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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1934, p. 1

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UtaUU With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934 E.P.Bradt Elected President ST. PAUL'S CHURCH TO MARK CENTENARY Music Festival Association Festival in 1935 to go to 'MANY VETERANS 0F Port Hope - Financial IRON SECOND PLAN Report Shows Associa- TOA EN SRVC tion in Excep t i o n a yl'Ana evc iISeFre SoundCondtionSecond Battalion Members Here Durham County's 1935 Music Fes- rmMn etoso tival will be held in Port Hope, it Ontario on Sunday was decided at the annual meeting - of the Festival ALOociation held ini Members of the Second Battalion the Community Hall at Newcastle on(roSendC.EF.ithsom - Friay ast Pot Hpe nitd Imunity are invited ta the annual Church will likely be the scene of Momorial Day service conmemorat- the gathering ng the depositing of the Battalion The Syllabus Committee wil eeColors in St. Paul's United Church at Newcastle on Monday next t f omnilo udy et draw up the syllabus for the 1935 231rd, at il a. m. Daylight Saving Mrstva. E!.BadArcltrlD-Time. second Battalion men should rE r theOnagrialTura iig- note. the change in time of this cel- rectr o theOntrio raiingebration f romn January to, the above School for boys was re-elected Pres- dt nacuiofwahrcni-7Rev. Capt. Sidney Lambert ident of te Associa ion s ih being more suitable. The 2nd rsiStetHi strong supporting body of afficers. Batlon1lrs)rf~is dpst Padre of Chrsi tetH They are: Hon. PresidentB&oî ed in St Pals wChurh o Jan- who will be the guest preacli E. E. Snider; Vice-President--J T n3St. au'1921 honJau the opening services o! StF rPAru-PrtHDe errtar-Trea ary 3tI 92.Centenary Celebration on Sui He will speak at the 2nd Batt 3urer-E. A. Summers, Part Hope. The order of service wîi be as___________________service___inthe__1 Publicity Comnittee- Donald H folhows: Meet at the Cenotaph in ________Onhe_1___________t.__e WloPort HoPe. Chman; Geo. front o! the Town Hall at 10.30 a. monn. ntel~i itrdS.n W. James; M. H. Staples. Pearl M. henthe parade will march ta alsUie hr a 3urnham, S. Cutteil, Mrs M. Em-St Paul S Church headed by the ______________________________________________ 3rd nerson. Bowmanville Legion Band and the 2n( Prize Committee-M. H. Staples. Bugle Band o! the Durham Regi-2n hairman; Dr. J. A. Butler, F. F. ment. Service will be conducted by E O NZ SRVCne Drmod .Holgate, J. T. Christiç Street Hospital, Toronto. W orId LU44( George, Miss jean Dickinson, Mr. Dress:-Mufti with medals. berets Id ew TEA&CHERS AT RALLY o î Jordan. and armn bands. Syllabus Committee--J. T. George, Cl .T cagln .S chairnian-,MssArmie McMaster, C .G,0 .o h atlo M!rs. D. Robb, Mrs.E*Smt Fergi- l- çtnsa esnliviaint ountrywide Tribute to Teachersba son. Mrs. W. W. Jones, Mrs. W. C. also etendsoapersonadinictationgardiSunday School Y Allin, Miss Hattie Masan, Miss Helen aPrveramo!tisdstitrgad Benito Mussolini o! Italy For eight weeks Dublin, capitalY G. Morris. Miss Marion Ordhard, less o! what unit they belong, to at- PeXe tn thscme raon evie nTudyordered compulsory mili- TrntUiedCuc inBw cty the Irish Free State, basSI Mrs. L. W. Winslaw, Miss Jean Dick- and join in the parade. itary training for ail Itallan Males manville taking the initiative in this been withaut daily newspapers. The 1 inson, Mrs. J. Albert Cale, Mrs. C. In is interesting ta note that thîs between the ages o! S and 33 irears. district is joiming with thousands o! condition was brought about by a Campbser,. Mrs. . H. Dey, Mrs. e. ervice is the f irst o! a series i nR ugî Edtro th other churches throughout Cand strike of! *tes Cambel. Ms. . H Duley Mr. hich St. Phu' Chrh clera John R.'ual dio fteand the United States in abevnga1a 0J H.D lres Ms d oe-its Centenary. Montreal Witness since 1870, pas "National Recognition Day for Sun- Fi! teen students o! Mon- 2n Sadler, A. J. Knox, T. W. Stanley, 1____ ed away in Montreal on Tuesday, a colTahr. h aeo treal Protestant schools walked out Fe FcrdFutan, M. . amly, CoYunhpope' GRi aged 93 ycars. Mr. Daugail was the tis unique celebration at Trinity Ion strike this week in protest ag- mi char Fontan, . J Tamlyn St Pal>sYoun Peples Gild Dean o! Canadian Journalism. Church is set for Sunday, September ainst an increase in fees whlch Martin Chenal, Neil S. Stewart, A. ***»3t ihwIhwl ecmie etit fetWt h rsn Snelgrove, A. R. Virgin. St. Paul's Young People's Guild Premier R. B.Benetrth wnt ý t h whnu lch wlly D b ervcmie e nt inhltoeffctwihth pesn Halls and Tickets Committee-A. hehd their regular meeting, Tues- ing Canada B.Bnettrpeet the Annual fRaat-hy Day services. A school tcrmhe.B E. Flod himn .H on a vnn ntefrno iein Assembly at Geneva suffered a., occasion will be held in the morning Early action by the Govcrnnient (Continued on page 10) iand corn roast at Gauc's woodS. severe cohd which prevented him and a program o! particular intereat 1o! Canada and the United States ______ about thirty - f ive mcm- f rom attcnding any o! the earhy te pupils, teachers and other aut1 oards reciprocal trade concessions bE Town o! Whitby bas been noti- bers had enjoyed corn, weiners, etc., sessions of the Assembly. wiîî be hehd in the afternoon sess- was urged by the uinth annual con- R fid by its Public Utiities Commis- Mrs. A. S. Krr called the meeting ....ini h udtgln ftecuc.vnino h aainCabr sion that the cost o! tetlgtn eodradatrasotades Cvlsrat tOtw ilse Some. no doubt, will ask: What is 1o! Commerce at Winnipeg last week. wlll be lncrcascd on January lst, presented a beautiful ebony and during the next session o! Parlia- this National Recognition Day for 0* 0. 1935, $1.00 per light per annum, an silver tray, the gif t o! the young ment freedom to participate in poli- Sunday Schoal Teachers? Vincent T. Foley, London lawyer, ai increase o! $376.00 per year. No people, to Miss Olive Barton, who tics, even ta the extent o! belng It is a simple, obvious and timehy was arrested on Sunday an a charge ai such news is expccted in Bownian- received it on behaîf o! her sister, candidates ln elections. Thcy also Idea, this one o! setting aside a dayo!atmedxori'.Hsret urg n ntecnrryw eiv ^ýDrth atn h st e lobl!thelis catepe etrio.Hsam-stn vile nd n he onrar w beiee issDooth Brto, hosrage the restoration o!fatlsahar observcd, in recognitionoftei the f aurth in the current e that citizens may look forward to a married and who is a member o! cuts. great work that has been done for pigu bythCrw agis an ah-: very favorable announcement from the society. Many favorite songs **Critaiain o heCuty ee h Cmiirn gain London our Utilities Commission in the very1 were sung and meeting closed about Nome, famous city o! the Alaskau the more than two million Suuday and Western Ontario. near future. 10.30 P. M. Gold Rush today is a mass a! ruins, School Teachers. Leaders o! the de-I ..* !olhowing a two million dollar f ire nominations, and Sunday Schooh uyivsiatn h icm which completely wiped the small workers generally, have given hearty ncesr o! te dat heo! Mr. A- city out of existence. It bas not yet support ta the project. Many bodies jstancso h et fMs l R ota y (a niva V lo kers are been decided wbether the townsite have acted off icialhy, and are at wyne Thos on ornto, rerf- Rotary Carnival Workers are ~wilh be abandoned or rebuiht. work in co-operatiof. 1sm ek g nTrno eun * Most Canadians are beneficiaries ed an open verdict on Monday night. The German Protestants are stag- o!teu-alre eotoi!S n suf!icient evidenice givlng the Jury Ent rta ned by lub Fri ay ing activ opposition te the Hitler day Scbooh teachers. The generous no opportunity o! phaciug any blaine. En e ta n d y Clb Frd y church goverflmet ufderReichbis- sirtwhicdwelsin everadys m0t * Om 0niS l Ove Sity re uess t I MASNICD. . GM. tion o! the Reicbbishop's action in these noble men and women, wbo, at 1 suts at Queen Wilhernilna durlhg Banquet - A. D. (Cow- disrnissing another bishop from of a cost of self-sacrifice and unre- 1 the cercînonies of opening the bouse. boy) Kean in Indian Cas- , have given pricehess service ta the iated mob endeavoured to get tbem turne Delivers Thrilling Votes on the local option question boys and girls, men and women, of as they were taken to police hcad- will be taken lu 18 Ontario munici- the land. The part that the Sunday quarters. * ** Address paities, Edmiond G. Odette, Liquor Schooh teacher bas played in sbap- Control Board Commissioner, bas ing the character and ideals of the Residents o! London, Enghand, are! Th Rtay lu laedbot nannounced. Seventeen are asking Nation bas neyer before been form- tired o! noisy nlghts, with the re- Friday night ta more than sixty for permission te have beverage ally aud pubhicly recoguized. suit that if you blow the horu o! youg en inluin mebes !ois and one ta change to dry re- Sa National Recognition Day for your automobile betwcen 11.30 p. m. i '.un *setasdena o jsttha. her ar rst. May bgbay wehcroi the Legion Baud, wbo hlped the ,.~ strictions. * Suuday Scbooh Teachers bas been and 7 a m. you are iable for ar- club at its Rotary Carnival in Aug- IPieMnse asyMco-n leirmtvs eidtepo omull ol prcaealk ust. Close ta one bundred sat down PieMnseRasy aco-o lro mtvsbh niatipO on. I * * * *ppecitea i ta a banquet lu the Balmoral Hoteh aid o! Enghand, who bas been boi- ject. It creates no new organia ion.byhaw. whicb, was folhowevd by a sphendid daying lu Canada and Newfound- It is simply a sincere effort ta do prora. ..~land, saihs for Englaud on Sept. 28. 1bonor ta wbom honor is due; ta give A Federal-Provlnclal parley on the president Cryderman ex- ~~~It is rumoreci that the Premier rnay people generally a chance ta sayCcsiuon!Cadadjbes teudeci a bearty wlcme te the resigu on bis returu ta the Old Land,"Thank Yeu"; and this lu the most insurance bas been calhed by Prem- onbeaf !th lu."This il health and falng eyesight being public and impressive mauner pos ier R. B. Bennett. The meeting is guests o eafo h lb ible. said ta be the moat important con- is but a- small token o! the debt wc the reasons. ***sIncidentîy, o! course, Recognition stitutionah gathcring since the Fath- owe yob esi."orhl a- ~ Day may have unmeasurcd conse- ers o! Confederation met around the not be calculated in ternis O! mouey T...... may esomne unthe quences lu hearteuing the preseut hsol alsa hrottw n or reward.We atyutakW superstition rgrigtenmehast o! two million Sunday ScboolQuec that wc appreciate the cordial man- .~1.Gog .Slnr otCei teachers, and lu euharging their**** uer in wblch you asslsted us, and ~ undertaker. bas a f uneral coach nunibers. It should also mean a vast TeUie utal at a we want You ta f ccl that you have a v.. bearing the iccuse number Z1313. Increase lu Sunday Scbooh enrol- TeUie utal at a very large share lu the crippled On Sunda>' be was bit three t'mes ment and quality; for man>' classes returned ta power in the Australlaf chihdren's work the Rotary' Chub un- George Hart by the same truck, whlcb f inal>' il, want ta pay tribute to their own elections hast week. Unable te sec- dertakes."' managed ta completel>' demolish the!. teaciiers by increaslug their mem- uire a w.orking majority of their The gatbcriug then got the sur- Former Bowmanville citizen, and vehiche. bersbip and effectiveness. Possibly own, an alliance with the Country prise af the evenlng when the Presi- prominent Oshawa business man ****o! stili greater Importance will bePat gave the U. A. P. power ta dent announced that w.ord had just wo was recently lccted District Prirccss Marina o! Greece, soon the effect upon the general public continue at the hehm. O! a total o! been recelvcd that the speaker was Deput>' Grand Master o! the Mason- ta become the bride of Prince of this demonstration o! Christian 7 seats, the U. A. P. bas 28 and the unable ta be present. While Rotar- î ~gso hsscin George, youngest son o! King c}eerge sýoîîaîyad ciîy Tech Couutry Party 14. Ian Bert Virgin kept the companyleLogs f h *ecio.and Queen Mary o! Eugland, re- brt ndlh tiulte The geea- merry with some original songs, the - ceived a tumultuous welcomc on ber cousclousness o! this great force Rt. Bey. Richard Roberts, D. D., President instructed George James, Presenation toBrdeElc arrival lu England receutly. Thous- i whlcb is steadil>' at work week after Pastor of Sherbourne Street United as the only member o! the Prograin ands greetcd thcm lu London, and wcek in almost evcry community lu Church, Toronto, was ehected last Commlittee present, ta get busy and Gatbering at the home O! Bey. also at every station on their tnip' the land for Cod and Counitry. Net week ta succeed Rt. Bey. T. Abert secure a speaker. and Mrs. A. S. Kerr ast Thursda>' front Landau ta Scothand. everybody bas given thought ta the Moore, D. D., as Moderator o! the When the gucts were bclng an- night, thé choir o! St. Paul's Churcb * * * 0 1th significance o! the fact that the United Churcb in Canada at the nounced, A. D. (Cowboy) Kean, uow horiored Miss Helen Yellowlees, ou Monda>' was a great day lu sport Sunday Scbooh is anc o! the major if rst business session o! the slxtb a resident o! this communty and lier approaching marniage. About circles for British as wehl as Cauad- educational influences o! aur time. biennial General Council lu Syden- wehh knowu as a featui'e writer lu 35 attended. Mr. Wllfrcd Carrutb- ian sport fans wlth these victorles If there are au>' other churches ham Street Church, Kngston. the Toronto Star Weekh>", was pre- ers read the folhowlng address and ail recorded lu 24 hours: T. 0.M. Inl West Durham who are observing * * sentd ad rceied athuderus ite iEhcKersntdthe Sopwtb's Euglisb challenger, the this Recognition Day for Sunday The Amnerica's Cup, for possession wecame wben it was stated that he biet-ewt a bcautl!uh sUlver Endeavaur, won the f irst yacht race Schooh Teachers kindi>' advlse the o! which tVie U. S. Raiubow and the had the previaus evenlng becoife trce platter. The address read: lu the America's Cup sexles by de- Statesman befone next week so that British challenger Endeavour are the father o! a baby girl. Mr. Kean Miss Helen Yelowlees,--We are featlng Ralnbow, defendlng the tro- fullest publîcit>' may be given this battlîng this week. has an actual was then given permission te leave, dcigted ta earn o! your approach- ph>' for the U. S. Jimmy McLarnln, occasion. This service o! lnformlng value a! $41 as aid silven. The cup ostensibhy ta visit bis wlfe iu the ing marriage. We shaîl miss you Irish-Canadian !rom Vancouver, re- Statesnian readers Is gladly given however is ornately worked and is hospital. Meauwhle the audience very mucb in the choir, lu the galued the welterweight boxlng wthout charge ta the churches as wortb mucb greater sum lu view o! was gettlng pretty appi'ehen'sive as cburcb, and lu the communlty. We chanipionship o! the world by* out- we considel' it a ver>' commenable the batthes wblch have ragcd for its ta the outcamne o! the searcb for al hope that you wilh be very happy lu pointiug Barney Boss, Y a n k e e ides. in whlch the hearty co-operat- possession lu the ipast thint>' years. speaker. Accordlflg ta the explana- your new home and in your new square ring champion at Long Is- ion o! everybody should be given. *5* tien given the club by George James, plc !rsdec.Yuwh be land. Toronto ManIe Leaf baseball T. O. M. Sopwtb's British Chal- wbo bas a very fertile imagination ,making new frienda. We trust yo>u teant emerged victanlous fremin ts Nures radutionEeri lenger for the Amnica's Cup, The ou such occasions, be had obtalned Iwilh nQt fonget your ohd ones. We senica wth Newark ini the Interna- mGad 1n eris Endeavour, bas won two stralgbt a guest o! the hotel ta f111lu Ins extend te yau aur bet wlsbes for a tional League playoffa. Miss Ada Graduation Exercises o! Bawnian- races agalnst The Ralnbow, Harold speaker for the eveulng. At the caon- long and a happy marrled ife and; MacKeuzie, Toronto, won the quai- ville Hospital Training School for Vanderbllt's de! ender. Wednesday'sý clusion o! this annauncemenit the wc ask you ta accept this gif t from lfylng round lu the Canadian Wo- Nurses will be beld an Frida>', e race was postponed until today lbe- botel re.sounded with a hi-asn the members o! the chair o! St. mc's Open Gai! Cbampiouship lu tember 28tb, lu Trlnlty United cause of no wlnd. The Endeavaur Indian war whoop and a blood Iu- Paul's Church lu token o! the hlgb which ouI>' two U. 8 entrants ne- Cburch at 8.30 p. m. The gucst Must win four out o! seven races to d.lau lu full chie! regalla danced lu- esteem luin .hicb you are beld and main. And Iast. but b>' no means speaker willh be Bei'. W. G. Blake, Iaetetoh akt nln te the room and was lntroduced b>' lu appreciation o! the flue service least as f ar as local saccer enthus- iitro t nrwseb'e- and for the !Irst tinie lu 80 years. the Chairman as "Chie! Man>' Tail you bave rendered the choir and lasts arc concerned, was the vietory' Ian Church, wha Is a most talented Feathers o! Scugag Island Indian congregation o! St. Paul's Church, won b>' Bowmauville football team and lnspiriug oratar. The gradua- Reserve." Bowmauvihlc. at Courtice Monday nigbt over Alf.'tlon class this ycar consiats o! tbree Don't borrow your uelghbor's When the audience !inaliy settled - -4 ---- Avre's Zion Millionaîres b>' a score nurses: Mdiss Dorothy Jane Caboan, Statesman - bal! the time they down the>' came ta the hapi ea-o! 1-0. thus giving Bowmanville the o! Bloomfield; Mise Doris Estelle bavcn't flnlsbed readlng It whcn you ization that they had been sbetd Dan-'t forget the Lady Minstrel lu championship for 1934 lu the Dar- Harker, a! Toronto; Miss Dorothy cai. 50c willi bnlng It ta you reg- tContinued on page 7 the Town Hall ou Oct. 4tb. ington-Clarke Football League. Bell o! Bowmanvllle. ulanl>' for balance of 1934. u st B Ir. CI IV. D G j CI ly S4 c 1 C f E c NUM.BMC d?5 t >spital, her at Paul's înday. talion ç Bill il B.1 hon Wh trai poil vill Sen Cro Boý terE mi Wei 1 Bill Bagneli - Nancy Shrubb Win B.H.S. Field Day Tities Years Fine er Greets Annual Track and Field Events - Man y Good Records Are Made For the first time ln several ycars the weatherman smiihcd on the Hlgh School Track and Fleld Day lest Frida>, with the resuit that a keen- ly cautested aftennoon's spart, wlth several new records, was witncssed b>' a large turnout. Once again Wintan (Bill) Bag- neil annexed the senior houonsI « the boys' section. wlth no lesa than four finals ta bis credit. Nancy Shrubb took the major honors for . ... ... .. . ..the senior girls, with anc f irst and two seconds. Intermediate boys' champion was Boyd Slemon, and Junior, Bill McFceters. Helen Wil- liams was junior girls' champion. The complete resuits and recod o! eveuts were as follows: Most Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, D.D1. Junior Girls Basketball Throw - Helen Wil- Bishop o! the Anglican Diocese o! liams, Dorotby Knox, Joan Alng. Toronto, wha was on Tuesday eh- 69' 3". ected Primate o! all Canada at the High Jump-Vlola Bradley', Joan General Synod o! the Churcb O! Ayliug. Jean Stevens, S' 10%". Enghand at Montreal. Bîshop Owen Broad Jump-Helen Willams, Jo- automatically becomes an Arch- e>' Caverly, Joan Ayllng, 12'T'". bishap. Bishop Owen bas confinin- 75 Yard Dash-Joey Caveni>', Eve- ed a number of young people o! the lyni Evans, Helen Wlllams, 9.4 secs. Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono and Basebail Catch and Throw - . Bhackstock congregations, this dis- Richardson and H. Rundle,, Viola trict belng part o! bis diocese, which Bradley and Ada Beech; Joey Cav- die wlll not however, relnquish. cr1>' and Dorotby Bradt. Relay-Form II, Jr. Commercial, _________________________ Frm IB. Our old Fniend Joe Halpeann' Junior Champion - Helen Wil- Glanclng through last weeks liams; Runner up, Joey Caveni>'. Winchester Press aur attention was Senior Girls Lattracted ta an advt lu wbicb was Basketbalh Throw-Nancy Shrubb, >a photo o! a bandsome looklng mani. Jean Coyne, Doris Dudley, 62' 9". Ou dloser observation we f ound tis lgb Junip-Donis Dudley', Nancy' 1Beau Brummell ta be noue ather Shrubb. Helen Pritchard, B' 91/2". )than aur aid frlend and felhow Broad Jump-Sybll Mutton, Nan- 1townsmaf, Joe Halpenu>'. Imnied- cy Shrubb, Jean Coyne. 12'V8". rlatel>' a flood o! boybood memorles Basebali Catch and Throw-Plor- sflashed across aur mind wben as a ence Spencer and Aunabelle Heu- kld we can remember "HI-andsome dry; Jean Cayne and Thelnia Lttle; Joe", worklng iu the Organ Factor>' Sybil Mutton and Marie Glhoolie. and also as a meniber o! that farn- Relay-Sr. Commercial, Porin III, ous and luternatioiall>' known D. O. Forn V. t& P. Ca. Band strutting along main Senti Champion-Nancy Shrubb; astreet wlth that papular musical ar- Buriner up, Sybl Mutton. sgaul.zation tootlng bis alto horn. DoJuirB y Syou reniember tbat swing a! the 10 Juad or B . oy rs W ,r shoulders, mlscblevous eyes, affable 10Yr abL annW smile wlth the corners o! bis .mouth MoFeeters, J. Bathgate, 13.1 secs. iturned up deuotiug a bumox'0us nat- 2201 Yards-Cannons, McFveeters, id ure, as genial Joe swauked along the Poster, 30.3 secs. street wlth a carefrce air that gave Shot Put-McFeeters, Foster, De- you the impression he was as happY vitt. 2'7 It. as a barefoot boy and the original 880 Yards-Poster, Mason, DeVîtt, DY koptinist? lrom the above mention- 2 minutes, 4/2 seconds. 9-followlng bis profession as a piano Lyle, '7 ft. 6 luches. tuner with headquarters at Ottawa. (ContInued on page 3) p. b g '4h.. t;f NUMBER 38 )t. Paul's United Church to Mark Centenary on Sunday )WMANVILLE COMES Series of Special Services SECOND AT WHITBY and Èvents Will Staiýt INTER-SCHOOL MEET With 2nd Battalion Comil memoration Ser v i c e i Bagneil Ties f gr Senior Champ- Cat:inyLm ett nship - Senior Boys Clean the atSinyLm et4 Field ini Their Group but Preach Others Are Beaten - The congregation of St Pauùs )cspite a brilliant record by the United Church, opens on *Sundoiy H. S. Senior boys, Uxbrîdge lifted next, a three week observance of tle LDistrict High School Field Dayi centenary of its organization. Speé- nors on Wednegday afternoon at ilsrie lectures and other evef aitby with 71 points, Bowmanville are planned between Sunday net ailing in second place with 61/2 and October 7th when the cele- ints. Thirty-four of BoWmS.n- bration cornes to a close. In ths le's ns were .andb h issue will be found an lnterestD.g cnior boys. with Bull Bagneil tying historical sketch o! the congregation, rozier of Port Perry for the Senior whîch should prove of unusual i- ys' ChamPionshiP. It 15 !Of i terest ta members of ail congregat- test that in the senior events Bow- ions. Çontained also in this special Lnville scored 34 points out of a page are pictures of several minis- ossible 43/. FlYteen new records ters whose inspired work has ere chalked Up and one old record, brought the church through bath as tied. The Bowmanville points prosperous and lean times. ~regaîedas ollws On Sunday next. Rev. Sydney Senior Events, Boys Lambert, Toronto, Padre o! Christie 100 Yards-2nd Calmer, 3rd Bag- treet Hospital, and an hl; 12 lb. Shot-lst Brunt, 2nd1 orator, will occupy the pulpit in the ;gnell; 220 Yards-2nd Williams, 1mrorning when a speclal service, cele- d Hunt; Broad Jump-lst Brunt, brating the depositing f the colors Ld Bagneil; 440 Yards-lst Hlunt, of the Second Battalbon in the nd Depew;, High Jump.-lst Bag- church will be held. Menibers of .e11; Mile Race-2nd Brunt, 3rd the Iron Second f romn many parts o! jîlville; Pale Vault-lst Bagneil; Ontario will be present and ail ex- 0 Yard Relay-lst, Bomanville. service men in this district are in- Interinediate Boys vited to join wlth them, in the ser- 100 Yards-2nd Kimball 12 lb. vice. which will be preceded with a 'ho Pu-Bd, lemn;High Jup parade, headed by the Legon Bandi io u-3rd Siemon; ad-r in fromn the Town Hall to the Church. -3rd Plemon; 40 Yast,3lrd Kiin- 'On Sunday evening, Rey. Samuel rall: rd Pa eVal-, Sie Jmn; MacLean B. A., new minister a! ards3rdNea; Brad ump-stNewcastle, will make bis first ap- 1emon; 440 Yard Relay-3rd, Bow- pearance in a Bowmanville pulpit. anville. JuirBy On Tuesday, next, the Young JuniorBo>'sPeople's Guild, the Sunday Schoal, 100 Yards-3rd, Connars; Broad 'and Mission Band of the Church rump-3rd, Bathgate; Pole Vault- will co-operate in presenting a fine end, McFeeters; Shot Put-3rd, Mc- program 'in the Lecture Hall and eeters; 440 Yard Relay-2nd, Bow-, next weeks celebrations wll cloS nanville. 1 with an Old Tyme Supper served Senior Girlsi on Friday afternoon and evening. BasebaU Ôdaech and Throw-lst,I The celebration will continue on Bowmanvllei 220 Yard Relay-2nd,, the follovling Sunday with Rev. Dr. Bowmanville.j D. W. Best, Toronto, a former pop- Junios-rGivrl;Bskt er at both services. The foflowng 75 Yad-r.Cvry akt day, October lst, the choir under the bail Throw, 3rd,,Wi1Uiams; 220 Yard. direction of Mrs. C. H. Dudley will Relay-2nd, Bowmanvllle. Ipresent a Sacred Cantata in the church, and on Friday, October 5th. A fne hotgrah o Mis Mrg-Rev. Dr. C. W. Gardon (Ralph Con- A fie phtogrph ! Mis Mag- or, the f amous author), of WInni- aret Ruth Spencer, daughter of ReV. Peg, wlll dehiver an inspiring lect- and Mrs. C. R. Spencer, who is to be ure. Dr Gordon will also brlng the narried in Bowmanville on Sept- observance of the Centenary to a ember 29th ta Mr. John Sylvester close on Sunday, October 7th, when ihlis of Toronto, appeared in The hie will preacb at bath morning and Star on Saturday night.1 evening services. 3

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