PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ___________________________________________________ was given by Miss Marion Tay- - Ilom. Bible Study was taken by Mrs. L iJ J ~ Stanley Malcolm; and Mr. Wilfred T ne Newcastle InependeflL JackEon gave the topic. Miss Jean Malcolm sang a solo, Mm. John Tay- lor gave a reading and a solo was I knwieigeentf rm prsos ~ sung by Miss Nora Portecus. Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard and Mrs. wbo also read several lettens o! c On Thursday evening, Mrs. Leon- W. D. Bragg spent the weekend with1 nwegmtfr prns ho ard Joblin opened hem home for a relatives in Belleville. had been iii or bereaved and wbo xieeting o! the Women's Auxiliamy Mrs. Edmund Thackray has been had eceived messages o! sympathy and W. M. S. o! the United Cburch. visiting with hem sister-in-law and from hiem. Considerable lime was Plans were discussed for a f owl sup- - other f riends at Campbellford. poitably spent in making pans per. An interesting program comn- Mm. and Ms. Eric Pearce and sons and appointing committees for the pising the following numbers was Robert, Claremiont, visited his mo- forthcomiisg fowl supper. Every- given. A reading by Mrs. R. W. ther, Mrs. W . H. Pearce. last Suni- one enjoyed the program presented Marlow; a piano solo bY Miss Norma day. by Mms. J. Hl. Jose's group and Armstrong; Mr. William Armstronsg Mm. and Mms. Clarencçe Turner whicb consisted o! a vocal solo by playeci a violin solo; andi Miss Jean BU'I andi son, and Mm. and Mrs. Robt. Mrs. Jo'se's sister, Miss Beatrice Cry- Malcolm gave a reading. Refesb- t Graham visited Mm. and Mrs. Chas. derma.n, Bowmaflville, who was ments were serveci by Mms. Allan 1 Osborne, Ebenezer, last Sunday. spencing the week witb ber, a rend- 'Suggitt's group. B Remember the Chîcken Pie Sup- ing by Mrs. Jose, and a vocal duel per to be given by St. George's by Mesdames E. M. H. Ward and H. Chumch in the Parish Hall, Wednes- R. Pearce, accompanied by Mrs. W. I B A K T C day, Oct. 24th. Admission 35c andi D. Bragg. Mrs Joses goup also 1 B A K T C 25c. seved refreshments. Mms. P. ONeil with Mm. Jos. Coul- Mm. Jos. Toms, allbough an in- Ms ae nls iîe isF so sacine.assistei yvalici for over fifteen months fom Vis let el. E t istd is grandsois, James Lovekin, and Mm. the effects o! a stroke, is brighten- iss Oive VnCmpsntth Chas. M. Flood as clerk, held a suc- ing up 10 a very noticeable degree weekend with Miss Jessie Knox. R cessful sale o! hiem surplus funiture his corner o! the village, baving had MisCmBath itavnbs on Thursday aftemnoon, Oct. 111h. the capenters andi decoators at benMisiting rahaI m ilert Werry'hs. l Y. P. L. o! the United Chumdh was work recovering bis bouse with a Mm. nd siig Mr. Rb. ilbeton viys- in charge o! Mm. Stanley Rickamd very attractive style o! oofing and ited and M.Jo.aerson s- N lasI wasMrtbeosoursides wooSuo-kd latMonday evening. Topic wspainting teday.e odwrk taken by Mm. Chas. Clemence. Mu- daisMide ooeypetSn sical numnbers were a duel by Misses Ifdayit Miss end ma RtedgseOShn- Marie and Doothy Henning, and a KENDALMs Em Rtede Oh violin selectiofi by Mm. Lowery. KEND LMmw. adMs ot eladMs St. eorgs Curch- Rv. F H.Pearl Bell visiteci at Mm. Abert Fin- 1 Mason, M. A., Pastor. Sunlday. Oct. Miss Katie Stewart spent the ney's, Fleetwoodi.M 21. 21s1 Sunday a!tem Trinity: Il weekend in Toronto.MmanMs.akeCaey ee a. m.-Momning Prayer and Holy Mm. andi Mms. Milton Robinson Mru nd gus. ak Mm. A . ell-re Communion, Rev. Archdeacon War- visited in the City on Sunday. munas, B.owmaviM.A.EBel 1 ren o! Toronlo will preach; 2 p. ni. Mm. and Mrs. J. Tamblyn, Orono. mand msni. Hrer beya --Sunday Scbool; 7 p. m.-Evening andi Mms. Robinson Misied aiedis Miss Normar Hooey aSnd N Corayer. on b, oh l eme guets at Mr. A. Marshalî's, Canis- 0 ConmaulalOs 1 Jhn oles Mrs. J. Tbompson, Cadmus, i s ington. who wins a free trip 10 the Royal visiting hem brother, Mm. Wmn. Pal- M.adMs rhrGrod Winter Faim Ibis yeam and also 1oi terson. t s- w Mr. and Mrs. russe Spnk Wm. Rowland, higb man o! ail, and' Mm. andi Mrs. Evan Quantrîli and Oswea ra uo!M. ani Mrs. RuslS ins i Garnett Rickard, all junior farmn- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cooper spent IrAe. AIdygeti rs ers with a pomising future, at the Sunday at Coîbomne. MIancgu . Js.FadeAaD seeci and grain judging tests at Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Tebble visite MrCarl W rigbt wme in oro nd Sun Betbany. hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. Hugh day 10, see Mrs. C. Wright wbo is ili 1i Unitedi Cliurch - Rev. S. Mac- Hoye, Oshawa; hem sister, Mrs. Mon- in a hospital. ISP Lean, B. A.. Pastor. Sunday, Oct. ker, eturfing with Mr.T SmtMs 2st0 ilp . . Momning vicSunday Scho ei Raly ayMable Van Camp and Miss Helen 1 2.3 p.m.Sunay ehol;7 . m sevie Snda mrnig.There was Van Camp visited Mr. Walter Ro- 1 -Evening Service. All week-night a gooci attendance with tbe regular wan's. Bethany. services as usual. Increasing inter- choir in charge o! Mm. Neil Stewart. Ms a.Mrowobsbe est is being laken in the Wednes- A duel wa.s sung by Misses Berisice il was. abl 10 viit bersubenD day evening devotional services in Langstaf f and Wilma Carson. The ilwsal ovsthrSna charge o! two different members o! service was conducted by the SupI. School Class in the Unitedi Chumch 1 the church each week, ladies and o! the school, Mmr.L. D. Bell. A on Sunday morning.1 gentlemen alternately, and attend- short talk was given by Mr. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanderson, Mrs. J. 1 ance is steadily growing. and the Rally Day address -Our Sanderson andi Miss Evelyn Sander- BI Mis. (Rev.) J. M. Deck andc cild- Sunday School - Yesterday. Today son were Sunday guests at Mr. A. ren, John andi Eleanor, Mounlails and Tomorrow" was given by Mm. Mashall's, Cannington. Grove, andi Miss Vera Alunr, Toronto, J. J. Mellor. Mrs. Ed. Thompson, Mm. and Mrs. visited Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce. League was in charge o! the Mis- Milton Thompson andi chilciren. lasI Saturday, as dici alsco Mr. Clar- sîonary Conx'ener, Miss Aima Bell. Mavis, andi Teddy. were Sunday 'DI ence B. Spahr and bride, !ommely on Thursday night. Bible reading guesîsa m a.HnYj Miss Hazel Alun. wbo were mamried was given by Miss Kate Stewart, Mm. John.SJac. ey saa n un Toronto on Friday the 121h o! and topic on "Story o! Y.M.C.A." Minerva A. Stoddard, Toronto, visit-I October and weme on their boney- was given by Miss Annie Thompsois. ed aI Mm. Fred Toms. Sunday where mocon trip 10 Montreal andi inter- Mm. Stanley Rickamd, delegate f rom the later is remaining for a visit. ci mediate points before taking up the confemer.ce, gave a talk on tise their esidence in New Hamburg, convention to be held iun Newcastle Two W. A. quilts were fînisheci on Ont. on Oct. 27th andi 28tb. Mm. Neil Monday a! ternoon. when several lad- Among those who witnessed thse Stewart gave an instrumental: a ieso! St. John's assembled itaIMms. presentation o! '-The Rotters" la the reading by Miss Wilma Carson; andi Leslie Graham's and un the Com- community hall on Friday evening, Misses Bemnice Langstaf! andi Wilma mui5ity Hall. Oct. 121h. were, Mm. J. E. Atkin-son, Carson sang a duel. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ferguson, Mm.r Presidient o! the Star Publishing Co., ________________ and Mms. George Clemence, Staynem, Toronto; Augustus Bride o! the -- and Mm. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Star staff, continentally fiamed mu- NESTLETON Nothpomt, have been visiting Mr. sic, art andi cramaîic citic; andi _______________ and Mrs. Roy Ferguson and Mr. and Mr. OgUlvie o! the Star staff, with Mms. Cecil Hill. Mrs. Ogilvie; also Mm. andi Mrs. Mm. andi Mms. Frank Malcolm visit- A miscellaneolis sbowem was given 0 Geo. Farncomb andi Mm. andi Mrs. D. eci at Mm. F. Todd's. on Tbursday night for Mrs. Oakley' A. Valleau o! Oshawa. Rev. C. R. Mms. George Marlow is recovering Carley i the home o! ber parents, Spencer o! St. John's Churcis. Bow- from a recent illness. Mm. anti Mrs. Stanford Swain. Onel manville, and quite a number o! Mr. andi Mrs. H. Knnpp, Hamilton, hundred and forty guests presented otiser Bowmanville folk were also are visîting friends heme. thse popular bride wilh mnny useful present 10 enjoy andi enîhuse over Mrs. Gowitz, Buffalo, bas closeti andi pretty gif Is. The ioveiy wedding the play anti extenti congratulations bier cottage for the season. presenîs were tispiayed in the sitt- L tc Mm. A. B. Mainwaring and bis ail Mms. Fred Totic. Clarke, visiteti ing oom. Speeches were given by star cast. hiem mother, Mrs. Richard Williams. several present andth ie bride and Friends anti acquaintances learn- Nestieton Women's Institute will groom expresseti their tielighl aI the ed with sorrow on Monday evening 'be guests o! Oono Branch on Fi-1 presence o! their many !iends and o! the death o! M. Henry Adams day. for the deligbtful gif ts. Lunch was aI the home o! bis daughter, Mrs. Mm. H. Reynolds has closeci bis serveti by thse girl friends o! the Bruce Whitney, Port Granby, where cottage at Caesarea andi bas retumis- bride. Mm. and Mrs. Carley will e- be bas been staying ever since the edt 1 Toronto. 1side is Cavanville. condition o! bis heaitis necessitateci Congratulations to Mm. and Mrs. Young People's League a bl bis leaving bis home in Newcastle. Arthum Hanna on the birth o!f ensa iht ibMs en The funeral is being held from the daugister, Oct. 14tb. Wetberilt occupying the chair. Thbe Unitedi Church, Newcastle, on Mm. and Mrs. Harmy McLaughlin. bible study was taken by Miss Mabel Thursday o! Ibis week, Oct. 18th, at were Suisday guests at Mm. George VanCamnp. The interesting progmam i 2.30 o'clock. irst a farmner, and in Marshall's, Canninglon. which was in charge o! Miss Ferga the second place a philantbropist, Congratulations to Mm. andi Mrs. Johnston, consisteci o! an instru- be will for long be remembereci for Davidi MeLean on the bîth of a mental by Miss Evelyn Sanderson: p his practical intere-st andi activities daugbter, October lst. a reading "Thanksgiving" by Miss is bebalf o! those who througb ac- IMm. and Mrs. Andrew Kinsman Ferga Johnston, Miss Aileen Mount-W cident or mis! ortune or untowarti have closeci their cottage at the lake joy read "Lifes Mirror" andi Miss circumstances o! any kinci weme un and returned 1oi Toronto. Eva Brown gave the Topic wiicb was a neeci o! financial or other assist- M. Ralpb Emerson, Peterboro taken f rom a chapter o! "Trails in ance 10 tide Ihem over the trouble Normal, spent the weekend with bis Jails o! the Nortis Land" by J. C.N anti set tbem on their feet again. parents, Mm. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Cochrane. Miss Muriel MountjoyG He was indeeci a neigbbom and Miss Lauma Proutt, Toronto, and playeci an instrumental and tihe friendt 10ahuin need. Mrs. Purdy, Toronto, were guests o! second edition o! tise "Young Peo-'I October meeting o! W. M. S.o! their parents, Mm. and Mrs. George ple's News" was read.h tise Unitedi Church was helci in the Proutt. Mrs. Cecil Hill gave hem home for S. S. oom on Oct. 4th, with thse ist Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm, Wisconsin, a meeting o! the W. M. S. on Wed- Y vice president, Mrs. Normais Rîck-i and Mm. and Mrs. Stewart Thomp- nesday a! lernoon. Tise members werea ard, un the chair. Meeting opened son, Che.sley, were guesîs of Miss happy 10 welcome back Mrs. F. Stin- with a hymn. after wich the 23rd Mary Malcolm. s on who had charge o! devolional s Psalm was epeated un unison. Miss Ms oreMie, ap, n exercises. The ladies decided to, have i A. Drummond rend tise Sc ipture Mrs. T. A. MacKenzie, Sarnia, and the bale packed by the lat o! Oct-a lesson, followed with prayer by Mrs. Miss C. Cornie. Toronto, were guests ober. Proceeds !rom the Stephen Ha- W. E. Beman. Special feature of 1 m Fak acoms.iousis concert weme $13.40. Letter o! t the progmam was a missionmy ng- 1 Miss Genevieve Ferguson, nurse- apeito o ri a ec o eant by members o! tise W. M. 5. î n-training in tise Toronto Genemal Mpr. . ance.r Mris s MaEfrordq and Mss Doly Prdy i her i H-spital, bas been bolidaying witb had charge o! tise program Mmi. plas and Doiy Pry inghem e hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. Foster Norman Mountjoy gave an interest- t Mission Band un song and recita- Ferguson. ing talk on "Things I bave 10 be S tion. We were tisen f avometi with a Thse sympathy o! tise community is Thank.ful For". and Miss Evelyn I duel by Mrs. C. A. Cowan and Mi"ss extended 10 those wiso are bereaved Sanderson played an instrumental.e Swizer an a eciatin b Miss in the sudden deatis o! Mr. AsaiMrs. H. Bell gave a chapt. !rom the COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each 1 - -_- ---_ week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Repairs Garnett in charge. RPWO NOTE-Where at ail possible klndiy make appolntnients EoeI)0ewnANDby GOE yEPAr tIRNG for examinations.Soe eno yGdea tths EWI-r lbr eoth hry Edwar Lewis, bo psed Aayurctobr Lewth, wo1933. aa Otoe 1thr ws1n9 ng33a. i Hee avean nebadi Tha asnotcut opee Soa Godtoo no uderbote To odfilthat vac dat e -Ever rememberdcbytsteran Brother. LOTUS proved in bealtih. Mrs. Merwin Mounljoy visited aith Mrs. Milton Gray. Mr. adi Mrs. Willarti Spencer, Oshs- awa, visiteti aI Mm. Hamry Spencer's. Mm. anti Mrs. Frank Malcolm, Sestleton, visiteti aI Mm. Ray Me- Gil1's. Mrs. D. C. Ferguson anti Kath- leen will leave shortly for their new home in Oshawa. Mms. Milton Gray entertaineti the young men's choir for practice anti a social lime Tuesday nigist. Mr. anti Mms. Merwin Mountjoy spent Sunday at Mm. John Mount- joy's, Kedron. anti attendeti Eldati annivemsary. Mrs. James McMullen enterlaineti tise members o! tise Ladies' Aid 10 a ruilting party andi social lime Fmi- day aftemnoon. Thse Ladies' Aid helti their Oc- tober meeting aI Mrs. D. C. Fergu.- son's on Wednestiay ight. The meeting throughout was on Temp- emance antInli charge o! tise young men, Scripture reatiing by Elmo Gray. Splendid pmogramn presenteti consisting o! several numbers sungi by lise young men, acompanieti by Mms. Merwln Mountjoy; temperance reading by Harry Baser; eeting by Mis. Cecil Ferguson; also temper- ance talks by Eaml Gray anti Rev. Riding; also a piano solo anti a tempemance solo was sung by. Arthur Stapleton. Lunch wns servet by Mrs. Milton Gray anti Mrs. Chas. McGiII. 4 A.T.C.M. Diplomas Private lessons or bissons is class. Pupils preparedi for ail examinations. Phono 42, Bowmanville 40-tf fAUCTION SALES Farrow who is ieaving town, will selI at her residence, Wellington St., ail o! her houbenold f urnitureinud ing, living room, bediroom, andkt chen fumniture. upright piano, rugs, congoleum rug practically new. gooa stoves, one in use about six weeks, di.shes, bedding, etc. Sale at 1.30 p. M. Terms Cash. C. H. Mason W. J. Challis Clerk. Auctioneer. WOOD SALE Saturday, October 2Otb, Paul Haynell, Lot 20. Con. 2, Damington, nortb of Sam Snowden's, Maple Grove will seli by public auction 6 acres of standing hardwoocl in 1/4 or ii acre lots more or iess. Parties wilfl be given to April ist. 1936, to remove limber. Sale at 2 p. m. Terms Cash. Elmer Wllbur. Auctioneer. C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialiat Author 0f: Optometry Feature Service The Chld and Its Development Speciallzing excluslvely in muscle anomalies, eyesight and 5lasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Disney DIdg. Opp. P. O. Oshawa, Ont. BARGAIN PARES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 Similar f ares from Intermediate points REeturu Limit - (Leave Chicago not later than 11.59 p.m. (M.C.R.LR.) Oct. 29 (Leave Detroit not later than 2.30 a. m. (M.C..R.> Oct. 29 Route: via C.P.R. or C.N.R. to Toronto, thence C.P.R.-M C R R oniy, return same. YOUR LAST OPPORT(JNITY TO SEE THE CHICAGO EXPOSITON For full particulars, ask for Handblll - Consult Agents CANADIAN CANADIAN NATIONAL PACIFIC Phone 523 or 276 Notice to Creditors AUL PERSONS having any daim against the Estate f the late Wil- liam Heslop Gibson, who died on or about the 6th day f August, 1934, at the Town of Bowmanville, in the County f Durham, are equired to file the same with proof Ihereof with the undersigned or their Sol- icitor not later than October 29th. 13,a!ter which date the Estate wilbe distibuted and ail claimï of which the Executors have not me- ceived notice will be barred as ag- ainst themn. DATE]) at Bowmanville Ibis 5th day o! October, 1934. CHARLES THOMAS GIBSON and WILLIAM HAROLD GIBSON, Executors WILLIAM HESLOP GIBSON ESTATE, ByM. G. V. Gould, Bowmanvilie, Ottheir Solicitor. 41-3 N, BOWMNVILL E. - ____ Wanted W AN T ED - ELDERLY LADYI __________Boarder, comnfortable home. AP- ci ~ply before 2 P.m. or after P. 421Te to Mrs. C. W. Jacobs, Church St ________________________________ MAID WANTED - MUST BE EX- perienced cook. methodical, cap- necessary. Apply by letter to'W ___________________________________________________ Y." Drawer B, Bowmnafville. 41-t- BIT SFor Sale FOR RENT - 100 ACRE FARM, Mki h BIT SFOR SALE - SEWING MACHINE, ploughing possession immnediately, Mikite IIEYIf omavle op- Singer, almost new. Mrs. Fred full possession in the spriflg. For fo.I g FI= -nBwanil oP- Mitchell, Church Street. 42-1 particulars apply Ofl the premnises fo.I O aion hurday Ocobe llh, ____________________- to A. B. Cryderman, Hampton. ments nece 934, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. FOR SALE-ONE 2000 L13. SCALE, 4- Buttery, a son. good condition. $20.00 cash. See UPOSEIGCiJSEFE and good lh M.R ite, Tyrone, Ont. 38-t UPSuten GCloheS untu]RFI FO R. - ute adai ohr uriur e -1 individual FRSALE- SIX REGISTERED covered and repaired like ne. MARRIAGES Costwold sbeep. Apply W. H. Expert workmanshiP. Samples. and ait iess _______________________ Moore, Enniskiilen. Phone 308r13. Estimates free. J. A. Fry, ScugOg RGUSON-CLEMENCE - At th e 42-1 St. Phone 536. 42-1w Drink m4 United Church, Stayner, on Wed- FOR SALE-MIXE]) GRAIN, le A MAN WANTED FOR BOWMAN- t h at mu~ nesday, Oct-ober 1Oth, 1934, by pound. Also choice heifer to re- ville to handle high grade line of Rev. Peter Webster, Rev. Freder- new soon. J. L. Metcalf, R. R. 2, Teas, Coffees, Cocoa. Spices. Ex- Dairy milk- ck Merrili Ferguson, B. A., son of Bowmanville. Phone 183r5. 42-1 tracts, Toilet Preparations direct Mfr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, - to, established users. Opening in pure, paste Northport, and Verona Irene, R.N., FOR SALE -BEATI'Y ELECTRIC Durham County also for inan with daughter of r dM rs e. ahr:nwgarne obýal- car. Write T. H. Ward Companly, T.BTet Clemence, Stayner. ance of payment. Apply Masn, & JOh n South, Hamilton. 41-2* B w Dale, Bowmanville. 40-3 F FO SAL - ACOALHEATR, DEATHS nearly new, a sideboard, a parlorII S suite. Apply Mrs. Geo. NesbittBfie tr [INWARING-Pa.ssed on at Bow- Nestieton. Phone 194r12. 42-1 Business Diecor manville, on Tuesday, October 16, FOR SALE-HARMONY ELECTC I Phone 446 1934, Nancy Smith Mainwaring, Health BeIt, hardly used. Cbheýap.. beloved wife of Commander A. B. Mrs. Punnett, Oriole Tourist Camp1 LEGAL Mainwaring, aged 36 years. M-aple Grove, Bowmnanville. 42- 11 ___________L_____ Funeral private ait the residence of Dr. and Mrs. J. Clark Bell, FOR SALE - A TABLE SAW M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Queen Street, Bowmanville, on frame, a new 2-horse motor at- Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Saturday ait 2 p. in. Cortege ieav- tached and 3 new circular saws Phone 351 ing for Toronto for cremation at and saw s-et; cost $175.00; $110.00 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvle 2.30. cash. J. C. Alldread. Phone 200. FloPE )AMS - In Clarke. on Monday, 38-t W. R. STRIKE October 15th, 1934, Henry A. Ad- Britr oiioNtr ams, in his 79th year. Interred in To Let Brtr Solicitor N o ota Bowmanville Cemetery. olicitor forank o Ponea9l 'INKS-At Nestleton, on Wednes- TO LET - 3 ROOMS AND BATH- M one t Lan. Phoflenta9i day, Oct. 1Oth, Asa Spinks, be- room, Shed, private entrance, Bwavle nai loved husband of Jane Buns, in ground floor. Phone 685. 42-1 -*L. C. MASON, B. A. bis 68th year. Interment Union Now that Cemetery. Cadmus. HOUSE TO RENT-HOUSE CON- Barrister - Solicitor taining seven rooms, ai conven- Notary Public - Etc. over we w' )OUGLAS-In Oshawa, on Friday, iences, furnished or unfurnished. Law in ail its branches. supply of October l2th, 1934, Fanny~ Eliza- Apply Box 72, Bowmanville. 42-1 Office lmmediately east o! Royal autuxn Ml beth Cooper, beloved wife of Mr. 'Theiatre. Daniel Douglas, aged 43 years. TO LETr-SIX ROOMED BUNGA Poe:Ofc 68 oe53 prices. Org Interment Oshawa Cemetery. 10w on Wellington Street, hard- Poe:Ofc 8;Hm 5. f uiiy f illed 3ICKLE-In Hamilton Tow~nship on wood floors, ail modern conven- D N A otadt October lOth, 1934, Henry Bickle. iences; oak dining roomn and bed- DENTAL___________________ t 0 beloved husband of Mary Mat- room furniture for sale. Mrs. M. - i h 1 thews. in h:S 78th year. Inter- Lord. Phone 232. Bowmanviile. DR. J. C. DEVITT ment ait, Welcome Cemetery. 42-1V Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson DAVIDSON-Ofl Thursday, Oct. 11, RETF EROME BIC Graduate of Royal Dental College w . 1934, Pickering township, James I. ousenTLibe r St, BowanICKe Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg W Davidson, beloved husband of the hcellar, iefrnacet, wmire oBowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m laite Janet Catherine Nicol, in his celectr ichoe,garae, he hose o 6 p. m. daily except Sundal KINGSWA 88th year. Interred ait Ashburn. and gi o gare osesionNov Phone 90. House phone 283. King St. - LAPHAM-At Munt Royalaned.gllth. Aply A pser ss. irc ov. XRyEupetI fie ýAHamilon Otoe R oyalhA193 , n- Box 479, Cobr . 41-tf -RyEuimnti Ofce nett oeighbeloved wi19e4 ofAFUNERAL4D9,ECTOouP..0. BOX Geore Clapgh, banvd otherof HUSPO.ET ESRBL.______Box______ Mer. W. J. m Morsnd. Brtfor, I-oom brickresî -deeABL od- DRETO Mis. C. E. Marrchel, BMontfra, 7ern coveic es wired f odîe- FNEA DIET S Miss Marvel Claphamn and George tric stove, hardwood floors down Service, any hour, any da5 B. Clapham, Hamilton. stairs, veranda and summer kit- F. F. MORRIS CO. chen, garage and garden, central- Mdr oo qimn ly located on Concession St. near Amouaem Motor Equimeant INME ORAMBechAve. Apply to J. E. Elliott, CAmbla ne 1d noald3C, IN ME ORIAMConcession St. 42-1w 7 COLLACcYT-In loving memory ofonyToLa BWANiL our dear father, Harry M. Colla- With t]onBOMAVEL cott, who passed to his eternal MONEY TO LOAN-FIRST MOTW~wwn'& S IH Bditort rest on October l6th, 1932. gages on approved town andfarm NORiTH CuTT IH basinor -Lovingiy remembered by his Property ait reasonabie rates. Ap- Complete Funeral Service tCeres ane Chiidren. ply Box 107, Bowmanville. 42-1* Modern Equipment- Ambulance where you ----_-__ - & W. G. Northcutt -Aibe mt select!on c ~EWS-n ovng emryo!ou C9on uysf Service garden flowers are 'iii bave a regular greenhouse grown iwers at reasonable lers by phone care- È.Ail orders sent oany address with- mile postai radius. F. Groves LY FLOWER SHOP Next Royal Theatre IMAVLE 163 Phone 72 i ytime ýs here se openiisg of the nClub the Bridge )gel under way, and ot a place in town Lcan f ind a better of bridge prizes than su.a q prize, buttbe are most reasonably priced..- MaY we off er these suggestions: Cards and Tailles Crystalware - China Pottery - Brass - Booki NEW WOOLS Fads may come and fads may go, but the fad to knit your own sweaters, cushions, berets, and odds and ends, yourseif slill goes on. We have al the new shades in wool, al the types you'll need, and piced f rom 15c per bail. Pattern Books and Needies For a pleasant winter even- ing may we suggest a booke from our Lending LlJbrary - Only 3c per day. J. W. Jewell BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER .3g2CHINA & GLASS I "Bl 20"Bowmanvillie Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Another Week of Mag-nificent Screen Suecesses Every Picture one of 1934's Greatest Shows Thursday - Friday - Saturday - October 18-19-20 JACKIE COOPER and WALLACE BEERY in " Treasure Island" Fox News - Dumbeli Letters No. 2 Matinee Thursday 2.30 p. m. - Saturday 2.30 p. m. Monday - Tuesday - October 22 - 23 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Jr. and ELIZABETH BERGNER in Catherine The Great News - - - Cartoon Matlsnee Monday 'at 4 p. m. Straight Is The Way With Franchot Tone, May Robson, and Karen Moley. LAUREL anti HARDY un "THEM THAR HILLS" Colored Cuioslty "Ro the Magnifîcent" Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. m. Ronald Coleman in "BULLDOG DRUMMOND STRIKES BACK"I Mae West In "BELLE 0F THE NINETIES"1 Shirley Temple in "NOW AND FOREVER"I and "CLEOPATRA." George Anis In "THE LAST GENTLEMAN' Clark Gable and Joan Crawford in "CHAINED"I Jean Halow ln "GIRL FROM MISSOURI"1 Also Coming-"ONE NIGHT 0F LOVE" Dont Mis&-"THE DIONNE QUINTUPLETS"-November 1-2-3 !orld's est Food eworId's richest )ntailll more oie- ssary to growth heaith than any f ood known - icost. ore milk - and ans Bowlfanville L-rich in cream, eurlzed, and from ed herds. ,manville )airy B3owmanville r a*i TF.rUP.SDAY. OCTOBER 18th, 1934 w ururR)rAwvff.T.P.-