PAGE NInE THE CANADiAN sTATESMAN. BOWMAIqVILE, TERURSDAY, OCTOBER ilUi, 1934 Gain Weight C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets are reaily 4 great tonks in one-Calcium Car- bonate to purify the blood, banish pimples, blackbeads and blotches- and Brewer's Yeast, Blaud's Iron and Etract of Cod Liver ta bulld you up, nourish the blood, steady the nerves and put pounds of solid flesh on thin people. Start to enjoy 11e, ta look and feel your best to- day-ail drug stores. ~' Get C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets aI ALEX McGREGOR, DRUGGIST IF YOUR EARS RING WITH HEAD NOISES If you have roaring, buzzing noises in your ears, are getting hard of hearing and fear Catarrh- ai Deafness, go to your drugghst and get 1 ounce of Parmint dou- ble strength). and add ta it V4 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar. Take 1 table- spoonful four tirnes a day. This will often bring quick re- lief from the distressing bead noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the tbroat. It is easy ta prepare, costs littie and is pleasant ta take. Anyone who has Catarrhai trouble of the ears, is bard of bearing or bas bead noises should give this prescription a trial. IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOD FEEL SQ WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile -No Calomel necessary k For you ta teed healthy and happy, your liver muet pour two pounds of liquid ile into your bowela. every day. Without that bile. trouble tarta. Poor dgetion. Slow elirination. Poisons in the body. General wretchedneaa. How can you expet ta clear up a situation ike thiia completely with mnere bowel-moving milta, oul, minerai water, laxative candy or chewjng çum, or roughage? Tliey dont wake up your liver. You need Carter's Little Liver Pilla. Purely vegetable. Bae. Quirk and oure resulte. At for themn by naine. Rais subatitul4s. 25c. at auaim iste. 5 MATURITY-MATERNITY MIDDLE ACE At tdiee three critical perioda a woman needs a medicine site can depend on. That's why uo luany take Lydia E. Pinkhain'a Vegetabie Corn- pound. 98 out of 100 say, "*It lielps me" Let it help you, too. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUIND Many Former Sunday Sckool Workers Returned in Spirit for Recognition Day In Trinltp United Church, Bow- manville, on Sept. 30ih, a Day of Recognition was beld in which mary of thase w±uo have warked kn that Surday Scbaol were honored at a special service. Many former teachers vere knvited ta join in this impressive service, but un! orturate- ly a number were rot able ta be tiere. However, these teachers sent letters o! regret ta Dr. J. C. Deviti, Superintendent, or Mr. C. H. Masan, Sccretary, and in view o! the fine vork tbcp did vbile bere, and the wide circle o! aId friends still liv- ing bere, wc reproduce these letters tbis week. Wc had hoped to' pub- lish them last week, alang witb thc report o! this meriorable service, but lack o! space prevented us car- rying oui this desire. Thc letters f ollow: Scugog, Ont. We greatly appreciate pour invi- tation ta us ta attend pour Sunday School Rally. It vauld give us more pleasure than we car express ta visit the aId home cburch and scbool so full a! preciaus riemories ta both o! us. But we bave a little school bere where my busband superintends and I endeavour ta lcad tbe aduli class in the study a! tic lesson. and ve alsa bhold aur Rally next Sunday. se pou sec aur duty is right bere. We trust that you in your big scbooli and we in aur comparative]y small anc shalbave the Mastcr's pres- ence and blessang on our Rally Day and also tbroughout thc coming pear. Mr. and Mrs. John Jablin <nec Minnie Joness) 566 Chamberlain St. Peterboro, Ont. Peceived pour letter witb the Re- cornitior Day prograri. I arn sure I would enjoy very mucli being able ta %)e with you, but as thati h rot poi.sible I am writing ta tbank pou for the invitation. I always cnjay- cd the work in the Sunday Scbool wben I livcd in Bovinanville and arn stfll interested in Sunday scbool wark. That God's richest blessing map rest upon pou is the wish o! your fiend. Mrs. E. L. Woodley. 123 Lake Si. St. Catharines, Ont. Trkuity Unted Surday Schaol, Bovinanville: Grcetings ! I join beartilp vitb pou in Recognitioni Day services. May it bc a day a! pleasant meinaries and present de- votior is a great cause. Thougi f ar f rom the old home tovn aur hearis are kirdled vtih feelings of love and reverence. Our hnppiest recollcc- tions cluster arourd the old churci and Sunday achool ithi Isinflu- ence and associations. Masy odýs richest blessirg rest upon the vork and the vorkers. Checrilp puy s Fred R. Foley. 299 Welligton St. Brantford, Ont. Dear Sundnp Sciool Teacers:-1 I vas deligited ta receive pour let- ter and invitation ta be viii pou mn pour Recognitior Day. I do rot thknk there arc vcry mary o! tic teaciiers lefitiat vere vti me and I so of tcn tiink o! tic happy daps I spent in the Primary class roari irying ta do. rip litile share viti tic childrer I lovai. Nov I feel rewarded vien 1 sec so, mary o!frip pupils varking for the Master. Just thinlr, pour secretarp vas one of rip good litile boys. Hov time files' I fancy I car sec rip class in tic choir loft on Rally Day and me s0 proud o! iiem because 1 thougit ibey could sirg very mucih etter thnr the choir. O! course, same o! tic little girls sang sveetly. One, ber rame vas tien Maggie Allin, nov Mrs. Dudley, sic forgot ber litile -part and camne running acrossI the plat! orm and threw ber amis araund my neck, and said, Oh I for- got. Af ter a little caaxing sic went back and sang lovely. I must not weary pou wth aId reminiscences whicb are so, swei ta me vhen I am away from the old friends. Sorry I cannot be vith pou but I will be thinkkg about pou and pou bave rip prayers and wishes for a very successful Recognitior Day. Mrs. Dan. Smith. (nec Annie O. Veale) 682 William St. Lardon, Ont. Tbank pou for the programme a! pour Recagnition Day service. I ap- preciate being remcmbcred in cor- rection with it, and I rejoice in the note o! loyalty and cansecratior soundcd in -the message. I shal think of it, and perbaps use it or Surday the would be a great pleasure ta, share in pour ser- vice, for some o! the happiest bours o! rip life were speni in fellawship witb the workers in Bowmarville Surday scioal, but I was superin- tendent o!filie S .S. at Leamingtar bef are goirg ta Bowmanville. and I arn ta go back, after mary days. ta sperd Day there. It may In- terest pou ta kraw, alsa, thai or Sunday, Sept. l6tb, it was my priv- ilege ta go down from the Gencral Courcil at Kingston ta visit the S. S. o! Wall St. United Churcli, Brock- ville, vberc h vas superintendent mary pears ago.. h is a great thing ta bave a place among S. S. work- ers. Wisbing pou a happy and suc- cessful pear, Yours sincerely, John Elliati. R. R. 1 Kingsvillc, Ont. Dear Fricnds:-Am pleased ta be rcrnembered viti a copy o! pour program for Rally Day service. I tbink it a fine idea to caîl it "Re- cognition Day", also the Tcacbcr's Pledge is sorietiig ta inspire caci teacher and vorker in Uic Sunday scbool, ta more devoted service in the Matcr's vork. Wbile it vould give rie rucb pleasure ta be vith you for that service-as ir the pears thai are past-but cxpect ta, take part in the Rally Day services In oui Trlnity Churci here. Sa thankiri pou for thus remembering me as a former leader amang pou, I trust pou vil have a rit successful meet- kng at pour Rally Day service rexi Sunday. Mrs. E. J. Mirers. 665 Oriole Parkvay, Toronto, Ont. Rbeceiving pour pragrari for Re- cognition Day on Sunday brougit back mary pleasant hours ta me. I trled ta lielp for same pears in pour primarp division, but rip most prec- lbus memories are o! birg hlped- in thc Morning Hour under Gertie Young, nov Mrm. Farter. These Sunday morning classes for Young girls of teen age were desigred to be malnly inspiratilnal, I think. That thep ccrtainly vere. and mars phrases, lessons and illustrations re- main viii me twentp pears laier te help and sustain. But ihere h a gap in rip S. S. training. 1 cannai reriember tic Bible lessons. I d< roi knov rip Scripiures as my mo- ther kncv tiem. Taey sustained a nd comfortcd ber. and I hope some day inmspile o! ticeliurly-burly o: life ta find an opportunity ta study iheri again, that I, tao, may leax on ihem in tirie o! necd. I say tis ta pou as a little appreciatiar, be- cause 1 know boy bard it h ta kecî entliuslnstlc and erergeiic in the cause wlien sao!ten interesi wanes and attendance flags. 'Ethel Van Nesi, rip sister via pnssed away thus spring, vas a skncere and carn- est teacher in pour school for long- er thar I vas, and I feel 1 am ac- cepiing ibis pragram n b er mem- ory tao. Thanklng pou, and vish- ing pou continued success In poui vork, h an. Sincerely pours, Mrs. L. M. Keitk (nec Marlan Van Nesi) 5431 Yev Street, Vancouver, B.C Dear Friends:-I reccived a cop, o! pour recognition day program Tbank pou vcry much for thlnkini a! me. I vould have beer deligi cd ta have been vith pou at ibis ser. vice, as that vas impossible I an jusi ackrovledgirg pour recognltici by vritkng pou this note. I imagine if I iad been present vould have laokcd iaotic f aceso a group o! boys and girls vbici had neyer seen before. I notice y<i stili, have a large number o! il officers and teachers via gav splendid service durkng ri timc i tic scliaol. I bave vntched ihi great deai a! intcrest thc progres and success of tic boys and gil via carie up tirougi tic sciac during my tcrm as Superintenderi h arn vcry busp in Surday Sciac work bere. We have tic larges school vesi o! Toronto, 1200 erroll ed. We bad thc largcst ruriber ci RaIly Day lasi Surday in tic bist ory of tic scbool, about 700 in rum ber. We meet ai 9.45 a. mi. Practi cally ail tic schoals bere mcci tiat hour. Tais hs a Young sciao about tvcrty-tvo pears old, butJ locatcd in tie centre o! a f ine resf dential part a! tic citp. That hs about ourselves. I vas glad ta sec Mr. Jewell's ai Mr. Trevir's photos in Tac Stitou man last veek, nîso Mr. John Stac ey's rame vas mentioned. Tic and other ld veicran Surda achool workers via have giver mary years a! uder lives ta ti vork deserve honorable mention a: I join wii pou in extendrg heail lest greciings ta ticm and to ah tI riembers and staff bth oId and ne of Trinity Sunday Sciaal and tri tint tiey may be spared for mar years ta came ta carry on the greai est work in tic vorld. le Yaurs sincerelp, H. L. QuIi Hanna, AM Dear Frierds and Workers :-Ju a 1ev lUnes ta tel pou I thorough appreclate pour kird thoughtfulneî in aerdlng me a program and ir vitatian ta pour great Rally Servf ici pyou are ceiebratlrg tadap ar thougi flot viii pou in persan I ce assure pou I amn iii pou inr spl My prayer la that Gad wyul ble, and keep pou ail and prosper tl lp ni. ag I ,ve a Ms ls ri. li on- st- i- at >, il- l nd mse Lay 80 ,he nd lhe ist Lny at- rir. [ta. ust ly .ss in- rice nd ,an rit. 255s he Sundap, October 14th Golden Texi: "O, boy love I thp law! Ihis mripmeditatior ail tic day."ý-Psalm 119:97. Lessan Passage: Acts 8: 26-39. A thougit wvilbit wher a chat vîll siuray, A thougit yull stand vien a fort gives vay, A thought wlllfeed vhcr ro bread ih nigi, A tiaught vil live vier a rmar vill die. .Evangelism, 26 The Bible does rot red aur comn- pliments: it vil repay aur siudy and cquip us for Christian service. Mod- ern missions ard evangelism deperd greatly upon a skilful use a! the Bible. Bp furnshiirgtie Seriptures in tvclvc bundred tangues and dia- lects, thc Bible Society bas been a great missionarp agency. Persoral evangelisri h largely siliuIn tic use of scripture. A sermon map be f or- gotten, but a verse of scripture tint hs fastered ik ticherieory may bring forth fruit after mary days. Tic Bible bas a message for tic city square and tic countrp corner. Tic Apostalic Churci in Jerusaler inI- terpretcd Old Testament scrlptures, and on Uic deseri rond Pbilp vas able ta lead an Ethioplan ta, Christ bp explalning ta hlm tic manng o! verses f rom Isalali. 'Mis mission o! Pillp of Samaria, secorded bp Peter and John, corstltuted tic first page in Uic annals o! vorld-ide Cliristianiiy. Tac cxperience o! PilIip in tic deseri dcmorstrated tint vhercver seeking hearts arc taugit Bible truihs, spiritual 111e yull resuli. Times o! revival are al- vays times o! ircreased Bible studp. Literature, 27, 28 A professor o! literature bas sald tint n knovledge o! tic Bible viii- out a universiiy educatior h ta be preferred toan college course wiii- oui thc Bible. Tac Bible h itself great literature, and ih bas provided rinspiration ta mrpy great vrlters. 3Year niter pear ht remains tic besti .seller. It cavera aver a tiausand p eara ofistorp, and brings us in itouci viii five great peruade o!is- itory. Its ciarnelers are of perman- Sent interes-the Bibue mer and svomen ielp us ta sec aurselves. The Bible begins vii a garden and ends Questions fr Discussio 1. Hav is tic Bible like and un- like ailier books? 2. Wiat arc tic permanent val- ues in tic Bible? 3. Hov rap ve bave better Bible studp? 4. Hav rap ve besi use the Bible in private devotions? 5. What uses did Christ make o! i Old Testament scrlpiure? oulas' Egyptian Liniment is re- cmended for sore recks, galls, distcmpcr, callauses and spavins. Removes proud f leai and Iloof Roit. Stops blecding lnstantlp. Certain mordbid conditions must exist in tic stamnaci and intestines ta encourage worens, ard they vil exisi, as long as these morbld condi- tions permit ther to. To be rid a! tieri and spare tic ohid sufcrlng, use Miller's Wormn Povders. Thcy vili correct tic digestive irregular- Mtes by dcstrairg tic vorris. con- ditions favorable ta varris yull dis- Iappear, and tic child yl bave ro jmore suffering f romr tiat cause. III w.' ICouch, Johnston & Cryderman,Ltd. A BMON TO THE WOMN 0F GOOD TASTE New Fait Clothes wonderful work being carried on in wit.h a city. it contains military your midst. As I look back on the bistory, flolk lare, eloquence, philos- days when it was my privilege ta be aphy, prayers and songs and great with you ahl and with my little clais social teachings. It là. not, bowever, of girls, tbey were the brigbtest enough to appreciate the Bible as days and I often thinlc wbat a grand literature. Some who have been able work is being done by the 1atflt s Bible trutbs niost skilfully in efforts of Superintendent and tea- their own writings bave misaed its chers and officers in Bowmianville,1 moral power in spiritual 1f e. as I have been informed by my verp Thraugli the Bible we may corne ta dear f riend, Miss Haycraft, fromhave a flrst-hand experience of God,. time ta time af the great progres The unifying principle of these that bas been made since I le! t sixty-slx different books Is that lfe pour midst. It is net only here we is viewed f rom the standpoint of reap a great camfort in such work f aith in od. as winning the precious seuls for Interpretatîon, 29-31 the Master, but in the great here- Prso h il r esml after what a glorious reward awaits Prso h il r osml alI pour great effort and prayerful and intelligible that lie wbo runs endeavours when y.ou bear aur bless- may read. Yet there are many dif- ed Saviour's well donc. ficuit portions and a comprehensive New in closing I hope and pray und'erstanding af the Bible requires that Ood's great blessing may crown years of study. There are many pour every effort for tbe prosperity agencies ta help us. Theological and uplifting o! pour great enter- colleges train ministers te be Bible prise of the Sabbath Scbool, and teachers whase pulpit ministrations that the teachers and off icers and weeI by welc familiarize worsbip- scholars too may realize wbat great pers with Bible truths. Sunday ble*sings such privileges and oppor- School teachers seek ta explain tbe tunities afford. Again thanking you mcaning of Bible passages. This for your kind remembrance of one incident about Philip and the Lth- so long and so far away from You. îopian will be the theme for over ten Mrs. J. B. Binmnore. million Sunday School people using. this course tbis week. Tbere are many helpful baoks. Commentaries 18 Scar! e Avenue, and Bible dictionaries are invaluable Brantford, Ont for Bible study. Discussion in class- Dear Supt., Secretary and tbe es and with friends enriches our in- whole Scbaal: I arn sa glad I was terpretation o! the Bible. We must counted wortby of remembrance first be learners in arder that we and invited'ta be heard from. I can may teacb, and the bcst teachers recaîl vcry many and happy sacred are ready ta remain learners con- memories bath in connection with cerning the Bible througbout 11e. tbe church and Sunday school o! Pbiîip asked the Ethiopian, with a aur bcloved congregation at Baw- play upon words that is difficult ta manville. Can imagine I see tbem as reprcducc ir Engliali, "Understand- they enter the church and take their etto htto eds? h seats in the différent aisles. Setatbou w hat mthou reade?"the ave ontme uta mt indfe. Bible do not discover its ful mean- I hae oly tme e mntio a for theri. How often Bible stu- Aniong tbem Mr. and Mrs. P. Treb- dents say ta are another, "I neyer ilcock. I used ta admire the grace- understoad that verse before." We fuI manner be had as lie came for- mav gain mucli help fram the Bible ward ta relieve the pastor of an- by idependent reading, but we also nourcing the coming events. I wsb editepee it were a part of aur churcb service necd interpreters now for a lapman te read the an-.Wtesng 23 rounicements. I tbink of bis wan- The central treasure of the Bible rderful Bible class. He vas a fine for us is tbe knowledge a! Christ type o! gentleman of the old time wbucli it preserves and transmits. scbaol. Then how inspiring it was Tbe Old Testament hs very sacred ste see the youpg rmen, such a lot of ta Jewisb people, but Christians i tbcm, go f rom the Sunday scbool in- dlaim that the Old Testament val- *ta the cburch ta attend Bible class ues are greatly enhanced wlien in- Sthere. I can imagine miss Hap- terpreted in the liglit o! the fuller 1craft's class of paung ladies upstairs, teaching o! Christ. This Ethiopian iAnnie Veale, Miss Bunner and atb- vas reading the praphecies af Isaiali sers in the Primarp Departmert, Mrs. and rat understa.nding very weUl eJohn Allin, John Stacey and Miss their significance. Philip fet guid- rNeads in the Library, all such f aith- cd ta offer him assistance. and the gfui workers, pear after year. Surely offer was gladily accepted. Philîp aGod will reward sucb untiring zeal intcrpreted tbe verses f rom Isaiah i in their labor a! love for bis earthly as having been fulfilled by incidents - churcb. I can recail Dr. Brima- In the life of Christ. At this time tcombe and wife, ber style of man- the New Testament vas rat pet ner, and the little flower in bis but- written, but New Testament truths tan-hale - a lovely character, a were in circulation by word of Christian gentleman. Another I re- jmautb. Wliat PhiIip did for the cali was Gertie Young in the praper Ethiapian is what every Christian meeting at the piano, also M. A.1 sbould be able te do in helpirg seek- James and bis gracious gentle wa- ers after Christian truth. Ordained tmarly wife, Mr. C. M. Cavker, Mr. ministers and priests can neyer 1Couch, and hasts o! others. Ther evangelize the world alonte. It mnust rthere was the ald-time choir led by be a partnership jab vitli the laity Harry lcnigbt, also Efa Glover, wlia have apportunities and contacts *and Oh, liow I did admire Will Tap- of wnning their friends and assoc- Lsor's tenor voice! I also have very lates ta the Christian way af 111e. etender and laving memories of my Beief, 37-39 9walk ta the South Ward Sunday The Ethiopian believed the teach- scbool held in the Tabernacle with ing a! Philip, was baptized lmnied- Luther Courtice, Mr. Saunders, Mrs. lately and went on bis way reJoicing. yW. Allun and Mrs. John Aluin, and Bible studp lias net dane Its perfect athers. I stîli attend Sunday sctiaol work if we remain in 11e-long in- iun Brantford and enjop the Bible decision as ta our persanal relation- a class very muai. 2Qp charnung ship ta Gad. Thc goal is f aith and tfeature o! Brant Av&W S. in Brant- canduct. Very often the Bible brings 0fard is the wonderful time the conviction withaut the aid of any -children keep in sirging. How many buman interpreter, scripture itself d of those dear men and wamen of being interpreted by the HoIy Spirit. ethe past have crosscd the bar, fini- Many find iliat rcadirg the Bible Cishcd th-eir wark and labor of love adse gwha h ol prt Ybere and bave cntered inta the wl and seeigh ats teh HlpS it nglary that awaits us if we, as tbey, willsythwroungh isac fBblgshthey Is prove faitiful ta tbe end. Same- changing "required Bible" it "de- -times they f ccl vcrp near us, ihose sired Bible." It bas been said that p dcarly lovai arcs who are gane but there arc thrce stages af Bible stu- tentforgotten. dy: the cadliver ail stage wbcn we ýs Mrs.J. G* arrett.. are forccd ta takre it; tic shrcdded .n (nec Jennie Gale) wbeat or prescrlbed diet stage; thc Ly peaclies and creari stage viiere we revel in Bible study. Cbrisi's cx- Su d u'frk, amp le is vcrp clear as ta h d Sunday Scho vantages of scripture knowledgc. H canstantly quoied scriPiure and r Les son iaught in acripture terris. Christ- ians have the added advantage o! the New Testament preserving thc ;hords of Jesus and thc story o! bis THE CHEISTIAN AND BIS BIBLE life. L'r t' TouU be dellghted wlth the qualitY, the range and the price of our new dress- es. They are here for every occasion, from a dainty afternoon frock te the more formai transparent velvet. And pou Cau be tastefully dressed$3 5 zorEa$ .--. Coats -~ Another1 it Includes -v~LLFail. 5mal ful ,aans t' fus, hand1 and priced big ahiPment hms arrived and mFashion's latest decree for art beaver, geai , fox, and woif ome and durable linings, beau- new matei'ials, I L.9 d from 1...... Millinery So many women bnp their MIllin- erp here eaeh year that wc need say very little about our quaiity aud price, We do, however, want pou to know that everp new style for faUl la included lu our extensive display. SayMen ! m Look ilere Perbaps you have neyer reillized what a complete Mensa Furnishing Service we are able te give. Just tbink, we eau supjily you with a fine, heavy quality, weU made Overcoat, a coat you'Il be proud ta wearfor as 10w as $13.50. We have overcoats even lower priced than Ibis. Then we have such famous lines as Tip Top, and Leishiman's, made to your own measurements at vcry reasonable prices. We have a coat Iliat will tio only muit you but will be easy on your pocket book. For quality, style, and low price pou cannot beat our Men's Furnishing Store for super value. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanviîîe1 You've got to be ready for Winter in advance, if you're going to be warm froin the irst cold spell on. Put in our clean, duatless, Blue coal now. It gives you better heat; eliminates basement MUS. CLEAN HEAT Biue co" meail a char- er basement snd hes ehance of duat gettlng luto pour bouse. PROPER HEAT Large lumps give a 10w flaine, even heat because thep buru slowlp from the outaide te the center. ALL-PUJRPOSE FUELS Blue Coal la always specfed for Ias best purpose. Stove, furnace, boiler. Sheppard & ClliLamber Co.Ltd. PHONE 15 BOWMNLLEnj I BUY A REAL. FURNACE THIS YEAR Tiredofrepeling oad fuxrnace? Tired of pain i =sl co iTred cf grylul te-keepihe hou.ce arm enouh he oela the turne co instahi a new Mcly 1urnace. luaà few Vean yourMcCiarv1hllhave cid the différence lu .avedreduced el costea nd added £N GeITT Bomvlîetmeoyuh M *Ask for GENERAL STEEL WARES Productsl ,Sli,,MORE HEAT ORDER BLUE COAL TO-DAY BEAT THE FIRST COLD WAVE Welcome Neigkbor J. J. MASON & SON extend the glai hand of welcome to W. J. Chala and his staff ln the formai opening of his new quartera. We congratulathlm on the teady increase i his business whlch bias made this change J. J. MASON & SON have also teadily lncreased their Insurance business until today it la the recognlsed Insurance centre for West Durham. Two expanding businessea aide by aide, both bult with a record of the utmost In service ta Ibeir clients. J. J. MASON (& SON L ~BOWMANVILLE' - Wi Dresses m