residence on the site a natucal leader andi every worthy castle Society for the most outatanti- of the old home buiit in the eacîy movement bad bis whole-bearted ing exhibit at the show. He saiti the 1ightics. Mr. J. T. Allen, Thr upport. As anpublic.spaer has dispiay of cut fiowers by the N.H.S.. Concession, contractor. bas complet-mchidead MrTylrat which was arrangeti untier tbe 5upl- 1 cd the brick work. Modem decora- filleti nearly ail offices on the public ervision of Mr. H. R. Quantril a' tiens are plasineti for the interior o!fllbrary board. HIe was much inter- director o! the local soclety, assiat- this tweive-room dwelling- esteti In floriculture andi was a for- cd by other drectors and officers. Sunday, August l2th, Mr. Thomas mer director o! the St. Thomas Hor- exceileti anything in its class he had McComb, life-long Orangeman anti ticuitural Society. ever seen at the C.N.E.. Toronto, esteemed citizen, celcbrated bis 83rd inspector Taylor 'was a regular at- andt tought that Newcastle should birtbday at bis home. The occasion tendant at Knox Pres b yt er ia n certainly place an exhibit there Unis was !eatured by a large gathcring o! Churcb andti ook a very active in- year. friends and relatives o! Orono and terest in church work. belng a meni- Of Newcastlc's 100 merribers 56 district, Oshawa anti other points, ber of the board of managers anti registcred at the show in the after- who came to extenti greetlngs. Tab- also of Uic trustee board. He was noon anti thus. ail working together, les were spread on the lawn at the also a mcn2ber o! St. David's Lotige [enableti their society to win the 500, residence, where ail sat down to a No. 302, A. F. & A. M. tuiip buiba which this f ail will be' sumptuous repast. Survlving Mr. Taylor are his wl! e, pianteti in one or more of the coin- Mrs. Walter Sherwin bas return- !ormerly MisasFEmma Glasgow, of munity flowcr betis as the director- ed home !rom a visit with friends in Fingal; two sons, Walter Taylor, of ate shalltitermine. the Western Provinces, anti Mrs. Jackson. Mich., andi Stanley Taylor, Many others frorn Newcastle and! Wilfrli Sberwin from a visit at ber o! Gravenhurst, Ont., and two bro- vicinity also attendeti the show in fatber's at Lucknow, Ont. thers, Alexander Taylor of Port the afternoon anti admireti the flow- Mr. John Tbompson, who recentiy Stanley, and William Taylor o! ers and took in the trip, conducteti solti bis farrn South o! Leskard. is Blythe, Ont. Mr. Taylor was a by Supt. G. M. Linton, B3. Sc. F.. now a resitient o! Orono. making cousin -o! Lady Hughes and Misa through the gactiens, rockcries and bis home witb bis aunt, Mrs. Eliza- Harriett Burk o! Lindsay. grounds o! tbe Provincial Forestry beth Cbapman. The funeral tecok place on Mon- station. Many also remnained over _________ _______ for the cntertaining andi instructive illustrated atitress by Mr. John F. Clark. Provincial Lecturer in Horti- TH E BIG G E culture, in tbc cvening. T E B G E T V L E l The Peterborough Society won Mr. Jý H. H. Jury's silver cup for the greateat number o! points securet by any one socicty in the district. ORONOI lFromn The News, August l6th.) Mrs. Gray is visiting ber sister, IMrs. S. M. Bîllings. Mr. Wallace Sisson, Toronto. spent a wcek at bis motber's. Mrs. Sisson.I Mrs. L. Parliament o! Toronto is. ..........a visiting ber cousin, Mrs. H. G. Mac- donald. Mrs. Wilson and two sons, Toron-............ to, are visiting ber mother, Mrs. Irwin, at Stanton's. Mrs. George Couvier and family o! Cornwall are vlsiting ber father. Mr. Mattbew Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Rlckaby and famiy are hoiidaying witb bis sis- ter, Mrs. H. J. Soucb. Mr. and Mcs. J. B. Moat o! Oak- ville are spentiing the week at ber brothers, Mr. R. Z. Hall. Mr. Aiison Cowan o! Toronto, la spending bis vacation witb bis par- ents Mr. anti Mcs. T. Cowan. Mr. Siti Hughson o! Toronto spent a f ew days this week at bis fatber's home, Mr. C. J. Hugbson. Mrs. George Mitchell is spending a !ew days at ber slster's, Mrs. Dox-........... tator, anti other frientis at Belle- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw anti son George wcre recent visitors at, ber father's.Mc. George Carr at Gi!- ford, Ont. Miss Jo Armstrong of Hartford, Conn., Is bolldaying at ber mothcr's. Mrs. C. G Armstrong Rev. C. W. anti Mrs. WillIs antiF E daugbtcr o! Middieport, N. Y.. are bolidaying at ber father's, Mr. B. G. Carscadden. Leskarti. Mr. J. B. Adams anti Mr. anti Mrs. H. W. Lemond o! Russell, arc visit- A 6 ing Mr. Lemond's sister, Mrs. Har- rison. TH L RGS . L . A ADIN UBER CO Miss Marjorie Adams anti ber mother, anti Mr. anti Mrs. Adiams, motoreti bere from Omemee. anti at- GUTTA PERCHA tentieti the Flower Show anti visiteti frientis. Mr. Frank Graham, after spenti- WHITE ROSE W lng a week In the olti home town - hom, eftto nnleg.sonhing a da SERVIC STATIO hoe twoWat p eg.Atburenroute. y SRVCESATO oth new o rterwalk uder O M N ILE coenstruct on t te approach er OheIL P cnteructiaclng th e pold pianth M TRAVEL TORONTO EXHIBITION SPECIALS BY Garton's Coach Lines Comfortable up-to-date Busses going daily from AUGUST 24th-to SEPTEMBER 8th Daylight Saving Time Ride on the Bus and avoid woryn about driving in heavy traffic or crowding9fior street cars. LEAVE ARRIVE BETURN Read Down Read Up FARE A. M. 7.00 Kawartha Maples 1.35 $2.65 7.10 Janetville 1.25 2.50 7.20 Yelverton 1.15 2.40 7.30 Nestleton 1.05 2.25 7.40 Blackstock 12.55 2.15 7.50 Burketon 12.45 2.10 8.00 Enniskillen 12.35 2.00 8.10 Hampton 12.25 1.90 8.20 BowTmanville 12.15 1.65 10.00 Toronto Exhibition Leave 10.45 p.m. Above fares include admission to, Exhibition. Bus takes passengers right on to Exhibition Grounds ansd stays1 there ail day for the convenience of passengers. For information phone - LÀndsay 453r33 or Bowînanville 412J. PATRONS USING OUR BUSSES MAY LEAVE THEIR CARS IN PARKING SPACE AT KAWARTHA MIAPLES OR AT OUR3 GARAGE IN BOWMANVILLE FREE 0F CHARGE. day f rom Knox Presbyterian Churchi ANTSL E and was under Masonic auspices. *T'fOR NsRiS Relief cornes soon Sof t corns and warts are ugly, thueo painful and irritating. Remove themwthuef quickly and sureiy with Douglas' Dr. CHAS E' 5 1Egyptian Léiniment. *e J. J. MASON C SON INSURANCE s King St. Bowmanville Phone 50 FIRE - THEFT - ACCIDENT AUTO - ANNUITIES Representing strong and reliable companies i and offering thoroughly experienced and quai- ified counisel in ail matters of insurance and i protection. "The Right Policy to, Meet Your Problemn and Pocketbook" I0Owex Aicoct TI1R ES The Roadcraft Tire - made by Gutta Percha-has 6/a4, 1 SHCK ABSORBERS" of live gum rubber to proteet the cord plies. No other tire at this price has such prot ection. It means thousands of extra miles per tire, and greater SAFETY in every mile. Every tire is guaranteed. GUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER, LIMITED ilead Offie&, TOItONTO, CAuada. Bance. t rom Cou.,te COu.L 1 TIRESY SODED s BYSAO N18 Iodgson NE 23 CARS WASHED AND POLISHED KING & LIBERTY STS. m MM. 9U ML. OF M ML ML jF 1 'ý 'Ç;È-72 Bert C. and his son Elwood Fennel The above two good looking gen- Elwood, his son, is more widely tlemen are employees of Goodyear known than bis dad, through his Compny a Ne Tornto whoareatbiet.ic ability. He is a good bock- Compny a NcwToroto, ho aey player and a speed merchant on well known at New Toronto and skates. He bas played Senior, In- Bowmanviiie, and have together a termediate and Junior O.H.A. be- total service of over 30 years. sides playlng for Goodyear Regulars Bert started with Goodyear in1 a few years ago. He is a mnember Bowmanvilie in 1911. HIe used to o! the Flymng Squaclron and has 91/ý2 have charge of the Returncd Goods years of continuous service with the in Bowmanviile back in 1916 and company. HIe was married last 1917. During the last severai years1 spring to Miss Rena Cavcrly, daugh- he bas been in the Final Inspectioni ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Caverly, à ýw?à MM a m IL, 1 1

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