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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1934, p. 1

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- e blt's Ralnbow won th e fourth .. digto straigfl race te lake the serles on1 electeti a Libecal for the f irsItuie la Shouldti here be any ques-1 Country dances. while Mr. WiI!red hke supr Special s rvies1them fis -living"ue 1:1.avicInCLrceuhoIsamol alntt TedyExet ge htM r. Ihistory. West Elgin, PeirHp io s1 h curacY of the Carcuthes' clavsboys' chous pro-:12cken supei'. sevices me orus iou TuesdaYo he .c Expertshes' agreeos' hohatpo-with Rev. Dr. D. W. Best, formerI SoI lion class Ibis year urns edealriing consisa- at shwo!heetfreeedi boptwbuth's notieu'wasthefastler urin'sfedera iordngPeaed Keno date hon heeo, e- vîiec a number and Newton Hack- pastor la the pulpit. wlll continue on Geo E. Pritchard conîributeti a very andtilnsplclng orator. The da bot u ws o wllhnded aiY ier Hn Ple eean5 aIe notice shoulti be sent 1 ney coatribueti two fine vocal solos. Suaday, and th1e celebraîlon wlll sweet solo. lasthsyercoss Leadilg 1the f irst len miles the Eng- rlding, vreie. retalacti by th1e Liberals. Ibis office so that the matler The losing numbers were a chorus draw ho a close wlth Rev. Dr, o- nurses: Miss Dorothy Janer bon 11sd bat edtrofth oe lst ef mlèad.s2e Cnetuativen sos1,Libcal may1e cleareti up wtfou by members o! the school ant an dons lecture on Friday night. andi Mrs. C. P. Grneau. Windsor is o! Bloomfield; Miss Dois se lanti a hstarmo!utesa 55secndmile gains 2. Cone2,atve oses latibr- j dîa.orchestral selection. bis two keenly anîlcipateti sermons vstn e o at agtrl-Harker. o! Torol;Ms oo lap wdAtsthemintshatseconds e al tntin2.Cnsr1.v e-IThe featute number o! the pro- on the f ollowlng Sunday, Oct. 7th. law, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Grlaeau. 1 Bell o! Bowmanvllle. World News In a Nutskeil l a1alI ao Failure of miners and mine owners With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News to corne to an aggreemfeflt over in- creased wages about 130,000 Welsh miners are enpected tao go on strike Monday. , VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 NUMBER 39 A roaring 120 mile an hour North Typhoon lashed its terrible way a- ~T ê ~ a g PREACHES HERE SUNDAY Bl k to ks C n e a y Yr cross Japan's richest industrial sec- Fine vvvather~ - Large Cr 'a DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME lc sok C ne ayYr tion on Friday, leaving at least 1350 dead, and 4200 injured in its wake. ~ ENDS HERE ON SATURDAY Two hundrcd andsixty are believ- Greet -' iflU roflo ral rair Daylight Saving Time cornes Fair an Outstanding Success eddead in Saturday's tragic ex- oa n nBwavlea plosion and f ire at Cresford Collier-____________on___________andfor es, Waes. Frantic rescue efforts Exhibits In lCase Are the next, 8 montbs, farmers Extra Heavy List of Ex- PRVICAL GEOLOGIST explosions. Numerous - Horse Rac- observe the same tiiime. of- hibhts Attracts Large fiilntieo hs at n General Hugh Johnston. admin- ing, Baby Show, and Dra- der the signature o! Mayor W. Crowd - Fair Weather istrator of the N. R. A., has tender Rs tiei co5tained in this ed is resignation to, Presdent Ro-mtc Peetto r issue. Cocks should be turnediM ksFi otSces oseveit, effective October ,l5th. He Faue akoeforbfr eiigfui in 70 Years bas been under the critic's f ire for I audyngt n hs h some months. -hlave been observing Day- * .* .Fine weather and a great crowd light Time will regain the one Ideal weather conditions favored Hon. David croil. Minister of Pub-~ greeted the main day of Orono Fair hour's sleep they lost early in the 7th annual Agricultural Fair at lic Welfare, has dissolved the on Wednesday. It was the 72nd the summer Ail church services Blackstock on Wednesday, Sept. 19, conscutve earIn the Women's Department, ex- iety Faiure f frmerpremer Go. as oifered its attractions ta the Tune. Bey. D. W. Best, D. D.tedn. ieY. rk CrofforCerldre5 id SGo .iioooFi nSna ilb nSadr hnoe 50pol eei t many o Drhm onteandtheMrB.YHad an edCuc histcodcth dein er fon, it svrl mnn ge en b s b h M r. Fo menasodo S.Ma l' ni- quisite pieces of em broidery in new dency le t Mr. Croli no alternative. mn improvements md yte omrpso fS.Pu' nt Threshing was halted. highway ham Central Fair ta the position o! Betty, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hl. Haddy Centenary Services on Sunday. lDr. beautiful quilts of intricate pattern. traffic and wire servcsiterpe forerncst in Durhamn County. and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Haddy, Best will conduct an Old Fashioneci The fine Arts had interesting dis- whnablizzard swept ars the Agrcultural Hal ere Wesley and Donald, Miss Agnes K. Service on Sunday morning. He is plays. and the dairy Produce and Canadian prairies on Suniday, en- adTrno eeSna ussasot pa tteRtrClbnjdmsi qec xhis some of the f inest displays of f ruit, oMranMr.FA.Hdy Fid.etcngnres Athough terex dagein nharvested wheatan flowers. ladies' work and domestic ______ hibits in a few 0f t h lseerui.- coarse grains. Temperattires hovered I anuacuresneidrecar hae around 20 nyas. Worthy of parLLcular flowers. and canned fruits, were not sec ntenwCeta ako ention yeas.thehug il o snumerous due ta asevere winter, Cnd a vrsbcie ybeautiful autumn flowers grouped m ressive iVilitary M m there was a marked improvement in -lie thl atisicaly roun th cetra stnd.thequality of practically every more than 100,000 shares. wente .-.The section devoted to ladies' shI. ng in tseo was ilproed.This sale closed on Thursdiiy night. The Rev F. Merrili Ferguson work was the means o! drawing a r'Ico L .> en gy .Tectocn most clase s butreswill be allocateci to distri- record nuinber o! entries and in the Serv c tC cr O e erwTed stockanmlst cllentaOl C Rck bue them as evenily as possible a- Young Unitedi Church Minister nu mnerous lases many exhibits - -cronde ition; an mal n oecel fert Son o hl ateC. ohn Rickaby cross the Dominion. and a former resident in Bowman- aaecmpndonsif 11ll wll leave shortly for A ri a de! c akes, pastyff a. Jeîiîvti. P acks and cosm os which banked the pul- c h CarW rig t a s alwas e enfo ptgave added dignity to the sol-fmuwr hon ateetie omrCeko!Cak onhP Discver tht Daid eiserwhere lhe will carry on missionary relishes, etc.. there seemed no end, S alsCuc oCp iyo h evc." o ligte or easw. but te exhiit- erCe fCareTw wanted in connection with the La- work. Mr. Ferguson was ordained and the display evoked admiration been one o!htoCa- it o the srie oneanwr te h sPovcimp eortmni battkidappngasppiadanbrnlnsTiniynChrchher lasrnerianfTrmialareycowdu!rsecttorre clafrsScondBatalin Suh sirrng largase"Flht e weeoofver hih cualiy. xhi- cnnecionwit thenewfins o is expected t i osdrbyi.the conclusion o! the Bay o! Quinte Despite it being a bard sumnimer on Our Help in Ages Past" and " itinthr^eryhee and swmnexhsectonnci n th teneRiverdisrc bringing him from Detroit for trial Cofrne ei h onetsnsm egetables. there was no lack Gahrn - Chr stIe the Gooci Fight" brought back many nro h u in . ~~were numerous. The Farmers' Trot, o! Northern Ontaro Teruht inCanada. Extradition proceedings o! Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, o! entries in this department. A1,- eoisfth impromptu srie ayDiig amrRc n stake claiiws is said ta be the gret will not be necessary flow. formerly o! Bowmanville. Born inpIes were o! high quality, the gan Street Padre Preaches morino the teil.Selseric e a Der rii, F ases Raeranest since the great Yukon Gl Cartwright, Mr. Ferguson is a grad- and seeds maintaineci the usual fine cnitdo natenb h hi uh Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn bas uate o! Bowmanville High School. standards. Filling every available space, in- -Blest are the Departed". solo by the f ieris, for194aremonr beenordredby is hysiian te_________________________ The livestock as usual atrce luding the aisles and gallery, a huge Alex McGregor. The Trumpeter", ary DrcosJ .DvtE. remainin bedfan finterestingay audience, and the crowd attended the Second Battalion and solo by Lt. Col. P. N. Alexander TribusJ.IDeitE. toreovr ro te ffci o ase T Saiean oenngM.C. Troto "ipin'sRees-M.P.P., R. Philp. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P.. ve re cold er o treaffct afew as-iOswarm sunsbine brought everyone out Commemoration Service aF. oe. BoM.en.,TorPto, John Wright, - b te is Paid to ago. His temperature rose ta e(~ednesday afternoon the tenary celebrations, on Sunday The guest preacher was Rev. r.JsBysM.nd r. aego. s adh n tuart James speeding in the ring was the main morning. So large was the congre- Sydney Lambert, Padre o! Christie ArtchWitier, Jo.R. cLagh * 1 1 * * attraction, while the Baby Show at- g tio hat many were forceci to Street Hospital, Toronto, staunch S.Jfrey: Pno.R.sident- Rumors at Queen's Park suggest i n î îi tracted many entries. On Tuesday stand throughout the lengthy but friend and ca sllro hertre Dorreil: lst Vice Pres.-Leitb By-~ Po c r fS ln that as soon as Hon. Arthur P and Wednesday evenings. "The Rot- impressive and inspiring service. - man. Capt. Lambert carried bis aud-1 ers* 2nd Vice Pres.-Ernest Larmer; buck, Attorney General. in bis cap- ters," an cutstanding dramatic pro- Over 150 former Second Battal- ience with him to great heighlts o!f ertr-raue-CegtnD-Fie rsdn fOAC acDefeatfOshawa Couple to duction.1ws staged in the Town lion men turned out for the event, enthusiasm as lhe appealed to their, i et Diesretr- A. VanCamp. througb bis sweeping legislation, Hall by A. B. Mainwaring and biscmigf rom Montreal, Kingston, deepest feelings. and again brought iviFrediaylorsJ. . JAb . aa .omie-rnd rotere of Decase the latter potoio l e add Win Doubles Champion- N ewcastle Players. This was the Ottawa, Belleville, Peterboro, Co- many a laugb with bis humorous ton, N. H. arlow, Carl Wright, L. over to Hon. David Croil, Minister f irst time. the play was presented in bourg. Port Hope, Oshawa, Toronto ref erences to happenings in war Byers, A. Wright. O. Ed'wards. E. M. R e 1 a t e s InfluenceMr o! Public Welf are. si of Eastern Ontario Canada. and it proved an outstand- and several other points. They met dandyoinhin Larmer, G. Trewin. Wes. Campbell, shi *-e f i x ng success and a great credit te ils at the Town Hall where they f ormed He preached f rom nCoitas Roy Ferguson, L. E. Mountjoy. R. R. Reynolds Had on Cm Defeating Rocbester 2-1 on Mon- ~ ~ ire~ ' producer. a parade under the command o! Chapter 6. verse 9: "As unknown, Byes Norman Taylor. Cecil Hill, mnt i day night. Toronto Maple Leafs cap- The Durham Reginient Band was Co. Lorne T. McLaughlin, D. S. O., blet well kr.own: as dying, and, be ,os Fode; LdyDirctrs-es tured the series and the Internat in attendance thogotWdnes- C. M. G., war time commander o! hold, we live; as chastened, but not daymegsn. PVnCJ. CrzeJhJ. MrJOoepebe b,,A hu inlLa-eCaposi.Te apoiigraounes.ogaCooer tto! saa hi nmes Ta asae paer aid 10. F StisonoC.Wriht, . Geen Ja e Renold 1on o!A per now enter the Little World Series Mayor Ross Strike and Stuart dmy.ipodnegra fne prgram ofoter Battawa. ThSergt Majr htpasgih pekrled"oy.rusn . aCmp .Ma- O with the winners o! nie Anerican R.Omspai nsataiTannxisico h were augmented 1»', memrbers o! the was part o! St. Paul's reference ta Miss Florence Parr; Auditors--S. Solina !amily, pa&seci away aIF- Association. First game ta be playeci ec the Eastern OtrO Tni inToronto Friday night. Chamfpionship when they defeateci NEW REGISTRATION Bownlanville Post o! the Canadian the early Christians martyrs whom Jeffrey andi N. S. McNally. aePtets avloT s etealclbainOsaaTh omniepayr FORMS FOR RELIEF Durham Regiment Bugle Bandi fromn intb to follow. He llkened the su!- îing to, ils attractions f rom the early HiCemarSnis were burd nadet c ontociy$260',a nermr- are members of the Osawa Tennis APPLICANTS HERE Port Hope. This latter bandi in fering o! the marty rs o! old to the eventies: and with a strong f oun- attended by mary sorrowiflg fred port presented to the Board o! Con- Club, -whicb they joined wben the - hreo aI rntr aeisslir !tdy o nwltl dation made through the persever- andi relatives. Very fine tributeta trol reveals. So spectacular were the local club ceased to operate, sonie The new relief forms, authorized first appearance in Bow6manville, about il aIl, you who did not go ta ance o! a line o! energetic directors, great Christian lu e, is pali 1~bi evnt n heCntnna porani yeaxs ago. The winners and runners- by the Ontario Governnlent, have and despite is recent organisation war, he said. I could write a book and the co-operation o! ils citizens, brother, Dr. J. B. Reynolds, fome event nothin the milpoeyUpbolh o! the Osbawa Club, have 1 arrived at the office o! Fred Pattin- made a very favorable impression. about the gruesome tbings I have (r,ntnued on page 4b rnia fteOtroA that !ew will oct th ousah mndSemeredf rm lie series in whichl son, secretary o! the Public Welfare The Bugle Band led the parade, seen and silîl see. I you coulci see o h rtroArcl welspent. , folowed y thedegion andnintheseehingsfrroap mt I rinal olgatGepi o vi i rs 1 t e Q u en C ity . D u le roin a l clubs in E astern ' o r . T h e n w cards w iI m st fl I tu ralç o llead ing ese th n s, pe h a s m a y f of v* Ontario tock part. be signed and f illed' out by every re- teir smart blue and gold uni! orms, would have a kindlier feeling to- BO MA VLLrADsevnyyasao:ntefr Mueler apoineci 'I he f inalists met in a best three lie! applicant contains numerous the Second Battalion veterans in wards the ex-service man. Somej ReichbiSbop Muestions regard bY ng the history o! berets and armbands, and the Leg- think there are t00 many pensions now knowfl as the Langmaid fri Hitler as Dictator o! the Germnan Dut of five set series, the Bora usin eadn COURTICE KIDDIES one mile souif o! Solina, liveih prtstn cuchswa xc -u vile players wvinning the firsi set the appîlcan rt- He is required ta give ion bringing Up the rear. The Leg- but I tell you. lhundered the speak- ictc ythousands o! Germnan 6-1, losing the next two sets 4-6, fuipriiiaSo work record cov- ion Color Party conslsted o! Com- er, there are nol bal! enough. HURT IN ACCIDENTS tenls ml-he f atherJsp and An pasir nSudywenapola d5-.admaigte hmin ering aIl those living in bis home rades Bert Parker, Harold Moses Paul urged te earîy Chistians i__ h obr oehac mRY. maio t Iisefec ws ea fro hip wben tbey rallied t0 take the during the previous tbiriy days, a and Jack Goodaîl, while President te, catch the spirit o! the martyrs Donald Brooks o! Bow,»anile u oflds adweve hilCrnwallre mation o this ffect as readfrom, f hiSaittho! nCour WiP.eWHas NarrocharghofltheasianfnJoseaton Rorthelfutredaa th tei ulit.concdngwihthe last two sets 6-2 andi 6-4. The statement o i otl noeW .Wr a ncag !tea nisiainfrteftrad fers Broken Let, WhM o! thesead, we fre biornwain nC consteralptio o MulleringIbis ihtata fortunate in that the or- andi iTonthly experises together Legion. Parading east on Church he preacher urged that the youth adacafo R eorlnCns a coscinoffice. inths igi ean asis ssiduefote witb aIl other obligations, sucb as to Division, south tc, King, to, Sil- o! today take the inspiration o! the Sato urieBsNrw IcldnofJep off ice. . . . best two out o! three, but when te debts owing doctor, grocer, butcher, ver andi St. Paul's Church, the par- greal war as a challenge 10, the f u- Escape From Deathfomrwe.T eechl pieon was rostponed both teamis a- life insurance, etc. In addition a ade was as colorful a military spec- ture. nhe challenge o! w'ar demand Ann Reynolds and a former us TenEymr onaing we Qesurert î àe lafiese eie.f l saeen ! o tions under tacle as bas been witnessed here even h! e iteel!. It is not often we Three accidents have been report- band, Croft Osborne, Six clde Ma-crsendtexordsget Mayor Strike and Stuart James wich the applicanî lives, the am- for many years. aecalne nti anr h dt oiei hsdsrc ntehdbe o o oeha est floating PaaeIhe new Cunard'- have been playing together in the ount o! rental,beifgarn- At the church n hl ieWaS veteran was wiliing ta take up that past three days, two of lhemn in- enlsado!Ise rhuws WieSalieonte Clydebank. Oshawa tournamenis for four oui o! ments, cooking equipifent is recluir- reserved for the veterans. but Ibis challenge and lay down his life for volving serious injury ta chlldren. teedsa hstm e e Whcoelarlinermaonh was the last five seasons, and so had an ed. Leagth o! lime in the munici- proved inadequate 'te, take care o! a cause. Will you give your l! e ta a Donald Brooks, y'jung son o! Mr. About Ibis time, the three eds naed'Queen Mary" after the ativanlage in team experience over paliy date o! arrivaliIn Canada, their numbers and extra seats had cause when the challengeconsanMr.GrgBoohaa edugermrie.Alrteyai namle fipiebdbe r gt le n Harris, who pîayed 10- narneso! chiîdren and other de- 10 be pîaced down evey aisîe and Cat Lambert akd.Oeoth broken andi suffered from bruises left home, three other cbildrenwr guess just what the namie wold 1e.1 geier for th rttme Iis season. pendenla. weier a liquor permit around the rostrum. The mpresive greatest troubles today. e cotin- when he suddenly ran in front o! a onithReolsout nThe winners' abilily t10 gelte I he or motor car is owned, and mumer- service was conducleci hy Rev. A. S. ued, was that none o! us, who stayed car driven by Mr. A. D. Kean, King- that by 1872 there were again Iwe Hon. E. J. Davis, a former Liberal net, andi their volleying while in that ous olfer questions must be answer- Kerr, M. A.. Minister o! the Church. aI home in the war. even the womea. stakn 10 BoTmanitell Ho saldn invtre hao merl m prvicalScrlay sudeia commanding position was he decid- ed before relief is ganted. The who exîeaded a most or~dial end appîy îhemseîves 10 peace wiîb nteh here en t Bwunde vial care ly, Ine home 111e as fulio!ncd warning on Monday lest anyone ing factor o! Ibis well played final. whole statement must Ihen be sworn sincere welcome 10, the visitors. The Feal and eff ort they applieci in war. wPolie woi neigaediheac cdetetaddmsi.cvnue h lamerwih heOltWaTrdeA- Both (eais are likely 10 meel a- 1a before a Commissioner, Justice of organ prelude "Chant for IDead HerThe hî ainbnded together Plid c hargnestgate thMr Kiean yongerd dmeso! the buseo ther esteatearevatigeteoInee olenmad enifs bthee tle ge etsfruaeiyteBe- gain in nie Doubles Chamipionship the Peace, or Notary Public. The oes" was plaved by Mrs. C. H1. Dudci- 1n0chadefeat ther. onsîaught o!mbes o the h neiGovernment. He declared tbe of the Oshawa Club which are now governmenî in baving Ibisinf orm-îey. organis.whipteveeas'Me olderswen foth iththeui hap 1invegpuo re ainta. It yth Ieso the pa (Coatnuedonhpge t0aJ. . Moris, K isln sapeiadpacia oe te sd1 Empire agreements were -the founi- under way. Strike and James meet tion is desirous o! giving relie! only took their places ln the church. odythielrsfte alon o! one o! the greatest deveîl' Hainer and Neun and at the present ta thse whoare raîy la need. So The blcod crmson crynheumseriou n ae 0)J D risry ngsMona we e npracic on oesnthey ich5 opment thatwe ca imagne in tlime are behind tîo gmes t one.many bave received relie! in the _________________________-srced 10pulln Up s ht beidthat the oneroe, asaoprtn BriliSb ~de! ending championLs. McMullen and led tb il thal the goveninient is de- Emie"AgradHri r etn h rvnewobv o enett ~~St. a wagon rnear the Cream o! Barley ity occurred, sought and freqenl Armstrong. A win for th omn emndt aeacoecec n o n e pesO g nz to sa Camp. Due to an oncomirig car lie !ound means to betler Iheir isrc Described by Hon. Paul Leduc. On- ville tearn and a win for the Alger help only de-serving cases. O!f wl.r Pvjsv 'g utnthe, aw sa n sidd 1the aide i- in.the ailepecially fen Ib ta ri M i ist r of M in s, s on o f ttea sh u ld rho uthlE abrin gn - couhe, aEastearn O n-fu l scourse.i g tf wainlureed t1th gie en tae f!ull, sstate- w tae rioMinster o! Minhes s ne to! trio fnalist togeher ir anoter met of onditins an the nco!s-IhelroaresntwheretelayePtore ofute sev wgirlsecoueîdt bevincrludeddbe1inkeepdtgomg old days o! the Yukonr and Red LakeIl eral of the guard posts.- a playf ield o! their owa in 1h ln ekn xciling series, whicb should prove ion o! any f alse statemenîs wouldWhllotrnonheigwyasunrtiihsrbuegme nreci o! ptrospRer are rkn o eclu sv melys icfisthe Obewaterhe ia n tars ac ovito ! All the young people o! St. 1 gram however. was the cleverly pie- Courlice on Tuesday aflernoon afler 1 in the winter evenings. noth1 SUIgoi Rr were p ro-eam S ebrso heOhwabcaplcnt ____Paul's United Church, the Sunday 1 sented Pageant "Sunday School school, lutIle Frankie Sali, son o!f mbIb is spirit o! play, Aîu f i Evry blemanin ortArîur lubtheBowanvlleplaersbrig --~-Schol.the mission Bans the C. G. 1Visiters !rom, ar Places". by mem- M. and Mrs. H. Sait, Town Line. enered 1 the fullesI exteaad olherWie emplyed jon in te ibe asternOntari Doubls Cbam

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