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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIX PAE IXTHE CANADIAN STATE.SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934 t -~ I rs. E. Page attencled the funeral 0z ed in. Fortunateiy assistance was a ~ MAPLE GROVE Iolf the late Mrs. J. Short, Courtice,1 SOLINA given quickly, and a few scratches WEDDINGI on Sunday. and shock were the only bad effects _____ Enniskillen L. O. L. 141, are hold- suffered. Freoe-ubr Miss Mildred Coolidge, London, ing their annuai Concert on Friday. Miss Doris Millson is attending Women's Auxiliary of the United Aquebt rtywdigok visited Mrs. H. G. Freeman on Sun- Sept. 28th, at 8 p. m. in the forai Peterboro Normai School* Church met on Thursday evening, place in Janetville at the Manse, on daY. Mro Sodnsen e f a Bag Social. Enniskilen Dra- Congratulations to Mr.' and Mrs. when Mrs. Robt. Jackson oi'ened her Saturday, dauteer1of Mr. and Ioc dayswihrsiMn stoeMs ell e atic Club will present their play. Milton Stevenson on the arrivai Of home for the event. The ladies of Spebr11,we Ms eleAdmission 25e and 15c. Ladies with a baby girl. teW .aepanigt aejGreta May, Snowden, Lake Hurst, and attended boxes free. Everybody welcome. Miss Marion Williams and Mr. quilts for a baie. The prcgram, in csathuridule orueteton, e the school fair. League meeting was held on Wed- Reader of Port Perry visited at Mr. charge of Mrs. Kenneth Sameils' camento e ri ad f ru eredward, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munday, Mr. nesday night with the President in Chas. Howsans~ group, included readings by Mrs. l ofMlro. ThdMriGeorge ree Wallace Munday, and Mr. and Mrs. charge. Meeting opened with a Don't forget to attend the Chicken Wilfred Jackson and Mrs. Kenneth loe ilrkTe br ie, wah wa E. W. Foley visited relatives ini Osh- hymn, followed by prayer by Rev. Pie Supper and Concert at Maple Samelis. A lunch was served at the 'given in marriage bynstyleranfatherls awa on Sunday. Parker. 2nd Vice President, Miss Grove On Thursday evening, Sept. close of the meeting. looked chaarming in a gown of cop-Chienstls nd aeras Mr ndMs.J . eca., isAnnie Oke, took charge: Mr.Cc2t. The funerai of Mrs. JohnNAXtmleenhagen silk crepe trinimed withan nyfo whht mk Madeine Glnn ad Rss elcif, iemn, aydo, gve he evotion- Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smith and Miss strong at the United Church, Nestie- lae Se was attblu endedby Mss noayfo hc omk Mr. Howard Foley, Misses Florence ai; Miss Bernice Stainton rendered MRi. haefr, xn heweP.on nFidy a cnutdby L is eed whoworeblecep e s h and Louise Foley. Mr. Thos. Sn~ow- a solo very nicely; Mrs. (Rev.) Par- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKes- R,-v. H. J. Bell, Rev. DrR..Bo-trmnd ihwiela. TeYOî.Ta'sC chJh- de. rs H G Feean, Misses krgv eyitrsigmsin sock. es and Rev. J. R. Bick. The quartet, groom was supported by Mr. Percy ston & Crydernian's new Coats foi Thelma and Lyra Freeman and ary topic; a reading was given by Mr. and Mrs. Alan McGlashan Miss Dorothy Porteous, Miss Doris Hberi bother waf thessbrie. w- ldis Thes ad idis Marion Foley atiended the Pascoe Edgar Wright; and after a hymn and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. Leonard Joblin and. bride's mo Thth rdinflolaistmsehad kddee re-union at Hampton Park on Sat- the meeting closed with the bene- Lorenzo Truli and faxnily, Hampton,, Mr. Fred Veale, sang during the ser- gred ,n aonavy. The mot e of h complete irange to fit youî budget. urdaY. .diction. vbiedatM. . . k'Afic.Th smptythehecm-gromw re ony als in tn of'frrdwihsuirlf Chicken Pie will be served inI Our choir are busy practising for munity is extended to those who are blue ler theremonyateddeio Thurday. epat.Maple Groye on *the Harvesi Home services on Sun-. bereavedl in ber pasing. h di e's prens. atethe YRugchaly fuîad i thls i'el, fosur, TusaSp.27th, from 4.30 P.m. SALEMj day, Oct. l4th, and the roasi fowl Young Peopie's League o! the Un- thue briefsopaens.hLt er the ripaben n i ies esr Standard Time; after which Maple _ 4 supper on Wednesday, Oct î7th. ited Church was heîd in thebase- tcouple eft ona hortwdding tloknp ¶ve bfreyo b Grove young people will present. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shortt and Miss ment of the church, in uts second i th brid wetand acbronress olottecvî'bf, yuuy their popular play entitled "The 'Miss Ella Collacotand Ms ain r usladMs lz eko ciiî h il td wt adca n cesre oMore l'e arî'ivingr eve"r7 day. AmaeurDetctve. Adisson GldysCan, oronito, spent the abeth Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. H. was taken by Mrs. Robt. Jackson. match. On iheir return Mr. anda .V Aduits, tea and concert 50c, children weekend at their respective homes. Grooms. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. Ralph Emerson gave the Bible Ms reoewl eieI ii under 12 years 25c; concert only, DPonùtforget 10 attend the Chicken Shorit, Tory Hill, visited ai Mr. S. reading and Rev. H. J. Bell deliver- brook. aduits 25c, children 15c. PieSpergand Concert at Maple E. Werry's. ed the iopic. Those taking part onDRESSES ____________________ Groe, Tursciay evening, Sept. 27. Our comniuniîy was saddened on the programn were Miss Leona Wil- "O IU R _______________________________ Depie te looy aya OOdly Tuesday morning to hear of the liams who gave a reading, Mr. Gil ->______________ ENFEL Inuie vntredou 1 srvceonpassing of Mr. A. J. Reynolds o! beri Marlow favorinig wiih a mouthi1 Sunday when Pastor Rev «A.M. Toronto. Mr. Reynolds was a former organ solo, and Mr. Bert Edwards M. Alfred Henry, CartwrightFO V R OC AI ' Mr.S. appandMr.w. culyWcotton delivered a very helPful resideni here for many years and our gave a reading. The death occurred on Monday, FR E EY O C SO Mr.untaenni.vid a Mr. W. J UIY m rssagef optimism. , hearifeit sympaihy goes ouita h is* Sept. 10ih, of Alfred Henry, in his By the end of this week we willhaeoe f r. atnd s. H eran a-weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sy- 1There was a good attendance ai BÏ'>TOC2,3d arihHeishomenLot he3 Cothe most selectl'anges ofDresses we aeee Mr. . Wirandfa-ions after attending the funeral o! Dur Division Meeting last Thursday Mr. Henry Sameils is under the late Mr .and Mrs. Robi. Henry and had. They corne in ail the new style n a iiy, Owen Sound, have been visiting his brother-in-law, the laie Mr. evening. Aller the business session doctor's care. lwas born on the ho ad on u atMrs . . wAnns. Detoin ad dtii llof oot..Wn a good prograni was given, Miss Several from this communhty ai- Purpie Hill and lived ihere until hie trasadaeIotraoal r brother-îns, Tunton hfveMr.ndMurielalsBakerthgave-laaovor.alMrsolokerreved-vocensold LeandsayiedFair.a tair'iavdstoands are rmostne aboasonaabltlisp r'ikfod atYouoncan visîtng aiMr. Fank Glber s. Modyeerg bu 0o ngs were gîven by Misses Margaret Mr. and Mrs Clarence Graham thirty years ago. He was prede- viiiga r rn ibr'. On mna vnn bu 0o Scott and Jessie Yellowlees and Mr. speni Sunday ai Enniskiilen. ceased by bis parents, two brothers, as $3.9â. Mr. Thos. West and Dr. R. West, aur community fol1k. also some f rom Russel Balson, and the boys quar- Mr. Gerald Hill and Mrs. John IWilliam and Abert, and by iwo sis- Woodstock, and Mrs. R. Anderson, the surrounding neighborhocd, ga- tette, Messr~s Jim Samles, Wesley Jobb are visiting ai Norwood tens, Margaret Ann (Mrs. Wm. Mign. .,Culohv envstigs.hrd osrn M.Lwec Werry, Fred Wright and Tom Baker Mr. Burney Hooey and Mn. Ken- Vance) and Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. I L N R Mr. W.e. Mc ihss ooh.n Squair and his bride who have just ~v a nubr. The closing number neth Lamb visited in Guelph. John Darcy). He is survived by his Ar.ur Grey,Man d r. A.McCrea returned from St. John, N. B. where n"the=poraru was a iock wedd- Mn. and Mrs. Melville Griffin were widaw, Matilda McKee; two sisters. AtuGryan MrA.MCethe wddingtook place on Sept. 6ih. udaan t tJa.Hnr'Alî'eady many dîscî'îminatîng wm en hv Toronto. have been visiting ai Mr. Te"co'pny consisted o! bath lad- i'g.Thebrid Mr. Howard Milison. sd a uePsaiJas.oHnry,'vs Emiiy (Mrs. David Spinks), Neepa- se u tlsadhv ucae Th manOMattired in white cheesecloth with MisEa ar.Trnvsie wa. Manitoba, and Lavinia (Mrs. senoistlsaihve ur aed o odre Edwin Ormiston's. Mrs. W. GreY ,esandgens and the improvised a eil n long train and carried a ber mother, Mrs. Robent arr. Chas. Paker, Winnipeg; and on e terFl a& Rmme epri acMpiss Ia Cunihm, Tro. N.,the rendered vaiaus selections on buuto odno h ro Dr. and Mrs. J. Moore, Brooklin, brother, James, o! Blacksiock. Mr MiussI rs.R.undrsng, R.Ng,the ad yknso nsrmnst was Mr. Bill Chadwick: other mem- were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry. who was a successful farm- quality in oui' millineî'y, and we str's oota Druser. R. ei Anden.,ho. i, ter provided themselves with. Af- bers o! the wedding paniy included John Jobb. er, and well known and higbly re- Miss. estelnand Mgr h estiltemuch merrinient in this way the brisad r i mls h r n r.GatadMs .setdi h omntw the hat ili fit you î'ight before you tak t oe Misse Eveyn ad MararetPhil thegatbening was invited in and en- flowe irlidM. Jisme als, the MnamTntMs. ranets an Mr. spected of the cmnity, was rcd slwas$.0 o uliyfl lips, Toronto ,visited at Mr. L. C. tenîained igbî royaîîy by ail mn- Joir.Mnhune BlonCbeS a.Trto, er gesi aTh. ember o!be Uie dCbueMesrs.Nr Pascoe's. bers o! the Squair family and ireai- bride's moiber ,Mr. George Werry, JohnsCaneln. Thead p. ar I a li bjyed arerr us- o ___________________ Sed te fruit and wedding cake. Alil the groonisman, Mn. Roscoe Baker, Ms vlnFnnyadM.En mnMuioeEwadHriRs ENNSKILENjanedin ool wsbe 1 th brdeand the minister. Miss Margaret Lathangue, Fleetwood, are guests o! sel Mountjoy. Royal WhifieId, Han- ______________________ nd igroo for a lo hebnd epp Scott. Mn. and Mrs. Bell. aid McQuade and Oscar Grahami. and roife. *lngan hP- Miss Flonence McLaughlin, Ton- Rev. H .J. Bell conducted the ser- Mn. . alaceBomavile _____________________CA MU onto, visited bier parents, Mn. and vice, and intenment was made in C u h o n t i r Mrs. W._____________________________ Ms. J. R McLaugblin. the Unied Cemetery, Cadinus. visited ai Mrs. Levi Brunt's. Miss Marjorie Mar'ow, and Miss ___ A number froni bere aitended the 1 MHAndMPTGereONle vst-MrIre e____orno,_sie fain ai Lindsay on Saturday. « > ed Mrs. M. Hicks the foirmer's moiber, Mrs. G. Man- Mn. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy called Mrs. W. Cbapman bas been nurs- severai f rom bte community ai- îow. James Manning o! Riison Road _______________________________ on Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Werry :ng Mrs. Clarence Woodley, Tyrone. tended Lindsay Fair. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Bell and Miss North, Oshawa, died ai bis homi'e on Miss M. E. Vitue and Mns. B. Miss Lillian Jebson visited ber Mr. George Hicks, Toronto, visited Pearl Bell were Sunday guests o! Wednesday monning, September 12. _________________________ Paben Troto vsiedthinauibrother Cynil ai London. Mrs. Jeb- his moiher, Mrs. M. Hicks. M.adMs m Liage i-in bis 77tb year. Mn. Manning was CMns. P. Mountjoy.vssoreund hbr. Mrs. Reicbraih, Mn. Samuel Smih fond. bonn in Holswortby, Devonshire, f ~Mn. W. C. Stainton, Toronto.vs- Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Wood and and Mn. W. Burley, Newionville, vis- Mn, Jack Smibh, Mrs. Wmn. Van Egad n ae1 aaaad> i '7 lted his father, Mn. James Stainton, famul*y. Bowmanville. visited at Mn.litediMnand Mns. Cecil Ferguson. Camp and child.nen vîsîted ai Mn. directly to Oshawa ai tbe age o! 21 M O S T M P O R T ai Mrs. H. Stevens'. S. xWilliams' on Sunday. Mnand Mrs. Clarence Parr, and Elmore Clarke's on Sunday aicu years. Sbantly a! ten coming to Osh- Mr. ad Mr. Elas Ahton.June . M. an Mrs.Miltn Avry ad MrsRobtParrspen Fridy inTawagcheslmet 1and lmametied mr MaryMa Janen anÏndo JnandMisDlo iie redinduhenn Mrs. M iit Avery n rs.RotPr petFiaMira-ggs. la d Hil ad sn eadLane of Oshawa. They purciased Bread is the most important food y(uet o Dootoo aton dahtieDonnathe ekay, r.Wn oisn n n ak NrhBy etonto. ;sanie land on hti-nwRsosoudleMtpaiuarhttyeflr. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Werry spent Ms i.i onrtre ncbildren, Janeiville. were Sunday day for Flonida wbere tbey will Road north and there Mr. Manning lVhen you est Corbett's bread regularly you kno o r Sudywt irprns r n audyfo w ek'vstwt ussandMrs . WH. Rinsonand nd Jahk, Nnth ayret MisMni or eundo conducted a successfui smali fanm getting best milledl flour, fine sait, fresli whole k, pr Mrs. McKinnon. Toronto. Mrs. Clara Jeffrey, Toronto.1 Congratulations are extended ta - Bishop Lucas and Mrs Lucas, Mr.admre dn .as, r ' shofiertar ndhghqal Mn. and Mrs. Sain Slemon. Win- The Misses Reynolds visited their Mn. sud Mrs. Russel Larmer on the Fred Lucas Rev. and Mrs. C. Han- Mn. Manning was primarily in- And irn addition to these finer ingredients oui ra a nipe, viite bisbroter.Mn. ohn athn. M. A.J. e~nodsbîth of a son.,OI'eIIteber h. court, Tornto, were ,Sunday guests erested in tbe education and wel- W'heat Genm, the finest part of wheat. In factoubra Siemnon, and aiben relatives. %v-io bas since passed away. Mn. Gilbert Fowler and Miss Eva cf Dr. and Mrs.C. E. Whitake faeori.hlrn b uviecnaze hsipratelmn ogbfn iybk Mrs. G. Young and family. Sea- Mn. W. W. Horn and Wallace, ac- Capstjck. Janetville, Mn. Onlo Cap-- Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Chapman, Port him. They are Walter, Harny, and atteinpted to use it. bright, spent a !ew days wth bier comnpanied by Mn. C. W. Saucb and stick. Hamilton. were Sunday guesis Penny, Mn. and Mrs. Ozcar Grahami Mns. J Hanlock. ail o! Oshawa. He For variety change Your bread often. Varyorde parents, Rev. snd Mrs. Parker. Mn. Fred Billeti, enjoyed the week- o! Miss Helen Fowl"n. sud Aima Graham; Mn. and Mrs. did take an active intenesi in the with WVhit.e Bread, Wholewheat Bread, HgvsHat Mr. snd Mrs. M. Rahm and sons, end ai Belmont Lake. Mn. Oscar McQuade sud daugbten Gardon Strong spent Sunday ai Mn. work accomplished by the Phoenix Bread, Roman Meal Bread, and Raisin Bread.Yo'lîk Gardon and Howard, Oshawa. visit.- Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Williamsou, Norma. Mn. sud Mrs. George Fow- Jas. Strong's.oC hpte r.Maenndfeglws Lode, hi fnrfvr ed the former's sister, Mrs. J. Shack- accornpauied by Mn. sud Mrs. C. E er and Miss Helen Fowler aitended W. M. S. a! the United Cburch ber. leton.. Miss Emma Werny, Toonto, spent IUudsay Fair on Saturday. sud Mn. Lloyd Hagan ai Mn. Jas- home o! Mrs. Cecil Hil. Bible read- family nesidence on Fiday afer- C rb t yS ] a k the weekend wiih ber nieees;, Mrs. Mn. sud Mns. Bowes sud chidren, eph Capsiick's. ing was given by Mrs. Fnank Stin- noon and was under the auspices o! datl tOhw. ews ei'y. is candially invited ta came aud en- a duet "Ivory Palaces" by Mrs. _______________ fte a on ever sucess.Mn. A. B. Cryderman bnought joy theniselves. Thie barn structure Sadien and Miss Vivian Sadien; and iTe sssmped e nst aler lon ever suces. DMile cltuaple blossonis te the HRni- was erecied an Tuesday when s lange a talk ou Mission work by Mns. J. C. !ening, Mrs. Ada Short, beloved wife home; and two daugbters, Mrs. Cie- Blake Countice. on asnJh ed. ahe 2Oth J.auniey o! cfturl Mn. Jamesednsda ShortmberCfountîcehe oinsiberrreteiiRevo!.CBuffaloralsosudr. JmeShor, Nam- Monnroerw J. f BG.alLaadngmaidNamsudrowMi.GiLa îeddtheng ton nsy thf their sud said be could bave piked more assembled to, give assistance in the gave a talk. Lunch was senved tc, he 66th year. Mrs. Short wss boru ana o! California; also tbnee bnoîh- Gay. The interinen okpae wdigo udyatth latter's if he weathen bad permitted bum erectian. iwenty-five pensons present naTyneiDalgontw-ens sud iwo sisters, Athur Harris tefaiypo nBied ee fatben's Mn. Thos. Crag. ta do so. e r Ty o e i alnt n t w - a d M s a e L.D v sn, e- hef il p t i I ~Miss M. Dalton, Miss Alice Ash- Favorable wesihen. good attend- One o! Mn Jas. Nesbiii's barns The firsi meeting o! the season ship, being a daughter o! the laiesu Ms. ablLDaioDe tery. tan, Mn. Onville Ashton sud Mn. suce, and spendid lsrge exhibits. was burut on Fiday mornng durng was a jolly eveni on Wednesday Mn. aud Mns. Thomas Harris. She trait, Mich., Thos. Hannis, Bawmani- Amoug the relatie rsn ee Gardon Beech visited their sister, were sanie o! the tbings ihat helped an electrical storn. Sevensi tons o! evening, when Mn. and Mrs. Jabez bsrsddi oniefran M-vlFre Ras, aiors.udM.adMs. J. R. icks, Mn.onsud Mns. S. Rodruan, Port Penny. make Rampton School Fain on hay, îwo wagons sud over 300 bus. Wright opened their home ta fifiy ber o! years sud had made many Mr.J ikTnno rs. Clarence HickMsr ec ws. Mn. sud Mrs.aWd ahm aucOsh-Mondsy a success. Complete list o! O! grain were destroyed. The losa membens sud guesis o! the Young !riends witb bier unselfish wiîîing- The funenal ou Sunday aifternoon sund Arthur Ricke Trnô r smil, Burkend, sudW aMn.G.Band- nz inn pen uti su.wasspantly covered by insurauce. Mn. Peoples League o! the United uess ta assisi ai any tume wss couducted by R.ev.'W. J . Smith.ThoS.Harris, BE avlî;Ms fley uktn adM ,B accmpaie nedrinipal i t sudMsue. Win.Philp's barn was struck by Chunch. lu the large living roorni Sun'iving relatives include ber pasior o! South Dalingtou circ.Clewehl sud son, Bfao u n ley, Lakefield. visited Mrs. G. Bnad- lgtigdrn h M. F. J. Great sud Miss L. Haorin fig uin h sanie stanm. whicb was deconated with autumu husband; one son, Kan 'Pete", at The bearers were Messrs. A. Muin, Frank Harris, Whitb ley.accmpaied rinipa andMrs E.but a f ew torn shingles sud a splii- flowers, s senies a! games snd cou- Mn. sud Mms. Levi Bruni. Mn. sud E. Staples ta Fleetwood school fair tered beain wene tbe auly damages tests wene eujayed with a gresi deal _ Mns. F. McGill, Mrs. Halfacre. sud au Mouday afiennoan, alsa visiting suffered. a! entbusism: n:sd laten in the ev-li Mn. sud Mns. C. Staples. Mn. Sta- -__ __ __ __!_________ àpd it bnsan ples hd thehonor f beig one f NESLETONweiuens made s veny delightful sud AK'CTS the judges. It was at Fleetwood_______________ substantial lunch. A numbe' o!f fav- IN D I.FNLA IEN T Saves times, labour fair where lie neceived bis first orite songs wene sung with Mns g' and material schooliug. Miss Mary Malcolm visited fieuda Jabez Wright ai the piano. A la c Prevents souing O met ou Wednesday, Sept. l2ih, lu Mns. James Thonipson, Toronto, is Jha's icHome src es ied n S r g WHIZ INSECT KLE the basemeni o! bbechcurch, with a visiiing Mn. sud Mns. John Dickey. Jns glcndaS Ct 6hnc h reBeldon good atteudauce o!fnienbens sud Mrs. H. Monigomnery, Springfield, Sudy1eilt ibB~o AN ALLIANCE 0F INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS 0F ONTARIO, 8 oz. 33e 6oz 7 othrswh wneinenete l bi g-mass, was a guesi o! Mrs. Anson Lucas, Toronto, sud Rev. C. Han- BUYING AND SELLING CO-OPERATIVELY TO GIVE YOU THE othrawh ite aesonehibritn Taylor a bloestoh- neautifuioncourteTonouokng rice rmormng y.PERSONAL SERVICE" THAT ONLY A LOCAL INDPENDENT 5Gfor 2eT -UEBiiE witb those o! the menibers. Thene Mn. sud Mrs. Wilson, Torontosudhevehuing ws eice nespecel DRUGGIST CAN GIVE, CMBND IHTE EOOM dsayo owrvisited the latter's mothen, Mrs. A:. h hnhwsbatflydc PRICES OF 'GROUP BUYING." na euiu ipa ffoes ated with scores o! autunin bloomisI theg ThiPei daerMis ers Bsa- SMr sudMs.HnmnSPECIAL PRICES JOINT ACHE thegiaiol su aser rednilat-Spn. HrmnSameils sud fruit sud grain: sud durng bbc PALMOLIVE or COLGATE'S uoikyriee ker. conducted ihe M ei g.z Fo M - M rs o n H ay vstd fiu s l ouu evc r. E a e otS aig Cei H R . - F 1 A . g SIN < n" .ES AN lowiug The neig.oh 1ot. 5 y r g n eoie 1eusa U A A S shali continue ta serve in ail ana friends -w-ha-so ki-ndl-yca"meë, d- yuestt af Mr. sa Mrs 1-. Me.- Miss Tink. Salins-. were-amaug the n.hoau'm our eguar ine ofwor. d- îeydCRYSTALS aregarueofor. spite the inclernency o! the westhen sughinad Mrs. S. McLaugblin. Judges in Daniestie Science. 0olw- , 1 II give youat The National Autheni was sung in On Sunday, Sept. 23rd. Mn Knox, iug the msnching directed bY Cal. those c u r v e s HORSE SHOEING c!osing.j a studeut o! Knox College. To*onto Snideî-, sud openiug exercises led by wh i ch ar e Imported frorn iea i s taking the morning servie in the Miss Fallis. Caesanea, singing of fine wanted today. Wells, Texas WELDING 1reisbyinuCburch Rev Vco quality was iutenpreted by sevensi Thoraxium a GnrlRpiigPersian Baîn isl a sheen delighîta XVlk1 rwi.lcouduci annrsayo! the sebools, No 5 coming finsi, be used on any FOR RHEUMA'IISM,NURTS Geerl epirng use. Cools sud relieves irritations services ai Omemee sud No. 7, 2nd: Na. 6, 3rd; under part of your KIDNEY & STOMACR ISRDR jRemember tbe spot - Next csused by weatben conditions. lm- Mns. Doke sud Miss Maniorie Nes- the direction a! Mrs. Switzer. The bd.Frhl ta Skating Rink, Par'ts a rare channi sud besuty ta bt., Toronto, wene with thein mo- iJidge o! the singing was Mrs. Robb lo Ies 59c - 89c -$12 the complexion. Fragnant sud vel- ter, Mns. Blancuhe Nesbiti,an were ofOnono, n Principal J. H. John-, scrawny neck, vety smooth. Neyer leaves a vestige in Port Penny ta see ihein broiher, stan, Bownianville Public Sebool chel st.a rmes the tissues sud stimuistes the skin. ing iu the bospital f nom an opera- sud Impromptu Speeches. T he sults guara A E i.IE OII D. R. Alldread ein: Bkz itplys oeby Mn foroapii: :bttis recover- g:veopis deins lu ..stcasasti l:gsor mon nequisite. Eveny womn will appnec- Au unfortitnate accident occurred was exceptionally good; sud a lîst ak PHONE 92 PRESCIPTIONS A SPECIALTY W EIE OWMAN'VILLE i aitesbl ditntv canio Mady mrng we th a!piewllbfoneseee.cleved by the use o! ibis magical gnound surrouudlng a well wbere camplete list of prize wlnners will _____________________ lotion, Mns. Fred Rogers was walklng cav- appear next week.

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