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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1934, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 FzY E THREE List ol Durham County Scimool Teachers The following is a list of Public School Teachers and Secretary- Treasurer of School Sections in Col.E. E. Snider's Inspectorate for the year 1934-35: Name o! Secretary Sehool S. S. No. of Board Cartwright 1 VanCamp, W. A. 2 Smith, Chas. M. 3 Bruce, R. J. 4 Swan, Lewis W. 5 Beacock. Harold 6 Philp, W. G. 7 Williams, Wilfred 8 Wright, Garnet Name of Teacher VanCamp, Olive B. Eckel, Eldon J. Argue. Mable A. Thompson, Merle R. Fowler. Helen Cobbledick. Gladys Fallis, F. M. Knox, Jessie K. 9 Emerson, Malcolm Hooey, Clarence Clarke 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 Darlington 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 Manvers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cenitral Schooh South Ward Whitney, Bruce Adams. W. A. Milligan, Wm. Stephenson, Cee. Kinsman. Thos. Moffatt, W. S. Osborne, E. F. R. Savery, Wm. Staples, A. J. Cooper, Aima Biliings, C. Syer. E. T. Simpson, T. J. Patton, W. J. Burgess, R. J. Cochrane, Roy Cobbledick, W. Scott, Herbert Rickard, W. J. S. Foley, Howard R. Osborne. H. F. Wight, Chas. Metcalf, N. I. Wilson. Arthur Gay, R. 9 Stephens. Geo. A. 10 Brent, Gordyn il Billett A. E. 12 Glaspeli. F. B. 13 Smith. P. G. 14 Crydermnan. E. 15 Pascoe, L. C. 16 Werry, F. W. 17 McLaughlin, Wm. 18 Annis. A. W. 19 Smith, Chas. P. 20 Shertridge. F. C. 21 Siemon, Milton Stinsen. Harold Failis, A. W. Morton, Wm. Hannah, W. L. Wilson, A. E. Shea, E. B. MeNeil Hamilton. Geo. Hooper. FH. 10 Porter. W. 11-20 Davis, Bycon 13 MeGili, Alvin 14 Beggs, Jas. 15 Reynolds, F. W. 16 Armstrong, W. N. 20 Miller, Wm. Lycett, Helen Rowland, Hilda J. Savery, L. Riekard, Winnifred Andersýon. Eleanor Yeo, Annie I. Riekard. S. J. Green, Marion Poster, Kate Adams, Mari orie Stewart, Catherine Patterson, Doris P. Dancy. Velma Weatherilt, Myrtie Thompson, Annie Luxon, Marjorie Stutt, Ednah M. Davey. Greta K. Archer, Mamie Hoar. Dorothy H. Bragg, Ruby M. Osborne, G. E. Lewis, Helen J. Lycett, Wm. L. Henders. Ruth Robinson, Ceeul H. Wiman. D. Blackburn, Farewell Allin, Marion Staples, E. E. Cawker. Grace L. Cooke. Eva VanCamp. Susan Smale. Helen Tamblyn. Ella Dalton, Margaret E Barton-r Douglas D. Wicke, Hazel (Mrs.ý Allin, Ada Jane Baker, Muriel Hobbs, M. J. White. Luella M. McLellan, Sarah Fairbairn, Jean M. Porteous, Eric J. Stephenson, Ethel Shea. Ilma Hamilton, Percy Beer, Wilma F. Higgs. A. F. McNeil. Leonard Stacey, Norma Wannan, Lorne Gray, Earl G. Driver. Doris Carscadden. Ida Milîson. Evelyn Shea. Laura L. Address of Teacher Burketen Blackstock Burketon, R. R. 3 Nestleton Burketon Nestleton Nestieton Nestieton, R. R. 2 c o Mrs. 0. Wright Viewlake Newcastle Newcastle Clarke jNewcastle, R. R. 2 Clarke, R. R. 1 Orono Bowmanville. R.R.4 Orono Orono Orono Kendal Orono Orono. R. R. 2 Orono Kendal Orono. North Orono Kendal, R. R. 1 Orono Bowvmanville. Box 412 Bowmanville, Box il Bowmanville. R.R.2 Bowmanville, R.R.4 Bowmanville Janetville Courtice Courtice 1Newcastle Bowmanville. R.R.5 Hampton Hampton Hampton, R. R. 1 Tyrone EnniSkillen Burketon E. Enniakilleri Enniakillefi )Tyrone. R.R. 1 Eniniakillen, R. R. 1 Hampton. R. R. 1 Bowmnanville. R.R.6 Janetville, R.R.2 Pontypool, R.R.2 Pont ypool, R.R.2 Cavan. R. R. 1 Bethany, R. R. 2 Janetville Janetvilie Pontypool. R.R.3 Pontypool Pontypool Janetville Raglan, Bethany R. R. 2 Pont ypool. R.R.2 Pont ypool Bethany Janetville Pontypool TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Dudley, Cecil H. Johnsten, J. H. Bowmanville Bcagg, Leta L. Bowmanville Bunner, Vivian H. Bowmanville Clark. A. Bruce B. Bowmanville Cole, Marjorie Bowmianville Collacutt. Marjocie H.Bowmanville Jennings. Minnie M. Bowmanville Jewell, Edna E. Bowmanville Mooce, Florence E. Bowrmanviile Morris. Helen G. Boxmanville Power. Vera A. Bowmnanville Wickett, Greta M. Bowmanville Dudley, Cecil H. Piekard, Marion E. Bowmanville Symons, Mrs. Muriel Bowmanviile Ontario Training School foc Boys Newcastle Pearce, H. R. Central School TOWN Mark, Arthur L. B. Pewers Scheol West Primary Beckett, P. C. Davidge, Geo. L. Densem. Lena M. NEWCASTLE, Thes. A. Mas3n. Hat ie A. Orchard, Nzrma F. 0F FORT IHOPE Jordan. W. H. Browvnlee. Janet Hayden Marion Hugh, Irene McEîioy. Dorthy1 O'Ne'i. Agnea Roberts. J. L. Scott, Violet A. Smith, Phyllis Sýrickland. Mary Thompson, Elsie L,.n&g, Myrtie Black. Theodera Launder, Elda Davidson, Mrs. E. Bebee. Mary Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowînanville N.v castie Nýwcastle N2wcasatle Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope H. Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope 1 and milk supplies are taken care of. Typhoid fever is flot by any means a rare disease in many rural areas, and most of the cases seen in city U J hospitals have been contracted in the country. IIt is dificult to persuade many rural people that the well or the Spring which they have used for A MEALTH SERVICE Years may flot be a safe supply. THE CANADIAN MEDICAL They forget that people move AOCIATION AND IFr round a great deal, and that some *UUUARANCIE COMPANIKO dav a carrièr to typhoid fever germs on CANADA may visit them. if the well is flot so contructed as to be protected from WATER ýeepage of the privy or cess-pool. they wiIl be drinking the germs of "Water, water everywhere. and, typho'd fever. flot a drop to drink." was the comn-i In aIl our provinces, water exam- plaint of the thirsty Ancient Mar- mnations are made by the laborator- iner as he vlewed the saIt sea water ies of the provincial health depart- which surrounded himi. "Water. ments. There is one simple way of water in plenty, but flot a drop fit 'finding out whether or flot the water to drink!" might be the cry of many you are drinking is contaminated, Canadians if they knew that their !and that is by having the water drinking water was contaminated subjccted to certain tests which will with the germs of disease. reveal the presence or absence of Those who live in cities and towns Pollution. There is no time better generally enjoy a sale water sup- than the present to do this. Pure ply. From bitter experience they water means safety. learned that sickness and death Questions concerning Health. ad- were the price of polluted water. dressed to the Canadian Medical Freedom f rom water-borne diseases Association, 184 College Street. is the dividend received ini such Torontoi. wlll be answered personally communities as have spent the by letter. money required for purification o!f ________________ water supplies. But what of the rural areas? Un- fortunateiy, the 'ame satifacteryl progresa has net been made in many parts o! our country. The ili e!- fects o! one polluted well are net jsevident as are those o! the con- taminated water supply e! a city, because the numbera whe use any one well are comparatlvely few. Nevertheless, for those who do use ht, the resulis are the same in that the same diseases attack them as occur in the city. Typhold fever, whlch is frequent- ly water-borne, used te be a f alrly common disease in cities ana towns. Now il la a rare disease and Is practically unknown where water GAIN WEIGHT QUICKLY -HAVE LOVELY SKIN Hundreds of men and women have gained 4 to 16 pounds o! solld fîesh with C. C. & B. Tenie Tablets with amazlng EXTRA benefits o! clearing up pimply skln; banlshlng headaches and indigestion; steady- ing shaky nerves, gaining strength. C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets are four great tenics ln 1-Calcium, Yeast, Biaud's Iron and Extract o! Cod Liver, ln Chocolate coated f erm. Cet new attractiveness and pep ln a few weeks. Get C. C. & B. Tonie Tabletsata ALEX MoGREGOR, DRTJGGIST FRIENDS GATHER AT a scion of the family that had giv- en its name to the section, had him- NEWLYWEDS' HOME self served his commrunity well as a MAKE PRESENTATION 1 scthe ~first and only preEident of ',lie Brow n's Home & Schocl Club. Mr. and Mrs. Itawrence Squair' Accompanying the addrezs as a Showered Wiith Useful Gifts By cy bouquet of glads for Mrs. Neighbours of Salem Brown, and a pair of large, comfort- ______able. richly upholstered chesterfield An event of muc'n note took place chairs,* one ror each of the honored on Monday, Sept. 24th, when friends couple. With deep emotion Mr. and and neighlxirs gathered and f ilied to Mrs. Brown thanked their friends overflewing the spaciaus home of for their sentiments and the Squair f amily at Salem, to psy glfts, and the assemblage struck up tribute to Mr. Lawrence Squair and with spirit,'-TheY are JOllY Good his bride. The guests were cordiallyi Fellows." A program of short ad- welcomed and made to feel at home, dresses and mUsîc followied. Mr. and Rev. A. M. Wootton made a very Wilbur Baskerville contributed a jovial and ealclent chairmacain solo, and Messrs. Wm. Rowland and thegaterig t orer nd resd-Jack Holmes a duet. with Miss Hil- ing over the programn which follow- da Rowland as accompaniat. Rev. ed. S. MacLean felicitated the bride and --r- 1 <JI'du ýrQ M.r. P Yw D- Mrs. Lý,onard Richards read thej following address: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Squair:- We. your friends. have gathered tonight uninvited, yet we feel we are welcome for on many other occas- ions we have always been shown the truest and finest hospitality while here. and we are assured, Lawrence, as you and Mrs. Squair establish your new home, this fine trait which has been se implanted1 in your if e will be continued prov-j ing flot onîy a benefit to yourselves1 but a greater blessing to the com- munity. On occasions o! this nature we are apt to review one*s i! e as well as looking mbt the future which we1 hope holds all happinesa and pros-j perity for you who are starting oui together on a new voyage. It is at1 this time, Lawrence, we realize how1 you have helped us individually as1 well as in the various organizations1 o! ouîr neighborhood. At ahl times we have found you ready and wilh- ing te lend a hand wherever help was needed and in se doing you have shown te us the sterling char- acteristics o! your life: faithfulness, honesty, unselfishness and îndivid- ualism. When we think of your life in relationship to the community as a whole we can truiy say you have given your best in every good and worthy cause and have proven to yourself as welî as teotChers there is ne investment in this world thai bears such startling dividends in comfort.s, happiness and good will as a few moments devoted to the other fellow's viewpoint. We are here tonight for a special purpose and thai is to offer our heartiest good Nwishes to you at this the beginning o! a new and happy, journey o! life. These events are always joyful for the community when a new member is breught into our midst for as we are small in numbers we need and welcome those1 who are willing and able 10 share with us the responsibilities which are placed upon us. We trust. Mrs. Squair, that you will think our endeavours are wor- thy o! your support. We are assur- ed o! your ability when we know iyou have attained success in your chosen profession. Surely there is no higher or nobler work than that e! caring for others and we hope you will continue te, think o! others probably net in exactly the same way but wherever you may see we need assistance. At this time you wil be showered with gifts f rom friends who wish to express their felicitations in some- thing more lasting than words, and as a neighborhood we wlsh to show you we have a kxndly interest in your welfare. As a token o! esteem and goodwilt we ask you te accept this gif t and we sincerely trust it will remind ycu o! your Salem friends as you enjoy it together for many years. (Signed) Salem Friends. Miss Annie Buttery and Miss Thelma Werry presented the bride and groom with a beautiful five- piece sT "er service and a sîlver llower basket. Mr. and Mrs. Squair both made replies of ihanks te iheir friends for their gif ta and good wishes, and the bride especially stressed her apprec- iation of the kind words o! wel- come tliat had been extended te her as she came partialîy a siranger ta this community, not having lived in this vicinity at any tirne, aithougli her mother had spent her girlhoed days in Salem. Her mother, Mrs. Rice, was a member o! the well known and highly respected Pollard family. At thîs juncture the chairman calied on Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P.. for a speech, who paid fine tributes 10 bth families whe had ail been life long friends o! his and he ex- pressed many goad wishes fer the future happiness o! the bride and groom. Mr. F. L. Scuair. Ex-Reeve G. A. Stephens and Mrs. A. Welsh aIse made appropriate speeches, a!- ter which the Program t00k on a more informal air and games and accial chat with a very dainty lun- cheen, served by the ladies, brought thia happy event te a close. CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS PRESENTED AT RUBY WEDDING GATHERING Mr. and Mrs. CliI ford «Brown, Brown's Sehool Section, Honored By Community on Monday, September i7th As mentioned last week Mr. and Mrs. Cli!! ord Brown, lifelong and highly esieemed residents of Brewn's school section. were henor- ed by their relatives and neighbers with an address and presentatien at their home on Monday evening. Sept. 17th. They had been vislting Mr. and Mca. Fred Byers ai Church- ville, aînd when they reached home on Menday evening they found the heuse filled with relatives and nei- ghbers o! t he Brown's and Lake Shore achool sections. Mc. Fred Graham. a fermer s-zhool chum of Mr. Brown, as chairman, asked Mr. and Mrs. Brown te be seated and then called on Mr. Geo. Stephenson who read an elegantly worded ad- dress o! good wiîi and appreclation. As it was the anniversary e! their fortleth or Ruby Wedding, the ad- dress conveyed congratulations on their having se happily reached thîs censpicueus mile post in the journey o! wedded life. The address, which was beautlfuiîy lllumlnated and transcribed In script on parchment paPer by Mrs. Harold Caswehl, Clarke, aise noted that Mr,. Brown, en, M. P., also extended his con- gratulations. Deputy Reeve Fred Ccuch ,Mr. Howell Rowland and H. R. Pearce also voiced their esteem and good will for Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family. Fred Graham sandwiched alI with witty remarks and interesting reminiscences. A most pleasurabIe and inspiring sight was the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Brown's four fine daughters and their two manly sens ranged lovingly around their seated parents and with faces aglow with filial af- fection and devotion. Ray and Sid- ney are both at home and have ai- ways taken a leading part in all their neighborhood activities. Fern is the wife o! Mr. Wellington Brunt, Third Line; Hazel, of Mr. Cecil Malley, of Lockhart's; and Hilda. o! Mr. Elsworth Casweli of Zion; June., the youngest. is a graduate of theý Newcastle iiigh School and is now, RNS ANY OA W _7HAT advantage is there in him to help with your instal- VVpatchina upthe oldfurnace lation. ýHe has been chosen as for another year when you're a McClary dealer because he going ta, have to buy expensive knows his business thoroughly coal to get any heat in the house. and can give you the best of Save those costly repairs! Save service. See his display or on coal costs too-install theI McClary furnaces today. McClary Furnace, the furnace that burns any grade of coal and burns it econornically. There e Eli t are so many advantages ta the McClary. Ask your McClary Bowmanville dealer listed below. He has General Steel Wares back of o n clr ek ýAsk for GENERAL STEEL WARES Productsý prepai ng for her senior matricula- and daughter, and Mr. Barrow- phen Perrin, were Waldenar and tien at B:wmanvilie.; clough, Oshawa. Florence Eddy, Leonard and Wesley Amcng those present frem outaide' Mrs. Brown alse received a gift Heard, June Brown and many others the immeciate neighborheod were: e!f an exquisite linen table cleth and living in distant parts. Rev. S. MacLean and Mrs. MacLean. set o! serviettes, from Mrs. A. B. Folîowlng refreshments Charlie M.adMrs. Fred Graham, New- Mainçwaring. Cewan gel out his fiddle, the other casle;Mr.and Mrs. N. L. Rickard,. Of special interesite many i at Imembers of the orchestra ahl turned Shaw'a, and daughter, Miss Winmi- tendance was an enlarged photo o p Ray Brown began calling off fred Rickard. teacher at Brown's; of and ail who wished joined in a, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin and chiîd- the sachool taken when the present merry dance and so the celebratlon ren. Stayner; Mr. and Mrs. Asa popular teacher's mother, Miss Lii- came te a happy close. Martin and Miss P. Martin, Ter- Ian Gamsby, now Mrs. N. L. Rick- ont; ca.Alx cLed nd auh-ard. was in command and ameng orjo rinting ta suit particu- ter, Misa Audirey. and friend, Toc- hec pupils appeariing in the picture lac people come to The Statesman o nte: Mr. and Mra. Ernest Legge which was taken by the late Ste- Off ice. ROT -NICRAOLS BOWMAN VIL LE COURTICE ï- I M 1 SAVES YOU MONEY THE CANADIAN STATESNUN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 PAGE THREE 1

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