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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1934, p. 3

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THE ANAIAN TATSMAN BOMANVLLE THUSDA. SKTEMBR 2. 124 AUU B TBE Women in Business "Business specialization" and "wo- Lighter, else they will over-strain men in busines"-they form a cir- with the double job of housekeeping cie, (shall we say a "vicious cir- and the industrial job. This brings cie?") each of which promotes the about stilI further specialization ai other. woman's work, stili more of it be- We have now, as organized indus- ing done by speciaiists outside the tries, the canning, baking, weavmng, home. sewing, cleaning and almost ail of Xhat will be the end? What is the other arts which formerly were the effect on the famiiy? On home done by the members of the f amily life? On the woman herself? What in the home. Now they have gone of the words of the oid stanza? out of the home and are done in 'Stay, stay at home, my heart, and sPecialized f actories. rest. The woman in the home has less Homekeeping hearts are happiest; and iess to do there. Her loaf of For those that wander, they know bread is even slicecl taday, her flot where. breakfast cereai cornes prepared ta Are f ull of trouble and ful 0f care. set on the table. She can buy paper To stay at home is best." dishes so inexpensive that it is ai- Every fifth worker in industriai most cheaper to throw themn away life is a woman, every twelfth, a than to wash porcelains. There remahr. If-and it is a big "if"- communal nurseries with the baby oen could stay at home and keep botties sterilized by machinery. house, wrould there be more jobs for There are prof essionai window the men of thie family? cleaners. There are no longer lamp Statistics tell us that aimost al chimneys ta dlean. and soon she women who go outside ta work, do may press a button and a hot meal s0 fromn the necessity ta heip sup- wili came up to her on the elevator. port the famiy. Womnan is flot lazy. Also this ser- HaPPY is the home where the man vice costs more than when the fam- can stili "to>te the bacon to the den" iiY did it. Poor Dad cannot main- and the wo>man can stay at home tain the increased ccst of living. and fry it. We may be aid fash- The wamen in the home foilow the ioned, but it seems to us that the work aut and thus enter industriai ideal arrangement is- life. "Little f ishes in the brook; As the women are more and more Daddy catch them with a hook; gone frcm the home. the burdens of Mommy fry them in a pan: housewcrk must be made iighter and Buddy eat themn like a man." 1E Ptoe Z When buying potatoes. select those which are dlean, sound. regu- lan in shape and uniform in size. Ideal potatoes are dry and mealy when cooked. Sweet ptatoes and yams are yeilowish. Oniy small amounts shouid be bought at one timne as they do not keep well. Yams are more moist and often sald as sweet pctatoes. Af ter natatoes are pared, keep them covered with cold water until cooking time or tisey will turn dark. New potatoes are deliciaus creamed with fresh green peas or minced parsley. Older potatoes are boiied in thse jackets. boiled peeled, mnash- ed, put through the ricer, made into Puff with the addition of egg and baking, creansed, baked in milk f rom raw suices with ciseese added, plain baked. baked and stuffed, raw fried Quick Relief f rom STOMACH TROUBLES Don't suifer with Pains after eat- ing, Bloating. Belching, Heartbunn, IDyspepsia, Indigestion etc. KIRK'S STOMALKA gives quickest relief fnom ahl stomacis disorders. Get a bottie today at - McGREGOR'S DRUG STORE. in a fry pan, deep fat fried, warm- ed over fried. used in hash, made in- to salad and stilI more ways. The same metisads may be used twith sweet potatoes, and besides tisesie browrn sugar is often added in the frying, or marshmnallows in the escalloping. r Feed 'Em The next tusse Hubby cornes home cross and irritable, do not let youn own spleen arise, but consider the cause-he's hungry. Unless the meai is ready at once, give him a glass of milk or better yet a cup of hot cocoa or wanm milk, and see how peaceabie he suddenly becomes. Tise same rule appîles teo Junior. He spends ten times as much ener- gy hourly as an aduit, andi besides frcm hshoo avnous s a ear, gives tisa issgowiavn. Wh a en he core him the old fasisioned '"piece," such as made aur grandmotisers famous and popular with their broods. Per- haps the easiest and mast adecauate between-meal lunch is a thick suice of bread spread wxth butter and brown sugan. We often ascribe ta meanness what is plain isungen or nervaus exhaustion. The nemedy is simple. INSTALL AN EMCD BATHROOM NOW YOU may have done without a bathroom solely lbecause you thought the cost was more than you could afford. If so, that reason no longer holds. Prices of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremely low, oxing to reduced manufacturing costs, and because every part is entirely made in Canada. Let us showv you different designs in En-co Bath- room equipnhent. The. flro. pioGes sbown in the illustration, with al fittings, roady for installation, $9 .( *only cost . . . . Duro Pressure Water Systems, ail Canadian -made, wui supply running water throughout your home. Easy time payments available on ail Emco equipnent. li FOR SALE BY THE bRESe he freW THE bFRESH FLre reW R. E.Loga tater direct from the well ia required. Capacity, 250 gal. per haur.Ptii Small 31 gal. Galvanized HEATING - TINSMiTHING Tank. Phono 264 King St. E. Bowmanvle 1/6 H.P. 110 Vot Motor- 60 cycle or ~7O 25 cycle . .$7.0 Extra for 30 gal. Galvan- EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED ized Tank . $12.00 Londoa Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver 33 H Household Hints9 Have plenty of electric outIets SO iS aDNG that the cords for floor lamps need Stephensa-Cowan not be long nar cross the room, with A quiet wedding took place an the danger that chsildren trip on Saturday, September i5th, at Tnin- them and kxfock the lamp over. ity United Church Pansonage, Bow- Some fine insurance regulations for-1 manville, when Greta M. Cowan, bid that electric cords be more than eldest daugister o! Mr. and Mrs. W. six feet long. . Cowan o! Orono. became tise bride For your re-union picnic try an o! Ernest I. Stepisens, Port Hope. egg-and-spoon-race. Each ra c er Rev. E. F. Anrmstrong afficiated. carnies an egg ln a spoon in his The bride wore an ensemble o! navy right hand, with his le! t hand be- blue diagonal wool with white satin hind him. blouse and matching accessories, Fan a sandwich filling, use cream and carried talisman roses. Follow- ciseese, shredded lettuce and apple ing tise ceremony, a luncise*n was and tomato suices, siightly salted. senved at the bride's home. after IL In cleaning white washable shoes, 1which Mn. and Mrs. Stephens left ,do not use muck water, but use a for a short honeymoon trip to St. ,strong lather. Dry in the sun and Catharines and Niagara Falls. On If polisis with talcum powder, Frenchs their return they will reside in Port chaik or magnesia. Hoe Closets mas' be given a finished oe and cheery look by painting the Mercer-McKay *s walls a bright color and tacking gay Gladioli in autumn shades decor- ,coloned oilcioth oven the shelves. ated tise home o! Mr. and Mns. Neil Packing cases may be given extra McKay, Milvertan Blvd., Toronto, sheives, painted inside and out. and on Saturday, September 15th, for dused as shoe cabinets. the marriage o! their daughter, * To remove crushed spots fnom Anna Margaret, ta Mr. Roy Mencer velvet garments, brush the flap o! Kendal. Rev. Mundo MacInnes, gently with a shoe brushsuiass brother-in-law o! tise bride, offic- used for cleaning suede ihes iated. Mns. Dickison played tise jwedding music, and Mn. James Ross Fasb ions, Fada, Foibles sang. Tise bride, given in manniage by iser f ather, wone a gown a! white Belts have retunned to impont- triple sheen crepe and lace, with ance. They go about tise normal white hat and bouquet of talisman waist uine and that snugly. Lange roses. Miss Evelyn Wilson, her rbuttons are another form of tnira- bridesmaid. was in powder blue or- ming. Tweeds are tise thing for gandie. with matching hat and bou- college classes and for business wo quet o! Briarclif! roses. T'Me best men. Sweaters accompany tise twe man was Mn. Neil Stewart o! Ken- skirts. dal. Af ter tise reception for tise im- Feathers and wings o! birds dec- medlate families, tise bride and orate tise new hats. They give groom le!t for Quebec, tise bride height to the weaner. Tnicoru head- travelling in a navy tailored suit gean is popular. It sits on tise tip witis black feit hat. Mn. and Mrs. o! one side a! tise head. Rinis tend Mercer will live in Kendal, to turn up around tise cnowns as - saucera do to cups. Tise convent- Smith--Cox ional black hat is yielding somne- King SLreet United Churcis, Osis- r what to hats of colon: rust, green, awa, was tise scene o! a pnetty wed- mahogany. and brown. c.sng on Saturday, September 22nd. Even a much-iseralded movie star wisen Florence, only daugisten o! Mn.i failed to populanize curves. F'a5h- and Mns. A. F. Cox, was marnied to ion's latest edict is "pencil thin." Mn. Fredenick Herbent Smith, son o! i In tise season's daytime dresses, Mn. and Mrs. Franks T. Smith, o! necks are higis, sleeves are long and Whitby. Rev. Dr. R. L. McTavish 1 skirts go tise stnaigist and nanrow officiated, and tise wedding music1 way. witis kick plaits, a sîigist fiare was islayed by Mrs. R. A. Holden.1 at tise hem-lisse or slits to permit ITise bride was gawned in whsite ivons' i easy walking.I satin on princess lines. Her s'eu was1 o! lace, in coronet shape, caught i with orange blossoms, and ase car- i A Better Round Steak nîed a sisower o! Buttex-fîs roses and 1 lilyo! tise valley. Miss Marion Glan- i Make a marinade by mixing one ville, Bowmianville, was bridesmaid,( fourtis cup each o! salad 011 and wearing a gown o! pink silk organdie i vinegan, a isaif teaspoon sait, and with blue hat and a bouquet a! roses 1 pepper as desired. Place in this two and cornflowers. Little Miss Diana Pounds o! round steak. cut about an June Spnentnali was train bearer in E incis tiick. and let it stand in a a long white taffeta pierette dress e cold place for two isours. turning it with fnilis and a poke bonnet shirred N several times. Drain off tise mar- with pink. Mn. Clarence Cox, bro- c inade. dredge tise steak with flour. 1tiser o! tise bride, was best man, c Pound it weli with a meat pounder 1Iand Mr. Frankc and Mn. Arthsur Cox, i or tise d'ull aide o! a kni!e. Fry it brotisers o! tise bride, were ushers. i: quickly, in a smail amount of ihot Following a reception, tise couple t fat, browning it an botis sides. ile!t on a wedding tnip to Quebec. 'v and on their return will live at 21 a J lgn tretEatOshsawa. d Mrs. Solomnon Says: Eghe Soutrtt ftown guests included: Mn. and Mrs. G. Pingie and Mns. E. IF. Weekes, Ottawa; Mn. and Mrs. R. a Farnesten o! Port Nelson; Mn. and- An understanding iseant l5 tise Mrs. S. Glanville, Mn. and Mns. J. great virtue o! tise adored wife and Glanville, Mn. and Mrs. G. Richards, motiser. Mn. and Mrs. N. Pingle, ail o! Bow- - -----nanvilhe: Misa Alice Smsitis, Whitby; Mn. and Mrs. Fred Sills, Mn. and Mrs. H. Pingle. Miss Isobel Downey. aill ofToronto. Wicks--Selby WTise United Cisurcis, Newcastle, beautifully decorated wath a pro- fusion o! whsite and pink asters, isel- enium, marigoids and gladioli, was A MELTM e' ~tise scene o! a pretty wedding on A MELH sCANADA o Saturday afternoon, September 15. TH AAINMEOICAL wien Miss Minnie Selby, second ASSOCIATION ANLD &.pK &NCURApjC5 <OMPANIES daugisten a! Mn. Isaac and tise late IN CANADA Mrs Selby. was unitèd in marniage ta Mn. Eric W. Wicks, Toronto. Rev. SHORT 0F BREATH Samuel MacLean, B. A., Pastor o! tise cisurcis, officiated . Tise groom Under certain circumstances, it is was supponted by Mn. Norman Gant- quite natural and normai to be short shore, Brighston, wisile tise bride., of breatis. When you have spent gowned in pure white, witis veil and your money, you are short o! cash othen accessories ta match, was at- mntil yau cars eans more; having tended by hen sisten, Mrs. Norman pent your breatis in some unusual Gantsore, wearing yellow. As tises isysical activits', you are short o! entered tise churcis and praceeded nreatis until you have isad, time to up tise centre aisle, tise bride carry- take in more air. ing a bouquet o! roses ansd snap- Nonmally, we breatise at a rate o! dragon, Mrs E. C. Fisiser, at tise bout eighteen or twenty times a 13ipe o',gsn, plaved tie bridai chorus minute. Ordinanily, we are not con- fromn Lohsengrin. Tise bride was sciaus o! breathing, as we continue given in marriage by her brother, Lo inspire and exhale in an auto- Mn. Carl Seiby. As she and hen s's- matic way. It is only wisen we tisink ter, bride and bnidesmaid, stood be- about it. on whers we become breatis- fore tise marniage altan and joined 's., tisat we are aware o! tise rlshsg tise waiting groom and grocrmaman. and f alling o! tise chest as tise air tisey presented a most chanming Staken in or passed aut. picture. Foilowing tise signing o! Carbon dioxide. a waste product tise register, tise bnidal panty. in- >fail activities o! tise body, la got cluding Mrs. Carl Selby and chiid- îd o! tisrough tise lungs. Any in- ren, motored to tise Seiby homne for ,ease o! carbon dioxide in tise biood tise vedding su'ýper, after wisici tise sci as would resuit from phYsical happils' wedded couple and Mn and 2tivity, augments tise rate and Mns. Gantshore motcned to thse lat- sptis ef bneatising in tise effort ta ter's home at Brighston. Tise bride iminate it. It follows that when and groom aiso went on to Belle- ve are asheep. witis body activities ville for a short isoneymomn. Mr. tthein iowest. then it is that Wicks. once a resident o! Newcastle Ieatising is most quiet, for some yeans. is connected witis We may say tisat tisene are two tise Grahsam Nail Co.. Duffenin St., q 0 u si t2 a] n tc m al le jai if rii ni su at de eli w at li thi wl tic Ca brý we col cai o! d LS poý pei brt Wr fo sol i stt cer bni thei anc i an: set per dre, Ass non by iYmig wong gnL l ter is. la who was given in marriage by her tabout correcting it through pro- fathen entered tise cisurcis wltih hn ýcare and treatment. bridaI attendants ta tise strains o! Questions concerning Heaits, ad- Mendelsohn's weddlng marcis. Her ssed to tise Canadian MedIcal goiRn was o! wilte slipper satin made iociatlon, 184 College Street, To- on pninceas style. Hon embroldered Lto, will be answered personally net voil was worn in tise becomlng letton. cap style and was held ln place wlth I Smnart Fal Footwear For AilU BLACK AND BROWN' KID AND SUEDE Smart Fali Shoes ln cuban or spike licols, sixes 3 ta 8. Vry Special, $4 U169 Up1 Sturdy Footwear For 1 Rugged Boys SMART SET SHOES litiU tako lots o! klcking ar- ound ta hurt these shoes. We In black and brown Kid and are Partlcularly proud of this Suede, cuban or spike heels, range and the low price: widthsA tD, sles 3to Sixs8 te,10'L $1.49 up Real Value, ~ n Sizes Il to, 13 and 1 to, per pair ... . 2985 % .$1.49 and $1.98 up OVERS ktiBORFI() FREE TO PUPILS N--.SHOE STORE orange blossoms. She carried a bou- flowers. The bride's gif t ta thse groom members of the congregation. Mr. qluet of red Ophelia roses, lily of the was a leather travelling case and the and Mrs. Chant le! t later on a motor valley and fern. Miss Sally Ann groom's gif t to the bride was a neck- trip through the Adirondacks ta rhorburn of Oshawa wore a becom- lace and earrings of carved ivary; New York. For travelling the bride ing maid of honor's frock of azure to the maid of honor, camea set ear chose a brown tweed suit wlth hat, blue crepe with a floor length skirt rings in drop style; ta the best man, shoes and other accessories ta and the dress was trimmed with but- white gold cuff links; to the ushers, match. Out-of-town guests were pre- tons covered. in the same materiai as gold tie clips; to, the flower girl, a sent from. Toronto, Oshawa, War- the dress. Her bouquet was of pink signet ring; ta the pianist, a neck- sarw, Belleville, Pleterboro and St. Ophelia roses. Little Jean Cameron, lace of crystals andi ta the saioist, George. nuece of thse groom, was flower girl a silver engraved bracelet. In hon- and carried an ald-fashioned nose- or of the first wedding to take place "It is no advantage ta be near the gay of roses, lily of thse valley and in thse cisurch the bride and groom light if the eyes are closed."--St. fern. Mr. Douglas Chant of Toronto were prezented with a Bible by the Augustine. s'as groomsman, and John Chant, nephew of thse groom. and Allen Chant. brother of the groom were ushers. During the signing of the register, Miss Leta Hlorton sang "I A DOLLAR'S WORTH Love You Truly." Following the cere- nony a reception as held at Kosy 1 Clip hs coupon and mail il witz $i for a six weeka' trial subsoeiption to Corner Cottage, Oak Hill Lake, there the guests were received by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR vlrs. Marshall, mother of the bride, Published by Tut Cnararux ScimoczPusuazma BochET who wore a white crepe gown withjeoUsahet.U..& along yellow coat and white hat I tFuBoladth al ston. Msafchue ws. U. B. a 8 xl vtaa and a corsage of yellow roses. She swell u departments devoted tu women'a and children'sineregi. sports muSe. was assisted by Mrs. Chant, mother feariesu an advocate oft i4ce and probition. And don't mis Bnuis' Our Dos. of the groom. in a dark maroon and the aundial andOthe other tuatares.- crepe gown with matching accessor- rxVtaur cNc mmBkBySaioosna. ies nd acorage f rses.ThePlease send me a six weeka trWa subscription. 1 enclose one dollar (si). ng luncheon was served at -mal tables on the lawvn. The bride's table"Prn -as decorated with whsite streamers (ae Iaepit and belis while the gift table was %'dreu decorated in pins and whsite. Thse<Area smail tables for the guests were (Tw)Ieae rranged with bouquets of autumn -----------dn' SUPERTEST SHOES For Men Superbest means Super Value. A shoe you would expect to psy much more for. Black or browu; Goodyear welts; leath- er or rubber heel; ail sise&. $3,95 pr. CHILDREN'S SHOES Tlppytoe and Canajilan Beau- ty, weil known branda that have atood. the test of time. Sizes 5to,7 V2....9geup Sizes 8 te, 1O½.. $1.19 up Size 11 te, 2....$1.49 up FACTORY TO FEET SAVE It's the wise woman who "casheb in" during this sale of fine quality Canned Foods. Stock up your pantry NOW. Buy by the dozen. You'Il save plenty, and théy'11 -oni e in mighty handy during the AYLMER TOMATO ES 3 No. 2 2c ORNN3o.25 AYLMER BAYSIDE 3 No 2 D 'C~No. 2 l tin; 9 e -fl P E A mr tins 2 "G PEARS Aiparagus TipS Aylni.,12-oz. tin 9 squatGreen Beans Qaiy 3tiNo.25 ~~~~~~~tins-A eiiu ad r t SHRIFSPineapple dlcosay PkgLCrushcd 16-oz. C ei -1b. 1 0o Aylmer INFANT'S FOODS a tins 21* cattellU's SPAGHETTI 16-on tin 10< Aylmer RASPBERRIES - No. 2 tin 10 Heinz Small fin TOMATO SOUP - lins I17i Campbehl's 28-oz. fin PORK and BEANS -Tin 1019 Dornino WAX BEANS - No. 2 lin 15< SPECIAL VALUES IN CHRISTIB'S QatyBiscuits CRASlb. 1 8C MERRY SUGAR C.g WAFERS 'b-27 Graham and *11ks C Soda Wafon 2 2 Pef ection Polishes Ame Good Values FLOOR 1-1b. lin WAX 25<b LEMON OIL Bot. leig SILVER Jar CREAM 19< Toumate Juice .1 5e DOMINION PEAS No. 2 tin 5 DOMINO CORN No. 2 tin 2 for25 BLUEBERRIES- No. 2 tin 3 Greengage PLUMS - No.Ztin3sineZBO Big savinga EL Big savings this wcek. ________________ this weklr Most everyone uses Pa G SOAP lOBas29c A littie gocs a long way ___ Le !IIdoi Pkg. Pkg.19 il Ivory 6Sie2 5c 4s 25 SCHOOL SHOES For the Growing Girl Speci al constructed from high grade long wearing leathers;, black or brown. Ideal for school wear. I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBR 27,1934 "Aý- -- COWAN BLOCK KWG STREET " lLrTwý 0. BAYSIDE Brand

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