PAGE EIGHT A Barber Who Had Rheumatism Tells How He Carried On A barber who had been "a martyr te rheumatism" writes:- 'II have been a martyr to rheuma- tism for some ten years. For five years I was se affected that it was with the greatest difficulty I wasi able to carry on my business. I may say I arn a barber by trade. After having tried numerous rem - edies, 1 was f inally advised te try Kruschen. 1 amn pleased te say that after having used Kruschen for soein twelve months. I am now freer fromnci aches and pains than I have been gi for some ten years. In fact, I con- h: sider I am rid o! rheumatism, thanks t, te Kruschen Salts."-W. M. a Two of the ingredients of Krus- tE chen Saîts are the most effectual solvents of uric acid known te med- pi ical science. They swiftly duIl the si sharp edges of the painful crystals, bi then convert them into a harmless tE solution. Other ingredients of these Salts have a stimulating effect up- g( on the kidneys, and assist thesrx te t] expel the dissolved uratic needies through the natural channel. f oi hi THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1934 A Good Mate As a wife, do you refrain from Do you try to dress to please your riticizing your husband? Do you husband and keep yourseif attract- ive him freedom in his associates, ive in his eyes? Do you compromise .is hours and his dealings? Do you on matters of different opinion and try to make the home as attractive flot insist on your way too much? as possible? Do you try to be in- Do you play with your husband, teresting? sharing the games he likes in his Do you vary the menu to give him leisure hours? pleasant surprises? Do you under- Do you avoid habits which you stand enough of your husband's know annoy him anid the discussion business to discuss it with hlm in- of topics which you know are dis- teligently and sympathetically? agreeable týo him? Do you keep Do you make an especial effort to abreast of the times that you may et along pleasantly with his mo- discuss the daily news with him? ter and other relatives? Do you associate happily with the Are you brave enough to meet people he likes, so that you can en- [nancial reverses with courage and joy the same companions and ev- ýheer and help him make the hest ents? Do you welcome his friends f what fortune you can get; or do into your home? Are you unselfish- ýou discourage him by comparing ly trying to be a real helpmeet? im unfavorably with more success- Check up on yourself and see how Facts luuuea ier MrEyes Mopping And Saeyour knees for devotion," Vision advises a home economic expert, as she extols the value of the mop. Tht mop will do almost anything tht housewi.fe can do, on her knees. By C. H. Tuck, Opit. If it dots net dig around thorough- Eyesight Specialist ly enough in corners and small places, use a smnaller mop. A most PAY FOR VISION AND NOT useful household implement is the BLINDNESS toy dust mop o! string, which is larger and has a longer handît than Number Il the string dish mop. Even a string dish mop will seek If we have any sense o! citizen- tht corners, and tht steop may be ship that is true, we will set an- gooci exercise for tht mopper. If ether side to the story. We are none o! these tools quite f111 the bill faced by a striking fact, that if our for the meticulous housew-ife, she sense 0f negleet leads te, tht worst can first dig eut the corners by and cannot be met by us t must hand. or by scrub brush and cloth. devolve upon tht state. and then use the mop for the rest Should we net be sufflciently o! the reom. thankful for tht vision we have that Hands may aIse be saved as well we at least should attempt te con- as knees. Tht mop wringer, which serve t. The proportion of those attaches te the pail, is a great con- cases with imperfect vision has been venience. It net enly wrings tht found by group examinations te f ar mnop without benefit o! human exceed tht perfect. Out of these touch. and te great preservation of proven te be imperfect that propor- the manicure. but it also wrings it tien that can be corrected te func- drier and more evenly than tht tien properly is about 371, add te housewife is went te wring it. With that the normal cases 15 % making tht mop wringtr, ont may use hot- a total o! 525, normal and normal ter water and stronger soaps than by correction. and now comnpare this if wringing by hand. and the black with tht distased conditions. !loor-water dots net get into tht Distased conditions l1% pores of tht akin. High defects .. 33 % Making total o!f48% Refrigerator Ice Creamn imPerftct even with correction. Many people object te the taste e! Some facts wrthy e! note re tht flour, evaporated milk or gelatin in above table are First only 15% O! their refrigerator ice cream. Here tht group was normal. second 15% ,i, a recipe whuch dots net contain of tht group were diseased cases. any o! these ingredients, yet may be Third any o! tht 37%ý miner de- frozen in yeur mechanical ice box. fects or even o! tht normal 15% Beat slightly two egg yelks, add rnay become diseased or cases Of six tablespoons o! sugar, a few higher defect, but few o! tht hîgh grains o! sait and ont cup o! rich defective or distased cases have any miîk or thin cream. Stir this mix- chance e! becoming normal unt5ss ture in tht top o! your double boiler watched and checked through life until it forms a coating on the and te any ef you who may read andspntecoradcokenm- urttrsand I epet, ay orHealth utes longer. Cool and add ont tea- net Sickntss. Vision net Blindness, spoon o! vanilla. Beat two egg Efficiency net Inefficitncy. whitts stiff. and whip ont cup o! <To be continued) htavy cream. FoId tht cream., eggs __________________________and custard together, turn inte tht refrigerator tray and chull three or Tht Provtn Asthma Remedy. four heurs. Remove tht tray when Since asthina existed there has been tht contents begin te freeze along ne lack o! much heralded remedits, tht edges, scrape aîl into a bowl, but they have preved short lived and beat vigorously and return te tht worthless. Tht ever-growing repu- traY. This will insure a smoeth tation of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Ashina texture. Rexnedy has given it a Place in tht Ordinary recipes for ice cream are field o! medicint which ne other net successful for refrigerator ice can aPpreach. It has neyer been crearn. To make ice cream without pushtd by sensational methods, but stirring it, requiresl a larger portion hias siniply gene on tffecting relief e! fat. Without this, tht frozen pro- and making ntw converts. duct s dense and full o! icy par- ________________________________ticles. I ny * ' u.JThe OiIy 5kin VYhat âchooI( Dec sions are always in .rde, our catalog mnay help you. We send It on request. We train for Business Pos. Itions and help to Place Our Gradu. ates. Enter anY time. No forced vacations. Write to Shaw Business Schools Oept. K-3 - Bay & Charles Ste. Toronto. "Blue" Spelis Reduce some women te the petulant shadow of their own smiling selves. Others take the Ve g etable Campound when they feel the "blues" ceming on. It steadies quiver. ing nerves .. . helps te tone up the general health ... gives tbem more pop . . . more charm. LYDIA E. PINKHAM>S VEGETABLE COMPOUND ~Egh pad wlil kili files ail day an<O every day for three weeks. 3 ado in ench packet. 10 CENT PER PACKET ai Druggists, Grocera, General Stores. WHY PAY MORE? TM WZLS n FY PAO Co. lHinSilcon. Ont. Ont reasen why tht oily skmn is eiîy is because tht systeni has to much ouI in it and is trying te throw it off. Tht most direct remedy Ls te tat less rich, oiîy, greasy food. Most cases of blackbeads and Pimples are due te faulty dit-too much e! fats, starches and sugars. and net enough o! fruits. vegetab- les. and branny fibrous foeds, which encourage intestinal activity; and esPeially net eneugh drinking wat- er. JRe!orm along these lines and yen will have a finer skin and mort beautiful complexion. This dots net mnean that yeu must give up fats, sweets and starches but et spar-' ingly o! them, largely e! fruits and vegetable9, and drink, bttwten meals, at least six glasses o! water a day. To evercome tht intestinal slug- gishness take laxatives which are net habit !ormîing, sucb as mineraI oi1, agar and psyllium seed. Tht mineraI oil us net absorbed in tht sYstem and will net make tht 5kin eiIY. Ordunary laxatives are very bad fer tht health, and their use, except in emergencies, is te be avoided. A generous use e! drink- ing water wil often relieve this whole trouble. In washing thte ily 5kin. use Warmn water and soap and !ollow this with a thoreugh rinse o! cold water, te centract tht pores. Food Ideas A hot weather meai might be comPesed e! ont het dish, a cool drink and salad of lettuce, tematees and cottage cheese. The thermcs jug is a geod picnic friend. Drinks. tither hot or cold, may be carried in it. A jar o! mustard, horseradish or mayonnaise adds zest te picnic sandwiches. Cabbage centains calcium, a val- uable mineral food. It also contains suiphur. which accounits for its de- cided odor. Beth o! these are val- uable food elements. Children who do net like milk can eften be inducedi te drink it In tht iorm o! chocolate malted milk, es- pecially if straws are used, or if sveral chidren drink together. Coeking meat wlth potatots or several vegetables extends its flavor and us a good econemny stunt. 1 you r.L. Cheaper cuts may be used for long, slow cooking. Croquettes To make croquettes, chop meat, or flake f ish, or divide cooked vege- tables into small pieces. according as your croquettes are fish, meat or vegetable croquettes. Add enough highly seasoned white sauce to com- bine this into a thick paste. Shape into a roll; dip into bread crunibs; then into, egg which has been mixed with one tablespoon of cold water; then again into the bread crumbs; and either fry in hot fat or bake. To bake croquettes lay them in a greased shallow pan and bake in a moderate oven until brown. They will be less greasy, more wholesome, easier to make, and less expensive bakedthan fried. What Is Rayon'? Rayon is not made by the silk worm, but by man. Both use a wo>ody cellulose puip. The silk- wormn eats and digests it and trans- ferms it into silk. Man soaks and treats it and recluces it to a liquid. Then he makes it into fine filaments or threads and weaves it into a cloth s0 nearly like silk that it takes an expert to, tell the difference. Rayon usually wears better than silk and is much less expensive. Mrs. Solomon Says As our labor becomes more spec- ialized or mechanized, we need more play to maintain the balance of a vigorous and healthy lufe. SALLY'S SAL.LIES You can'L hip a waiit e egh te malta hlm bac hiabalance Prompt Reief from 1IN D1G ES TIO N Don't let stomach troubles spoil the enjoyment and benefit of you: meals. KIRK'S STOMAjLKA giveE almost instant relief f rom Indiges- tion, Pains after eating, Bloating, Belching, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, etc, An alkaline remnedy in liquid form, it tones up the stomach with amnaz- ing speed. Smnall doses make it ec- onomnical, easy te take. Get KIRK'S STOMALKA today at - McGREOOR'S DRUG STORE WE DELI VER Pure .... Clean PASTEURIZED Fresh MiIk -TO - Bowmanville Bowmanville Beach Hampton Enniskillen Burketon Blackstock Caesarea Newcastle Newcastle Beach Newtonville In ail these centres Bownian- ville Dalry Mllk 19 recognlzed as the cleaneat. purest, and rlchest dlik availabie. If you haven't trled It yet Phono 446 and we wili cali. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. Betties, Prop. Phone 446 Honored on 25th Wedding Day Companions of Forest and True Blues Make Presen- tations to Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mitchell A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wakelin, Church Street, on Thurs- day, August 23rd, when the Com- panions of the Forest gathered and gave Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Mitchell a surprise Party te celebrate their Sil- ver Wedding anniversary. The bride and groom of 25 years were taken for a nice car ride the fore part of the evening, and on returning found the Companions gathered around the dining room, and all sang Here Comes the Bride. It was a total surprise te Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. The evening was spent in cards and social talk, and about il o'clock Companion Delmage and Companion Wakelin called the party te a lovely luncheon set in the dining room. The table looked lovely with flowers and nice things te eat. After al were seated this address was read by Companion Wakeln Bowmanville. Aug. 23, 1934 Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mitchell Dear Friends: We could net let this important event pass by with- eut being mentioned. You have reached a very eventful milestone on your bourney tegether through if e, your 25th anniversarY. We, the Cempanions of the Forest, extend te you our hearty congratulations. Companion Mitchell, you have been a constant attendant, a faithful worker and a staunch member of our Circle for years, ever ready te help tht Lodge or a Companion1 whenever necessary. We appreciate1 ail this much more than you perhaps4 realize and ask you at this time to1 accept this token of our good wishes for your Silver Wedding. Hoping you and Mr. Mitchell may be spared te see many more years together and wishing you both health and happi- ness in the years te come. Let us all hope te see you celebrate your Golden Wedding also. Signed on behaîf of Tht Companions o! thee Forest-Comp. Gould' Companion Delmnage presented the bride and groom with a lovely sil- ver flower basket as a token from the Companions o! Maple Leaf Cir-t cIe No. 143. The bride was very much over- come. but managed te say a few words e! appreciation and thanks te the Companions. Mr. Mitchell then on behaîf o! his wife and himself gave his thanks te aIl. and all join- ed in singing "For They Are Jolly Goed Fellows." A joily time was then spent over the luncheon table and about 1 o'clock aIl retired te their homes, everyone reportng a very happy evening spent together. Friday evening, August 24th, the1 members of Confederation Truei Blue Lodge, 474, gave a cern roast at tht lodge room in honour o! Brother and Sister E. G. Mitchell's 25th wedding anniversary. The fol- lowing address was read by Sister Wakelin: Bewmanville, Aug. 24, 1934 Mr. and Mrs' E. Mitchell: Dear Brother and Sister Mitchell- We, the members of Confederation True Blue Lodge Ne. 474, and, your friends, have chosen tonight te cele- brate with you the 25th anniversary of Your wedding day which is Tues- day, August 28th, 1934. We have always known you bath te be goed and faith!ul workers in this lodge, always ready te lend a helping hand in time of need and neyer afraid of work. Se we felt we could net let this occasion pass without rernem- bering you with some small gift te show the love and respect we have for you. So at this time we ask you ta accept these tokens as a little re- membrance for your silver wedding. We hope You will !ind your gifts very useful. and that they will al- ways remind you of the happy heurs spent tegether. We hope and pray that the rest of your journey through life will be pleasant, and we hope you both will live te see many more years o! happiness together, and we hope te be able te celebrate with you yeur 5th anniversary also. We cengratulate you bath and wish you health and happiness for years te ceme. Signed on behaîf of tht Lodge-Sister Wakelin and Sister Delmage. Sister Delmage presented a levely silver cheese and cracker basket to Sister Mitchell. and a bird tie pin set with pearls te Brother Mitchell. as tokens !rom the members o! True Blue Ledge. Bre. and Sis. Mitchell gave a few lovely remarks and thanked aIl whe gave towards tht gifts. As tht party drew te a close, a hearty vote of thanks was extended te Sisters Del- mage and Wakelin for the lovely corn roast which was se nicely pre- pared by them. DAINTY DISH SET BEFORE A KING The follewlng is an excerpt frem an Edinburgh paper at the time of a visit te Scotland by King George and Quten Mary. "An urgent message was received by an Edlnburgh f irm the other ev- ening. It requested that a packet o! Kellogg Cern Flakes be sent te the Palace o! Holyreedhouse. It had te reach tht palace before 7 o' dock the following merning. "At midnight, a wholesale house had te be opened Up and the packet was dispatched te the palace by taxi." 'Holyroodhouse"~ is the official residence o! the King and Quten while in Scotland. Binks: "Have You ever seen a prize-fight?" Hinks: "No, neyer, but I once leoked un on one of my wife's after- noon bridge parties." Tht season is well on when fresh, ture on top and serve. Yield: 8 ser- sweet cern us on tht màrket. This vings. iimportant news because cern is SCALLOPED CORN AND OLIVES one of tht !ew vegetables that still 1 u.qctrysIed p. sait ha its season. Nearly everything tIsecanbe oun In ht arkts t tpt coked corn 1;.top). pepper elsecal be oun in he arkes'a ýýcul) rirpe olives ½cul) cornflakes some price tht year around. How- <mnince<î) tbsî,s. butter ever, cern is neither fresh nor sweet aiter t ha been .picked fer many Cook celery in boiling, salted heurs, and most of the crep us sold water until tender, but not sof t as it ripens near tht place where it Plain ttered casserole alter- is grewn. or it us canned or dried nate layers of cern, celery anc for ot-ofseasn us. mnnctd olives. Add seasonings anc for ut-o-seson St.milk. Top with cern flakes and dot When we bite into tht f irst juicy with butter. Bake in moderate oven corn o! tht stason, we decide thtn (375 degrees F.) thurty minutes. and there te have it every day. Wt TOASTED CORN SANDWICHES feel that we could neyer tire e! corn. 1,;,cul, soft sttari) tocp. bakng Perhaps, we really de net tire o! it. cheese iowdecr Tht fact remaîns, however, that a!- 1i hisi. rmltk cui, grated a ter tht !irst wetk or se ef tht cern i egg (et) cern -season we begin te think o! ways o! 1. tsp. sait Iý'îtt,-re,î toast, strips serving it that are different. i,/ top. dry mnuscat', of bacon Succotash and cern fritters with Mix cheese, milk. beaten egg, sea- 1maple syrup or honey are time-hon- sonings and baking powder into a rored ways o! uslng cern cut from smoeth paste. Adld tht cern and stht cob. Many cooks have cliscov- spread mixture on slces o! toasttd ered that cooked corn le!t-over or buttered bread. Place strip of bacon freshly cut from the ceb u eiiu on top and put undtr breller until it i.!heaed n cea a delicod becomes browned and puffe<L up. wth saIt, pepper, and a littît butter Sev medtely. if the cream us net too rich. Weil- - __________ seasoned cern stufflng us geod in OTNM T 3tomatots or peppers. Cern has its place in cream or vegetable saups. I o artsetemutis It adds a certain somethlng te muf- Dou not rsbeotht munains, fins, biscuits, grlddlt cakes and D ltgubeo epan waffles. In fact, If you wuîî list There is beauty in tht flowers your favorite recipes for meat and A hey grewmus uon b tht ain.g vegetabît dishes, for soups and for There us magic un bheds sngng quick breads. many suggestioTnrs faocrnth sy using cern wiîî eccur te you. WhenFer our Qed has given frttly you wish t feature cern in the menu Gi! ts like these with aur supply. and want somtthlng ddfferent, tht If you cannet set thte cean, follewing recipes will help you. Do net go about and sigh; CORN STI.FFED PEPPERS Just you climb to some green hilltop 6I gree-n weet peppers 2 tiâsi.s.sugar And then watch the clouds go by. 2cups whoie kersiel 2 ibmps. oonsait Now then look down in tht valley 'c'pked corn riuccr At a field o! waving wheat- 4"2 cup tibm white (Crnfiakc rurnhs Iàfe will seem much more worth liv- sauce ratei1 cheese inig 5 ibsism. tornato catsup Andi your day wiil be compîtte. Cut eff tops and remove seeds o! There is beauty aIl areund you peppers. Put peppers and top slce If you but tht beauty set; in coldi water and brlng te boil, bail- There is promise un a rainbow ing five minutes. Cut cooked top And a sermon in a tree. o! peppers Into small plcts and add Par-eff scenes may often caîl you, to corn. Add catsup, sugar and on- But I'm confident you'll find Ion sait and pack Into tht parboiled here are things ai hanci wiII give pepper cases. Put lump of butter on YOU top o! each and cever tops with Corn Peace o! htart, contented mind. flake crumbs and grated cheese.- Bake ln hot oven (425'P.) until MrSmlsasdentbFo- brown on top.Mr ml asdontbPo- sort, use tither Cress Cern or Bun- SPANISH CORN ion Salves. At Jury & Levell's. i Lis utti-r i tsp. sait i targt., greeén iierper, 1J top. hlack peplier Persian Balm-the ont toilet re- min,(,i 2 cups cooked corn quisite for tht dainty woman. De- i meîîitmm oflion, 2I4j cups; tomacops lightful te use. Leaves ne sticklntss. chopipei 8 whole wheat Swiftly abserbed by tht tissues. biscuits Dellcately fragrant. Imparts a vel- vtty loveliness te tht complexien. Melt butter ln frylng pan and Tenes up tht skin. Soothes and saute pepper and enien untîl tender banishes ail unpleasant roughnesa but net brown. Add other lngre&t or chafing caused by wlnd and other lents (except whole wheat biscuits) weather condâtions. Makes bands and simmer until julce has partîy soit and white. Creates an elusive, condensed. Split, heat and butter essentlally femninine charm. Perslan the wbole wheat biscuits, place a Baula i Indispensable te women «f genereus amount of the corn mlx- refinenient. Best By Every Test!/ CORN STARCH Product of the St. Lpwrence Starch Co. Limited, Port Credit. Ont. TRAVEL TORONTO EXHIBITION SPECIALS BY Garton's Coach Unaes Comfortable up-to-date Busses going daily from AUGUST 24th to SEPTEMBER 8th Daylight Saving Time Ride on the Bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy traffic or crowding for street cars. LEAVE ARRIVE RETURN Read Down Read Up FARE A. M. 7.00 Kawaxtha Maples 1.35 $2.65 7.10 Janetville 1.25 2.50 7.20 Yelverton 1.15 2.40 7.30 Nestieton 1.05 2.25 7.40 Blackstock 12.55 2.15 7.50 Burketon 12.45 2.10 8.00 Enniskillen 12.35 2.00 8.10 Hampton 12.25 1.90 8.20 Bowmanville 12.15 1.40 10.00 Toronto Exhibition Leave 10.45 p.m. Above fares include admission to Exhibition. Bus takes passengers right on to Exhibition Grounds and stays there ail day for the convenience cf passengers. For information phone - Lindsay 453r33 or Bowmanville 412J. PATRONS USING OUR BUSSES MAY LEAVE THEIR CARS IN PARKING SPACE AT KAWARTHA MAPLES OR AT OUR GARAGE IN BOWMANVILLE FREE 0F CHARGE. je.J King Si FI le MASON & ISURAN St. Bowmanville 'IRE - THEFT - ACCIDI AUTO - ANNUITIES Representing strong and reliable and offering thoroughly experienced ified counsel in ail matters of insui protection. "The Right Policy to Meet Your F and Pocketbook" SON CE Phone 50 ENT companies 1and quai- irance and 'roblem 0p0ý .1w&Tlere's A Wealth f Health In This summer make your fanilly a "-milk" flamily. Make It a habit to serve bath adulte; and chlldren wlth fresh Gien Rae pasteurized germ-prof mlJk - the quick, easy, appetlzlng way ta uso that they get ail the proper vitamn ln one, necesaary to fore- staîl summer compiaints and hot weather sickneas. Mlik, say sclentlsts, is the only Item contalnîng ail the vltasnlns necessary to hunian life - but to get goad, proper nourlahing milk ste that you get the rlgbt dalry. Glea Rae Dalry PHONE 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON. Proprietoru Blessed are they who have the gif t Itl i easy in the world ta live af- of maklng frlends, for It Is one of ter the world's opinijons; il is easy Glod's best glfts. Il Involves many In solitude to live ai ter our own; thIngs, but above ail, the power of but the Great Man Is he who in the going out of one's self, and apprec- midst of the crowd keeps with per- lating whatever la noble and lovlng feot sweetnesa that Independence of ln another.-thomas Hughes. soltudeR-merson. *