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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1934, p. 1

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tnnibn taeman With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1934 NUMBER 37 World News In a Nutshell annual convention in Montreal sug- gested a penalty of 5 years in prison andl the lash for kidnappers. Attorney General Athur W. Roe- buck bas posted a reward of $5000 for information Ieading to the ar- rest of the Labatt kidnappers. Bobby Pearce, Hamilton, Austral- ian, retaineci the world's scuUling title when he easily defeated Bill Miflar of Philadeiphia at the Can- adian National Exhibition. Municipalities will be relieved of, highway taxation, and counties will no longer be required to pay 20 Çýc of maintenance and capital cost, Prem- ier Hepburn announced last week. Evangeline Booth, grand-daughter of the f ounder of the Salvation Ar- rny, was selected by the High Coun- cil of the Army, as the next Qeneral to succeed General Higgins in Lon- don. With Brazil and Portugal, the oiy opposition to Russia's entry to the League of Nations, agreeing flot to vote on the matter, it now seems certain that the Soviet Union will soon be a member of thîs organiza- tion. Rev. Dr. T. T. Shields, dynamnic pastor of Jarvis Street Baptlst Church, Toronto, surprlsed bis con- gregation by marrying bis church secretary two hours previous to his leaving for a trip to England last Friday. Hon David Croil, Minister of Pub- lic Welfare, wlll offlclally open the Dafoe Hospital for the Dionne Quin- tuplets at Corbeil, Ontario, on Fni- day afernoon. Many prominent prof essional men will attend the function. Charged with conspiracy to de- fraud the crown in matters of relief administration the Town Clerk, Re- lief Officer and Tax Collector of Midland were arrested on Tuesday. The three men are out on bail[ awaiting trial. A plot to kidnap Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, Prime Minister of Canada, was uncovered last week when a man on a robbery charge in Ottawa told police a story of the plans laid by a group to snatch Premier Ben- nett from bis botel suite. Announcement is made by Hon. Duncan Marshall that Ontario Parmi ProductS Week would be discontinu- ed this year. He declared that the government provided the money as a.subsidy te agriculture which is ag- ainst the present government's pol- £ icy. Graham F. Towers, assistant to the General Manager of the Royal Bank of Canada, has been appoint- ed Governor of the Central Bank. according te announcement made by Hon. E. N. Rhcdes, Finance Minis- ter. His term will be for seven years. Approximately 136 people out of a total passenger list of 538 lost their lives wben the Morro Castle. pala- tial New York-Havana liner, caught fire a few miles off the New Jersey coast on Saturday morning. The captain of the sbip dled of beart failure a few hours previous to the tragic f ire. 'rade with Great Britain and other parts of the Empire sbowed a sharp increase ln July. Exports to Empire countries in that month were $100.000,000 bigher than tbey were a year ago. Imports into Can- ada from Empire countries had ln- creased 30% in the same compara- tive months. One hundred convicts at the Fed- eral Penitentiary at New Westmin- ster, B. C. went on strike on Tues- day demanding wages and recognit- ion of convicts committees. Col. W. H. Cooper, Warden a former em- ployee of the local Goodyear Plant. has con! ined them te their cells but there has been no violence. 0 . 0 . In the Federal by-election in Tor- onto east, Toronto's old war horse in clvlc circles, former Mayor Tom- mny Cburch, is carrying the Con-. servative banner, while an old Northumuberland boy, Major Snel- grove is the Liberal Standard bear- er and Graham F. Spry, former editer of the Farmer's Sun is runn- lng as a C. C. F. candidate. Rigbt Rev. T. *Albert Moore, D.D. Moderater of the United Church o!0 Galbraith Family 100 Years in Canada In commemonaîlon o!f te handing In Muddy York o! Galbralit famlly on Sept. 8, 1834, tbe descendants-'o! taI famlly held a reun«44 T4àn.. day aflennoon at the honne. o! Miss Galbraith, Queen Street, whe wllb Mrs. John Gibson, Clarke, and Mn;. Duncan J. Galbraith, Newcaatle, are lte onhy surviving members n Ibis commnunity o! the children o! Ibose Highland ploneera wbo seltled here one Itundred years ago. ut la inîeresting t10'note bow ac- tive in body and clean An intellect Ibose tIre are ai Ihelr advanced ages, Mra. Gibson, 93 years, Miss Galbraith, 90 years and Mn. Gal- braitht, 86 years. Those Jolning n lte celebration were:-Mns. David Galbraith, Miss Jean Galbraitb, Wbitby; Mn. D. 0. M. Galbrait, Dr. H. E. Abrahami, Mrs. Abraham, Mn. John Abrahamn, Mn. George Abraham, Mn. and Mr&. Ernest Wlngate, Messrs George and Alan Wingate. Toronto, Mrs. Duncan le. Qe&I>ralit Newcastle. Mn. Donald ~IbMIt. Miss M, F. Galbrailt, M*." V. Wheelen, Misa B. J. Gal-i braith, Miss lora M. Gaibraithi, Rev. W. G. Blake, miniaten o! St. An- drew's ChuncIt, and Mra. John Spen- cen, Bowmanvllle. In lte evening te party attended lte concert and lecture In St An- drew's CIturcI tolehean lte hstory o! lte Auhd Kirk In wbich so many o! lte pioneera o! amily had laken an active Interest. Congregation of Bowi St. Andrew's Ch. 96th Anniversary Special Services HeId on Sunday Featured by Spe- cial Music - History of7 Presbyterianism Outlined by Mr. D. G. M. Galbraith Two splendid sermons were de- livered by Rev. W. G. Blake of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, on Sunday it being the occasion o! the 96th anniversary of a Presbyterian Church in Bowmanvllle. In the morning Mr. Blake pneacbed on the text, "Faint yet pursuing," taking bis text from the story of Gideon. In the evening the story of Naa- man the leper, furnished ground for many thoughtful lessons. The music of both services was provided by solos by Miss Jessie McDougall of Toronto and Mr. C. S. Halîman. The musical concert provided Monday night by Miss Jessie Mc- Dougali and Miss Elf rida Boulten both soloists of St. Paul's Presbyter- ian Churcb, Toronto, was one of the best ever beard in Bowmanville. Miss...........~ McDougall, wbo is becoming very.... popular in Toronto musical circles and wbo is well lcnown in Bowman- BOWMA ville having llved bere until a f ew years ago, is the possessor of a beau- Winners of the Lakeshore League tiful rich contralto voice. Miss Boul- Cbamplonship, winning this honor ton bas a lovely sweet soprano voice by defeating Cobourg in spectacular of great flexibility. Special mention games te end the league playoff s. of the various solos and duets i wbicb the volces blended perfectly, The team was later eliminated by need not be made as ahi were ex- Peterboro Cogs after three hectîc, ceedinghy good. The charming per- - ______________ sonahty of these artists quite cap- tured the audience and we wouhd alse like te refer te the careful and u lc S h o sypahti ccmpnmetof Miss Pu lc S h l J Louise Osborne, the organist of St.y Andrew's dburch. We hope te heaur ghesthe gain. i onet eegeta hie Sh gtheeree uicin ocett one of the main features of the program was a splendid historical UAiRA .T O N sketch of Presbyterianism in Bow-'M J RA .T O N mianvihle by Mr. D. G. M. Gal- ASSUMES COMMAND braith, barrister of Toronto, f or- merly of Bowmanville. Mn. DURHAM REGIMENT Galbraith traced the bistory of Presbyterianism back to its early - days in Bowmanville and related the Millbl'ook Man Named t. Succeed vartous cha mWa whicb took place Lt. Col W. J. Hoar of Bowman- due throügh what is known as "The vile as 0. C. of Coumty Disruption" when new organizations were formed from wbicb the present Imn churcb was a direct descendant. The Officiai notification bas been ne- subseciuent unions of all Presbyter- ceived by the officens concerned to ian Churches in Canada until the the effect that Major A. V. Thorne, general union in 1875 wben its pre- wbose home ha in Mlllbnook, assumes sent name was assumed and the command of the Durham Regiment events eading up to tbe same were as f rom Septemben 1. aIl related by Mr. Galbraith. The speaker hopes, from valuable Lt.-Co1. W. J. Hoar, of Bowman- documents in bis Possession and ville. who bas commanded this Bat- others preserved by Mr. Robert talion for the past two years, re- Fairbairn, Bowwmanville's f irst post- linquisbes bis command and is master. dealinz witb earhy local transferred te the lat Reserve Bat- Presbyterian bistorv, to weave an talion, while Lt.-Col. Percy Job of 1 ntev.eýtinqr storv of the early ac- Oshawa is tnansferred te the Re- tivities of Darlingten Mills. later serve of Offilcers. Bowmanville.. Major Tuorne, whose promotion -_______________ to Lt.-Col. on assuming command of the Durham Regiment wihh prob- HOME AND SCHOOL ably be gazetted in due course, senv- ed overseas witb the Machine Gun CLUB HOLDS FIRST Corps during the Great War ah- 0F SASONthougb really too y'oung ai the timne MEETINGOFSA N of bis enlistment. He la one of the -- most popular and efficient officers Programn of Musical Numbers and in the Battalion and bis appoint- Address on Newspaper Work ment te command s approved by Were Features of Meeting every officen. non-commlssioned of- ln Central School ficer and man.* The Home -and Sebool Club opened HANDSOME TR.OPHY their fahl termn on Wednesday even- GIE BL KSOKFE ing. Principal Johnston's room was M BLC TOKFI comfortably filled when First Vice- ruh h eerst n Preidnt rs Jobniston Tuickson thougbtfuhnes.a of the Hall Famlly, opened the Meeting witb "O Can- Cartwright Agicultural Society bas ada," witb Mrs. Woods at the piano. received a very bandsome silver The Lord's Prayer was repeated in tropby whicb stands over twenty- unison and was followed bx a short four Inches bigh, for annual com- business session in wbicb the in- petition at Blackstock Pair wbicbý vitation te visit the Base Line Club takes place next Wednesday. Sept. on September 25tb, was accepted. l9tb. The following inscription on Mrissfo EdavJew ellws wredtethe tropby pretty well explains the prisenfrta. n teMost parents purpose o! the cup whicb reads: perint. mmniy In memory of George and Jane A prio 0 comuntysinging Hall, f irt settiers In the township was followed by a splendid musical of Cartwright. For annual compet- Program, featuring slnging and step ition-Best Potatoes grown in the dancing selection by Misses Iileen Township.,, Hahîman. Helen Pritchard and K. Cartwright is already noted for its Laphen, with Miss Betty Pingle at good potatees, but this commendable the piano for the encore. Misses9 jesture by the Hall Faxnily will cen- Shirley and June Challis deligbted tainly be an extra incentive te gnow the audience with two sweetly sung bigger and better potatoes. Be sure duels, and tItis portion o! tbe pro- to look for this lropby whicb willl gram chosed with harmonica Solos be on display in the main building by Master Meton Allison. next Wednesday. "The Place o! the Newspaper in a the Communityl' was the toplc tak- en up by tbe speaker, Mn. B. H. Over 400.000 wonkers in the United Mortlock of Tue Statesman staff. States textile industry are on thein His address proved both lnteresting second week o! their buge stnike and bumorous, Mrs. B. M. Warnlca whicb bas paralysed the industry. and Mn. J. H. Johnston extended a Several lives bave been lest In many bearty vote o! tbanks te tbose ap- disturbances ail over the country. Peaning on the program. Tbe sing- Tbe workers demand reduced hours ing of the National Anthern closed and better wages, stnike leaders the mneeting after whjch refresbh- statin.gthato usnd hvew-- e nanville Championship Team j i I I .4 Bronze Tablet Unveiled at Training School Gymnasium FOURTEEN FOOT CORN GROWN BY FARMER IN NEWCASTLE DISTRICT Shaw's Orchardist Reports Bumper Crop o! Apples, While Cern Ils Producing 5 Tons e! Cela to the Acre (By Our Newcastle Correspondent) Noticlng in Mn. W. H. B. ChaP- lin's orchard ai Newcastle some ra- lter lallisIt corn lte tassels o! whicb were mingling wiih lte top limbs o! lte apple Irees whlch are by no means An Iheir youih, your cornes- pondent suggested 10 Mn. Chaplin ltai be measure some o! il, which wiit a ten foot pole, and Wm. Quigg and Frank Branton as witnesses, he pnoceeded 10 do and il 100k just an- other four foot stick on top o!flte len foot pole to reach lte top. But wbetben il la corn or poîatoes or oais or pumpkins or dahlias or sun- flowers il is jual a sample o!flte bumper cropa 10 be seen in Ibis dis- trict and An fact te whole o! Dur- htam County. Wben one Itears and reada o! bligbîxng drouths, of grasshoppen phagues, o! destructive hal abonnis, o! devastating» cyclones, o! aweeping winds and blinding, suf!ocaling dusl storma Ibat o! len mock man and bis besi labours elsewhere, one wonders year a!ter year why farming folkt and othena bo ever leave Durhami shore in what I now a section o! F ow r ndSTIRRING PLEA IS the township of Clarke in 1795,on Flowe andMADE BY MEDICAL hundred and tblrty-nine years ago, MISSIONARY HERE there bas even been a crop fallure un iow B g Su cesstbe hiatory of this district? Tue ow B g S c e s Dr. R .McClure Urges Rtaiaslanrd hasft r{n out, either bas the - . m oeInentoal silfrswthsceshsancestral Magnificent D i s p 1 a y o f hindeji acres and as Reeve directs the mun- icipal affaira o! bis township. Flowers and Vegetables A slirring plea for Rolanlans 10 As te apples Mn. TuOs. H. Cleni- Grown by Public School follow oui the ideais o! their club ence, Sbaw's, reports tbe biggesl Chidre Exib t d nand become more internationally crop bis orchard bas ever produced ChilrenExhi i e do nwilt a bigher market value tban i Tuesday minded was made on Fniday by Dr. any pasi yean. R. B. McClure, Medical Mîssionary Mr. LYmner, field man for the Can- o! Honan, China, ai present on fur- adian Cannera, Eowmanville, says Tue gymnasitum ai Central Public lough un Canada. Dr. McClure, wbose Ibat corn came ito te factory hast Scbool was a f lame o! gongeous col-whh!alybv bencsey prcefomsefam. ors and an oasis o ! sw ee i perfum e' h_______ha e_________i______he ra e f i e on o c h on Tuesday Whe, ikte students sîag- dentified wth te medical and nurs-Peacefoismf r. ed their second annual Flower Show. Ing Professions in China, delivered Under the capable tuition o! Prin- an exceplionally interesiing address, St. Paul's YO'ung ePel' Guild cipal J. H. Jobnston and bis staff o! dwelllng panticularly on Ihings we Tu flsmetn o!heean abl tacer lte chi.idren had inight learn !rom Russia, Sweden for St. Pauh's Young People's Guild through the suminer moniba cane- and othen socialized counties. wabedTsdy vnlg iha WemuIreyieiD. ghueg'ood altendance. President Erie lrlgconditions wilb the result said, ibat we are all dependent on Coombeoendlemetgf- Ibat some exceptionally fine speci- one another. Eacb lime a Chinaman 00ow ed npture eingy foge mens in nearly every line were ex,. ails down 10 a meal, the cost o! thal Grahani and iprean by eorgAeS hibied.meal is governed by the pnice o!fKrhcamed an d aevotinal eviAd. Aibi vaio id.isye b sh wbeai grown in Canadian prairies. Ketr wasdi de onx meeing was lte vegetable classes wbich aI- wbeateai anollr atbeshel canbeMemeaa r ee to hab e Il eetunga tra.ted numerous entries. Two long weta olrabse a ei h OI fahk n onrat tables were hoaded witb a fine van- purcbased cheaper in China tItan ScItoo r o ai 7p. mtheaSda y iely o! garden vegetables, many rny- Chineses f armera can grow il.Lik- Goge rmaam o.n. eance"y ahing those shown in lte bigger wise a wan un Cbina causes the pnice andodscusson.hamn"es werpayced county f airs. There wene carrela, o! Canactian eîecînîc bulba b rse. and meetusing coswiîh Mpab parnip. ptatesoninssqushBecause moal o! the filaments are baneigri.thMipa pabarss. o e, tonis, squash, made in China. eeitol cbes, aupi! oer, tno m a e Al WOrld Probiemis are related. ______________ behe a pumpi, aornand man Ighte speaker said, and Ihey can only calibe aniewtie ao! a vhery higb be sohved through lte tue spirit o! FORMER MAGISTRATE cealiond otyo ihs o-internalionalism. ut us not a truism APPOINTED JUSTICE In the floral section nol onlY did taI international outlooks lessen 0F THE PEACE HERE te children demonstrate that lbey patriolismn rather la il Irue ltat 10 can rowfloersbutsevralclaseshave a wide Outlook one muaI f irsI camnsrw loed abut eer abliclassesbe a paîniolte I, heir community, also Former Magistrale R. M. tasteful and artistia arrangement. hir province, thein country and lte Cotton la lte new Justice o! Tue judges in lte flower classes world. lte Peace for Durham Counly were Mrs. A. H. Fletcher, Mns. L. W. Anoîber aid telte solvlng o! in- acconding to information ne- Dippeil and Mn. W. E. Groves, who ternational problems is planning. leased by Attorney General commenled very !avorably on te One leaves borne in Ibeir car to, go Artbur W. Roebuck on Tues- sbowl'ng. Tue vegetable judges were to a place, they plan ahead whuch day nigbi. Mn. Cotten's new Mr. E. P. Bradl, Agricultural Dlnec- roule lhey are going te laIte, bow duties will include lte swear- ton O!f te Training ScItool, and Mn. Ibey are going te drive, olherwise ing out o! warrants, accepling T. H-. Knigbt, botIt well qualfied 10 ihey would soon be cllmbing lele- informations, issulng summons handie lte lask in band. BotIt were phone poles. If planning is necessary and attending court in te ca- agreablysurrise wit t domesiic ilei is also necessary Pacity o!1 Court Clerk. Un- agrteabhowuanid t h ulIteex ten International lite. confinmed inf ormation stated of ibts hw fuand teofuaiy o! ite The speaker blamed lte dally ltaI the annual salary would . exhbs. uefulisoowpis wn-Press in some measure for lte hack range f nom $100 10 $150 and ners~~o oloso!undenstanding o! othen nations', ltaI 1» f ecawilh bc charged. Flower Deparnment problems beause itlooka for and IAbenais and Conservatives Aslers-Geo. Cawker. Cathenine publishea only lte acane or sen- alike will commend the Allen- Colville, Kathleen Luxton. sational news. This news us naturally ney General on bis. choice. Mn. Clankia-Margaret Stacey, Ronald blased, but readers do not evaluate il Cotton bas proven hhisel! Hooper. accordingly. wortbY o!flte office % and CalioPsis-Wniifred Wood, Paul Dr. McClure saw much in Russia sbould !ilt wilh dignity. Symons, Harold Crook. Marlgolds-Marian Lambros, vio- (Continued on page 10) - let McAllister, Jack Samis.__________________________________ Petunlas--S. W. ScbQoh, Rachell Hihderly. Scott Densem. T~T o n i o sd r'R le o k Snapdragon--Geo. Cawker, Ivy To n o nclCo sdesR lifW o k Passant, Bob -Lambourne. Dwanf Zinnias-Bob Lambounne, Mac Ingbam, Helen Slacey. Several works o! a miner nature tening action and a pnivate bill in Giani Zinnias-Bob Lambourne, will be undertaken by te Town te the legislalune unless lte tewn t Elleen CrocItt, Ethel Donagbue. provide work for ils unemployed il immediate action le, provide accesa Mixed Larkspur-Winifred Smnitb, was decided aI Monday's meeting o!f10 lthe wesl beach. Ronald Hooper, Jimmie Clark. Town Council. Mayor Rosa Stnike [t was poinled ouI thal counicil Gladioi-Manie Moyse, Winnifred preslded and all members were pre- f avons a* plan to put un a noad f nom Wood, Geo, Cawker. sent except Coundillor Sydney Little the wesl side, but nolhing couid be Dahla-OGeo. Cawken, Helen Jones who la vacationing. done unlil othen plans had been dis- (Continued on page 7) Suggested works included some cussed including the Ralepayers' _____ ________ mal mprovements aI lIte Cemetery, Association plan for a bridge and the nepaîning and cheaning o! sew- other improvements, in wbich the W. ~ ~ ~ ~ es J.Mryspone lkome weed cutting aI Rotary own woud be expected te provide W. J MatynAppintd Prkreahoulderlng o!flte road 10 cernent abulmenla. Mrs. Fox wlll be Hunt Licernse Inspector lte laIte, and sidewalk repaira, sub- nolified 10 Ibis effect and aaked te ,lect 10 petition. In addition the fine submit any plans she bas in mind te Announem ntlmaebth hall will likely receve a coal ofte counicil, togeler wth coss. partentof nt s mde y te D- paint, and lte buggy shed on ChurcIt Tue signed deeda. conveylng lte pateet !Game and Fisherles at ,î Trinily Church sheds 10 lIte Town Toronto of the appointient o! AI- nret a roofîng paint and genenalweeecieanwllbngseed derman W. J. Martyn as district rpi.Tue finance conisiittee presented game warden andIinspecter or!lie- Tuese worka boweven wiUl only a rýeport recommending paymenl enses. Mr. lwartyn recen.tly resîguci provîde wonk unili freere iii when Of ;ýccâuýtoalling $1166.83, whicb thi oficebut was re-apinted. the council will bave 10 flnd ;à d Huntlng fleenses must ibc seeured means o!fIteeplng te men, employed.' ProPflY~. Commllltee waa auther- front hlm. It lu o! general ntret Mayor Strike poinled out ltaI des-, lsed te apend Up te $25.00 in placing ln view of the epenlur of the litnt- Pile lte lmproved cond410 ti~. 4e à'newthon min lte Nurse'& Clinie lut seasen on SePtember lsth, that numben o! relief woui lu <Aras Room. the departrmet bas Insructel puc large Ibis year as last Thegovern- A requesl by W. J. Challia fer per, te check very ciosely on »ceses A ment policy to pay 1two-tirds o! mission 10 enect a No Parking algn thorough check wifl be nade on the labor costa would bc conllnued wilh in front of bis garage on King Street epenlng daY and !ollewlng <&aYs and lte town paying ahi capital coats. was referred t lte Police with pow- ail those net oerrYlng huntlng le- A Pelition was presenled for lte er te act. us« %111 bu prosecuted. Huniers wM ll coing o!flte road froni Wellington Public Properly Commlttee was bc wefl advlsed te visit Mr. Martyn Street te Carlisle Avenue, and being -permitted le apend $100. on improv- and Meure theïr lîcensus and avoi f ully signed lte request was graled. menta te lte ChurcIt Shed. any Possible trouble. Huniera are The lake roaci question agncae Council adJourned aller a seas- warnud that shootlng betere sunrls te lte fore when a letten a er Ion almoat exactly one bour, among la strictly againat the Iaw. froni Mna. J. H. Fpox, Toronl, x~lte ahortest sessions I recent years, Hon. G. Howard Ferguson and Hon. David Croil At- tend Rotary Function on Wednesday - Teibute Is Paid J. H. H. Jury Rotanians from many parts o! Ontario joined yesterday i a cere- mony at tbe Boys' Training Scbool when a bronze plaque, commemorat- ing the presentation of the Gym- nasium and Swinmmlng tank te the School by Rotary Clubs o! Ontario, was unveiled. Fitting tribute was paid to some of the foremost of those who alded An tbe institution of the school i- cluding Mn. J. H. H. Jury o! Bow- manville, Hon. G. Howard Fergu- son, and late Hon. Lincoln Goldie. Charles Buchanan, a Past Presi- dent of Toronto Rotary Club and former District Governor, acted a chairman when the program opened i tbe open air. Ram f orced the crowd inside ai 1er on]y part o! the prognamn was compheted. Judge Hawley Mott of the Toronto Juvenile Court was the first speaker and outlined the events wblcb led up to the establishment o! the Training School, the successor o! the Toronto Rotary Club'a efforts along this same line. The movement to develop Young manhood o! the province was given imnpetus wben Mn. Jury o! Bowmanvilhe, isplred by a youtbful orator i Toronto de- cided to aid tbe cause with the pre- sentation o! the Danch Farm. Hon. Lincoln Goldie, as provincial sec- relary was quiok te, see the need o! the work and Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, then Premier, wben ac- qainled wth lte f acta ailse gave bis undivided support. Tue result, Judge Mott said, was the magnificent school and tbe magnificent workt that was belng accomplished iItL Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Hlgh Commissioner 10 the Brliih Isle&, spoke o! bis inlerest in tbe achool since the subJect was f irst bnoached to hlm. As a youth he said, he had once got imb Police court and had te pay a fine whlcb amounlted te spgme $4.40 and when bis own funda were exhausled he had te, borrow 20e te complete ut. Prom that time he sald, he had felt that the youth going wrong needed di!fferent trealment. Before the school came into being a study was made o! syslprms i England and the United States and laking lte best that was i tbem afl and adding te lbhem many new ideas tbe local achool was founded. Here boys were given greater free- dom. Tuey wene cbailenged by their pride and manhood to develop themiselves into betten chanacters and better personalulies. Any boy, however bad bas a germ o! good in bim, the former premier sald, and such development as te training achool presented brought out that good. Mn. Ferguson paid eloquent tnibute 10 the work of the service clubs and spo--e o!-t-e school as beig entlrely out of the nealm o! poliis. Canada sbould have a sense of pnide iils social wefare work, be said, for we are fan advanced te, any country i the world. He was, he said, un a peculiar position to belp bis country and be waa going 10 do il, be It wth beef, bacon or boys. In closlng Mn. Ferguson paid glow- Ing Inibule to Mn_ Jury and remlnd- ed hlm that as long as the school slood, it would remain a monument t0 bis generosity. Tue plaque, bearlng the following inscription was Ihen unveiled by Mn. Jury, "Gymnasium, Devoted le, the development of Boy Lie by the Rotanians o! Ontario in association witb the Governaient o!f te Pro- vince. 1929." Ramin hen forced lte gatberig inside the gymnasluni when Mr. Jury related the clrcumislances lead- ing up te bis gif t te the achool. Hon. David A. Croll, Minlater o! Public Welfare. on bis fimat visit to, the scbool spoke brie! ly. Mn. Cr011 made a tremendous impression on bis large audience when he paid tnibute to Hon. Mn. Ferguson for bis wonk in conneciion wlth the scbool wbich would stand also as a rnonu- ment 10 him. Tue Training Sehool, be added. was the standard by wbicb othen unstitutions in Ontario woukl be guided, Il was not an institution but a home for boys, and other institutions would become the same. Mnr.Croll expnessed amaze- ment at the wondenfui record o! the school. thal of tunning out 80 per cent succesaful boys. He was greatly impressed wllb tbe achool, be said, and would make cannest efforts te, make it a wortbwblle borne In whicb te give Young boys a break i life. Mn. A. R. Virgin, Superinlendent, outlned the activities o!flte sebool, and bis address was followed by a splendid exhibition o! DanisIt Cor- rective exercises and tumbling, the climax o! wbicb was a quadruple Pynamid, wilh the boys shouting Ihanks te, Rotanians o! Ontario, and collapsin i a big bheap, and a burilt ANVIOLLE INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL CLUB and exciting battles. The team, as follows: Back row, lef t to rigt- which was spon-cored by the Busi- Bert Colwell. E. Large, Alan Os- nea Men's Association. with Bill borne, Ted Bagneil, Bil Corden; Corden as team. manager, and W. J.1 Centre-Bill Bagnell, Jim Bowman, Bagnell, Percy Conbett and Mel. Dale Bob Bate, Geo. Piper, Irwin Piper, doing most of the actuai business Hugb. Cameron; and Front-"Tilck- end of the wonk, is pictured above er" Crombie, batboy and mascot.

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