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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1934, p. 4

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PAGEPOU PAGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1934 I~L TLNEW BOOKS IN LIBRAR1X L/UIlIT ie cn rs The folowingokshave reently I~i# ~/~amr <~IkIbeen received at Bowmanville Public G IVE IYO J¶ R S IIN (Continued f rom page 1) Library: at the piano; and short speeches NON - FICTION this Eighteen Day were given bY Mayor Ross Strike. Byor Mnexisueorth - Hasle Dr. Simpson, and Mr. Fred Cryder- Technics nd CiviWorthn-MuChasd Beauty Diet naChairman of Public School Teh C ndent o! Mu -uchwrd -Board. The Chnindent of Mu - Cucwr Ftashionable women-diet In the af ternoon at Central Pub- TeCidnofICMuO idse-have naturally adopted V ita-ray. lic School. Rural Teachers', Urban ThnkYo CJeesION dhos For this new cleansing, nourishing Teachers', and Rural and Urban Hart e Still - Welderos crearn .. .by deMar of Pars ... gi'ves Teachers' Grade Group meetings er e Ti - Wlcoi anc s skin the health and beauty were held for the discussion o f var- Peied Srabie - il resutse s , sf V ia in D. Thati n h1 ious problemns which arise during Captain Nicholas -Walpole reusaesI o urpqure tsln in 18tre cholYe1.Dusk at the Grove -Rogers ayalou acquirveleystnsad o thef-eGroup Discuis Problems , Honor Bound - Baldwin fmoheslve ofo ..te and ytll. The groups and conveners were as Electric Torch - Dell fau cloresultheof rdetly follows: Rural Groups - South IGodBeM.Cis-HIn neatraysk rdi tDarlington, Miss Ruby Bragg; ooByMrChp -Hln IICathY kIiLNorthi Darlington, Mr. E. E. Staples; Cartwlright. Miss Florence Fals iiyo! okn after healtri re- ta-South Clarke, Miss Hilda Rowland; quirements, and the necessity of a Me1 Northi Clarke, Miss Mamie Archer; 1right proportion of sleep. cre m en;oth Manvers, Mr . Ia PCrscy The child must be trained to re- creo de; Noth anves, r. Prcysponsibility towards environment- Hamilton: Urban Groups-Primaryobetanpopeanmutem P~rr bydeM..~ an. nd radeI. rs. . Dvidsn;1 first to use his toys constructively Grade II, Miss Vivian Buniner: and flot destructively: also to take to ceans.,fouTish and beoutify Grade III, Miss Greta Wickett; proper care of his clothing. To adi- __________________________________________Grade IV, Mr. Trios. A. Rodger. vocate spinach in thie foodi realin, - i--U Various resolutions were drawn Up verbally has a poor influence on the andi discussions arose regarding trie chilci. To advocate keeping one's SP CIAL PRICES - Thuraday, Friday, Saturday course of study, payment of salary, temper is poor instruction if botri and subjects in the curriculum. A the parents and the teachers them- Lmited Time Only $1.25 Absorbine Jr. 89c report was given of committees, andi selves fly into a rage. Thie instruct-1 NO Z M owder Puffs, 15c value 9c business problems were also deait or must do the things he acivocates, 8& JrN YàZ M uticura Soap.. 19e with. for unwittingly he is influencing the ANNVERARY Si ot ate Botie 6 1 Miss Muriel Baker presided at trie child. For ANNVESAR $1Ho Waer otle 9e piano for the singing of "0 Canada" Interest Ke>note of Success Pimpes 0c ambk 33 vetio onFria i th Ton Hll. Trie role of the school is quite as Pimplhes important as the home. If thet and Shaving Lavoris . 17c- 33e 69c Place of Local Newspaper teacher takes aIl responsibility, how1 Irritation 109 Pinkham's Vegetable Co. 89C Ini "The Place of trie can the pupils advance? The schoolsf ____________________ ICommunity Newspaper," Mr. Geo. should endeavour to arrange an en- Carteras Liver Pilis ...22e. 69C W. James, Editor of The Statesman, vironmient that will allow the chilci SL Chases Nerve Foods ......... 49c coinmented on the similarity in the to achieve a maximum interest in SAL Bay er's AspirIn .. . .22c - 39c- 98e objective of the teacher and the his subjects. Interest is the key>-t S HEPATICA Listerine .......... 25c - 49e 89c newspiaper. Botri strive to educate, note 0f success. Silence, immobil-r LAXATIfVE to uplif t the morals of the people, ity and obedience on the part of thec an anci to upholci the things that will pupil gives the adult more conven-1 Useful sin bring into the lives of the people, a ience, but has a most deplorable in-F qJL: eIl imLnant i happier anci nobler element. In re- I fluence in depressing chilc i f e.i] "Constipation, viev,îng thie services which thie, Chîlciren should be given a maxi-c SGastric & Hepati newspaper offers the public Mr. mumi freedom. Unless necessary. C iores James stresseci the fact that the neyer issue an orcler. the speakera DiodrGout Palmolive Shaving VCreamn Editor gives prominence in his pa- advised. Leave trie question to the ~ n huits eclet perdettrite events which will be o! pupils, and they will voluntarily de- I mal L-l 2c -57 at the Iow price of! 2 service and of a worthwhile char- cide in thie right. ci 29c 57cî 1 act intrie community. Articles Teachers could increasinglyde il -$ 1.09 LIK -Wm arousing interest in relief problems vise methods o! giving responsibîl- Centennial celebrations, mu.sic in ity. In a Toronto school with ana * _____________________SHAMPOOS Ntrie schools, and aid for criPPled attendance o! 1500 chilciren, eight 0 * chilîdren were only a few o! trie ex - boys every two weeks take the re- * for healthy amples mentioned. Sensational, pnibility of directing trie pupils to fI * SK I N N Y£ lustrous hair scandal, anci court news have been! hir lyrln.Isedo ok ea yu knn o fa.eesed -Four ype and will continue to be excluded or ing for artificial goals o! a prize for j' There is no need for people to TrCsîe boiled down to a minimum from trie work, set by an adult. trie chilci, G;ve Toraxkium o a hetrii d. rove lemo pages of trie weekly newspaper. Miss Fleming told, will work for trieh this oraelfa. rasadprv Lro Speaking o! trie question o! politics love o! attainment if properly train-B and Syoapless.enterîng trie local newspaper realm, ed Thoraxlum s a riad opls e stateci that an independent stand Foe rusndntrs i aadian S new easy treat- has been taken, in which no comn- isory. ous ne m etd i mang a ment whieh, z0icJco51c ýmonly prirased i mud-slinging" 15 tron ehdi mkn . works hile 2 c&65c engageci in ancitrie gooc intsof replica o! an Indian village. Pict-B you are sleep- ________________ botri parties are pointeci out to tri e ue n prosecoBetihHsto dier- ng. Thoraxlum public or constructive ted erocs n rîis Hstrywil w,îî give y IoI i engaged to make trie subject more in- l thos cuves I~u~II11~QhII I ii ocasonalY.teresting. wriile Geography will fas- m ths urve h um ts Just as the teacher enters trie cinate trie pupil if rie undertakes to w ch a RHEUMATISM. 8 C 1 A T 1 C A, teaching profession not alone. for learn particulars of trie car-go and LUMBAGO quiekiy reiieved by hre salary which rie or she rcîestiior twiciashpwl alo wanted oaY. this new treatment- tepr twihasi ilcl ne3 Th,,rM ACAPSf nbut for trie joyn5 fo teEditor serves tit sroune Tdg ng f trie dis- c bhoraxiumnan FuIIy Guaranteed trie public in a ' fotte leave ttrit soge. the ra i o med partsedo ycommunity a better paetanh tlalob g rie chlci hoe body. For hol. RUM A A Sfounc i t. lcthnre iasobngeuts low eheeks, TheRrlShoPobeTie element o!f freedom andi dis- serawny nek, I W.h R urW.aili, B. A.Principalcipline should pervade every achool, ehs t, a rems J. W.WORRALL, Optician MrHLîWgri c B A, rincipaul-and above ail, trie child shoulci learn ach es. aare-I ustoeo! Bowrnanville Hg col -responsibility for making security in andts gua. e- das 1oa.m.s-topr m. gesteci in ris address, 'Fifth Class- living. Miss Fleming, at trie closeL teed or money _______________ es-Trie Rural Schools Problem and of lier interesting address, specifiec i t * -Our.Problem," thait teachers in ru- trie work whicritrie instructors in1 at baek. UNITED CIGAR STORE ral schools who have fiftri classes Si. George's Scriool for Chilc i Stdy1Ac AGENCY shoulci endeavour to give trie child- i are doing in Toronto where trie c ren more attention in trie languages. jchildren are accepteci at trie age of!1ce ____________________________________ ______ Due to trie economic disturbance, two years. . an parents. even in trie best farming Mr. W. H. Jordan, Principal o! 1 en LE -districts o! trie country, have found Public Schools in Port Hope, ui'ged'dil A LEX tdcG REGO Rg D ugsit impcissible during trie past few trie teacriers to make Geography a R PHONE 92 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY WE DELIVEB years to send their children to a dis- subject of more human interest. sis tant higri scriool. For trie benefit of Because geograpriy is closely linkec ini those chilciren who would otherwise witr trie history of a country. it is hy have no opportunity o! attending a a science, anci teacriers shoulci moci- fie second'ary school. trie fiftri classes ernize their facfs. By trie stuciy O!do _________________________________________________ have been instituted. pictures, trie study o! foodi anci its sý There is a tendency, Mr. DippeIl source, andi by introducing trie TI ONE WEEK ONLY - OCTOBER 29th, 1934 stated, to give more attention to trie question of importation and export- an examination subjects in these class- ation trie subject can arouse deeper Si es than to Englisri, Latin andi interest. o F eath r P i Ullo w Frencri. The rural teacher who rias Following Mr. Jorcian's acidress, n ten or eleven other classes, must, o! trie convention proper was closeci by ed WAS ED OFT AND FLU FYnecessity, spendlless time anci givesinging trie National Anthem. Do WAS ED SO T A D LU FYshorter periocisfo those in trie fifth Teachers Visit Goodyear Plant Cr classes. Rural scriools cannot sup- Trirougr trie courtesy of trie Gooci- 44 e Each 2 FOR 60ce ply trie apparatus neeciec for ciif- year Tire & Rubrier Co. Ltd., trie i ferent experiments, anci as a result teachers were taken in trie after- daci O cof these shortcomings trie pupil en- n:on on a tour o! tris plant. To Gr O hawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning teirs trie higri scriool under a handi- trie majority o! trie teachers trie di W. J. Bagneil, Agent.-- Phone 152 ation subjects is up f0 trie stanci- in manufactureci in trie town oe- ard, but rie has flot completeci trie Bwanil ratitret o __________________-os_______________ reurc ork in trie languages, andI manifesteci in trie supplies o! raw ne ___________________________________________ consequently fails behind,. rubber, in trie huge machines work- an As an aid to teachers in trie rural ing trie raw material into shape, ne PLEAE RrRTdistricts, Mr. Dippell suggesteci that andi in trie various processes trirougri oti To R lie e C tarh 1application be made to trie nearby wriicr trie product passes. sel Trarh lD af es i rnialaseolecat apr e ahtrm nti atons were examineci with interest, ask trie rural teacrier ancitrie urban wî sti tgstiogiwic Catarrh l Deafn ss as ieowowo' teacher go hanci in hand, and tre te rubber heels andI soles for boots scr and He d oies p: fncrsriols.pi is given trie samne tests pass trirougri before they come f in- o and H ad NosesIts surely surprising how many as trie students in trie secondary ally from trie nimble fingers o! w Pesos uferngf omcaarriîWholl laugri at a statement-wriore I amyscnigM.Dpeî young ladies who trim away trie 1cIf deafness, or wrio are growîng liard always behinci. remarks, Col. E. E. Snider statecirge cg !tierbe !tri o! earing anor I hoaegheai noises They think that a merchant, for triat rie was in favor o! fi!tri classes ha entke rmtiemuc.k ofhaigadhv ednie ever andI aye. Hose, tubing, rubrier mats-all haci as will be glati to know that tris dis- Shoulci carry them on without ask-1 only in trie districts where it ,xasaplcofitrs.Teechs1 l tressing affliction can usually be 1inefrnt impossible for trie young person toea lac o!interest. the tres aI BUlts It gives are nearly always Andi who pays trie ficicler? - trie teachers ancitrie mothers should Eectvom teeM . E _ qulck and effective. recatte ba. osl ahohrrgrigti kel, Miss G. Davey, Miss M. Dalton, Every person who has catarrh in -Fromn Border Cities Star. problems which trie chilci is forceci &n oi'm, or distressing, rumbling, f0 meet wrien rie enfers trie langer1 Miss M. Pickard, Mr. W. H. Jordan. BlYigsud nterersol spriere o! activîty in trie scriooî.i Auditors-Mr. J. H. Jorinston andi giasfgaosi thesrIeatir arl. huc --.--.~.------- outîining trie role o! trie home in Mr. Bru ce Clark, Bowmanville. give tls recpe a tial.1 training, Miss Fleming stress ee -, Federateci Women's Institute A-ill importance o! trie mother acquaitnt- meef in Royal York Hotel, Toronto: ing rierseif with triecemancis which Mr. R. S. Caldwell has been ap- The dat.e for. srooting partricige Tuesday, Wecinesday andI Thursday. will be matIe on hr chilciren. The pointed a Justice o! trie Peace for are Nov. 12 to 'Nov. l7th. Noveber2tr - 22nd. chilci must rie taugrit trie responsi- Port Hope and district. OBITUARY Mrs. A. B. Mainwaning, Newcastle There passeci away in Bowman- ville on October l6th a peculiarly brave andci rarming personaiity. Afflictecif0trite point o! virtual helplessness wifri trie treaci infan- tile paralysis, in trie unfortunate lo- cal epidemic o! four years ago, in trie prime o! a life o! unusual ac- tivity antI breacitrio! interest. Mrs. Mainwaring brougrit ftrite problem o! living, a fortitude which was a perpetual inspiration, a courage wriicri amazeci, anci a charmi antI cheerfulness which seemeci bounci- less. Borir in London, Englanti, andi educated triere in trie generous man- ner o! trie Olci Country, she studieci music with outstantling success, gaining trie coveteci L.R.A.M. 0f trie Londion Academy o! Music. A pub- lic performer o! ability, she took her part in trie musical if e o! trie time. A wide culture gave lier niany var- ieel artistic andi social interests. Coming f0 Canada in 1929. with lier husband, Commander A. B. Main- waring, witl trie intention o! estab- lisriing a poultry farmn at Newcastle, she was stricken te the point o! dis- ablement soon a!fter lier arrivai triere. During trie several years o! en- fonceci inacfivîty, calculateci to dis- hearten trie Most stoical, she "car- rieti on' with abounding pluck. Un- able te, participate in trie social ac- tivities o! trie district, she nevertrie- less attained a position in trie af- fections o! a wide circle o! friencis, which was in some ways unique. Having a distinctive anci distingu- isheci personality witri nothing o! trie humdrui or stereotypeci in its make-up, her position in the lives o! lier near friencis cannot rie filleci. For some, her loss is irreparable. From these a sincere tribute to lier indiviciuality andi dauntless courage comes very easily anci simply. Trie sympatriy o! trie Newcastle antI Bowmanville communifies goes ouf f0 rier husbanci, Commander A. B. Mainwaring, whose recent suc- cesses as a tIramatic producer are widely known; forien father antI inofrer, Mr, anti Mrs. George Smith, if Present residing in Oshawa while onl a visit f0 Canada: ancifo hrie two chilciren, ail o! whom have su!- fered a grievous loss. Trie funeral service f ook place on Saturday, October 2Utri, from trie house o! Dr. antI Mrs. Clark Bell. Bowmanville, wliere many happy days in her brigrit life riaci been sPent. The offlciating clergyman was Rev. Frank Mason, Newcastle, assisteci by Rev. c. R. Spencer o! 3owmanville. The cortege le! t for T'oronto where, in accordance with ler wish. cremafion took place. A large number o! Newcastle, Bow- nanville anci Oshawa f riends as- sembeci fo pay a last tribute o! re- specf antI affection f0 trie shining exampie o! faitri, courage andi cheenfulness in trie face o! unusual [ifficulties. Henry A. Adams, Newcastle Residents o! Newcastle antI o!trie Lake Sriore andi Port Granby sec- ions turneci dut in large numbers t trie funeral o! the laf e Hein-y Adams on Thursday a!fternoon, Dctober lBfh. Rev. S. MacLe&an ,onductecitrie service antd delivereci in appropriate andi thougrifful fun- ýral address from trie fexf, Anti how ieth trie wise man? Eccles. 2:16. ýev. Trios. Wallace, Newtonville, as- steci. Trie choir led in trie sing- ng o! two o!fcieceased's favorite imns. Many beautiful floral o!-- erings affestecitrie esfeem o! trie ionors for trie deceased antI their :mpatriy for trie bereaveci !amily. 're paîl bearers were: Wm. C. Lake inc Howell Rowland o! trie Lake 3hore where tleceased farmeci most >f ris if e, Wm. antI Alonzo Cowan, ieighboïs in Newcastle where rie liv- :1 affer retiring from trie farm. Daniel Whitney, Port Granby, antI has. Beebe, Orono. Trie late Hen- ýYAdams is surviveci by one son, Nellington, on trie farm: antI two iaugriters, Mrs. Bruce Whitney, Port ;ranby, af whose home hrie father ied, anti Mns. Howard Challis. lowm anville. Trie outstanding trait o! deceas- Us character was ris neigriborli- less f0 those in special neeci. When riYone within his knowledge was in leed o! assistance, financially or >rierwise, rie would constifute hum- elf a one man committee f0 can- ass trie neigriborhood for cash or' int. Everyone hati implicit faitri nhum anti generally suriscribetl ometriing for trie cause in hanti.11e ten onganizeti wood bees fo cut vood, for anti deliver if to those in !!ficult circumstances ant ihe ail- ;ys donated trie wood. ouf o! trie ndness o! his heant lhe has given way corda and cords. He was an Il year round active charitable in- CARD 0F THANKS The family o! trie late Mn. Henry Adiams wish to thank their many îends anci neigribors for their meîous expressions o! sympafhy id kincinesses shown them tuiunng ein recent sati bereavement, also >trie beautiful floral o!ferings. Real Hosiery 200 Pair of f irst quality Hase, pure silk, full fasbioned, in ail the new Fail shades, including gunmetal, finesse, snioketone, dustbeige, chucker, f awn brown . .. ....and taupe mist. Sizes 8iý, to 10%. A f ull range of sizes and colours ini a good weaning service weight j ~ hase. Stock up at this pnice - I Friday and Saturday only. Walker Stores,, Ltd. PHONE 164 BOWMANVILLE Enjoy These Specials FOR SATURDAY ONLY RAISIN NU T SPECIAL LOAF LOAF Reg-ular 12e Regular 12e for for 10e 10e -- Let Us Do Your Baking FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, Lb. 15C Corbett's Wagon on Youn Street Every Day Corbett's Bakery PHONE 3BOWMANVILLE BottledHeat' One quar; cf milk supplies about the saine amount of bodlly energy as 9 eggs, or 3 1 lb. beefsteak, or 4-5 lb. chieken, or 6!,. oranges, an 2 lb. Potatoes, or 3 lb. string beans. Alilof these foods build health and are important in the diet. The camparison merely bnings out the essential part milk plays in contributing fuel or energy ta the diet. Miik, as an ail-round food, is one of the mosi essen- tial of aur everyday foods. (ilen Rae Milk gives you much for littIe. In choosing Youn foods, be sure that Glen Rae Milk ls among the first on the last. GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON Bowmanvlie FFI mm M Orange PekoeT E à Fresh from Blend the Gardens m - M

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