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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1934, p. 10

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PAGE TEN jMYSTERY 0F THE 'Prominent Darlington The ewcstl Inepeden G D BDUSKY Wedding Anniversary; L Mystery That Bewildered the House A very delightful and unique eveet The High School field day wil bc Brown's nephew and niece, Mr. and ,ccured on Saturday, Sept. 15th, held on Friday afternoofl, Sept. 28. Mrs. Byers. at ChurchVilsnete o rpesSle yCnn when Mr. and Mrs. John McCul- Mr. Robt. Martin visted his son, WecÈne-day previous and on their Instinct 1 lough, Enfield, celebrated their Dia- Inspector A. A. Martin. Brighton, arrival home on Monday evenilg -mn Wedding anniverSary. The, FridaY found the whole neighborho4xl in The Biblical story of the plague bride and groom of sixty years ago Mr. Harold C. Alun played with possession of their home. of haistones was vividly recalled are splendid examples of Canadiail Durham Regimental Band at Brigh-, Mr. G.lbert Martin, proprietor of Thursday morniflg when there was citizens, both being upright in ton's f ail fair on Fritlay. a motion picture theatre at Trenton. a regular uproar in town following stature and well preserved, and both Miss Gray, Toronto, was a week- accompanied bY Mrs. Martin and an exceedingly heavy ramn storm tihoroughly enjoyed meeting the end guest of Mrs. Ida Stinson and children' visited his uncle, Mr. Robt. %,-len littie white rocks, about the many friends numnbering over one MI daughter, Miss Frances, at Bark- Martin, and le! t in town a donia- size o! a raisin. were found scatter- hundred and fifty, Who called to ham. ~~~tion towards the ruby ivedding cele- ed ail over the centre of the town. icnrtlt hm Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Awde attended bration of his uncle and aunt. Mr. Citizens gathered in littie groups Dr. W. G. McCullough. Orono,K a familY gathering at the home o! and Mis. Clifford Brown, on Monday on the corners to discuss the miracle. and Mr. Oliver J. McCullough,sons, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Pascoe, Zion, evening. Some said it was manna fromn hea-i welcomed the callers at the door on Sept. 15th. A good systemi and training and ven, while others thought that theY and the hat and hostess added their Rev. Father J. F. McGuire is hold- practice surely count when intelli- were possibly thousands of meteor- greetings at the entranoe to the ing early mass and special devotions gently put to a test. Tvo years ago ites f allen f romt some heavenly body. drawing roomn which was ablaze with in St. John's Church at 8 a. M. dur- Miss Hilda Rowland, teacher of the Someone else had the temerity to wonderful blooms of glad.ioli and ing this week. Lake Shore school. took a summer suggest that it was a new plan Of dahlias in shades of rust, gold ahd Mr. A. W. Glenney and Mr. Don- commnercial course, including pen- Premier Hepburn's to gravel the amethyst. The bride wvas gowned in ald Gibson were in Toronto on Tues- manship, at the University of Tor- roads f rom the air. This suggestion black canton crepe and lace and car- H day attending as guests a funiction onto. and at the schocil fair at New- of course came f rom a very ardent 1 ried a sheaf of long stemmed Talis- of the Purina Company. tonville, Sept. l2th, her pupils in all Liberal. man roses and heather, the gi.!t of Mr. Albert Fisher. Riverside, Calif. classes, lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4th books, However the mystery was in the her son. Dr. W. G. Mcçullough. visited his brother, Mr. J. R . Fisher, won ail the f irst prizes in writiflg air and it needed inimediate solu- She was assisted in receiving by her "Sunnyside." He is now visiting re- and many of thse immediate lower tion. The House of Prophets on the daughter, Miss Ida McCullough, latives at other Ontario points. prizes. The penmanship of the Lake Main Corners got down to business. who was lovely in a modisis lace Truxis Square will meet on Fni- Shore pupils, under Miss Rowland's "I saw lots o! strange things in gown of delphinium blue with cor- day evening o! this week at 8 o'clock tuition was the outstanding feature France" Sherlock Bill Tait, announ- sage of Johanna Hill roses; and two in the community hall and the Trail of the writing exhibits. ced to his confreres, "but raining daughters-in-law, Mrs (Dr ) Mc- Ranger Camp a haîf hour earlier The attendance at the high school white gravel is something new to me. Cullough in silk of Mandarin green at 7.30. has been gnadually increasing since What do you make of it Dr. Watson with crystal trimmings, and Mns. Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Beman,' while openiflg day and is now up to non- Hamilton?" Dr. Watson Hamilton's Oliver Mcçullough in an all white on their holidays at Geongian Bayl mal for recent years. In addition power of deduction had been paraly- silk ensemble; each wore a corsage R: with Miss Addison, motored to Tara to the negular contingent f rom the sed by the unusual happening. He o! cneamy tea-rose buds. and visited Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Lake Shore and Newtonville areas, was at absolute loss to explain this Passing on to the tea room the Rogers. Miss Lorna Adams is again in at- rare occurrence. Mr. Sherlock Tait many guests were served dainty and Mrs. South of Heatiscote and tendance from Prince Edward Coun- continued lxis investigation alone. deliclous refreshmeflts. 'Me tea table daughter, Miss Marjonie Souths of ty; Roy Wright f rom York County: Withdrawing his monacle f rom bhis was covered with a beautiful clotis the Picton Collegiate Institute, were Jean Coulter. who is staying at Mn. vest pocket hie placed it resolutely of Irishs linen with sprays of Amer- weekend guests o! Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. J. Caswell's, f rom Ponty- in hais right eye, and proceeded ta the ican Beauty and Richmond roses in- Percy Hare. pool; Doris Johnls, at Mn. and Mrs. police station to discuss the matter termingling, and centred with a Mrs. O'Dell,' Toronto, was a week- John Scott's. from Tyrone: Bill with Chie! Venton. Here the matter thnee-tiered %vedding cake adorned end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barchard from No. 9; and John AI- was discuýsed f roma numerous angles with wbite Polyantba roses and M Treleaven, at their beautifuiî estate. lin f rom Cowanville. Dorothy Mat- but the great Sberlock, even with sweet peas. Silver baskets o! gon- Newcastle -on-the-Lake, and with thews, Trickey's Corners. who was the assistence of tise Chie!, came no geous roses were everywhere and them attended Lindsay Fair. out o! scisool last year on accoune nearer to a solution. masses o! sweet peas lent tiseir de- A Miss Dorothy Farncomb, Tioronto, cf illness, has again nesumed her Let's phone Tise Statesman office, licate fragrance ta make o! tise daughter o! tise late Canon John studies, as has also Mary Chaplin. about it. someone suggested. Thsis whole a scene o! beauty. Presiding Farncomb, viSited her aunt, Mrs. now grcatly improved in bealtis was carried out and tise editorial over the lovely silver tea service wene Alfred Farncomb, and ber cousins, from ber proîonged breakdown. staff proceeded to investigate. There Mrs. L. C. Pascoe. En!ield, niece, Mr. and Mrs. George Farncomb. was none o! tise mysterious bail In in a moss green lace ensemble and S Miss Lena Pearl Kellar accompan- MS URAHDDE front o! the office s0 we deduced Mrs. Hugh McCullougb. Colu.mbus, ied her brotber-in-law and sister, 39 SHORE DUDE fromn this tisat if the Gods were an- in silk and lace o! Matelot blue. Mn. and Mrs. Emerson W. Fisher SOEE gry and were raining bail manu- Their assistants were three charm- and cbildren home f rom Mountain GrlFinsEedBstWse factured f romn crushed stone we at ing young ladies, Misses Helen and Grove and will nemain with them. GilFensEtd s Whs least had done nothing to be desenv- Elizabeth Pascoe and Miss EllaC Mr. J. V. Henderson o! the Scar- Miss Dunreath Dudley was the ing o! such punishment. We went Tambly-n, all prettily costumed and bonougis Collegiate Institute staff, guest o! honor at a pre-nuptial !urther afield and soon we came up- most attentive to the inany guests Mrs. Henderson and daughten, wene shwer held for hier Saturday after- on saine o! thse mysterious white The bouse was tisronged bath aften- Sundy gest of r. nd Rick-. noon, Sept. l5tis, by Misses Helen stone. In the true style o! the great noon and evening, many guests com- J. S. Rickard and Miss MarionRi- and Marjorie Lycett at the home o! detectives we went back to the Office in1g !romn Columbus, Brooklifl, Orono, MisHtteMsnSpnvsro thein grandfather, Mr. Thos. Mo!- and got Dusky, our office blood- Taunton, Bowmanville and Oshawa, MissHatie aso, Speriso offat. There were about twenty-five isound. Dusky has not had a case to best.owing gaod wishes galore on Music. Newcastle Public School, was grs presencT hen Misa Dudley an- solve in many years, at least flot Mn. and Mrs. McCullough and wish- at Bllyuff ridy b reqest0 nrved fnomn the wedding o! Mn. Eric since some 10w brow Concession St. ing them many more happy years Col. Sniden, I.P.S.. officiating as Wicks and Miss Minnue Selby at the cat stcle bis dinnen. and lie had together. judge o! school chorus singing at the United Churcis, ostensibly to join in to mete out justice. Those fram a distance were. Mn. rural scisool fain.a meo two o! cards. These laid Sa Dusky proceeded with bis and Mrs. Lance Beath. Mns* J. Mc- Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Awde o! Dray- a amte oride-elect was escoted master up the street in seanch O! Cullougis and Miss Edith'MoCul- ton. and Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Gregg, t et nadcoae anea ues that would lead to the solution loch. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Niddery. Fenuswen Suda gustso! n.lovely and attractive in pink and of tisis great mystery. Standing with Misses Margaret and Evelyn Phill- and Mrs. Jonathan Awde aften at- white. A child's wagon, decorated his nostnils to tise wind tise amazing ips. Mrs. W. Simmons o! Toronto; tending the famiiy gatbening at Mn. to match, and piled high with gifts animal scented the solution to tise Mn. Tisos. West and Dr. R. D. West1 Herb. Pascoes on Saturday.tiebde asn.aniobr east and so we followed. Soon hie O! Woodstock: Mrs. R. Andenson, St.Geoge' Chrch- Rv. . H fr tehe byite wChdani Lake andound some o! tise mystenious haîl Ninga. Manitoba; Mn. anîd Mrs. R. Masan, Mi.A.. Rector. Sunday, Sep. p Margary ltet Boatiesade aed on tise sidewalk, snif!ed it a little Robertson and Mn Oliver Heatlie o! 23nd, 17th Sunday a!ter Trinity: 8 as groom and bride. A merry time and praceeded on his, way. Nearing Wick; Rev. and Mns. Haig a! Mark- a. m.-Holy Communion; 9.45 a. m. was spent whiie Miss Dudley un- tise A. & P. store hie quickened lhis ham. Many not able to be present -Sunday Scisool; il a. m.-Monn- wrapped the many pnetty and use- step, and bis little tail began to wag sent good wishes. ing Prayen and Sermon; 7 p m- fui articles and read tise accomp- vilently witis excitement. But he UvnitdCuch-RvonMc nig etmnt.!findhpaddidn't stop, lbe kept straight on Lie. B. A., Pastor. S . a-ndagsetmnt ffredhi n Set.regard. She then graciously tisank- down tise street and suddenly stop- AWDE FAMILY HELD i;ed tise girls for tiseir lovely gifts and pdotieFe els tr.H 23rd: il a. m.-Morning Wonship ail struck up "Sise's a Joîîy Good had îost tise scent tise great mys- RE-UNION SATURDAY 2.30 p m.-Sunday Scisool; 7 P m.- el~. isMnoLcta- teny was a!ten ail not to be solved. Evening Service; Rev. A. S. Kerr o! sisted by Misses Nora Meredith. Undaunted Dusky turned again ta The descendants o! George Awde St.Pau's nitd Curc, wll c- eanRicardandMarare Tos'tise west and stopped in front O! and Mary Jane Hoopen met for a Sut.purs Uitead Cisrecs, wii oc- eanRikrd amnd Margae ret Tomstise Bowmanviile Bakery. From this family picnic at Lutiser Pascoe's cuMrie. li and pracs. rved refresiinnienW.s.uweyle Mr. H . point he wouid go neithen east, west. home, Cedarside Farm, near Hamp- Mn, and Ms. Wg ism. Fine, Wini- . Dde re e.nntis ansoutise50we considered ton, on Saturday. September iStis. peg. are visitng is mrotier- ns. _____________ ourselves hot. Dusky began to bark. Mfter a sumptuous cbîcken pie dîn- and sister, Mn. and Mrs. Ernest A- T RO EHe tried to make bis way tbrougb ner a pnogram o! stunts and games dread. Mn. Richard Finley, Ton- ~tise screen door o! tise store. but was was enjoyed. Outstanding events onto. was also down on Tuesday to Mrs. H. Wicke spent tise weekend isastily told ta get to h --- off tise new were tise Baby Panade, Ciinese In- meet is brother from tise west. at ber home in Toronto. floor. Our latent detective ability troductions, Tug-o!-War, and so!t- Mn. Staf fard Hayes, Rochsester,1 Mrs. C. W. Waodley, who is in tisen came to life and we !ound bahl. N. Y., was a visiton last week at Mn. Bowmanville Hospital, is mucis im- that tise mysteniotis bail was no- At tise evening meal Mrs. W. and Mrs. Wmn. Kenefick's, Win. proved. . tiing else but tise matenial being Langmnaid (Annie Awde), o! Oshawa Hayes', J. E. Hayes' and othen ne- Messrs. Harn3' and Frank Hather- used to lay a new terazzo floor in and Mn. George Awde o! Drayton latives and !iends. It is over 27 ly and Mn. Bihl Walker, Dixie, spent tise store. Scisool cbildnen passing by eacis gave some interesting informa- years since he left Newcastle with Stinday witis Mn. and Mrs. R. Hatis-1 had. picked up band.fuis o! this tion negarding tise bistory o! tise bis parents. Mrs. Hayes and tise late erly. crusised stone and distributed it a- Awde family whicb can be traced Daniel Hayes. Mns- Floyd Dudley, Billie. Donaldj1long tise streets.' back as fan as tise fi!teenth cent- Dr. S. E. Stacey. to tise regret o! and Jean, and Mns. Theodore Down Thse House o! Propisets were still ury. Votes o! appreciation were ex- tis Me's owingClu o!whch seDpendey, dwa it MslWlen in session at tise Post Office corner tended tii tiose responsible fortise bas been tise secretary-treasuren.DulyBwmnv!e.Iwien we went back to give tise ne- arranging o! tise ne-union and to tise and tise Newcastle Baseball Club o! Mn. and Mrs. Greenwood and Mn.1 sult o! oun f indings. We told our Pascoes for tiseir bospitaiity. wh-ich ise was manager, bas nemoved Lance Greenwood, Peterboro. spent story, o! tise magnîfîcent work done About 55 were present nepresent- to Peterboro. wth bis motiser, Mns. Sunday attise home o! bier brother, by Dusky, tise blood.hound, o! tise ing tise f amilies o! George Awdes Stacey. Citizens genenally are sonry Mn Robt. McCullough. keen minds we possessed that en- chiidren, excepting Thos. Awde, He- to lose bim frcm tise village, too. September missionary pnogramn at abhed us to unravel circumstances ward, Sask. Re!atives wee present Reltivs, eihbos ad fnindsSunay cioolwasas ollows: tisat bas solved tise greatest mysteny from Drayton, Fergus. Hampton, o! Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown, Reading, Gladys Bradley; piano in yeans. "I knew wbat tisey were Tynone. Raglan, Oshsawa, Newcastle, Bnown's S. S.. hononed them witis duet, Marion and Helen Werry; ail the time." announced Sherlock Toronto and Brampton. an addness of goadwill and a pro- Study o! Italy was taken by Mns. Tait as we were about to neturfl An organization was f ormed so sentation at their home on Monday R. J. Hodgson; program chosed with to tise office. and tise remainder o! tisat tise gatisenîng migist become an evening, Sept. l7th. on tise occasion an Italian song for tise children. tise House o! Propisets ecboed 'we annuai affain. Mn. Geo. Awde o! o! their fortietis wedding anniver- Young People's League re-opened did too.- Dr'ayton was muade president. sary. Tisey isad been visiting Mn. on Thursday evening. After tise op- In disgust we uttered just one __________________________ening exorcises, Miss Helen Trnmm word tisat expressed oun feelings took change o! tise following pro-* 'Baloney" and retunned to thse of- BE A BOOSTER gram: A splendid talk by Mr. A. W. f ice ta tise more exactîng duties o! Anis eainMisSuieTom-publisbing a newspaper. If you think your cisurci tise best, THE NEWCASTLE son; vocal duet by Misses Verna Mc- Ifeyou'd e itled is rs Coy and Lola Richards; reading by K ND LIf Helphav it growe;rst BOWLING CLUBS Miss Susie Va'nCamp; Miss Susie K N A -epi rw VanCamp conducted a recreatian -- When tbene's anytising to do, aegiving a period. Corn, sandwiches and cake Miss Ethel Boyd, Newtonvihle. was Let tisem always count on you, Iae .ne eeejoe ttecoe You'll feel good wisen it is througb, Ird W. M S.-meti- tisecSa S -room 1 home Sunday. .Don't Yuknow? COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each and mal-nutItini is eut M ~alseasan and ish Sudnt week from o .m 9P M odnE rs Worm Powders destrov worn1% have made wanderful stnîdes 9 a.m. o 9p. . Grdo E. and correct tise morbid conditions inin tho latter part o! tise sea- "amtt in charge. tise stomacis and bowels that are sol It wlll be a tlgbt game JqT-hr tai osbekndymk ponrnent favorable t,) worms, so that tise full and sisould attnact a record NOT~~hee a alfossbexa indlymae ppintieitnutrtiment o! tise chiid is assured crowd. for examînations. j and development in every way en-________________ Jcouraged. 4 Agasfed' -~~~x Yatc BIRTHS p ARD TO D -.WE ARE PEAE O D ARTI - n Canke onSunay, tbreshing and silo filhiiig. David Sept. 9th, 1934. to Mn, and Mrs. Mutton, Bwunih.Poe3817. S Clarende Martin, a son (stilborn). 3- So EAN-In Bovwmanville Hospital, on MAID WANTED - FOR A SM M September i3tis. 1934. to Mn. and f amiiy State expenietice and sal- Mrs. A. D. Kean, Kingstan Rd. ary excpected. APPhy to "'F.O." East, a daugbter-Beverhy Joan. Drawor B, BowmanviliO. 38-2* - - ---. --WANTED - 2 OR 3 GENTLEMEN MARRIAGES i boarders, also meals by day or ------- week. Mrs. George A. Gibsofi, off ïOOEY-DENNIS - On Saturday, King St., over Darch's Tobacco Sept. st, 1934, in Toronto, Mi-s trBwanih.3- Helen Cona Dennis, daugister of WA TD - MARRIED COU PLE, Mn. and Mrs. Chals Dennis, witisout cisildren. te sisare com- Newruarket, to Mn. Betraru L. fortabhy funnished and iseated- Hooey, son o! Mn and Mrs Goo home, rent free. For furtisor pan- H-ooey, Bhackstock, by Rev~ L. L. ticuhars appiy te, Mrs. Fred Coucis. Lawrence, paston o! Windonriere Bowmanvilhe. 38-1* United Churcis. REPAIRNG - O R G A N S COM Ton ~ pieteiy overisauhed. any make, ex- Bog DEATHS perienced wonkmansbip; aiso.f un- to - -____________ -1 nituro repaired. Rural or local. REyNOLDS-Xýt tise Private Pat- Prices reasonabie. H. B. Creepor, ients' Pavillon, Toronto, on Tues- -Box 306, Bowmanville. 38-t! day, Septembor l8tis, 1934, Arthsur To Let James Reynolds. Funeal on Tisursday, September HOUSE TO) RENT-EIGHT ROOM 2Otis, !rom tise residende of Miss bouse on Scugog Street. Apply S.i Mary Hogarths, Soina, service at Y Jackruan. Phono 80. 38-2 2.30 P. M. S. T. Intermett in Ad-___ vent Cemetery, Sohina. TO LET-3 ROOMS AND BATH- MANNNG-On Sept. 12tb. lat Rit- room. Shsed, private entrance,1 son Rd. Norths. Oshsawa, James ground floor. Phono 685. 38-1* Manning. aged 72 years. HOUSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- ARMSTRONG - In C a rtw ri gist iencOs, contrai location, immediate Townshsip, Lot 18, Concession 9, possession. Sheppard and Gi Ltd., on Sept. l2th, Margaret Savîgny, Bownvile. 29-t.- beloved wif e .o! John Armstrong. in lier 73nd yean. FOR SALE - FORD ROADýsTER, SHORT-At Countice, on Thursday. noeds batteny, $10.00. Wanted-* Septemben l3tis, 1934, Ada Haris, Few ioads stable manure. H. J. m beioved wi!e o! James Short, in Davis, R. R. 6, Bowmanvîlio. bier 66tb year. Interment Betis- 38-1* A esda eruetny. FR RENT-6 ROOM FURNISHED CARR-At tise Womefl's Hospita, Apantment, hsot waten heating, ail Bloor St. East, Toronto, on Sept. modern conveniondes, f nom. now 12, Sarahs Ann Charlton, beioved util May. Ront neasonable. Ap-- wi!e o! W illiam H. Carr. late o! lyBox 15 .3 2 Bowmanvilhe, Ont. Intermont in Ni 5.3- Mount Pheasant Cemoteny. HOUSE TO RENT-7 R.OOMS, AIL H-OOK-On Sept, lOtis, at Toronto modern conveniondOs, centra lho- General Hospital, Arthsur James cation on Wellingtoni St., vacant Hook, in bis 84th year, !ormerhy Oct. lst. Appiy J. H. Mutton, o! Bowmranvilhe. Fathor o! Mrs. R. R. 5, BowmanvillO. Phono W. J. Sylvester o! Toronto, and 374r31. 37-t Percy S. Hook o! Edmonton. In- terruent Necropolis Cemeteny. HOUSE FOR RENT-IN THE VIL- h j, _ -lage o! Enniskillen. 9 roarud M, IN MEMORIAM framo dwelling with 134 acres o! ohc land, cerent stable, woodsisod and ce: » _ garage. Possession Oct. lst 1934. Ei PASCOE - In momory o! Charies Apphy Merwin Mountjoy, R:' R. l: ie James Pasoe wbo crossed tise bar Bunketon. 38-1 Ur Sept, lotis, 1933. --._______ da Nat just today but ruany days. For Sale lai and in many ways, we wille- member you. FOR SALE-OCNE 2000 LB. SCALE, ni -Wife and Daugisters. good condition, $2000 cash. ee sa M. R. Virtue, Tyrone, Ont. 38-t or AUC IO SAES .!FOR SALE-BARGAIN ATWATER wl Kent 7-tube Radio, gaod condi- h« Saturday, September 22nd.Ms. tio, $40. Apply J. W. Duni, Ho- ot Addie Hobbs wiil seli by public auc- tel C N. R. Station. 38-1' tion ber stock, imperuelts, bouse- b isoid furnituro, etc., on tise promises, BARN FOR SALE - 40 x 24 IN i Lot 35, Concession 8, Danlingtoii good condition. located it parson- t,, (about 1 mile wost o! Enfield). Sale age, Hampton. Wilh bo sold by at 1 p. ru. Terrus cash. For partic- auction on Friday, Sept. 2lst at uhars see bis. J. D. Hogarths, Cierk; 2 p. ru. 37-2* oi Elmer Wilbu, Auctioneer. 38-1 - -FOR SALE - A TABLE SAW Friday, September 28th - Bruce frame, a new 2-horse moton at- Allen will seli by public auction bis tacised and 3 new cinculan saws stock, iruplemoents, etc. on tise prom- and saw set; cost $175.00; $110.00 ises, Lot 34, Concession 7, Darling- cash. J. C. Alhdread. Phono 200. ton. Sale at 1 p. ru. sharp. Tonms 38-t cash. For panticuhars sec bils. J. D. _________________ Hogaths, Cherk; Elmer Wihbur, Aud -______________ tionee. 38-2 Saturday, September 22nd - Tue F R S L undensigned bas neceived instruc - tions froru Mrs. H. Balson, 19 Lib- Yorkshire Sow and Il Pigs ety Place, te seil by public auction Sa Sn dni on tise promises. at 2 > ruD.S.T., jIcn StnRad - ono 0 ah bier iousehohd f urnituro and e - KigtnRa -Phe20r . !ects. Ternis cash. W. J. Challis, 38-1 Auctioneer; C. H. Mason, Chork Repaire U I S001 AND SHOE REPAIRING MRS. H. D. CLEMENS, A.T.C.M. I )SoIcs sewn on by Goodyear Stltcig Wilh resume bonr class in Piano and i M a ch in e. P rices re a so n a b le . h o y t e 5 t f O t b r K ing Street East ,11Bw anvlll,,,_t, ts S i o ct b r Ir opposite a4ion's 1 hu Station 9tf37-2 1 TIME TABLE CHANGES PIAO AD TRUMPET Effective Chares M. Cawker, o! studio staff Sunday, September 30th. CFRB and Duant MacLean Old Mill Orchestra. is prepaned to takea Full information. limited number o! pupîls in modemn now in Agents' baudis. ipiano and trumpet. Ternis roason- CANADIAN NATIONAL able. Phono 94, Bowuanville. 38-1 T3391I FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. FelIow of the danadian doliege of M44usic Festival Orgalits, A. T. C. M. i siig P , j o o t , o r g a n a n d v o o l n . Commences teaching on September lst. (Continued f romu page 1) Private essons or lessons in cass. staon. T. W. Stanley, H. B. Rosevear, Pupils prepared for ail examinations, Miss Jean Dickinson, Miss Flrence THEORY as requiared for the A.T.C.M. Patterson. diploma and for the hlgher examina. Receipts and expendittires o! tise tions of tpie C. C. 0. and University. Durhsar u nt ui etvlA-H'certi ficatecIn Piano classteaching Couty usi Fetial s- -Iodsfrom the Canadian Bureau. sociation, 1934: PIANO CLASS LESSONS Recelpsa t very moderate rates. Balnce193 $t.90 VIOLIN CLASS LESSONS Balace 133 $ 6.90at $1.50 per month. Fees 97.00 Long ist f successful pupils n competi. T ickets . . .. .. 50.25 tions and m any fir t ciste honor e and Doon Receipts.... 350.65 honre n conservatory examinations. Business Directoryl LEGAL .G.V. GOUMD B.A., LL.B.'4 Barnistel', Soliciton, Notany rcvrc 351 What School? Decisions are aiways In order. Our cataiog may help you. We send it on re qu est. We train for Business Pos- tio ns and heip to place our Gradu. ates. Enter any time. No forced vacations. Write to Shaw Business Schools Dept. K-3 . Bay & Charles Ste.. Toronto. CENT A MILE DARGAINS From: BOWMANVILLE SEPTEMBER 21 - 22 RETUEN FARES MONTREAL - - - - $5.85 OTTAWA - - - - $4.10 QUEBEC CITY - - - $9.10 STE ANNE DE BEAUPRE - $9.70 Canadian : Canadlan Pacifie . National Pool Train Service Gaing: SEPTEMBER 21 - 22 Returning: SEPTEMBER 22 - 2 Full information from ail Agents CANADIAN -CANADIAN NATIONAL -PACIFIC C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialiat Autisor of: Optometry Feature Service The Child and its Development Speclallzing excluslvehy in muscle anomalies, eyeslght and e5lasses. Phone for appolntment 1516 Disney Bidg. Opp. P. 0 Oshawa, Ont. - 1 -.Mmd@OMý -., THEIF CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SE.PTEMBER 20, 1934 1 W. R. STRIKE Barnister, Solicitor, Notany olicitor for Bank o! Montreai ney to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanvill, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barnisten - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Éice lrnmediately east o! Royal Theatre. Phones: office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. j. C. DEVITT Assistant. Dr. E. W. Sîsson .duate o! Royal Dental Coihoge, ronta. office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. wmanville. Office isours 9 a. in 6 P. m. daiiy excopt SundaY. Phsone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equiprueut lu Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS & L. Service, any boum, any da5 F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipruent Ambulance and Invalid Car Cali Phono 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE IORTHCUTT & SMITH Complote Funeral Servce Eodern Equipmnent- Ambulance WV. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith Phono Days 58 Nlghts, Sundays on Holdays Phone 523 or 276 lotice to Creditors In the Estate of NORMA TRUSWELL MASON Ail pensons isaving dlaims agaiust he Estate o! NORMA TRUSWELL IASON, late o! tise Town o! Thor- Id. in tise County o! Welland, de- eased, wbo died on on about tise igisti day o! August, 1934, are sreby notified to send in ta tise idersigned on or before. tise l5th [av o! October, 1934, full particu- nrs of tisoir dlaims. Irumediately a!ten tise said hast .entioned date, tise assets o! tise aid estate will be distrlbuted arn- agst tise parties entithed theretQ.. iaving regard only ta dlaims of whics tise undersigned shah tisen iave notice, to tise exclusion o! ahi bisons, and tise undensigned will not je hiable to any person o! wisose -aim tise undersignod shahl not tison âave notice for tise assets so dis- ributed on any part thereof. Dated at Toranto, this 13tis day :f September 1934. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION By their Solicitor, J. W. McMANAMY, 21 Front Street, Thonoid, Ontario. 38-3 1

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