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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1934, p. 6

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p Reducing Made Heri Look Younger A Burden of Fat Gone Here is anot ber case where the: trun, slim figure o! youth bas dis-, placet the coanse, fat outlîne o! middtle age. It is a housekeeper writing. She says: "I cannot sas' what weigbt I was, but I was very fat-a burden to my- self. I have taken three bottles o! Paren Kruscben Saîts, anti now I am quite slendel'. I arn over 56, anti people___________ take me for 40. I am more than prouti o! myself. You can take it The annual progress pagE f romn me that every word o! this is begun, the procession of true. I took a teaspoonful in botI schoolwarti. Thene is no fui water every morning til I uset parents so important as p tbree bottles. Now 1 only take bal! for the education o! theiri a teaspoonful eacb morning. I can-i Upon this tiepentis the well- not necomment the Kruschen Saîts tomornow. enougb, for they are wortb their Prom teacbing ber chiltire: weigbt in golt."-(Mrs.) A. H. 1 knee. the mother bas turr Kruschen Saîts combat the cause almost the wbole responsil o! fat by assisting the internai or- the school. Since educat gans te perform their functions pro- specialists in their ine, it i, perly-to throw o!ff each day those give tbem a free hant iniit] waste produots anti poisons wich. agement o! tbe school; buti if allowed to accumulate, will be also for the parent to k: converteti by the botiy's chemistry school anti the teacher. to into fatty tissue. wbat is going on educationE ____________________________to give hearty co-operatior ss'stem. CENT A MILE The attitude o! the chilti the school is langels' a neflE BARGAINSj bis parents' attitude towan( to ~If the panent is citical, di, ~" u , A 9%< fuI, or regards school life as CZ ivalue the chilti will net get1 % ma %0 iw %y %F 1 Saturday, September 15 S.50 Return From: BOWMANVILLE Similar low fanes f nom intermetiiate points. Return Liint - Sept. 18 Tickets not gooti to return on pool' train leaving Toronto 4.00 p. m. Pul details from any Agent CANADIAN - CANADIAN NATIONAL -PACIFIC ..for yoeir ~~~Separatr Lwfor a :imited Fume YOUR OPINION' s anr.îd! In echange for iO oSer Trio Rubber Bo.1 Ring, for yoor separtor. ans sze or make. fre and po.îpaîd V.r %il! alsotelf you abott thec Chapest Separaor in the Wrld tri Buy and U.' the nIs ..parator rmade i Amerca oi a gur. a,.ieed 'orIftalancing Bowf a 'tscp.h.I I er1, t e ,saluable ftture, nt fund on an,?'oth,,ertrin the s.rrd. Jo tt i p i'card Ir addrrssbeioru teling soir ddrer * nine and age (-f 5sur aparato)r andi MM., M thi', paner Full detal. 'llhte ent prompty. a .' j»RT HURON, SOI . 138 CAN'T SLEP I1T'S YOUR NERVIEs Relief <ornes soon with use of II De. CHASE'S Jumpy Nerves Yield to the soothing action of thîs medicine. You will eai better . .. sleep better ... feel better ... look better. Life wiii seeni worth living again. Don't delay any longer. Begin taking it today. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Best of ali ly killers. Clean, qulck, sure, cheap. Ask your Drug- gist, Grocer or General Store. THE WILSON PLY PAD CO., HAMILTON, ONT MiIk Desserts Evens' member e! the shoulti use bis tiaily quota There is notbing else lilte chitirn net a quart ea while at least a pint is d( fer older folks. A witie vaiets' o! milk mas' be matie witb a blan, or beileti custanti fountiati make blanc mange, use two milk anti scalti all but ab !outh cuP o! it. Mix togetl tablespoonis o! corn starchc florone!orth cup o! su a pinch e! saît. Stir this tc witb the colt milk anti ati1 ture to the scaldeti milk. a double boiler, stirring coi until it thickens; coven tigl continue cooking for twent utes: emove !rom fine. atit spoon o! vanilla anti tw( beaten egg wbites. For boileti custanti. omit t] starch or fleur and use thr or six yolks. Scalti two milk anti atit to it the slighi en eggs. sugar anti saIt, as f mange anti coek in the tet er untîl it forms a coating spoon. It wihl not be as blanc mange anti does nel as long cooking. Cocoa. choclate. sbretiteý nut, or sliceti dates mas' b with blanc mange or boileti or these mas' be served wit] ans' raw or cooketi fruits. Other miik desserts are ni junket tablets. tapioca. rice. breati or cake. Gratet enal anti brown sugar mas' be variation. Whipped crearn is the mans' desserts. These are atiding choppeti nuts. crus. nut brttle, fruit pulp or p marshmallow or cut maca whippeti cream: dishing in bet gla-sses anti setting in frigeraton for several bours ant ilîl. Liver Liver, on account o! its vitamins. shoulti be serveti househelti twice a week. is the most tielicate antie: but larnb, pig anti beef ive: useti. Have it slceti abot inch thick anti remove the veins. Roll in fleur to w have atiteti salit anti pep fry in bot fat about f ive turning so that it wilh be1 botb sities. Bacon fat is useti for !rying iver, but1 ans' meat frs'ings will do. dry mustard mas' be atide flour mixture for variets'. !ry the liven bard anti d cover, to keep the steam i 10w fine will prevent this. Food Ideas Addt two cups o! finels'c te youn stuffings for meats Drain tbe Juice froma i pineapple anti trs' the s5h 1 soft cleth. Frs' to a tielica in butter. For a novelty, serve your salati in a cabbage nest. i'cut the insitie !rom a cabbi leaving the outer leaves t. net Chop the rertion rernoveti anti season with ipeppers anti antisalati tre. 1lit sit in a colti place fo mAGE SIX anr. Mrs. SJoekinso Toonto antre alex--abo-o-ter---tie thre brohers RusellQerat prati t gu nintehs. corrlectien- e D>I gaveera bbys Ow e aise a brother-ln-haw anti sister-In- o! ans' defects whlch may be founti. Tablet and they' were 5000 aaleep," law ani Ms. . Brnaer ! Tn- eo eysigt, ilsasei tnsis, n- sayre Mss. T. Tweedy, 475 NMili- oa, nto a B Brae f o-Po eeihdiesdtns e- wood Rd., Toronto. Theesweet onoisa largetiatienoitis, pon hearlng, anti little tabicta rernove the cause of The funeral was helti !nom th tecayeti teeth are conditions wbicb fretfulness and the child becomes home o! Mn. W. J. Gibson on Satur- definitels' handicap the chilti ln bis happy and well again. AIl the coni- tas' afterrîoon. Interment was matie school work, predispose hlm te sen- mon ailments of little folk are ln the Union Cemnetery. ious complications If he becomes 111, rornptly and safelu c'rrected with anti often cause beant disease onr LUr. WilliBTflSBaby'sOwn TabIetB. other similar conditions ln later Fric 25e at youz druggist's. , Take a Kipp tonlght for constipa- lufe. Give your chiltiren a chance D.ilas tion. Klpp's Unequalleti Herb Tab- for gooti bealth bY working wltl' let at25 ens abox Aex MoGre- the sohool in its efforts te lmprovil anr- nha o.92.the bealth of the chiltiren. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1934 ?Jôrthe __WEDDINGS Thomas-Cotton An interesting wedding took place hy when Miss Lorna Cotton. Ph.D., of Toronto, was marred to Mr. Everitt * jlotnc Rd4Wik .-BOS Thomas of the Engineering Depart- ment of the Canadian General El- ectric, Peterboro, son of Mrs. Clar- ence B Williams and the late Mr. DE Thomas of Campbellford. The cou- pie are spending their weddJng tripGRA its nd S hoolin the Laurentain Mountains. The ts a d Sc oolbride is well known in this district, _______________________________ being the C.C.F. standard-bearer in eanthm ot ofthee adantaes.Durham in the last provincial elec- ,faoth asoutsidf the s advante enirn-tions, andi a prominent speaker in yout Ousid th soool th eniro- Ithe cause of the party throughout nction of ment of the chilti should stress the lOntario. providing importance of çchool 111e and give j- chiltiren. him an opportunity to concentrate being of on it and put his best into it. Scheol Ledger-Walter interests should have right o! way. St. Alban's Anglican Church, - À n at ber Society 11e. trips, entertainment, Mattawa, was the scene of a quiett - ned over andi interfering work should be side- wedding of much interest on Wed- ibility to tracked during the school year. nesday aft.ernoon, August 22nd, tors are The home of the school chilti when the rector, Rev. Charles Reid.,AV S well to should provide him with plenty of uniteti in mrig Doris Edith, T le a e rn ýhe man- simple food; proper clothing: 0 o onget dugher r. nd rs it is well portunity for cleanliness: adequate William Walter, Sr., Mattawa. and A.ylmer, Campbell's, lÀbby's, Ne now the sleep: enough play and recreation Dr. W. H. C. Letiger, Orono. eldest )observe and a few home tasks: time. place son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ledger of Tomnato Julce 5 ully. and and quiet for home study and en- Osbawa. Tbe bride, who was given PURE GOLD-Asst. Flavr i to tbe courageinent in his scbool life. Do in marriage by hier father, wore a tarsnot so crowd your cbiîd with bis cream wl swagger suit witb bat JeIIy Powders 5 g twrsstudies that hie becomes rebellieus and accessories to match, andi was lR W' ection of or disgusted. but provide birn with attended by the bridegrooms sister,OU W -d these a favorable background for study. Miss Jean Letiger. Oshawa, woVium*ars Wic r 3 ýsrespect- He will thrive best if surrounded wore a white suit and bat. Dr. Bry- WCie sof littie with companions wbo are keen In on Irwin, Mattawa, acted as best the most their school if e. man. Tbe bridegroom's gif t to the PEARIL N, ________1 bride was an amethyst pendant. and FINE GR4A1 LATEI) OR YELLÀ to the bridesmaiti, a silver bracelet. hours, to blenti the flavors, tben 1'Irmediately after the ceremony the Ireturn te the nest and serve. young couple mctored to North Bay. They will take up their residence in SG The Day's Providing Ororie. Mrs. Ledger was unable to accompany her husband to their fhn amiîyer n et r oeheeoig otecitclIl OUÎR OWN of amilk. ters to the market early. This in ness of ber father. o i k su~îres that your supplies shaîl arrive____ ch iady in time andi you will not be dis- ac aitressed for fear you will not bave i.ane--Jackman ROKAR 4 ýemandeti tirne to prepare themn for the meal desired. Do not forget to put out A quiet but pretty wedding took desserts the milk bettle in ample time. If place Saturtiay evening. August 25. S u' L&Ow oc mange you delay eitber of these daily tasks, when Ai-villa, daughter of Mr. and on. To thinking You will bave plenty of Mrs. k red Jackrnan, and Mr. Frank RED CI&I ) cups o! tîme later, tbe chances are that you Lane. son of Mr. Fred Lane and the out one will ferget them or do tbemi too late late Mrs. Lane, were united in mar- ier three and wben the moment of need riage. The ceremony was perform- or six of comes, you will find that tbese sup- ed by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, at Trin- (>paste pisar -The bride looketi charming in aOS o the mix- ~~gown of white satin with veil caught PrimeT Bw n Cook in ftuber tensils witb lilies of the valley. anti carrieti rim HO AST anO R stny. A new material is looming Up inj a lovely bouquet of brial roses anti oerlom n .STEAK htly and, the kîtchen ware. It is rubber. I baby's breath. Her maid of henor, ty min- Dustpans. sink tirainers, plate scrap- Mrs. Joseph Sheehan. wore a dress WUJng Roast a table- ers, table mats anti racks for dishes of blue crepe and bat to match anti o0 stiffly are being made of this pliant ma- carried a bouquet of mauve asters BILADE oi hecr-terial. wicb is said not to crack. and baby's breath. T-he groom wasS O T I tecr-break. chip nor be harmed by acid. attended by Mr. Jo-emhî Kilpatrick.M O T l ree eggs alkalis or most stains. It is wasb- brother-in-law of the bride. The oU . : cups of eti with soap and waten. These groom's gif t to the bride was a H U D itly beat- rubber accessories are not the uglywht odri at:t hemd for blanc black we might expect, but cone in wfhte otirt lackato thmite or CRUCI ble boil- gay colos-rust, green, blue, and kidi gloves: and to the best man, ar gon the white and black wich resembles silver cigarette case. The bride was SWEET PICKLEIJ tbick as marble . the recipient of many beautiful trequire gif ts. The bride's mothen wore a tiress of black lace over shell pink ýdceo- oohCare and a spray of sweet peas. Pr k >cooked Look over the cbildren's teetb anti A reception was held at the home _______________ 1custard. get them in perfect shape before of the bride's parents. The bouse iF S ýhaiotthey enter scbool. The ideal stand- was prettily decorated in pink and TROUT ER IA h ard for teeth is: No tiecayed teeth; white. A buffet luncheon was serv- I U GOGINBAI ade with gums f irm, witb no infection orled to about fifty guests. After the FRESH YELLOJWTAIL 1or stale boils teeth dlean. no lime deposits; 'luncheon was serveti the happy FLOUNDERS Lnge peel. no stiains: ail teeth in place for the couple left for points west. the bride useti for age; teeth correctly placed. in even travelling in a costume o! blue anti OUR OWN rows, so aligned that they chew f ood white. They will resitie on Queen base of 1 well; teeth sound, not sof t. Street, Bowmanville. matie by __RAISIN_____LI ýheti pea-1 eatyReip ieces cut Bat p EDLIGO roon.s to Drink two to four glasses of water VERDEL [-GOOD SIZ ntc, sher- before breakf ast. Eat plenty of c>1 ithe. ne-, fre-h fruits and vegetables, and U LIEM O N S te ripenj whole grain cereals. Take lots cf outdoor exercise. Bathe every tiay and go to beti early at nîght in a à- I athf ell ventlateti room. Keep your r a'eath f md ahert with absorbing înterests. 1u 0Think pleasant thoughts; anti ap- A HEAL.Tè,SERVI'CE OF in every prec:ate your b'essings. TISE CANAO AN bMEDICAS. Caîf liver ASSOCIATION AND SJFE xpensive; INSURANCE CO&MPANIES ýr may be IN CANADA e HOME MAY DETERINE ut a bal! Mrs. Solomon Says: SCHOOL DAYS MOVIE INFLUENCE ON sinh and 1-- CHILDREN SAYS DEWEY 'hich youd The school dees many things for - pe, nd 'Iam o! the opinion that my ie the child. More and more is the Blame which is heapeti on movies minutes, belongs to the whole community, sohool expecteti to take on new re- for lowerîng moral standards of usuaîion anti, as I live. it is my prîvilege to sponsibilities. anti many parents youth may. in part, properly be dmr- b uterl do for it whatever I can. The hiard- appear te be only too ready to un- ected towards parents anti home Abuttie er I work. the more I live. I re- loati on the school the entire re- life, suggests Dr John Dewey, dean Al ttl oîce in life for its own sake. Life sponsîbility for the care anti train- o! American educators. writing in Do to thLs no brie! candle for me. [t is a ing o! their chiltiren. the current Rotarian Magazine. Do I loThesort of splendid torch which I have It is impossible for the scho.ol to While "recent investigations, con anti1a oldo make oen;an wn take the place o! the home. The ducteti with scientifie care, have-, in, nd to akeit burn as brightly as pos- bestt results are secureti wben par- shown that many boyé, anti girls sible befone handling it on to future ents anti teachers work together, have been stîmulateti in unwhole- generaticns.'" each doing their part anti tryiiig to some ways by the movies,' hie peints ____ _____ _______hehp the others tbrough an under- out that "the influence o! movies1 cut celery I ffVIAl standing o! the di!! iculties o! eacb. upon chiltiren is fîxeti by the gen-1 s OBITAAL Y 15I Bickerings and criticisms get nlo- eral tone anti level o! the chilti's1 ai. can o!f -- -_ where, and the chilti is apt to take surrountiings."' ices on a Wm. C. Walters, Oshawa ativantage o! them to escape f rom "A boy or girl from a crampeti en-, te rw his duties both at home anti in vironmient that provities few out- bon The news o! the sudden death o! achool. lets," he cont'nues, -reacts very di!- ýr cabbage. William Charles Walters, Burke St.. Every school owes its chiltiren ferently from one in which the arulyOshawa, wbich occurnpd August 31, protection against disease while they movie is net the main vent for re- Cae lycame as a great sbeck to bis many are In school. Parents shoti take mance, anti for actaintance with )age head. f rientis anti relatives. Mr. Walters their part in this effort tO keep conditiors very different "rom those o form a bat(i been in apparent gzooti health terchtrnwell. They can begini that habituaqllv surrouini him. DOZ. 270 WHEN you land that bis order ... and it's sure to mean more salary u.and you know how glad they'II be at home à w. Tell themn by Long Distance .a i ndet themn hear the good news now. *For good news or emergency, for fiendly visit or an S.O.S., you can't beat Long Dis- tance as an easy, quick, personal messen- ger. You can talk with somebody 100 miles r sa away for as litte as 30 cents. Sec the lit af rates ini the front of your director. more general questiening o! the primacs' o! material values." Wltb parents putting les& stress on wealth, their exainple will become an im- portant factor ln forming more wholesome attitudes among chilti- ren, wherewlth to counteract any unwholesome suggestion motion pic- tunes leave in the youtbful niind. Seheols also help in this but, Dr. Dewey declares, with the chlld lin the schoolroomn only five te six hours a day anti mucb time devoted ta routine werk, the teacher's influer»e is secoeitary te tl'at of parents, the bomne, anti other f actons. lOc WHY PAN MORE Saying It With Poetry My wiash day troubles are over, No more amn I going to feel blue, Since 1 sent my Iaundry to Marjo'ain's They came home sparkling like new. WE CALL AND DELIVER - PHONE 478 COFFEE SALE COFFEE. lb. 35c CK COFFEE Mb. 33,c CLE COFFEE lb. 29)C 1 All Caits Guaranteed A ALE]Roasts and Steaks-Tour Cholce Rolle lg) PorterboUSe Roastîb.23o lb 9 Rm ioastb.150 S ROAST- lb. 100 RK ROAST l.S 'houlders lb.-16e ly b. iLSc I RESH ATLANTIC SEA HERRINO lb. 9c IL 12c 1 FILLETS lb. 15C1 12 OZ. WRAPPED gor, pnone via. OAF

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