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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1934, p. 4

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PAGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, SEPYTNMER 13, 1934 1THE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORTj High School Field Day Is Scheduled For Friday Here The annual B. H. S. Track and Field Meet wili be held on the Schooi Campus on Friday. Sept. 14, from il to 12 a. m. and fromn 1.30 p. m. until ail events are run off. In accordance with the Inter- Sehool ruiing. there are thrce divis- ions in the boys' section and two ln the girls'. The boys' sections ane Senior, age under 20: Intermediate, age under 17; and Junior, age un- der 15. The girls' division is Sen- ior, age under 20, and Junior, age under 16. Ail ages must comipi: with this list on September 15th. The officiais are Mr. Dippeil. Mi. Devitt. Mu. Ainslie. Dr. Bonnycastie. Miss Vanstone will have charge of the girls. The Inter-Schooi Meet will be held at Whitby on Wednesday. Sept. 19, in the Town Park. OSHAWA GIRLS BEAT BOWMANVILLE GIRLS Oshawa continued their win- niing ways at North Simcoe Street School piayground Monday wher they handed Bowmanvile an 11-5 drubbing. May Gates was again ir splendid form, letting the oppositior down with seven hits. whilc her teamn-mates piayed errorless baIl be- hind her. Shamrocks sccured fif- teen hits f rom the offerings of K-ril- patrick, three of them being circuit blows. Ruby Couter had two hom- ers whiie Reta Wilson had the oth- er four-bagger. Bowmanville - White, Mutton. Ling. Kilpatrick. Little, Lefray. Gi, Ellison and Cole. Oshawa - Lott. Stevens, Coul- ter. Wilson. Leckie. McLaugýhiin, Gates, Chaprnan and Robinson. THE GAM"E Let's play it out-this littie game caiied Life, Where we are isted for so, bniefa speli; Not just to win, amid the tumuit . rf e, or where acciaim and gay applauses sweli; Nor just to concjuer where someone must lose, Or reach the goal whatever be the cost; For there are other, better ways to choose. Though in the end the battie may be lost. Let's play it out as if it were a sport Wherein the gamne is better than the goal, And never mind the detailed scr' report 0f errors made, if each with daunt- less soul But stick it out until the day is donc. Not wasting fairnes-s for success or f ame, So when the battie has been iost or won. The world at least can say: '4He piayed the gamne." Lets play it out-this littie game cailed Work, Or War or Love or what part they may draw, Play like a man who scorns to quit or shirk Because the break may carry some deep flaw; Nor simpiy holding that the goal is al That keeps the player in the con- test stayirig: But stick il out fromn curtain rise to f al. As if the game itseif were worth the piaying. ai gr ai e d re 4, n ONTAIO IESIDENT M ]MIL BOWLING ALLEYS ARE RE-OPENED IN TOWN BIG MEETING TONIGHT W. J. (Casey) Martyn has rc-opened his bowling alicys and the sport that has been denied the bowling enthusiasts for the past couple aI yea.ris once agoin attracting consid- erable attention. The reason for the closing was lack of patronage and it is hopcd that the aleys wili not be forccd to close again for this season. A big meeting of bowling fans is called for to-night (Thursday) and representatives af many organizations in town have been invited to attend. Any others who are intcrested in the formation of leagues or playing in themn are asked ta attend this meeting which will be held in the Balmoral Hotel at 8 p. in. Bowiing is one of the best of indoor sports and is tUe means of bringing many bowling clubs to the town to play. Turn out to this meet- IS HUMAN SLATE NATIVE 0F ORONO MAKES SPECTACULAR1 PARACHUTE JUMIP Mr. Alex Baker of Orano recently j madle his first parachute jump at the' St. Catherne's Airport. His feat wasi I . '. one of the most spectacular feats of of its kind. Baker ascended 2200 f cet in the air before he cut loose. De- ayng hîs drp for some time t0 give the crowd a thîîll he f inally opened the chute making a graceful landing in front of thousands of people %vho were there ta witness his feat. This boy has nerve, ambition and svill make a name for him self in the world of entertainent. Mr. Baker has been a student of Geo. Bennett 0f Ham:ilton, famous para- chute jumper. WAITING HOURS lFrom Christian Science Monitor) An artist was decorating a very beautiful piece of porcelain. Gently and lovingly the c1elicate colons were placed in the design with the slen- der brush until at last, after nîany hours. the graceiji vase stood on right a photograph of the actual the artist's table, an expression of writing is shown, caused by pressure loveliness and charm. of a f inger. The Uines appear as But somcthing had yet to be donc. large whiite welts wherever Mrs. Mc- The piece of china be placed Lauchlin is touched and is easily in a kiln and the design burned in- visible for 45 minutes. to the porcelain so that the vase may be useful and durable. During thosehnccrsthe nrtist hne in ,rnit ing hand. I Chief Enumerator 4 J. r.L intnigv 1egm ep Pre pares for Coming lVM fluUng O te Juniors Meet Oshawa Federal Elections r o i s B sn s 'l For Ontario-Durham Gea. W. Garnett, Port Hlope, ne-1 r centiy appointed Chief Enumeraton 'ritdeon Saturday for Durham County in the forth- Ah M~inesoudi mrizb A soaking downpoun cancelled last on Monday in connection with the nesses ail the way arounti for just tSaturday's doubie-header basebail appointment of enumerators. Mu. one week, we'ci be a lot more sym- games. with tUe Juniors meeting Garnett is a Liberal appointe of the pathetic of tUe other fellow's prob- Oshawa and the H-igh ScUooi meet- Bennett Government, while W. F. lems and know a lot niore than we ing Goodyear for tUe Town League Ward, tUe Returning Officer, is a do at present about the cause of his titie. This Saturday, we had better Conservative. Foilowing out this short comings and of his apparent add weather perunitting, Orme plan it is understood the enumerat- failures. Let the banker sdil prunes. Gamsby's Orono Orioles will meet ors will be haif Conservatives and th~e grocer pull teeth. the dentist Oshawa in Oshawa at 10.30 a. m. haîf Liberais, a new venture which run a garage, tUe garage man edit wvith the reiurn game in Bowrman- has won the aprovai of open mindc the paper. tUe ediior run the bank ville the same afternoon at 3 o'clock people throughout Canada. The vat- cthai's the biggest jump of any of for the Ontario-Durham Counties er's lists are to be enumerated in themc), for just six iittle work days Championships. This game should October and only those who sec that andi we'ct au have our eyes so wide prove weil worthwhile and a big their names are on tUe lists will be open to what the otheus are Up ag- crowd should turn out to help the Iallowecl to vote. The appointmenis Of ainst that we wouid neveu have the locals aiong. County registuaus wene announced courage. to criticize. nor would we by Col. John Thompson, Franchise be unsympathetic again. Then if Comissioner for Canada. When the the wholc caboodie of us e t rioming Pigeons enumeration is completed there wiii' move on various îarms antd operate be no iast minute opportunity fou them fou another sx days peu cach. voters to have their names on the we'd ail be so wise and understand- Bowmanvillc Homing Pigeon Club iists. in that the peace and harmony flew their second young bird club The initial procedure consisis in preiing wouîl make this little old race on Satuuday, Sept. isi, fron the retuuning officers, appointed re- cpreuaityjs aotthngt lc Guelph Jct., 75 miles air uine. With cently by the Government, *eimn in the nilty .iust abo t c besplc an cast wind blowing and showers the limnits of cach polling sclef i1-in, o orseto lie Ildan'ke the birds were scattered and macle sion. They are being asked subco-dîvî doe. 0fourse, b ut wle cotak e slow stime. with the Iailowing result:pe tiwokb September 22nd. don't know anything about the other L. Richards 3 Uns. 2 mins. 18 sec. The registrars wil select tUe enurn-' man's job, and concede that for all R. Dilling 3 hus. 17 mins. 47 sec. erators. two for each urban poiiing wc know. Uc is handling it in good F F Bottreli 3 hrs, 20 mins, 52 sec. subdivision and one for each rural sl'ape" JF. Battreil 3 Urs, 21 mins, 8 sec, poil. The undenstanding s that the Wm. Woolner 3 Uns, 21 mins, 36 sec. wonk will be divided up beiwcen the P. Bathgýate 3 Uns, 22 mins. 16 sec,- parties. E. Hunt 3 Uns, 22 mins, 20 sec.' The enumeration, which wilI take CENT-AMIULE EXCURSIONS R. Dilling 3 Uns, 23 mins. O sec. seven days. will probabiy be about - Wm. Woaner 3 Uns, 23 mins. 8 sec. the middle of Octoben. It will be Cent-a-mule east to west and west L. Richards 3 Uns, 24 mins. 30 sec. f ollowed by a process of revision by to east excursions have pnoved s0 E. Hunt 3 Uns. 26 mins, 0 sec. the registran. TUe net resuit wiil be popular on the Canadian Pacific I Piper 3 Uns, 27 mins, 46 sec. the basic iist. There wili flot be any and Canadian National uines this 1'I. Hobbs 4 Uns, 49 mins, 10 sec. furthen renumeration under the act. Summer that il has been decided to Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club If, however, no lection occurs in the repeat them lUis Fali according to flew their third young bird club race meantime-and none is expeced- a joint statement issued today. on Sept. 9th, f nom Drumob. 105 tUe annual nevision of voters wiîî These iow rates will be availabie be- Imiles air line, with the following take place on May 15th when tUe tween Sept. 2lst andi Oct. 2nd, both results: basic list will bc brought up-to-date ways and there will bc a lunit of 30 F. Botireli 3 Uns, 15 mins, 28 sec. with the names of new voters atideti day6 f rom tUe date of purchase of F. Bottreil 3 Uns, 16 mins, 33 sec.- and of any who have died, removed. the ticket. Fnom Eastern Canada Wm. Woiner 3 Uns. 16 mins. 52 sec. That will be tUe uitimate opportuni-* tickets will be availabie Inom ahl R. Diiig 3Uns 17min. 5 sec tyof ettng n te lsi.stations, Windsor, Sarnia, Sault Ste R. Diliing 3 Unrs, 18 mins. 90 sec. tSou ge nenl eecion nhet bet Marie. Capreol. Sudbury. Cochrane, WR. Wollner 3 Uns.18 mins, 44 sec. Suntld935, an ensons aciningtUbe and East to ah stations Pont Arthur I. Piper r3 Uns, 1mins, 33 sec. uriht935tanyote by bcm ing th ae and Armstrong and West to and in- . Batier 3 Uns. 22 mins. 36 sec. arigtttU e ay SU eviofil ave chuding Vancouver, Victoria and I. Pipae 3 hUns,24 mins, 19 sec.ano c he ance 0f gettigon wtUe hivt. Prince Rupert, B. C.; Port Arthur, l Picrd. 3 Uns. 25mins. 54 sec. nWUcanisexpfiain as te sic ur-Armstrong and West inciuding Van- E. 'ihnts 3 Uns. 335nins, il sec.Wpo s e f tUene laws1tohexbscpuritecouver, Victoria and Prince Rupert. E. Hnt hr, 3 mis, i se. pse f te ne la isto xpeiteTickets will Uc solti to Sault Ste _________ tUe election once dissolution of Par- Marie. Sudbury, Capreol. Cochrane liament is decided on so that flow and all points East in Ontario, Que.. Trade negotiations etween tUe it can be brought on in about four New Brunswick. Nova Scotia, anti United States and Russia coliapseti weeks' lime at tUe outside. Another Prince Edwand Island at the cost of lad week when President Roosevelt objective is to prevent impersona- one cent a mile in each direction refused the Soviet a long term oan tioxa af voters at tUe polis, transportation wili be good in for more than $200,000,000. For tUe whole ofl Canada, probabiy coaches only. For tickets good for ____________firom 25.000 ta 30.000 enumerators passage in Tourist Cars, tUe rate wili - - will bc nequireti f or next month's be anc and one-quanter cents cach undertaking. i way plus tUe cost of sleeping berths. MO0 RN INOGTEYSEDY You'I neer atchberI sometimes think tUe yesterdays are lainer. sweeter fan TUan any days ihat are to be or any days that are; tanding still . . . she's As distance ends a softness to tUe fan horizon line. lwayson te go AndS turne its glamor weaves about tUe days of auld lang syne. Iwayson te go AndThe f niends of youth seem dearer than tUe f ricnds we know loday 'hile she's going - she's The world was brighten, lighter in the years of Iaraway; The blossoms on tUe orchard trecs a subtlen fragrance blew, rowing. She needa ber And aIl tUe roses seemcd to wear a rarer, lainer hue. ppetite! Start ber of f And oh. tUe joys of ycstenday are deeper grown with bine, ~ t~\.... l2t~ a glass of Bowmnanville Dairy niilk. Strict labor- atory-control is Bowman- Sville Dairy's guarantee of purity. It gives it that PHONEflavor of extra richness PHONEand extra freshness. Dis- 446 and 703 cover these extras for yourself! BOWMANVILLE DAIRY SPECIAL SATURDAY EXCURSION Cobourg to Rochester, N.Y. Saturday, September 22nd Only $1.25 Return (C'!IILDREN 65 CENTS GOIN6 Schedtile - Standard Time RETURNING Lv. Cobourg 80 ~M Lv. Rochester 5.45 P.M. Arr. ilochestc*r 1.-13 PI.M. Arr. Cobourg 11.30 P.M. Excellent Orchestra on Board for Dancing Low prices for meals on steamner - Breakfast 50e Lunch and Dinner 75e cach. Also Lunch Counter Service. Ample frif., molor parking space at steamer dock at Cobourg. PURCIIASE TICKETS FI1OM LOCAL CANADIAN NATIONAL AlGENTS OR AT STEAMNER. ONTARIO CAR FERRY COMPANY C>biourg- Rochester. Steamiship Route Our ancient woes are sweetenecl, olcien sýorrows madle sublime: Andi ail the dreams that seemed to die, the things that couid not be, The prayers of hIfe unanswered, stili live on in memory. Today may bring us happiness, tomorrow lure us on, But something ever turns our hearts to other days long gone. And blessed is the life which sees thru recoliections' haze, The tenderness and sweetne3s of its haliowed yesterdays! -W. Kee Maxwell. . . By R. j. Scott i SCOTT'S SCRAPBOOK jpàtice'ntlyuto se the completion of her work. But these hours must not be idie hours if the careful work already donc would not be rendered useless. The fine in the kiln must be watched and tended and kept, burning evenly, lest the poîcelain be daaged.At last. however, the s e is rmved. dcompîcte, beautiful. and ready for use. t Into human experience there come -many periods of waiting, waiting -after one has labored long and lov- aingly, when it seems as if every- Sthing needful has been donc, and tyet some time must clapse before the final results of our labors cani tbe seen. Sometimes thece periods tof waiting seem difficuit and long. and there is the temptation cither to, let the fire in the figurative kiln of our thought languish. or by un- wise zoai to make 'it too active 10 serve ils purpoýe. 0f course. the only legitimate waiting is during an undertaking which makes for- progress alon, ri ' ht lines. R'ght activity is de'- iManded. Intelligent progress mnust be macle. But t?ýe waiting time can be a happy lime. even a joyful one. It can be made au opportunity foi- continuouis right thinking. for an intelligent, active faith ini God and His constant care. BEE HIVE GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD gers - featuring items selected by themn togve you the greatest values of the year. Also to help themr to make tlccs week the beit and the busiest week of the year.e * MIL K3 ;anr 23c GiLT EDGE-BREID VI~uu go Lb. Lb Dag Bag DOMIESTIC OR EASIFIRST Shortening1ILb. S r '-_Priit 10 GR4 NULATED SOAP QUJAKER< RINSO LGE. PKG. 19c Coramflakes 3 Pkgs. 20C OU'R OVN A& P 4STRALIAN U IT.1NA TEA BLNDA b.45c. RAISINS 2 lbs. 23e Christie9l Graham Wateors PKG. "BI' Sodas PKG Fig Rolla lb HEINZ SALE BAKED BEANS , ill2,. I2 D. 9e SPAHETI wihChecse Med. Tin ]LOO KETCHUP TOMATO LGE. BOT. 17e ISOUPZ Creamed Assorid 2 MED. TINS 25C Bt--.i CHOCOLATE WAFERS Mb. 19. LAMB FRONTS Mb. 10,c - LOINS lb. 16. - LEGSlb ROLLED IF DESIRED A4 & P SELECTED QUALITY BEEF ROASTS SHOULDER IM. Blade or M. or CHUCK CShort RIibA PORTERR3OUSE. b2 RSTKo STEAK or A T COUN~TRY' STYLE SAUSAGE 2Ibo. SMOKED FINNAN HADDIE"'i RED TOKAY GRAPIES 2Ibo.2 CALIFORNIA VALEINCEI ORANGES Doze 2 THE m RET TL N I & ACsI 23e .150 lac 00 03e 9ge 3e 050 M3 Above is a photograph of Mrs. Leo McLauchlin of Creighton Mines, Ont., who rivais the 'human slate" of Chicago World's Fair by display of writing upon her back. At the TaeC. C. & B. Tonie Tablets For Health--Strength--Vigor IlflhIHave You Stomach Pain HAVE ,u OU TMACn TROUBLE? :1hý ,e.nna Heatb n urn .otn a Spitting of Mucus. Gnawing. Empty Feeling, Lump In Stomach, Food Disagree, Pain Before or After Eating. Coated Tongue. Sore Mdouth,,indigestion? Wben cauaJd by a run-down condition you need C. C. & B. Tonic Tabita nd at once. They wifl buiid Up the systemn and thus relieve you quickiy and permanently, improve appetite. digestion and general heaith. ur n innn Pls Ba ealslSores, Blotches Pai'e Ecema Mlari THlE DLUUU Ch111yý. Feveris.h, Rn0DwnDeb itýe, ekEacated You sureiy need C C. Gt B. Ï2onic Tablets. They , yreo of their tonic effects, help to restore strength and fibre to the blond, 0 .t ii furih nourishment to the whole body. C. C. & B. Tmnie Tablets contain Yeaat, Iron and Eztract of Cod Liver-three great tonics in one. iir ervous Debiiity, Weakness, .lerking. Junapini, Excitable THE N iiRV ST ir Worn Out, Feel Like Fallilng When es~ Closed and Feet Togetiier. Restless at Night, Poor Memory, M'lancholy, Despondent. Wake Up Unrefreshed, Weak Trembles. Dizzy. Fainting Speils, Hands or Feet N umb, Lack Energy. Strength. Ambition? You need C. C. & B.'fonic Tabiets Tbey. by reason of their tonlc effects, heip to restore nerve tissue to normal condition steady the nerves, banish the blues, make you feel fu of l1ite, vigor, ambition, andý many years younger. Under Weight. Hoilow Cheeka, Fiat Chest, Scrawny Neck, Dys- THINN SS pesiaThin Biood C. C. & B. Tonic Tabiets beip to build you THNN plepia way. Wiii thereby Improve your perc. REGAIN LOST PEP AND VITALITY net drectiy trough th biooý.. building up the nervous system. generate vitality. create nerve force, restore' full strength, pep and vigor-so yoo can enjoy lites pleasures to the f ullest. are ior sale at ail Drug Stores. Go toi C. C & B TO IC T BLE S yor duggist today and order ai C.C.& B. T NIC ABLE Supyourr t mens the begtnning of a nw 'vlite for you-openlng the door to a brighter world and happier existence. The. -h1s are inexpensive. 'he prices are SOcnnd $1. Three $1.00 Boxes for $2.50. Alex McGregor, Druggist 1 - ýý PAGE POUR

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