PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1934 E I 'io 25c tubes Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream A Coi2stp tooth brush of G xf4taod Quality -0L I8FOR 49c Kerslake's Specials 50c Cascana Co. 29e 50c Absorbent Cotton 29e 50c Dodd's Piuls 29e 35c Sloan's Liniment 29e 75c Value Fruitatives 39c 27c Noxema Cream 15e Our Spices Are the Best Our pnices are iglit Try us once. Kersiake's Piekle Mixture is easy Vo use and most economical 1,ý Gai. quantity - 25e Try our Picture Service for best results. P. R. Cowlinlg phmn. B. We Test Eyes and Fit Trusse elle- wno are furthering their education 'their infants are free from[ ti Se ooesga±dtPr rh are: Misses Lorraine Antil, Cath- pests. A vermifuge that can be de- Ont. and aIl stations west thereof. eine Lowe, Hilda Devenlsb and pended on Is Mller's Wormn Powders. Doris Wilkins. and Fred Adam, They wIlI not only expel worms from 1%ll particulars fromn any agent Walter Deveni*j and Ivwi Cochraiie t?ýe system, but aât as a bealtb-glv- 3- at the Oshawa Collegiate, w.hile lng medicîne arif a remedy for Miss Frances Reynolds attends Bow- JFw o! the ailments that beset ln-C n dPa i c manville Higb School. _ .0ents.ulnfei ilve m n ns. an d a a ii Sunday, Sept. id ..Attitiflgterlvs 4 -, Institute were aise guests thereE 1 MAPLE GROVE 1. a very enjoyable time was bad. a Mrs. Rebecca Bray, Winnii Man., and Mrs. Ueo. Biden, Wcl Miss Elsie Samis, Solina. visited ley, Sask., Mr. and Dfrs. Sam Fcx her sister, Mrs. Ferguson Abernethy. Bethesda, York County, were Tu~ Miss Eteika Trimble had her ton- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sils removed in Bowmanvllle Hospi- pAscoe. tal on Monday. Our school children and th Mrs. Samuel Snowden visited her teacher, Miss Muriel Baker, are mother, Mrs. Mackiin, at Cobourg, be congratulated on their success who isnot well. the school fair at Haponng Mr. Bruce Hogarth, Hampton, day on winnlng third in the 1191. spent the weekend with bis Cousin, besides many other prises on t. Mr. Bob Snowden. exhibits. Miss, Vera Shackleton, nurse i There was a splendid congregat training, Bowmanville Hospital, vis-. at church on Sunday morning.C ited Mrs. J. D. Pickard. pastor, Rev. W. R.ackham, preact Bob Snowden and Bruce Hogarth a very excellent sermon. MissV wheeled to Kinsale on Sunday and ma Pearce of Ebenezer was in1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDonald. choir and gave a delightful vo Mr. and Mrs. Charlie White and solo which was much enjoyed. ' two daughters, Oshawa, are visiting choir also gave a selection, with1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bill Chadwick taking the solo pai Stevens. Mrs. Eva Lick and daughter Eve- lyn, Mrs. Arthur Wright, Mrs. Ar-i TYRONE chie McDonald, Oshawa, visitcd Mrs. J. D. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munday have Miss Viola Shortt spent Sunc returned home after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. A. W. Presc with ticeir brothers and other rela- Enfield. tives at Sarnia. Congatulations to Mr. and N Mrs. C. E. Nesbitt and son John F. L. Byami on the arrivai of a f have returned to Winnipeg after a baby boy. pleasant visit with ber mother, Mrs. Mr. Elgin Jones, who has 1E J. B Worden, and brother, R. L. with Mr. Gussie Rosevear, hasI Worden. cepted a position in Detroit. Mrs. Victor Wilson and Mr. Jack Sorry te report Mr 'Milton Vur Emmerson, Town. spent the week- 'S ill with pleurisy. Mr. QeoC end in Lindsay and attended the Brooks is also under the doctc wedding on Saturday of their sister' care. Miss Phyllis Emnmerson to Mr. Har- Mrs. W. MacDonald and Bi old Thomas, Toronto. have returned to Cobourg af spending the summer with her fat er. Mr. Willls Stewart SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Wm.* S. Hughsi Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hughsona Billie, Toronto, spent Monday wi Mr. George Hogarth is spending a Mr. and Mrs. R. Mcçullough. week with friends in Montreal. Týhe Women's Institute and La Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webber, Col- ies' Aid will meet at the home umbus, visited at Mr. H. E. Tink's r. Ronald Scott on Wednesdc Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, is visit- Sepýt l9th, at 2.30 p. m. All lad ing at her brothcr's, Mr. Luther invited. Pas-coe. d Miss C. Mackenzie has returi Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce and rom visiting Toronto f riends. E Miss Velma. Ebenezer, were guests; sister, Mrs. J. Morrison, accompa at Mr S E Werry's icd her but bas now returned Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake vis- Toronto. ited bis sister, Mrs.* MeGee of Myr- A large number from here atten tle and friends at Ashburn. ed the school fair at Enniskillen, Misses Ruth McKessock and Eve- Tuesday, a good]y share of the pi lyn Tink vsited their aunt, Miss es coming Vo the children who shoi Margaret Pascoe, Hampton. ed exhibits in the various classes. Miss Elsie Bragg, Toronto, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gardiner, M:i and Mrs. Howard Couch and f am- T. Barr and Douglas, accompani ily, Bethesda, vislted at Mr. John by Mrs. J Hendricks and Jean Baker's. Trenton, have returned home ait Mr' Bruce McCarty, New York a pleasant motor trip through Nc City, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bray and thern Ontario and visited their sc Mrs. Laura McNealy, Toronto, visit- 'Mr. ErnestGrie.a nlhr ed at Mr. Thos. Baker's. . s adnr tEgea A number f rom here attended theHA P N - funeral o! the late Mrs. Will Run-HA PO die of Toronto who was buried in Bowmanville last Thursday after- Ms eseSmsnwsavs noon.MisBsiSipo aa st Mr. and Mrs. Melville Staples, in Toronto. Orono, Mr. Will RundIe, Toronto, Miss Doris Cryderman visitedT Mrs. Sam Rundie and Mr. Cyril Mionto rtives. Gavnh unlEbenezer, visited at Mr. J. Ms ayNdey rvnu TRundles i visiting at home. Tr Rund Ms.W.H amBuk Miss Annie Allin, Bowmanvil Mr. nd Ms. . H.Rah. Buke isited at Mr C. W. Souch's. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy RÏichard, r. adMs ihrs oo Mrs. John Westlake and BillI. Bow- Mr.iaed tMr. L.ichrydrman manville, were guests at Mr. Frank Mr. edan Mrs . John Willams, Westlake's.Mran r.JhWilmsO] Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Taylor and awa, ',isited at Mr. A. Peters'. Miss Pauline Fraser, Pontypool, Mr. Sympathy is extended Mr. E. Wesley Hopper and Miss Mabel Har- Staples in the death o! bis broth2 ris ,Kirby, were ilecent guests at Mr. Kenncth Caverly, Toronto, Mr. . J.Balsns.holidayrng with bis wife and fantl About twenty-five members of our M.AlnGroCeea Institute went to Nestieton last Ohio, visited at Mr. W. Watchorn Wedinesclay afternoon. Janctviile Miss W. Leach attended the fui eral of ber aunt, Mrs. Jabez Leac _____________________ at Ashburn on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, To, onto. were weekend visitors with t SPEI AL latter's mother, Mrs. E. Stevens. j Mr. Lewis Allin and Mr. Haro SALE linrattened theQflerl of tl Brooklin, on Thursday. Quality China Mr.Ws. Jons and.two son (I Allan, Winnipeg, are visiting tl uuu~dIformer's brother, Mr. Lewis Johns Cups- aaucers Sunday services were well attenc ed. Rev. W. Rackham occupied tl pulpit. At the evening church sei Ideai for bridge prizes, and vice Miss Helen Knox assistedi gifts for many occasions. the choir with a vocal solo. *See our special window dis- Gaines of various kinds and if play. Priced ati freshments of rolîs and weiners a: 25c - 29c - 3&c 1 marshmallows were enjoyedb about thirty-five of our young pec ple in the park on Monday nlght. EVERYBODY'S 1, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilkinson an KNITTING on Douglas, Toronto, were Sunda KNITINGvsitors at Mr. C. E. Horn's and wit With Winter approaching Mrs. Wilkinson's father, Mr. I. Trul wise women are getting pre- The latter remained for a few day, paredl by knitting sweaters visit. and other warm wooUens for Mr. A. E. Jennings, Oshawa, ist their children and them- be congratulated on his attainin selves. We carry a fulll une first honors in a garden competitio: of knitting supplies, from the of about thirty. Mr. Jennings wa wool to the patterns. a former resident bere. and appar Wool 15c to 29c bail ently still retains the- art of keep ing up bis property, by beautifyin Needies 10c set up. i ihfoes t. as was the cas _________inHampton______ many pro perties which came into his car Je W, Jewell __ PAOOKS & STATIONER Since the hotel beverage roon. CINA & WALAPER oPened. several local barbers stat CI-lIA & LASStheir Saturday nîgbt business ha .«Big 20" Bowncanvilie sh namreddcae-ar and e- -- "Bowers of the Bowmanville Corp i -_______ 1ENFIELD* visited Courtice Sunday School and BLACKSTOCK mte, Mr.Beamish, Oshawa, visited at Adjutant lis supposed Vo corne every Dr. Henry, Toronto, lis visiting Dr. ue-Mr. T. Bowman's. other week. The children were de- and Mrs. J. McArthur. L. Mr., Wallace Pascoe spent the lighted with bis anecdotes of miss- Mrs. H. Kennedy, Bethany, vlslted weekýIIt-f Toronto. ions, etc., in f ar off countries. The Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanderson, pn- heir~' èv ro hee atened lzeattendance bas been below average day. e to National Exhibition. and perbaps Adjutant Bowers' pre- Mr. Alex Monk and son Clark, s at , Mr. Gordon Sizer visited with Mr. sence will bring the wanderers back. Bethany, visited Dr. and Mrs. C. Iffl- qpd Mrs. E. Ormiston. Sergt. Major Aldworth speaks of a E. Wbittaker. Mg Miss Irene Leask of Wick visited social evening a week to be started Miss Eevlyn English returned ,heir at Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe's. soon, and a corn roast. from visiting ber aunt, Mrs. F. W. Miss Mabel Elford and Mr. Day, Ferguson at Gorrie. tion Blackstck, spent Sunday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill and two Our Walter Ferguson I KENDAL chiid*en, North Bay, are visiting ,lhed Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ormiston sý Mr. and Mrs. John Jobb. Vel- and Mary Julia visited wlth Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey at- the Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hoy'e and fam- tcnded Mr. Bob Wright's sbower on ,cal We extend to Mrs. S. Ferguson ily, Oshawa, visited bier parents, Mr. Tbursday night at Yelverton. The (formnerly Mrs G.eo. Cochrane) our and Mrs. A. Gllroy. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strong, Mr. Mr. best wishes. She wiIi be missed The stork visited the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Russel Coates were guests .rt. botb in the Cburcb and Women's and Mrs. George Langstaf f on Fri- of Mr. H. Speirian at Orillia. Association. day and le! t a fine baby boy. Womcn's Auxiliary o! St. John's Mr. and Mrs. John MeCullocli are Visitors at Mrs. Cecil Tebble's on Churcb will be held at Mr. Clarence Icelebrating their diamond weddlng Sunday were bier father and mother, Parr's, Thursday night, Sept. 20th. -eanniversary on Saturday, Sept. l5tb. Mr. and Mrs. Hoye and sister o! Mr- and Mrs. Claude C. Hilîman iday Tbey will be at home to their frlends Oshiawa. and Miss Dorotby Stephens, Toron- oton Saturday afternoon fromn 3 un-j Young People's League reopened tov eeget f r n r.T being in charge of Mrthr Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Graham Mrs.Thomson.The opicwastaken by and family, Mr. and Mrs Mervin fine ENNISKILLENMis aguerite Bell and Miss Annie Graham and family visitcd friends ~ Tompongave a vcry interesting in Oshawa. een reading. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Larmer, Wash- ac- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gril! in and Among the numerous Anniversary ington, D. C., who are in Canada family visited at Mr. Lorne Griffin's, istors were Mr.adMs .Lw nterwdigtiaevstn rtue lacksock.ery, Orono; Mr- and Mrs. T. Lang- friends here. rge Miss Alice Ashton and Mr. Gor- staff and Mrs. A. Langstaff, New- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, Lor's don Beccb vlsited the former's sis- tonville; Mrs. V. Peacock, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mountjoy were ter, Mrs. Stanley May and attended Mrs. S. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. 0.I Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Mer- uce the Exhibition. Trew, Elizabethvillc; and Mn. and win Mountjoy. fter Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olds, St. Mrs. Wmi. Honcy, Milligan. Rev. andî Mrs. J. C. Fonrester, .th- Thomas, Mr. and Mns. W. T. Mount- Service Sunday morning was well Sarnia, visited Mr. and Mns. Earl joy and family, Kedron, visited at attended, Mr. Mellor taking charge Dorrell and many old friends. Mr. son, Mr. J. A. Werry's. on account o! Mn. Wallace not being Forrester assisted Rev. Bell in the and Mr. Floyd Petbick, Mr. G. Cronin £0 wcll. Service Sunday evening evening service. vith and Joan, Toronto, spent the week- w;as the anniversary service under Mr. Elmone Mahood and sisten. end at S. R. Petbick's. Mrs Cronin the auspices o! the Women's Assoc- Mrs. Robinson, son Jack and daugh- ,ad- and Donald returned home to Tor- iation and was conducted by Rev. trKtle.KnadnadMs. o!ono.Osterhout of Orono. Elizabetbville David Milne, Tononto, were guestsj lay, Messrs. Lloyd Ashton, Roy McGill, choir took charge o! the music and of Mr. Robent Mahood. dies John Slemon Jr. and Ray Smith gave a splendid service o! song Mr. and Mrs. F. Browne, Brooklin. were a fîshing party to Jack's Lake which was much enjoyed. Monday Mrs George Neals, Toronto; Mr. an ned the past week and enjoyed the ramn evening a chieken pie supper was Mrs. Williami Wilkinson, and Miss HeIr and fishing. served in the S. S. room after which M. Eagleson, Millbrook, were gucsts an- Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, and a play entitled «'Lonely Little Liza of Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan. ta Mrs. J. A. Stainton, Toronto, visited Lou," or "Two Brides" was present- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ginn; Mn. and at tbeir motber's, Mrs. J. Pye. Miss cd by No. 9 Home and School Club. Mns. F. A. Bradley spent Sunday nd- Eva Souch returned with them after on spending ten days in Toronto. NE T ET N < witb Mr. and Mrs. John Englisb, riz- Dr. L. B. and Mrs. Williacms, Tor- ingLTO Mr. anMr.m English . ok svst ow- onto. called on Mr. Jas Stainton on ngMratatnd are exended to S. Monday. Dr. Williams Is going Mogauain ae xeddt Jrs. through Durham taking a seriez o!f. rs. M. Wilson, Lindsay, is visit- Mr. Samuel Ferguson and Mrs. Ueo. lie moingpicure fo te Drha in lir sste, rs. P. Edgerton. Cochrane, Enfield, on their manriage of Clb. .Mrs. Cecil Wilson and daughtcrs at Port Perny on Saturday. Mrs. T. ter Rev. Wmn. Parker is preaching a visited friends in Enniskillen. Samelîs and Mrs. A~ Venning pre- For- series o! sermons on the different Mr. Lloyd Hall, Janetville, spent sided at the wcdding dinnen on their ;on, Bible characters. Sunday he pneach- the weekend with Mr. Ross Lansing. netunn. rt.' cd a very fine and interestlng sen- Messrs Wmn. and Russel Brown. Miss P. G. Hooey bas returned mon n Jshua Net SudayhJsvisited Mn. Russell Batten, in osh- after a seven weeks' trip through the sermon will be on Rutb. awa. British Isles and Europe with a par- Other Enniskillen news on page 3. Chief-of-Police, Wmo. Nesbitt, Port ty o! other Toronto teachers. They _____________________Perry, spent Sunday at Mr. George report a most enjoyable time visiting oJohn's. tehsoia points o interest in itor HAYDON Mr. Frank Wilson attended the England, Scotland, Holland, Ger- *funeral o! bis uncle at Raglan on many, Austria. Italy, Switzenland, r'o- Sunday. France, Bclgium and Ireland. Mr. Elgin Mountjoy lost a valuable Messrs Leonard Mils, Percy Hul- Mrs. Lewis Swain gave bier home rst. milk cow Tuesday morning. bert and Norman McCurdy visited in for the September meeting o! the Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Toronto. Vîctorian Women's Institute on lle, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. Thos. Slcmon Haydon, has Wednesday a!ternoon. Forty-seven Graham. been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. members and visitors wcre present Ito, Mrs. Elmen Bradley and Mr. and Mountjoy. and the roll caîl was answered by Mrs. Fred Ashton recently visited Miss Margurite Armstrong le! t "Wbat I have donc or wbat 1 plan sh- relatives in Detroit and Buffalo. last week for Rosseau, Ontario, to do beauti!y my home.' Octobcr's A bec was hcld at the Church on whenc she will teach school. roll caîl will be "Qualifications de- E. Wednesday to remove the old paper Cornction-Last week in the com- sirable for an officer o! the Insti- er. and repaper the walls and ceiling. ment about Evelyn Campbell pass- tute." Several items o! business wcre I is Miss Helen Worden and Mn. Harry ing with bonons into the 3rd book discu.ssed and the !ollowing inter- îly. Spnaguc, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hunt- the most important fact o! this item esting program was given: A paper ,nd, er and babe Toronto, visitcd at Mn. was omitted, that this billiant on "The Life o! Pauline Johnson," n's. H. Ashton's. Young student is orily 7 yeans old. afid the neading o! "The Cry o! an in- Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Hunten, and The Young People's meeting was Indian's Wif e," one o! Miss John- ch, babe. Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Theo. held ln the basement o! the United'son's poemrs, by Mns. A. L. Bailcy; Slcmon. Enniskillcn, visited at Mrs. Church on Tuesday evcning and a- Mns. Gordon Stnong Played an in- or- Silas Trewin's. mong those eiected to office for struncental; Mrs~ Clarence Manlow the A inumber o! boys and girls have 1934-35 are: President - Mn. Wil- read 'Hints on «Household Linen"; commenced wonk again at Bowman- fred Willilams; Vce-Presldent-Mn. Mrs. Lewis Swain read 'Old Shoes," Ild ville High Scbool and Enniskillen Gilbert Manlow: Secy.-Miss Ellen and a Flower Demonstration wa.s be Continuation Scbool. Emerson; Asst Secy.-Mr. Thos. given by Mrs. Gordon Strong. Miss at A large number attended the Cale: Treas.-Miss Marion Taylor;; Margaret Swain gave a demonstra- Scbool Fair at Enniskillen on Tues- Pianist - Miss Dorothy Porteous. tion on a fruit salad, which was fol- InS, day whene the pupils as usual carn- Addàtional membens on the Execu- lowed bY' a contest. An appetîzing lys ied off a great n',unben o! pnizes. tive are :-Mns. Stanley Jackson,1 lunch was senved by Mrs. Lewis ýhe Church service on Sunday atr Miss Leona Williams, Mn. Wil!ned Swain's gnoup. An intenesting feat-, noo wa wel atened. a!tr-Jackson, Mr. Dan Black and Mn. une o! the afternoon was the pre- LS.noo wa wel atened.The service Donald Emerson. Mn. Suggit gave sentation o! bank books with one i-was ln charge o! oun pastnastd the bible talk and Miss Leona Wil- dollar deposits to each o! the 1934 be Rev. Mn. Fonester, a former pas- liams took the bible neading. Mrs. R. babies whose mothers anc Institute1 er tor at Blackstock andl Enniskillen. W. Manlow gave a rcading; and Mn. membens. nue babies were: Marilyn in Rev. and Mns. Fonester wene vIsitons Leonard Joblin sang an intercsting Kathleen A. Fonder, daughtcr o! Mn. r-at Mn. Wmo. Rlggs. solo. Lunch was served and a social ad Mrsi J-Fondr; Ruth Alleen ,nd -- 1 time enjoycd by evenyone. Whitfi4eîd, daughtcr o! Mn. and Mns. by COURTICE Septemben meeting o! the Wo- Royal Whitfield; Clayton Arthur o- *men's Institute wag held in the base- Read, son o! Mn. and Mrs. A. Rcad, ment o! the United Church on Wed- Kenneth George E. Bowers, son o! rd Mrs. Bert Gay, Oshawa, visited bier nesday afternoon, with Solina and Mn. and Mns. George Bowens; Wil- lay sster-in-law, Mrs. F. Everson. Janetville branches as guests. The I iami Ronald Hoopen, son o! Mn. and ith Mn. and Mrs. Staîker and family President, Miss Jennie Gordon, was Mrs. Richard Hlooper; Keith Arthur iii. are visiting hîs fathen in Lindsay. in the chair. it was decided that VanCamp, son O! Mn. and Mrs. Han- YS Buildings on Mn. H. Pneu! er's thene be more bocks added to the ry VanCamp; and Donald Glen Van- far-m are undengoing a new shing- libnany and everyone, cither mcm- Camp, sýon o! Mn. and Mrs. Perey to ling. bers or non-membens, are unged to VanCamp. ng Mn. and Mrs. Upton Stevens, join the libnany and take advantage A. Y. P. A. O! St. John's Chuncb on Bowmanville, spent Sunday with the o! the fine selection o! bocks. The held the September meeting at the ýas latter's sisten, Mns. A. E. Phain. program was presented by the visit- home of Mn and Mrs. Jos. Archer r- Mrs Wmn. Hobbs. Mn. and Mns. ors as follows: From Solina, a piano on Wednesday cvening, sept. th. p-. Jack Barclay and family visited on solo by Mns. Hardy, an excellent Dr. Whittaker nead the Scripture, ng Sunday wîth Mn. and Mns. Geo. Rey- paper by Mrs. Wenry on 'Love and[ anîd Lavenne Devitt, president, gave. se nolds. Laughter in Life," A vocal duet yte prayers. It was decided that O_ 1 Mn. Harry Phair lis having a gar- Miss Yellowlees and Mns. Snmith, and the membens Iwould pack a bale and re age built by Mn. Thos Adams, east readings by Mrs. Langmaid and Mrs. make a ciuilt for the needy in the o! the cottage wherc Mn. and Mrs. 1Taylor. Fnom Janetville branch Peace River district. Dr. Whittaken Stake rsie.theýre was community singing and and Miss Annie Archer had change Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Brock haveincadings by Mrs. McNeil, Mns. Mc- o! the pnogram. Dr. Whittakcr temoved f nom Mies B. Dean homeMulien, Mrs. Hcaslip, Mrs. Camp- spoke o! different formns o! govern- leback toth Cornish Hlomesteoad bell and Mrs. Orvine McQill. Lunch ments, and led an interesting dis-1 as where thcy nesided some time ago. 1was served by the etcon.csi nMdm neto s n BOWMAILLE HA31PTON ENNISKILLEN BURKETON BLACKSTOCK NESTLETON YELVERTON JANETVILLE Patrons using our busses may leave- their cars in par~king at our Bowmanville Garage free. FOR INFORMATION PHONE Lindsay 506 - Oshawa 2283 - Bowrnanville 412J Pease Furnaces Assure you of Econoany Convenience and Comfort farmer's son; Mrs. Thos. Smith, the f armers wife; Miss Mabel Argue, the teachen; Miss Leona Devitt, the student; Miss Vena Fonder, the pri- vate secnetary; Mn. Ralph Ecclestone the hired man; Mn. Russel Brown., 1ý.he woodsman; Miss Florence Fair, flc govenness; Miss Bessie Fee, the f armer's daugliten; and Dr. Wbit- taker, the îpaston. Tue inventions named weihoth varied and bumon- ous. Mns. Thos. Smith gave a nead- ing, "Wanted, a Minister's Wif e"; and Mn Jack Smith sang a solo. Following a riddle contest wbose winners were Miss Edna Larmer and Miss Florence Pair, Mn. Jack Smith played sevenal violin solos, accomp- anîed by Miss Mabel Argue. A splen- did lunch brouglit the successful meeting ta a close. Wanm thanks1 wene extended to Mn. and Mrs. Ar- cher for the use o! thein home. Mns. Charles Smith is lending lier home for Octoben meeting. LINDSAY EXHIBITION SPECIALS BY GARTON'S COACH LUNES Cornfortable Up-to-Date Busses Going THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Sept, 13 - 14 - 15 STANDARD TIME Ride by bus and avoid the worry of driving through heavy traf fic.. RETURNING RETM~N Read Up FARE 1.00 a. me. $1.50 12.50 a. me. $1,45 12.40 a. me. $1,40 12.30 a. me. $1.25 12.15 a. me. $1,00 12.00 msdnight $ .80 11.50P. M. $ .0 11.35 p. me. $ .40 Dozens of Pease Furnace usera in the cornrunity wii gladly tell you of the genuine satisfac- tion and long service these de- pendable furnaces give. Equip your borne now with a Pease Furnace. Etimates Furnished Free IRICE& CO. Hardware Opposite Post Office Bowrnanville BLUE COAL When Buyang Coal Let the Color b. Y@ui' Guide You cannet tell the dif ference between one' black coal and another . . . you cannet say which is good or bad . . . but you can be positive about 'blue coal' f or the color guarantees the quality. 'Blue coal,' the only trademarked fuel, is the f inest 'of al Scranton Anthracite. It is guaranteed heat . . . your protection against inferior grades. Buy it with absolute confidence. A GLANCE WILL IDENTIFY IT! "'bluecoal"9 Welsh and Scotch Coal also for Sale Sheppard & CiIILumber Co. Ltd. PHfONE 1.5 BOWMwivrLE Cartwright Agricultural Society EXHIBITION BLACK STOCK' TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 - 19 CHICKEN PIE SUPPER and GRAND CONCERT Wednesday Night. Admission to Fair 25e and Mec The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada in session in Toronto stamped its iron heels on Commun- ism, on Tuesday when it ejected one member wbo claiinied Vo be a comn- PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATMMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEFMýhSER 13, 1934 GOING Read Down 9.00 a. mn. 9.10 a. m. 9.20 a. m. 9.30 a. m. 9.45 a. m. 10.00 a. m. 10.10 a. m. 10.25 a. m. 11.00 a m.