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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM.UZVILLE, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18th, 1934 b. exercise anti other business ad xere the remnarks passeti on the suc- aur substance as well as our senti- HAYDON nsed e devotionai p--er cso! t he d aIea the e- inent anti prayers will as.sisf. you in Ire"k by Mrs. J.G. nessa -your task, we ask »ou to accept this Cr &ater joy.e à le. gif t, anti to bear in lovîng re- Don't miss Trlnlty Lady Minstrels Which ,~~ ~I%çf GI ~ 1)rOWramwlwwllW rance the friende o! the home- ,l yoeCmuiyHlFrdy .~OD ~dfl' ~ ,Who will ever pray anti trust Oct. 26tb. Auspices Football Club. Eva Soucb, "Truc PatrotSm" *a that stars shail be multipllecl în Piano duet, Mrs. C. J. 11sak nd'yu ron Mis oa;radng rsZe .daruSinedon bhî f Ssina SALEM M r-ENFIELD kt ron, on "Education A¶d Legisation". î Blackstock United Church, John Mrs.J. Clwil coductd te Clp Bocay Larmer; Board of Stewards, Nor- 'Peace" was the subject ofth Ms.JCoilcndtd the Ci Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith,! aba- an Mountjoy; Sunday School, Earl fin semondeiveed y ur astrSheet, and those taking part were en visited at Mr. EdwinOris Dorrel;, Women's Missionary Soc- fin semondelverd b ou pator Mrs. C J. Kersiake, Mrs. J. Curtis, gons ey r.FakSisn oe' Rev. A. M. Wootton, Sunday after- Miss Katersan, Mrs. J. Chapman,1Mans d . Aenty n siet, Mrs rank Sn s ; Wonng noan. bis remarks centred around Mrs. B. Ferguson, Miss Nora Kers- dI Mr and M r veAbr eth and Assiation, rs.tSnelî; Youn the text, "Blessed are the Peace- lake and Mrs. Oea. Barron. It was doughrs. M ple raver uss epesIege.etr hrrd makers." moved and seconded that the sec- a r itnSms Mr. Jabez Wright prescnted the Glaom bas again fallen on aurreaysnalterfapovl. Mr. and Mrs. Evýerett Ormiston happy couple with the congrega- comnt ase ytesd e aysn etro prvlt adMs uiBwavl r seriauilînesed! Che lacott Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn on the adMs uiBwavle r tion's gif t, a liberal sum af money. serousilles ofMr.Ba Colacttstand he has taken in nat permit- Sulas Tapp, Toronto, Mr. ande Mrs. Speeches were then made by the who is in Bowmanville Hospital. He ting the advertising of liquors in W. Scully, Mount Dennis, visitcd at fathers of the young couple, Mr. W bas aur very best wishes far a the papers. The ncxt meeting ta Mr, W. J. Ormiston's. C. Ferguson and Mr. G. A. Clcm-W Mpeyr. and rs.A. elhada- be at Mrs. Katerson's on Nov. l3tb. emmeso h oc' s ence, Stayner, the remarks and re.- Mr. nd rs. . Wlsh nd am-sociation had their monthly meet- miniscences of bath being much ap- ily attended the silver wcdding an- --- ing at the horne of Mrs. Hoskcn prcciated. iversary of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar Smith last Wcdnesday afternoan. After the singing of the hyrnn, af Tyrone on Saturday last. We TYRONE Their main business iust now is the "Bîcst be the tic that binds." and jain in congratulations and gaaa . making of a fancy quilt. the beniediction. a dainty lunch was wisbes ta the 25 year bride and Ja otoPtroo Messrs. John, Prince Rupert, scrved by the ladies and individual groom. .rensMissJa otoerris and Wm. Dycr. Columbus, bave been felicitations and best wishes were Sale frindscxtend much sYm-vi'siting Rcv. and Mrs. A. M. WCOt- visiting relativcs and old fricnds in expressed to Rev. and Mrs. Fergu- patby to the relatives and friends of ton. 'this neighborbood. Mr. John Dycr son the late Mr. Blake Wilkins wha Miss Lola Ricbards is with ber and family lef t here about thirty passed away so suddenlY lat hi sister, Mrs. Howard Findlcy, Unian- years ago. He visited bere about borne in Bowmanville last week. ville. twenty ycars ago. SLN in our neigbborhood and attendcd plowing match at Agincourt lastV sc.haol bere..Htherc haveCOURTICE Mr.Jack Reader, Part Pry a The borne of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mr1n Msg.Hahry aef est af Mr. Chas. Howsarn. Wilkins was the scene of a jolly ga- moved into the bouse previously oc -_Mr._and__________Reynolds,_Tor- thering of neigbbors and friends cupied by Mr. Jordan.MranMs.JmRyodT- who met to serenade the bride and Mr. and Mrs. T. Findley and Bert, Mr. H. Prueffer bas obtained work onto, visited at Mr. Jack Reynolds'. grom wth uchmuic nd ayeyThornhill, spent Sunday with ber at the General Matars, Oshawa, as Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barton, after which thcy were invited in father, Mr. Edward Virtue. an electrical draughtsrnan. Tutn iie tM.Nra and spent a pîcasant bal! bour with, Dont miss Trinity Lady Minstrels The cbildren a! S. S. No. 8 enjoyed Wotten's. the newlyweds, congratulations and in Tyrone Carnmunity Hall, Friday, a trip to the Royal Theatre, Bow- M.adMs retLre n good wîsbes being mucli in evidence, Oct. 26tb. Auspices Football Club. manville, on Friday, tbanks ta the R. aiy lrsok iie tM.E sbowing the goodwill and esteem in Mr. and Mrs. L. Jordan and fam- 1Ratarians. R.andr's.LeCrdraad which tbe young couple are held. ily, wbo bave lived here for the past In tbe absence of Adjutant Baw r dMis ris, Hampon, visied atanr Y. P. L. meeting on Wednesday sixmoth, hver ve ta Toronto. ers, Bawmanville, and Sergt. Majar MHs ris ampnete t r evening, Oct. lth, was under lead- Mrs. Otto Virtue is visiting ber Aldworth on Sunday, Sunday Scbaol Harl aces ersip f he nisioaryvic, issmoher. Mrs. Dcvitt, Peck, Micb., was led by Mrs. Jack Wiggans. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Collacott and erslp ofthe issinayvice Mis motf amîly, Maple Grave, visited at Mr. Lela Welsb. Tbe following program and attending the funeral o! ber A meeting was held at Pidducks W.H eta's was rendcred: Bible rcading, Miss niccc. Hall last Tbursday afternoon whcn .H.Wsaks B. Cator; Tapic, Mrs. A. Welsh: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Clapp and the ladies af West Courtice met ta Mr. Roy Heddon, Mr. McEwan rcadings were given by Misses An- Gardon, Belleville, spent Sunday discuss business pertaining ta the aM issJac a eyols,' orno,. nie Buttery, Viola Francis, Hilda with bis brother, Mr. Raymond and Sunday r Mr. Jand Mrwes. JeCa n Richards and Mr. Bert Foster; re- Mrs. Clapp. Gardon remained for Our syrnpathy is extendedbta Ha. r. nd Ms rene asce.Zin, citation by Master Ronald Hall; a visit. Eric Forde wbase eldest brother, Hmtn isIeePsoZo, Mrs. Lawrence Squair gave a very Mr. and Mrs. John Lillicrapp and Thomas Forde, Highland Creek, died visited at Mrs. R. J. McKessock's. interesting story with a reading to Doris. Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Miss Velma suddeniy last weekend and was bur- Our chair have been invited ta close with; piano sala, Miss M. Col- Camnpbell and Mr. Bert Jewell, Can- Ha nMna.poieth ui tteClmu lacott. The program was inter- nington, spent Sunday at Mr. F. L. A pet lamb owiied by Wilma Scor- Hrvest Harne services on Oct. 28th. spersed witb several byxnns. A con- Byam's. gie developed blood-poisoning from Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clemens, Ty- test was conducted by the leader for On Tuesday, Oct. l6th, twenty- a wound sustamned at the recent rone, Misses Jessie Hogart.h and Ls- the social hour, after wich the five ladies o! aur W. M. S.SboovFairwher it was a prize oe oes apovstda meeting closed. Attendance 33. t alsAxlaya oravlewinner, and had ta be dcstrayed. Mr. Tbos. Baker's. St. Paul's erauidin a Bavilleos A group o! odd happenings re- Miss Ivy Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. ~ ad wreentrtinei n avey hs-ported are: cluster o! pink flawers Eres Debar and baby, Tyrone, Mr. pitabe maner.on sring-time's honeysuckle bush; and Mrs. Cecil Bush, Columbus, vis- CA M S r WlisSewr, is .Ma-ans ftngos ited at Mrs. S. Bush's. kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott goose setting thereon, and raspberry Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes, Bow- spent Sunday at the home o! the bushes with clusters o! bath unripe manville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold CADadMr.LeMS on spent fpirme'annser Mr. adMs. Macw- an etofruist. g it teHayes and Erline, Clmuvisited Pr.ntypool..artaBrown, Peterbvro- Mrs. Henry Prueffer. whosc pre- at Mr. Harvey Hardy*s. ited r Mrns is aac ifîel d vis Mr. Wm. Staples bas returned sent niame and address were un- Misa Doris and Mr. Nelson Fice, inom btrviiin is brothersMr known by servants in ber father's Zian, Mr. Phlllps, North Oshawa, Mis AlceHanawbo bas been Harry- Staples. Veteran, Alta.,. home in Toronto, was last week Miss Vera Kerslake, Hampton, vis- Thomoeis.etrndAlex Staples, Souris, Man., and Mr. traced bere by the Bell TelephoneitdaMrFan Weta's M.adMrs. Fred Fisher and Mrs. Chas. St"ples, Angusville, Man. Company, under ber maiden name. r.NmnLecJn GereHicks, Toronto, were Sunday Mrs. B. H. Mortlock bas been Her father. Mr. G. Galbraith. ex- and Doris, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. getofMrs. M. Hicks. spending a few days witb ber par- road Inspector was critically ili, and Jon Challis and Miss Mabel, Bow- Eveyn evit, r.Cec] Mr. T H.Gibs.a friend tried to locate the onîy manville, visited at Mr. S. Hacka- Haitnand Laverne Devitt wcre Joan and Kathleen have remained daugbter in Canada. During the dys Mis elnFole. for a week's visit with their grand- three days searcli Mr. Galbraith be- Mr. and Mrs. Arlcy Nortbcutt, Ar- M.adMrs. Russel Brown and parents, came unconsciaus, but rallied su!- ln n ury omnilMs ficiently ta knaw that bis daugbter Marjory Pascoe, Hampton, Mr. and M.Gardon Brown werc Sunday W. M. S. Tbank-Offering service wsb i 4e i odto m Mrs. Ab. Grose. Raglan, visited at get tMr. J. W. Gibsons. Co- cni Thursday. Oct. 25tb, at 2.30 p. m. abyhsid.H cntonm-M.C s.Bnhr'. bourg. ~~in tbe Sunday scbool rcom. Mrs. T. provcd sligbtly. Bell Telephare Com- Mr. Cands. lanbrd's.y on Miss Lamne Tbompson, Haydon. is G. Mason will be guest speaker and ny, Deservesprecai ris et! ic- ll Mr. and Mrs. oTomFurey an- sangwith Miss A. Hanna and will musical talent frcm Bowmanville is OschDepaaeiaini fl y wa, Mrs. T amtArlank- attend Blackstock Continuation expected ta assist with the program. Mr. and Mrs. Prueffer for aIl wbo ObwMs e.Wle ak gave belp in the searcli. bam, Edith and Rcg., Hampton, vis- School. Ail ladies invited. îted at Mr. S. E. Wery's. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Larmer and The missionary program at Sun- --M.adMs .G agad Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson and Sid- day Shcool on Sunday was as fol- BID FAREWEL:L TO YOUNG Osbawa, PLev. Edwin Smith, Colum- neyFerusn wre mog tosewh los:Splendid talk by Miss Viola MISSIONARIES LEAVING bus, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mountjoy attended anniversary services at Sbortt. dealing with the Missionary and family, and Miss Nora ermy, Ballyduf! an Sunday. and Maintenance question, the case FOR WEST AFRICA Kedtron, visited at Mr. A. L.Pas- Mr. Norman Knight, a medical sighted tbat o! Plcvna and district coe's. missianary from North China, wb0 the desemvingncss o! whicb Miss Presentation and Farewell at Black- Mrs. Harman, Craik, Sask., Mrs. is now studying in Toronto, ad- Sbortt ably described; reading, Mrs. stock te, Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Norman Buss and Mms. Walter dressed the congregation on SundaY B. Moore, "Partners and Potatoes"; Ferguson Buss. Tharnton's Corners, Miss Ed- momning. His address on Chinese story for the children by Mrs. R. ith Pascoc, Hampton, Misses Elva Missions was intensely interesting Hodgson. The congregation o! Blackstock and Ada Pascoe, Zion, visited at Mr. and was greatly cnjoyed. League program Thursday even- United Churcli and frîends a! the H. E. Tink's. Young People's League was held ing was in charge o! Miss Mildred vicinity assembled in the cburch Mr. and Mrs. John Challis and on Thursday niglit. Worship per- Bradley. HYmn was sung, follawed basement, an Friday evening, Oct 12, Miss Mabel, Bowmanvillc, Dr. and iod was taken by Mrs. Sandersan. by the devotional by Miss Edna ta say farewell ta Rcv. Merrill Fer- Mrs. Davies and family, Oshawa, i and Mrs. Walton Larmer gave the Cameron. A Tbanksgiving prayer guson, B. A., and bis bride, wbo are Mr. and Mme. Harry Wilcox and1 bible lesson. Miss Gladys Cobbledick was given by Mr. Ross Pooley; read- about to sail for the Mission field Madeline, Hampton, with Missesc taok the bible study and on the pro- ing, Mr. Lamne Annis; an interest- o! Angola, West Mfrica. Ralda andi Lizzie Hockaday.t graim, Miss Muriel Fallis gave a eati- ing tapie was given by Mrs. S. T. Rcv. H. j. -Bell, M. A., B. D., pastor Mr~. and Mrs. Lawrence Squair, Mm, ing Mrs. S. Sanderson the tapie and Hoar; vocal duet. Miss Helen Trimin o! Blackstock charge, acting as and Mrs. Oea. Stephens, Salem, Mr. Miss Birdie Gibson also gave a rcad- and Mr. Dave Parks; reading, Mr. chairman, spoke o! the bonar ta the and Mrs. Gea. Honey, Newcastle,r ing. Clarence Hatberly, "'Autumn": piano local churcli and Sunday Scbool that Mr, and Mrs. Lorenzo Truil and1 ______________________solo, Miss Verna McCay; reading, one o! the boys, who bad received farnily, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth,c I ~~~~Miss Edna Camercn. Meeting clos- early religioius training there, should HaposetSna tM. r _T HA POed with bymn and benedicticn. press on ta became a herald o! the Lamnids.etSna a r o ____cross in the ioreign field, and roj miseti the cantinued intercst of the M r. andi Mms. Orville Osborne-, Mrs. Mabel Taylor, New York, lisEEEZR .M.. congregatian in Mr. Ferguson'sj Miss Ada AllUn, Shaw's, Mr. andc visîting at home.EE ZW.MS. CELEBRATES wark, and prayers for bis succe-es. Mrs. Irwin Bragg and family, Mr. Mr. Silas Williams bas been su!- FORTY-FOURTH ANNIVERSARY The fallowing program was pre- W. J. Bragg, Providence, Mr. and fering !rom poison ivy. senteti -rcading by Ferga Johnston, Mrs. Howard Couch and !amily,r Mrs. W. Watcborn is at the home The Birthday Party bcld by the solo -Vivian Sadier, reading-Mrs. Bethesd.a, Miss Elcanor Shepherd, 1 o! L. Fergusan, Burketon. W. M. S. on Tbursday evening, Oct. Clarence Malow, piano sola-Mrs. Taunton, were gucsts at Mr. Jackc The Misses McGibbon. Toronto llth, ta celebrate the organizing of J. Wright. solo-Eric Cutting, solo- Baker's. visited at Mr. W. Watcharn's re- the society 44 years ago, proved a George Sadler, reading- Hector League meeting was beld on Mon- cently. real success. The churcli was well Sotidge. Mrs. Frank Stinson day evening in cbarge of President Our oe' ntttar en ildwtanapeitvauin. read the !ollowing address: A. P. McKessock. An invitation was entertaincd by Ne1ý&tonville Banch The President, Mrs. Blake Caurtice, Dear Merrill:- receivcd !rom Ebenezer League ta on Thursday. apened the meeting with hymn and We, your neigbbours and scbool visit them on Nov. l2tb, and accept- Mis. Allan Parker, Montreal, vis- Rev. W. C. Smith led in prayer. mates af other days, have assembled , cd. Miss Gladys Yellowlees then ited ber mther and sister, Mr's. M. Mrs. R. C. Pearcéeextended a wel- this evening ta meet you and yaur took charge o! the program: Piano Goodinan, and Louise. came ta the large company, wbich bride, and ta wish yau many happy solo, Miss Ileen Balson; Devotional, Mrs J Cltwrth ad jugte was ably responded ta by Rev. J. s. years together, and God's richest Miss Jessie Yellowlees; Tapie on Mrs J.Cltwotb an duhemI. Wilson, Oshawa, who was guest blessing in the worthy work you Missions was taken by Miss Marg- Ruby, visited Cameron relatives. speaker for the evening andi gave a hv hsn eraieta you aret Scott; vocal duet, Misses Isabel Miss Marion Hcwie, the former'~s plendid address an rMîssionary work hae casn a e r iportatmie and Grace Yellowlees; reading, Miss nice etmet it he.andi workers. Mrs. M. H. Staples, stone o! youir lives, but infcn Gladys Yellowlces. Contests werc Mme. J. Chant and sons have Orono, andc Miss Louise Osborne, the future together you have tbe then put on by Miss Jessie Yellaw- moveti ta Toronto. Master Paul Bolwmanville, favored with a piano oflpsecofduinalhp-es and a social time cnjoyed. Chant is remaining with his uncle, duet wbich was !olloweti by a brie! pines, and halving all sormows. xve A very pleasant a!ternoan was Mr. Ted Chant, for a time. outline o! the work a! the society are sure tbat you are very happy, spent on Thursday last when the Church service was helti on Sun- covering the past 44 years, given and with the realization of yaur lave ladies o! the Bowmanville Institute day mamning wben "The Parable o! 1 by Mrs. T. G. Mason, Bowmanville, for each ather, and yourý trust in 1 were aur guests at our Octaber W. I. the Prodigal Son' was the subjcct1 Mrs. A. E. Rundle gave an introduct- thIudnc n ae !teHav etng h rsiet . . -P. Amazing Reductions AT OUR ANNUAL FALL DRKESS SALIE We have gone carefully through oui' large stock of dresses and find we are considerably overstocked. We have seleeted several groups which we have decided to absolutely slaughteli in price. Original costs have been forgotten in this great sale. Our loss is your gain. Every value is genuine, and you should not miss this important and money-saving shopping event. Croup Ne. 1 at $1.98 Croup No.2 at $2.95 .just a few in this graup, sa came This group includes wanrn wols and early. Regular values to $5.95, for crepeq, vaîued Up ta $5,95 and $9.50. oniy $1.98. ON SALE-$2.95. Croup No. 3 at $4.95 Group No.4 at $5.95 These are finer crepes and dresses These range in value fram $8.95 ta yau'l be very proud ta wear. Each $11.50. Every ane le belaw the fig- is an exeeptianal value. For anly ure at which we Purehased them. $4.95. Only $5.95. Other Values Just as Startling fromn $3.95 Up. Coucli, Jolunston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville Get The Best EBENEZER Our chair expecte ta take part ini the service at Janetville on Oct. 28. Miss Elsie Oke was a weekenti visitar witb ber cousins. Misses Marie anti Edythe White, Bethestia. e Ladies' Berean Clase will bolti the October meeting on the 24th, witb Mme. W .H. Marshall anti group in echarge. Mme. Simon Penfoti.d Orona, and Miss Stella Penfounti, Toronto, were tea guets on Sunday witb Mrs. Jane Osbomne. W. M. S. have accepteti an invita- tion ta visit King St. W.M.S. Osh- awa, an Tbursday, Nov. lst. Keep this date open. C. G. 1. T. helti their faîl opening emeeting at Mme. Cecil Fountis on Saturtiay afternoon witb an attend- ance of eleven. Mrs. Wm. Pearce anti Messrs. Harry and Ernest Pearce, Newcastle. were Suntiay visitors with Mr. anti Mrs. Oea. Pearce. > Quarterly services weme observeti on Sunday morning with a large at- Stendance, the choir cantributing suitable music througihout. S. S. session bati an attendance o! 119. The Y. P. S. openeti their faîl meeting on Manday evening. wben Miss Aura Osborne anti group anti Mr. C. Robinson anti group helId a joint progmam witb a gcoti attend- ance. C. G. I. T. weme entertaineti hy Ithe Tuxis Boys on Friday evening at Mm. K. E. Caurtice's grave. RaIls, weincms, marshmallows anti apples werc serveti in abuntiance anti games indulgeti in anti ail batia Ipleasant time. t ENNISKILLEN r Our Young people are giving thei r play at Scugog Islandi on Tuesday, Oct. l6th. Miss Lilly Gilbert, Toronto, spent the weekend with hem brother, Mr. Russell Gilbert. Miss Muriel Wearn and Mm. Laur- ence Wearn spent Sunday with frientis in Asbburn. Dr. anti Mme. Ferguson, Allan anti Donald, visiteti frientis in Uxbmidge anti Zepher on Sunday. Mm. and Mme. F. M. Ferguson (nec Verona Clemence) calîcti an rela- tives bere on Saturday. Mrs. Patton anti Mrs. Saper, Ken- tial, Mr. anti Mme. Patton, Orona, visîted Mm. anti Mme. J. F. Bradiey. Don't miss Trmnity Lady Minstrels iný Tymone Community Hall, Friday, Oct. 26tb. Auspices Football Club. Mr. Floyd Petbick, Toronto. Mm. anti Mme. S. R. Pcthick, Mrs. Wesley Oke visiteti Mme. Wm. Sheppard, Z ion. Sacramental service was held at the close a! the Sunday evening ser- vice. Next Sunday Mm. Parker will take for bis subject 'The Choice o! Davidi." Dr. anti Mme. L. B. Williams, Tam- enta. Mm. anti Mme. E. Coates, RcIch- ester, Mr. anti Mrs. J. Ommiston anti babe. anti Mm. Thos. Hall, Bmaoklin, visiteti witb Mr. anti Mme. D. Bumg- master. Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. Staintan anti Bemnice, Mm. anti Mrs. M. J. Stain- tan, anti Miss M. Moore attentiet the Designatian Service an Sunday in Trinity Church, Bowmanville. for Rev. F. M. anti Mre. Ferguson. Mm. and Mme. Wm. Brent, Mr. anti Mme. Wilmot Brent, Mm. and Mme. J. Ferguson anti Mme. J. Carti, Ux- bridge, Mms. J. Trimmer, Mms. c. Usher, Mme. W. CI Stainton, Mr. J. A. Stainton, Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. G. Clemence, Staynem, Mr. anti Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Nothport, were ar- ounti calling an relatives anti at- tendeti the funeral o! the late Mr. F. W. Smith. The montbly meeting a! the Wo- men's Association was belti in the League Romr on Oct. 3rti. Meeting opencti witb a bymn followcti by prayer led bY Mme. J. Pyc. Mme. S. Trewin reati the ecripture. Af ter the business had been campleteti the !allawing pragramn was"givcn by Mme. Cccil Crassman's gmoup: Piano sala, Mme. H. J. Werry; meatiing, Mrs. Wîll Ashton; vocal sO'o, Miss Elsie Moore: reading, Mrs. R. Gilbert. Aftem the prograrn lunch was serveti by Mme. Craseman's group anti a social boum was entoyeti. Keep In toucb with local happen- ings by rcaching The Statesman reg- Ayerst's Cod Liver Oil, 10D 67c - $1.69 Extract Cod Liver 011 1 lb. 59c - 2 Ibs. 98c Buy For Less Agarol - 69c - $1.19 me A.B.S.&C., 200 foir 25c ew 16 oz. Peroxide ... 40c :en-.50c Pond's Creams 39c ki 50c Armand Cream 29c Iod- Chases Nerve Food 49c rink Neuro Tonic...... 50c Palmolive Soap Bc 4 for 19c 15 40c Modess Castoria 2 5c 2 5c iTh Sc SDIr FOOD BEVERAGE 29c - 59c - 98 Kotex F 19 c Ayersts Codi Liver Oul, pla Rich in Vitamins A and D Price $1.00 Bottle Kerslake's Drug Store P. R. COWLING, Phm. B. Wc Test Eyes and Guarantee Satisfaction The Findlay Oval the finest range 0 that ever graced a kitchen Did Iast winter make you real- ize that yau need a better stave? The Oval is the ans- wer. It le a pawerf ui heater- its fast even-heating, modern There is a Findlay Range ta aven enakes baking easy. Pleas- suit every purse anti purpose. ing appearance, smooth flush Findlay quality is accepteti surfaces so easy ta dlean, two taday as the standard a! stave depth firepot. Iluilt to ladt a building. ifetime. RIC &CO., HARDWARE PHONE 66 BOWMALNVILLE in i SPECIAL NEXT WEEK IWINTER COATS CLEANED and PRESSED $1600OOc IOshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneil, Agent. - Phone 152 Oum PAGE SIX F - -1

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