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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1934, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934 PAGE NINE 'ro h b, Il Modern Frankness If there is anyting which our honest minded Young folks depise t is f aise modesty, prudery, insin- cerity. hypocrisy, and externai piety. They may "band a line" to a person in over-praising him, or may "put him on," as they say, but it is so exaggerated, that the victim can readiiy see through It, If he wants to. What we cali iack of respect is often niereiy a revoit against pre- tense. They may not defer so much to their eiders; but they are more companionable with them, which is better. They dare speak their opinions, and are flot so much re- pressed by stern paternaiism. Their oid "innocence" was largely ignor- ance. Modern scientific knowiedge and straightforwardriess has led them to the discussion of many topics which were taboo to the foar- mer generation. Trhough they may sometimes shock us by their frank- ness, they are more clean-minded than their eiders were at their age. PillowsI For regularly cleaning porcelain use a soap pawder. This wl not scratch the fine finish. If you ne- quire samething stronger, make a solution o! turpentine and wtr hal! and hall. Rub the porcelain witb this. If you insist on using a scouring pawder choose a very fine one, since the greaten the friction. the quicker the fiishes %ili wear off. If definite stains have came where the glaThas wonn off, aniy a chem- icai wll remove them. Use ovalic acid for must stains and Javelle water for other stains. Do natle th chemical stay an the surface mr than a f ew minutes. then rinse it off tharoughly. Vegetables Cook vegetabies in sa! t water and they will have a btter f layon and coak in much less time. Ta warmn up le! t aven vegetables put some fat ia a f ny pan, fry one an two siiùed onions in it, and then' add the vegetables ta bo re- heated caver the pan, and set it aven a gentle fixe for twenty minutes, stirring at times. If you wish ta omit the anions, put the vegetables directly into hot butter in the skil- let. If le! t-aven vegetables are set quite !irnmiy in thick cream sauce, cut into smali chunks, coat each with egg and bnead crumbs and f ry We spend at ieast a third a! aur them in bt at s rites lives in bed, and our comf art If the sauce is thin or the vege- there depends much upon the kind tables mussy, escaiiop them. Mash o! pillaws we have, yet we ordin- themn finely, caver with buttered ariiy give littie thought ta their crumbs and cheese mixed together quality. and bake until nicely browned an A gaad piliow wiii not pack top. Vegetables may be mixed for down, when given a bard shaking such a dish. A ittle coid mashed from one end. If the feathers sink potato or cooked rice helps ta hold mare than four inohes fromn the them tagether. end, that shows that the piilow was not fiiied sufficiently or s a! poor Butter Frosting feathers. Butter frosting is easy ta make. Goose feathers are much softer delicious, and keeps a long time. It and lighter than chicken feathers is best when made with canfect- and wili not pack in a piilow. but wilioiner's sugar, nat the ordinany remain f lufy with use. It is well odr sg.Frtwlaeck. for the housewife ta give them apodrdsg.Frtwlaeck. thorughshaingandpunhin upcream four tabiespoons butter and every îme se make the eds. Tis of stir in one-faurth cup ever tie se maes he eds.Thi ofthe sugar, then the unbeaten yaik helps them ta air out and keep.light o! an egg and your flavoring. Stirý and dry. It is a common opinion in enough mare sugar ta make twa that white goose feathers are ofI cups aitagether, adding a few draps btter quality than gray, but the of milk as the frasting become colon makes no difference in the thick. The frcsting wiil grow harderi softness or endurance, as the butter hardens, se, should bo A hlgh-gnade goose feather pil- made quite creamy when spnead anj 10w wouid wei!ih on the averageteca.Thegmabooiedf about five paunds. while a chicken 1 teyau e.ihe. g a eoitdi feather pillow o! the saine size wauld. The secret a! making this frosting weigh about seven. i itsbost is the beating of it until al Fashions, Fads, Foibles the grains a! sugan are d,ssolved. The high neckiine and long plain ao make a chocolate butter frosting, sleees eadin fvor thughthere add one and a bal! squares a! melted saeee si eadinfor. thougndhortchoclate after the f irst quarter cup sieeves. With ail the talk about cur- o sugar. v es. Dame Crundy prefers the slim Food Ideas sjahauette, and al ber tricks are de- signed ta enhance It. Ta freshen stale bread, wrap it The back coat for Fail heads tightiy in waxed bread paper and the procession but the dark brown heat in a maderate aven. ranks second in papularity. Dia- Add an egg ta gnavy ta make It gonal stipes are running strang, icher and a! btter fIavar. cris-cross miiady's figure. To netain the natural clar and Skirts wiil be longer: eleven fiavor o! green sweet-juiced vege- or twelve inches f nom the floor for tables, leave them uncovered when sports: eight or ten for day dresses; cooking. six inches fanra! ternoon. The sender Do not cook vegetables tao long. tubelike skirts wiii be suit in front,1 cook them until merely tender. nat sides or back, to permit stepping. -oft a"d mushy. Be sure the waten Brown-toned tweed wiil bo wonn is boilin'r when yau drap vegetabies with gay coloredjackets or sweaters. «,to it Sr)da iý nDt n-comniended in Down in front, up in the back. are th- coakinq o! vegetabies because It the dank feit hats. TheY are trim- te"c's to destroy the vitamins. med with bright coloned do-dads. Saur milk may be used for making Large buttons and buckles, often o!f 'rge irstea.d o! sweet milk. wood, are favorite trimas. Fan variations in summer drinks. Ensembles are turnlng from con- add mint leaves, pineapple juice and trastlng features ta, matchlng items, other frmit juices ta ice caid lemon- as ta boit coliar. blouse and bow- ade. tnlm. This may make for monotony, PotueGr1 but aiso for refinement.Potr ac Cleaing orceainsYouth is buoyant and Its moire- ,ment and lines are upwand and out- Do not use a coanse scouing warcl. Age dnoops and its movements powder on your fine sink, bathtub and lines are dowrnwand and inward. or other parcelains. It wiii gradually Ta keep attractive and young. cul- remove the giaze f ram them, and tivate the posture a! youth. Do flot when this is gone the under partion, 1 let youn muscles sag, yaur shouiders being mare porous, wli absorb stains droop or your head fali farwand. You readlly, and haid on ta them tight must flght gavity- both physicai In the pares. and dispositianal. Make yourseif as NOON PHONE 446 and 703 The noon bell - the signal for re-fueling. Food is the fuel for the human engine and milk is the bet and most nearly cern- plete food. Bownianvhlle Dairy miIk builds more disease reslst- ance per gallon than any ather body-fuel 10 be had It lias more than 90% of the food cie- ments the body needs ! And, il bas everythlngthie taste dcslres ! Have Bowmanvllle Datry milk de- llvered tanîorrow, and be sure your chlld gets some wliether lie cats lunch at school or at home. tali as you can-shaulders in, chest up. lifting constantly from te hp lU line. One way ta remember to walk from your bust'is drawing you for- ward. not from your chin or your tummy. One rrethod af cultivating a graceful carniage is to carry some- thing on ycur head. A, MEALTH SERVICIE 09 jTH4E CANAO AN MEDICAL ASSOCIATI'ON AND &.*FE - J rs. Solomon as dilACCMPNE HALF - DEAD Biessed is the home where the Father is his Wife's companioli, Our sympathy goes out to that his Son's pal and his Daughter's large group of people, mostly women, hero. who drag out a misenable and un- ______comfortable existence year after year. They are not sick in the or- HINTS FOR THE HOME dinary sense of the word; if they - - were, they would be receiving some in mlk istea o!attention, which they deny themse.l- If you wring out lace and msi ves because they have no obvious rocks i .kisedo starch it diseaEe of the heart, iungs, kidneys, will stiffen them sufficiently. or. other vital organs. if a can has a buigy appearance, These are the people wha axe or emits gas when punctured, throw haif- dead. or more dead than alive. it away. Do not risk eating it. They are not like same Who "en- A crushed raw potato applied to joy poor health" because their sup- a burn wili give instant relief and posed poor heaith is used by themn as wili, in most cases, prevent a scar. an to get out of doing wark, When you bail a fowi add a pinch and to secure for them attention and of bicarbonate of soda ta the water. service, either f rom someone who is This makes it exceptianally tender. fond of them, or because they have money to pay for it. When f rying fiiiets of fish, aiways Women suffer more than men put them into the f rying pan with fo poor nutrition. In the f irst the skin uppermost. Yau wiil find plaethe mother wlli deprive her- thimss ay. o raki coe self o! food, if necessary, to feed this ay. her chiidren and ber husband. In A narrow shelf over the sink ta the second place, the mother is hold dishwashing supplies saves more often tlred, and after having many steps. Paring knives and prepared the meai, she is so warn- ather utensils used at the sink may out physicaily that she cannot digest be hung underneath. hier food properly. The woman who Do not throw away the vinegar feels "half-dead" is very 0f ten an f rom bottie pickles, but save it and undernourished, f atigued mother. use when making French dressing. It bas been found aniong women, It wiii add a pungent, spicy fiavor. particulariy those in the lower-ln- Lemons that have been kept too came group, who have borne a num- long and have hardened van be soft- ber of chiidnen, many are dragging ened by covering with boiiing water themselves about, more dead than and standing on the back of the alive. These women do not, as a mile. stove for a few minutes compiain: they have came ta accept Neye stre resrves pikle orthis condition as their normal, and jamis on the top sheif a! stare-cup- they go an, year a! ter year, oniy board or pantry. Keep them îower haif alive, Neediess ta say, these down, as bot air rises and May in women cannot be gaod housekeepers duce fermentation. as they have flot sufficient erergy ta do thein housework. In many If you wish ta have your poached cases, these women are anaemic; eggs white-topped and creamy look- there' is a lack a! haemogiobin in ing, just cover the pan and let the their biaod. These women, however, steamn coak a film of white over the can be cured by proper treatment. yoik. They are much more attract- We might go an to enumerate a ive. number of other conditions which If you have made yaur frosting a sap the health wthout causing ser- bit too sof t and the layer cake is iouis digease. The person who feeis inclined ta slip off unevenly, mun a "half-dead" nequires medicai care few tooth-picks through the layers. just as much as does the person holding them in place untii the ic- wxith typhoid fever er any ather in adn.evident disease. The need is not as jInstead of trying ta shake the dirt urgent, but it is just as imperative. out of a new floor mop after start- Healtb means h.appiness, and the ing ta use it ,brush it witb a whisk penson who feels 11half - dead" Is broom. The mop wili aiways be m sýing the happiness in if e to f luf fy and clean. which hie or she la entitied. .Aiways hem the table linen by This problem willi fot be solved hand. It wiil mean a neater job by dosing with so-caiied "ýtonics" and there wili be fia streak of dirt It is necessary, in each case, ta get under the edge aften washing, as so at the cause of the condition and ta often happens when the linen is remave the cause; otherwlse, there machine stitched. 1wili nat be any impravement. Do Let he md stins ry ,nat live bal! a life: secure heaith Le temu tan dyon the 'ard happiness through proper ciothing, then break the crust and trýatment. rub ightly to prevent drivlng the Questions cancerniing Health, ad- dirt into the material. If there are dressed ta the Canadian Medica any remainlng marks mub with ai-, Association. 184 Coliege Street, cohal. Toronto, will be answered personaily Brown sugar can be softened and by letter. made easier ta measure At by plac-- ing it in a flat baking pan and piac- Wom ing in the oven for a few minutes. rs cause fretfulness and rab However. it shauid be watched closes the infant o! sieep. the great nour- - isher. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- iy ta prevent burnîng.i terminator wiiî dean thie stomach If after iaundering, heavy hirts anil intestines and restore heath- and blouses are hung separately ron sf uln ess. waoden lothes hangers. then hung Use! ui in CamP.-Explarers, sur- on the line. they wili dry mare veyors, prospectars and hunters wil quickiy and be in better shape than, find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul very when pinned directiy on the uine useful in camp. When the feet and Diced cold roast meat, 2 table- legs are wet and cold it is weii ta spoons peanut butter. 1-2 cup f inely rub them freely witb the Oil and the ground raw carrots, salad dressing.! re-suit wiil be the prevention of pains sait and lettuce. Whip the peanut in the muscles. and shauid a cut, or butter with saiad dressing until contusion, or sprain be sustained creamny. then addctot the saited car- nathing could be better as a dress- rats and meat. ing or lotion. the earth protection. and if this is ROSE CULTkURE exposed taa eanly. the drying winds and laie frosts do harm. Unless the W. E. Graves, Bowmanville number o! bushes is very large, it is Continued fram last weel< wath whiie ta loasen up the caver- Protecting roses duning the wln- ing a few days before it is entirely ter is, at ieasf ta some extent, nec- removed. TIiis lets in light and air, essary . 11~e matenial ta use daes nat and tends ta harden the plants a mater as long as it la dlean. We lit île, in readiness for compiete ex- acivise a thorough dlean up o! aU posure. Following are replies ta weeds, dead leaves, and any other some questions an rase culture f ne- rubbish that may be lying around. cuently asked:- What is the right A dusting or spraying is not out o! kind o! plant ta buy? Twa year aid place befare the covering is done. budded plants, and for this country For tbis purpose, the simple pre-I plants buded on brier st.ock usually paratian o! nine parts suiphur and prove the most satls!actary. one part arsenate o! iead la as good What are the best roses for a as any. Some growers insist that any small garden? The Hybrid Teas, o! this dust f ailing on the graund and Dwar! polyanthas. Theje do daes no good, whlle others deliber- not take much rcom and bloom al ately dust the grounci round the 'summer. plant. At leasi. t can do no harm. Can rases be grown witbout stable It la wise ta make quite sure that manures? Yes. Some growers ne- the ground is moist bofore it f reezes part good resuits with a standard up and bof ore protecion Is given. compiete fertiliser. Par tca many o! our plants die dur- Is peat mass a goad materilita ing the winter because a! lack of mulcb rases wlth? Peat mass is moisture. Freezlng is a drying pro- good. It helps ta keep the ground cess and many rases are dnled up, cold and moist, and holds down by long perlads o! !reezlng weather, weeds. if the ground does nat have plenty Is it possible ta aven water roses? a! moisture for the roots. Unleas If the drainage is gaad, it Is difficuit the plants are very exposed, mound- to water too much in dry weather. ing up the sail round the stems la Do nat water at nights if weather aIl that la necessary. Some llght is cool. litter or leaves mlght be added. No What is suckenlng? When shoots covering shauid bo placed until the grow out a! the ground ai a littie graund is f rozen. This does not apply distance f nom the parent plant. ta the soul mounding. but even here, they usualiy came f nom the stock no extra covering la necessary until on whlch the plant us budded, and la the sail is reaily f rozen bard. If called a sucker. Every one o! these this precaution is observed, the dan- shouid be eut o!ff. ger o! damage by mice la usuaily What la the best soil for rases? avoided. Where climblng roses need Heavy loam is the ideal salI, thaugb precautian. they can be laid down any gaad garden sal iwll grow and covered wth earth or litter. roses. Tree shaped roses are generaily Haw shouid rases be tled? Tue treated in the same way. Whhle on anly ta support long branches and ta the subJect of protection, a word prevent brancha rubblng eacb other. about remavlng It may help. We Tie knots that wlll not slip, but not have said, dan't bo un a hurry to put se tlghtiy as ta cut Into the bark. it on, and we want ta say, don't How can the fiowenlng of Hybnld hurry ta take t off. Teas bo prolonged? Shortened back Wben the sprlng seems really set- bal! the shoots In June: new shoots lied, Is the correct time ta remove wll start growlng, and wlli fiower covenlng. The bark usually saftens a few weeks after the shoots flot durlng the wlnter, especialiy under sbortened. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S -OP »op Tomato, Vegetable, Vegetable and Beef, CIicken 4 Tins 29C MAushrooms, Chiclien wth Rice 3 Tins29 Crosse & Blackwellsa TOMATOTin5c JUICE5 FFI W.B.U.m.Um. Distinctive TAFresh from Qualiy theGardent BEE Hi1 OUTWEIGHING WRONG (Fromn Christian Science Monitor) What an inspining thing it is ta nealize that right thinking, thinking; based upon spiritual facts, support- ed by the iaw o! Gad, and made! manifest in human experience, cani outweigh any sense a! wrong!1 An apprehension o! this fact at once reveals ta us the vast importance o! mental pracesses. It is right think- ing which not alone enables us ta be a iaw unto ourseives, but deter-, mines our value ta the wlonldat large. Many wha perhaps wauid gladly help humanity if they could, mayl not always realize that the f irst step toward giving such heip must be the accepting o! a correct basis a! thought. Thaugbt which divides its allegiance between Spirit and matter cannot be patent in out- weighing wnang, because some a! its influence must a! necessity bo cast an the side o! materiality. Truly effective thought must have but ane foundatian, must canform ta but one standard. the absalute omnipo- tence, amnipresence, and omnisci- ence o! Spirit, God, and the per- fection o! man, who as the Script- unes deciare, la created in His image and iikeness. Such mental con- formity ta absolute Truth provides an unassailabie equipment for ight thinking. It is impossible ta estimate the influence for gaod wieided in bu- man a!! airs by a spiritually clean thinken. There is nothing bai! - hearted in bis ailegiance to that which la igbt. Self-seeking daes nat biind bis eyes or bias bis judg- ment. Fearlessly and courageausiy he identifies himself whaiiy with that which upiifts and ennabies the human race. His purpose is not merely ta bring about temporary surcease, which in itseif may uit- imately prove hanmful rather than beneficil, but ta discenn where right reaiiy lies, and then thraw his entire weigbt into that scale. When cieaning sink.s, bowls or baths mub the cloth on the saap bo- fore uslng scouning powder. NOMICia, TOO-LESS THAN 10t baya MISS M. MCPAZLANE. Diet"-a of St. Miohaei'a Hospital. Toronto M AGIC Bakng Powder coestasol little-and can .L.always be depended on to glve you unlformly good resuits. It actually takes Iess than 10 wuorth of Maglc to make a big thzee-layer cake. So why . L take chances wlth inferlor brande? Always bake wlth Maglc and be sure! stateinent on eveTy tun la yourS M A GI C guafsntee that Magic Baking Oé MADE IN CAN<AD>A MWm-f ngme Large, Sweet Prues2 b. 25c The Soap of Beautiful Women Calay SOAP 5 2a3e A Pure Hard Scrap SUNLIGHT 10Bum49 *SOAP JBsqy Frosh f rom the Garden& SALADA T EA Brown Label h-lb. p1c~. 3 0C -EE-OXYDOL- L.arge O maîi c Pkgs. 1S Pirgs. i E BOWMANVILLE DAIRY ,35c RICHMELLO COFFEE i -FRESH GROUND ... IN THE STORE . . . AS YOU PLIRCHASE Perfection Floorwax lb. tin2< OMIIO flA N% c Perfection Letuon Oil bot. 191É OMIIO PE Tin Perfection Silver Cream jar 19t Keens Mustard 1 %-oz. tin 10< I 1 Chite.FgRis l.1<~LJiBlueberries - No. 2 tin 12't I Saying It With Poetry My wash day troubles are aver, No more amn 1 going to, feel bluc, Since 1 sent my laundry to Marjoram's They came home sparldlg like new. WE CALL AND DELIVER - PHONE 478 GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, SEPrEMBER 20, 1934 PAGE NINE

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