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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1934, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1934 PHONE 5 3 Mr. Chas. Lorrinian, Chatham, ia visiting Mr. Alex Wight. Thbis is the week you pay the 2nd instaîlment of taxes. Do t now for after Saturday a penalty is added. Miss liarriet Bartlett, Toronto, spent the weekend wth her aunt, Miss Eva Hellyar. Dr. and Mrs. Basil Bowman, Ham-! ilton, were Sunday guests of her uncles. Messrs. Fred and Hlarry! Grigg. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal and fam- ily have returned !rom a pleasant holiday witb relatives at Arnolds Park, Iowa. .Mr. Norman Taylor, Windso, a been home for a few weeks owing to, the serious illness of bis mother, Mrs. Alex Taylor. Miss Muriel Dech, R. N., Miss Mlargaret MeInnes, R. N., Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Westaway. Members o Trinity Sunday School Orchestra are asked toi-.e-t at Trinity School at 2.20 Sun- day afternoon, Sept 16th. Commencing next Sunday Trinity Sunday Scbool will meet at 2.30 p.m. Parents, puipils and officers please make a note of this cbangç. Mr. E. C. McMurtry, London, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McMurtry, St. Thomas, Mrs. (Dr.) Willard, Tor- ,pnto, visited Mrs. F. J. Honey. Mrs. Wilfred D. Carruthers will receive for the f irst time since her marriage on Wednesday, September 19, froin 4 to 6 and 8.30 to 10 p. mn. W. Bave Moved TO More Commodious Quarters D. R. Alldread wishes 10 announce the removal of his blacksmitbing business to the building next to the skating rink, formerly occupied by W. J. Chala Motor Sales. in our new quartera we shah continue to serve in aul our regular lines of work. HORSE SHOEINGI. WELDING General Repairing Remember the spot - Net to Skating Rink. D. R. Alldread »OWMANVILLE ROUiS Thal Many people are varying preference te, bread. We prl<i our pride la given public suPPI for them. Try a domen Parker Weiner Hlls at 15c. CrustY Roils at 18c. Hamburg Rails them. They Xive variety to t)i AUSTRALIAN This week la Australian to mark the event we are nuJ urday only. Any 12e Raisin L on Frday before closlng tie, be,on Special at 10e and ZO. and ênjoy a real dainty. Corb-ett'là PHONE 3 Mn. and Mrs. T. Rundie, Mr. and Ms~<li Garbutt le! t TuesdaYe Mrs. Edgar Rundie and cbildren and td tysit Miss MollieLorriman, Wind-e Master Colville o! Exeter were recent sor. vîsitors a Mr. W. J. S. Rundlc's. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Haddy, Tor- Mr. E. Haggitb bas retursleW t frounonto, spent Sunday witb bis par- a month's visit witb reIatTves _'l ents, Mr. aud Mrs F. A. Haddy. Rochester, N. Y., stopping off aI If you want ta sec a real good Toronto for a week ta do thseEx- Fall Fair sec Cartwright Fair at I h ibition. Blackstock next Wednesdiay, Sept. Don't borrow your neighbor's ltb. Z Statesunan - bal! the tinte tbey When shopping tell tbe niercb- havent f inisbed readîng it when you anIs you saw their advt. in TheC uarîy 5c wllibriug it to you reg- Statesman. They like to know when Mn. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees, Mayor W. R. Strike is attending Bowmanville, anaunce the engage- the Sixth General Council o! theF ment o! tbeir only daughter, Helen Unitcd Church o! Canada being held Beatrice, ta Clinton Cli!! ord Cook, in Sydenham St. Church, Kingston. a! Brantford, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Miss E. E. Haycraft o! the States- Joshua Cook, Sarnia. The marniage man office is enjoying bolidays at is ta take place early in October. Heydensbore ParW 'Part Wbitby, The Pire Departmnent was caUled with ber sister-in-iaw, Mrs. W. J. on Saturday nigbt to a smaîl blaze Hayeraft.e wbicb originated in an open fire- Mr. W. Helyar, Clinton, was inc place at the home of Mrs. John town over the weekend visiting bis Darcb, Wellngton and Liberty Sts. brother, Mn. John Hellyar, wbo is inC 'Damage was amaîl and the fire was Buwinanville Hospital duc toaa gotten under controlI wl th chemnicals. heart attack.1 Mr. Russell Candler, caretaker af Mr. and Mrs. John McCuiiocb,1 bbc Post Office and Excise Building, R. R. 2, Oshawa, are celebratiugt and Mrs. Candier are holiclayang in their Diamoud Weddng ou Satur- Toronto. Mr. C. W. Tait, the man day, September 151h, and will be aI who beats the big bass druni in the home ta, their frieuds fram 3 ta 5.50 s Legion Baud, is supplying at the and f rom 7 ta 9 p. mn. government building duning Mr A numben of Masonie bretrn c Candier's absence. are atbendiag an "Ontario Districtc Mr. aud Mrs Roger Fisbieigh,, Nigbt" to-nigbt at Oshawa Masonics Taranto, bave purchased the new Temple wben George Hart. new Dis- and cosy brick cottage on Quecu trict Deputy Grand Master, is be- St. occupied and awncd by Mr. J. J. iug !ormally introduced. Fiett. This will be welcome news to i Mr. J. L. Morden reports a con- their many f riends in Bowmanville1 siderable increase in tourist busi- ta know that Mr. and Mrs. Fishleigb uess Ibis summer aI bbc Cream o! are again ta become citizens o! their1 Barley Camp. Motorists froin ev- relative tawn. ery nprovince in Canada and every Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barbon, Bow- saein bbc United States have reg- manville, announce the engagement istered at Ibis popular resort. Bow- o! thein daughbcr, Dorothy Helen, toa nrville is thus !avorably impnessed IRussel H. Gardner, Phm. B., Nor- upon bbt înso mn eol rom wood. son o! the laIe Mr. Robert W.1. bbe Atlautic te bbc Pacific.V Gardner and Mrs. Gardner , Peter-! boraugh, formerly o! Norwaad, bbc Appoint Tax Colector marriage ta take place the latter! At a special session a! the Dan- part o! Septemben. 1 lington Township Council on Tues- Mrs. E. J. Baie, Miss E. M. Ever- day nlght. CapI. Floyd S. Dudley a! son, Miss B. E. Harris, Oshawa, Tyrone was appointed Tax Colectar Mrs W. H. Jackson and Miss GladYs of. the Township aI a salany o! $260. Jackson, Toronto, bave necently re-i His pleasant (9) duties will comn- turned by mabar f rom New York mence on Octoben isI.t wbenc thcy boarded the "S. S5. Cali-1 fornia" for a two weeks' eruise te Talent for Light Opera Wanled Quebec, Murray Bay, up the Sagu- Early in November,- "South in enay River and clown ta Bermuda. Sonora,' a ligbt opera by Charlest Toc repart o! the Dinector o! the Wakefield Cadman, wiil be producedci Penny Bank shows the Bowmanville by Marie Clark Bell under the au s- district, inciudliug Maple Grave, wtb pices o! bhc Music Study Club a total on deposit at bbe end o! June and the Legion Baud. Will Ibase o! $343755, as compared wibh Iwilling te amist in any capacity $3475.41 a ycar ago. Bowmanviile1 kindiy send in their namnes ta, Mrs. pupils depositiug rcgularly total H. D. Clemens, President o! Music 25%, and Maple Grave pupils 21 %. Study Club or Mr. A. W. Pickard , Four bundred and sevcnty-four President o! the band. 37-1.1 schools in Ontario have a total on deposit o! $1,229,495.61. Fishermieli ta Use Snaler Mesh Mn. Jack Kent o! the Post office A smaller !ishing net, brougbt staff had a very enjoyable holiday down f rom 3" to 23/4", may be autb- recently by taking the boat trip ex- orized in Ibis district, f ollowing a cursian froni Montreal ta New York visit hene on Monday o! Depuly City which is proving sa popular Ibis Ministen o! Gaine and Flsheniesk season. This was Jack's f irst visit Tayion. Hon. Harry Nixon, the Min-t te Uncle SanVs largest city and he ister. was willing ta commit him- said be Iravclicd from. the Battery self ta a statement thal expeiments ta bbe Bronx and nover saw or beard wcre indicating tbe dcsirability o! ai so many interestlng tbings and sligbhtly sinaller mcsh in nets used toi people in sueh a short tume, catch lierring and cisco. Following Albert Henry, ldcrly fariner re- was made with Mn. Fred Dcpew by siding near Blackstock, endcd bis the Deputy Miniister, Mn. Ni.xon stat- 11e in a sadi mauner on MondaY cd that fishermen in Ibis district wben he eut blis throat with a jiack who werc pressing for tbc change!e, following a lengthy perlod Ofj had put ouI nets with meshes o! ,i11 heaith and worry. lb 15 under- varying sizes as an experiment and stood thal be comnitted the deed that he bad gone clown ta view thc 4o n the vrandah o! bis home, wit1-brbinging lu o! Ibese nets. Toc cx- in a short distance froni wherc bis perumet indlcatcd bbc deslrabillty wifc was standing. Dr. J. A. Mc- o! a little smalien mesh. 'Arthur, Blackstack, was immedlately - Icalled la thc scene but the body was C .E optto lnr lifelcss on bis arrivai. Dr. H. Fer- C .E optto inr .guson, county coroner, following an At the Judging Competition beid investigation by bhinsel! and Pro- Sept. th, aI tbe Canadian National vincial Constable W. E. Smith O! Exhibition, the f olaowing Durham Bownianville declared thal an lu- Young people were successful lu ob- quest was nol necessany. taining przes:-In the Houscbold Science divisin- Miss Mildred Smith, Bcbhauy, 6th lu Uic clath.lng; Miss Norma Hooey, Burketon, 2nd ln House Furnishings. Junior Fanin- ers' Live Stock Judging-Mr. Murray .a y M re Byers, Burketon, 4tb in shcep wth 157 marks out o! a possible 200 Mn. ig their diet anid uslig rolls ln Eluiore Scott, Cam-pbelicrofI, * lied le ourselves an aur rolis, and for 111h place witb 140 marks in the ort lu the lncreaglng demand saine ciass; Mr. Bruce Beer, Bethany, r House BIlla at 12e and 150, came 2nd in Judglng Swlne wth a Rafla aI 15e, Whale Wheat score a! 196 marks ouI o! a possible at 15c. You'U enJoy aliY <0 200; Mr. Hanry McCamus, Ida, ob- îe meal. tained 9th place wiIb 188 marks In RAI IN EEKthe samne ciass. In judgiug Bec! RAIS N W EK Cttl, Mr WetonBannisten lied ik Raisin Week ln Canad aBsd for 101h place wltb 170 marks. ainug a snecial ffer for Sal _______ Loaf, or 25c Rasin Loaf Order for deivery on SatUrday, WU! Take advantage of Ibis o!fer Bflakery BOWMANVLLE 99 4 Town of Bowmanville Taxes for 1934 are payable in three instalîments. SedDUE NOW Se nd stallmont due September 12th, wil be acepted wthout penalty if pal by September 15th. e Discount of 1% loff third inallment if pal on .or, before September 15th, 1934. Mail checksate, Tax Office. Receipte will be promptly lieiturued. Checks should bc payable at par lu Bowmlanvllie. Tax Office open ahl day from 9 a. mn. to 5 p. mi. FRED PATTINSON, Collector of Taxes. RATES FOR C lassified A dvertisements 1 Cent A Word CASH EACH INSERTION <Minimum Cbarge 25c) 25c extra if flot pald by Saturday following the f irst insertion; aise 10e extra when, replies are ad- dressed ta Thbe 8tatesmen Office. Bfrth Notices ... 50 cents Marriage -Notices 50 cents Death Notices. 50 cents If qri*mNotices 50 cents. eGIq4ipcg. Une addltlonal for poetry). Carda of Thanks. - - 50 cents LEGAL NOTICES 12o per Une -firtst Ion Sc Per linoe.subsequent lms. COMINO EVENTS 10e per lino.. each insertion (minimum SOc per-weeOk. dayanlearaiDmnoStn a huge blrtbday cakei will be given away this wcek. One does not have ta purohase to secure a ticket. whiçb may be had for the asklng. The draw wlll be made by a promlnert citizen at. 9.30 P. m. On SaturlaF nlght aI the store. 11 Public School Flower Show Big Success (Continued fromn page 1) Dorothy Downey. Special-BesI Collection of F'low- ers--Geo. Cawker. Jack Sainis, El- eanor Johnston. Special-BesI Basket of F'iowers- I Ruth James, Patricla Ennct, Patsy Dustan. Vegelable Department Beets - Douglas Langman, Bob Lambourne, Harold Crook. Carrots-Cuthbert McDonald, Ha- zel Aider, ?Mord McDanald. Tomatoes - Mil!ford McDonald. Cuthbert McDonald, Betty Stevens. Potatoes--Ronald Johnson, Helen Tait, Bobby Evans. Table Corn-Raymond Stacey, Ivy Passant, Douglas Langinan. Ornons fromn Seed-Hazel Aider, Milford McDonaIl, Norma Wilcox. Onions from. Sets-Chas. Carl- wright, Jean Cochrane, Elba Caver- ly. Cabbage-Harold Crook, Elba Cav- erly, Helen Stacey. ,Pumpkin--Jenneth Hamnm, BillY Cooper, Winnifred Smnith. Squ.,43h - Kelvin Symons, Biily Cooper, Harold Casbourn. Speciai. Group o! Six Prizes- Marlon McDonald, Betty Stevens, Kelvin Synions and Harold Crook lied. Prizes were 25c, 15e -and l0c in the regular classes, and in the three special groups the first prize was 50c. Principal Jobnston, wbo bas charge o! tbis work at the sehool. is ta be conimended on bis efforts and thie staff on the co-operation they ex- tended. ALONG MAIN STREET Fred Nelles is ceiebratmng the en- larging o! bis gracery store by of- !ering some exceptional values this week. Mr. H. Lawrence o! Toronto is acting manager a! Royal Bank berel while Manager I. G. Hefkey is on bolidays. Messrs. Geo. E. Chas, C. T. Ross. J. D. Carruthers and Elgin Varcae are enjoying a motor and fisbing trip la Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris, Betty and Jean, are on n mator trip ta the Maritimes and will visit bis daugbter, Mrs. Wre!ord Souch, Hal- if ax, Nova Scotia Garton's Coachb Unes are operat- ing special busses 10 Lindsay Exhi- bition taday, Friday and Saturday. The full particulars will be !ound in bis advt .in this Issue. . * *0 Work is at the new garage at tbe West End of the town to be operated by H. D. Clemens. A large wing ta the aid flax mill building Is nearing completion. An important ainouncement re- garding a change a! ownership of the Bowinanville Bakery wili be made in The StatesMan in the near future. The store is being compiete- ly renovated. Watch Thc Statesman for an in- teresting announcement o! a special celebration in connection with Uic remaval o! W. J. Challis' garage ta bis new quarters uptown at thse Cil- ies' Service Garage. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dudley, Mr. Jack Hiately and son Jack, Mr. I. G. He!key and bis f ather frain Dray- ton comprised a happy Party the past week in search o!flfnny speci- mens Lýt Lake Baptiste, near Ban- croft. Mr. Geo. S. HLougbam, Toronto, Executive Secretary o! tbc Relail Merchants Association o! Canada, was in Iown on Monday discussing Retail Merchants interests witb the executive o! the local brancb a! the Association. O! special interest this week is the renewai for another Iwelve months o! the advertislng contract af the Naborhood Sboe Stores. This store aller a year's triai bas faund Statesman advertising eminently satisfactory. D. R. Alldread bas removed bis blacksm.ltb'ls shop to the building !ormerly aperated by W. J. Challis. SHe wlll carry on a general biack- srnithlng business logether with as- etyline welding, mower and skate sharpening, and general repalring. Sheppard & GlU Lumber Comp- any make their openlng fuel an- nouncement Ibis week. Ils adver- tising la !eatured by the slogan "Let the Color be your Guide," drawing COMING EVENTS ' Reserve Frlday, Sept. 28th, for the Old Tynie Tea in St. Paul's Churcb. Trinity Evening AuxillarY wW1 meet in the school room on' 'r t y, Sept. l8th, at 8 p. m. Let'tlr~r~ a grand rally of members. ' Reserve Wednesday. Sept. 19th, for the Chicken Pie Sufpper and Concert at Ebenezer. Admission 50e and 35c. Everybody welcome. The Loyal True Blues -WI hold -a Eucbre Party i the S. O . E. Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 19th. Good prîzes and refresbments. Admission 25c. Trinity United Cliurch will ode- brate its anniversary and tbank- offering on Sunday, Oct. 21st, when Rev. Dr. Geo. Iilpatrick of fHamil- ton will preach at both services. Meeting of the Ratepayers' Assoc- iation wUll be held in the Council Rooni. Bowrnanville, on Tuesday, September l8tb, at 8 p. m . Al members and those interested pleasel attend. On Tuesday, September 18th, Ad- jutant Bowers of the Salvation Army will give bis lecture of bis f ive and a balf years in Nigeria and the Gold Coast, West Africa i the Salvatiion Arrny Hall at 8 p. m. Reserve Tuesday, October 2nd for ail Talking Musical Travelogue. fea- turing Stephen Haboush, the Gali- lean Shepherd, under auspices of St. John's Churcb in Opera House. 40,- 000 people heard him in Toronto. CHURCHES ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CH1JECH Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pastorj Sunday. September lth: M assa 9 a. m. DýS.T. ST. ANDREW'S PRLESBYTERIAN CHUBR Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Sunday Services at il a. m. and '7 p. m.; Sunday School 2.30 p. m. SALVATION AEMY Sunday, September 18th. Sunday 11.00 a m- Holiness meeting. Subject- 'Ee Testing.1" 2. 30 P. m.-Sunday School; 7. 00 P. m.-Salvation meeting. Subjet- "Taking out the roots.1" ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHIUR Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Hector Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist 16th Sunday a! ter Trlnlty: Holy Communion and Sermon il a. m.; Sunday School and Bible Clasa 2.301 P. mi.; Evening Prayer 7 P. m. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CIJER Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organlst and Leader. il a. m.-"The Triumph of flth" 2.30 p. m.--Sunday achool; 7 p. m. -"Faclng in the Right Direction." A cordial welcome ta al. TRINITY UNITED CIHURMJ Rev. E. F.* Armstrong, Pastor Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Choir Conductor. Sunday, Sept. l6th: il a.m- The Mission af a Living Church, No. 3, "The Ministry of Savour"; 2.301 P. m.-The Sunday School wMf re-1 turn to the usual time of! meeting; '7 P. m.-The Arithmetlc o! Religioni, No. 3, "The Factor of Multiplica- tion." You are cordiafly lnvlted t0 these services. Brlng your frienda. BULBS It wlll soon be bulb tlumo Shipseents from HefUanul ai now on the way a" ou sources of supply amure the very blghest quality. FLORAL SERVICE We are equipped for every klnd of ]Floral Service W. E. Groves RINGS WAY FLOWEE 8H01' Dig St. - Next Royal Theairo BOWMAW.TUILEI P. O. BOX 163 Phono 72 Bowmanville It will pay $11095 to $42050 Men's Fali and Winter Coats The new light weight Faîl and heavy Winter Coats for men have arrived. They are up to the minute in style and very reasonably priced. Corne and see them - there's a price to suit you. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville i. 1 DELIVERY SERVICE Bayer Aspirin .. 22c, 39c, 98e Listerine .... 25c, 49c, 89e * PROMPT DEIVERY - We feature prompt delvery of Johnson's Baby Powder.. 25e good ataIauj heur of the day or nlght. In town your Daiiî'a Kid7ney Plla .. 29c order sent at once; Rural aidera by the next mail. ___________ When lu neel et drugs phone 92. PARES CATSUJP FLAVO6UR r SOA SPEIALS Saves limes, labour S K I N N Y? Baby's Own 3 for 22e lrensouring 35 sa o klnny or flat.chested. I an Y11l.i..Lt 4à a..... ilve 'Thoraxlum atra dpov tisl yourself. i Thoraxlum la a SlOw eaz7treat. Ment wsilch worke whill you art sleep- ing. Thoraxlum Wie gîve you those curvea w hlc h are wantd today. Thoraxium can b. uaed on any part of your body. For hol- low chooe, acrawny neck, chat, arma and leu. Re- oust* ,guaran- tend or ason.y back..- {ý,ra «u 1 Lamge SEM me 1 rochet Simo 250 Vaile 150 AU fer celea ...... 5 for 23c Lifebuoy.... :....... 3 for 19o Pacees Tar . .... .... 19e J. W. WORRALL, Optic"a at aur store IMondays 10 a. m. - 1 P. M. Palmolive SoapRheumatism Special RIIEUMATISM. 8SC 1A T 1 C A. LUMBAGO qUlckl eiieved by FulIy Guarante.d OLIVE OIL19 RUMACAPS BEAUTY SOAP£ ~~r-~~~~ Special Offer! jrudtocltsulqeynec ~li ~ Elcaya Face Powder Eggshell, rnaturel, Rachel, peach, etc. Bon0so sizss - THE 2 FOR 50C ALEX MoGREGOR, DrugsI PHONE 92 PRESCRKIMON<S A PEM I L TYDEL* PURS REPAIRED AND RIEMODELLED FUR COATS AND SEPARATE FURS WORK GUARANTEED ChargesRecasonable PAGE SEVEIN Harry Alliai Serves You WeIl CeZang~fce over this list of week-eiAd values. Copr them with others and you'll realize that for regular good values this store cannot be beat. Maxwell House Coffee, lb. tin ........ 43c Minute Tapioca............. 2 pkgs. 25c Old Cheese, 20c lb. New Cheese, 18c lb. Catelli's Eggwheat Noodies, pkg ....... loc Fray Bentos Corned Beef, the best made, S pecial per lb..............1lu Wheat Fiak es, 5 IL bag.......25c Golden Waxed Beans, Haitant Pe*a* Soup, Canned Salmon, Canned Pumpkin, Your Choice................. 1Oc tin Molasses, quart jar................ 20c Red Rose Tea, per lb ................ 50c Salada Tea, per lb .................. 60c Gillette's Lye................ 2 tins 25c Edwardsburg or Beehive Corn Syrup, 5 lb. tin 40c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing ......... 20c Fresh Fillets and Salmon Thursday and Friday Rarry Allun, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Coats and More CoatsV Another large shipment of new Winter Coats has arrived. We are prepared for the biggest season in coats we have ever experienced and -our stock wfill give you the largest selection' intown. you to see these first... Priced from

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