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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1934, p. 4

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IMarket Lamb, any breed-Harold olds, any other variety-Frank Stin- Skinner, J. W. Balson, M. Byeim, son, James Parr. Robt. Hamilton; C a rrîg t o w n k i N ~ ~ ad nde7mSWIBEath. Ci. N.:::::::: a :Jcso,:D C art rig t T w ns6 p Nw s Berkshires: Boar-Beath Farmis; Corbmafl, Mrs. Arthur Read; Water- Sow-Beath Farinas; Boar, over 3 melons-Wesley Campbell, Mrs. J. Grahni; owover 3 and under 7 Mrs. Ira Lowe, W. A. VanCamp. W. > RE IRIG RETORnic.-BethWesly Pge.J. Leask: Yellow Table Corn-IV. A. CartwriRghtRECTO Ideal W eatheir Yorkshires: Boar-Cari Wright. VanCamp. Wesley Campbell. Miss BLACKSTOCK PARISH G. N. Graham; Boar, over 3 and un- Birdie Fallis; Sheaf Ensilage Corn- o 0 HONORED BY FRIENDS a os A n a de, 7 mos.-G. N. Graham-,Sow, Fred Raines, Carl Wright, Norman First Fail Fair ____svo sAn u oe 3 and under 7 mos-G. N . Gra- Mount.ioY: Collection of Vegetables l__ am. Norman Mountjoy. -D. Corbman, Edgar isnMa- Rev. Dr. WVhittaker Presented lVithl Cartwvright Fa*r Tamworth: Boar - Douglas El- golds, yellow-Wesley Campbell, Mrs Gift byChurh, oy Sout irliott. Sow-lst and 2nd. D. Elliott; P. VanCamp: Cabbage. Fall-Mrs. P. H l in 1 6 and Orange Lodge (ontinued f rom page 1) Boar. over 3 and under 7 mos.-lst VanCamp. W. J. Leask. W. A. Van-! and 2nd. D. Elliott; Sow, over 3 and. Camp. Crwih' etnilFi ed On Septemiber 2lst, the local Boy it has for years held the desirable udr7ms-.Eltt Netf BstHlBu.Paosgrwn in CartwrightSetenni a Farshe- Scouts presen;ed Rev. Dr. C. E reputation of being one of the best Taylor. Cartwright, Hall Special. Silver Cup Wecstleday, Sept. lonth, wa ad CWhittaker, who is retiring from the township fairs in the district. 1934 Three Bacon Hogs Up to 230 lbs.- -Newton Taylor & Sons. oesfuth et., and ong ste ahead870iistry. with a Swastika Silver Cartright's Centennial year. and Wesley Page. Norman Mountjoy.FRI reohfrdst arsorehc the 1870 1Ii lanks badge. Dr. Whttaker ha the most successful Fair in seventy POULTRY Nrhr pe-.S rgW recor s ar the earlest.been the energetic leader of the Boy years, was 0 e c pi n Lst f Barred Rock: Cock-JoS. Baird, G Wtery; Goe n R st-W . Br g W . eAcfewonterp10rîsinsctuentalh Scouts in tlus community since its prîze wnners are: Edgar Gibson; Hej-Jos. Baird, Er-wer..s.BagSnsorF - eac dnaed 10 wreinsruenalformation. The following address FHRE nest Larmer; Cockerel-A. B. Mann, es-G Werry. LuthBrgg eSow r FMn- istarting the f irst f air in 1865. The was read: HRE Jas. McKenzie; Pullet--Carl Wright, eusBalwinsWr. LS.hBrggouW.tG horses were shown on the main road, F Lear Dr. Whittaker:- Forev r.Aur lh; woed yae- Earrod lak inorc: Ewar Wilias, . Wrry TamanSweetg,-W. S. but there were no races. Double F W e learn with m uch regret 0 tafo e , rr VanCam; o ar lJos. a ck M n r a d dWlliarizes. ra g W. Wery, Luthes- W . raMount- teams. wagons. carniage horses and -tnod Vnap oljs .Wry amnSet-.S single driving horses were among the your intended deparure f rom our Forder, Arthur Welsh; Team in har- Wi andtte , ht: C c - a.sSak- . . W ry . S attractions of the day. Shortly afterI munt.atug it is with: ness-T. R. Hall. Arthur Welsh. .cKezie;Cockrel-Jas McKnzGe.Brag: KngsW. S. ag el thttm h arwsmoved to amc aifcinthtw lolan Light Draught: Brood Mare-Ern- .B.Mn: cKn.ithe-W. iG. er.W. S.rag BrWag thtom h i a f your probab.e residence near by, est Larmer, Harold Macklin, Stan - A. B. Mann. -a.Mceze field of Mr. James Fluke, near the'i which will enable us te maintain, ford VanCamp; oya l- A . LehonWieCkadenJhn Jobb: t. Lwrence-WS. B present site 0f St. John's Anglican to some extent, the happy and pro- .LndeAtrWeh;Ofle yearLeganornd.Witeaac Whified; iH BageMsnrnkCoieJh Churh, o w.ic thee w fee n- iable rlainste heenjye old-Arthur Welsh, Fred Gibson; erel-N. Taylor~. I. Whitfield; Pullet Jobb: Alexanders-W. G. Werry. frnc.ohr vegganavge 1c atae dniexor-int erFoa-Jos. Fonder. Stanford Van- WifedNormian Green; Colvers-W. G. for vieingthegrinllndhegtbex- lad wi ft ero sof ur loalorgniztin1am.Ernest Larmer: Team in har- Rhode Island R.ed: Coek-A B, Werry, W. S. Bragg; Rhode Island bitsin176thedrlt hedFeicn Ras h BySot oeet. you lness-G. H. Kerry, William Darcy Mn*He-a cKni Greenings-W. S. Bragg. W. G. haven186atr h eia ad always Placed bfor u anble1HiMnn e-a. cez A. B. Werry: Mclntosh Red-W. G. Wer- Wietedoor-tender f umbled for hae P eî u o aold Macklîn. Mann: Cockerel-Jas. McKenzie. A. r .S rg.Nra alr Whe retcag nahnflo ethexa puasup;lf ieh da ncntve Percheron: Brood Mare-Walter B. Mann; Pullet-A. B. Mann, Jas. Clctinc pls ae-.G tle crr tectcharne in d asand ftateprsi1fhihiel. and Moncrief. Norman Scott, Lawrence McKenzie. . wlecti. W S.fBagg.s amdW.G osier. pie u the chlre lip d at nd the Promotion of spiritual values. Hocey: Two year old-N o r m a n Turkey: MaIeJas. Brengge cticasnaly pckediUpthe odd ten- ,ofour cunerienceasifrote partsScott; One year old-Walter Mon- A. B. Mann; Femnale-A. B. Mann, ILADIES' DEPARTMENT cent piegc ha.ic ifte exctemtet;c u antyhspaie you crief, Lloyd McKee, William Brown; Jas. McKenzie: Maie 1934-H-elen Afghan, wool-Mrs. Jas. Marlow. ofmain hage dope t tewith a fund of camp lare which has Faal-Lawrence Hooey, N o r mi a nl Stark, Jas. McKenzie; Female 1934 Mrs. Jas. Baird: Baby's Bonnet. knit ground. been of the hlghest intercst and Scott. John Greer; Team in hanness -Jas. McKenzie. A. B. Mann. -Mrs. J. M. Carnegie, Miss Sadie he gniculn turl, meetigs were value ta us. -Ideal Dairy Oshawa. F. B. Glas- Geese: Edgar Gibson, al prizes. Hortop: Babys Bonnet, crochet- helakt nd in asns0ote, hielam iur Our indebtedness te yotî is nat ta Pell. Merlin Hepburn. Drake-R. C. Brown, Edgar Gib-~ Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. J. M. Carnegie; (Bacstc) ndin170th d-be measured by the actual value of General Purpose: Brood Mare- son; Duck-R. C. Brown. N. Taylor; Baby*s Bootees, knit-Mrs. F. Stin-1 rectors were Messers: Spinks. Dea- thîs small gif t, but we asIc you ta G. H. Kerry. Jos. Forder; Twa year Drake 1934-Edna Jackson, Edgar son, Miss Birdie Fallis: Babys Boot- con. Gaggins. Patterson, Whitfield, accept it as a token 0f aur esteem olad-G. H. Kerry. Lloyd McKee, 2 Gibson; Duck 1934-Edna Jackson. ees, crochet,-Mrs. F. Stinson; Baby Bailer andà James Parr, Sec.. There and gratitude. and as a perpetual and 3~ n year old-Everard San- DIYPOUEAND Dress. fancy-Miss Louise Carnegie,. were 90 paid up members in that reminder of our mast sir.cere wishes dro.Js odr o egsn AR RDC i.J .Crei:BbsJce year, 214ftes, and the totl sre-;ory continuai welfare ar.d hap- Foal-Jas. Forder, Lloyd McKee, Ev- DOMESTIC SCIENCE kntMs1.Hotp isB ceiis f te dy a th dnll hedprnss.We rus tht mny ayserard Sanderson: Team in harness 15 lbas. Butter in crock-Mrs Frank Babys Jacket, crochet-MssFlls were $34.36. Homemlade flannel and, w.11 yet be given you, in %vhich ta --G. H. Kerry. Crozier, Mrs. John Elford, Mrs. Carl lis, Mrs. F. Stinson.B.F- ote od eeexhibited, also bear wi:ness for the Great Leader ]Roadster: Brood Mare--Cochrane Wright; 10 lbs. Butter if prints- Bedroom Slippers-Mrs. Jas. Mar- some bread but no butter. In the an.d Exemplar of mankind. Bros., Whitney Boyd. Everard San- Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. low. Mrs. Isaac Whitfield: Bedroom records under the heading "Expend- Sîgned on behaîf of the local BOY derson: Two year old-Whitney Frank Crozier: 5 lbs. Butter in pnints Towel, embroidered-Mns. W ils oni iture" elle f inds that the directars' Scouts organization - Frank W&od- Boyd; One year old-LIoyd Kennedy, -Mnrs. Frank Crazier, Mrs. John El- Websber, Mrs. Ira Lowe; Bedroom1 miui eeti hd tosioa i frad . . ;raa.Sc Roy Brown: Foal-Whibney Boyd. ford, Mrs. Ira Lowe. Towvel crochet trimmed-Mrs. Web- i hQidrerehmnt!The members of the Orange Lodge 1Cochrane Bros.; Team in harness-1 Loaf White Bead-Mrs. Earl Dor- ster. Mrs. Leith Byers; Bath Towel, Very litle is remembered by the if BIackstoýk L. O. L. 133. presented Lloyd Kennedy. Isaac McMillan, Wv. relI. Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Mrs. Jas. trimmed-Mrs. F. Stinson, Miss B. ote rs rie en 170f Thtwh pungfoDr. Wittaer hanMndaeng aed H. Lindsey; Single horse, over l1'2 Parr; Loaf Brown Bread-Mrs. Fred Fallis; Tea Towe!s. hand trimmed- pefpais por ta 1870. Teyoun oun etaîn p4eennd onMonday niht. hands-Lloyd Kennedy. W. H. Lind- Raines, Mrs. J. A. Johnston, MI-S. Mrs. Leith Byers,Mr. ebtr people orked ery sbenuousy on Sptembs 24thsevent membes of sey. Dr. Henry: Single herse, under Edgar Gibson; Buns-Mrs. Ja.WrBomrfnyMs eb tVan the farms. and Christmas Day and St. Jon Agican Chunch and l5'ý hands-Lloyd Kennedy, Isaac Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mrs. Earl Don- Camp: Buttonhale on f inished gar- JUlY 12th were the most important friends assembled at the Rectory to McMlillan, W. H. Lindsey. rell; Biscuits, plain-Mrs. F n e cd ment-Mrs. F. Stinson. Mrs. Arthur holidays. Consequently, untîl the -sive Dr. and Mrs. Whit:aker a fane- Carnrage: Bnood Mare - A.B. Raines, Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mns. Leith Rad; Collection of Fancy Work-I dage fai r . ofew f h att e vell. aThea e ueinws abeui Mann* Two year old - William nyers; Cookies--Mrs. Jos. Baird, Miss S. Hortop, Mrs. Webster; we the ntaneasuprseto Dr. and: Brawni. Whitney Boyd; One year old Mrs. Frank Crczier. Miss Htelen Child's Play Rompers-Miss L. Car-1 weure the occasiondwenjthedneih- Ms.hibtnake d r.Fred Wîig cin -A. B. Mann; Foal-A.B. Mann: Stark; Ginger Snaps.-Mrs. Grant negie, Miss B. Fallis: Cut Work Em-1 daucs assembl. e ndenjoyltteora wa.ts ha ra n ol o- Team in harness-Beatty & Nat- Jackson. Mrs. Jas. Baird, Mrs. J. A. briderY-Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Web- dene t îgh. hee ws îtie r unty înîng an înteresting pro- tresS, A. B. Mann: Single horse. Johnston: Light Layer Cake, iced- ster; Centrepiece. embroidered white no music at that time and the danc- grami was g.,ven: Mrs. Harry Mc- over 1512 hands-Beatty & Nattress. Mrs. W. G. Werry, Mis. Fred Raines. linen-Mrs. F. B. GlaspeIl. Miss s.1 ing was accompanied by ivhistling. Laughlin read "An Anthem": Mn. Ideal Dairy Oshawra: Single horse, Mrs. John Jobb; Dark Layer Cake, Hortop: Centrepiece. embroidened Mrs. George Hall, wife of the fîrst Jack Smith sang a solo: readings unider 1512 hands-Beatty & Nat- iced-Mrs. W. G. Werrs-, Mrs. Fred colored linen-Mrs. Webster, Mrs. L.1 settler, "lilted" at many of these were given. "Grannys Quilt* ' by Mrs tress. A. B. Mann. Robt. Ciemence: Raines, Mrs. Edgar Gibson: GisBca eteicki-r.F gatherings. Her descendants this Fred Hailtîon. Mrs. Athur Bailey, GenteasinotBeat vt rhi forMs eb o-stinescn rIr oe Centrepiecer. F yearforethenbe a mtatgnîîcent s rs.nd t.He mionersOgaia" y Nattres. W. H. Lindsey. Lloyd Ken- eY. Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mrs. Stan- crochet-Mrs. L. Byers. Mrs. F. cprthe amltn Ms E. Hayes, nedy; Lady Diver-Ideal Dairy ford VanCamp: Apple Pie-Mns. Stinson: Curtains. hand made-Mrs. tetwhip.l was won by Mn. Port Perry. sang a lovehy solo: Mr. Mrs. R. R. Byers, Beatty & Nat- Herb. Hooey. Mrs. Arthur Read, Mrs. Grant Jackson. Mrs. F. Stinson:A- Newton Taylor. Burkcton. Ira Argue plaYed a volin -solo, and tress. Mi's. Henry; Clarke Williams Carl Wright; Pumpkîn Pie-Mrs. nron. fancY-Mrs. J. M. Carnegie, The inute1 aspf ne meetingr shw Mr-s. s. Smit re d a fîttan ada- Special-Stanford VanCamp. -John Normian Green, Mrs. Earl DorreU. -Mrs. F. Stinson: Ladies' Smock exhitin o81fastockng show fothe d e of Agnpursenotgladah a bas- hnGreer. Everard Sanderson. Mrs. Carl Wright. Mrs. Ina Lowe. Mrs. Webster: "Faàncy exiionfsock we nta hehd aIfoWil- edteof DarnficndahiM ie hn OPen Race: Clayton H o dg~~ Collection of Canned Fruit-Mrs. Handkerchief, 2 styles hand trim- noambrTeenrîcefc frpes r. Whittak- Haliburton. '-Armior Patch"; Frank Fred Raines, Mns. Edgar Gibson, med-Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Stinson: Kit- i nnmmesas$1.53 and a din- er. ard Dr. Wh.tbaker spake a few Or. Belleville. "Catherine Grattoni" Mis.s Edna Jackson; Jellies-Mrs. chen Apron. plain-Miss S. Hortop, ner was served in the Royal Ex- .corz of alppreciabion. Among those Alan Brown, Orono). "The Great Mce Fred Raines, Mrs. Newton Taylor, Mrs. Richard Wall. change Hotel. It was about this bille \ho 'voiced their estEem and honorKey"Mn.Jh Etrd PckeMr. niedSxMsJ..Caege thatds asar u0f hapseIn thFain1'ifR. and mih. WhitenMr.v John Farmers' Rare - Herb. M c Ne il1 John Elford. Mrs. Edgar Gibson, Miss L. Carnegie: Knittcd Mitts, Grans as heprce or f th, e n.Tos. Smit, ren; Mn. of hnI .aretville 'Goldie Patch"'; Harr' Miss Ednia Jack'son: Honey, strained men's Mns. F. Stinson, Mrs. Lowe: same yean the pfie for fli w hat Ffi-. Dev apekefthmebci f bbMorris. Orona. "Harry C.": Norman -Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Wilson Web- Knitted Mitts. women's-Mrs. F. gron i te fel no l~s -hanchrch. who spoke if ther eraiSnît saw.'enyBio" ster. Mrs. Norman Green: Maple Sy- Stinson. Mrs. Virginia Archer: Lun- eighit acres was won by Mn. Brima- vte xpeaigil her e tor COs a.rpMs lrec ar r.Fan ho l~ n Sribe- .F comb (35 bushel ta the acre), 2nd,w'Shawalfrom, rozii',Ms. lar an ree: l.B iapel.MrFr.a.nakege Mn. Wright (35 busheli. 3rd. Mn. Off the respect which cveryon, hd hrhon:Bulr2yas l ndBteî' in rormadee;girlosnder Pllotass. ebroidered-Mss .1 Shepherd <with an average cf 30 fUi him as a clergyman and a gen- vnW .Bag alWiBu20tt nAiern ,mo toy.grlPnerB.Carnegie, Ms. j.dnaJacksnegPie- buselbo heacr'.Teadae Whit- remaîî Mn. E. Haye.,who was in' Bull, 1 year and aven-Lewis Rich- ngt LmnPeMrsn. E arlDo-loCasge sae tnimmed-s; Ira fiedAnsn aylr ndJoh Lm- i.Whitaer fom~ paîs ii andson; Cow giving mnilk or in cal- relI. Miss Fiorence Pari. Mrs. Non- Lowe, Miss B. Fallis: Patchwork mnis who ranl a gri 't miii in Cant- enfagoaromaera fw rs 1 and 3, W. S. Bragg, 2 Lewis Rich- a re.Qjt ohMs .Sîsn r.L wight were the judges. -ild Mns. Marshall. daughter of the' ardson; Heifer. 2 years old-W. S. 'coinWmn' nttt nze yr:ee Quil, cobto-Mrs. J.Sino, r There wcre il entries for the tur- firsb Presbybeniani minîstel' in Cant- Bragg, Lewis Richardson; Heifer, 1 itra OnnsIsiuePie yes icdQit otnMs . nip prîze if 1871. The cinpet.tars %vr .ght, sPoke biefly of ber fathcn's yn'.-W. S. Bragg, Lewis Richardson;I Beef Loaf-Mrs. Grant Jackson; Baird, Mrs. L. Byers; Quilît plque paid 50c to. enter and th ude minîstry at Cadmus for forty years. Heifer Caîf unden 1 Yr.--Jos. Fonder' Potato Salad-Mrs. Grant Jackson, , -Mis.s L. Carnegie. Miss Edna Jack- were Isaac Beacock. John Trew;in Mn. F. Willaii gave a short,1 Bull Cahf unden i Yr.-Lewis Rich- Mrs. Percy VanCamp: Muffins-'son: Bedspread, embroidered-Mrs. f and obt Venin, eah rceiingand f ahiawing the singing of tbec ardson. W. S. Bragg, Newton Tay~- 1 Mns. Athur Read, Mrs. Stanford Webster. Mrs. F. Stinson: Comfort- $1.25 for thein services, and Mr. hymn "G,-d be wth you bill we meet l on: Champion Bull-W. S. Bragg. anap; Drap Cakes-Mrs. Perey er. down fiiled-Mrs. Arthur Read. Beacock $3.00 for suppiyînig the again '~ the ladies o! the church Hereffords: Bull. over 2 yrs.-uî. VanCamp. Mns. N. Mountjoy; Light Miss Edna Jackson: Comforter, wool team and wagon in which they trav- served a deightful lunch. R itn ul rHnl ak Cake-Mrs. P. VanCamp, Mrs. G. filled-Mrs. Webster; Set Table elled durîng thein ,udgîng. The Dr and Mns. Whittaker wilh ne- liin: Cow giving milk or In calf-ist Caps.G Jackson: Apple e-Ms.PieVa- F.atscof:etMTaBe Matls. M- winnens iin a competibion for the side in BDwmanihle on leaving aid 211d, Alian R. Linton; Heifer, 2Ca Mrs . .Jcsn ArePe .Stno;StTal as m best two bushel of patatoes ini whîch Blackstock: and bbc good wihes of years-A. R. Linton: HI-eifer. 1 year Mr. Athur Read, Mrs. Henb. Hoo- broidered-Mrs. Ina Lowe,MisL twenty entened wcre, lt John Nes- a host of fricnds go with theml for, -A.. Linton; Catf under 1 ycar__e:Tal oîqe-Mrs. Leith By- Carnegie; Sideboard Scarf. white biti, 2nd George Marlow, 3rd John mnyyeans of health and great jy A. R. Linton. ens, Mis. N. Mountjoy. iinen-Mrs. Lowe, Mns. J. M. Car- H. Dvitt Geoge MrlowcameistBest Dairy Cow, any beed-W. s. GRAIN AN'D SEEDS negie: Sideboard Scarf. calored lin-c and Nelson Marlow 2nd in a pnîze Bag alDrel ei ihr- Fl hardJs ar .J en-Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Stinson; Cush-L for the best bwo bushels of tunnips BLACKSTOCK .-. Las:Fal hat wisoaiwe h. n Mbrsoe: -MSofa R i la in that yean: and prýzs at the fair Grades: Cow giving mihk or in caîf LCico. Crozier. Roy Fesn Snn uitdMnLw. isCange wee give sngfrleapggy <4)entiies',. BO SC U SM K -Lewýis Richardson & Sons: Heifer, Wheat. bard-G. N. Graham, Carl Boudoir Pillow-Mrs. F. B. Glaspeli, mowers (3,BOYeSCOUTSrsMAKE 2 Yeas-Neiwton Taylor; Caîf under Wright, Geo. Crozien: Spring Wheai. Miss Hortop: Sofa Cu' hion, woo1. ow s 3 , p e edechr hns e and ewi gS ra2 o t- d a d A ms r n,,e .c o plogh, snge bgg <, ianhan FNE RO RE s 1 yoEnestLrer .S.Ba zsfEdwn rmtogcGo r0-cochet or knit-Miss Florence Parr, mahns.____ JtodobeFutldin13 ropI nlre as.Fndr ze.Harold Beacock; Peas, small- Mss Hortop: Swedish EmbroideryC ro s 2, p te t hu s nd se in B b Beef, u der 1 year, any G. N. Graam, Cio. Crozier; Qats. on a towel-M iss B. Fallis. Mrs. J. c machnes.Therewre 108 dubesin anuîdd En 1933 Ttre P Issled beed-Ennest Larmer, A. R. Linton. wie--G. N. Graham, W. J. Leask. M. Carnegie: Sweater Coat, weoo whagonsenredad18mmesi.n ayTssAePse Be-st Herd of Cattle, any breed- Newton Taylor; Qats, black-lst, crochet or knit-Mrs. Webster, Mrs.c that year. -- ~~~~~W. S. Bragg, Lewis Richardson & 2nd and 3rd. R.CP rw:Baly tnon wae1oaphae 1878 saw a great impravement iný B:ackstock Troop 1, Boy Scouts,: Son. Allan R. Linton. C.owe-BCaowWni : h , Lt en j "tyle crocetr knit. silk o wo N the Fair. There was a marked in- began November 1933, with 5 boys- SEFMuto:Bne,2rwdG .sl. crctino r kis. l rcePar crease in bbc fruit exhîbîts; the wo- Ro s Biley, HaahdWCraword, Ratherl men's section had more exhibîts; Grabam, Roniald Campbell, Walter' Cots 'olds - F.B Glaspe1,ail Gaa. .JHeak c illLades Scarf. crochet or knit-Mrs. andvaios ohe casss en ."ar- Wight and Dr. Whittaken as Scout-pizs White Beans - Ed. Williams, Mrs. Stinson: Tatting on finisbed article and $3152 wafces iptaîoutipîzsmatr Meig was held i t Leicesters: Agcd Ramn-W. R. Rob- Ina Lowe. Mrs. John Elford: Barley'I Mrs. Stinson. Mrs. Lowe; Best an bc ficrsi tatyerwee.jJohns church vestry whenRabîsShaln Rm-riWgt for mialting purposes-Wesley Page.ILbrSvn eie, hoemae Joh GggisPne.:Jams aiiyGraliam svas appoîntcd Secnetary. i 2 and 3 W. .Rbim;RmLm Carl Wright, W. J. Lcask. Luther1 Mrs. James Manlow: Tray Cloth- Vice-Pes.-Drecos, James Coabes, If11 Januany permission was obtain-,- n W. R. Robbins,5 dCr onjy utnBaok r.LwMs .Fli:Ngtn Teas. Whitfield. A. Latimore, Chas. cd to u e thc Orange Hall for meet- Wih:Ae w- and 3 W.R. VEGETABLES AND RLOOTS gale-Miss Hortop. Miss F. Parr: Laime, ic. anaw Aso Tylr.,IcaRObbins, 2nd Carl Wright: Shcar'lingI Potatoes. Irish Cobbler - W. j Pyjama Bag-Mizs FHortop, Mrs. F. 10 Lswlien James Crockford, Frank l -s n nhW .Rbis es.N onjy .Gen o tno:PanPthn ntmgr see I hagofLc livin makes 1 ad btche tor as,,chairmn.bskîtpms"ianhe U 2.v oe Parator made <in Amença wih a guar. Wbtr o a nom wonh lxvii agaun nîeedin < I<.<.rxor Major .aksparator wthiwelv ebtr wBsket-Mrs. Green, g Th' rm cvl n ugsb0fMaor - v feiturt, coi frund on any other 'eparabor in Mrs. R. C. Brown. YDI E.PINKH M'S Cai5pt'l. t., ala o"o au eitetalycdthr ;ddj-,.unîe xatci g fu eardtoddess,,,nd N. B-If exhibitors finti any m- LYDI E.PIN HAMI thsiatic*Sro)ut. Roald Ula Suferr etertine Co n il-<,, w utdeal i nesn rotay ons or omissions ini the above list VEGE A BLE COM PO UJN D aw a J nt heplay otb iwen t he t h Corai n fd Bumpy ion S lCs r ess .,_Vil _________ FORT HURON, as possible. C eg t nDevltt, Sec- ~ Oshawa, andi eaily won. The îoaps, them. At Jury & Lovelh's, I..M retary-Treasurer. Buketon, ont. Biackstock School 1 Fair Prize Awardsý Faîl Wbcat, 1 sheaf-Roy Werny, Eliner Archer', Lola Stînsaîs. Roy Stinson. Faîll.Wbcai. 1 quar't-Ar'nold Tay- lor'. Grant Ferguson. Maurice Nes- bitt, Roy Stinsos. Oats. 1 quart - Jack McGrcen, Kathleen Wright. Zetta McKee. Grant Ferguson. Oats, sheaf-Peari Wr'ight. Hazel Wright, Ivan Mountjoy. Rahph Lan- mer. Barley. i quart-Maion Hill, Jack M. Green, Kathleen Wright, Howard Farder. Baîlcy, sheaf - Kathleen Taylor Arnold Taylor, Bessie Edgenton, Jean Malcolm. Patatoes Doolcys - K a t b ee n I Wright, Pearl Wright, Marion Bea- rcock. Jack M. Gr'een. Poatoes. Irish Cobblers-Harold Crawford. Mareita Graham., Ivan Mountjay, Zetta McKee. Ensilage Corn - Evehyn Phiip. Pearl Wright. Dorcen Argue, Lloyd Wright. Sweeb Corn-Giant Campbell. Roy Stinson, Dalton Dorreil, Pearl Wright. Mangels-Jean Malcolm. Ronald Archer. Stewart Dorrell, Roy Werry. Turnips--Donald Johnston. Ralph Larmer, Merrill VanCamp, John Archer. Beets-Hazel Wright, Jimi Marlaw, Doris Mounijoy. Ethel Carter. CarraIs - Lloyd Brown, H ele n Glide. Helen Sandenson, Bessie Eti- gerbais. Onions-Keith Brown. Kathccîs Woodand. Muriel Lansing, Lois Burn, Pie Pumpkin-,John Wenî'y, Jean Malcolm. Daiotby Wright, Walter Rogers. Asters-lys Mounitjoy, Bessie Eti- genton. Marion Hill, Verna MrNahly. Phlox-Ethel Carter. Harry Grace. Lais Larmen, Doris Mauntjoy. Zinnia - Lloyd Wright. Gr an t Canipbell, Roy Carter', Loas Stînson. African. Marigolti-Jean Malcolm, Clara Mauntjoy, Evelyis Campbell, Roy Stinsos. Calendula-Robert Carter. Evelyn Marhow, Marion Beacock, Ralph Lai-mer. Salpiglassis--Hazel Wright. Mati- eline Marlow, Helcîs Moore, Jim Fallis. Pinks-A. Taylor. Cackcncl. Banneti Plymouth Rock -Bessie Edgeîbon. Ralpb Lsmrmser, Darothy Wright. Kathleen Wright, Pullet, Barred Plymouth Rock- Kathîccîs Wright, Donothy Wright, Pearl Wr'ight. Lois Larmer. Cockercl, White Leghorn - Jean Malcolm, Lloyd Brown, Ross Baîhcy. Neil Johnston. Pullet. White Leghorn - Lloyd Browvn. Jean Malcolns, Neil John- stois. Keith Johnston. Colt, Draft - Roy Wcm-ry, Helen Sandersos. 1Caîf, Becf--john Wenry. George, Farder, Haroldi Fonder. 1Caîf. Dairy Heifer-Mauice Sans- cels-. Dalton Danîell. Rager Darnell. Best Broken and Exhibited Colt. Caîf on Lamb - Maurice Samelîs, Helen Sandenson. Haroldi Farder, Snow Apples - Clans Mounitjoy,j Kathleen Woadand. Doris Mounbjoy, Kathleen Wright. Mcîntosh ApPles-Aima Graham,I Kathleen Wright, Lois Stinisois, Pearl Wright. Tomatoes - Eîleeîs Glide, Lloyd WihGrant Ferbsî ais. Ross Bail- Plate of P!Lu:ý-Dou: thy Wright. Maurice Samnoli , Pearl Wright, Kathleen Wright.' Plate of Assonteti Fruit - Jean Malcoîni, Pearl Wright, Kathleen Wright, Darothy Wright. Mapie Cream-Jean Malcolm. l la Hoskin, Eatic Whibfield. rn amBtic Date Loaf - Gweiih Marlow, Kathleen Wright, Margaret Jacksons, Mariais Hill. Ginger Bread - Miltinet Archer Marie Mariow, Doîothy Brown. K. Taylor. Qaimeal Macanoons -Versa Mc- Naliy. Audney McQuade, Wilma Vais Camp. Jessie Vais Camp. Prini Quilt Block--Jean Malcolm, Lola Stînson. Audirey McQuadc, Ver- isa McNally. Chîld's Apron-Kathcen Wright, Pearl Wright. Mariais Beacock, Eve- lyn Mariow. Lsundry B(19 - Dorothy Brown, Clara Mountjoy, Zetta MrKce. Eil- een Glide, Gingham Patch-Dorothy Brown, Gweiih Marlow. Helen Van Camp., Moaretta Graham. Pla-sticine Model of Canrot antid T1HANKSGIVING DAY Travel Bargains from BCOWMA October Sth Tro CHI Final Excursion to World's1 Roduc.d Rates at ieadi IDoubled Up With Rheumatism Could Not Wash Himself Nor Brush His Hair Sa bad was bis î'hcumatism that bis friends declaied he would neyer woi'k again. Althatigh he is 70 y cars old, he proveti they weîe wrong. Read what be say- 'I ani seventy ycans tof age. Last 1Christmas I was compleiely doubled up with rheumatism. I could flot bnush my bain non wash mysehf. People said I should neyer work any mor'e. I ans working harder than a young man today. Thanks. many thanks, ta Kruschen Saîts. I take thenî in my ica. and I have recom- mendcd them ta many. I coulti not get in or oui of bcd mysehf, non sut up. But see me woîk now-12 hours a day sometimes. Kruschcn Saîts have donc it,"-G. J. Rhctîmatic conditions are the re- suli of an excess of unir acid in the body. Two of the ingredients of Kruschen Salis have the power of dissolving unir aid crystais. Other ingiedients assisi Nature ta expel ibese dissolveti crystals through the natural channel. In addition, there are stili other saîts in Kruschen which prevent food fermentation in thc intestines, and tbereby check the funther accumulation not only of uric acid. but of other body poisons which undermine the hcalth. Bect-Waltci' Rogers, Jack Marhow, Howard Foîder. Arnald Taylor. Boot Jack-Earh Burr. Milk Stool - Ross Bailey, Neil Johnson, Ray Stinson, Maurice Sanselîs. Model of a Fanm Ladder-Loyd Brown. Keitb Jobnston, George Kcrsey, Roy Stinsan. Collection of 6 Cut-outs - Jim Marlow. Mennill VanCamp, Arthur Thompson. Eaîl Buri. Collection of 10 Noxiaus Weeds, Weed Sectis - Lloyd Brown, Ross B aile y Tulîp in Mass-Ross Gordon, Ir- ene Manlow. Walter Rogers, Thelma Ferguson. 10 Cansmon Birds - Irene Mac- Donald. Lais Burr, Orvil McKee, Jessie Van Camp. Spray of Buitercups--Jean Mal- coInm, Arthur Wilson, Earh Burr. Sara Marhaw. Lemonade Set-Hazel Wright, Ev- elyn Marlaw. Gwenyth Marlow, Eih- cen Glide. Collection of 3 Drawings, 4th CIa-ss - Clara Mountjoy. Marjonie Galbraith, Madeline Marhow, Irene !Watsýon. The Little Bird - Ronald Gmnn, Kathleen Woodard. Jack Green, Ed- ibh WVright. ,The Dandeiion-Eldon Fee, Sara Mariow, Muriel Hyland. Jessie Van- Camp. A Gentleman of Tcn-Audrey Ker- sey. Audr'ey McQuade, Lyda Ginn, Jean Malco~lm. The Frast-Helen Van Camp, Eil- cen Glide. Annie Fec, Gwenyih Mar- low. Crossing the Bar-Madeline Mar- low, Doîatby Brown, Muriel Lansing, Mary Wilson. Special Watkins Cake - Marion Hill. K. Taylor Miidî'ed Archer. 1Weed Namning Cantest-Kathleen Taylor. Ralpb Larmer Zetta Mc- Kee. Dorobbx Brown. Live Stock Judging Contest-Jimi Fallîs, Keitb Jcbnston. Srbaol Chorus Singing-5. S. No. 5: S. S. No. 7; S. S. No. 6; S. S. No. 2: S. S. No. 1 Impromptu Speaking-Helen Van Camp. Harold Crawford, Dorothy Brown. Jim Fallis. Recitatian-Jean Malcolm, Kath- leen Wright. Berniece Needham, Verna McNaliy. Mouth Organ-Madeline Marlow, Irene Manlow, ACKA C9ÀE qui1CldY disifflur, when the. Liver and Kidneyo Mara roused by I1CAGO $50RETruRN Fair closing October, 1934. ding Hoteis in Chicago. et a package of Bis,1- tilig-aliiiexpediie edigestiOr<. . . . Tii i ,kly overcoules over. ...b tthls prevents tnîiicl or hc«nî-burn, ythe taki<ig of habit. relieve ovcr-acidity. vder form, or in coli 23G MAG mwws iq LaNetLzer PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUfflDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 W/tat Yffl *BISMUTH IN a Protective 00:vsr 7.iu-nýý NOT 01

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