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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1934, p. 10

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?AGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 111h, 1934 SOLINA Mr. Chas. Howsam and Mary ar( spending a week wth Kingston fr1. ends. Messrs Chas. Bruce and Edgal Reynolds and Lyle McClellan, Tor. onto, visited at Mr. Jack Yellowlees Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smales anc Betty spent the weekend with rela. tives at Woodstock Messrs J. B. Fairbarn and JacP Somers, Toronto. visited at Mr. Jacl Baker's. Miss Doris Milison, Peterboro Nor- mal, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miilson. Mr. and Mrs Jos, Awde and fam- ily, Toronto, Mrs. Aiqnie Langmaid and Misses Vida and Sybil Lang- maid, Oshawa, visited at Mr, Luther Pascoes. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson anc Miss Helen, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hutchison, Bailieboro, visited at Mr. Jack Kivell's. Mr. and Mrs. Charleton McBride and Burton. Peterboro. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White. Mr. and Mrs.Hilton Tink and fam- ily, Ebenezer, visited at Mr. H. E. Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Singer, Mr. H. Blanchard, Miss Edna and Mr Harry Andrews, Mr. Arthur Goyne, Mr. F. Crome. Oshawa, Mrs. Bertha Sleig- htholme. Whitby, Mr. Alex Sleight- holme. Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Chas. Blanchard's. Mr. Jas. Reeson. Raglan, has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Harvey Hardy. Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. George H. Hogarth. B. A., who bas spent the summer with his sis- ters, Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe has gone to Toronto for the winter. Miss Margaret McKessock spent the weekend with f riends at Fern Glen, Parry Sound. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy and Miss Irene Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at Mr. Harvey Hardy's. Miss Marion Wiliams, Port Perry, is visiting at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Tor- onto, were Thanksgiving guests at Mr Jack Reynolds's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yellowlees and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yellowlees ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, Columbus, to Stroud and visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNicol. Mr. and Mf s. Harvey Hardy Rus- sell and Doreen visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes. Bowmanville. There was a good attendance at thle league meeting on Monday ev- ening. President Alan McKessock was in charge of the business sess- ion ai ter which Miss Muriel Baker took charge of the program. Roll cal was answered by a verse f rom the bible. The topic was very ably taken by Mrs. A. J. Balson. vocal solo by Miss Muriel Baker, piano solo by Mr. George Werry, readings were given bY Mr. Allan Taylor and Mr. Bill Chadwick and a quartette by Messrs Fred Wight, George Werry, Tom Baker and Wesley Werry. The Missionary programn on Sun- day morning was in charge of Mrs. RoY Langmaid who gave a very in- teresting story of a little African girl and Messrs S. E. and George Werry favored with a vocal duet. A number f rom here went to Bow- manville on Sunday to hear Rev. Dr. C. W. Gordon. Prompt Relief from 1INDI1G ES T 1IN Dont let stomach troubles spoil the enjoyment and benefit of your mneals. KIRK'S STOMALKA gives almost instant relief f rom Indiges- tion. Pains after eating, Bloating, Belching, Heartburn. DYspepsia, etc. An alkaline remfedy in liquid form, At tones up the stomach with amaz- ing speed. Small doses make it ec- onomical, easy to take. Get KIRK'S STOMALKA today at - McGREGOR'S DRUG STORE Q ueen Mary Launches World's Largest Floating Palace The new Cunard Liner, largest off iciated ai the lauacbing cere- tons. The upper p'cture shows the vessel afloat, and f ormeriy know a oay, and cbristened the vessel I 'ueenteMary" as it will be wheni No. 534, was launcbed from tbe -'Queen Mary," in her own bo.r o mple itd and the lower picture or shows ion the stocks at the ship- shipyard on the River Clyde. at The veszel ia 1.018 fcet long, 234 Yard, bting prepared for the launch- Glasgow. Her Majesty Queen Mary feet higb, and weighs over 73,(3 ing. B. H. S. News By Y. Duzzy Wright Two victories! Two League lead- ers! Thats B.H.S.! What do we mean? Just that B. H. S. Junîors in the first of the home and home games wiîh points to couni on the round defeated Cobourg C. I. Juniors 7-5 and Ihat B. H. S. Seniors defeated the Cobourg C. I. Seniors 16-11 10 take the league lead. Both games were bard fougbt and as the score indicates excitement was at high pitch ail afternoon with the re-zult neyer ce:tain till the final whistle blew. The B. H.1 S. Juniors, baving thel appearance of dwarfs wbea compar- ed bo their Cobourg adversaries prov- ed tli-at old adage about the bigger tbey are and so on, when they beld the Collegiate boys to scanty gains except in the f irst few minutes wbile they themseives made noticeable dents in the C. C. I. line. To open the game Cobourg, with Barge playiag the leader, marched down the f ield for a toucb down. Right then and there the Cobourg attack simmer- ed and Bowmanviile after recovering a Cobourg fumble on the thirty five yard rine moved do-,%n on su1ccesýive bucks and Slemon went around t-e end for an unconverîrFd major score, to tie the score wbere it remain un- til the final three minutas. On the final play before the haîf ended B. H. S. had a chance 10 score and break the deadlock wben a kick %vas calied for f rom 15 yards out but bast a golden oportunity wben the kieker tried to rua it over. In the second balf, Slemon made a nice run to the Cobourg 35 yard line only 10 trick by pulling the third toucb bave Jobasîon of Cobourg intercepi down of the day. a forward pasa on the next play and For the remainiag ten minutes of rua to trie B. HI. S. 5 yard line before play the teams were fairly even with Connie Fagan caugbt hlm from be- penalties spoil*ag aay chances the bînd and pulled him dowa witb a winners bad and fumbles proviag great tackle. The B. H. S. line then costiy to Cobourg. Dunc topped off fleld f irm for three downs and Co- a fine day witb aÏ55 yard rua la the bourg lest their only real chance 10 clo.zîng minutes 10 leave play deep go out on top. in Cobourg ierritory. With lesiban tbrce minutes ti3 This Saiurday, B. H. S. Seniors go Siemon broke the t'le witb a kick play t Part Hope. The Juniors 10 the dead line and on the final will play aI 1. 45 p. m. Boih aduli play 0f the game he rep3ated to and studenLs tickets will bc on sale give B. H. S. a iwo point lead for tbe tcday. The Mayor has corisented 10 return game. kick the firsi bail and wbat say we It really isn'I fair to p'ck out any show our appreciation by sbowing stars for on Saiurday they were ail up ia huge numbers. arbut ihere were some ihings Bowmanville lineup were, Juaior: tat caught our eye--aucb asSic- Spencer. Siemnon, Bathgabe, Bennett, mon's running-the way Ames ban-:Honeymaa, Neal, Ames. Taylor, C. dlcd bis team - Tighe's consistent Mcllveen, Hall. C. Fagan, Gibbs. tackling-Jobnny Neals shoc.ýtring Lambros, O. Pagan, Hogper, Tigbe, tackle-the blocking 0f the two1 Kimble and MeFeeters. bcavyweights, Mcîlveen and Hall- Senior: Cclmer, Depew, Mcîlveen, the fine defensive play of Lambros Bagneil, Williams. Colville, Jack- and Batbgate and Connie Fagan'sI man. Vanstone. Hunt, Courbice, Oke, imely tackle.I Roach, Kent, Fagan. Tordif f and The Senior Gamne Slemon. In the Seior gaine, nagnell anu Williams were much in the Limelight as they had to bear the brunt of the TRAINING SCHOOL BOYS offensive work when Colmer sufered WIN MANY AWARDS AT hip injury soon after the game star- ted and onIy played part of the time. BROADVIEW BOYS' FAIR Both teams took arvantage of the Teby fteOtroTann breaks. the baîl bouncing perfectly School competed in the Broadview for Bagnell on one occasion while on Boys' FalFair held at the Broad- ancther il bounced off bis shins view Y.M.C.A. last week. and were right into the hands of the Cobourg- -uccessful in securing a number of i*es. who later tirned it into a score. prizes as f ollows: Soon after the gamne started Dunc Charles Cuthill, 2nd prize, collec- Williams made a sensational 65 yard tion of vegetables; Norman Ancler- son. laIt prize, pumpkin; G. Wil- loughby, 3rd, potatoes; Joe Primeau, 2nd, Evergreen corn; L. Barker, 2nd, Bantamn corn; L. Thorpe, 2nd, cab- bage; Jas. Petie, 3rd, beets; Carl Smith, 2nd, tomatoes; Ben Marsh, 2nd. asters; S. Hoffberg. 3rd, cos- mos; R. Louttit, 2nd, zinnia bou- quet; Wm. Trick, 2nd. bouquet, variety of flowers: H. Pollock, lst, flowermng bouse plant; J. Keaney, bon bon dîsh and tongs, lat, bronze and metal belt loop, 3rd: E. Dalton, lsI steel bammner, lst screw jack, 2nd portable bench vise; E. Kelley, lst, copper book ends; Jas. Jordan, 2nd layer cake, 3rd sugar cookies, 2nd marsbmnallow candies; Morris Ellison, 2nd cup cakes, lai layer Dunec" Williams caught by The cake, 2nd pie, 2nd sugar cookies. St.atesman photographer in the actInl addition to the competitive en- of making bis sensational 65 yard tries, the School had a very interest- kick. ing display of thbe products of the J f armn and the work accomplished in the Shops and Hobby Classes. A grea t many people vlewed this ex- kick for the opening point. Although it and were very complimentary officially il was cal.ed a 65 yard boot, in their remarks. it really travelled ten yards farther__________ than that as he was standing that distance behind the saapback, wben HOMING PIGEON CLUB he let it go. The ball, a perfect spiral, sailed Bowmanville Homiag Pigeon Club lazily down tbe fiîeld, lit just over flew their sixth young bird race the Cobourg goal line and bounded f rom Chatham, Ont., 206 miles air int- toucb. Witbout a doubt it was line. the birds were not liberated the lovliest pui this so-called ýcribe until 10.35 a. m. Sunday on accouai bas ever witnessed. Iacidentally Co- of ramn on Saturday. Following are bourg admits that Williams is a the resuls:- rugby player, a fact we of Bowman-F.Btrl 5hs.2mi,26ec ville had seriously suspected f9r F. Bottrell 5 brs. 21 mins, 16 sec. years. Wm. Woolner 5 brs, 21 maina, 25 sec. In the second quarter, B. H -. S. Wm. Woolner 5 brs. 22 mins, 35 sec. carried the baIl deep into eaemy ter- Wm.Pip er 5 brs, 27 mins, 35 sec. ritory only to lose lt on a fumble and I.p aher 5 hrs, 29 mina. 29 sec. then when the Cobourg kick bouaded L.Richgads 5 hrs, 27 mina, 53 sec. perfectly in centre-f ield Bagnell Iook F. Bottrell won the silver cup for it ai top speed and outdistanced the oîd and young bird average. would-be Cobourg Iacklers for the first of bis tbree touch downs. It was .iust afler tbis that the Cobourg The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Can- punt bounced off Bill's shins into adian Legion draw for the turkey on enemy bands and on the first play October 3rd was won by Mrs. Alf. Duf ton went the f ive yards necess- Blckell. ary for a touch down, leaving Bow- Freedom f rom Asthma. Asthma manville leadlag 6-5 aI balf time. is one of the most dlstresslng troub- In the second haîf, B. H. S. re- les, sudden in its attacks and pro- freshed by oranges and a real Ed. longed la its agonies. Frequently Devitt pep talk dominated the play many tbings are triedý, but notbing for a few minutes, Colmer went 201t seems tb give hope of relief. Dr. J. yards, and thea Bill Bagneli tore D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is the off a great 65 yard sprint fo ano)th- one heip whicb can be depended up- er 5 points. A minute later, Cobourg on. If you have tried other rem- went on a rampage of their owni,1 edies without succeas., do not fail to Vocked the B. H. S. kick for a point get at once a package of tbis uni- and after a mild advance by the1 formly succesaful preparation. Devitt-coached clan. the C. C. I. on j _______ ______ 5 plays moved In spectacular f ash- ion from the:r owa 35 yard line to a well earned toucb, the final play be -________________ ing a short forward pass, Bradbury P - eRS0 ' to Flescb, just as the last periodGENU1NE began. Ths tied the score il ýaI. But only for a short lime, for after u* L Dune Williams took a short Cobourg C R E- - kick on the'r 25 yard line he band -__________________________ ed it to "Mýonkey" Bagnell o h second down and Bill pulled the ]bat Local Druggist Says Husky is One ohIthe Best Remedies He Seils Since Introduced to Bow- f resh shipment o! HUSKY bas ar-1 longer disagrees witb thexa. They manill ths Fnios Hs-rived 10 take care of the increased rest better at nights anid get up manvllethisFarous us-demnaad during the aext few weeks, morninga feeling fine - beadaches, and to all who are suffering from liistaessaess, lack of pep, aIl disap- ky Tonic Has Greatly Im- aches and paihs, or other ailments, pear. No, more constipation or la- proved the Health of Many we extend a cordial invitation 10 testinal distress. come in and find out what HUSKY Men and Women will do for Cai tJuy& oel' great interest 10 those wbo are su!- H nrd fDrugSoeadHv fering f rom variousaalIments bas .Testimonials ProveHUSKY juat been made by Jury & Lovell,HUSKY local druggits, who state that ar- Ta U K osEpandt o irangements were recently completed Ta U K osEpandt o j for bringiag the merits of HUSKY to the attention of local citizens Relieve: If you are one of the vast aumber iwho have neyer tried Ibis famous HEADACHES 1 of people who are goiag arouad only tonic.1 haîf well-up one day and down an- 1 "Wih th appoachof clderother, don'I take our word for il "wtb Iad he aroh fo colder BACKACHES see HUSKY for yourself. Try It, and run-down conditions in bealtb and prove 10 your owii satisfaction generally, we have decided 10 make INDIGESTION that ibis blood purifier and re- a speciai effort to introduce HUSKY storative is ail we dlaimi It 10 be - mbt many new homes in Bowman- DIZZINESS a real bealth builder witb Nature's ville and vicinity. ingredienis for cleaasing the sys- "We bave such good f aithi in Ibis lHU A I AN em of impurities and revitalizing it remedy as a tenie and healtb build- H U A I P IN witb vigor and streagtb. Ier, and bave heard so nîany good HSYi o nodnr ei thiaga said about il, Ihat we are SKIN TROUBLES cHUSKYris ne o" an rdiaary meUS- anxious te make ius merits better KYile o aoe de "cure-al. un- anon ortaiy 1andryit."u fied SLUGGISH LIVER adulterated juices of herba, roota, an oportnityto ty il" >barks and leaves. Therefore, HUS- JURY & LOVELL CONSTIPATION KY stimulates the systemn in Nat- ure's oçwn way. It works in a nor- Druggsts tc.,Etc.mal way-iand ibat is the oaly way Druggsts tc.,Etc.the system can be placed in a atate Husky Headquarters at I People who take HUSKY regular- of healîh that will glve laating ben- Bowmanville f riends by their healîhier appear.- Decide now to let HUSKY belp ance and evidence o! renewed vital- you. Keep Husky and Healtby. Corne While HUSKY bas been on sale 'iîy. in Ioday. We bighly recommend steadily for a number of years, a' Their appetite is back. Food no HUSKY. Jury & Loveil, Druggists, Seli Husky KING STREET BOWMANVILLE AYLMER CHOICE QVALITY STANDARD QU AYLMER CONDENSED Assorted SOUPS (Excepi Chici Plant a Wanter Garden on Tour PautryShelves We feel confident that you wilI be unable to buy quality canned goods at such Iow prices agamn tid season. A4YLMER CHOICE QUALITY No. 4 No. 2 P E % Slave 2 Tins 21? Standard No, 5 sieve quality 3 No. 2 Tins 27c AYLMIER CHOICE QVU4LITY CORN Whte __No, 2 e .4>L4E11 CIIOICE QUALITI in Golden No. 2 Wax Tins :8 3 No.2 2 FALITT Tns.2 230 lien) TIrNS 25e TOMATO SOIJP 3 Tins 23e AYLHER CHOICE Q(L4LITY PEA~UP ~ HALVES 2 No. 2 5 j»W MEA c aE S 2Squat Tins 3 AYLMER, LIBBY"S. CAVIPBELL'S OR NAT(JRE'S DEST TOMATO JUICE5Tis23 THE WFORLD'S LARGEST SELLING SOAP P&UG SOAP Naphha 10 BARS ?ose MILD AND MELLO IF COFFE 8 0" CLOCK lb.1 GILT EDGE-BREAD FLOUR Ba 62.o45 Dam 630 DOMESTIC OR EASIFIRST Shorteninqg 2 Is.21c I'LAMALW-HALK A & P OVALITY BEEF BACON S7 lb. 31*ROASTS sprcLAMB RUM4PS«.S LEGS FRONTS lb. 14« lb. 1 se lb. go. - Witg lb. 19)c SUNNYFIELD-PURE PORK1ILP i eM SAUSAGE Carn 23,'PRime 17 SMOKED OR FRESH FRESH GEORCIAN BAM I uierM.S Fillets lb. 16o 1Tr'eu' lb. 16e orShudrlb_ FREE with the purchase of a 1/z lb. or 1lb. tun of Toddy at prices shown below a Douglas Twin Motor Soaring Glider. TODDY, IaLB TIN, 29c. TODDY 1 LB. TIN, 49c SPECIAL DEAL-FREE,-One Playtlime Store with the purchase of 1 Tin of Hawe's Floor Wax, 1 lb. size, 42c. ORANGES 2dz 9 I I s p s p $5.,00 for your Old Mattress On the Purchase of One of These New Marshall Spring Mattresses 'Me Marshall neyer packs or spreads. Its hundreds of tiny ever-resilient coil springs keep it permanently in shape and afford you year after year the same comfort and case as when you firat purchased it. Marshall comfort costs leas per year . than cheaper but lesa durable mattresses. ..... The Marshall is the original spring mattress-world famous for thirty years as the standard of sleeping comfort. You will neyer make a better invest- ..... ment. Priced to suit every ..... purge. MARS HALL SPRING MATTRESS The "Vidown" Mattress at $18.00 S "Sleepmaker' Mattress at $21.00 The "Premier" Mattress at $37.50 The "Rlegal Mattreas at - $42.50 F. F.Morr'is Co. Phone 10 - Furniture - Funeral Directors 1 Bowmanville and Orono v Il THE TE REAT ATLANTIC-& PACIFIC-co PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER llth, 1934

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