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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1934, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STAT~MAN, BOWMANVTILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 & fect.s of heart trouble, w ere hl OBITUARY I romn the church. jRev. Johnbtan. for 117 yeaîs the T~ Ihe Optiniist' John cGif, Toonto leader of the local church, reàigned John cGil, Tornto ast Sept .lst, after havîng a leave We were pleased tc see in a recent of absence for more than six monilis issue of The Edmnonton Daily Jour- Another cl Bowmani ilie boy j ue toaii health. He w as succeed- nal that the weekly semmonette was passed over the Great Divide on en by the present pa-tor, Rev. L. S. vritten by a well-known Durham SeptcmL'er 8th. in the persan of vWlkes, who, with Rev. T. L. Loiwe. County Boy, Rev. J. P. Berry. pas- John McGill. son-în-law of the late 1 of trie Fourth Avenu-, Church 0I toc of Trinity United Church o. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wîndatt. For C hist. a life-long fiicnd of Rev. Coronation, Ata. Rev. Berry isa several yeams past Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Johnston. officiated al, the servmces. sonl of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lias Gîli have resided on St. Mary's St.. Iî.îernient was macle in Green Lawiî Berry, Clar~ke Union. MrS. Robt. Toronto. Interment took place at cemetery by C. J. Kahn. Norton Oî'ono. *Mrs. Colin Smith, Mount Pleasant Cemetery. We be- Rev. johnston fîrst took charge 0f Clarke Union, are sisters, and Messrs lieve this is the last of the McGill the local church in 1916. and in tme Sam and John Berry, Clarke, are family: James of Washington. John followmng 17 years the present eciî- brothersanMrW.JBemBw andChale ofToont. Or lde lce ascon,ýtructed and paid for. manxffle is a cousin. We reproduce residents will remember the family In February. 1932. Rev. Wilkes wa"s herewith the sermonette as it ap- when they lived at the west end of calîco ta a.sist during Rev. John- peared in The Journal:- Church Street. sion's absence, and iin Sept. 1933, -h pistsonwomae the formier was placEd in fuli charge Teotiitsoewhmae Arthur J. Hook, T1oronto fOl~~n the latters resignationitebs fi vnwe egt Rev. Johnston was taken to White the wNorst of it." HokCross hospital Thursday, Aug. 23rd' The oyster does this when he The death of Mr. Arthur J. H îk vherec he remained untîl 'fatally transforms the irritating grain of took Place in the Tcronto Genemal tiicken Wednesday moriing. y sand into a beautful peari. Hospital on September 1th. In-- Born in Canada 62 years ago, he Joseph has the secret-he turns terment t-,ok place at the Neccopolis. attenrlcd college at. Hiram from treacheîry, slavery and the dungeon Dcceased was one of the first D. O. -,here he was graduated. after whch into stepping - stones. not merely to &P. Co*s band members. an excel- iiemvdi uut.fu years: the throne of Egypt. but to a kingly lent cornetist, and an employee O! East Palestine, two years; Coshoc- character. the company for quite a number of ton, four years; Trumbuil. one ycar: Job is suddenly plunged f rom years, and his father as wcll. The Norwalk, three years, and Fo-torma. prospcrity to the deepest adversity. H-ock family were among the most .0., foui' years. His wcalth gces; dcath comes to his respectcd people of BowmanviUle He is survived by his widow. El- children one after another, and he years ago and highly esteemed. .zabeth: four daughters. H" is afflicted with a loathesome and There were tivo sons. Mr. Percy Faith. Norma anca Mary, all îeach- painful disease. His wife tells him Hook is the capable oganist o! a .,s: two brothers, Walter. of Co:uim- ta curse God and die, but instead large church n Ed.monton, Alta., -bus. Ohio, and C. A .Johnston. Bowv- he exclaim.s: 'Though He slay nme the other one is Mm.' Harry Hook manvile: an.d a sist-r, Mrs. j. j. yet will I trust Him." and ne augterMrs W.J. Sl- ilfllan Orno.The suoreme example howevcr, o! vnes pdagter.r. .J.SToiflln rono. the optimist, is seen -in Jesus. Nationalism. politicai trickery. mrs. E. J. Norris, Henry, S. D. A J e n l s greed, bgotry, conspire to nail Mr.E. J. Norris Passed aw.ayit___ Monday, Sept. 101h, after a short fili- ncss following paralytic strokes suf- 'Continued f rom page 1) fered recently. Clarinda Elford was, The moral and rcligious atmos- born in Bowmanville, Ontario, Can-, phere of Sl:na community was ada, April 11. 1854, where she grewl strict and uncompromising. The to womanhood. In 1883 she came to, ealy settiers were many of thcmn Dakota Territory and filed and Bibe Christians f rom Cornwall and pcoved up on a homestead four miles! Devnshire. whose difference from west of Henry. On February 251h., others consisted not sa much in mc- 1891, she was united in mamiage to ýligious doctrine as in the ules of E. J. Norris. To this union was born: conduct. Prohibitions were the or- two children, Mrs. Ida Reineke and dem of the day. Dancing. card-play- Edgar Normis. iîng, drinking strong lquors. smok- Mr. and Mrs. Norris made their ing tobacco, wcre practices forbid- home on a farmn west of Henry until den or condcmned by the church the falof 1922. whcn they moved element, and you were cither a to Henry wheme they have since e- chrîstian or a sinner according te sided. your attitude on-these questions o0f Mrs. Norris was a if e long mem- c Oiiduct. ber o! the Methodist Episcopal, And yct. in spite o! ail this appar- church and a charter member o! enit hardne-zs and intoierance, the that denomination's church here in ccmmunity was remarkable for its Henry. broadi humor and chrîstian kindîf- Besicles the husband and twc chil- ness. The games and sports not for- dren, she leaves Iwo step chîldren. bdden were indulged in and favor- Mrs. Lovedy Skells and Wlfrcd Nom- cd ail the more geerously for cer- ris, ten grand children and a host of tain prohibitions, and neighboriy friends ta mourn her death. helpfulnEss was prevailing. If one Rev. J. P Brr Funeral services weme conducted %veme sick, there were plenty of vol- -oreyEmno o by Rev. Norval Luke at the Meth- unteers to sit by the bedside. If a CoreyEmno ornal.' odist church and the remains laid: poor man suffered a loss. the neig- _______________ to rest in the Lorinda cemetery. hoors weme prompt ta help restore Frindsfrm ot f tIm reen ich loss. If a new resident took a Jesus to the crSs. But hîs creativet Ferends.f ro ou wi ! toClarkSntfarm in t he fali o! the year. the 1spirit sa eacts on the cross that Dak., Mrs. C. C. Smith. Mms. Harold iai mers round about came with their 1it is changcd nto the world's Ho!, Mrs. Charles Aldous and Mms. team and plows. tb help niake great symbol o! love and victory. Cliffcrd Glidden of Watertowr.. ieady the land for th? spring sow- He conquers death and fear. jing.t Man can win over every enemy. 1 I this atmosphcre Arthur Rey- may be more than conqueror, ail! M1rs. John Armstrong, Nestieton nods spent over 50 yeams o! his life. because Cod is a very present help. aî.d of th is kind of citizenship he always on the spot when needed. After several years of llncss there %vas true to type. If he. wih others and able to gîve exactly what is passed quietly away at hem home, of his w'ay cf thinking. seemed needed. ý Lot 18, Con. 9, Cartwmîight, on Wed- sornewhat severe and exaiting in his A man recently declared over the nesday, September 12th. Margaret moral juclgments, thi.s severity was radio that the day was coming Savigny, beloved wife cf John Am- completely eclipsed by the consis- when gascline would be no lIonger strong, n hem 73rd yeam. She was tency of hms own conduct. by his needed in flic auto. for man could. the daughter o! Sarah Evans andnetural kir.dly temper. and by the by -tuningi in," hay hold o! thec William Savmgny who was a mîller uprigh:ness cf his chacacter. 0f ail poiver broadcasted by radio. by trade. but ater retimed makmng temr htIhaekon a But centuries ago, Jesus. the their home at Caesarea. t eca!! no one wth a cleaner mind great power expert, showed man Deccased was of a quiet and loy- or a purer speech. In the midst of a how ta0*"lune in." and secumme a ing disposition. She loved her home community n w'hich cbscenity and power equal to any emergency, and could truly sing, "Be it ever sa Pofanîty were ail log common. the Here is a power sufficient for ail Shue, tha eenofplace lîethome." risque anecdote. the obscene jest. orj the worid's needs toda3'. Il is PoýS- She as mebero! te Mthoistthe Pr ofane word, neyer crcssEd his i sibie Io bring the best even out of Church and later the United Church, lips or seemed to enter hîs mnd. the present chaos. -Th will bet and always attended when conven- He was a purist in speech and in donc" is not a prayer o! resigna- he unlîer altas hed. mdajthought. as 's cli as in conduct. i lion, to whatever is, as was thought The unerl ws hed o Friay, Ail his lîfe he was a consistent n the middle ages, but it isa Sept. 14th. from the famiiy rosi- advocate cof total abstinence, and forcalnet a aseta o' dence and proceeded te Nestlcton ovcr sixty yeaîs he was a m obrwi cli eon an to e. ta GdS Unitedl Church where the service of Solina Division, Sons o! Temn- Seeking the Kingdom is moreP was ably taken by a former pastor, perance. In recognition of his longI important than gaining our daily t Rev. J. R. B:ck o! Whitevale. He adfthu dee'c etepî bread. Whatcver ought n spoe vryccmorîngwords, emi- jciPles 0f tenipemance, the Grand be. Whcn God is with us. and for phasizing that behind evcry cloudLog fteSno! emrac us there are no impossibles. Thea thr sa ano.He was a&isted v. s esirseted at his funeral by best can be brought eut o! the i by Rev. Dr. Bewles o! Nestîcton, also the Secretamy of the Lodge, Rev. j. woist. Defeat can be tumncd into t Rev. H. J. Bell of Blackstock. The P~ Brace. victory by faith and hope and love.a quartette sang very swee'tly 'L'-ok- A: about the age oi twenty-one In the -Outline o! Art",Vo., ing Beyond." The floraltiue eh~aetahr0 oiasho.Sic William Orpen presenits a stri- wecmany and beautiful hwn aflter tcaching a year at Baker's ing example o! the optimist inýt the high esteem in which deccascd j chool. It was mY Priviiege tobh Michael Angelo. and how he en- 1 washed.pupil a, Solina for six yeacs. and 1~ riched the worlcl. He had came ta Left ta mourn hec passing are hem Writh msny others have him te thank be rcgarded as the womd's greatest 0 husband. two daughters and one fo hr'g rmigdmmga cuilpter. An envions rival induced li son, Mrs. Wesley Campbell. Mes. :mnpmesscnable period. in exactth PoetodrAneotpatI Sidney Staples, and Mm. Wallacekmoecg.npeion !sech the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, s Ar.tonalo! Nestleton. Ont and in manlv sport' In the earîy bengeconfiedet that he woid fai She also Icaves one sister. Mcs. Dr. eighties he taught n Hampton for ngelot apae tatd the ark e;i McCullough. o! Detroit. Mich.: and îvO or thrce e ars. Having bought iez 0a ane ndntt Mr. Robt. Savîgny o! Caesarea. hehm fam hre acilase culptor But the Popes word was c( Thereain wre ariedhether om es he wre aroed Pascjn lai. Feeling altogethem' incapable c 1h5.51 wr aridt hernwlvis ereundt Sln nhowNever. Angelo determined te do tl latresting place bY six friend'ý and 1884 and was again appointcd tea- hîs bcds. Foi- four years he worked b neighboms cof the fa mihy, Mm. Ralph cher theme. furiously andcl ecretly. Then his ai Cook o! Toronto, Mr. Henry Thomp- In 1891 he bought a fain at Scar- eceatest. enemies were amazed, for tE son, Mr. William Samnelîs. Mr. Jos- bomo Junction. where he remained thvswbfrLhe h îhis cph Forder, Mr. Richard Suggîtt, ail until 1913. The fam-m was then sold series o! paintings o! ail the world. ni o! Nesleton. andi Mr. John Watson ~mcty sub~division. and he removed Buthati'selhwasa-c o! Caesarea. to ~,0SOlira. He lived there until four trc.S tand eetegad or five years age whcn he movcd tate red.hsncktat, fowre longlandter ]Rev. J. Normnan Johnston, Eowmanille and fromi there ta Ta-o-f ard. e w a bte or eadngaftertu Columbus. Ohio onta. At th., lime o! his datho- e wrdwh h oldisng le areavet i Oct 5 ime tht hve omeor rc omigcondition like this by merely taking sais, min- soi froni Noon, Fniday, c.5 tmsta aecm recmn, erai water, ai, laxative candy or chewin uni untJIl Non, Mond.ay, Oct . 8 but the past gcinration laid the or roughage? Tisse onIy uove tho boWe, anj of Returu LimIt fouindation. in eum Canadian rural that I not enouth. You mu&t waks rip your t To I6çave destination up tb midnight, society, Of spiritual staîhîyan voidloe. tehuy. ad ate' 'rueiday. Oct. 9, 1934- moral grandeur. Little Liver Mills They' el vegetabie, wo lnori4lnand taires fromn your He was a man; lake him foc al te andsaf. Tey'irnakie you. feel a b localragent. in aIl, Dont cent better in a very short time. wh, local agent. wa.te your money on subtitut«.. % I shahl not look upon hi.s like definit,. Asir for Carters@ by name-and £51 ra again. them! Look for the naine, Carttr's, on the,.,i _____________________________3. B. Reynolds. aialdust.4 y AT ST. JOHN'S, SUNDAY Sunday Sehool ~ Lesson s- REVIEW :GO01 IN HEBREW..... .. a HISTORY 1St Sunday, September..3Oth rs Golden Text: "Thy kingdomn is an ýeveciasling kingdom,"-Psalm 145 ' ,e Devotional Readin.g:. Hebrcws 11: Awake at dawn and listening mn high places ýS Will I await the cail. Wibh the compass needIe of my soul truc ta The north star o! a great ambition. Wihl I !ollow wherc il leads. j Though through fisc and flood il II m ackc but this reply: y 'lis bbc King*s cali, Oh, hist !_____________ Thou heart and hand o! mine. S Keep tryst-o deRev. Stephen A. Haboush Kept3s ce Native Galilean Shepherd, whc ËiHebrew Law 'sili grue h;s interpretation o! bbe The tille o! this lesson is "God in 23cd Psalm, when bie preaches at Hebrew History." O! course God is bbc evening service o! St. Johns ew'orking ouf his purposes tbrougb ahi Anglican Cburcb Harvest Festival history. but thece is a vecy special Services on Sunday. fsense in wbich we see traces o! di-- _ _- vine purpose in Hebrcw history. It bbc great characters o! the Oid is nat alone that the Jcws tbougbtTetmn.Hquedcmthla o! rthemanc jcivv as cs peae n and the prophets and the psalms. is athr i obecivefaca. ertinOn the Mount o! Transfiguration, Hebrew values have proved to be th rsneo bia n oe enduring. Hebrew law underie es w s ene o!EyiagouatN az-se muho! both British criminal and aretb Christ took wocds from bbc civil law. The Ten Commandmenls PohtIaa ostfrhhsms havehad n inreaing nfluncesion upon eactb. The tcuths o! the for tbree thousand years. Whiîebatucemybefndigcml cmhag sis in intepreaion emay more ancient Hebcew writings. if chane tese awstesed i exer-Jesus aeurished his spirit upaon these icace have pcaved to be o! endur- great truths aad characters, we tde ing validily. Mucb o! the social myhv e!whpwt baa teaching o! Moses is s5h11 helpful. mhavwentofelot kno wing Ababam TheBoo o!Dcuecoomyrepyshe uvent. witb Moses wbosc face study by students o! the social sci- shone with inner radiance, witb Isa- ences. We owe much 10 Moses in iah o! rapt vision, witb the shepherd the one malter o! sanitation. who wrote bbc twenty-tbîrd psalm.ý Christian ministers may gican belP- and with the Suffeciag Servant who fui hints foc their work f rom the symbolizes his own nto' itr laws laid clown for bbc priests o!f cl s u aion's ushish ancient days. Christ said that be love. And in Cbrist's law o! love came te fui! il the law: he did flot çve may !ind the law and Iepo overtbrow il. Efernal principhes arcetssmedutndmce livabl e nunciatcd in the directions foc a by us. A gcod Christian will always primitive society among the eacly show gratitude, respect and syNi- Hebccws. pabhY f0 the Jews. They have been Hebrew Literature benefactars to mankind. . The worldfs best selIler, yeac after Questions for Discussion year. is the Holy Bible. a gift o! the 1. Why are Jews pecsecuted so Hebrew race te mankind. The ster- 1 of ten? les o! the patriarchs neyer lose their 2. How do yon account for mod- char, etberforadumts .r frn Jewish preminence in finance cbîldrea. Hebrew poetry bas a uni- andl science. que place in literatuî'e: what racel 3. hatbas been the influence bhas a literatuce f0 rivai the psalms? o! Jews on the motion Picture in- The prophets a100 are distinctive. dnstry? The capturons prose o! Isaiab, the 4. In what ways did Christ ad- rugged mebaphars o! Amos. the ten- vance upon thme traditions o! bis1 der pleading o! Hasea, the su!fec- race? ing spirit o! Jeremiab. are treasucesý cf litemature as wel as o! faith. Nar 1e ý niuat we forget that tbc Hebrew race T aeur h hl rmdm gave 10 us most o! ouc New Teota- geT afha orcasehidsecmildam- mn.We espeak o! the Chis- aeta em asueMhe' meant. Wbtue we ms e o-Worm Pewders. the medicine par ge ha sriures w e s nerfor-excellence for chilclccn. These pow- gel thatr ciytbcureaThso narly -ders will clear the sy.stem cnticcly o! ahi Hbrew lsortureTis macore,- Worms, will cegulate and stimulate 005 ebrw hieraure s. ! corse theb organs injuriously affected by an effect o! great tbinking, great the Worms. and will encourage living and great worshipping. The heabhful epecation o! bbc digestive eloqucace, beauty and power o! He-1 processes. As a vermifuge il can- bcew literatume came !rom religion. not be sucpassed in effectivenesa. Ia fact, religion is the golden key __________________ which alone caa urlock bhc mys-r tccy a! Hebrew influence in the world. Just as bbc Romans macle CU I H S O T great contcibution to law and the C T T I U Greeks f0 art and philosophy. bbc EXCELLENT RECIPE FOR CATARRH,j Lift o! the Hebrews te mankind bas C.ATARRHAL DEAFNESS AND beemi in religion.HEDNIS Racia IdetityIf you know o! some onac who is Thece bas been mnch coctrovcrsy tcoubled with Catarrhal Deafness, as t0 bbc extent la which the racial heacl noises or acdiaary catarrh cnt' stock o! the Jews bas been keptr ouf Ibis farmula and hand 1crt them pure. Thece bas always been a cer- and you may have beca the means tain amouat o! intermarciage. In ro! saviag same poor suifecer pcmhaps the vecy lune o! David Ruth was, alfram total dca!ness. Scientists forr Moabitesa. Intermarciage of Jews a. long lime pasb have recagnizel and Gentiles la beccrming common that catacch is a constitutional dis- la Nortb Amerlos. Yel tbc Jcw ce- case and accessacily cequires coasti- tains a national conscionaness and tubional tceabment. a. racial diffecentiation wherevm er i Sprays, inhalera and nase douches gacs. The eviraments may be veryj are hiable te icnitate bbc delicate air different for Russian, Polisb. Gem- passages and force bbc disease into maan. English and American Jewcyl tbbc middle car Whicb !requnaly buît tbc Jew is aivtays recognizable. j means total deafncss. or cisc bbc dis-I Whethcr he attends the synagogue ease May be driven down the air or not, whetbcr he is a rcformed, passages towards bbc luags wbich isi libecal or ortbodox Jcw, there are cquaîîy as dangerous. 'Me !ollowing habitsç o! bhoughl, manners o! formula wbich is used exbeasively is speech. standards o! conduct that a constibubional lceatmcnl and sbamp hlm as different frora thesbldpoe sccayefccis 'est o! mankind. Modern Zmoaîsm tesuifecrers. calyefiaiu s but one indication o! bbc national tSeufe romyurcmugst1ou consciousness and racial solidarity o! are înt (Doule stregi Takune of tbc Jews. This is in part becanse tois home n Douadd rta lb' pa o the Jew bas so long been bomeless. botwatme and addtoit gaUaiteof cecausc there are many more Jews hsugar afi ndtil iolccl.ake oed ouibsicle'Palestine tbanin Palestine,. talesoo n otimes a lvd. Tisn bccause tbey have been able to tawI o fn brmn tqick elief froThi icispt their language 10 the vernac- dwisltren cadnalses. Crlfgedo ilar o! their adoptcd homes and be- nosîtrils sb ed ose.rethig be- canse they have taken pride in Ibei am eSy and obea. ring iprve-a racial ist-ory and natienal litera- bcme afland htion ing the enabacha ure Soe o bb gratelsate- tubes is ceduccd. Parmint uscd in nen, scientists and authors, o! me- this - I .1 trong teacbing about peace. Wibbdoe mksfrhahuea he vatchwork governnienb o! the (JantaaStel Wares back oj enrld to-day there, is somcthing te )said foc bbc inner meaning o! bhat bbc Hebrcws meant by tbeoc- acy. Chrstlan Fellowshlp Jeans Christ beld fellowship wîbb A sk fo r GE N HABITUALLY TRUSTING GOD <From Christian Science Monitor) at The saying, "Sow an act, reap a habit," finds corroboration mn the About definition of the word "habit" as "a tendency to do easiiy and with Ee growing certainty what we do of- ten.*" The act of drawing water And f rom the faucet may illustrate ourà confidence in the water supply, as Vision we turn again and again to the fau- cet for the water which is in con- stant requisition. So should our faith in the ever-availabllity of By C. H. Tuck Opt. Godf s loving-kindness be cultivated, Eyesight Speciallst and so should the heart turn in- stinctively, early and often, for its PAY FOR VISION AND NOT supply of pure spiritual refresh- BLINDNESS ment and sustenance, knowing that - this supply can neyer be shut off, No. 14 since it fiows from the heart of the infinite. Just as sure as is our efficiency Suppose one living where water is or our fitness for any special type of scarce and difficuit to obtain shouid work measured by the quality of Our at last find himself able te supply vision. so is it true that about 85% of his house with water fromn an im- ail the knowiedge gained is gained mense reservoir. Stili feeling the through the eyes. It is aiso said upon limitations of his belief in the scar- good authority that 80, of ail mus- city of water, he at first might be cle activity is controlied by the eyes. sparing in his use of it, afraid to Modern civilization may be thank- avail himseif too f reely of his new ed for this. In so f ar as we have been privilege, lest there again be an in- able to meet the dmands macle upon sufficiency. Se long as9 this inhibit- us our efficiency has stepped up to ing fear prevailed, the resuit would fuif iii these demands. It may be true be the same to him as though there that a few years ago we were termed were a water famine, whiie the mere old at 45. New there is a place to be turning of the faucet would make filled at that age and over and after an abundance instantiy accessible. the age of 45 man makes many val- Is it not evident, then, that his own uabie contributions to society. fear might produce for him a sense A study of vocational fitness and of famine? Nevertheiess. the draw- fto suit the eyes efficientiy to the ing of the first cupfui of water the necessary optical aid in industry would indicate some faith that there work we have to do is being given was more and stili more to come; more consideration b the Optomet- and so long as he continued to draw. rist tcday than ever at any previous there would continue to pour forth ti me. ail he coufld use. Thus he would lose To be continued the habit of stinting himself _________________ through fear, and acquire, instead. more confidence te draw on his ficiency such as he neyer f elt before. source of supply as often as need Neither timidity nor faise depend- might arise. ence can any longer keep him frein The student f inds that the more aplyn consistentiy to God for help he draws upon divine Love the more ir. everything. he has of strength and health. of wisdom ,and of Love for his feilow "The fearful unbelief is unbellef men. Graduaily the glad assurance in yoursefY-Cariyie. f ilis his thought that here is some- Worms feed upon the vitality of thîng which can meet ail his needs chiidren and endanger their lives. -somýething which does not -per- A simple and effective remedy is ish with the using." This gives hini Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- a sense of spiritual security and suf- ,t.or. Protection For Your Family -- For Your Home - For Your- self - For Your Car - is always needed. We Seli Protection In the form of Fire Insurance - Accident Insur- ance - Life Insurance - Casualty Insurance In companies of acknowledged integrity. Telephone 50 and Our representative wili eaU on you. Je J e *MASON U&SON ]BOWMANVILLE '«INSURANCE THAT INSIJRES", at NIGHT PHONE 446 and 703 When the mighty mite demands his right Mother knows best. She treats Ilis Howling Highness to Bowmnanville Dairy m 11I k. Bowmianville Dairy guards the Pu.ity and goodness of milk with their laboratory control. There- fore, it's riehmer and fresher. A telephone cali will start court- cous. clock-work delivery. NOTE: A warm glass of Bow- manville Dairy milk before going to bcd is a safe means of assur- ing sound, restful sleep. I BOWMANVILLE DAIRY PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SMnlýMER 27, 1934 0 e t

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