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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1934, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STAT~MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l8th, 1934 PAGE F'IVE Facts About Eyes And Vision By C. H. Tuok, Opt. Eyesight Speciafls PA1Y FOR VISION AND NOT BLINDNESS Number 17 Do you believe that thoughts are things? 441 years ago last October Col- umnbus iandecl in America. It is saicl that for years Columbus had been tbinking and planning, even as a lad of 13 andi 14, spending every moment he could along the water front stutiying crude maps, banging about the boats learning bow to handie tbem. Perbaps gazing out across the ocean drearning of the day wben be vouiti be able to sail tbereon. It %vas bis tboughts im- pelieti bim to discover what be did. Thoughts are tbings. The tbougbts of great men in ev- ery age have brought about pro- gress just as surely as it was the tbougbts and planning of early pi- oneers blazed the trail laying the founclation of the future empire. Men wbo tbink are men of vision. Those wbo sow the seecl of pro- gress wiil reap the harvest of suc- ceas and wiil not prevent continued improvement or lowver present standards. Man jeopardizes bis own eyesigbt in his zeal to accomplisb the impossible. Dont be neglectful. To be continued) Local Citizens Find Relief from Aches and Pains "Many of Our Customers Praise HUSKY For What It Does For Them" It doesn't make a bit of differ- ence whether you are young or olti, man or woman, if you are suffering f rom stomach, liver, kidney or bowel ailment, or any of the com- mon ilîs that corne when those parts 0f the body .are in an inactive and unhealty condition, you can secure relief througb the use of HUSKY, Nature's great compoundi. Catarrhal, affections, headaches, dizziness, constipation, indigestion, gas anti sour stomacb, ioss of ap- petite, nervousness. restless nigbts, rheumnatic Pains, undue weakness, skin troubles - ail responti to the HUSKY treatment. Every person in Bowmanviile anti cistrict who is suffering in any way is recommentiec to try HUSKY and is urgecl te cali at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store for their supply now. iijPýet HUSKY make you husky andi healtby. Jury & Loveli, Druggists BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ieved!, Oten ini bot weatber and occasion- aIIy et other times, littie stomacha turn sour and acid. "When 1 notice any ign of sick stomnacb," Baya Ma. J. lphonous Brown, Bayside, p.E.I., *11 always give a Baby'e Own Tablet." They quickly net things right, are verv easy ta tàke and <luite safe. Ail common ail. mnents of cildbood imcluding teeth- ing are proynptly relieved -itb Babys Own Tablets. 25e a pack- age at drugntores. le Dr.Willia ms ChaffngendjSkin Irrtations quickly reieved b, y Drç«oeASIE'S Hints For Homebodies Written for 'The Stateaman By Jessie Allen Brown Parent Education There is a great interest being taken in Parent Education these days. It used to be that the chiid- ren were brought Up by rule and that was ail there was to it, but a.s we no longer live by rule, and meth- ods of bringing up children have changed as have ail our methods of living, rules were flot satisfactory. Parents re'alized that no two child- ren were the same and consequentiy that they required different hand~- ling. At f irst, chiid psychologists studied the problems of children's behaviour, now they are trying to do preventive work. Tbey are tryang to teach parents to understand child- ren s0 that they know what is go- ing to bappen before it actually does happen and frequently to pre- vent it happening at ail. One of the most interesting and really one of the comforting tbings about child study is finding that the other mothers are having or have had the same problems. This year we have a study group in our Home and School Club and I arn taking University Extension classes in Child psychology and hope to pas.s on some of the interesting things we run across. There are some very wise mothers in this world and some who have a lot to learn. People used to feel that when their school days were over their education was completed- but ncw there are so many pcssibilities for aduit educa- tion that no one need stagnate. Constipation Sometimcs in my work as con- sulimg dietitian I run across some f±Ùnny ideas. 1 thought everyone knew the meaning of constipation but I bad one woman tell me that she was neyer constipated because she always took a pili, a close of saits or something like that every nght. Anyone who bas to resort to an artificial stimulation to boweI movement is constipated. Pis and laxatives generaily are dangerous to use daiiy or even frequently. After there bas been too frequent uses of laxatives the bowel muscles are weakened and it is di!! icuit to get them back into proper condition. If something must be used minerai oUl is the best choice as it is not ab- sorbed into the systm but acts as a lubricant. To overcome constipa- tion the diet should be buiky. Cook- ed fruits and vegetables shouid be eaten freely as weli as raw ones. A moderate use of bran wii be bene- f icial but it is even better to use a whole grain cereal and get the bran in that manner. Beside the usual orange or tomato juice or grapefruit for breakfast, there should be an- other fruit such as prunes, baked apples. apple sauce, dried apricots and any stewred or canned fruit. Fresh fruit o! course shouid be used in season. Two vegetables beside potatoes for dinner; supper dishes macle from vegetabies; and plenty of saiads will correct the condition in time. It cicl not corne in a day and you cannot expect to cure it in a day either. Use a bulky diet and continue the use of minerai oul as long as necessary. Beautiful Hands Have you ever noticed the num- ber of plain looking women who have beautiful hands? When I see them I often woncler if tbey are beautiful naturally or if they have become beautiful because of the care taken of tbem. So littie can be clone for a plain face but a great deal can be clone for hands. These hands are always smooth, stainless and well manlcured. Very 0f ten they are used with a definite grace. Few women on this continent use their hands to good effect. I have one woman in mind who realiy is very plain but sbe has the most beautiful hands. Their every move is full of grace, whetber studied or natural I cannot say, but if it once was studied it is natural now by force of habit. When she plays Bridge her cards are not thrown out any oid way but are laid down gracefully. Her gestures are re- strained but effective. When ber hands are in repose they are not clenched nor hanglng loose but held wlth iovely Uines. I have beard it sald that five miinutes daiiy care is enough to give us well cared for hands. That does not seern verY SALEM FRIENDS - their bedroorn windows open at long, does it? But how many of us night. manage aven that long? A bottle HONOR NEWLYWEDS Are you one o! the minority dling- o! band lotion, whether t be the ingajo olti beliefs and fears, or have olti fasbionecl glycerine ancl roe- Mr. and Mss. George Richards you joinad the enlightened majority water or one o! the newer mo re Reev ivraewba secure for themseives bours in easily absorbed lotions, shoulti be on EcieSlewr the fresh air whiie they sleep? the kitchen sheif by the sink, with Orpaau omnt a Questions concerning Heaith, ad- the box of ammonia and package anOutrbaeti fomm its plas antdestgote aainMcia o! cleanser. Handi lotion will do the cr aindsrbday nmibî. Mster rssciatio, e84College Sre, Tor most good if used ummediateiy a.trdenslstPia h.Afar auAotio ulb nswleeSreoaTor- dshwashing and other kitchen job investigation by the authoritias the nsee proalyb whlcb require wtting the bands. cause was foundtiet be in the local -___r._ _ Try hatfiv miute da stnt.ity west o! Salem church. Il saems Trygo thtifîe tmin t a day tna.that Mr. andi Mrs. George Richards, minesgo im wen tou dare etra one of our latest married couples, ENGINEER 0F CRCT nte is wntbe you are putting were invited te visit the home o! GUEST SPEAKER AT impatiently every other minute his parents. A light placedi in the 'hurry'. if you hava something east window was a signal for the HOME - SCHOOL CLUB special to do yourself the turne will hole community to surrounti the ___ not seem s0 long. liouse. Then, wben ail was reacly, .A.hneeierdElhein the intruders caused. many a heart .A hn eivrdElgtnn Sausage in Yorkshire Pudding to flutter as they cul loose with Address at Monthly Meeting i cup mille, 1 cup flour, 2 eggs, their ioyous music. After the in- 1/ teaspoan sait. strumants hati been badly bent, bat- The regular meeting o! the Home Mix sait anti flour anti adcl miUc tereti, anti broken in rentiering Pbi Cholubn Wadsdaet n th gratiuaiiy te make a very smooth many selections, a happy group ap-intoe nWdnsaev- paste; than add eggs beaten until peareti at the door, only to be greet- inOtbr lUth. The meeting op- vary ligbt. Arrange sinaîl sausages ed by a more tbrilling performance. 1 eneti with singing "The Maple Leaf in a baking tiisb, preferably one On invitation the crowti pourati in- Forever." followed by the repeating f rom wbich they may be serveti. to the spacious home, congratulat- of the Lorcl's Prayer in unison. The Pour the batter over the sausage îng George anti his bride with a chair was occupieti by Mrs. J. Thicle- anti bake for lwenty-five minutes f riendly shake o! the hanti. Rev. A. son, vice presient, anti aftar the in a bot oven of 450 tiegrees. M. Wootlon seateti the happy couple regular business tbe audience listen- Nut Hrmitsin a place o! bonor and after sev- ad te a very interesting programi by NutHerifseral humorous remarks and congrat- the following: Piano duet, Celia andi 2 cup butter, 3 eggs, one at a ulations, called on Mr. Kennetb Bill Tait; vocal solo, "My Mother." time, 1 ~ cups f leur, 1 % cups white Werry to readth te foliowing address: flowt ya noe"nIeGr sugr. 2 Ia-Soonvanll, Ms mp Deai George anti Elsie: tien" by Miss Lilian Naylor, with Mr. choppeti raisins. '/à cup choppeti wal- AsP aeu h aet-ih . Sutton at the piano; Miss Greta nuts, 12 Wickett gaveAs wfoure short lreadîngsh cupcurans,12teaspoon il seemeti rude te break tbe silence W"kT e o r sh iovtes,"ature" soda. o! the happy famiiy gathering. In-"Tby Boy"sa Caran, 'oie Liktue" Creamn butter anti sugar anti atit struments in aur use have been bat- Hyiani Camn"Pedgapest:k eggs ana at a lima, beating after tered anti abuseti quite often lalely ail a Cnumbrs weregatly eyti. each addition. Atd fruit antiai! t but you ms ge h ui aiTbe umesseke r r A. Sanjoe, in fleur anti soda. Drop from tea-qut usothageestndardso! mat spoo ona buterti an ati akeconununiîy bandis. Now wben silence o! CRCT radio station, was tben in- in a bot oven o! 400 tiagrees. bas again restored itself we wisb to troduceti, who gave a splendid ati- ______________________ bis houht cros,-tat ourdress on Radio, dealing on broati- i____________________________ly get casting studios, wbich ail enjoyecl. WEDDINwetidceti life oulda notrivsi by b a A vote o! thanks was gîven to ail WEDDNGSsuccss ithot acharvar by ourwbo hati taken part in the programn, SSalem friends-So here we are toe !trwihMr.Cits b send you noisily anti merriy along converwi !he p.Ci-ag-ar, anti ber Joint-Allan the bumpy roati o! matrimony. How- goup evefthedantyrfresban ets Alln, iauhte o!Mr.ever thare s more to Ibis thirig than gNaxt mereng il befel ontNo. Miss Mary Aln aghe fM.noise. Whera there is smoke thare s N4tatee otin iib Ward Son ov. anti Mrs. George Allan, Lindisay, f ire you know, anti we, the Salem 1ad Ie seakr wIthe SuM r. Aho. D who bas bean residing in Bowman- Softbail Team, assisteti by the Salem an.tMiseaor e'sroMr.oA.tDe ville for a couple o! years. last week rooters wish te express in a tang- moer s prize wita otalwo! 2he became the bride o! Mr. Harvey ible anti lesa naisy way. our apprac- mothers* present oa f2 Joint, o! Bowmanville, a former iation o! your ioyaitY te the team oter- -snt residant o! Lindsay aI one lime, anti neigbborhood. Wa commentiHSTR Miss Edna Allan, sister o! the brida, Yeu, George, on your wise choice o! ITR was britiesmaiti, and the best man your tea.m-mata for the gaine o!f Tehsoyo teps samr was Mr. John Emmarson, formerly life, anti va welcome your bride tO puTpe-so. Afte smiacores o! Lindsay. The bride anti groom, the happy famiiy o! Salam bal fans oupt-ni bows A lutle tanru mpen beat man and other f riends visiteti which Mrs. WeiEh is the chief -in- ot ind agwain. Yo u 0k or anme the bricle's Parents over the waek- commanti. The wish o! your many thesin gaew an lokAnohr itîe endi. They yull make their home in friands here to-night s that both maincaes uanti be! w nother tl Bowmanvile.- Watchman-Warder. o! you may be sparedtetaspenti many, mitae tuinesot and bgos i ain. many years together. We are sorry Ati le tu ah oarn"-Loenalio . that Your lîttie nest couldti ltbe A t the bil m Ibere is na par- Ferguson-.Clemence feathereti in our comrnunity, but as fAtct hery;t ther is no uchco- A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e peywedng 0kplc yugo out intolilfe together, we hope fc ible. Ail pasncetuiascbav A pett wedin tok Pace'inas the years o! your life increase in roeilc lonatgoenushavel the Unitedi Church, Stayner, on number, £0ernay Your bappines n ote atiddub ant quie."-Calyle Wednesday, Octeber lth, wben Ver- prosperity increase. Ani -IW, "Tandtrue teoýrly aunves a na Irane, R.N., daugbter o! Mr. anti George anti Elsie wa feai Andal varda hncîucling manfishnot i aeriai Mrs. George Clemence o! Staynar, cannot begini te express the feelings istery bua nt in prt a alp was united i marriage with Rev. which prompt Ibis galbering, wa ask menor t." inay BakritElddy. op Fi-cleickMar-fl FrguonB. .,You te accept this silverwara, ul "isnyisapgenentto Eon o! Mr. anti Mrs. W. C. Farguson on account O! ils value but bacause Histopbia pAgsîne radl.t o! ortpor. Ta cremny asit bespeaks in a amali vay at least, "Tbopey vho live in hitry oniy conducteti by Rev. Peter Webster the higb regard vitb which You are seeati ta vale iheaarth gan" before theaIatar, which wa.s beauti- belti in this cornmunity. emdtwakhear gin- fuily cecorateti wilh autumn flow- Sgeio eaf !teSfbl Longfellow. ara. The bride aatractiveiy Team. rets niNihos gowned in white satin, bier vail redadNihos caught with orange blessoes. Her At tbe Proper lime Mr-. Farewael bouquet was o! white roses. Tbe Blackburn matie the presentalion a! bride's attendant was Miss Tana bai! a dazen Cornmunity Plate kniv- Keith o! Toi-onto, wbo vore yellow as anti forks. George than madie a laffeta with brown accessories, car- stirrîng speech, thanking the comn-J rying a bouquet o! bronze Talisman munity and tieinds on behaif Of ..%. roses. The groom waa attentiet by Elsia ant i husaif for the vai-y use- bis brother, Rev. C. H. Fruo fui Present Aftei- a faw words byM B. A., o! Northport. Tiha wedding oui- teacher Mi-. Blackburn, Ibis part mai-ch vas playeti by Miss Ethel o! the Program was brought teaa Jones o! Staynei-, anti turing the close by a speech in which Mrs. A. * signing o! the register Miss Marion Welsh causeti many rounds o! Picleard, Bowmanviile, cousin o! the laughler. tha reat o! the eveningCUTM RON groom, sang. Tha ushers vere Rev. was spent in g8.XiSs foiloweti by aCU OMG UN Stanley Osborne, B.A., o! Coe Hill, dainty lunch serveti by the ladies.vo anti Mi-. Earl Hartiey, BA., of Nor- wich, ciassmates o! the groom. The britia's travelling suit was blue U I f F r lé tweed, with bal and accessorias tae lliâlI U U match. Following the ceremony, a 11 L , reception vas helti aI the Wilcox UW J . & C , ".. mel. Inn, vhara about forty guests as- Rc SaMbleti. The britie's mother i-e- YIL ceiveti in blua chiffon veivet with a 8.1E00VTF corsage o ossant i ( )of*the Val- FI ley. The grocim's mothar wore black A REALTH aEftviCg CFIor ATISYNN sik crape emrootered in blacke ana' white. Mr. ECnd Mrs. Farguson left for a mater trip a!ter the raception. on thair return from eastern On- laaotbey will go to, Staynar, where they yull make preparations for salI- ing te West Afriea on October 261b, to engage in rnissionary work In Angola. THE UNIVERSAL FML Prom The Christian Science Monitor Recognition of aur aconomic in- terdepentienca la turning many ta seele the bigber lassons of oui- trua relationship. Cain, blinded by the carnaI resrnerism o! campetitive jaalousy or seîf-centarati intereat, believing that bis brother stotdiun bis way. anti iusting for revenge be- cause bis brother hati achieveti more than ha o! the divine appi-ovai, yieidedti tathe great tielusion Ibat physical foi-ca coulti annihilate bis bi-othar's dlaim anti clear bis own path. But it is recordedt tis ha was outiaweti by divine decrea, anti bis punisbmant seernedtit him greater than ha couiti bear. The covenant o! brotharboati can- naI be broken. Love's way o! su- prema intelligence cannaI be evatieti. The gooti o! aach us evltabiy bounti up wilh the gooti o! ail. Tiha gooti o! eacb question is urging ts suprame damand upon tha anti-e human race. Experuance answei-et Caîn's clefiant1 question, "Arn I my bi-otber's kaap- ai-?" Only failura anti bitter remorse foloveti bis attempt ta break the code o! brotherbooti. Hate's vay la war's way, the way o! material fiun- aIity andi !ut.ility. Love's way is thse way o! steaaty progresa, uniteti suc- ceas, anti the imilleas posslbilities of spiritual enllgbtanmant. 'Me master Christian challengeti tbe matai-l, humanly circumacribeti trusts vben he askad, "'Haw can yeI baliava, vblcb receiva honor ana o! anotiser, anti seel nat lise honar [one o! another, anti aaak not the honor Ibat cornel f rom Gati only?"' Throughout bis beaaing, radeeming mission ha taugbt anti pravati that the fatherbooti a! Ga is flot ab- st-adt thealagicai doctrine, but a1 scienîlflc f act te be demonstrafet iIn 'overcamlng ail tisatIsl unlika the divine spiritual belng. How aise can we hope ta findti tisIthea klngdam of God ilataIhanti? Wise mathers who knaw the vii-- tues of Mother Graves' Worm Exc- terminator alwaye have It at hand, because it proves Ifs value. TNHE CANADIAN MEOICAL U / 1 I ASOCIATION ANCO LIPEý- A LNUAci COMPANIES OPEN WINDOWS "NigisI air is bati air, andti iera- fora, you shoulti keep yaur windows closeti aI night" vas the genarai be- lie! until just a few yaars ago. Il vas not until the beginning o! Ibis century tisaI the value o! !resh air vas fi-st taugbt as part o! the campaign launchati againat tuber- cuoais aI tisaI lime. Many peoplea 5h11 seem ta be a- fi-aid of fresis air; thay apparenîiy holdt t he olti belle! Ihal nigist air is di! ferent fi-rn day air anti is, un consequenca, injurlaus. At ieast, Il seama fair ta believe thal Ibis la their opinion whan ve iaarn, from an article in a recant issue a! The Canadian Public Hleaith Journal, that a sîutiy o!flise habits o! aven tva thousantis achool childran show- 'eti that over twenty-fiva per cent o! thesa childi-en slapî in rooms wlth closati windows.. Il is important la knaw tisat the study raveaieti no appreclabla tif- farence betwean girls andi boys, but that the altier chiltiran bad a baller record than the youngar. Il rnlght ba expecteti thal there wauid beaa markeet differenca batween chiltiren accoi-ding to the Incarnes o! thiai homes. Il voulti sean a naturai ax- planation that un homes where tisera vas di!!lculty in flndlng tisa vhera- vithal ta keep varm. tisera voulti be less likalibooti a! apen bedroam windows aI nlg'hI. St-ange la say. thera vas practlcaily no difaerence as regards incarne levais, so appar- ently thse bedroom windows af the vlli-lo-do ara as fraquently kapî ciasati as are thosa of thair ecanom- icaliy less fortunata naigisisurs. This study is o! parîlcular Inter- est ta al visarai-ainterasted i n healtis, anti especially s0 te, thasa w'is have been teacing bealtis hab- ils in their ovn homes or in a widai- fildt. At firqt, il rnay appear to be surprlslng ant i dsappalnllng tisaI such a large proportion o! a group a! scisool chiltiren shoulti be de- privati of fresis air vhicis Is free anti te be bat for thbe taklng. Those vho necail conditions as they were thlrty years ago, vhen nof only vene windows kept ciosed but ail cracks andi crevices were carefuily stuffed against thse oatiti Ilff aI- conigair, wili wonder not that twnyflve per cent sf111 keep their windows cioseti. but that in these comp~atleIy ew ears, seventy-, fIve per cent have ieared f0 1eavq Special Values n Sclîool Skoes Oxfords Misses', il f0 2: .... Girls', 8 te 10%½ ... Child's, 5 to 7 % ..... Straps $1.39 51.29 $1.19 Misses", il f0 2 $ 1.49 Girls" 8 f0 10% . $1.19 Child's, 5 to 71/--,. . 98c GROWING GIRLS' Pumps and Oxfords, 3 to 8, black. $1 .98 Rubbers For the Entire Family - FIrst Quality Plain Overs-- Men's, 6 to il ... ..... 77c Boys', Il f0 5 .69e Womnen's, ail hee!s, 2 to 9 ...85e Girls', il to 2 . .. ... 65c ChI',4 f0 1014 .......59e NABO0RHOOD SHOE STORE COWAN BLOCK KING STREET "&YOU CAN'T BAKE GOOD CAKE WITH INFERIOR BAK- ING POWDER. INSIST ON MAGIC. LESS THAN 1Y WORTH MAKES A BIG CAKE." SAYS MADAME R. LACROIX, Assistant Director of the ProvinciSchool of Domasitlc Sac*e Montrea 4 MAGIO C"OSTS so llttle-and it gives better baking : ~.iresuits. Just thlnk-lt act7ually takes I.s thanlo~worthof Magictomiakealusciousthree- à layer cake. Why take chances with lnferlor baklng powder. Bmke with Maglc and be sure! "CONTAINS NO ALUM." Thia tatenlent on every _ tin la your guarantee thet Magic Daking powder la free from alum or a"y harmjul ingredient. Mmec Ln canada 3' Dominion Stores Coffees are fresh ground in the Store only as you purchase. You sec how really fresh our Coffees are. Try a pound of your favorite tsend at the SPECIAL PRICE listed COFFEE SALE SIMincemeat Delightfully Spiceti Rich and Fruity 10lb Fresh Milled RoIIed Oats -5 Ibs. 19e H. A. 1-lb. Lard PURE Pk,.12c Corned Beef Tin 11 Christies Assorted1 Blue Ribbon 2-1b. Creamslb .19 CoCoa Tin29 SUR PRISE RJ ed Lonoe Kcllogg's Slo RICE KRISPIES -2Pkgs. 25g -S.al9cmonLIO Crown or Bcehivc TiQc XCESiO CORN SYRLJP- 5-lb. tin 42gt ASR Shirriff's LUSHUS JELLIES - pkg. Bit Aunt Jemima " 9) PÂNCAKE FLOUR - pkg. 16qi DOMINO Non-SuchTe24L5BA Faincy Quality lP -49c SHRIMPS ---.tin IL9t Rmneîo.aOrange Pekoe 6 fi 4 3 '4 '-"s -p i., i k .4. 'j,: .1~. j -'-4; Winter's CominHg BeWarm ThisVWtnter W HAT profit is there in trying to get along with- out a HECLA Furnace? You are cold, your health sufers. you work twice as hard, and you bumn more coal. A HECLA Furnace wiII keep your house warm, save work, save coal. Imn't if worth the comparatively amali cost? HECL WARM AIR FURNACES S80W BT R.IE. Loganm P130NE 264 KING ST. E. DWAVLEDI umjmimmiwmmw-lwm jhý, THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDA:Y, OCTOBER 18th, 1934 PAGE PIVE '1 --

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