TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ~6t 'L~ E~SW2~LdKS 'AVUSHflH.L PAGE NINE ITHE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORT RUBBER MEN WIN Mcllveen 2, Kent, Osborne 2,N. Jackman, Hobbs; Wnning Pitcher, TOWN LEAGUE TITLE Osborne; Losinig Pitcher, Brunt. A E Umpires-F. Jackman, Ted Large. IN PROTESTED GAM Officiai Scorer-Nelson E. Osborne High School Defeated on SaturdayCO1TE AL S - ClaimUUmpires Made Error CMITEALW In One Ruling STUDENTS' PIOTEST and win- Ferey Corbett, Mel. Dale, and W. By scoriflg the most runs and Bagneli sat on Tuesday to con- ning the arguments, the Goodyear ide High School's protest of the has won the Til Top Tailor's Cup Saturday game between Goodyear emblematic of the Town League and High School, in which Goodyear championships for 1934. won. The question involved ilepend- Whether they deserved to m'in is a ed entirely on Nelson Osborne's debatable subject. score sheet. In the disputed play, it The High Schooi say no. Was clairned an error gave the run- The Goodyear say yes. ner the right to take as many bases The spectators are divided in op- as could be obtained. Osborne's score inuon. book showed this error, and the Here is what happened. In the comnittee sustained the protest. As seventh innings with High Sehool a resuit of this decision the final ai bat, and Jackman on f irst due tD gaine wiIl be played again on Sat- a walk, Brunt hit a lofty fly to right urday afternoon at 1.30 sharp. The field that Murphy let bounce off his keen interest exhibited la the gaine glove to the ground and then down should attract a record crou'J. The over the hill. The umpire saîcl two. story of Iast Saturday's gaine, de- bases for each and the High Schooi claring Goodyear winners of the Tip team came out of the dugout like a Top Trophy, was written and in type shot out of a rifle and argued loud before the protest was heard. and long for a home run. But to no avail. Now who was right? The ground 110MING PIGEON CLUB rule says that a baUl that bounces over the hand is two bases, but does Bow-manville Homing Pigeon Club that include balis that go over oni flew their f ifth young bird club race errors? If so, a man can get a bal on Saturday, Sept. 22nd, from Glen- hit to centre field-that would be a coe, Ont., 173 miles air line, with home run in any country-roîî it the following resuits: over the bank ani hold the runner F. Bottreli 4 hrs, 43 mins. 34 sec. to two bases. P. Bathgate 4 hrs, 43 mins. 51 sec. What do I think? F. Bottrell 4 hrs, 46 mins. 50 sec. Huh! What do 3,u think? î Wm. Woolner 4 hrs. 47 mins, 8 sec. As for the rest of the game the R. Dilling 4 hrs, 48 mins. 52 sec. teams were well matched. Goodyear Wm. Woolner 4 hrs, 48 mins, 58 sec. got 8 hits to 5 for the losers. while I. Piper 4 hrs, 49 mins, 25 sec. they had three errors to none for P. Bathga te 4 hrs, 50 mins, 21 sec. the bookworms. Osborne who pitch- R. Dilling 4 hrs, 50 mins, 32 sec. ed the full nine innings struck out I- Piper 4 hrs. 52 minis, 27 sec. 8 and walked 6. Bou-man who pit-_ L. Richards 5 hrs. 3 minis. 24 sec. ched 6 innings, walked 3 and whif- L. Richards 5 hrs, 6 mins. 22 sec. fed 7, and Brunit who toiled the rest of the gaine and lost the decision passed 1 and fanned 3. S TO The school boys opened the scor- L te T HOEE dt r lng when McIlveen singled, went to second on a passed bail, to third on Williams' infield out, and se d o R. R. 1, Hampton, Ont. a passed hall in the f irst innings . Sp.2,13 In the fifth frame the rubber men Sp.2,13 tied it up on Jackman's single. To the Editor of The Statesman,- Moorcraft's f ieider's choice. and Would you please allow the follow- Cameron's single to lef t. ing to appear in your paper in ans- In the sixth was the aforement- wer to article "Spotlight on Sport" ioned disputed play and with Jack- which appeared in your paper of man on third Brunt tried to st.eal Sept. 20th. The writer did not sign the base and Goodyear obligingly1 his name as no doubt he was or let Jackman score on the rundown. 1 should be ashamed to. In the seventh, after Brunt struck First, let me tell the writer, since out the first two batters, Cameron he evidently does not know, that the doubled, Osborne singled hlm home, two representatives of the Bowman- Colwell strolled, and Murphy drove ville Football Team, when the rules Osborne home with the winning run and schedule were drawn Up for the when he hit safely to le! t. The rest 1934 season, were at the meeting of the game was scoreless. and agreed that ahl players namnes The Box Score were to be handed to the secretary High School ABRFIPo A E T. Bagnell, 3b. 5 0 O 1 2 0 Mcllveen, c. 4 1 2 9 2' O Wiliams, lb. 4 0 0 6 1 0 B. Bagneil, cf. 3 0 0 0 0 0 P H. Jackman, 2b. 3 1 0 2 1 0 Brunt, ss and p. 4 O 0 3 0 0 Kent,lIf. 4 02 20 0 J. Roach, rf., ss. 1 0 O O 0 0 Bowman, p., rf. 3 0 1 1 1 0 Totals 31 2 5 24 7 0 Slemon batted for Roach in the 9th. Goodyear L. Roach.lIf. 5 O O 3 O O Cameron, ss. 4 12 41 0 Osborne, p. 4 130 5 0 Colwell, 2b. 1 0 0 4 3 1 Morphy, rf. 4 0 2 1 O 1 Pper, c. 4 0 081 0 N. Jackman, lb. 2 1 1 6 0 1 Moorcraft, cf. 4 0 O 1 O 0 Hobbs, 3b. 3 00 01 0 Totals 31 3 8 27 il 3 Summary Two base hits, Kent, Cameron; Lef t on bases, High SchoDl 8, Good- year 9; Struck out, by Osborne 8, by Bowman 7, by Brunt 3; Walks. off Osborne 6, off Bowman 3, off Brunt 1; Hit by pitched bail, off Brunt 1; Sacrifice hits, Colwell; Stolen bases, CENT A MIL]E_ ROUND TRIP COACH EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates- Daily Sept. 21 to Oct. 2 Retumni Limit: 30 Days TOURIST SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES On paynient of an additional charge of approxlmately 25% of the coach excursion fares, for each person, tourlst sleeping car accommodation maY be securcd at regular berth dates. Stopovers grantedl at Port Arthur, Ont. and ail stations west thereof. Pull particulars from any agent 37-3 Canadian Pacific Best of &Ri ly kiliere. Glean, qulck, sure, cheap. k your Drug- glut, Grocer or General Store. THE WILSON FLY PAD co.. HAmiLTON, ONT. on orb îreI lth o Ju -.The Bowmanville players namnes were net handed lu the secretary unlil July 16th. Thsis delay was no doubt for .a purpose, but when they were unable to get away with it they were fined fifty cents per day for thse number o! days late in naming their players. There were also two or tisree otiser teains f ined for the same thing. Tisese fines were to go towards isospital expenses for the yctung and dlean ittle player o! the Courtice team. who was unfortuniate in gettinig his leg broken. The teains that were fined, except Bowman- ville, paid Iheir fine like good sports- 'nen would. especially when the1 money wQ' s for a charitable purpose. The Bowmanville representalives tried e'.,ery way poseible bo avoid paying the fifleen dollars and a haîf regardless o! what il was for. 1 would ask the writer to recal to his memory the gaine between Courtice and Bowmanviile. played it Bowmanvl'e. wisen the Bowman- vil!e player del'beralely kicked a Courlice player who had to be car- r.ed off the f ield and doctors atten- tion and x-ray was necessary ami the Courtice lad was laid up for some weeks. Thse Bowman.ville play- er for this offence was barred froin playing tise next three gaines. For tisis offence he should haveeen barred for three years, yet the rt- er says the Bownianville players are good sportsmen. He has also offered some sugges- tions. I would suggest to tise wrlter or to the represenlatives o! tise Bowma,nville Football Teain: First, live up to tise ules that tisey agree to and help make; (2) Get players f romn their omn town Instead o! tait- irg or acceptlng players !rom a country village sonne ten miles away which weakened Clarke tearn and which strengthened lise team, calied Bowmanville to ret into tise play- o!! s. The writem also accuses the chair- man o! shirking isis duties in not being on hand to present tise cup to tise winning team. Tise chairman did nol know tisat the cup was to be presented at the close o! Monday nigist's gaine, as it is usually pre- sented at a s-cial gatisering a few vreeks after thse closing gaine. Thse wmiter also insinuates that the players in the other tearns arc o! tise type wisicis has drifted across tise border f rom Huey 'Klngfish Long's domain. He might again be advised, as he does not seem to know, that thse players In the other six leains. namely, Solina, Enniskil- len, Clarke, ZMon, Courtice and Ty- rone. are made Up o! good isonest Young Canadians who work and cama an isonesl living and are good truc sportsmen, not tise type tisaI have drlfted from, Huey Klng!ish Long's domain and wlll kick a man mihea ise is down. Aif. Ayre, President o! tise Clarke- Darlinglon Football League Sidney F. Nichols. Vice-President. Sport Editor's Note:- Tise officers slgning the above let- ter apparently have tise Impression that the article In last week's States- man was wrltten by a member of tise Bowmanvllle team. Thsis was a usual staff write-up and of course tisis accounts for no name havlag beea slgned to thse article. We might add that we are pleased to publlsh this letter, andi another froin Cour- tice, so tisat others mlght have tise opportunlty of placlng their side of tise question before or readers. We do believe, however, that Mm. Ayre BOWMANVILLE TEAM WINS EASTERLN ONTAIO TITLE should stick to the facts as contain- ed in the article. It was not sug- gested that memL'ers of other teams wvere not sportsmen. nor was Bow- manville excused for -net having their names handed in at the requir- ed time. Criticisrn, however a made of the executive's lack of faith- in the referEe who handled the Bowmanville-Courtice g arn e, i n which the alleged deliberate foul took place. In connection with this same game il might be added that Harris, a Bowmanville player, was kicked in the leg. an injury from whîch he suffered blood poison.ing. Bowmanville however did net raise an issue o! this malter. Il is suggesled in the above letter tisaI it was improper for Bowman- ville to have a player f rom outside ils terrilory on its toam, but the ex- ecutive is reminded that the Zion leam has used Oshawa players, and Orono usedi Arnold Lobb, one of Bowmanville's best players lwo years ago. These f acts have escaped the notice of the executive. In any event if the executive thought it im- proper to use outsiders on lthe1 Bowmanville teai. why was not a Protest made when the officers f irst became aware of the fact and not when thse season's schedule and playoffs have been completed. Had Bowmanville wished. protesîs could have been entered when Har- ris was injured, when Zion used Oshawa players, when Lobb played in Orono. and when several other mninor tisings occurred. Out of town players on the Bowmanville teamn offered their services without being asked. Courice P. O., Ontario Sept. 24, 1934 The Editor, Bowmanviile Statesman, Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Sir: The reporter o! 'Spot- light on Sports* made a very con- lemptible and un-sportsman-like at- tack on a fewo! the officiais o! tise Darlinglon-Clarke Football League, which is not included in thse rules o! Britis.h Pair Play. He has se grossly insulted sonne o! the officiais that it appears to me as if he really wanted te be 'Thse Big Toad in the Puddle,' ami run lhings in the regular Hitler way eaue apparently he has not enough back- bone to mention the naines o! the men he fiatul1ently writes about. Il was certainly very childish of him te suggest putting an unbiaseal man in thse chair next year; or was it ignorance on his part? I believe it was the latter, because I know he does not have ail lise facts at hand. Tell hum to corne te Courtice or Zion sorne night, and the boys will give hlm a few lessons in «British Fair Play.' Yours for success, Erie Forde. B. H. S. Newvs Dy Y. Duzzy Wright Aithougis B. H. S. failed to etake the Bassett Cup In the Inter-scisool Track and Fleld Meet, they estab- lished seven o! the fifteen rsew re- cords. Thse Senior Boys made six o! the records, and the Senior Girls one, thse catch and throw basebali with 53 throws. For thse senior boys. Bagneli and Brunt each made two. Bagneli broke his own pole vault record by vault- ing 10 feet, 3Y/4 incises, and took the higis Jump event with a leap of 5 feet. 6 inches. Brunt won the Shot Put with a throw or 40 feet, 6 in., and tise Bread Jump witis a mark of 21 feet. 8 in. Bagnell. tise former' holder, aiso broke his old record but to no avail. Ernie H-unt ran the 440 in 56 4-5 seconds, clipplng two seconds off thse old record, wiile thse senior boys' re- lay leain ran the 440 in 48 seconds. B. H. S. now isolds 16 of tise pos- sible 39 records. This Saturday will see tise open- ing o! tise Senior B Rugby scisedule with thse B.H.S. entry travelling te Whltby. Only three members, Wil- son, husky mlddle, and Rehdcr and Wright, outsides, are absent f rora last pear's championshlp teain, and se hopes are hlgh for a successful year. Thse Juniors are playing an exhibition gaine wlth the Whitby Juniors pevlous to the Senior gaine. Voting for lise Boys' and Girls' Athletic Societies took Place on Tuesday witi tise !oilowing resuits: Boys' Atisletic Association: Hon. Pres.-Mr. Devtt; Pres.-H. Coimer; Vice Pres.-R. Kent; Sec.-Treas.- N. Osborne; Reps-V- D. Willilams N. Osborne: Representatives: V-D). Williams; 1V-H. Depew; M1-R. Kent: II-L. Kimble; lA-E. Hloop- er; DIB-D. Mason; Sm. Con.-E. Hunt; Jr. Com.-W. Brunt. Girls' Athletic Association:Hn Pres.-Miss Vanstone; rs.Mr Thompson; Vice Pres.--jean Wight; Sec-.Tlreas--Doris Collacutt; y- Florence Spencer; - Jc-an Ay1ilng Stuart R. James, le! t. and Mayor Ross Strike above, who, recently won the Eastern Ontario Doubles Tennis Championship, from. an Oshawa team. Both play as members of Oshawa Tennis Club. II-Joey Caverly; IA-Marie Gil- hooly; IB-Dorothy Wight- Jr.C.- Jean Stevens; Sr. C.-Evel;yn Evans. Nation-wide Fame. -Teei scarcely a corner o! this great Do- minion whcre the merits o! Dr.' Thomas Eclectric Oil have flot been tried and proved. It is one of the world's most efficient remedies for sore throat. lame back and many other ailments arlsing f rom inflam- mation. Rubbed on the skin its healing power is readily absorbed, and it can be taken internally. Protecting Potatoes From Freezing Injury Losses to potaloes f rom 10w tein- peratures may be prevented by a-, dopting the foliowing measures: (1) IHarvest the crop before heavy frosts. (2) Store the crop in rooms between! 35 and 40 degrees F., thus prevent- nng tise potatoes f rom turning sweet and the cevelopment o£ necrosis. S3) Provide protection again.st f rost for potatoes transported during the cold montlis. (4) When it is known that potatoes have been undercooled do not isandle them until It is cer- tain tisat the temperature is above the freezing point. BEE HIVE GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD FI * ** mmm Orange Pekoe T EFresh from Blend the Gardens à, L ) i- É U ,.s /1 T HIS year, there are five weII-known 1934 features that everyhody is wanting in bis new car. They are the saine famous five that your frienda - your neighbors - and thon- sands of other Chevrolet owners are enj oying. And you are Iikely to be very disappointed if you don't get them in your car, too. That's why every Chevrolet owner would urge you to insist on getting Enclosed Knee-Acion .. . Shock-Proof Steerig . .. Cable-Controlled Brake. .. a Fisher Body. .. and above ail, an economical valve-in-head Six with Blue- Flame Cylinder Head - for greatest power using the least gasoline! - ACTION tiY~o.da.Pud4.oeikoepRAM L ELULFIJIME CTLIND HERD I Iuoe.aued Pewew ... ~~... U. I rumm ROY NICHOLS COURTICE lOc WHY PAY MORE 80 WMAN VIL LE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVn.LE. mi Lr, PAGE NINE