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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1934, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER l8th, 1934 NUMBER 42 F amily Gathers to Observe Diamond Wedding in Town Mr. and Mrs. J. O. LaBelle, Beech Avenue, Are Hon' ored by Members of Their Family on 60th Wedding Anniversary The 6tb wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. LaBelle was celc- brated at theéir home on Beech Ave. on Saturday, Octeber 13th, witb a dinner te mark the occasion. Near relatives wcre pressent !rom Toronto and Port Hope. The table was dcc- orated witb levely pink roses. ir the evening a beautiful cake was cut by the bride of 60 years, being brougbt to table wtb 60 iightcc candies. A pleasant evening was cnjoyed and many geod wishcs spok- en and aise received f rom distant f riends. Mrs. LaBelle bas one living bro- ther, W. T. Greenaway o! Port Hope. Mr. LaBelie settied lu Bewman- ville in 1872, ceming !rom Montreal, He was with the Upper Canada Pur- niture Ce. as foreman for years till the factory burued, tben going tc Dominion Organ & Piano Ce. wherE be worked fer 47 years. He wu. witb the Grand Trunk R. R. a cenductor on the f irst sleeping car. f rom Mentreal te Toronto. He wa, a volunteer te serve in Fenian RauÈ going te Quebec border; aise re. members wben Metreai had nc water system and a big f ire cause great loss, the city having te brinE water from the river. He ai-sce n members the Prince of Wales, latei King George, visitiug Montreal wber a big ballroom was !itted up or Mount Royal, Sherbrooke St. for th royal eccasion. Mr. LaBeile married Carolin4 Greenaway on October 13th, 1874 wbo bas ived in Bowmanviiie al ber lifetime, and can tell o! condi, tiens here li early years. Mr. an( Mrs. LaBelie bave attended St Johu's Anglican Cburcb durini their life together, being joined ii wediock by the late Rev. Dr. McNat Mr. and Mrs. W. O. LaBelie an grand-daugbter, Miss Laura C. La Belle, Were bere for the occasion comiug !rom Edmuonton, Aberta and wiil spend some time with then Trlnity Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliari< e! Trinit W. M. S. met i the school room oi Tucsday evenmng wben a suppe meeting vas heid. The tables wci exceedixngly pretty witb Haibowe'e decerations o! Yeiiow and blac which witb the subdued iights gav the room a seomewhat weird appear ance during the supper heur whe Miss Helen Cryderman and be group served a very temPting mea A contest on a -Turkey- furnishe entertaiximent during the sociE hour previeus te the Thank-Offer ing pregram. Devotional period wa i charge o! Mrs. Muriel Syrn and ber group. The opening hym. "O Woship The King" was sur wtb Mrs. H. D. Wigtrnan at ih piano; prayer by Mrs. J. W. Jeweil appropriate readings by Mrs. Wight man, Mrs. SYmens and Mrs. Sparg( and a solo by Mrs. M. W. Tamblyi Mrs. W. A. Shane, President, toc charge of the business period ar made trie Treasurer's report. an nouncing that at the NoveMbE meeting Miss Mitchell, travellir Secrctary, vouid be the speake: witb Mns. C. A. Bartiett and grou in charge. Mrs. Ives rcad the mir utes and callcd tbe roll. Mrs. A.1 Nichoils o! St. Pau's Auxiliary w, intreduced and gave a vcry con prehensive introduction te the ne Study Book. "Builders o! the India Cburch". Sbc covered a long perla lu a very concise and interestin manner vhich ail enjeyed. The ai preciation e! the membens was vol( ed by Mrs. B. E. Ingham and Mrs. R. Bragg. Mrs. J W Jewell gave brie! review o! the Temperance sil uation. Meeting closed vitb il Mizpab benediction. YOUNG PEOPLE 0F TRINITY CHURCH AT TRINITY SUNDAY Noted Toronto Critic Lauds Acting of Newcastle Players Auguatus Bridie of The Star Attends Production in Community Hall - la Pleased with Efforts of Ama- teur Group in Difficuit Presentation - Actor Plays Under Dark Cloud It is seidom ihat auy local ama- teur dramatlc club is bonorcd vith the presence o! a musical and dram- atic critic o! the calibre o! Augustus Bridle o! the Toronto Star, but the Newcastle Players vere se bouereal on Fiday nlgbt, vben Mn. Bridie attendcd the performauce o! "Tbei Rotters" la the Commuuity Hall. Naiurally, witb a raukiug citlc in our midst, il wouid hi a presunip- tion on our part 10 describe the play, se we are usiug Mn. Bridle's criiisma wblcb appeared i The Star on Sat- uray (By Augustus Bidie) Since Communlty Hall, the fIiest cf its kind li Canada, vas opened ai Nevca-stle, Ont.,lI 1922, uothing quite s0 clever bas been doue there as the play calleal "The Rooters," preseuted last night by the New- castle Players. No other compauy lu Ontario bas doue Ibis play, vhicb vas wrllten i 1916 by H. G. Maliby sud bas sixice become eue o! the meat populan noe.d pîsyali Eug- land. Thauks te a maxi as Eugiish as Matby-Mr. A. B. Maixwiang- Ibis clever domestic comedy wtb a moral message vas given an ama- teur production worihy o! its auther who vrete se, mauy billant social comedies. This play vas realhy the original of Priestley's "Dangerous Corner" seen in Toronto ast season. Its stery is the uuniaskiug o! an extine family wbese chie! masqucrader Is the "'respectavie" rougb-deg court- ciller Clugsteu, J. P., ambitieus te be mayor o! bis icwn. One by oe he discovers thal bis entire f amily, bis vif e, sud bis chauffeur, eacb bas a "skeleton in the choseU.' Up tli nean the end cf the play his servant and bimself are the oxly truly moral f olk li the loi. One ef bis daugbtens vas a cul-up aI school: the other flirted with the cbauffeur'-wbo had a mystenicus vife; bis son vas dnunk sud dis- orderly, bis wife had beexi addicted te straxige marniages.lI the third acî Mn. Clugsloxi blmself i1 fouxid te (Cextinued on page 4) PRESENT FINE PLAY' "Civil Service" Tbree Act Comedy Drama Provides Plenty o! Laughs for Large Audiences Monday and Wednesday The Young People e! Trinity Un- ited Churcb presented ive fine ev- enings' entertaiximent on Monday and Wednesday wben the three act i. , play 'Civil Service" was given with splendid expression and had the gen- eral approvai o! fine audiences. Rev. E. F. Armstrong gave a syn- opsis o! the play wich opens witb a scene li the Post Office; the sec- ond is a !ew days later when the discovery was made that a letter centaining mouey had been stolen;1 and the third, on the Iuspector's investigation and the resuits.. The play depicislilfe in a smal town post office, its troubles, ser rows, temptations, etc., Mr. Lau- rence Goddard 100k the part of the Rv r e.Klarc stern inspecter, Mr. Wilfrid Ham- Be.D.Go.Klanc iey, the off icieus postmster, Mr. B.: Pastor o! Meirose United Cburcb, Mutten, the busy mail clerk; Mr.i Hamilton, who is te hi the special Alex Colvilie, the ambitieus money auniversary speaker at Triuity Un- order clerk, who yields te temptation ited Churcb on Sunday. Dr. Kil- because e! living beyend bis means; patrick is a fermer pa-stor o! St. the kind hearted old man, Clare:Andrew's Presbyterian Cburcb at Allin, wbo carnies the rural mail,1 Ottawa, wbere Rt. Hon. W. L. Mac- !amiliarly known as -Old R. F. D."; i kenzie King vas a member o! tbe the raw recruit, Archie Wood, wbo cougregation, and aise Chaimers1 creates lots e!f fun because o! bis ý United Cburcb at Ottawa, wbere Rt. desine te go back to the farmi where: Hon. R. B. Bennet and Rt. Heu. he weu't bave te vear boots thati Artbur Meighan worsbip. Dr. Kil- hurt bis feet; the noble bearted. patrick served lu the Great War as plucky 11111e stamp clerk, Miss Helen Padre o! the 42ud Highland Regi- Masen; the business-like collecter, ment e! Montreal, attainiug the Miss Marion Glaxiville; tbe girl wbe rank o! Major and vas avanded the vas eugagcd but liked te bave a: D.S.O. He is oeeof the eutstand- good trne witb ber boy friends, Miss! iug preachers li the United Cburch Dorotby Edgar; aud the attractive 1o! Canada andl bas spoken here on girl !riend o! Goidie, Mrs. L. God- a number o! occasion wben be ba dard; the Lady of Importance, Mrs. made a most favorable impression. T. R. Jeffs, wbe pested twe f îftY. _____________ dollar bis li a letter, weuldn't lu- sure il, and then had it stelen, was weli taken by Miss Dorothy or Eacb eue acted their respetiv Darlingo DP pls parts spiendidly. The humoneus,l pathetic and stern sections sustain- in iteete the enid.i are Entertained at The play contained a fine example o! sacrifice on the part o! oid R. F. T D. but ail ends happily wben vith b bis long lest son Steve and bis best Th ar onFi y girl tbey go oui on the f arm at -~Maple Grove" wicb bas beexi Royal Theatre Packed to granied bim by the goverumnent f or, faitbful service. aaiyfrAn lEv Miss Marion Pickard, the Presi- CaaifrAna v dent, cxpressed the apprecia tien o!; ent - All Dar i n gt o n the young people te Mrs. L. God- Pulc Shos R ei dard, who bad coacbed the caste aud Pbi col eev vas deserving o! the tbanks o!f Initaio Misses Lorraine sud Evelyn Pickard Ivtto to Attend enlertained wiih piano duels be- tween acts. Nearly 600 pupils o! Darliugten Township Public Schoels werc guests MRS. J. O'NEILL AGAIN on Friday afternoon at the aunual ELECTED PRESIDENT By bus, car and truck the cbildren HOSPITAL AUXILIARY were brought to Bowliaxiville m Mrs.J. ONeil wa reelecealtary luncheon. rsdent O'Nil theecWAxiiay Il was a joliy crowd o! yeuugsters, o! Bwmanvioflte HospitsAlai hean- al cager fer Ibis annuai a!ternoor of ,-wanvlleHosita atthean-o! f un te wicb tbey uow look for- nual meeting o! Ibis erganizatien ward keenly eacb year. The theatre held li the Nurses' Residence on was o! course packcd te capacity Friday afternoon. whexi Manager Tommy Rosa vel- Reports e! the part year's work comed the cbildren and intreducec were given by the outgeing officers, President Fred Cryderman o! the showing a wonderful work accemP-RoayCutebi!lvecm i iised nd vey cediabl coep-chilîcren on bebal! o! the Club anc eration by ail members e! the aux- wbo paid tribute te Mn. Ross wbc iliary i the work. Tribute vas paid se kindly loaued bis theatre anid pro- te those wbo had headed the var- vided the show for themn. Mayor Ross bous committees lu raisiug funds.~ Strike aise, spoke brie!ly welcoming Mrs. L. A. W. Tole filled the chair the cildren te tbe tevu and re- for the election o! officens wicb n e- minding thein that Bowmauville vas sulted as follows: President-Mrs. J.agoplc vsttaytie rO'Neil;l- st Vice President-Mrs. W.ago lc evsta n ie H. Birks; 2nd Vice Presidext-Mrs. The pnogram provided plenty o: F. O. Mcflveen; Treasurer-Mrs. E. fun and lots o! Ibnîlîs fer the guests. IW. Crawford; Correspouding Secre- It opeedd vitb the ever popular Wait .tary-Mrs. V. H. Sterey; Recording Disney Mickey Mouse cartoon, this *Secretary-Mrs. C. D. Searle; Audi- eue ilustrating the stery cf Jack tors-Mrs. E. R. Beunsali snd Mrs. and the Beanstalk, wiih Mickey in A. L. Nicholis; Executive Committee the noie o! Jack. This vas followed -Mrs. W. J. Dudley, Mr. M.A. by an eerie and ghostly comedy cal Nea, Ms.L. Mcauhli' Ms:ed 'Rumniy" and by another c. NPa, rsJ.TMcLaughandlinW.MRss Walt Disney's creations, a Sili: F.J.ManngakM.W.RoaSymnpbony, lu celons and portraying Strike.wbat happens lu a China Shop afte. Mrs. A. W. Brewster, Deroit, the propieter ha& gene home at Mich., wbe with ber brotherMn. J nigbt. W. Kcyes aud vîfe, visited their sis- The main picture vas packed fuil ter, Mrs. W. Webster, Oshawa, vas vitb Ibnilis and comedy. It vas W. e in tovn Tuesday calling on ber C. Fields picture "Tillie and Gus" numerous old f rieuds. wich provided plentyof laugis, "~King" 18 menths old baby star lu the picture got mixeal up i a series o! advcntures, vbicb ended li bis f alling cverboard fnom the ferry and saiiug sereneiy ln bis bathtub up the river. The enthusiasin shovu by the children tbnoughout the show and the happy sm.iles that iigbted their faces as tbcy filed eut for the ride home vas proof euougb that the an- nual Rotary Theatre Party for Dan- linglen schooi chiidren vas once again a big success. 0 - St. Paui'a Young Peopie's GuIId The negular meeting o!f'the St. Paui's Young Pcople's Guiid vas beld Tuesday evening vitb au attendauce o! 25. Meeting opened witb Pres- ident Eric Coombes in the chair, lu Devotional penloal Scripture lesson vas read by Mrs. A. S. Kerr sud prayer given by Ruth Tuerk. Bus- iness period foiloved. Miss Eva Brown of Biacksteck, vho is a mcm- ber o! the Executive of the United Cburch Young People's Pnesbytcry, gave a short addresa on the coming Youug People's Conference te hi beld In Newcastle, Octoben 27tb sud 281h. The program vas in charge of Coavenon Bill Pbillps sud con- sisted of readings by George Graham "The Place for Recreation in the Chunch" and "A Young Peopie's Lesson from a Postage Stamp", Harmonica sole by Mr. O. Anderson, claninet solo by Frauk Tuenk, plana solo by Ruth Tuerk, sud illustratei taik on "Model Acropianes"' by Jirs Thompson. Meeting cloaed vith benedicien. Gaines folloved te con-~ clude a very enjoyable program. CELEBRATES 45th ANb Trlnity United Chur, Whicb yull celebrate its 45th an-1 niversary by speciai services en( Sunday next wben Rev. Dr. George1 Kilpatrick o! Hamiton viii be the1 guest preacher. Speciai music viii HUNDREDS ATTENDED SHOW ROOM - BAKERY OFFICIAL OPENINGS Challis' Showrooms and Watson's Bakery and Lunch Room Meeca For Hundreds of Shoppers Friday and Saturday Hlundreds of people, responding to the invitations ini last week's States- man, attended the official epenings of Challis' new auto and radio show- rooms and Watson's Bakery and lunchroom. It is doubtful if any- thimg i recent years in the business section attracted as much interest and as large a crowd. Both Friday and Saturday citizens by the hun- dreds inspected Chals' showrooms, saw the display of new automobiles and radios andi had the opportunity of seeing what a weIt equipped ser- vice station and garage Mr. Chals operates. One of the employees of Mr. Chai- lils stated that on Friday and Satur- day between 2500 or 3000 people vis- ited the building,and on Saturday night scores f illed every available space in the garage and workshop for the Oid Time Dance with Jim Coyle's orchestra providing the mus- ic. Net only was the place fiiled with dancers. but hundreds packed in to watch the f un. Neediess te say Mr. Challis was more than pleased with the resuits. He received a wonclerful response te his advertised invitation and in another column of this Issue expre-sses his appreciation for the interest shown by the public. It might be mentiened also that the whole building was brilliantly light- ed and gaiiy decorated by a group cf men from the Goodyear. Across the street Watson's Bakery and Lunchreom, modern in every respect, formaily opened its doors te the public. From early afternoon on Friday until late that night, and ail day Saturday until quite a late heur visitors and customers threnged the store anid inspected the new fittings and equipment. And apart f rom the itrst exhibited the store did a Imagnificent business. Hundreds of heads of families filied in the f ree coupon for the buge birthday cake which was given away. Mayor Ross Strike made the draw quite late Sat- urday night and the cake was a- warded te Mrs. Wilcox, Liberty St. Mr. Watson who was amazed at the response te bis invitation in The Statesman aise expressed keen ap- preciation in bis advt this week. The sidewalk frenting Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's, Moore's Jewelry and Kerslake's Drug Store was tomn up on Tuesday and tewn werkmen are at work laying a new waik eut te the street curb. This sidet-alk bas been in bad condition for some time and the repairs wilI be welcemed net enly by storekeep- ers but by customers of these stores. ï WHAT DO YOU THINK 0F NEW ARTICLES BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD? During tbe past week we have had many lnterestlng comiments on J. C. Kirk- woed's first artic1lý "Your World and Mine". Read his article this week and let us knew bow you like it. One subscriber from Tor- ente wrltes "I thlnk "Your World and Mine" willl be goed." The eld time Eng- lish rustic's letter te bis Rose ef Sharon had a gen- uine Hardy touch. I can't see wbere the small towners opportunities are llmlted with acceunts of the Minis- trel Show, Dr. C. W. Gor- don's addresses, Bobby Pear- ce's inspirational address, te say nothlng cf relief car chat, and armned robberies. all in one issue." This week's Statesman Is Just as lnterestig. Let us hear your commenta. We are constantly leoking for sug- gestions for improving the paper. NIVERSARY SUNDAY I INTERIOR DECORATOR YoUng Minister is IS GUEST SPEAKER r ~ AT CANADIAN CLUB Miss Hamilton of Toronto Gave D sg ae o African Missions Hom DeoraionMonay Rev. and Mrs. F. Merrili * The Wemen's Canadian Club held te epening meeting of the season Ferguson Designa.ted for Monday afternoon in St. John's Par- ish Hall, witb a large number in at- Missionary Service by *tendance. Bay of Quinte Confer- The President, Mrs. L. W. Dîppeli, * 'in a few well chosen werds weî- ence President at Impres' comed the new members and in- troduced the speaker. Miss Hamil- sive Service ton. interior decorator from Tor-i onto.A very impressive service Wa" Miss Hamilton's address on thelheld on Sunday morning li TrlflitY tePic of Home Decerating was of United Church when Rev. and Mrs. more than passing mnterest and P. Merrill Ferguson were designated I worthy cf conisideration by ail Home te the werk of ML-ssiomaries for the * Makers, as the suggestions were of a United Church li the foreign field fundamental character, as applied te of Africa. Rev. G. c. R., different moins. lI re-decerating Oshawa, President of Bay of Quinte oe must f irst censider the f ashion Conference. was li charge and w9.B just as one would in clothes; next assisted by Rev. Dr. Carscalien, the f urniture and hangings must be Principal of Ontario Ladies' College, suitable te the architecture of the Wiiitby. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson. a f or- roem. Then onecocnsiders the occu- mer President of BaY of Quinte pant. In the case of the living room Conference. Oshawa, Rev. E. F. AMI- -one plans te please the great num- streng, pastor of the church. ReV. ber of people wbo may be entertain- W. A. Buriner and Rev. J. W. Buri- ed tbere, se this calIs for variety. ner. rch, Bowmanville If a den or study one tries te furnish te suit the particular occupant, Mr. 0. Nicholas sang a suitable be featured by the choir under the quiet, selid furniture, etc.. bowever solo and the choir rendered an an- drection of Francis Sutton, Mus. if there is ne den, the man's bed ihminkenn ih the ocin Bac., organist of tbe cburch. Rev. roo>m may be bis refuge, so there Rev. MoQuade. in bisitrd- E. F. Armstrong, pastor, mwill con- bie wants bis bunting or perhaps tien, responded te, the greetings o! duct the services, bis angling materials. In a ladies' this congregation extended te him boudoir aiways stick te the colors by Mr. Geo. W. James, Treasurer, mest flattering, as the furniture wiil whe made the announicement for W ilShOW M ot be guided by the personality. In the Thank..Offering Sunday and pre- N~Ç~iiiShow M oton iving room care must be taken as sented a finanicial report. io 'o'greuping, for instance. &round the Mr. McQuade chose as a text, firepiace-a chesterfield, a OOuPle "Then Pbilip epened bis meuth and P cues0 ur a chaistable, Iamp and smok- began at te m crpue n fIIf11 and table. the music corner-radio asked why la It necessary te have at o s'C u or piano, a comfortable chair, music churches, ministers or missionarles? large eneugh, possibly a bridge cern- te start on a career or some greBt Duram lub of oroto r. table, chairs and lamp. Grouping work and sometimes not allowed te Durhm Clb ofToroto s necessary,. as unless decorating complete it? Whence the source ef Invite& County Residents f ulfills a purpose there is ne art in it. these high aspirations cf scholars, In draping and upholstering one painters, scientists, whence the to Witness Pictures Tak- must consider the texture, for in- source of love. power, beauty and en i Ths Cunt by~ sance. the coarser materials and harmony? Ail repose i Qed-net L. B. Williams the rough fire-piace and solid furu- kfig, no matte kw great, is equal iture, the einer eues With richer te the King of kings, and man f inds mahogany, cherry and walnut. Here himiself repeating "Hope Thou li The Durham County Club of Tor- 0f course the budget must be con- God." lI Qed aur aspirations are ent inend hodin "oen igh" idered tee, and if eue cannot af- complete. That's why we have for its initiai f all meeting. Thurs- ford the better materlals. buy a churches, ministers and m!sslenar- day, October 25tli, at the Art Gai- cheaper cloth, net a cheaper grade. les te lead us te the true service of lery of Toronto, on Dundas Street, The dining room suggested brigbter greatness. His message came home west o! University Ave., eight o' colorings, a couple o! occasional very convincingly te the hearts of dlock, with a f ascanating Movie Pic- chairs and the corner wall cupboard, the large congregation present. ure entertaiximent representative of te relieve the severity, but avoid At the close o! the sermon the evçry locality, big and little, o! the ciuttering the room witb too much impressive Designation service was CoXinty o! Durham. silver and china on buffet, etc.. as conducted by the laying on of bands, During the part month, Dr. and these appear as dust catchers. when Rev. Mr. Ferguson and bis Mrs. L. B. Williamis ef Toronto have combed every nook and corner o! Miss Hamilton bad samples of bride were set apart for their field this county and considered many wall paper, window curtains. draper- of labor at Chisamba, Angola, in phases of rural and town if e in a ies and rugs, te show the celer the Dondi Mission, Africa. Rev. completed, weil balanced. cempre- schemes and the newer materials. McQuade gave the charge, Rev. hensive Movie Picture Film o! some sorte o! the favorite celors being Armistrong the prayer, Rev. Dr. Car- 1400 feet which in quality compares raspberry, used with beige and rose, scallen the address, wbiie Rev. Wi- favorably with any theatre project- aise beige and chartrause combined son pronounced the benediction ion. with browns. which closed this selemn service. Apar frm te peasre f ral- Forrug th deignandsbaing Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Ferguson Apar frm te peasre f ral- Forrug th deignandshaingwill carry with them the prayers istic entertaiximent there was in is brougbt eut by slipping the pile and good wishes o! net only the con- miznd the bringing o! Durham Couxi- and these make a very decorative gregation of Trinlty Church where ty more vividly before the thougbt e!f foor coverng. he was ordained li June 1933, but its Toronto Club and new by the For Iitchens, colors suggested were ahl the churches in this district action o! the Club Committee i in- creams, lighter greens and blues, where be is se well and f aorably viting ail Durbamites. wbether re- witb trlmmings of darker blue, green, known, being a native son of Cart- siding in Durham or elsewhere to be orange or brown. wright Township. These Young amn- its guests on this unique occasion, many f rom the County wil enjoy a Mfteir the meeting Miss Hamilton bassaders o! Christ te Africa go social evening with their Toronto discussed individuai problems witb frem here te Stayner, the brlde'a, f 0k.many o! the ladies. and many took home, and wiil commence their jour- Durhamfok advantage of the opportunity to ney on October 25th. These pictures will show Durham examine the various materils on _____ animated, Durham on parade, the display. Durham Passing Show of 1934. Twenty-fivc ycars from new these The next meeting o! the club on ps Dasteis' Night pictures will show seme of Who was the third Monday of November. wil Past Masters' Night was held at Who, bow we dressed, f arming be addressed by Mr. Dan McCowan, Jerusalemn Lodge A. F. & A. M. on scenes and bew we did it. the build- on bis new lecture on the "Canadian October lOth, wben the foflowlng ings and their architecture. the West." Past Masters occupied the varlous children, our sports, eue or more ___________ chisW.BoA.LNcolsWM; street scenes of every communlty, cr W. Bro. . CLHarIchoP M.; W the everiasting hilisides, the mil Police Ask Your Co-operation R. Bro. . . Custa S.. . W. e ponds, prize animais of the fali f airs, Chief Venton states that a num- F. Williams, J.W.; W. Bro. L. T. Mc- the baby and the totterlug span o! ber cf bouses la towu bave been Laughlin, B.D.; W. Bro. John Bak- liae. The Drea eve te rspective- entered during the past f ew weeks er, J.D.; R. W. Bre. G. C. Bonny-. taenhpt.he Mayores o the setenad have becn ransacked. He ad- castie, D. o! C.; W. Bro. M. W. Cern- are ail in the pictures and ail have vises ail people te, see that doors stock, I.G.; W. Bro. R.E. Logan, accptd te lubs pecalinvitat- and windows are proPerlY secured 1 S.. W. Bro. J. R. Stutt, J.S.; ion ptedbetpesent ifspossiblelap and that police be notified if an 'W. Bro. W. L. Elliott, Tyler. o! te slenid estre. prowlers are neticed. Co-operati n AYI onlso f h oz preciation ofth .plnidg -tr. o! the public 15 requested in tbis work a fine programi was presented There was such wie spread cesire matter. and refreshments were served. and enquiry te see these pictures tat the cemmittee bas arrauged for the invitlng, spaclous quarters o! the D rh C t en R sp d Art Gallery, hoping thereby te bc able te accemodate you aU and an-Duh m Ctzn ep d xlous that you cerne. May we ask that wboever la sponsoring a party lace Maas, 32 Giencalrn Avenue,N Toronto, at carliest convenlence stat- o l o A p a ft e W s ing bow many i their party. Typical railroad scenes arc a C. Newcastle and Bowinanville District Citizens Fill Large P. R. train passing over vladuct at Car to Capacity with Produce for Western People in Bowmanville, the Miland pasenger train holding up traffic crosai Need - Committee in Charge Extends Thanks Main Street at Port Hope, while at Ponts'pool the sefmiphore is down bidding welcome Editors Sam Cut- Wet-Durbam responded nobly to ,net_ only_ completeiy filUed. but. a i I 4 ,j LI i i n re tý

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