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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1934, p. 3

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THE ANADAN SATESAN, OWMAqVILE. TURSDY. SP'rFPAGE 9fli 02 Doctor Said She Must Reduce Fat a Danger to Her Hem Overweight is not merely a mý ter of appearance-it affects heal too. Excess fat robe the system energy-the internai organs gr lax andl slow clown under the burc -andl undue strain is put on1 heart. Here is an instance. A N man writes:- ,,I have been treated by specii ists, who tried to reduce my weig] as I suffered with heart attac: But no matter what they gave r nothing would reduce me. Sir taking Kruschen, everyone wherei I go exclaims about hoxw much fle I have lost. I took it at firstf rheumatism, and it has done me worid of good, as weli as greatlyi ducing my weight. Before Chri, mas I weighed 224 Ibs. Now Ia con-siderably less-in fact, a coat .had worn last year I have had take to be altered before I was ai to wear it again. I have flot real made any difference with my dit so there is oniy Kruschen to thanÈ -(Mrs.) M. S. The six saîts in Kruschen assi the internai organs to throw c each day the wastage andl poisoi that encumber the system. The littie by littie, that ugly fat goes slowly, yes--but sureiy. Facts About Eyes And Vision. ai ia ro 14 t) ia nc v( es re ar By C. H. Tuck, Opi. Eyesight Specialist PAY FOR VISION AND NOT BLINDNESS Number 13 It is true that in drafting meas- ures meant to relieve the suffering of mankin{l the wd;rd giasses was not mentioned. Was there any mention of the word olive oil, ep- som saîts, pilîs or powders and yet the suffering is not relieved unles thse pis and powders touch It. We are taxed, we are paying for vision flot blindness, efficiency not inef- ficiency. If hands are being tied in this regard because of a feeling that the privilege would be expioited the re- lief situation could look at it from the viewpoint that the Optometrist extending relief of this nature and supplying glasses from his prescrip-1 tion tnust pay for the unfinîshed, product before the glasses are made, and throughout this depression Op- tometrists in spite of the situation are giving free service where the re- lief is needed and according as they can afford to do It. It should be explained here that it sounds less severe to say glasses are not being given on relief than to say the correction of eye defects such as high astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia, and strabismus is not being undertaken for relief cases. (To be continued) Awful Asthma Attacks. Is there a member of your family who is in the power of this dlstressing trouble?1 No service you can render him wil equal the bringing to his attention of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Rem-j edy. This remarkable remedy restsi its reputation upon what it has done for others. It has a truly wonder- fui record, covering years and years of success in almost every part of this continent, and even beyond the seas. Gained 12 Ibs. "I was terribly thin, rundown, tired1 ail the time yet couldn't sleep. I tried ail sorts of tonias, and wasb getting discouraged when a friend told me about C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets. I qulckiy gained 12 pounds and f elt like a new person. Believe me I can't praise C. C. & B. enough."f -Marjorie Fry, Lachine, P. Q.r You, too, can gain good solld fleshL to f ili out your body, to Its naturai t weight. C. C. & B. Tonic TabletsV consist of 4 great tonics In 1-Cal-F cium Carbonate to purify the blood,Y clear Up punpiy skin and put theF stomach in first-class order-and L Br4wer's Yeast. Blaudls Iron and L Extract of Goal Liver, ail maklngI you an abundance of -rich pure l blood.B Get C. C. & B. Tonie Tablets at E ALEX McGREGOR, DRUGGIST P Toeieve Catarral Deafness and Head 1 Noises If you have Catarrhal Deafness or are hard of hearing or have head noises go to your drugglst anal get i ounce of Parmint (double strength,1 anal adal to it V& pint 0f hot water anal a littIe granulateal sugar. Take one tabiespoonful four turnes a day. This wlll 0f ton brlng qulck relief from the distrossing head noises. Cloggeal nostrils shoulal open, breath- lng become easy anal the mucus stop dropplng Into the throat. It la easy to prepare, costs little anal la pIeas- ant to take. Anyone who has Ca- tarrhal Deafness or head noises shouid give this prescription a trial. TO END PAIN .. ub ln Minard', Checks colds. taken ln. ternally. Ends akin blernishes. At druggiats in regular and uew lurge j I ideal the hurling duties for thé win. Iners, while Osborne did the Iron 1 Man stunt for the ubre THE SPOJILIJr-U ON SPORT In the f irst of the third the Fac. tory Jackman stroiled. Long (Jawn) I______________________________________________________ Mooreraf t hit safely to centre and Lrt after Hobbs popped to first Roact t- Bm a v le W n S cc rfwaked, flling the bases. At thie th, ow ma vile W i s S ccerpoin Brnt crnein to pltch, and of after Scotty Cameron greeteal hin 1o. with a hard single past second tc en Titie W est Duram LA eague score Jackman and Moorraft, h to left. .- A successful penalty kick brought have withstood the onslaught and In their haif 0f the sanie stanza Bowmanville victory and the Dar- displayed a brand of sportsmanship seven Students went to bat anc ,Ilington and Carke Football League which might be studied by the few three of themn scored. Roach flied s.Championship on Monday night in the league who have sought to out to centre, Slemon singleal over e, when they defeated Zion in a spec- destroy 1kscndadavacdtoecn ctacular game at Courtice. A large We have one suggestion to maire when Ted Bagneil was passed and er crowd turneal but to witness one of to the Darliiton-Clarke Football both rnovk up a base when the sh1 the most exciting gaines of the sea- League as the 1934 season closes, catcher dropped the throw in after orson, and the fans were treateal te a and that is this: When the meting a futile attenipt to nlp Siemon ai a regular feast Of smart soccer. Is calleal next spring te f ormi the the plate. Mc1iveen kept running tc ' e- I the finals iast year, a handied league executive, each of those at- second. Catcher Cameron pegged to >t- bail brought a penalty against Bow- tending think first on what Is to Coîweîî who returneal the throw but ,ni manville, a penalty which brought become of football if present con- Ted Bagneli easily scoreal and Mc- 1 themn defeat after a hectic series. ditions are permitteal te continue. Ilveen kept right on to thirl. In t0 On Monday exactiy the samie thing Then having thouglit the matter other words the Tiremen ciimbed le happeneal, only the penalty was ag- over carefully, and having corne to aboard the balloon for a few sec- [y ainst Zion, giving Bowmanviile a the only conclusion that a sports- onde and when they camne down the ~taste of the saine victory that was mar isr one who plays the game for score was tied andl a minute iater secureal by last year's league champ- the game's sake. who can lose i as W~iliams singleal Mcflveen home Ions good a spirit as he can win, and VJho with the winning- run t Anid so comtes to a close a season believes un the British tradition of High Schooi - J Roach, rf; Me- ff which has been featured by somte fair Play, then eleot an executive bîveen, c; Wliams,' lb; B. Bagneli, 's mighty small fry sportsmanship. Who first and foremnost believe in f rns ndp orap 1. na webeieve, from what we have treating every team anal every Play- T. Bagneli, 3b; Jackman, 2b; Kent, -heard from members of several o! er with the sanie fairness as they If;Siemon, p anal rf. the competing teams, that haîf the wouid treat their own brother Goodyear - Roacli, If; Cameron, trouble originateal with a clique of Then football wili take on a new ss; Osborne, p, Coiwell, 2b; Mur- high handed officiais in the League. leas.e of 1f e in West Durham, anal PhY, rf; Piper, c; Jackman, lb; From early in the season there has it will bo a sport instead o! a battle Moorcraft, cf; HobbS, 3b; A. Cam- been a contemptible type of iii feel- of grudges. But first of ail remem- eron, c. ing exhibited in the hiigh counicils ber an absolutely unbiased man is Umpires-FP. Jackman and Large. of the league. which became se pro- needed for the chair, who at the - nouneal at one timre that even the endl o! the season is good sport casual observer could see nothing enough to present the trophy to the RUGBY -LEAGUE 15 eise but a desire to prevent Bow- winning teani instead o! shirkrng manville reachlng the finals, andl his duty ana lieaving it to his dep- ORGA.NIZED WITH ultimately the league championship. uty. This situation has not by any means Bowmanvlie's team, which an- TWO LOCAL ENTRIES been f avoreal by members of the nexeal the championship Monday, other teams. A certain few seemed was as !oilows: Goa--jack Knight; Bowmianville High Sehool to Have to have won the favor of the chair, Backs-T. Wilson anal T. Graham; Senior B. and Junior Teains where their petty squabbles have Halfbacks-R. McKnight, S. Mur- been given undue attention and . dock, M. Wiseman; Forwards-W. in C.O.s.S.A. where their every ittîe complaint Graham. J Cooper, A. Hockett, J. has been listeneal to with eager ears Bogey and*D. Alan. Through the At a meeting of the Lakesiiore bY the group which seems to s0 season these additional playors have Lrudsay te COSSA ed hate the thought of an urban team aideal in bringing Bowmanvile to LnsyTeday night, Mir. Fergu- winning, that they would do any- the playoffs. P. Bathgate, whos son Of Whitby H. S. was nameal thing to prevent ut. sick, Dave Harris. Who is holiday- Prsdn;Mr afrh !Ptr Fortunateiy the Bowrnanville teamn ing ln Englanal, Benny King, J. Me- bro C, & V. I., vice President; anal is made Up principaily of Britishers Guire. Jim Kane anal George Per- E- H. Devitt, Bowmanviile H. S., who have a reai groundlng in true fect. Rtolanal Bates, Dick Patterson sceaytesrr sportsmanship, not the type which and A. Mathews in other capacities < Three groupings were made with lias drlfted across the border fromi have done a fine work aiso with the Orsainsira;yBonmanver HueyKinfis Log'sdoman. heyj tam.Whitby, Port Hope and Cobourg, the Senior B; anal Cobourg anal Bow- ANNU L METIN GOO YEARANDmanvile, the Junior ini this district. 0F CARPET BALL STUDENTS EVEN ners Play off for the riglit to adi- vance in the playoffs anal the Jun- LEAGUE WAS HELD IN DOUBLE HEADER ior winners aise enter the piayoffs. i I Bowmanville's games are: Scheduie Drawn Up For N. and D. WVin One Gante Each li Town 1 Senior B î Deanery League - Rev. Fý H. League Finals on Saturday - Sept. 29-Bownnanville at Whitby Mason, Newcastle, Is PresidentFia etSury Oct. 6-Bowmanville at Cobourg Fina Nei SatrdayOct. 13-Port Hope at Bowmanviiio Oct. 20--Cobourg at Bowmanvile The Deanery of Northumberlandl With stellar pitching the speclal Oct. 27-Bowmanville at Port Hope anal Durham Carpet Bail League! for the day, the Goodyear ana l 1gh Nov. 3-Whitby at Bowmnanville. helal ts annuai meeting at St. John's School divideal the first two games Junior Parish Hall, Port Hope, iast week,l. of the playoffs for the Town League Oct. 6-Bowmanville at Cobourg andl despite the rainy weather, ail honors on Saturday. The Goodyear Oct. 20-Co)bourg at Bowmanville. four men's clubs were fully repre-,1 won the firat tilt 2-1 anal the Stu -_____ ____ senteal. dents were on the top of a 3-2 score The President, Rev. F. H. Mason, in the nightcap. SPORTSMEN WARNED openeal the meeting anal congratu- In the opener, Goodyear was ra- lateal the clubs on their splendid ther lucky to win as they were only ABOUT GAME LAWS work anal expressoal his satisfaction able to get two hits off Bowman of the resuits these meetings bo- who struck out nime anal walked Statute Mt Be Strictly Oberve tween the Church Men's Clubs had one, anal most assuredly deserveda tees HnuarsNiOns e attaineal. The financial secretarY better fate. Until the suxth he pit- elrsHnHayNio gave a gooal report on the year's cheal no hit ball. Ai Osborne wh.ile Queries attendant on the advent of work. battereal arounal a bit more freely the hunting season led Hon. Harry Officers ehecteal for the season proveal well nigh invincible in the j C. Nixon, Provincial Secretary anal 1934-35 were as foiiows: President, pinches as fifteen strandeal students Minister 0f Gaie anal Fisheries, te Rev. F. IH Mason, Newcastle; Hon. woulci testify. give warning that the Provincial Vice Presidents, Rev. T. S. Boyle, After two scoreless innings the game laws are to ho strictly enforc- Cobourg, Rev. C. R. Spencer, Bow- school boys broke the ice in the ed. anal local Police are advised ac- nianville, anal Rev. A. G Emmet, third when Mellveenawho was hit by cordingly. "The processes of law :aort Hope; Financial Secretary, H. a pitcheal bail anal sacrificed to sec- wiîî not bc interfered with by any C0. Ballard,.*Port Hope. ondl by Williams scoreal on Bill Bag- high officiais as in the past,"1 the Scheduie is as foiiows: neil's single to left. That ondeal the' Minister deciareal. "If any are Oct. 1-Cobourg at Newcastle scoring for the High School ai- founal breaking the law they wili 16-Port Hope at Bowmanvilie though they lai men on bases ini have to suffer the consequences."1 Nov. 12-Newcastle at Cobourg every innings. The Minister's statement was pre- 12-Bewmanviiie at Port Hope Ini the sixth, ai ter one was out, cipitateal by the many inquirles re- Dec. 1l-Cobourg at Bowmanviiîe Goodyear's Micky Roach singleal to celveal by the department asking if 12-Port Hope at Newcastle lef t, stole second, took third on a hunters are requireal to take out gun Jan. 8-Cobourg at Port Hope passeal bail, anal thon scoreal when licenses. 'It is most certalnly the 9-Bowmanvilie at Newcastle a wild pitch went by Mcîlveen anal law of the lanal that aIl hunters Feb. il-Port Hope at Cobourg roileal Up the back screen anal stay- must have a gun license,"1 Mr. Nix- 12-Newcastle at Bowmanviiie ed on top. Score one for the freak on pointeal out. "If they hunt wlth- Mar. 4-Bowmanville at Cobourg book. Meanwhile Cameron had out it. the law enforcement officer 5-Newcastle at Port Hope walked anal with two out scoreal on will unaloubtecily seize their equip- - -- -Bert Colwei's single. iment ana liay an Information." HOMING PIGEON CLUB In the second game Lady Luck The Minister admitteal that there -- changeal dugouts anal helpeal the were exceptions even to this strict Bowmanvilie Homing Pigeon Club scholars to break even in the af ter-' Provision. Farmers anal farmners' flew their fourth young bird club noon's activities. Incidentaiiy six of sons, on their own lanal, are not race on Saturday, Sept. l5th, froin the high school's players were li-1 bounal by the requirement, anal it is London, Ont. 144 miles air lune, with ciulging un their third garne of the, also nuil if anal when an officer of! the foliowing resuîts: day, as the Orono Juniors played, the department authorizes anal dir- 1 Wmn. Wooiner 4 hrs, 7 mins, 49 sec anal lost 4-3 un Oshawa in the morn-1 ects a iack-rabbit drive. P. Bottreli 4 hrs, 8 mins, il sec. iiig. 1 Wmn. Wooiner 4 hrs, 8 mina. 15 sec. In the two afternoon games the P. Bottreli 4 hrs, 8 xulns. 29 sec. losers outhit the winners in bohsYÀLI £-f L. Richards 4 hrs, 8 mins, 34 sec. spasms anal the iosers acoredal al j EADACHE L. Richards 4 hirs, 8 mins. 38 sec. their runs before the victors talliea i INDIGESTION I Piper 4 hirs, 9 mina, 17 sec. anY anal in each case the home u.I vlivd by% R.. Dilllng 4 hrs, 10 mins, 44 sec. team won. quiil eivdb R.. Diliing 4 hrs, 14 mins, 5 sec. Siemion anal Brunt of Newcastle, E).ClS' E. Hunt 4 hrs, 19 mina. 4 sec. who entereal the portais of B. H. s.,______________ P. Bathgate no dlock report. 1 at the first of the achool year, dlv-. wa h see~ Rotary Gymnasiunni a the Ontario Training Schooi Whlch wsteseeo a large was unvelled by Mr. J. H. H. Jury. gymnaslum anal swlmmlng pool were gatherlng hore hast week, when a Hon, G. Howard FergusonHg erEcelaacoto 5,0 whc tation o! the building to the Prov- Commissioner in Enghand, wai ri-mney was ralaed by Rotary Clubs cipal speaker, anal Hon. Davidl Cr011. o! the Province, Bowmanvllle Rotary plaque conixemoratlng the presen- cMinister o!, Public Wei!are, pald bis Club contributing $1000 o! this arn- ince by the R.otary Clubs of Ontario, f lrst official. visit to the sohool. The ount. CIAL. Red Circle e"po.29ý Bokar . OUJR OJPN SILVERBROOK CREAMERY BUTTER 2l.4 SUNNYFIEL» Pasteuuzd Creamey a Ibo. 45o SINGAPORE KNOJVN PliE JORLD OVER Pinapple .2 I îqc P&IM.UVe MTT FOR DELICIITFVL BREAKFASTS GOLD ARROWF Quakr O ts ; . Peanut Jattr AYLMER GREEN LABEL OUR OJVN IONA BRAND JaaiRsperyor 32 oz. 3~o o 2 lb. THE JVORLD'S LARCEST SELLING SOAP CHOCOL.TE-PEPPERMINT i P.YG. SoaplO BARS 28. Patties t". GEJNIINE SPR1ING LAMB LEGS DOJNELESS AND ROLLED PIME RIB ROAS? FRESH ROASTING CEJTS GENUIAE SPRI'.G ILA14B FRONTS TU A & P QfJ4LITY BEEF BLADE ROAST COUNTRY STYLElb SAUSAGE ______ FRESII CLTS FOR ROASTINC PORK SHOULDERS A & P QULITY BEEF 35"~ l3 2> 250 TOUR CuOICe lb. a18 TIROU? ".16a I Sea lHoning "e9 CHOICE 10 lb, Se APPLES Bau.r HRE E Tiie tc Q.Bakt - 1 aS Ib.250 - ----------- ýiî ýB. H.S. Field Day (Contlnued f rom page 1) d Broad Jump--C-onnors, Bathgate, h Brown, 13 ft, 3 inches. [S High Jump-Lyle ,Brown, Neal. 4 d ft, 91/4 Inches. * Relay-Form lIA, Form rB, Form *lIl, 61.4 seconds. .e Junior Champion-W. McFeeters; d Runner up. oster. yIntermediate Boys 9o a Higli Jump - Semon, Johnston, o CI Neal, 4 ft. 53,j iches. w q at&n Y j w d cl Shot Put--Semon, Fagan, Tighe, 26ft, 7 inches. v Pole Vault - Siemon, Johniston, Millson, 8 f t, 9 inches. e 100 Yard Dash-Kirnball, Siemon. 7 .D .05 rC. Pagan, 11.4 secs. 440 Yards-L. Kinibail. We'lI let the lady tell her own 880 Yards-Neal, Bennett, Spenc- storyx "I tried every corrective er, 2 minutes, 36 seconds. t 220 Yards-KlmbalI, Bennett, C. and orthopedic shoe I could Pagan, 27.4 seconds. id. Most of them would feel Intermediate Reiay-Formin V, Jr. alrgti h hp oIdtk *Commercial, Form Il, 55.4 seconds. lrghintesoo Idak SIntermediate Champion - B oy d theux home. WeU, I stili bave Semon; Runner up, Foster. them at home-dozens of pairs Iined up onl my closet shef- High Jump-W. Bagneli, Depew, almost enough to start a corrective shoe shop. Dr. Locke 5ft. 6 inches. lias saved my feet and my fortune. Now I can uSr the Shot Put-B. Brunt. H. Coimer, oeIbu. D. Fagan. 38 ft, 9"2 inches heIby" Foie Vaut-W. Bagneil, 10 fit. 3 In. ~soo~m Broad JumP-W. Bagneil, Brunt, M O KE Lo s iqo.iso Colmer, 19 f t, 8 inches 100 Yard Dash-Bagneil, Williams, FACTORY TO FEET SAVE YOU MONEY Depew, 10.4 seconds.i i A r r n ir r 220 Yards-Hunt, Depew, 25.4 sec. m j ~ m - u m 440 Yards-E. Hunt. 58.2 seconds. U*rA IB 'J R L N/ Mile Race-B. Brunt. A. Colville. U.I H. Jackman, 5 mins, 10.1 secs - Relay--Sr. Commercial. Form . n ,SH ES T OR EU Form IV.0 Senior Champion - W. Bagnel; COWAN BLOCK KING STREET R u n n er up , B ru n t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Earl Cunningham was officiai starter and the events were run off under the direction of Principal L. W. Dippeli. Mr. Ed. H. Devitt and ONE WEEK ONLY - SEPT. 24, 1934 M.R. M. Ainslie, and Miss AgnesDR S E Vanstone having charge of the girls' J j J 5 evets.LA D ES'DRE SE rDOES YOUR FOOD DISAGREE WITH YOU ? DRY CLEANED - PRESSED - REFINISHED If you can't eat without suffering Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Oas, Heart- burn, Beiching, Bloating, Nausea, 7 0 Ec Vomiting - beware of '"acid stom- ach." Don't let it continue anotiier day. For quick certain relief get a Osa aL u d y& D yCé n g bottle Of KIRK'S STOMLKA. You wili be amazed at the way it sweet- W .Bgel gn hn 5 ens and tories up your stomach. iW..Bgelgn.- Ph e15 Qet KIRK'S STO0MALCA at M c G R E G O R 'S D R U G S T O R E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ When using soda to clear the drain a pan of boiling water so, the soda 'in the drain pipe and close the drain in the sink. be sure to foilow with, and grease do not form a soft soap entireiy. p m ri. THE CANADLAN STATESMM, BOVVILANVILLE, TRURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1934 1

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