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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1934, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TH URSDAY, SEPTEMJBER 20, 1934 JUNIOR SWINE CLUB and huge arnies, Isaiah continued STAFF HAILS NEW SALVATION ARMY HEAD N ew s for the TO SHOW EXHIBITS S nd y S h l defen~ce<otheatcityo of Jerusalme B us arm erAT DURHAM FAIR be s nYears previously the Assyri1ans had ______________________ Team of Two Boy is Corn- Was Isaîah justified by events? pete at Inter-County Competi- An Unexpected Factor, 37:36,37 Egg Experts tiofl at Guelph, Oct. l9th IAA ONESRLR The overthrow of the Assyrians was one of the great events of his- The outlook for egg exports to, Ealv r, i May the DePartment of Sunday, September 23rd tory. Everything appeared to be in Great Eritaini this fall continues Agr:cutuie organized a Junior Swine their favor. The Jews were nlot a bright. The bulk of the exports wiIl Club in Clarke and Darlingtoni Golden Text: "Thou wilt keep military people and the defences of ntstart to move untJl Octoberi! Toivnship" w .th a 1ebrhP of him in perfect peace, whose mind is Jerusalem were weak, yet the As- Wxh h sorg socslesthn hrten os w e er ages onthee: cueh rsehsyrians were routed. There bas been a y ear ao the utocks for ha te gg nboysbtwenhee trufsteth."Isi 2:3 aya gteotokfrteegtwelve and twventy.te"Iah63. mucîs discus.sion as to what happen- market during the winter continues ahbypucaeindrie Lesson Passage: Isaiah 31: 1-9; ed. Most probably a plague decim- very favorable. Farmers are apprec- pair of sowv pigs. These will be shown! .37: 36, 37. ated the Assyrian arrny. Accounts iating more and more the fact that at Orono Fair. Trhe awards will be I11 saw the mounitains stand of. the incident are found in Heb- poultry is providing a profitable made as follows:_ 1Sulent, wonderful, and grand, rais, EgYPtian, AssYrian and Greek route through which they maY mar- 400 points for award on pair o! Lookine out across the land,' records. In the morning thse bodies ket sorte of their surplus grain. sows m-hjch will be judged on the ýAnd I heard a low voice calling o! 125,000 Assyrians lay upon thse basis of bacon type, development, 1Over distant domne and spire ground. Herodotus tells of mice 4pple Output Down mnformity and breeding standards, Corne Uphger nibbling off the bow strings and in Early varieties o! apples, which 140 points for judging comipetit- Corne up higher Simytheogys mireinicte lagije. account for approximiately 25 per ,on and answers to questions. Coin From the low and and thse mire Sriesthe pays fSen a n un-he cet f i cmmrca copinO- retitors must judge two classes of From the vain pursuit of self hamies have ridsid in ta un- cetarofiehedcammerstlup tonrOal swàne. one bacon and one breeding. From the atitude of self-hetymara!dsicinhtr- taioe rdctiono lte aito 3mIes i ýe examination. wbich may bel CreU hgc~gion. Whatever the actual cause o! Come p hig er 1death, the people f Jerusalem at- rnost severely reduced due to winter- eitheruoral or wreeitc nileaed CmnUtige tributed their deliverance to God. kiion n o fost ecdtaage a to-j and marketing of swine National Policy, 1 The faith of Isaiah had been vindi- iosm ntie Tne stidmae t ome-, 400 points for Junior Stockrnen's Because lie was so vitalîy relig- rated. There is an unseen element oia! otpu.Thefapesitdciotario isA,,ard. Tiswill be made up as ious, Isaiah was in politics. Heien international affairs beyond thse 320.6utp0obarrelts inytari s c e-fllows:-h' could not keep out of polit.ics be- Power o! man to control. 3ae20.t6106.00 b arrels thsya scin 200 for care and fecding methotis cause thse religious cstiny of thse 1933. Experts of apples frorn Ontar- floed a time of visits made during nation was at stake. The nation 1. etion s fore Discusso s 10. which attaineti a record volume sea,,na' 100 for regularity anti ar,- is b% eteed by an invasion from .Wih smoe dnrus cf orethn 50.00 arrls as curacy oin frwarding niontbly re- Assyria and one political party armament or disarmament ? eofnre thnote5 ece0V0ece000rs o gicultural Representative: counseleti maklng an alliance with 2. How far does national srnt 75.00 arrlstisa saso. arl'ap 00 for attendance andi interest Egypt. Isaiais thought that the curedenduo national charaer? pes were in gooti demand and prices sonat meetings and judging was worse than the disease. ori * s there n cnra:tin be- Recently elected inter n a t i o n a 1 my, acknowledges cheers of iead- of the S. A. Qn otssced received were ron iderabl bigher reason, Egypt could n t c m e e tw e n' trengtis and tenderness. tead of tie Salvation A rm y, G en. quarters staff surroun di g h r o e . H g i s ( e t t r e t r 0 tha fo a umbr o yers. Do- A team of two boys wilî represent with Assyria in a military way andti possible for the Christian Eiangcline Booth daughter of G en ariaI anLnd n f ice.onShe had f ight sevrl yas ao mestir prices of certain late var- Durham County in thc Inter-County j further, an entangling alliance with rlgo ogîve world peace?Wila Bot,ÏuneofheA-og e ce fAnrcnfres ieties of aDOfles may lift somne of Swine Club Competition at Guelph iEgypt would corrupt thse Jewish re- tisese varieties out of 'the potentialion Priday. Oct. 19th. lifgion. ,Tise chariots and horsemen expert category and in this event ex- Tise prze money is donated by thseo!Egypt looketi strong, but Egypt- ports f rom Ontario may lbe con- Central Durham Fair Board, and 1 an influence would underine Jew- ~~~~ ~;~)~ --partments o! Agriculture. itstand this Egyptian party, but Canadian WooI Clip 1 -----~ Isaiah was fearless and urged bis 1Farnier's Debt Adjusimnent Act people te put their trust in Goti ra- Caaaussaot ormýlin Wt h apoalo h vr-i ther than in Egyptian armarrents. Canaida uswol es about foragsn steapovlo ie oec-Becauise o! bis higb birth, and be- poud,~o! oolrerverd fromrag ments of Ontario and Queber, thse cause o! bis friendsisip witis the ru!- every year. in addition to ber own Farmer's Dcbt Adiustmnent Act bas crs, Isaiah was able to preserit bis domestir clip andi imported suppl- been proclaimed for these two pro- rs fctvî.T-a oeo ies Tse oo grwniciCaadapr- js.incs.Undr the Art any farmer intise greatest peace leaders are fr vides only about one-third o! tise finanrialndiffirulties may appeal ta er odes ie wa is cequremnts ! tse Cnadan* th ie official re!cree for bis district hand wisat war its. Tbey know tisat tile industry. so that thse Dominion 1 wiso will seek to bring about an ad- military preparcdness is not the imoorts annuallIv ab~out eigbt mi!!--"nn dist entbween farmer andi bis chie! guarantce o! national safety. Ion pounds o! dean caw wool and crueitor and if necessary to take ac- Tise character f tise people is the twelve million pountis of yarn andi tien t mke suris adjustment cf- basic defence. a otiser semi-manufactîsces o! wool. f ective. TseArt also isas tise effect On the othor isanti on an average o!fsirplifysng tise composition of a What Guns Cannot Do, 2, 3 about one-third o! tise wool grown1farmerpwitb bis creditors at little "Now tise Egyptians are mcen, and in Canada is exporteti. r-st to tise debtor. It is belicved tisat flot God; and their horses are f lesis, tise Heeburn administration will am and not spirit." In otiser words, Points on Hog Feeding to substitute tisis new metbod for 1spiritual factors are more decisive Tise big tising for tise bog feeder tis- moratorium now in effeet on tnian material forces. At tise Battie to keep ic i mmd. accortiing to tise payment o! principal, anti in some rO! tise Marne military ativantages Dominion Animal Husbandman. i caes interest, on mortgages. Thse vere very one sideti, but tise stronger "tise feeder neetis tise frame but tise moratorium is merely defcrring tiese ide titi flt wici. At prescit tise packer wants tise finish:" anti tise vi! day. wisercas an adjustment to IFrenchsbve great air forces, but we ideal type whirh sella as tise "select" make it casier for tise fariner to dis- tbînk tha1t Brtisis national charar- bacon isog must bave bots Grow tise charge bis obligation wiîî accom- ter is thse real force back o! tise Brit- frame firFt. Never fe"ti more tisan plisised sometising wortiswbilc izh navy. If bal! tise effort were piga wîî dlean u-n: overffeetiing. Par- -____--- put intctise production o! character ticularly o! heavv or unblanccd ORONO armiaments, we migist be murh far- rations. cssuses u"thriftineýs wisich tiser aiscat. Tise armaments have ihorturn is tpise Frmmon cat fu ri oactually been increaseti and at tie sothstheic pig s or theanfirs ou Frcm Tie News, Sept. 13) samne time national jealousies and monisstis pi siouli dan is Mr. anti Mrs. Arthsur Falls anti fear s have been augmented. A race trougis andi look for more. son Roy, Bowmanvillc, visited iber in armaments means ultimate ls s ster, Miss Frectia Wilson. Ito all contestants. Tise Hebrews Air and Stored Potatoes Miss Hc'en Shaw anti Miss Rutis have matie tiseir great contribution Carelesz: storing of wet potatoes McLclland, Toronto visiteti Miss to tise wor!d not by military cx- is responsible for unneceasary annual Laura Allin. ploits anti imperia! colonization but lasses. Potatces ouRbt to bt. sioreti. Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Foster are tiscougis religion, literature and sci- dry ici a cool. wel-vntiqted cellar isiting their son' Mr. L. T. Foster, ence. Tbey bave been distinctive ici bo ry o us p ed wisicis is perfectly dark. Piling Po bank manager at MoutHpO thie fieldi o! morals. They led in tise tatoes ici iears ici warmn anti poorlv M:ss Doris Lowden, nurse ici searris foc a spiritual religion. Tise ventilateti celars create, tise most traininig at St. Micisael's Hospital, cea! wcapocia o! aur warf are are favourable conditionsfo rotting. Toronto, is home recuperating !rom spiritual anti net camnaI. Tise war Before placing tise potatoes ini a ce!- a severe colti. machine o! tise future will bave to lar, wooden sîats sightîy apart Mca. Lina Waterman and Mr. De- rcckon witi tise forces o! conscienced olrn sisoulti be laid about six incises above Groot anti fami!y visiteti ier mo- anti faith. As a matter o! fart tiseC9 th emnn lo.Ti ile-tiser, Mca. Bell. power o! botis Egypt and Assyria sur ai tacîculte routiant un jMca. Charles Smith, Youngest titi not last long wisile te tisis day duei e pil !pteaoanditshun-i1 daugister o! tise late Mr anti Mca tise Hebrew race continues te makre 50 bppe tht te pie bs V beGeorge Davitison, o! Regina, Sask., great contributions Vote b igiser sery are, qar te pvetiato btelanti one time resident of Orono, la life of mank.inci o! wooden lats anti running f iiirheonm, c aesSak Lions and Birds, 4, 5 -& top te bottom of tise pile sisoulti bel Mc. Dave Harris, employet a t tise put ici iere anti there. Together witb Provincial Forest Station, le!t last s j ws aster o! metapisors. tise circulation o! air at tiese ides 1 week for Catioxton Barry, SouthsPth o!uie wcyisarmo! is we o i anti at tise bottom o! the pile, tisese1 Wales. tise home of bis boybooti unique way inwisirh be roult vetiatrswil ee tsepoatesjexperts to ceturn inictise spring. 1sec theuse ntise seen. He pc ici iatomuci bee cndtie otan ei Mr. anti Mca. Ceci! Scott and sonturet tise strengtis o! Gotiastit thy er ii lii il. noise Murray, accompanicti by hiÎS brother o!auigcassiiJr- ino! WestdGpior..Aaibur- usalem wece as trigistend sisepise]as gooti plan is ta keep tise potatoes'I Wlbert, o es Ifr.HI'bu t sîhws ofdn tstGc Ini lamce crates matie witi slsats, tise 1to County, spent Monday at bisbu aahw3cniethtGo ventilation betwcen tise crates as- 1 father's, Mm. O3rar Scott, tise ocras- voult pcotcct his people like a lion sisting very murs ii keeping tise 1 ion being tise 83rt aciversary cOm gu h onti ierai potatoes in gooti condition Thse terr- jtise latter's bictisday. Yo!to !ight. At tieseanme time Isaiah perature a! tise storeisouse or celar Mr A. J. Staples, clerk anti treas- liecii mougltiserird ro-s shaulti be kept as neacly 33 or 35 urer o!tishe townshsip o! Clarke. un- tise t rail to Put audrofth degrees F. as possible. dcv cnt an oPeration at St. Minis- scent. Tise mae rdraofctse el's Hospital, Toronto, Sept. 8, for1 foos for the fletglings ici the net 0~ question about it, tie best way to judge motor cars is to try the r,,l epr e is m aking satsfactor e- fts ougbrsaeNcagr deotble isr knia.Weare Pastor e andi will even saarifire its ow life owlnership test. And that's why we have a 1934 Knee-Action Chev. C E Eo N R L E cavery. i teYoolets r i ane rO lriutrlSceyh loveatsadIihste yGorlt ail ready for you te drive, todayl We want you to try thse really a ,showo! gaioi.dalisentsa- our nation. Ini interpreting ruaIs at their regular meeting on S e p t . lîti . T he re w as a b e a u tifu l e ssa cy to o b se rv e tise p o in t o f co m - r l t n h v o e l r e i t l 8 , g v s y u E c o e n e A t Re I 1ev ed I snlay of flowers. Mr. W. E. GravesParison anti not try to puas tise rlt n hvoe Ioei t lsgvay Ecoe neAto 'esma likene&s tao fac. Isaiais took anc ... Shock-Proof Steering.. Cable.Controlled Brke8 . Bodyby Fisher two tfrch wh n Its than three a t been m ake, spoke on tie Ca e a t s c i e a il s r t ief,~ montha nid. She 1wrts 1k lebas anti7Cultue a oer .Prz ciratroGt.Onislis!a O n p a y m e n t f a n a d d t i o n a l c h a r g e I f y a u k ra w 3 'o u t a l k t o o m u r s , u f i g i e d G v r m e i l c n e e x r . N w J ; excursion faresifor eaeh persn, Stop taînin' feelin'sOtauwa ef approxlmately 25% of the coach Anti your neighboiir's elnst5 tuit sleeping car accommodation Neaa otonsA GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ..POUE NCNn ma le setcured at cegular berth If Your nerves are aIl askew, ra- Limited Ime RDUE NCND daesThm i acgoot thing ta do- VOUR OPINION iswateI n exchange fe t w, Go walkin' o fer Two Rubber Bo.1Rings for your separator any Stopovers granted at Port Artisur, I o atb mnlfsrcalnttee . aSp '. aS Wa $0o y Ont.andailstatonswcs tismeo. I yo wan teWic lif's ace Su heChare Saraieo n the Worid toiuyand ontad ____taios_____ ref.Wltis a mile upon youc face- an eed Sel i aancing IioxIa sePaatorwith ee D'llpatcuar fo ay getStop siirkîn' va u atur ,t ound on any ,her wparaor ns ___________ Use eofroipa aymadent the so id. Ju end pstcad taadd e eow tellng And 3If yu havie atask ta dohname of hispaper Fulldelail i1be sen promp y. Caniadian Pacific Anti p workin .i i &tORbrougisC URIE OW A VIL -Grenville Kîciser COURTIC t

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