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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1934, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 PAGE NINE BEER INSPECTOR THE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORTI ISSUESWARNINGý Bowmanville Is In Inspectorate B. H. S. SENIORS piont. With the bail again 'n Bow- Warkworth 1m anvîlle's posses-sion Siemon ran - AND JUNIORS WIN 5 yards to the Whitby 25 yard Uine Bowmanville is included in the fom where lie kîcked for one point group of Central Ontario counties A, FIRST ENCOUNTERS, ta end the quarter. comprising the district in which Ce. - -In the second and third sessions H. Curtis of Warkworth, bas been Gridiron Season Opens With the teams battled evenly with the appointed inspector of pubilc bev- FALL WORK 'afford ail the protection necessary. Double Victory For Local play for the most part being in cen- erage rooms under the Liciuor Con- - -'1nTe lesson is, that the natural win- tre field but in the final period B. trol Commissioner. W .GoeBwavle trmlhi aeu flgtmt Squads H. S. started another 35 yard Mr. Curtis who is Reeve of Percy, .E rvsBwavU er ili is made up of tht irmat- ground-gaining pilgrimage, w it h township has already begun his Continued from last week erl. a fthrough hih th airumay ByY uz rgt Neal. Slemon, Arnes and Honeyman duties in the eastern counties of bis Wpass. To folDahlow, t is eotte -thaymuesodrues Opening the season with a bang alhvn an aterceiwt ici._t u h tm lw aaot6 used for winter covering. We dJo fot the two Bowmanville High Schoal Honeyman, who has possibilities, "So-far I have been trying ta m- ta cut heems dwn to aout e 6s wish ta infer that a manure mulch rugby teams pounded out convinc- getting the actual score. B. H. S. press upon the hotel men the neces- inches. Herefagain It is not nece ing 11-1 and 23-O victories over the îîne-ups: sîty in their own interests of keep- sary ta shake off ail the soil f rom plas rul fo wbngue beteenBu Whitby gridders on Sauyat Seniors-F. McIlveen, Depew. W. ing the spirit as well as the letter the tubers, as any that remains w lantehee s ot ingbetrBu Whitby, and gave powerful proof Bagneil, Williams, Calmer, Colville, of the law," Mr. Curtis said. ep*astr temisue nth hre s a difere nbewenasing that when the cbampionships are Jackman, Vanstone, Hunt, Courtice, If they will do that, and it js tubers. In storage; Dahlias are hiable mnr safriie n sapo being handed out around the middle Oke, Roacli, B. Mcflveen, Kent and largely up ta themselves, 1 believ artuls arydypaei the manure pile and mixed witbi of November they wont be far away. a. that the beverage roams would meet provide.A h aetmsf leaves if possible, makes an ideal1 Incidentally the Juniors 11-1 tri- Juniors-Neal, Sleman. Honey- with general satisfaction. Inspection f icient moisture is necessary ta keep muldli, for it will protect, and at umpli was the first that a B.H.S. man, Ames, Hooper, McFeeters, C. in seven counties f romn Lennox, Add- the tubers firmn and plump. For this tesm ieamtar itk entry lias ever won. Bob Mcllveen Mcllveen, Gibbs, Hall, C. Fagan, ington and Frontenac ta Durham reason, we advise against a very îow tluh sme .time adit air A istake suffered a broken nase when a Tiglie. Lambros, Kimble, Bennett, and Victoria is a big job for it is a temperature for storage. but with mreuh lmabdToite is apu co aall Whtbyite lost his temper and 0. Fagan, Bathgate. large field ta caver, but it can be a teniperature not mucli below 50 frauentour adesix ns depu osfartoo swung a Dempsey-like fist.cridotstsatrl iftedge ndahm opee. ally sufficient. We may have said The Seniors were on the offensive hotel men wîll do their part. I was the storage should be easy. A con- eoitswrhrpain ht right from the opening whistle and PUBLIC SCHOOL in Belleville a short time ago and crete floor is not a gooci place on pefoet isuw otre ptg,tua- it was seldom that * I Ithea- told the hotelmen there a f act which ta pack tubers, nor shouldprtcinsudntbeapedn- Whusriul, n nl otby threa- HOLDS FIELD A whhexrin ms have im- they be crowded too closely together. tii the ground is f rozen. Reasons D A Y whicWiliamperiencamerustpt!I1for this are: irst- Covering the! ene seioulyan ony cstl f m-pressed upon theni. that they were Canras and Dahlias need mucli plants before this only tends ta the score fram mounting ta the Pupils Take Active Interest In clcsed up once before and the sanie the same treatment. The tubers ofI make theni more tender. Second- range of higlier mathemnatics. Wil- Athietie Event - Group thing can happen again unless they both are tender, and will ot stand Early covering helps to protect in-t lianis' fumble was peculiar. The Champions Announced do their part ta demonstrate to the the slightest frost. They wlll not sects. whule a frost or two might play called for a forward pass but' general public that the present sy tolerate moisture in any temperature destroy them, and Third-Mice are as ahl the eligible receivers were1 Central Public Sehool held a most stem is far better than the condi- iower than that required for growth. unable ta do much damage after covered lie elected ta run, and after'successful f ield day on Wednesday tions which drove the sale of beer I f ollows then, that Canras should the ground is frozen. dodging several woud-be tacklers, last when a large and enthusiastic into the hand.s of bootleggers." lie stored in a dry location, and in a Some perenn.ial plants keep green! and with nothing more threatening number of students joined in the ~ temperature not mucli below 50 de- tbroughout the winter. and it is very than Sally Rand's bulible between prograni of events. The pupilsl NEWTON VILLE grees. In digging, as mucli of the soul important that the crownls of suchi him and the goal line lie unexpect-. gaining the highest nuniber of - _____________- s will stay on the roots, sliould be plans are kept alive, for from the edly droppeà the bail. I guess the points in each section appear below. Mrs. Sam Smith, Toronto, spent lef t. and in storage this will dry and crown cornes next years flowers. bublile broke. Colmer's mispiaces The first named in each class is the last week here. easily remove itself. Canterbury Belis, Foxgioves. Sweet alsa came after brilliant runs. champion of that class: Rev. Thos. Wallace took charge of The subject of winter protection Williams, are among the plants in Bowmanviile counted their f irst Senior Boys (13 yrs. and ave)- anniversary services at Castieton on is bath interesting and important, this ciass, and it is very important two points when they tlirew a Whit- 1 Russel Hailman, 2 Charles Welsh, Sunday. and there are revera1 things ta learri that they do nat get killed by the by player behind the uine on an at- 3 Aivie Welsh.- Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Alexander, about it. If we study the way in kindness that simpiy suffocates theni tempted buck eariy in the first Senior Girls-i Eva Welsh, 2 Ir- Maple, were weekend guests ai the whicli nature protects dormant ta death. A few baose branches î Quarter; Courtice made the tackle. ene Cas'bourn, 3 Joyce Large. Parsonage. plants during the winter, we find thrown over these before the other This came after B.H.S. had carried Intermediate Boys (10, il, 12 yrs.). Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. Hassan and that leaves and twigs blow down and muicli materiai is put on, will pro- the bail on a series of plunges and -1 Tom Depew, 2 Raymond Welsh, Mrs. Wm. Smith are spending a few iodge very lightly on the plants. Thei vide the air space necessary. end runs froni centre ta within feeti 3 James Knox. days in Toronta. snow catches on this material and Continued next week of the Whitby line only ta 105e pos- Intermediate Girls-i Doris Mos- Mr. and Mrs. Sami Smith visited session wlien they failed ta make: es, 2 Frances Rowe, 3 Kît Storey. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Stark- yards. Caimer's 25 yard buck was Junior Boys (7, 8, 9 years)-l ville, on Sunday. and qualîty will depend on the wea- the big gain in this offensive. George Dadson. 2 Billy Edger, 3 Mr. and Mrs. Rolit. Best, Thorn-teofhenx wwek.T r i Play remained in Whitby end for Jack Large. bury, are visiting Mrs. Chas. Reid aforir the r yote e t w wee.anereis the next few minutes until B.H.S. Junior Girl-i Judy Whalen. 2 and other relatives. Newvsf Ellt e ma t fair carr or0fth seed an if recovered their opponents' fumble. Margaret Minns, 3 Norma Wilcax. W. M. S. of the United Churcli dotesticf ailsshot edScante mn- and on an end run Bagneil scored Primary Boys (6 yrs. and under) will entertain the mathers and bab B-~r~~ Europe. the f irst touchdowrn of the year. -i Bud Roaper, 2 Donald Wilcox, ies ai their meeting on Wednesday, Busy Farmer~I Good quality and fair quantity Calmer took the Whitby kickoff 3 Jimmie Martin. Oct. 3rd. is reported for timothy. The dames- after B.H.S. had failed t.o convert Primary Girls-i Betty Welsh, 2 Mr. and Mrs. James Martin and tic harvest will probably be suffic-' and ran it back 50 yards through a Audrey Venton, 3 Audrey Grant. family, Stayner, visited their cous- Apple Crop Report ient ta meet a good deal of normal Inaze of tacklers, and Bagnell plung- in s. Mr. and Mrs. George Stapletan, InEsen ntrohe rcad dmndTbsiefte194rp ed for 20 yards ta put the bail on Jr., recently.InEsenOtrohercad mn.Tesi fte194rp the iveyardlin asthe uarerNewtonviile U. C. Choir sang at show greater falling off in praduct- represents a considerable advance thedf ie ardte a heqarcorthRe unon ionAnvraysev so u-ion than in Western Ontario. Many oe e er g hn9 e ene il h cr -0. 1 9 6R. î o nivray eveso un atcent of the countrys requirements To start the second period Cap- day, Sept. l6tli. Many af the New- orchards which bore lieaviY a were imported. As buying prices in tain Dunc was the whole show as lie tonvilie congregation were present. year have practicaiiy nio appies thisCadarenwgti coetth carried the bail the iast five yards <Continued f rom page i) Mr. Sam Smith Jr., Mr. Wm. Bur- year, as a large number of the aidCadarenw etigcoeate for a uncovertd touhdow, ranleyMr. Mlt Mmall nd Mr Wilis orhard are lcosstom0ftehigin-cogradehiAmerae icanic seedd fo a ncnvredtucdon rnThe British race, lie said, liad aly r u ibl ndM.Wli rrsaeaimis copietiy n-and±duty paid, steadier the kickoff back 25 yards, and after genius for good goverment and it Farrow, and Mr. and MErs. John ter-killed. A large number of orcli- prices here in the immediate future Depew and Bob McîIveen liad gain- is that which lias permitted its em- Coucli and famuly took in Lindsay ards were plane out in recent are anticlpated ed yards, lie combined with Calmer,1 pire ta graw ta sucli vasi proport- Fair- years. however, and these are now _ for a 30 yard end run. Calmer add- ions, an empire of tremendous area. Mr. and Mrs. George St.apieton reaching bearing age. On this ac- o'SufrWt ed il more and Hunt went across creat diversification of races, and Jr. and famuly, Mrs. Thos. Stapleton, count the production of apples in otSuerWh for another major score ta make the located in every corner of the globe. Mrs. John Stapleton and Mrs. Eb. Ontario may within several years ACID STOMACR count at haif-time read 17-0. The higli ideais of better citîzenship Milison, attended Lindsay fair and reacli the output of lasi year. Es- In the second haif the winners wvithin this empire was one of the remained with friends over Sunday. timates fromn Ontario correspondents Acid stomacli, the cause of Indi- were unabIe ta get going and ai- invisible ties whicli kept these many Newtonvilie W. I. met at the home iniaethtBlwnswl hw ngsin, Bat ig, BelchingHert- though the partiaily blacked two races and peoples standing shoulder of Mrs. John Robinson, Newcastle, 85 per cent reduction in output brGs icmot ores /tlks thnk mini t Enie Hunt ta shouider for a steady advanc-Wednesday, Sept. l9th, when alln rn ls er py prent Pains efrmieso tereatingquick- o went lihke ma iightaEdrace i et joyed an interesting and profitable reduction;, Greenings a decrease ofiyudrnethleatifalwd afternoon. three fumbles enabied The speaker appeaIed ta lis hear- afternoon. The President, Mrs. Wal- 65 pe et:Sak adcie f6 alipe ri. ofRK'STOM a.le, a the county towners ta hoid their ers ta ever keep before theni Ulis lace Hommes, was in the chair. A per cent; Ben Davis a reducto will quickly sweeten and ta ne up' own. In the iast period after Bob ideai 0f service ta the commurilty very interesting paper. *Don't Abi- of 85 per cent and McIntosh 34 pe acid stomacli. It is scientificaliy McîIveen liad retired with a very andtat the country and Empire. In use the Body Till the Brain Won't cent below lasi year coîpounded as the result of years tender and seriousiy swollen face. the great war you gave great leadâr- Work,' was given by Mrs. Chas.! In the soutliern part of South- feperience in treating stomach Dunc tossed a long forwacd ta Tony slip? The future of this country Hancock. Mrs. Haigli gave a read- western Ontario dry weather and dif res ml oe ar tes Mcliveen who outguessed the o:- and Empire rests with yau. If you ing on tle arigin of some of aur high temperatures retarded the siz- and economicai ta take. Get a boi- pasing tackiers and scampered stand for the principles of good favorite expressions. Roil cali-My ing oif apples samewliat but recent 'tue of KIRK'S STOMALKA today ai across the uine for the final toucli gavernment and progras, the Em- pet proverli. A lovely social time rains wiil improve the situation. -McGREGOR'S DRUG STORE. which was converted by a drap kick. "ire will continue ta ativance and be ciosed the meeting. Where winter injury was severe, The Junior game was muai more the admiration and mystery of other ______________ trees shawed increased mortality on even than the final tltiiand al the nations. RONO uplies. tnesae qutefnmous, scoring was confined ta the f irst Col. Jobli expressed appreciation OROandpples.pecar te co.itngmath. and final quariers. ta the Mayor for lis fine address. aniseilyth oln oh Af ter an excbange of kicks in the an.d)b-fore the meeting ciased two From The News, Sept. 27. Very littie scab is in evidence. opening minutes of play the B.H.S.- minutes of silence were abservet i Mrs. Hammond, Peterboro, is a In the Geargian Bay apple-gcowlng ers. ike their senior butidies, settled memory of the Fallen. visitai' ai Kunirite Inn. district the weather lias been gen- ________Mrs. Frank Werry, is visiting lier eraliy favorable for the develpieni down ta a sturdy offensive and with brother and sister liere. of fruit. In soie orchards seriaus Captain "Zike" Ames keeping lis Exhiaustet f rom Asilima. Many Mr. G. Leslie McGee, Northi Bay, damage from sideworrn is reported. appanents befuddled with bis coi- wlio read these words kn,),w the ter- was home avec the weekend. In Central Ontario appies are siz- E bination of endi runs and line rible crain tîpon * h e a 1htIlha n d Mr. Delbert Gibsan, Oshawa, vis- ing fairly well in the western hlU, plunges, the team marcheti frai 1 strengili, which cames in the train ited his father. Mr. Mat Gibson. but in the eastern caunities appies travelling the hast fifteeri yards. realize, hawever that there is one Lakefîeld, calied on friends lere. This acted like a cdaue 0f caId i rue reîedy which will usualiy stop Mrs. G. H. Lintan, Toronto, Is Seed Crops More Favorable water on Wbitby. anti led by D. AI-!I ibis drain. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- visiting lier son, Mr. G. M. Lintan. Seed crops ln Ontario, generally len wbo skirted the end for iwenty thia Remedy itý a wonderfui check Couniy road grader lias been speaking, are mare favorable than yards gai clo'e enaugli ta the Bow- ta ibis enervaiirg ailment. It lias warking between here andi Ponty- was considered possible a few weeks manvilie ine for Bragg to kick ta a couintl-ss record of relief ta uts pool. ago leading seed firns report. There Slemon who wasdawned for one credit. It is sald aimost everwhere. Mr. andi Mrs. C. T. Miller Of ilsit is irue. an extreme shoriage s Toronto, visited lais mother. Mrs J.!aof h1gb grade aisike as a resuli Miller. Ilof a curtaileti acreage followed by S SOPWITH MAY TRY AGAIN Mr. Albert Rose and sister. Tor- a dry summer in 1933 and a coid byf distrincthe ailer lunes. lowever, sufficleni sup- Misss Aia ati Vda Tur-Plies ta meet a normal demand are - pjee, Toronto, visiteti their auni, Mrs. indicateti McPherson. To buiid up the alsike acreage nexi Dr. George and Mrs. Gifillan, spRgse llhv ab i Toronto, visiteti lis brother, Mr. J. J. ported' and prices are likely ta be Gilfillan, Saiurday. is painted oui that only tlie Miss Betty Rowe is attending Mc- very besi No. i seed should lie used Donald Institute. Guelphi, taking a for ibis purpose as tl'e crop ta be course in dietetics. sown wihi lie île foundatian for fu- Mr. Chas. Doncaster is renewing ture commercial seed yieids. olti acquaintances andi visiiing the Af ala seeti is more plentiful than a scenes of bis boyhoad days. Miss% Eva FarreI i h las been 1wýas anticipateti. Quality is reported. to prepare, costs lutile and la pleas- Here la an excelent pictuce of Mc. aur. Mr. Sopwith is repoctet iot As a vermiclie an excellent pre- ant to take. Axiyone who la threat- ant Mr. T O.M. apwih.0f lehave expcessed the wlsh ta have an- paration ls Mother Graves' Worm Ofled wiih Catarrhal Deafnesa or and rs.T. . M Sopith oftheother tcy ta iake the cup back ta Exiermînator. XItlas saveti the lives who lias head nolbes should give thla Anierlca's Cup challenger, Endeav- England. of counthess chiltiren. prescription a trial, tri IvN BRAN D L(ORN SYRIJP C 'pure. wholesome, ad economical table Syrup. Children love its delicious flavor. THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMrrED. MONTREAL A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this coupon and mail it with $1f or a six weeks' trial gubscription tu THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Pubiished by TEE CEasN 50mw, PUBLIBElLNG BOI? Bos3ton, IMassachusetts, U. S. A. in )t Fou viii and thie dally good nev. of the vorid f rom Its 8M0 speciai vylters. es veil as departments devoted to womena snd ehlldrena loteresa. sports. mugie. finance, educatien. radiq, etc. You viii b. gied to veicoxe loto your homea go leariesa an adrocate of peace and probibltJon. And 'don'trmisSnuba. Our Dog. and the SuodIai and tihe otiier festures. Txx (,Ha5T1M4 Scimc S Please eend me a i Nc Moe<nox, Back Bay Station Boston. Mass. six weekal trial aubscription. 1 enclose on. dollar ($I). 0 (Nalue. please print) CAddreu) (Townl) (St':.> 'pen Road SUPPOSE you came suddenly upon tWo roads. One straight, well trodden . . . the other thin and twisting off into undergrowth. If you didn't want to arrive at any place in particular, you might choose the latter. But not otherwise. Before you, as buyer, run two roads. One is the road of knowledge, of an advertised produet. Thous- .nds use it. There's no mystery about it, no doubting, nothing hidden. It leads the way definitely to a fountain pen, a floor wax, a tooth-paste that will give you satisfaction. When you use an advertisement, rou use an open road. When you don't use advertisements, you go the Loubtful road. You have only hazy knowledge of the product ahead. No trademark or name to depend upon guides you. The result may oe may not be worth the effort. You don"'t know. Read the advertisements. Anything Widely ad- vertised - breakfast food, hammer, hair tonic - has )roVed itself good by advertising. Advertisements put you on the open road to satisfaction ]Royal Theatre BO-WMANVILLE THE HOME 0F FINER ENTERTAINMENT Friday - Saturday - October 5th - 6th WARNER OLAND in Charlie Chan's Chance Comedy - - - Other Features Matlnee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Monday - Tuesday - October 8 - 9 DOLORES DEL Rio 'n Flying Down To Rio News- - Comedy Matinee Monday at 4 p. m. Wednesday - Thursday - October 10 - Il CLARK GABLE and MYRNA LOY in Men In White Comedy - - - Cartoon Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. m. COMING ATTRACTIONS- George Arliss ini "TEE HOUSE 0F ROTHSCHILD' Ronald Coleman In "BULLDOG DRUMMOND STRIKES BACK"I Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper in "TREASURE ISLANqD" Mae WVest in "BELLE 0F THE NINETIES" Shirley Temple in "NOW AND FOREVER"I and "CLEOPATRA." 'g P-Vl"" =;--a PAGE NRR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE, TRURSDAY, OC7MBER 4th, 1934 --v V V Vv""

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