PAGE SEVEN 'TE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 REPAIRING ... No job too largc, and noue too. amail. The same caretul blarloram's When you wn n wrk of:tMsl kind phone Laundry 13EIR T P AIRK EIR Phone 478 King St. E. Phone 651 Qucen Street Bwafl Bowmanfllefle~U CHURCH TO HONOR FAITHFUL SUNDAY SUROOL WORKERS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pingle, Ottawa, Mrs. E. Hicks, Burketon, bas been Miss Lola MacLachian, Magnet- recefltly visited his father. visting old friends inl towf. awan. ha.s been visiting Mrs. Geo. Dr. H. J. Quinn, Brantford, visit- Mrs. S. J. Henry, St. Catharines, W. James. ed bis niece, Miss Carnie Lathrope. bas been visiting aid friends here. Mr. Harold M. Gully, Toronto, Mrs. A. E. Coleman, Lapier, Micb., Don't miss Trinity Lady Minstrels gave Tbe Statesman a friendly cal is visting her cousin, Mr. Wm. Ives. in Opera House. Thursday, Oct. 4th. on Tuesday. Mr. J. F. Maunder, Lindsay. visit- Miss Pauline Wagar is akig , Mr. Aaron Adams recently visited ed at bis uncle's, Mr. Edwinl RIEY- er second year work at Unieri hiedsvroter. Caon dm, nolds. of Toronto.UnertlRdesvle Miss Plattford of Toronto is visit- Ms .G hrrnadduhe Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Best, Thorn- lng ber sister, Mrs. Joseph Bell, Doris visited reativs buinOn.. aledonther ouin Bas Le.and Ottawa. Mrs.' Jenni1e Graham, enxoute to Base LinI visit relatives at Orono. Mr. George Wood of Detroit bas Miss Leona McLaughlin, Burke-, Mr. Kyle Squair, Miss Aura Run- been vsiting at bis sisters, Mrs. S. ton, spent tbe weekend witJh Miss die, R.N., Miss T. M. Perifound. Mns. G. Chartran. Muriel Hendereon. Melville Stapies, Orono, spent Sun- Mrs. Thompson, Toronto, was Messrs. Jabez and Morley Van- day with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Pen- guesi of bier sister, Mrs. W. B. Tap- stone bave resumed study at Uni- found, Lindsay. son, on Sunday. versity of Toronto. Mrs. M. S. Sbiels, Mr. and Dr. Allan and Mrs. Parlow. Ot- Messrs. Elgin Munday and Greg- Mrs. J. A. Meatb, Toronto, and tawa, were recent guests of Dr. and ory Clmer are attending College of Mrs. N. B. Marr, Montclair, N. J.. Mrs. C. W. Siemon. Education, Toronto. were guests of their brother, Capt. Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Fairbead, Elk Miss M. G. B. Warder le! t Fridlay C. W. E. Meatb, «on Wednesday. Lake, Ont., have been visiting Mr. ta enter upon ber fourth year course Mrs. (Dr.) Caboon is recuperating and Mrs. Jas. Shean. at University of Toronto. at lier home from ber recent op- Messrs. John and Chester Jury Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ward, Ot- eration in Bowmanville Hosptal. ' bave resumied studies at McMaster tawa, were recent guest-s of Capt. Miss Dorothy Caboon. Reg. N,. ac- tl University, Hamilton. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meatb. companied bier mother home, ta re Mn. and Mrs. James Mclntyre and Mns. E. S. Paisley. Cooksville, Bloomnfield. M Mr. and Mrs. Diike and three child- spent the weekend with ber par- Mrs. E. S. Wight, Mr. and Mrs. ac ren. Woodibridge, visited Mr Jobhn ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bickell. Russell Wrigbt and Miss Dorotby, Of McIntyre. Mrs. Howard Plummen and da'ugh- Tyrofle, visited ai Mr. W. J. S. Run- ri Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Eyres and ter Marie, Winnipeg. have been vis- dies, and attended the Centenany Sc daugbter Jane, Hamilton, were iting Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plummer. Service at St. Pauls on Sunday. weekend guesis of Mr. and Mrs. E. Miss Helen Argue bas returned Mn. A. M. Hardy is this week at- P. Bracit. from a pleasant visit with friends in tending Goodyear Conference ai Akr- W Mr. and Mrs. Arley Nortbcutt and Toronto and other western points. non. Ohio, Mrs. Hardy accompanied daugbters attended the wedding of Durham Teachens' Association Wil him as far as Cleveland and is stay- tbe formers cousin. Miss Mae meet in Bowmanville on Thursday ing with bier niece. They will then ce Notbcutt, R. N., at Rossmount. on and Friday, Octaber 18th and 19tb. visit the Century of Progress Fair ai 0 Wednesday. 1issEihHmhwadÇ Chicago, returning h o m e f o r 7 Mrs. Carnie Curtis attended the Nottingham, Toronto, spent the Mrfnars .W icad r Association of Rebekah Assemblies weekend with Mrs. George B. Bickle. rsA.W ikdr.o beld in Toronto recently and en- Ana James and Miss Marion Piekard at-M joyed a pleasant visit with relatives Asred evenings entetainment i tended the 25th wedding annmver- and rieds tere all who attend the Lady sary of Mn. and Mrs. Oea. Houston,M and f riBloorher Minstrels in Opera Houes, Thurs- IToronto, on September 15th. wbzcb Dr. Doris C. Faster, 86 loSt day, Oct. 4tb. wsbl ite oe0 e ar-] Wes, Tnono, as etunedta be Mrs. E. F. Weekes, Ottawa. re- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Beacock, city after a bief holiday with ber cently visiîed Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Myrtle Station. parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster, Weekes and Miss Editb Weekes, MranMs.Crk orinan at. anor d Plac. WlerLt, r Kalmar Villa," son Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Percy T] .and M ns.Waert Loter Lsait, Mr.. Mrs. Jennie Graham accompanied Huxter, Mrs. Buchannon and son cc aereH.nd. odn Mrs. AlbeotOhaa rt Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Powers. Whit- Bill. Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Sin- il GeogeH.Lot. onon Mr. lbrtby, ta Orono on Sunday wbere tbey clair, parents of Gardon Sinclair, W Mark, Toronto, were Sunday visitars vsited Mrs. F. Soucb. feature writer in the Toronto Star, io Mr.a Mr s . Sam iemon and Mr. and Mns. A. Papineau and were receni guesis of Mr. and Mrs. C Mr. C.d R. a Slemon fCnd andyadcaughters, Misses Yvonne and G. A. Edmondstone. r Mr. . R.Slemn ofCanaian oyalYvette, Detroit, are visiting at Mn. Mran s.SmWloetn : Air Fonce, WnieMnhv .H aieus iet t who are on a trip ta the Halifaxw been visiiing Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Tre- win and Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon. Mn. Harold Siemon and Miss Convention, gave The Statesman a M Marion Slemon are attending Uni- friendly call enroute. They are le Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McFeeiens and versity o! Toronto, the former tak- motoring tbrough the States and ne- daughter Irene. Hawkesbury, and ing up fouth yean in medicine, and tunning via the Gaspe route. Mr. Miss Elizabeth McGarvey. Philadel- the latter entering upon ber f irst and MÏrs. McMilan are making upT phia, Pa., visited the formers bro- year.1 the party with the Wilsons. iher, Mr. Chas. McFeeters, Cburcb Mr. and Mrs. Orlon Dippel, Mrs.i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cochrane Street. Walter Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Jean and Harold, Bowmanville, ____________________Hirsch and Master Kennetb, Buf- M r. and Mrs. Frankr Westlake, Sol- S falo, N. Y., were weekend visitons of ina, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Avery. Hay-N their uncle. Mr. John. Stacey. The don, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Avery and t ladies wene nieces of Mr. Stacey.I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Avery, Little r B rightenMr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble an- Britain. Miss Mae Westlake and nounce the engagement of their sec- PryadFakJ. n n ie ond eldest daughter. Doris Etelka!,vsited Mn. and Mrs. Harry Rahm, l Y our H onie Leone, ta Samnuel Allan Clarke, only Blkth wsolmnz N Bring new life into your home marniage ta take place the early part thur GrenfeIl Wbyte of Kingston, S of October. eldest son o! Re-v. J. M. and Mrs. tusw pintr. Bight aake your Mr. and Mrs. Harny Alin, Bo%- Wbyte of Amherst Island, andMs new pait, il mae yur manville, Ontario. announce the en- Bernice Chanonheuse, R. N., Egan- winter evenings in the home mor aiigtfl. We av a gagement of their daughter, Ger- 'ville. Mn. Whyte bas chosen the pro-a moredeful selection hoav193 trude Louise. ta Mn. Jamres Cecil fession of mining engineer and wvillR Wallvapers to select from. Snawe, son of Mn. and Mrs. James' be engaged in that line of employ- c Speialroo los ad mst L. Snowe, Arthur, Ontario. the wed- ment at Sudbury. Ont. attrctiv pries.ding to take place quietly the latter1 Rev. J. W. Bunner officiated atW atratiepnce.part of October. ,tbe marriag's of Miss Frances Mynile v And if you brigilten uP With Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dix, Little Barrett and Mn. J. S. Fonder. Osb- e Paint, youlIl want somethiflg Bitain, celebrated their Golden i 'he brides parents wedding, Mn. andM with a beautiful, lasting finish. Weddmng on Saturday. Sept. 22nd. 1 ner was the afllciating clergyman at FLO-GLAZE PAINTS They were married at Little Britain j awýa, on Septemben l9th. Mn. Bun- AN EAMLSon Sept. 23rd, 1884, by Rev. Rageri Mrs. W. J. Barnett exactly twenty- s AND ENAMELSAllin. Mrs. Dix. who was farmerlyi eight years ago. He also baptized 0, are Canada's finest. Flo-Glaze Miss Julia Broad o! Little Bitain, June Winnifred Pipher. Toronto,b makes a better job and lasts wore ber wedding gawn o! fifty niece o! the bride, as lie had for longer. years ago. b ler mother.a Estimates Gladly Given When the Canadian Schoolboy!DAugbte ls etnnfWib on Request athletes left Canada for Australia Duhes o! England held in theJ thi wek a tke ar incomet- S. O. E. Hall, about 20 membens o! PHONE YOUR ROOM ive Empire schaolboy games, one o! Ermesso Indiaan 10f nomtLodge DIMENSIONS thein numben was Robent Mitchell,! na rm omnile ted Intenschool mile champion o! Cana- ed the installing a! the new District e C I da Heis asono! he lie ame Deputy, Sister Lear, o! Wbitby, the je W. u*Wel a ei asno h lt ae Mitchell who is a brother o! Ex-Ma- past District Deputy, Sister Pritch- BOOK & SATIOERY yor J. B. Mitchell. Bowmanville. His, ard. doing the official duties. Sup- BOOK & SATINERY grad-moherwas rs.Strogen per was then served after* wbich PAINTS & WLLPAgrandm others wil rM.Soe seuchre was played, President Sister CHIN & GASSopenting the Eastern House. Roberni Nortbam, o! Pincess Mary. being CHINA GLASSwho is 19 years o! age. is also ne- the winner. Past Pres. Sister Thonn- "Big 20" Bowmanville IîdyktaMe.Aîenwonen a Bwthe second prise. ______________________-manville. Chie! Sydney Venlon calîs ta the attention of those wbo have not paid their annual dog tax, the faci ibat it is long avendue and immediate ~action is ta be taken againsi those who fail 10 pay befone the end o! the present week. A court action means only added cost, whicb can Spectacuilar Fur Display be saved by making arrangements ta pay the small annual fee now. FRIDY AN SATRDAYONLYThe mariage was soiemnized in FRIDY AN SATRDAYOgdensbung, N. Y.. on Monday o! IVe are pleased to announce that Mr. Conway, expert j Miss Eleanor Taylor Price o! Bnock- Furrier of the Canada Fu.r Company, Toronto, will be at ville, only caughter o! the laie J. The vly Sho onFriay ad SturdY, hisweek wih aM. Pice and Mrs. Price o! Brooklyn, The vly Sho onFriay ad Sturdy, hisweek wih aN. Y.. ta Gerald J. Bradd o! Bnock- most attractive display of Fur Fashions for Pali 1934. ville, son of Mn. and Mns. W.« J. Magifîenly lchCotsattacive r Scfs, i iPr Bradd o! Osçhawaand formerly o! Wiedding Celebration Mn. and Mrs. Flullen Cator, Salemi, celebnated the ihirtietb annivensary of thein manniage an Septemben 21. The gatbening was held in Sunday. Sept, 23rd when all membens o! the family were preseni excepting one on. Among thase preseni wene: M1r. and Mrs. Wm. Caton and f anilY. Windsor; Mr. and Mns. Jack Catan, Mrns. Howard Hobbs and son Don- ald, Mn. and Mrs. Alex Heard and laughten CarraI, Toronto; Mns. Rev.> J. S. Howard, Newcastle; and M1r. Allan Howard o! Mexico CitY, the latter bninging a lovely git. The living room. was de- conated with maple leaves and aut- .imn flowens. The table was centred siith a pnettily decarated and delie- ious wedding cake made by Mn. W. P. Corbeti. Bawmanville. Bountif u 1 rneals were enjoyed by the !amily aften wbicb -ah le!t fan ther homes wishing the bride and groom manY more yeans o! weckted bliss. Many lovely gifis were recewved. rinity Evening AuiliarY Tninity Evening Auxiliany o! the WV. M. s. met in the schoî room on Sepiember l8tb. with the President, Mtrs. W. A. Shane, in the chair. Miten the opening exercises the minutes wre nead by Mrs. W. C. Ives, sec- retary. Mrs. B. E. Inghami gave a concise report on the Peace situat- ion. Miss Helen Cryderman and Mns.1 NJellie Garbuit took charge o! the program, the devotional period open- ing with so!t music and a bynin led by Mrs. Garbuit ai the piano; Mns. Shane gave a short talk on service; Psalm 116 was nead nesponsively; M&r. Nanman Friedli gave a violin solo, and Miss Florence Werry nead a tribute ta the laie Mrs. (Rev.) E. R. Young, a former member o! ibis congregation. Miss Annie A 11 ifn sang a very appropniate solo, afier which Mrs. G. E. rr'iichand gave a ,ery intenesiing report o! the Lead- ers Con! erence recently beld at lVhitby. The accompanisis wene H. D. Wightman and Mrs. Nel- lie Garbuti. Nexi meeting will be a supper meeting in the scbool roam on Oct. l6th, wben the new sludy book "-India" will be iniroduced. A bale o! clothing for cbildren and adults will be packed. Ail contri- butions may be le! t ai Mns.J.W Jewell's, Big 20, befone next meet- ing. COMING EVENTS Tninity Young People's play "Civil Service will be given in Triniiy school room, Monday. Oct. l5th. 39-1 Centennial Choir Concert, St. Paul's Church, Monday, Oct. isi, at 8.15 p. m., under direction o! Mrs. C. H. Dudley. Admission 25c. Carlisle Circle of Triniiy W. A. will hold a sale of home-made cook- ing ai T. W. Cawker's store on Sat- urday, October 6tb, !rom. 3 P. nm. Euchre Party in the S.0.E. Hall on Tbursday, Oct. 4tb. under aus- pices o! Companions o! the Forest. Good pnizes. Refreshmenis. Ad- mission 25c. a Came ta the Old TYme Tea, and Hot Roasi Chicken Supper senved ai 6 o'clock in St. Paul's Chunch on Fniday, September 28th. Adulis 40e, cbildren 25c. 38-2 Hear the Lady Minsirel from Dixie and enjoy a hearly laugh, on Thursday. Octaber 4th, in the Opera House. under auspices o! Trinity Concession Street East gnoup. Ad- mission 25c, childnen 15C. The Women's Institute will meet on September 28tb, ai 3 p. m. ai the home o! Mns. W. B. Pollard, Well- ington Street. Pnognamn in charge o! Mrs. W. J. Culley and Mns. H. H. Dilling. Adit. Bowers will speak on bis 'Travels in Africa." Chieken Pie Supper will be served by the Courtice Salvation Army Sunday School in Pidduck.'s Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 3nd. fnomn 4.30p.m Concert given by the Weston ladies aId !ashioned kazoo band., Supper and concert 35c; children 20c. Music Study Club will open an- othen season's work on Wednesday evening, Oct. 3rd, in St. Pauls lec ture noom. An interesting prognani "Siories o! Famous Concert Songs' bas been arnanged by Miss Louise Osborne and wiil be given by local and oui a! town talent. Ail mem- bers sbould be on hand as arrange- ments toatatend Oshawa "Ai Home" must be completed. Meeting will commence promptly ai 8 p. mi. The Government o! Peru bas au- thorized Its Ambassador ai Wash- ington ta institule hibel proeeedlngs la connecion wlth the iesimony of C. W. Webster before the United States Munitions Invesigaing Coni- mlltee. Alleged assertions against the Peruvian aviation commander f orm the basts a! the action. CHURCHES ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pasiar Sunday, Septemben 30th: Mass ai 9 a. m. S. T. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTEBIAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Sunday Services ai 1l a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sunday School 2.30 p. m. SALVATION AEMY Adjutant F. G. Bowers Sunday, Sept. 3th: il a. m.- Holiness Meeting, subject "'Apples"; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Scbool; 7 p. m.- Salvation Meeting, subjeci "Wheai an Chai!." ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mns. C. H. Dudley, Organisi and Leader. Centennial Services continued: Rev. Dr. D. W. Besi wll preach oning and evening; Il a. m.-Old Pashioned Service. "Doctrine and Revelation': 7 p. m.-"The Essence a! Christianity.' A cordial welcome ta al. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH R.ev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rectar Mns. J. A. Gunn, Organist Sunday. Septeniber 30th. Harvest Thanksgiving Services: 8 a. m.- Holy Communion; 1l a. m.-Monn- ing Prayer. preacher, Rev. W. G. Nicholson, M. A.. Vican o! St. Clem- ent s Church, Toronto; Special Children's Service 2.30 p. mi.; Even- ing Frayer 7 p. m., pneacher, Rev. Stephen A. Haboush, Galilean Shep- herd. Special Harvest music by tbe choir. TRINITY UNITED) CHURCH Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Cho>ir Conduclor. Rally Day, Sunday Sept. 30th: 11 a. m.-Recognition Service for teachers and afficers, past and pres- eni; subject "Tbank You"; Will al the teachers and officers meet in the Sunday school room at 10.45. 2.30 p. m.-Rally Day prognam in the Sunday School. 7 p. m.-"How God Counts." A cordial welcome to aIl. Thursday evening, Sept. 27th, Adjutant Bowens o! the Salvation Army wll give an llustnated ad- dress in the Sunday school on bis work in Afnica. Dont miss this op- potunity.' St. Paul's Auxiliary St. Paul's Auxiliany o! the W.M.S. held ils autuminal thank-of!ering meeting in the school noom on Tues- day, Sept. 25ih, with the President, Mns. A. S. Kerr, in the chair. The meeting opened wiih Invocation by Mrs. C. Canruthens, followed by the hymn"O Spirit o! the Living God." Mns. G. A. Gillespie engaged in prayen. Devotional exercises wene conducted by Mrs. J. H. H-. Jury, !ollowed by prayer by Mrs. Mason. Miss Jean Ramsay rendered a beau- tiful solo "There is a Green Hill Fan Away." The address was given by Mrs. J. H. Turnbull, editon o! the 'Missîonary Montbiy," and was very mucb enjoyed by aIl. Mns. C. H. Dudley and Mrs. Vernon Oit sang a duel "Te Lord is My Shepherd," which was !ollowed by the offening. The hyinn "Breaibe on me Breatb o! God.'" followed by the Mizpa.h benediction, concluded the meeting. Refreshmenis were served and a so- cial bal! bour was spent. meeting was a pari o! the Centen- nial Celebration. BULBS Hyacint hs Daffodils Tulips, etc. Flnest Imported Duteh Quality Lowest Prices To avold dlsappointments phone your order now. Our stock hlslmnlted. W. E. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP Klng St. - Neit Royal Theatre BOWMALNVILLE P. O. BOX 163 Phone 12 HIGHAND LOW HIGH QUALITY - PRICED LOW We Invite You to Inspect Our Values 50e Tootil Brusil 25e Brusil Guard Ail for 49c1 ABS&C Tabs. 200 Seidlitz Powd. ..,2 16 mzPeroxide 50e Pond's Creans Malt. Ext. and Cod Liver Oil 5 Blue Blades 50e Brusil Both for 49c 1 Ail for 49c S 25e, Palmolive Soap . . ... 5c boxes 25c Jergen's Bath Soap, Ige 5e .... 40c Aby'Sl 9 9 9 *39eC bes at 29 9 9 Mason's "49", 40e 75c *59C 50e Armand Cream 29e If you want Fresh Chocolates of quallty, yet prieed low, Try Freshpack - 1 lb. 50c. Kerslake's Drug Store P. K. COWLING, Phm. B. We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses STOCK UP NQW The constantly increasing price of wheat, due ta drought conditions in many leading wheat pro- ducing countries, means dearer f lour soon. Stock up now at present Iow prices. QUAKER X-XX FLOUR, 98 IL bag. . .$2.80 Royal Seal Flour, 98 IL bag.......... $2.80 Picnic Bar Cheese, 6 oz. package....... loc Heinz Soups, family sîze ........ 2 for 29c Strawberry and Raspberry Jam, 40 oz. jar ....................... 35c Gold Medal Mai-malade, 40 oz. jar...30c Kraft Chetse................... 25c lb. Fine Old Cheese ................. 20c lb. Fray Bentos Corned Beef, sliced. .15c lb. Canned Pumpkin................ 1Oc tin Clark's Pork and Beans. . lO.1c and 15Sc tin Lunch Loaf, beef, Veal and chicken. siiced, per lb..................... 25c Shredded Coconut................ 20c IL Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash........ 100 lbs. $2.50 Ful-O-Pep Growing Mash .. .. 100 Ibs. $2.75 Oysteî' Sheil, 100 lbs ............... $1.25 Sait, 5 lb. bag ..................... soc Fresh Fish for Thursday and Friday Harry Allia, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville ONE WEEK ONLY BLANKETS WASHED, DRIED AND CARDED 40C Each 2 for 600 Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneli, Agent.-- Phone 152 Fal Faskiîons Wee< Now in Full Swing With scores of new Winter Coats, Dresses, Rats and Accessories now iu, we liement Fail Fashions Week. Won't you visit aur store this week and look over our wonderful display. OUR COATS are exceptional in every way Jaunty uew youthful styles .. Beautiful materlals and prlced within you.r reaeh, freim $13.75 up Dresses Elegant transparent velvets, scintillating crepes, beautiful chiffons, and gorgeous siik prints. There's flot an occas- ion for whleh we haven't a dress. Sec them If you ap- preclate quallty comblned wth 10w prime. Prom $3.95 up Millinery Blue, Blacks, Rrowns, Veivets, Feits, and Berets ..Ail 1934 new styles. Ail new materlals. And priced from $2.50 up Wkat aboutYourFurs? Do they need repalrlng? We can take care of til worlc for You, as reaaonable as ob- tainable. Bring your repair and remodelling problems to us. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bo wmanvulle mý- T. C. Jewell William Trewin Above are pictuned two o! many years standing. Mn. John Stacey, unday School workers o! Trinity Sunday School libranian far 45 years, Mn. F. A. Hladdy. a teacher for United Chuncb wbo will be bonored nearly 50 yeans, and many othens ext Sunday at the monning service. who have served s0 !aith!ully, will Nr. Jewell bas for 56 yeans been an be accorded honons on Sunday when ctive Sunday Sobool teachen and Trinity Church observes National fficer, while Mn. Tnewin is a for- Recognition Day for Sunday School nen Supeiniendent o! the Sunday Teachers and Officers, pasi and ichool and a chunch official o! 40 present.