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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1934, p. 10

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r' a PAGE TEN I I with such late autumfl flowers chrysanthemumis and phlox. MI Thme Newcastle Indepfendent receve thel10 cas service fee. ~Whether they bought or whet] they ate or whether they just 1oà Mr. Water Blackburn~ was home1 it were f uli and a long cue o! cx- cd a r n ried dthe go t, from the Normai Schoei, Peterboro, pectarit feasters on chichen, bock- iftrer entetanme ring>Ou over the weekerid. ing ail tra!fic, reachcd !rom the a!teruaofl Doa nMro!andoi Mr. Cowafl o! the Turfibuil Knit- front o! the church in the 6th con- mscas oaMri n ting Ce., Gait, was a week-end gucat cession o! Dar2 gO la across mlJa ari ntr otri o! M. sd Mr. H S. ritan. the road ta the fence marking the severai Mouth organ solo Mr. and NMrs. Gea. Grainger, Tor- north side o! the 5th concession. ReaCoeasccm8it.R ent, rehoidayiflg at Dr. W. . I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark e! aise rcndered some iively piano& WatareB h( cttge Harris Lodgc. Belle Plains,, çvho have been ections, as did Patricia and Mi Rev. S. ascLte , !.h Ui visitîng bier uncie and aunt, Mr. and garet Pearce. Mrs. W. J. S. Ri( Church preached at the eveniing ser- Mrs. Percy Hare, icft fer home this ard and Mrs. Percy Rare. Presidl vice in cenniectien with the Shiloh week. and immediate Past President church anniversary last Sunday. The convention o! the Young spectiveiy, werc both presenta High Scheei Commencement Ex- Peopie's Union o! the Oshawa Pres- gave encoura.gement and assistai ercises will be held in the commun- bytry il open here in the Uuited in making the event a sociala ity hall on Friday cvening, Oct. 26. Churchwat 2 p. m. Saturday, oct. financial success. Gentlemen w Good program and presentation o! 27th, aud at 6.30 a banquet ill be corispicueus by their absence, Rrz. hcid in the S. S. Hall. except two or three, Rev. S. M' Mr. . S. Whittle, B. A., of the 1 Messrs. W. F. Richard. Geo. H. Lean, Pastor, and Mr. Walter « Lisgar Celegiate Institlite, Ottawa, Joli and J. W. Bradley o! Durham don, Toronto, a friend o! the Ni and Mrs. Whittle, were weekcnd Lodge, A. F. & A. M., visited Mr. castie Church for at least a quai guests o! her parents. Rev. and Mrs. Meirose Parker's !amiiy ai Solina of a century, were presentm S. MacLean. Mrs. MacLeafi ac- Sunday wcch and attcnded anni- their pocket books ta purchase compaied hem ome.versary service at Eidad. cording te their immediate ne Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rutherford Mrs. H. C. Aluin spent last wcek Bpear llanc nei pecn2eand ir and Mr. and Mrs. McKay, Strat- un Oreno with Miss Laura Alin, est inc the afir pwsnhandpii ford, and Mrs. Fay Brownl Social Mr. Aluin also speut Suuday in Or-etith farwsaplyn Hostcss at the King Edward Hotel, Ioneo and sang in the Park St. Church by ail the ladies. Toronte, spent Sunday weck as choir at speciai services under the guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Ruth- auspices e! the Woman's Association.T ni CurhOsve erford.Mr. Alan Howard e! Mexico City, Mrs. Taylor. South Haven, Mich., Mex., w'ho bas been visiting hîs par-4thAn er bas been visiting bier relatives, Mr. ents. Rev. and Mrs. J. Scott 110w- 4t nies and Mrs. John Sctt, aud was an ard, ie!t tkhis weeh fer New York Cniudfo ae1 intercsted visiter at tbe Econamy where hie wili speud a few days and Cniudfo pae1 Sale held last Friday afternoon in pic up Mrs. Howard whe has been choir rendered the anthcm "0 the Sunday Schoei hall undcr the visitiug lber people. They wili ar- Our Eyes" (Mac! arlane) meost auspices o! Mrs. Wmn. Cewaf's grouP rive back in Mexico by Nevember. ceptsbly. The ergan poes tli e!. the .Anodtesoniteduch Some person or persans unknewnj "Grand Choeur in D" ciosed mteMrFrd ndese. brug t bs breke inte Mrs. Chapman's and Mr., service. men r My r. Wi.ndrerehe J. R. Fisher's stores Friday evening Rev. E. F. Armstrong, the Ps, on Fren idayfrmindsie o here Mse y prying open the front deers. At hsd charge of the servicc and ir bla as b e vusindhr other. Mrs.eMrs. Chapman's they tooh $5.00, but the announcements. EleaordBarroeti and n sundayEhetbey !ound ne cash at Fisher's. Ne During the Suuday Schooi eauortod bis moter rvsist er El-nd geds were rnolested at ither storec sian, Temperance siides wcrc s] carE R a ebo r.edt eAnd-except at Fisber's a pair o! man'~sud solos were pleasingly sung s, E.dr Jame Mr.a Fcd Anr top boots were !ound on the floor, Mrs. R. R. Richardson sud1 Neson tWnd,ussndgaweki having been li!ted !rom the show Beatrice Cryderman, R. N. Newcatle.1 window. Bth merchants were at The C. G. I .T. group o! the Un- some expense with their blachsmith The evcuing service again dre ited Cburch met this weeh on Tues-I and hardware man in haviug ibeir good crowd. St. Paul's cougrega day evening at the home of their store doors repaired and !urther hindly witbdrew their service leader, Mrs. A. W. Glenney. Iu ad- streugtheued. their pastor, Rev. A. S. Kerr, as divtionalte hir rearbsiesmn United Church - Rev. S. Mac- cd in the epening service. Rev. dectoul eies he iil continue Lean, B.. Pastor. Suinday, Oct. Kiipstrich. basing bis sermon th aigo! the quilt begun last 28th: Sevcsi h ntdCuc the words "H1e saved others, Hin thk rs .McL te p evicones in he U te bucn-He canuet save." Matt. 27:42. orwe Ms. S. MLy eanteai- ii ei cnethewihte another very able sud force!ui girl' w iife s keaynterestdith ventien o! the Young Peaple's Un- dress which was greatiy enjoe girs atiitis nd asatteuded ion o! the Oshawa Presbytery and ail who heard him. every meeting. Officers for the cur- wili be o! a very speciai character. Mr .S.Desag"eN rent ternu. are: Pres.-Jean Richard; 7 a. m.--Suurise Communion Ser- M.M .Dlesn TeN Vice res-Toradms; Sc'y.- vice, couducted by the Pastar, assist- adNn"b apol i MagaetTos;Treas.-Marierie et, by the church eiders; il a. m.- geod voice, sud the mixcd qua -PycaPsnstJc BrwnA5st. Moruing Worshp;, 2.30 p. m.-After- Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Mrs. J. E. -Parica. eare.noon Service in the church auditor- derson, Dr. C. W. Siemon sud St. George's Church - Rev. F. H. ium; 7 P. m.-Eveuing Service: ail W. B. Pellard, sang "Savieur Mason, M. A.. Rector. Sunday, Oct. three services lu charge o! officers US" by' Davis. The choir aise 28tb, 22nd Sunday a!ter Triuity: sud members o! the Young People's cred a fine antbem "Send Oui 8 'a. m.-Holy Communion; il a. mi. Union; Speciai addresses and special Spirit." The ergan numbers -Morning Prayer; 2 p m.-Suuday music. The public is cordialiy lu- aise goed aud Mr. Sutton and Pcol vnn evc ihrw e. choir are deserving o! muchc SechuoftEeinHsrvet ha n vit -----d-----for the service o! sang renderf iug service at St. Savieur's, Orono. bt evcs Rev. E. R. James o! Peterboro, a HOLD ECONOMY SALE The Thauh-of!ering for the former rector o! St. George's sud was generolis and several arnt St. Savieurs, wil preach ai St. Sav-I Mrs. Win. CowSul's Group Excel have came lu since. No doubt iour's, Orone. next Suuday moru- ln Salesmanship crs wiii placeq their of!ering or iug, October 28th, iu ceunectien 1Plates ncxt Sunday. witb the church's Harvest Tbanks- The ladies of Mrs. Win. Cowan's_« giving services. His Grace, Arch- greup o! the W. A. o! the United More Kind Words for J. Kirkwe bishop Derwyn T. Owen, D. D., wli Church heid au Economy Sale in preach lu the eveniug aud conse- the S. S. hall on Friday a! ternoon, Gea. D. Davis, Manager, Buý crate the church which bas just October l9th. sud took lu about NewspapersDvso !ieM iatlg aed f .ogsadn $45.00, practicaily ail clear Profit Publisbing Ce., Toronto, lu an everytbiug was donated by mcm- te the editar makes this comr Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase and Mr. bers o! the grouP, other ladies o!f'"Incidentally, the writer was aud Mrs. H. R. Pearce were amoug the church sud friends f rem eut- much interested lu readiug the the nesriy eight huudred people wha side points. Mrs. S. MacLesu sud icie by John Kirhwood, "YourN attended the roast chîchen supper at Mrs. J. E. W. Phiip were the ener- sud Mine" lu 'Me Statesmnar Eldad Cburch on Octeber l7th. Thie getic, customer-catchiug cierhs lu Kirkwood bas cevered a le atteudance broke ail previeus rec- charge o! the ready-to-wcar, liug- ground in bis timne sud le is ords sud sa far surpassed the an- erie sud miliuery booth. Mrs. Wmn. ing along seme very valuablee ticipationis o! the goed people o! Cowan, with Mrs. E. C. Fisher, sup- icuce for those wbe wili take ac Slins and district that the chich- eriutcudcd the sale o! glass, granite tage o! it." Be sure ta read 1 eus sud the pie sud much o! the sud chiuaware wbich attracted Kirhwood's article on page 2. other supper menu had become non- many cash custemers. Mrs. W. H. existent by the time Some seven Ceeke sud daugbter Reita graced --------Î _ hundred odd huugry folk had been the department e! notions sud mis- CR FTAK served. But the managers made cellaneous sud spent s bus3y time CR FTAK amends by generousiy retumning the, scrving the cager stream o! pur- The Newcastle Girls' Softbsll admission charge te ail who couid1 chasers. Mrs. H. R. Pearce audj wisb te tbanh ail persans al net gain entrauce wbile the fesst Mrs. Jesse Bashervilie conducted 5auy waY bave helped thcmi was lu ail its fuliness sud variety. kinci e! bahe shop, feed sud seedthpaygssanicudg Butnou bd t goawy unfed or. business sud soid homemade coh- Kenefich, officiai scorer; Gee. hungry sud il wss the privilege of ing, preserves, pickles, vegetables. ton, umpire; Geo. Crowtber, al Who wished te remaiu sud bear fruit, eggs. flower seeds, etc. Wbilc enthusisstic and capable mar the excellent programn. Supper con- the sale was in progress Mrs. W. D. those who have used their ci menced ai 4.30 o'ciock sud the Bragg, social hostess, assisted by. couvey players to outsidep crewds came in such numbers that Mrs. Harold Couch sud Mrs. A. W. Gee. Meadows wbe was usual by 7 o'ciock the tables in the base- Glenney, served. sandwiches, cake, h aud ta pass the bat, sud cspE ment were full, the church was full,. drop cakes sud tes in the tes rooms Dr. J. A. Butler. Hou. Pres., fo the snteroom sud steps leading te abere the tables were decorated medicai service. Local Druggist Says Husky is One of thîe Best Remedies He Se Since Introduced to New«, fresh shipment o! HUSKY bas ar-i longer disagrees with tbemn. 1 rived te tahe care o! the increased1 rest better at uights sud g, castie This Famous Hus- demand during the uext !ew wecks,1 morniugS feeling fine - bead ky TonicHas Greatly îm- sud te ail wbo are suf feriug front 1istnessness, lach o! pep, ail ky Tnicaches sud pains. er other ailments, i pear. No more constipation ofMainy we exteud a.,cordi--l invitation te etni ites An important announcemnent o! Hundreds of great interest to those whe are su! j fcriug f rom varieus aliments bas Testimonials Prove just. been made by A. E. Mellow, local druggist, wbe states that ar- That HUSKY Does rangements were recentiy compieted for briuging the merits o! HUSKY te the attention o! local citizeus Relieve: wbo bave neyer tried ibis famous HEADACHES tonic. tecle "With teapproacb o! odrBA K C E weather sud the sea-sen for coldsBA AC E aud ruu-down conditions in bealthIN GETO geuerslly, we have decided toàe IN IGETIO a speciai effort te lutroduce HUSKY ia many ncw homes lu Newcastle DIZZINESS and viciuity. "We bave sucb good faith lu thîs RHEUMATIC PAINS remnedy as s tenice sud health build-i er, sud have beard se many good thlngs said about it, that wc are SKIN TROUBLES anxious ta make ils merits better kuown locally sud give aur friends SLUGGISH LIVER au opportuuuty te try it." A. E. MELLOW CONSTIPATION à, ~ r itEtc., Etc. Husk Hedquater at People whe take HUSKY regular- Husk Hedquater at ly for s while arc surprisiug their Newcastle f riends by their beaithier appear- sutce sud evideuce o! rcuewed vital- Wbile HUSKY bas been ou sale ty. stead'iy for a number o! years, s Theîî appetite is back. Food ne Au E. Mellow, Druggist, KING STREET Drug Store and Ha, Explained to, You If you are eue o! the vast o! people who are going aroui bai! wll-up eue day sud do other, dont take eur word P. sec HUSKY for yourself.' sud prove te your own sati. that this bioed purifier a storative is aIl we dlaim ilt t s real health builder with r ingredieuts for cieausing tl tcm of impurities and revita' with vigor sud streugth. HUSKY is net an ordinar, cine or s eue dose "cure-ail.'ý KY is compouuded f rom t adulterated Juices o! herbs ýbark.s sud leaves. Theref or( IKY stimulates the system ure's own wsy. It works in mal way-and that is the c the system can be placed iin e! bealth that wili give lasi ef its. jDecide uow 10 let HUSI, yeu. Keep Husky sud Realth lin today. We highly rec, HUSKY. Seils Hus NEWCASTLE y medi- IlRUS- he un- sroots, e, HUS- lu Nat- ri a uer- nly way i a state ing ben- KY heip y. Came ommeud ky Geo. M. Boaneli G. D. Garnett TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORTH AVE. - GR. 71078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m' Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Where at ail possible klndiy make appointmenta for examlnations. THE CANADIAN e TATEFbMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1934 sly <I T R NIBusiness Directoryt lispent the weekend a Oshome a o Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Woodley re-LGA is- cently visited Mrs. T. Woodley, Pet- E A the erloro. ing Mr. John Awde, Toronto, is spend _______________________M i . GOULD. B.[B.& *n ing a few ckys with his sister, Mrs.BritSoctrNaY Ith E. Wight. B Prher oector3N51 r ita querade i the Çommunity as-Phone 35 se-October 3lst. Hl oW.s oalBnI uidR . BWIflnVi ar Mrs. Jesse Salisbury, Chicago, nI., CHAIRTHS Lent- ter.W Vru anrd Nursery corner. Please Barrister$ solicitor, Notary letre- Mrs. DOWON InBowanvll Hos- notif y Mr. Bounsail at Marbie Solicitor for Banl !Mnra and afer R. Pooley has returnd home Diti W S aturday, oct. î3th, 1934, Works. 43-1 Money to Loan. Phonle 91 ineatrspendrng several weeks -with to Mr. and Mrs. Avin Dowson (nee BwaVle nal .nefriends in Buffalo, N. Y. aSyOie)asn and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner, Green asOlvraso.W neL.C.MSNB.A were River, spent Monday with their Wanted L. C.-MSol.B.tAr llac- M r GuseFRoyde dear ty.A RIGSWANTED-_SMALL QUEBEC HFIAT- NotarY Publie - Etc. Aa- M.Gsi oeerspentth er. Phone 28r3, Bowmnanville. Law in ail its branches. Mrs. kn ih i aens AR IG S43-1* office ixnmediately east of Royal rew- Ms Edgar Rosevear, Port Hope. -Tete .rter Mran r.W .M Doad OÛO - HMSN-II UL USE $1600 OR $1800 ON Phones: Office 688; Home 553. w.ith Catherine and Bruce, Cobourg, spent Toronto on Sunday, Sept. 2nd by gilt edge mortgages, 55,'. ApplY ________________ a-the weekend at Mr. Willis Stewart's. Rev. G. Stanley Russell, Stanley Box 12, Drawer B, Bowm9.nville. D N A eds. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamn and Hodgson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 43-1* D N A ap- family. and Mrs. J. Lillîcrapp spent Hodgson. Port Arthur, and Alyce WAÂN'ED -GIRL FOR GENERAL DR. . C. DEVITT ter- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, daughter of Mr. and housework. Apply 271 Simncoe St. Assat r .W isl ioted Robinsoni, Peterboro. Mrs. Leslie Thompson,.Tyrone. North, or Phone 1891, Oshawa. Altn:D.E .Sso On Wednesday evening the niera- OSBORNE-DOWN - At Trinity 43-1 Graduate o! Royal Dental College, bers o! our Young People's League United Church Parsonage, Bow-- Tont. fic:Jr uleBdg viie e SlmYugPol n usaOt ý 3 ATD -EDRYCMA Bownlanville. Office hours 9 a. M i eeroyally entertained. 1934, by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, ion wanted. Good home and free to 6 p. m. dally except SundaY. Mr. John Thompson. Mr. and B. A., Mr. J. Frank Osborne and board. Phone 501, Bowmanville. Phone 90. House phone 283. ary Mrs. Wm. Cochrane and Ray, Orono, Ethel Maud Down. both of Dar- 43-1 X-Ray EquiPmeflt in Office. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baîl and f amily, lington.WA TD - E ERYL Y Leskard, recently visited Mr. and A T D -E ER L Y Mrs. Wm. Virtue. Boarder, comfortable home. Ap- FUNERAL DIRECTOR open Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williams, Mr. pybfr .m ra e .m Sac- and Mrs. Thomas Kilty, Toronto, DEATHS py o re p. . aor afterc6Sp. m. _____________________ u de spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. 42-1 s__________ oMs C .Jcos hrc t UervcAL DIoRECTORSda lim'botherMr.Byron Moore. BRUNT - In Darlington, on Wed- UTpHO(LSTERINo--~CH-ESTERFIELD F. F. MORRIS CO. stor, On Frîday evening Miss Eva York neslay. October 24th, 1934, Arthur Suites and ail other furniture re- Modem Motor Eculpmeflt made entertained a number o! young peo- Levi Brunt, agedi 71 years. covered and repaired like new. Ambulance and Invalid Car pie in honor o! her birthday. Music Funeral froin his late residence, Foot stools and Ottomans made Cali Phone 10 or 34, ses- and dancing were thoroughly en- Efluiskilien, on Saturday, Oct. 27, to order. Auto Tops recovered. Asisan,573 hown joyed during the evening and dainty at 2.30 p. m. Interment Hampton Woodwork, ail models. Slip cov- OMNIL ýg by refreshments were served. Çemetery. ers. Tops dressed and repaired.,__________________ Miss OnTusay evening the young PERKINS.-.în Darîington, on Tues Expert workmanship. Samples. people visited the home o! Mr. and day, Ocobr 23rd, 1934, Robert Il Estimates free. J. A. rSuo NORTHCUTT & SMITH ýew a Mrs. Leslie Thompson and present- Perkins. in his 88th year St. Phone 536. 4- Complete Funeral Service ýation ed Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hodgson Funeral f rom the residence of his Modern Equipment- Ambulance and with a miscellaneous shower. A soc- nephew, Mr. Russell Perkins, Lot r P . W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Sm!tb sist- il time was spent during the bal- 24, Concession 4, Darlington, on For Sl Phone Days 58 v.Dr. ance of the evening and lunch ser- Thuirsday, October 25th, at 2 p.m.NitsSuay orHldy n on ved. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson le! t on mtretZoCemetery. FRSL - RIDING PLOUGH, N hoSne 52 or 276day ýmself Friday for Port Arthur where they STEVENS - In Bowmanville on double furrow. Apply C. Gimb- ila- On Tuesçday vng a number of Sunday ,October 21st, 1934.' Fen- lett, Bowmanville, 43h1ne 235.C- ed by young people presented Mr. and ton N. Stevens. In bis 91st year. ______________ Mrs. Nelson Wilkins with a miscel- ALLIN - In Darliflgton on Satur-FOR SALEF-UPRIGHT PIANO AND Ail accounts due W. J. Martyn rieylaneous shower at the home of her day, October 2th, 1934. Catherinle bench by Weber, New York, $75. be paid by November lst. If usuaiy father, Mr. Chas. Bigelow. After Aluin. beioved wife of Mr. Albert H. J. Davis, R. R. 6 Bowmanviiie. uulthe many gifts were opened. Mr. H. Alun. Agedi 34 years. 43-1w*. unpaid on that date same will be ireand Mrs. Wilkins thanked ail for ________________ placed for collection. ' An- their kindness and ail joined in FOR SALE - BUILDING LOT. W. J. Martyn. 1Mr singing "For They Are Joily Good To Let good iocaiity; price rea.sonable for 43-1* Lead Feiiows," after which a social time cs.ApyBx31 omn rend- was enjoyed and lunch served. TO LET - 3 ROOMS AND BATH- cashe. 4ApplyJBox 381, BoGman- t h Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid room, Shed, private entrance, - - were met in the vestry on Wednesday a!- ground floor. Phone 685. 43-1 FOR SALE - FOURTEEN PURE At rear of Osborne Bros. id his ternoon. The President, Mrs. A. W. bred Leiaester Bwes; also somte Service Station credit Annis, was in charge. Ater the HOUSE TO RENT-HOUSE CON- Grade Durham Heifers. Apply Repairs to ail makes of cars. Work- 'ed at Opening Ode the Lord's Prayer was taining seven rooms, ail conven- to N. H. Marlow, R. R. 1 Burke- guaranteed. Moderate rates. Tow- repeated in unison. Mrs. Annis gave jences. !urnished or unfurnished. ton. 43-1w. ing service. Phone 545. 43-1V day the Bible reading. Mrs. Annis wei- Phone 662, Bowmanviile. 42-2______________________________ Louts comed the Grandmothers, Ra!ter toth- which the group leader, Mrs. usseil TWO R-OOMS TO RENT - FOR )n the Wright, took charge o! the f oliow- single person, furnlshed or un- ing program which was ail given by furnished. Appiy to "L. 0.", grandmothers: Piano and violin mu- Drawer B., Bowmanvilie or Phone oo0d sic by Mrs. James Dudley and Mrs. 228. 43-1w*. Robt. McCullough; readng by Mrs.Q u Ie t .siness L. Wight; vocal solo, Mrs. Arthur HOUSE TO RENT-ON ELGIN ST. O r N x tcLean BIent: jVaper on "Frienclship" by at presefit occupied by Mr. Joe vriting Mrs. A. W. Annis; piano solo by Mrs. Sheehan. Possession any time iment: James Dudliey-, two recitations by after November the first. Fred J. svery Mrs. Robt. Hodgson brought this Manning. Phone 158. 43-2. ie art- very interestiflg program to a close. World dainty lunch was served. The two TO RENT-FIVE ROOMED BRICK lt o! Mrs. Wm. Little and Mrs. Wm. Roy; ceilar, kitchen, furnace, wired fer ;pass- Mrs. Little also being a great grand- eiectric stove, garage, hien bouse. exper- mother. and good garden; possession Nov. advan-lth. Apply Albert E. Hircock, Mdvan. Box 479, Cobourg. 41-tf W edne sd ay tM ornning to AUCTIN SAES Notice to Creditors Saturday 12 p. Me. Friday, November 2nd, Mrs. Al!frcd I Club Henry will seil by public auction at ALL PERSONS having any dlaimi during wright, farmi stock, implements and liam Hesiop Gibson, who dicd on orh inhrpeie o 3 on ,Cr-aantteEsaeo h aeWl t. 31, N ov e. 1.2w3 Edgar household furniture. Sale at 12.- about the l6th day o! August, 1934, 1Wal- 30 p. m. See bis for ternis. Elmer at the Town o! Bewmarlville, in the ,their Wilbur, Auctioneer. 43-1*. County e! Durham, are required to D o isti vn hc nrae Lnager; - file the samne with proof thereof D o isti vn he nrae ars ta The undersigned has received in- with the undersigned or their Soi- points; structions to selI by public auction icitor net later than October 29th, in values and interest every yeaî'. .ly on the heusehold e!!ects o! the latel1934, a!ter whîch date the Estate eciaIIy Fenton N. Stevens. Sale wiii in- will be distributed and al daimrs o! r eeclude kitchen, dining room, bed- which the Executors have not re- .® reroem and living room furniture, aiso ceived notice wiil be barred as ag- U garden tools, and numerous other ainst them.J u y & L v l residence, Ontario Street, on Satur- day o! October, 1934. When We Test Eyes It la Done Properly day, November 3rd, at 1.30 p. m. CHARLES THOMAS GIBSON W. J. Chailis, Auctioneer. 43-2 and WILLIAM HAROLD GIBSO, IWOOD SALE Executars WILLIAM HESLOP GIBSON ESTATE, Il Saturday, November -4th-8 acres By M. G. V. Oould, Bowmanvllle, o! wood wili be soid by public auc- Ont., their Solcitor. 41-3 _____________________________ >1 tion in U4 acre lots off the William _______ _______ Brown Estate, Lot 2. Concession 9, Darlingten. Sale at 1.30 P. m.T ha r They Terms: 3 months' credit. Purchas- E UD get UP ers given te April 1. 1936, to remove l yT ha r laches, timber. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioncer. disap -___R A TE____ _S_ ornp In-l__BOWMANVILLE Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Nov. 1-2-3 LIONEL BARRYMORE in This Side 0f Heaven Wlth Mae Clarke. Tom Brown, Una Merkel. Mickey Mouse - - - News And the Feature of the Century-"The Dionne Quintupleta" COMING ATTRACTIONS- Mae West In "BELLE 0F THE NINETIS11 George Arliss Ini "THE LAST GENTLEMAN" Clark Gable and Joan Crawford In 11CUAINED" Jean Harlow In "GIRL FROM MISSOURI" AMs Coming-"ONE NIGHT 0F LOVE" & 1~~~

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