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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1934, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934 PAGE SEVEN PHONE 5 3 BUY ST AT 1 ONERY TRIS WEIEK 3 Money Savmng Specials you should flot miss. Stock up at these unusual prices: Special No. 1 Deekle Edge Quality Statlonery 1 Pad, 1 pkg. Envelopes (25) Reg.- 40e value r Both for 29c Special No. 2 Linen ani Velum t. choose from 1 Pad, 1 pkg. Envelopes (25) Reg. 35e value Both for 25c Special No. 3 Higit Grade Quality Velium Writmng Pad, reg. 30e size. Buy several at titis price r Only 20c Many other exceptional buys- in Papetries in the store. Ask to sec them. J. W. Jewell BOOKS &STATIONERV PAINTS &WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS "'Blg 20" Bowmanville noom. semi-fonmal and formnaI dresses. A beau- blini selection pricec from $12.95 to $25.00. TRAVEL TWEEDS - Popular for ai ternoon and street wear; in one and two plece styles; in brown, navy and wine. - $10.95. NEW SKIRTS - Just arrived. an exceptionally fine make at a very attractive price; sizes ý4 to 20; lu black, navy and brown. - $2.95. The Elyn LADIES' SPECIALTY Phione 594 King Street Shop B BLUE When Duying Coal Let the Color b. Your Guide You cannot tell the difference between one black coal and another . . . you cannot say which is good or bad . . . but you can be positive about 'blue coal' f or the color guarantees the quality. 'Blue coal,' the only tradem.arked fuel, is the f inest of al Scranton Anthracite. It is guaranteed heat . . . your protection against inferior grades. Buy it with absolute confidence. AGLANCE WILL IDENTIFY IT! "bluecoal" Welsh and Scotch Coal also for Sale Sheppard & iii Lumber Co. Ltd,. PHONE 15 BOWVMANIL St. Paul's Evening Auxlliary The opening meeting, since the summer holiday season, of the Ev- ening Auxiliary of St. Paul's Churcli was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Williams, Silver St., on Monday ev- ening last with a record attendance. Miss M. Allen, lst vice president, preslded in absence of aur president, Miss Hutchison, and the meeting opened with the favorite hymn, '"Fight the Good Fight." f oilowed with sentence prayer. Miss Allun read as scriptpire lesson, the 42nd Psalm. The hymn "My heart is resting, Oh My God," was sung, and Miss R. Percy led in prayer. Don- ald Williams favored with a solo, "The Stranger of Galilee." which was much enjoyed. The minutes and treasurer's reports were most interesting. as were the thank-you letter which were read. Mrs. Kerr, President of the W.M.S.. extended a cordial invitation to all the ladies te attend the Centennial Thank-Of- fering meeting ta be held in Si. Pau"s school room on Tuesday, Sept. 25th. Mrs. Turubaîl ta be the niest so)eqer. Mrs. Ott sang mast 'a)londidly. "I shaîl net pass again this way." Mrs. Geo. Webster read a moçtt nterestlng letter froni Wa- kaw, Sask., which was surely enjay- ed by all. The hymn "O where are the reapers," followed by the Lord's brayer repeated in unison, closed a innst interestlng meeting. fleliclousi refreshments were served and a reali social hour enioyed by ail. BOWBIANVILLE HOSPITAL GRADUATION FRIDAY, SEPT. 28th FOR GRADUATION BOUQUETS andi BASKETS we wllIbave oholce and otiter Flowers. Pleasng Arrangement. W.-E. Grovea KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP King St. - Next Royal Theatre Mr. and Mrs. Gea. E. Chase are Miss S. Bennett, Toronto, h visit- visiting relatives at Brighton. ing friends and relatives in town. Rev. C* R. Spencer is in Toronto A laugh is in store for those who attending the annual meeting of hear the Lady Minstrel on Oct. 4th. Alumni of Trinity College. Mr. Lawrence Beath, Regina, Miss Mac Canieron, Toronto, spent Sask., visited his aunt, Mrs. M. J. the weekend with Mr and Mrs. B. H. Hutchifison. Mortlock. Mr. and Mrs. Percivai Marshall' Mrs. W. J. Hall, Mintico, has been Saskatoon, Sask., recently visited visiting her mother, Mrs. J. C. D)ev- their aunt, Mrs. W. C. Washington. itt ,who has flot been well. Mrs. C. F. Rice and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. J. Eý Elliott visited r Bennett left Tuesday on a motar Mrs. S. Elliott, Edenvale. and Mr. 1trip 1 Ottawa where they will be and Mrs. W. C. Hick]ing last week.1 the guests of Mrs. Ed. Weekes. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kube and Charlie Cawker, who has spent f amily have returned to Detroit five Weeks 1h15 summer an the studio after visiting her sister, Mrs. Elmer staff of CFR.B, and also with Duart Wood at Port Bowmanville. MacLean's Old Mill Orchestra, has Mrs.RayondW. Cle nd aberesumed his stud.ies at Bowmanville have returned home after spending Hg col a pleasant two weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. John Willis of Tor- her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. onto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maiynard Hessennaur, Kitchener, Ont. and Arletta motored to Woodstock and visited Mr and Mrs. Jae Mayý- Marie Plummer. grand-daughter nard. On the* return trip Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. N .S. Plummer, Lib- Mrs. Wm. Maynard and Arletta also erty Street, won f irst prize in the visited relatives in Tarant.. Baby Photograph Contest recently Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Ciemence of put on by the Hudson's Bay Camp- Staynen announce the engagement any in Winnipeg. 0f their daughter, Verona Irene, to Rev. John Pollock has neturned ta Rev. Fnederick Merrill Ferguson, his home in White Church afteri youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. spending a month's vacation visit-1 Ferguson of Northport, the marriage ing relatives throughout the British 1to take place the second week in Isles. His son. Mn. Jack Pollock, re- Octoben. turned with him having enjoyed te Visitons at Mn. and Mrs. S. T. summer with his cousin, Mrs. Cecil Dowson's. Providence, on Sunday Dudley, and ather relatives. were: Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Allin and daughters, Misses Bernice and Ruth doln, Bae Line; Mn. and Mrs. Wel- dnNeal and son Keith, Victoria Bidal Showers for Miss Elsie Yo Road. Miss Bernice Allun accomp- A pleasant aftennoon was spent on anied her cousins ta Victoria Road Saturday, Sept. 8th at the home of where she will spend her holidays. Mrs. Leonard Richards, Salem, when On the advice of the new Ontario a miscelianeous sbower and after- Milk Board, Trenton vendons have noon tea was given in honor of her been natif ied that they must pay cousin, Miss Elsie Yea, a bride-to-be. more to farmers for their milk. This The guests wene ahl assembled when of course bas increased the price t., Elsie who was taken by surprise, the consumer. ' In Bowmanville no was led int the living roam whicbh such onders have been issued, the was prettily decorated in white and price being higher than Trenton pink. In the centre of the rooml a and the local farmers benefitting to large white bell hung over a large that extent. basket decorated with evergneens. The Canadian Legion Band ser- The bride-to-be then opened her enaded Wilfred Cannuthers and his parcels and nead the versés accom- bride on Manday night at their resi- panying eacb. She thanked ail for dence when tbey prescnted this pop- their kind gifts and wishes aften ular member of their organization which a social hour was spent when with a beautiful arn chair. A very a dainty tea was served by the host! pleasant evening was spent with Mr. assisted by Mrs. Garnet Richards. and Mns. Carruthers who vaiccd The guests included: Mns. W. W. their appreciation af the band's Manning, Oshawa; Mrs. R. Pooley, thoughtfulncss. Tyrone; Mrs. Yeo, Mrs. A. Wilkins, Mrs. Evenson Prout and Miss Audrey, Mrs. Alex Proutt, Mrs. W. J. Ri- chards and Wilma. Mns. A. Richards Trousseau Tea for Bride-Eleet and Hilda, Mns. Lloyd Richards, Mrs. Mrs. A. F. Cox, Oshawa, enter- Garnet Richards and Joan, Toronto. tained at a delightful trousseau tea On ondy eenig, ept 10h aon Saturday in honar of her daugh- On ondy eenngSep. 0tha trFlorence Bertha, whose mar- pleasant evening was spent in the ng 0M.FeeikH mt Rebekah lodge rooms when after the!raetM. edicH.Sths regular meeting the members sur- tatk lc nln tetUie prisd oe o thir embrsMiss, Church on Saturday, Septemben 22. prisedone oftheirsembers received in a black silk Elsie Yeo. a prospective bride with Mtrspaet evCoxsswthgl a kitchen sbower in cream and transpnt velvhet rdr-es w old green. The bride-to-be was asked tatrimming. Tue bride-el shet wre came forward when Misses Audrey ocyfrc o!pnysaesk Prout and Grace Welsh and Mrs. transparent v'elvet with silver trim- Hackney carried in a prettily de- ming. The reception roomn was dec- corated basket and Miss Aima Morris arated witb a large bouquet of gold nead a nicely wordcd address. Elsie and brown flowers whiie f ail flowers opened the various gifts and thanked were arranged in the other rooms. ail after which a mock wedding was .Mrs. Sam Glanville and Mrs. Jack staged by several members of thel Glanville, of Bowmanville, aunts of! lodge and lunch was served. The the bride, poured tea and coffec. membens ail joined in wîshing Elsie Assisting thema were Miss Isobel and Goe much hpins in thir' Dowýney, Mrs. Clarke Dickens and orge ppinss e Miss j)ris Mackie. Tue tea table future lie. was chaýOning1y decorated witb pink and yellow roses. and maidenhair -f ern. Tali pink taper candies comn- Velyepleted the decoratian. Tue thrae- storey wedding cake and tlu white tapers were anrangcd on the buffet. Ve1v t4~Miss Helen Darch, Miss Marion Glanville, Miss Bernice Lott, Mrs. Fred SulIs, Mrs. Harry Young, Mrs. EN'S CHOIC Frank Cox and Mrs. H. Sprentnal assisted in looking after the guests. k, bisliop's pu- 4 who numbered about 170. Le. Af ter- e,- Miss Mabel Sis, Toronto, la spending enjoyable holidays with Mn- and Mrs. C. F. Rice. Miss Marguerite Gibsan was the lucky winner of the Dominion Stores iSth Blrthday cake iast Saturday, Tue draw was made by Mayor Ross Strike. A new direct relief system hbas been adopted by the Town of Whit- by. Vouchers will be issued which will permit purchasing at any store the recipient desires. Last year council sent relief applicants ta specific stores. In the Court of Appeal at 0sgoode Hall, Maitland G. Gould of immins, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. V. ould of Bowmanviile, was successul in appealing against a judgment0 i Honon Judge Canon, againsthsci ent, the Empire Hotel Company. Mr. Gould ably handled the case, his1 f irst befare the Appeal Court. You are cardiaily inviled ta at- tend Dingman & Edmondstone's Millineny Openings an Friday and Saturday, September 21st and 22nd, bath afternoon and evenings. Fin- est selection of hats in latest styles and creations. Hats made speciai ta order. Compare aur prices and quality before buying your fail hat. Local Sel-Rate Manager Promoted Many cititens will regret t. learn that Mn. Wm. G. Avery, the popular and genial local manager of Sel-Rite Stores, is leaving town. Yet they will be delighted ta learn that Mr. Avery has received a distinct pro- motion in being aPpointed manager of the large and tbniving Sel-Rite Store in Gananoque. Il is less than six months since Mr. Avery came ta Bowmanville and during that short sojourn here he has pnoved ta be a distinct aeset ta the business and social lîfe of the community, always >willing ta cantribute his talents for the betterment of bis town. He was a valued member of Tnlnity United Churcis chair and a lawn bowler of no mean ability and was one of the willing workers at the Rotary Carni- val. Tue best of iuck f rom his hast a! fricnds go with Bihl t. his new field of activities. He wili be suc- ceeded isere by Mr. J. M. Carter o! Montreal who hs already on the job Silver Weddlng at Walkerville A reception celebrating their twcnty-fifth wedding anniversary was held by Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Todgham. Windermere Road, Waik- erville. fonmenly of Bowmanville, at the Lakewood Golf and Country Club reccntly. At a table centred with rases flanked by tlu silver candies. Mrs. George H. Wilkinson and Mrs. Kenneth E. Shaw presid- ed. and later dancing wvas enjoycd. Among the guesîs wene Mr. and Mns. W. J. Todgham. Major and Mrs. F. H Moody. of Welland; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Russell Paige, of De- troit; and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mc- Giliivray of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. P. b. Loouks. Mn. and Mrs Harry H-owe. Miss Isabel Bnien, Miss Jane Bnien. Mn. Wiibert Bnien, Dr. J. Wilbert Bnien, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lane, Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan, Mn. and Mrs. E. E. Smith, Mr. and Mns. MacKel- ian Graham, Mr. Ronald W. Todg- ham, Miss Alice Russell, Miss Eve- lyn Butler, Miss DonothY McHattie. Mn.' and Mrs. Harley Hayes, Mr. Ted Bnewer, Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Joncs. Mr. and M*01. Arthur Beaugrand, Mr. and Mns. C. W. Caiwill, Mr. and Mns. O. M. Stonhouse, Mn. and Mrs. C. D 'McCaf!ney. Mayor and Mrs. Farrow, the Rev. Dr. R. W. Knowles and Mns. Knowles, Mn. and Mrs. 0 W. Lawton. Mn. and Mrs. Kennets E. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs C. H. But- ler, Major and Mrs R. H. Hall.- Bonder City Stan. Ratepayers Informed of Work of Town Council Committees About fifty natepayers turned out on Tuesday night ta the opening f ail meeting of the Ratepayens' Assoc- iation in the Council room. Presi- dent Gco. B. Bickell was in the chair and the evening was given aven ta variaus discussions. A report of Lwater wastage on the local system was presented. Councillor Neil Muttan addressed the meeting brie! ly an thse work o! the Roads and Streets Committee, explaining what work Ibis commitceý is able ta accamplish each year on its limited budget. Councillor Sid Little also spake on tbe work of bis department. pointing out tisaItishe Public Pnoperty Cani- mittee expends $6000 per year of wbich $4400 was spent an street ligisting. Among the needs Mn. Little strcssed in tise town was that of a parking space for autos, a per- manent bandstand. tise development of Rotary Park, the installation of a resl raom under tise Library, and the modernizlng of the Town Hall heat- ing system. The guest speaker of tbe evcnlng TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Choir Conducton. Sunday. Sept. 23rd: il a. m.- "The Mission of the Living Chrb' No. 4, The Ministry a! Love on Love the Test of Law. 2. 30 p. ni--Sun- day School; 7 P. m.-"The Arith- metic of Religion" Na. 4, The Fac-I ton of Division. Yau are cordially in- vited ta these services. Bring youn friends. Ncxt Sunday, Sept. 30thish Rally Sunday. The Rotary CIu6 (Cantinued from page 1) ta a hoax for which they feli, hook, uine and sinker. Thse Indian was none other than Cowboy Kean. Mn. Kean then iaunched mb oan) address whlch was anc of tise finest descriptive taiks bbc club b as ever heard. He dwelt an Indian customis. being well qualified ta Salk on these matters in view of bis adoption into an Indian famnily and his election into tise bload bribe. Mr. Kean paintcd a wandenful word picture of tise formai ceremon- les in which he was initiated Int thse tribe near McLeod, Aberta. lHe cxplaincd what took place in bbc Sun Dance Lodge, as be was made a son of bbc Tribe. 0f particular interest was bis de-I Hosiery Specials 59e A pure silk seven titreai Hose, f uUi fashionei. In ail the new Fail shaies, lncluing Gun- metal, Debonair. Moth, Bou- quet, Finesse, Taupe, Mlist, etc. Featurlng slender heels and craile soles, lu fact everythlng t. make tliem exceptional at this price. jCOMING EVENTST Hear the Lady Minstrel from Dixie and enjoy a hearty laugh. on Thursday, October 4th, in the Town Hall.* 38-1 W. C. T. U. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. C. Washing- ton on Manday, September 24th, at 3p. m. Tuesday, Sept. 25th. at 8 p. m. Young People's Centeniary Program, St. Paul's Lecture Roam. Public cordially invited. Admission 15c. Corne ta the Old Tyme Tea and Hot Roast Chicken Supper served at 6 o'clcck in St. Paul's Church on Friday, September 28th. Aduits 40c, children. 25c. 38-2 Trinity United Church will cele- brate its anniversary and thank- affering on Sunday, Oct. 21st, when Rev. Dr. Oea. Kilpatrick of Hamil- ton will preach at both services. The Wamen's Institute will meet on September 28th, at 3 p. mi. at the home of Mrs. W. B. Poilard, Well- ington Street. Program in charge of Mrs. W. J. Culley and Mrs. H. H. Listen Folks ! The Home and School Club is invited ta the Base Line Club Tuesday night, Sept. 25. Everybody weicame. A bus will leave Garton's Bus Station at 8 o'ciock D. S. T. Return fare- 15c 38-1* CHURCHES ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHFURCH Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pastar Sunday, September 16th: Mass at 9 a. m. D.S.T. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERMA CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, MinisterN SundaY Services at il a.m. and 7 p. ni.; Sunday Schooi. 2.30 p. m. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist and Leader. Sce page 5 for complete particu- lars of Centenary services. SALVATION ARMY AdJutant F. G. Bowers Sunday, September 23rd: il a. m. -Holiness Meeting, subject "«Raine'; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.- Salvation Meeting, subjeet, "With- ered Members." ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH1 Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rectar Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organxstt Sunday, Sept. 23rd, l7th Sunday after Trinity: Haly Communion8 a. m.; Sunday Sehool and Bible Class 2.30 p. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. m. acrîplion of the Indian's interpre- i veying ta Mn. Kean tise thanks o! tation of tise creation and Gad. Tue the Rotanians and guests President Indian, Mn. Kean saad, was not hea- Fred Cryderman an bebaîf o! tise then but bclieved in a supreme being, Club presented Mn. Kean with a whom they cail Tue Great Spirit. beautiful baby's blanket as a slighb They take their religion in every mark of appreciation for tise lavons scniousness being devout believers in he bad extended Ici tise club in ad- the cfficacy of prayer. dressing thse club an three different Tue speaker went on ta, outline occasions. tise use of cbarms and displayed a century aid cisarm wbich had been presented to bim by a tnibesman. Tue editor is indebted ta Mrs. A. Mn. Kean related many incidents in W. Bellamy of Moose Jaw, Sask., which he bad bad minaculous es- for copies a! bbe Moose Jaw Times cape fnom death, which he attni- containing .reports a! bbc reception buted ta the devout and pious prayer ta Miss Phyllis Dewar, wiso srnashed of the Indian thraugh tise charms. several swimming records at thse Tue speaker aiso outlincd tise fine Britisis Empit--Games aI Wembley, charactenhstics of tise Indian temper- England, last montis. Mrs, Bellamy is ament, and cancludcd by explaining a sister af Mr. J. H. Cryderman and tise Indian full dress which be wore, bas been a regular reader ai Tue and which cantaincd many tresses Stabesman for over 50 years o! hair from women scalped by Ini-_____________ ians in tise early days on this con- tinent. ROUND AND SQUARE Rotanian L. W. Dippell exprcssed tise tisanks of bise gatisering to Mn. DANCING Kean for his autstanding and en- Newtonville Hall gnossing address, wisile Bert Mort- lock, aon behaif of tise guests of tise Friday, September 2Ist evcning, expnessed appreciation ta .0D oT tise iary Club for Ils cordial bos-8.0DS.T pitality, and ta Mn. Kean for his. RODEO RANGERS ORCHESTRA lntensely interesting address. Ini con- Admission 25o Wa Iker's AT INTERESTINGLY LOW PRICES $1.95 $2.25 $2.95 FELTS VELVETS Loolng for a becomlng FaU Bat? Here they are in thte smartest col- lection you've seen. TounD fini aU that's Smart and New lu berets. un- usual brlms and pert sallor effects. Black of course, and other leaiing Faîl sitades, In a wic range of liead sizes. SHOP AT WALKER'S FOR TOUR NEW HAT Walker's Christmas Blan ket Club Offers a conveulent titrifby way to buy ail wool blankets. Payments as sosall as 25e bods your chioce blîl the blankets la pald for. ' i s' p s. ~ Print Dresses 39e In orier to make way for new mercitanise, we have taken front our regular stock anl odis and ends,iscontinued andi clearing hunes of Rouse Dress- es. Ail fast colors, and worth far more t han the price wouli inicate. Protection Guard your child against Win- ter Colds by giving Cod Liver 011. This supplies those im- portant vitamins A and D, which combat cold germs. RIN Price $1.00 AYERST'S COD LX VER OIL Plain 50c-89c-$1 .19 AYERST'S COD LX VER OIL loi)D.... 67c - $1.69 MEAD'S COD LIVR Oit Plain ..O5c, 75c, $1.00O i KEPLER'S COD LIVER EXT. 1ilb. 95c 2 lb. $1.50 D. T. EXTRACT COD LIVER 1 lb. 59C 2 lb. 98C Kerslake's Drug Store P. R. COWLING, Phm. B.j We Test Eyes and Fit Tresses Transparent THE WELL DRESSED WOME lUcli, gorgeous Velvets, in black, I pie, ,,.'t red, and colonial blw You'II Find the Smartest Hats WALI<ER STORES PHONE 164 RLI1IEID BOWMANVILLE BERT PARKER Who bias 15 years' experience serving the public of Bowmanvllle ANNOUNCES that lie bas commenoed a Plumbing and Stearnfitting business at his residence, Queen Street. He lias complete equlpment to handl ail kinds of PLUMBING .. HEATING ... TINSMITHING .. REPAIRING ..* No job too large, and none too smail. The same careful service as lu thse past. When you want any work of titis kind phone 3E R T P A RK EIR Phone 651 Queen Street Bowmanvifle Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THE HOME 0F FINER ENTERTAINMENT Friday - Saturday - September 21 -2 W* C. FIELDS and BABY LeROY in The Oid Fashioned Way Paramount News - - - Comedy Matinee Satnrday at 2.30 p. m. Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Sept. 24-25-26 - THREE BIG DAYS KATHARINE HEPBURN in Liile Women Fox News- - - Comedy Matinee Monday 4 p. m. - Wednesday 2.30 p. m. Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sept. 27 -28 - 29 EDDIE CANTOR in Roman Scandais Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. COMING ATTRACTIONS - George Arliss i "THE HOUSE 0F ROTHSCHILD" Ronald Coleman in "BULLDOG DRUMMONI) STRIKES BACK"I Bing Crosby in "SHE LOVES M NOT"I Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper i "TREASURE ISLAND'* Mae West in "BELLE 0F THE NINETIES" Shirley Temple in "NOW AND FOREVER"P and "CLEOPATRA." ",id" 4ý il

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