I in- With Which Is IncorporatedTh Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THIURSDAY, AUGUST 3Oth, 1934 NUMBER 35 BENEFIT CONCERT BY LEGION BAND WAS BIG SUCCESS A program of unusual menit feat- ured the benefit band concert on Saturday night when the Canadian Legion Band entertained a fair sized audience in the Opera House. The concert, stagedi to raise the neces- sary funds to pay expenses of tbe band to the C.N.E. Band Contests at Toronto today, was successful in that over 700 tickts were sold for the concert. Less than a quarter of this number bowever turned out to near the band play. Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.L.A., acted as chairman and commentedi on the great strides the band had made during the pasi few months. A var- ied programi of 'selections was rend- ered interspersed with vocal num- bers by Mrs. Vernon Ott, accompan- ied by Mrs. Cecil H. Dudley, and Mr. C. S. Hallman, accompanied by Mrs. H. D. Clemens. A draw for the lucky tickets, for which cash prizes were offered, re- sulted as f ollows: $2,5.00, Richard Hobbs, Ontario Street; $15.00, Wil- liam Street, Bowmanville Beach and Toronto. $1000, Harry Fry, Bow- manvîlle Hospital. A feature of the evening was the playing of the Exhibition test piece which went off most successfully de- spite the absence o! about f ive play- ,ers who will be with the band today. The best wishes o! the entire con- munity are with the band as they meet stiff competition in Toronto this morning. ID Who Knows Wm. Bates ? The editor has received an inquiry from a f inancial corporation in Western Canada seeking the wbere- abouts of Wm. Bates who resided in Bowmanville about 24 years ago. Ife Is being sougbt to wind up an es- tate in which he is a beneficiary. If you know anytbing about this man communicate immedlately with The Statesman. Furnace Men Make United Drive When everbody waits tli the last minute to have their furnace cleaned or repaired a rush and inconven- ience resuits. So wby not phone your orcler in to-day to have the furnace man look over your heating plant now 50 it will be ready when the cold weatber comes. Nothing is gained but trouble by putting It off. The local plumbers are to be com- mended for the united attack they are making on Page 3 to get their customers to "Do it Now.", Stateaman Office Officiai Morgue For Lost Articles C on g oin e ration of Un- claimed Articles Always Feature of Newspaper Office It's hiot nearly s0 bard bo find lost articles as it is to find test owners! We have corne to Ibis conclusion after taking stock o! some 0f the articles wich have been lying a- round The Statesman office for months, the owners for which ap- parently cannot be found. Innumerable articles o! various shapes, sizes and materials, whicli have become separated from their owners, find their way to The Statesman office to await clainianis. Tbey are the losi-the things thal slip through holes in the pockei, tumble out o! purses, or jusi dis- appear in one of the hundreds af waYs things have o! disappearing- and as yet no owner bas claimec them. At the present tume, among the items o! flotsam and jetsum which have accurnulateci in The States- man office Found Dept. are. door keys, yale keys, car keys, cash box keys. key containers, gloves, spec- tacles, bill folds, camp badges, foun- tain pens. and haîf a dozen other small articles. But ai theepresent time eibher people are becoming more came! ul or they haven'i as much to lose, for there 15 a lack of variety. Some of the older members of the staff recall such loti articles as truck racks, 11- cerise plates, damond rings, powder puffs, gold rings, automobile tires, books compacts, automatic pencils, medals. being brought here, some- limes find their owners and some- Urnes not. Because of tee intrinsic value thal might accrue to ariy o! these articles we usually hold them for about a year before disposing of them. Il pays bo do ibis. Not very long ago a lady who had been visiiing in Bowmanville lasi year, called ai Tbe lEditor Relates Highlights of ConferneIsSlte Public and Higi Weekly Press Convention For Whitby College Re-Open Doc Seveniy-five o! the most repre- _____ ~~~~~~~sentative leaders o! the United -_ _____________ Publishers Lavishly Enter- ST. ANDE.EW'S mINISTER Church o! Canada in Ontario and NEW MAGISTRATE I Quebec are expeted to attend tained in Canadian Met- ofen a Ontario Ladies' Col- ropolis - Guests of Lord thsTheoevning esiin o et Atholstan at Garden Par- t he district, wben Rev. R. B. Coch- ty Satesan Eitor,~.rane, D. D., will given an add.ress on ty Stteman Ediorhome mission work, and Rev. J. H. ~, Electd DirctorArnup, D. D., and severai mission- Electd Dirctoraies will present the foreigri mis- d sion situation. Dr. Cochrane is ex- B Edilors o! weekly newspapers pected 10 give special informationM f ro evey prvine intbe omin ~.concerning conditions in western ion as weli as Newfoundland. ai-Caaaadoerpts!tbD-t tendd th lSb anual onvntio -,This missionary conference is ex- o! tbe Canadian Weekly Newspapers . pected ta be o! strategic importance i Association held ai the Mount Royal .ai a time wben the United Church P Hotel, Montreal, Augusi 16-17-18. is on tbe point o! equalling its e-9 At the opening session the poten- cord o! givings last year for mis- tial influence for good wielded sionary purposes. tbrougbout the country by the week-P ly newspaper, the close toucb with À 0 tbe people enjoyed by the weekly, . ..*. .D.....t.. the !reedom o! weekly newspapers uim Biowmdfl rjuris9 f rom political and other influences n1 tbat might be subversive, and i"m- Bowma.nviiîe to a proved standards the weekly news-E papers have attained in recent Years, L I were among the speciai points Spectacular WvinlW. A.F. CampbellA stressed. o! Port Hope, who is one o! thea Mayor Houde's Welcome Locals Take Peterboro Into magistrates etained in District No.F Welcoming the delegates that 7, following the me-organisation byc colrfu an dyamc pmsoaîiyCamp by 7-3 Score - Attorne3-Generai A.W. Roebuck. Mayor Houde o! Montreal, referred Rev. W. G. Blake SaUrMm. Campbell is Deputy Magistrate to he nflental olethe plyedinForce Third Gaine Stu-o! tbe district, ait a saiary o! $3000. s th 1f o te outr ad heclse o! Hamilton, wbo is acting min- Part o! his duties will include the1 toe tbeifetiaoltbadey ple in fS. nre' rebteday inPort Hope holding o! court in Bowmanviile. c iouch tbey bad wtb the people o!fIster o t.Andmlew'sforesbyotnian the community and knew their MChrc B, omnisle, frm onths. needs. M.Bae h seteeypp- Jîm Bowman hurled the Bowman- Thi fcto ws mpotat i scblar witb bis congregation, was Pro- ville Intermediates to a spectacular C. C. F. IN DURHAM Thi fatorwasimortnt n schvinciai Lawn Bowling S i n g l e s7- viciory over Peterboro Cogs- on a urne as this, be said, for we were champion last yeam. Mr. Blake, who Wednesday afternoon, tying up the HAS SMALL DEFICIT faced with the probiem o! finding is a gifted speaker, addmessed the f irsi round O. B. A. A. series and a new formula for better distribut- Rotary Club recentiy. forcing a third and deciding game Cahrcii nieeeto a-f ion o! wealth and work in the _________________ t Port Hope on SaturdaY afternoon Cs eepsi h lcincr country. "There bas been too mucb t4ocok paign conducted in Durham CounitY capitalisation and otVe-productionat4ocok lasi June by Dr. Lorna Cotton, de-u in every line. We have been trying SCHOOL FAIR DATES Bowman pitched an outstanding f eated C. C.PF. candidate. iotalled9 ta industrialise the country and keep game, which compleiely confounded $351 .78, while the expenses were the people on the f arms ai the same IN DURHAM i..'rNiz the Peterboro batters. Striking oui $392.78, wbich leaves a cleficit o! lime and the result bas been thai __ elleven and allowîng only 5 bits, he $41.00. The latter amount is made bob hepope ninusr ad n Hain ea i heArhrsbugheld the Petes in cbeck on their own f etfoBwanila t bot te eolein ndstY ndon avngred n te rnertbrgdiamond, while bis îeam mates reg- up !r0 t o Bwavil ndt the land are siarving. We have f ail- Echo ibat the School Fairs in Essex istemed ten bits and drove home 7 C C F. Chlbspland1rthe Durnem en beiween two stools and are geit- county were being wiihdrawn this m...Clbpasusris oe ing nowheme. You have the time 10 year we were wondeing if the same -.t ieibsotch saeeti siudy the situation and you bave wouîci apply 10 Durham County, ai- Peterboro opened the scoing in, as f ollows: the opportunity o! bringing it to thubth etovmmnibsieir first Innings, when tbree Bow-[ Reoeipts the attention o! your people. Would made no comment about abolishing manville errors otiue agi ae'fe 10 10 it nul be best for the country ai coîFim 0orknweie ot this stant. Piper, wbo eachedj Delegts e $.0$110 ibscuca ero 0 ikthe best evr, on asomn our mmwl dge Hwasfîrsi base by way o! an error scored Donations Port Hope C.C.F. 14.08 brains instead o! the besi party? sel ai ease wben a leiter was e- in the second frame ta even theb e e ontributions not .43 We are rapîdiy approacbing the ceived from A. E. Sunimers, Agi- -score, and Peterboro weni abead a- xedig$00 e.114 point wbeme we will have ta utilise cultural Representative, announcing gi nteff1 0laioc gi omnil otiuin o the besi bramas in the country, ir- dates as foiiows: wben Rogers scor4ed a!ter lllîting exceeding $25.00 each .... 25.00j respective of wbat party tbey be-asige Total collections ai cam- Oron, Fiday Setembr 7h. pignmeetngs180.27 long ta, and tbe fauli o! the Party OoFrdy' epemer7i. asnl. sbg nig crei statit excludes the 1 ma-,ie Grove, Saiurday, Sept. 81h. Bwav esbi nig aein pînmeig systemni ta the sixtb wben the firsi three bat-$317 brairis o! those who are not in! Hampton, Monday, Sept. 101h. ters 100k hits fmom hurler Biliing- $317 power. Canada cannai afford any Enniskilien. Tuesday Sept. llih. siey, a le! i hander, wbo was ihen Expenses longer the luxury o! efung1 Blackstock, Wednesday. Sept. l2ib. replaced by Vannest, the ieam's Hall ent. paid .... $ 79.56 utilise the besi braîns she bsgtsa1adrsrv.îchr owa-Avetsng ad184.50 and if we do not play or oeIn ewovleTuraySpt13h ville ireated Vannesi witb no more Telephone. telegrapb. express the nexi few years someone else 1 Ballyduf!. Friday, Sepieniber 141h. respect and the firsitvaw men bail- and postage, paid 8.721 it going 10 play it for us." Fleeiwocd. Monday, Sept. l7th. ed hlm f or bits, bringing in a total Speakers, travelling expense, Influence Powerfui Welcome. Tuesdiay, Sept. 18ib. o! four uns in the innings. Peter- paid 79.00 Garden Hill, Tbumsday. Sept. 201h boro macde a desperate effort ta Rent. Bowmanville hall (un- In bis presiuiential a d dre s , Mil'brook, Friday, Sept. 21s1. stage a comeback in the 81b when paid 36.00 harles Clark, o! Higb River, A- Ida, Saiurday. Sepiember 22nd. two bits, one a double, scored one Rent Beihany hall (unpaid). 5.00 -erta, said that the weekly news-' Centreville, Monday. Sept_ 241h. run Witb three bits in the final oapers had been tbmougb hard - -- frame Bowmanville scored another $392.78 tumes in the pasi few years, but mun to cinch the game. Bowman their prestige stood higher iban You Can Help the Editor sîruck oui one, asslsted in another, ever. They bad mainiained iheir witb the ihird man gettlng out au Splendid Crops In Durham pidependence and bad thuýs con- The edilor cannot inquire ai your f irsi 10 end tbe game. iinued t,,, wield a powerful in- home to see if there Lt any news. feîtegaei was decided to Some splendid crops, in one case fluence in the community. If you know o! any, band it in. < r Astetheia game o h e e noais going 80 bushels to the acre. The Assocition elsooldethetefinal gametho!ewthehse iesbut noare being repcited from Durhami inhad Asoction loclbrtdWat h etarejis t no Port Hope on Saturday a! temnoon Couniy, according 10 the weekly rnadtin1 holding their annual: man cari gel ail. W r uia n when a record crowd is expected to convention, the 75tb anniversary of xious to, mention your company or~ ted fo omnil,~ statementilssued by the Ontario De- oganized newspaperdom and Mayor visitons as we are ihose o! yourHoean Cbur sisalrg David Williams, Editor o! 'the Coul- "e ghbors, but pobably your neigh- HpadCoor eidsalreparmt fo! Aricutre.the r.-i s brs iveus oreassstace ecu- 1contingent from Peterboro. The portfor the "tckntyfreih wek s ingwood Entemprîse - Bulletin, e- osgv.smr assac eu-crowd on Wednesday was nearly as s follry ows :- "Stook thsngas called ibat the f irsi newspaper had ing the facis. We are aiways pleas-benvr-puar gintsya. Sbeen publisbed in ibis country in ed 10 receive local news. If any o! large a s the crowd here lasi Satur- The yield is from 40 ta 50 per cent e aia n15.In15 b is our readers know o! an accident, a day, witb about fifty rooters !rom better than lasi year. Many fields o! >presçs association had been formed personal item, a birtb, a marriagel. Bownane cbeeing iest n ct n rowd aeotigcls in Kingston, Ont., and in the follow- a death, or anything Ihat may te pltched acre. wiib one grwethreportlng clos lng year the f irsi officers o! The o! general interesi, if ibey would bsbs gm !te esn o 80 busheis to the acre from a Canadian Press Association were send it to us eiiher personally or by Score by innings:- fourleen-acre f ield. Banley Lt rurin- feiected in Toronto. The Canadian mail. we wauld always be pleased io Bowmanville 010 014 001 7 10 5 ing !mom 35 to 40 bushels per acre, -Press Association ai thai urne in- publish ii. Write lu in your own Cobourg 100 010 010 3 5 21 with an cdd field y1eldjng up to 50 cluded the dailies, weekiies and way; ahl we wani is the partlculars Bom-rnanvilie: Camneron r!; E. Bag- bu',bels. Apple production 15 not national publications, and later dis- and f acis and if necessary we cari neil 2b; Osborne ss; Moore if; Cor- more than 25 to 30 per cent o! lasi e ~easily put it in readable shape our- den lb; Piper 3b: W. Bagneil cf;: year's crop. and the majority o! Ibis (',ntnued on Page 4% seves. Bates c; Bowman P. is faîl and early winter varieties."1 New Directors of the Canariian WeEkly Newspal:ers Association r r r r t t 0 ri e d e r y e d e d ýr e e d id L- h choolRETAIL"MERCHANTS i ~CiOOa toURGE RETENTION 0F ors Next Week HON. H. H. STEVENS Bowninvxlle Retail Merchants - joined with retail merchants from -ligh School Opens Tues- coeast t corast this wee nugn day and Public Schools the retention of Hon. Hl. 1H. stev- ens' services as head of the Price on Wednesday-900 Stu- Spreads Comnitteee. dent Exectd t Reurn The letter, which lias been ao- to Their Studies and whieh was signed by W. C. Cav- I Y reietof the Bowmanville IBranch of the Retail Merchants As- Close to 900 Public School stu- sociation of Canada, reads as fol- lents wiil return to their studies Ini îows: 3owmanville early next week when Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, schools open for the f ail and wtn.. Prime Minister, ter termn. It is expected that close to Ottawa, Ontario 300 will register at thle High School Dear Sir:--Our organisation here which will open on Tuesday morn- greatly appreciates government ae- ng, September 4th. Middle and Up- tion in appointing the Stevens Com- per school students are to report at mittee and the investigating latitude 9amn., while first and second form allotted to them. We do heartily students and those intending to take endorse Hon. H. R. Stevens as Chair- comercial courses will report at 1.30 man and feel sure a continuance of p.m. There will be little or no regu- his services as such, wii eventuafly lar curriculum work a0comP1ished bring results favorable to thousands on the f irst day, which is usually of Canadians if co-operative remned- given over to the produring of the il legislation be brought down bY necessary books. the government at Ottawa without There wlll be two changes on the further delay. Eligh School staff, with the addition W. C. Caverly, President, of Miss T. M. Soper and Mr. R. M. Retail Merchants Association Ainsle. The full staff and their izuIes of Bowmanville are as follows:- L. W. Dippeil B. A., Principal and Teacher of Science; G. L. Wagar, M. A., Teacher of Many Durham County Nlathernatics; E. R. Devitt, B. A.,Fo Physical Training and Lower Sehool Fok Win Prizes subjects; B. E. Ingham, M. A., IL. At Oshawa Fali Fair B.; R. M. Alnslie, B. A.. Teacher of Commercial subjecis; Miss E. Sted- man B, A., Teacher of Classics; Mis As usual Durhamn County w-as well Marion Wagar, B. A., Teacher «f represented among the prise winners History; Miss Dorothy Bonnycastle, at Oshawa Fair, which, was success- B. A_, Teacher of English; Miss Ag- f ully staged last week. Durhamn ries Vanstone, B. A., Physîcal Train- County people were represented in ing and Lower School subjecis; Miss a score of classes and were the win- E. M. Soper, B. A., Modemns and <y.. ners of these prises: fice Commercial Work Arthur Welsh, 5 prizes on Heavy The Public Schools ill not open Horses. until Wednesday, September 5th,~ Cochrane Bros. 2 prizes on Road- giving the child.ren attending te ster horses. Canadian National Exhibition on J. W. Glenney, 5 prises on horses. Labor Day an opportunity to rest. John Baker, 6 prizes on horses Principal J. H. Jobnston advises and sbeep. that ail primary pupils be on hand W. J. Leask, 8 on horses, grain the f irst day, and ail children who ancd corn. will be six years of age shortly, P..? F. B. Glaspell, 10 on horses and recommended to start as no extra sheep- classes will be formed during the W. R. Robbins, 8 on sbeep. year. The first day at school will be Harold Skinner, 9 on sheep. taken up with the purchase of school Ai!. Ayre, il on sheep. supplies and actual work will com- J. W. Balson & Son. 12 on sheep, mence on Thursday momsing. eggs and Domestic. The full staff of teachers for the Mrs. N. Taylor, 6 on grain, but- Public Schools will be as follows: ter and pickles. Senior 4th, Principal J. H. Johnston, W. H. Carruthers & Son, 19 on A. B. Clark; Junior 4th. Miss M. M. fruit. Jennings and Miss M. Cofladott; W. S. Bragg, 9 on fruit. Junior and Senior 3rds, Miss H. M. P. Snowden, 5 on eggs, canned Morris. Miss G. Wickett, Miss L. L. fruit and cooking. Bragg: 2nd clasdes, Miss Butiner, Mrs. J. W. McMaster, 5 on butter, Miss E. E. Jewell: lst book and prîm- eggs and cooking. aries, Miss F. Moore, Miss V. Powers. Solina Women's Institute carried Miss M. Cole: South Ward: 2nd and off 13 f irsi prises, 9 seconds, and 7 lst classes, Miss M. Pickard;,' Prim- thirds. ars, Mrs. M. Symons. Hamlpton Institute won 6 f irsts, Parents are expected to see that 5 seconds, and 7 thirds. Hurrah their children are in attendance at for West Durham! school the f irst day .The schools are- considerably dLsorganized when pu-1 Rev. G. and Mrs. Mason, and Miss pils irail in severai days after, school 1 Huichison, were recent guests o! officially opens. Mrs. Wilkinson, Port Perry. Most Sickness is Fault of Bad Eating Says Speaker OPaul 0. Sampson, Philadel- W. J. Challis Moves Into phia Dietitian, Explains Cities Service Garage Need of Chemical Bal- With the increase in business once in Foods - Tells that W. J. Challis is experlencing Rotarians How to Fat this year he has found it necessary___ to move to larger and more central quarters. Coming Sept. 151 lie wiîî "Foods in relation to physical well occupy the Cities Service Garage, being" was the subjeet of an exc- opposite the A. & P. Store, right in ceptionally lnteresting and informa- the heart of the business section of tive address given at the Rotary the town. The building outside will Club by Paul 0. Sampson, dietitian be painted and otherwise made more o! Philadelphia, on Frlday. Mr. inviting while the interior will be Sampson, who possesses a wealth of oompletely renovated and~ mocter- knowledge on the subject, could only ized for attragctiveness and e:Ulc- touch on the hlghlights during the iency. The large show room will have time at bis disposaI, but after thse o n display Dodge and DeSoto Cars, address several of the members Philo and Westinghouse Radios, ac- gathered a round and asked ques- fcessorlesýand Cijties Service-P-rodue-ts.- lioflnthirin iar. tiiJ UIt n anwerec The f ree radio service which proved'10Ihteir satisfation. C.H.Ma sowi be ote t wo y I 1son, th e speaker stated, Potatoes Mm Algy Hamtnuden bs ee aven't any peeling, but a brown Mre'ad mecadn or o DodeSer- coat f ull o! earih saits, and theY vicd e r heai for ars. will beshouid be either (baked or steamed vinc o hare o! s rviearepaiaforfor human cansumption, and if rub- il mhargeofsero! ean bed with a 11111e olive oul will be . . .. . . .ai nting anof pcar s ng cars il m ore pleasing tb tbe taste. Fancy bePainein asd usal. meats, white bread and the average Mn. halis sys n bi adt ~ rich desserts found on Most family ,a~~~. page 6 thms intimation is just t10 geltalsretecueomsi!ax E ~~ou ready for the Grand Opening hmnls ecamd hswt nnonceeninex moth.But if the eating o! the wrong combination anoun want ne caro rdi o sr-o!f oods sends more people ta the yoicin o a n klndar oheadio im e-grave ihan any other cause. Quoi- is staff la n ibion te job t ive ing siatistics, he staied that apprax- you proffi, icet n thaedjoutou ive1imately fIfty per cent o! the people seu rvicetany lie ___and _ came for tbe other fifty per cent. servce ay tie. Speaking o! cancer and its causes, fleath AccidentaI the general bele o ata h -ooe' uY investigating the eating o! refined foods, which bave A Cooner juihad the calcium, potassium and sod- circunisiances o! the 'deaîh o! Ivan ium boiled, cooked or extracted J. Ross, brother o! Mm. C. T. Ross, f nom the naturai products befome 00 who died f rom injuries sustained mn îhey are eaten, are the chie! causes a motor accident near Uxbridge ont o! ibis dread disease. In those Augusi 4th, returned a verdict o! countnies wbere nef ined foods are accidentai deaih, in Oshawa. not consunied ta the extent tisai -- tbey are in Amerlea, ttbre are f ar Unique Exhibit at C.N.E. lesa cases o! cancer, was bis state- Durham County people wbo at- ment, tend the Canadian National Exhibi- He mentioned the large numbers lion shouid visit tise Autoiotive that are succumblng to heart fail- Building, where a cuiter belonging ure during recent years and attrlb- ta Mn. Jabes Wrigbt, Blackstock, is uted the cause 10 the lack o! the on display In the Gieneral Motors essentiai mineraI salis in aur dally exhibit. Tise cuiter was manufac- food. Most o! the deatis corne un- tured by Mr. Robert McLaugliln expeciedly as the victim la unaware when belilved in Enniskilieu over 60 o! bis condition and bas ignorantly The afficers o! the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association A. L. Barreli, Curling, Nf îd., W. V. Udaîl, Boisevai4 Sask. Seated- iyear ao. Mm. Mcinuhlfl'5 kionbeen partang o! foodavethat baes elected ai Montreal lasi week are shown as follows: Back row, le! t t1 C. V. Charterq, Bramupton, Ont.; C. Barber, vice president, Cbilliwack, the dash and on tise back. The cul- a! those who bad been under lus rlght-T. P. Lancaster, Havelock, Ont., W. Asbfleld, Grenfeli, Sask., B. C.; A. L. Seliar, presideni, Huntingdlon, Que.; Charles Clark, past ter, now in possession of Mm. Wright, personal observation and had been P.E. Riaux, Dmmrmondville, Que., G. W. James, Bowmanville, Ont., president, Higb River, Alta.; L. . Bennett, Carman, Sask.. E. R Sayles was one o! the number that lierald- helped and cured by a change of ed greater MeLaughlin works; and diet. To prove that earth salIs are S. J. Dorland, Alameda, Sask., R. S. Giles, Lachute, Que., C. R. Davies, managlng diector, Renf rew, Ont. - (Coutesy o! the Montreal Daily iîte present General Motors o! Osil- beneficlal bte te hear-t action, he Sussex, N.B., Fred Turnbull, Red Deer. Alta., W. S. Harris, Vernon, B.C., Star. awa. (Continued on page 7) _dom