PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th. 1934 Facts About Eyes And Vision By C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist PAY FOR VISION AND NOT BLINDNESS Number 15 About a geucratian ago experier was at a premium. Il bas beeni timatcd tbat it would take a m six weeks to make cue wagon. was its creator, took s great joy its making sud pride in bis achieý meut. Today 600 men may make wagon lu nineteen minutes. Tbe man who hart the pride the iiakir.g aIf one wagon worked heurs a day. Any of thase couti u*iug ta, the one produced inl nir teen minutes playcd so small s pî lu the indîvidual article produc that be gels veîy lîttle joy out what he docsansd I doubt ve mucb if be wo:uld recagnize bis oý work if he saw il agaiu. We canuot be blamed if we st in wander St Ibis mass praduct.t program sud wish to sec where can gain thereby. What s gre chance is senr. The ald geueuj lions chascrt the bread Item t] plow ta the even. wool from t] sbeep to the backs oI the famil Now we cet our bresd in waxcd pý Peu sud aur clotlhes in a label package. Psy for vision not blinc ucss, efficieucy ual lnefflcieiucy. Te b2 cc)ntinud IO OATH ED SCRUBBING BOWLS It flushes off stains without harming enamel or p1umbing . 0 H OW te get rid of those ugly toilet-bowl stains 1 It's easy --with Gillet's Pure Flake Lye. Once a week pour this powerful cleauser sud disinfectant- full strength-down toilet bowls and drains. It flushes off stains wîth- out scrubbing. Cannot harm en- amel or plumbiug. Kills germs and destrcys aIl odors as it cleans 1 There's ne need te slave ever unpleasant clearuirg jobs. Let Gillett's Lye work fer yeu-it's quick, thorough sud absolutely dependable. Ask your grecer for a tin-taday. Nelver dianoive lye ln hot watef. lThe action of UCelys f teelf heats the water. FREE BOOKLET-Send for new re- viscd edition of the Gilett's Lye Book- let. Gives full directions for cleansiug ink drains and toiet bowls, tells how ta shorten dozeus of ther cleaning tasks. Also canîsins full directions for sap making, thorough cîeansing, sud other uses on the farm. Write ta Stand- ard Brande Limnited, Fraser Avenue and Liberty Street, Toronto, Ontario. GILLETT'S LYE EATS DIRT I ll 3-011ti uucsrmemer aur singly sud cletvlkp hma r work in yoitr prayers, sud if it is Peace tagether, bad shared their A Cif, APassiblP for yoiî ta assist us with hardshins sud solved their difficul- BAickl iVApersc IÎejqtlE qmouey, usert clothîng, ai Chis- ic Tisb iexreAeIl L i e d ii ea r s lwh e n m a s g f s f r c i dw i l l Y o u t h e f i n e C a n a d i a n h y m u , " W b a t aa i t o h l r n a n h i t i s h s i s t e t u h e p e s d i [H NI3 reand Kedeys kiudly da sa? Frleud we bave lu Jesus." But I P S O For Quick arearcsed6vThankiug you lu anticipation of Jesus was thlnking of another phase Suds DU..CIHSIS SYaur ssympatby sud belp. I remain, of their relatlonsbip. He stressed H POud 6 t m gratcfully yours, the fact that bhey were bis frlends. Rev. J. T. Gawthrop. That was bbe basis upon whlch he IEE HI LOCAL MINISTER 15 corne interminglied may be separated -Iwished the relationship to rest. As by te sephrdsgivig teirownfi ends of his he would flot need to ELECTED CHAIRMAN peclir s rcavlgtei .i Sgda S h ol ve them orders: they would want OF U C.PREBYTE Y S nda Sch ol tocarry out his purposes. As ______ SRVCE 1 friends he did flot need ta have sec- Bey. E. F. Armstrong Accorded High ARE CONTINUED AT IlaIl that God had make known ta Honor - Presbytery Opposes ST. - IVITH CHRIST i hlm. They had flot chosen him. but Sale of Beer and Wîne P U SC U C FELLOW'SHIP THCRS he hart chosen them that they i hould go and bring f arth fruit and Members of the Oshawva Presby- Rev. Dr. Best, Former Pastor, Con- -. ', cobr t that their fruit should be imperish- tery of the United Church meetingl ducts Old Tune Service - J. D. SiiaOcor7hable. Christ ian history is the proaf at Myrtie on Sept. 27th, passed ai Keachie Starts Hynins With GolenTxtdAbd oan f the fulfflment of Christ's prom- strongly worded resalution in whichý Tuning Fork I in ycu. t As the irncmecanat se ta his disciples. And frîendship Ye._shernc cn th they oxpressed themiselves as ag- bear fruit of itself, except it abide wt Christ. aur acceptance of his ainst the sale of beer* in the Pro- An inspiring aid fashioned ser- in the vine; no more can ye, except friendship and his acceptance of us vince of Ontario. The resclutioni vice, reminiscent af those held a ye abîde in me."-John 15:4. asu rien s myb te wand eet urged the people of the UriitedI century ago. was the f eature of the LDsson Passae: John 15:e1andfruitful Church ta make use af Local Option second Sunday's Services in con- Lso asg:Jh 511. fitll or other means ta curtail the sale ncinwt h etnr fS. Obesc o fGd nlv n Questions For Discussion whchwa flttobederienal Paul's United Church. On Sunday faith we plead 1. Is your re:igion on a weekly A methe well being of the country as a marning, when this service was held 'Ihat thou wouldst bind our hearts or a daily basis?* es- 'he lectofofcr o h the church was filled with a large in Bratherhood of need. 2. How could Christ expect 50 -____ mian year was held duigtemeig congregatian. prominent a m ong Our Elder Brother thou, whose mutch of his disciples? He whnRvL.drn iemeig hem many former niembers of the herîtage we share, 3. "Religion is friendship with j . whn Re. E.F. Armstrong, pastar church and friends of the congre- Our kindred lives we offer thee in! God through Christ."' Discuss this. a i fTrinit3- United Church, Bowrnan- IBohrodc rae. i4 h amayCrsin h ve- ýile, was choýen chairman. Rev. P gatin rteho fpae.4 h omn hitian h ze a The service was conducted by Rev. Iliou didst the will of him who know much about Christ's truth L. Juli, of B-roaklin. ;vas re--elected D W Best D. D.. a beloved former sent thee f ran above; know so littie about his joy? isecretary, while F. M. Chapnian was minister af the church. Mr. J. D. Thou sendest us as he sent thee, 5. Shculd we try ta measure 1 elected treasurer. Keachie. Toronto, a former citizen in Brotherhocd of love~. Christian fruitfulness, in ourselves iib- Itwsdcddta h rsy hose musical ability is well known Thou Man af Galilee, O wilt thou and in others? ne- tery woudsend two cars of fruit, in Bowmanville, acted as precentar, live again cnrl npr u EPAON artd out areas of Western Canada. The proved method, with the tuning fork. Brotherhoad of Men.,fyusrk atono oe ced c ar' will be slîipped as soon as pos- Mr. George Webster acted as bea-Ifousrkatrnrrse rysible. One will be loaded at Whitby die. The service, ln which the chair The Christian Life Keep a-goin': wn andmteotohe chowarge f te A stalîs were vacant and the organ For the Faurth Quartier of 1h15 If it halls or if it snows, comitte t hae carg ofthea unsounded, was opened with the year the theme for the Internation- Keep a-gain': tap jangements was chosen with Rev. snig of the 10th Psalm followed al Uniform Lessons is Studies iii the 'Taint no use to sit and whine. ýiDr. McTavish, pastar af King S: reet Iyth invocation and prayer. Christian Life. This theme must be When the fish a'ii't on your line, we Ch iîch, Oshawa, as chairman. Dr. Best preached fram the text: studied close against the back- Bait yotir hook and keep on trylu' .ea reAsbterinc e the Lsmeeting oJthe , 1-4 iu which St. John points .ground af modemn11f e. Hoiv may Keep a-gain':SA Ar-rsbythîysinas the Ls meeting f he cuitha there were men who were wve live the Christian 1f e iin the When the tveather kills yaui' crop, heBay of Quinte Conferencc in June, inpiltf'eting- Christ as a doctrine midst of a secular society? Haw Keep a-gain'; thej the rew members of presbytery were rather than a living revelation. Iu msy we s9eek spiritual values when If you tumble fram the top, fly. Bell. Blckd stok; Rev. . J.e mc-zt great Christian churches ta- our daily 111e foi-ces us to consider Keep a-goin': EnîsBellenlaktok Rev. V C m. Prk' day. the speaker said. the doctrine money values so constantly? The S'pose your out of every dimeM ded nnisille: Rv. W C. mithl o thesectis mde entrl initsans'ser is that Christ supplies pow- Gettin'* broke air' anv cýrime. M i id mncutie er huc.JOsCavaowre,.NortL. rel.gîous life. instead of Christ. If a er feor those who earnestly desire ta Tell the folks yauiire feelin* fine, Costs so litt minzte Chrch Ozhaa: ev.S.L ime should corne when Christ, ceas- iv a Christian lufe. Our plight is And keep a-goi:r.1 1011, Whitby; and Rev. W. E. Honey, ed to conimand men by the depth at least no worze than that of the ;vhen it lccks L:ke ai i: up. sistently fn Myrtle. adprt cfhstecig tefirst century Chris-iar.s xho feit ie -c: tually kss t - Reports fram the delegates to the andgh ty f his at tn eand the enveloped by the enviroumient of Dai etez sw:z:n'ss::c: fine-qualit General Counicil in Kingston were grner1 i if u eî,te the Roman Empire. There are iiow 1eaa~' makesIal lof a most encouraging nature. Those grandeur f Hir I . and. risk failureet wh eehar eeRv.D.M-no doctrine could avail. Do nat let earnest Christ;ans in matera istc See *the w-,:d b:rds on'n- ik fr.g.e Tsh eehadr Rev. .r. McQae- vour Christianity be mere words, imperialistic. mil'tarihtic sud con- Hear the bels:-i: swee -. . ing powder. TavshRev G C.R. cQ ade dded Dr. Best. nor let it end in talk. munistic nations.. We miust learu Xhen yo'i feel an :c:g. ~ sd be sure! Rev. W. E. Honey. Samuel Farmer, buI e i etrcad1hwin0o hu opreserve teCrsinsii n epaon PortPery. nd . M AlerOsh this actual work-a-dsy world irn Duigthwetigaveyfn At thc evening service the choir which we live. . __- - __________ aDdrs l the ineetga vteyMis- snd organist were back lu their ac- God's IVili For Us. 1. 2 - îonary and Maintenance Fund wa stoedpacs n te hrc 5r sn God*s w.11 for us that o'ut d -iivered by Rev. Peter Bryce. 0fvice of 1934 was ccnducted. by R.ev. lives shoulel be fruitful. Why do we Torota.He eviee he ositio A. S. Kerr, the pastor. Dr. Best hesitate ta believe that? The vineýs Tofote.fndHne rgeed the poitn:ses rached another elaquent and *n larten with clusters of grapes irn the and laymen 10 renewed effort. The spiring sermon. basing his remarks Putumn leave us iii ro doubit'a Io nexr. meeting cf the presbytery vvl on the stibject -Essen.ce ai Christ- God1ý will for the z ape vines.- 1: te hl.din t. ndrw'sChuých, isrity" Dr. Best upheld the belief is reasonable ta assume . that God : i-e he~din St. ndrew'sthat form of service was of littleplnigtmaeur:vsfufl Osaw, u ebuay.importance as compared with the too. Christ was ab-,,l-,iely sure Of prirfiples aI emulating Christ's th15. He saw ail life in the Lght of HAR ES FETIAL teachings. While religion must af the will of God. Pýýri-.apç oare rea- HARVEST FSTIVAL Ilnecessity follow some set formn it xas1 son why aur Iives ha'-xe been rela- SERVICES ARE HELD 1 essential. the speaker said. that form 1 tivc-ly- unfruilful 15 **jt , ,e have he seconCary 10 the presching of the i been tryling ta lîve ý- r own lives AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH saving grace of Christ, 1spart f rom God. Christ did not try ______ The choir rendered the anthem ita thînk. spcak or act apart froni Large Coagregations Hear Vicar of "This is the Day-' during the ser- bis ccansciousne-s of the will of Oc. St. Clements and Galilean vice, with Mrs. Geo. L. Hall accept- 'ioo make this plain to hîs disciples Shephrd Peachably takiug the solo part, while he used the illustration of a -vine- Un ______ Prac the beautiful voice of Mrs. D. W. dresser pruning a vine. The pur- Un arying HarestFesiva Sevics wreBest was once again heard lu a solo pc-c ai the prun:ng is fruit-bearing. 'av-ý etvlSrie eeMy Prayer'. The wiue-dresser daes net waste his ncdd on Sunday lu St. John's Afigli- Th e Centenary celebration. which time pruning a dead vine. We miay Qualt cari Church when a large congre- ha en exceedingly success-ful sc not relisls self-discipline or God's _________________ gation attended al evcs h far, will conclude next Sunday. Onl discipline, but both are esseutial if rhurcb was beautifully decora td Friday night, Rev. Dr. C. W. Gord we are to live abundantly and yield wth faîl flowers. fruits. vegetables on of Winnipeg, noted authar urider fruits of character. experience and and grain, while on the alter repased the nom-de-rlume Ralph Connor, service. It imay be that we shal the Biblîcal representatian cf the will lecture lu the Hall, sud On Sun- have ta give up several things thati harvest. the l0sf of bread sud bunch day will bring the inspiring series wve very much prize lu order that of grapEs. of events 10 a close when he preach- aur livrs may be marte more fruit- Y A celebraton aI the Holy Comn- es at both services. fuI. A fruit-grower does not hesi-1 munion wassheld at 8 p. m. with the_________________ tale ta make au annual estimate of rector ,Rev, C. R. Spencer, as cele- the yield 0f his vineyard. Have we brant. A than.ksgiving service wss any9 definite system of measuring hedat il a. m., conducted by the i4'r Val the fruitfulnestif aur lives? suto ad xith Rex'. W. G. Nichol- Iiii dto 'sM al son, vicar of St. Clemeuts' Church, ________________ Christ's Work in Us, 3-7e Fo h k How intimate and persoual were mon.In he aflemnoon. the chui-ch -Ihe Mans-2, Kincaïd, Sask. the words of Jesuto 0 is disciples DMN wa ildfor the special children's September 15, 1934i Those sayings are part of his fare- DMN Shelf after shel thanksgiving service. canducted by Ihe Ed.tor, i well address ta bis disciples before PEAS things ta est. i the rector. iDear Sir: Wiî:l you kindly print bis arrest. He was staking the Sweet and Tender field and orchard1 At the exei:ng service Stephen A.. ,he following appeal iu your csteem- *wholc future of bis mission upon tion iu tofivefient] Haboush, native Gallean, garbed in cd aînd valuable paper, sud so give eleven men. Well did he know the No.2 VARIETY, there's 0 it .rTin PRICE, as evidene the colorful costume of the Orent,~u readers au appartunity of temptations ta wbich they would be was the special preacher. He gave a helping 10 meet the needs of the expased iu the Hebrew, Roman and (fi SPECIAL VAL1 graphic sud interestiug sketch af people un the drought ares? Thank- [Greek societY cf their day, but he h is experiences lu the Holy Land. ing ysî lu snticig.ation, 1 remain, 1 affercd them oue suff1cýent safe-D where he was boru. rsised aud womk- gratefully yours. 1 guard, ab:diug fellawship 'with hlm-O MT I cd as s shepherd boy near Nazareth. Rcv. J. T. Gawthrop, self. They were ta abide lu hlm as OESI tc hme of Jesus. Minister, United Church. the branches abide lu the vine. Clver Greeting the caurregatian itb al Dear Reader: and aver be repeated the word sigu, wbich hc termed as the aldest, Foir the sixth successive year this abide or î'emain. To abide lu Christ Christian sigu emansting from Gal- dstrict bas expcrieuced drought is somethiug more than to make oc- -____I flîce, be placed his baud to bis hesrt, sart cansequently, crop failure. Our casianal visits. Il was said of a lady his lips sud his head, sud interpret- IMînister of Agliculture Hou. J. G. who hart s formaI sud pstrnzg e d Ibis as the sigu stîfl uscrt lu tbe Tsggart, says Ibis is the worst yeat attituîde to religion that ronierigR E E S NEW, country of bis' birth when anc since the drought commeccd. Caii the namne cf the Lord on her calling c H I I S Chri'tiau greets another. yciu v'sualizEý what this meaus to list." No ricb spiritual fruitfulness j______________________________ Usiug the 23rd Psalm. "The Lord people wha have passed through can resulî unless aur fellawship with' Is My Shepherd" as the basis of tbese s.x yesrs ta meet eacb year Christ is taken off a weekly, month- McCORMICK'S FRUIT CREAM bis remarks. hie said that he believ- 1 wth woun cout famm macbinery lIy or yearly basis sud put o al.S ed that David was the author af the '.ith insd-equate clotbing sud bcd- hbourly. mômentary or cSANDuoICs2Hlb words ai Ibis psalm. which ceming ding, sud withb many things lu the basîs. The vine can send sap ta the' down lhraugh 3000 yeairs still bas s, home in need cf replacement? It fartbest lips. of the branches but BISCUITS 22 wanderîuil qualîty af peace sud joy bas been heart brcakiug experieuce orlv ,when the branches are lu vital for those who kuowv how b lunterpret Ibtis pa summer afîci' such s prom- union with the vine. t.1 isirg start to sec the crops wiiher Spiritual Fruits, 8-11 IMr. Habautt in bis interpretation sud humn up under the scorching Newspapers fiu t iofa pulficlu- ai the 23rd psalin said that David july sun. terest to furnisb itemized state- in wvriting this hart lmagiued hlm-f The oui look farthIe future secms ments rancerning the estates of self as a little lamb sud we must i dark, sud unless raina came this desd men. Christ was concerned tinderstand the Eastern mind sud faîl what hope is there for s crop lu witb the moral sud spiritual char- th bbc 11e oi a shepherd to catch the 1935? Slaughs are drying up, wells acteristic, af living men. Hîs two! truc meaniug oi the words, "The s1111 are giviug out sud msny farmers Gutstandirg tests of frîîbifilncs.s waterý;' be described as a trench arie bauling watcr for miles_ 10 keep wvere lave sud joy. Wbat absurd which la dug ffroni tbe turbuhilent tir tc lv.Btw r e-tsscmae ihtertusgv "IIT'S REALLY FALSE ECONOMY TO USE DouBTiFUL BAKING POW- DER. INSIST ON MAGIC. LESS TrHAN 10t WORTH MAKSABIG A G EP' YS MISS ALICE MOIR, Dietitian ofone of Montreal'sfni"$ apartment-hotel restaurants ILGIC ttle-and it gives con~- Nade ln Canade ie baklng resuits. Ac- than 10 worth of this '-CONTAINS ity baklng powder ALUNI.- This et ig layer cake. Don't ment on every tii -e ihinferior bak- P 3our guaranteet with maglc Bsklng Po' r. Bake with Magic "NS &0 A& ft~eefromalumor .e! barmful fngredlent. EAFresh from the Gardens IMITEI sgiving Foods 'If jast loaded with goodi Tho harvest af farm sund 1gsthered for your se.lec- :ly Iocsted stores. There's 's QUALITY, sud there is iced by this attractive list LITES for titis wPpek SHORTENING1-b CHOICE QUALITY No. 21 ,MILD CANADIAN KIRK'S COCO HARDWATER CAS'flLE 5Cks23 DOMINO WAX BEANS Faucy Quality 2 rNo.2 5c Pkg. l . '/ Tin o ailing at 3 lbs. 51.25 THIS SALE ONLY Yellow Label RICHMELLO SALE &_ 4%C Rez. s9é PRICE Ç l b- Blue Label RICHMELLO SALE R~g ~ FRICE lb. Powder 1-lb. tin 34je - 14-oz. jar 19< RINSO) >14 - - IL 15t Large ato Soup 3Tins 25ge Pkg.. 0 r28-oz. bot.25 Whole Grain .i The Famous Large~ Habitant Brand Tin for I T New Season's Iba.20 4 Sma25 S5c c 5Çc Pc Large~~ P kg. £ NO Ste- t.n la that )wdes' eany 1. N y1' 72. GOLDEN ORN SYRUP ! GREAT ENERGY FOOD a. PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 la