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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1934, p. 7

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V,.._ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THRSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1934 PAGE SEVEN L_____if SPHONE.5.3 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster spent Sunday with relatives in Lndsay. Mrs. Geo. H. Bickell bas been - visltlng ber daughter, Mrs. E. S. Paisley, Cooksville. Miss Margaret Hutchinson, Tor- onto, spent Sunday wih her mother, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. W. A. Bain , Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Watson, Tor- onto. have moved here to care for bis brother-in-law, Mr. W. Carr. Mrs. J. H. Werry has been spend-, ing a couple of weeks with ber daughter, Mrs. C. H. Rowan, Be- thany. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Israel and Miss Gladys Israel spent the weekend at Mr. J .B. Matyn's, Mr. J. T. Hoop- er's and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Osh- awa. Rev. T. E. Holling, D. D., ex-pres- ident of the Bay of Quinte Confer- ence conducted anniversary services in St. John's Cburcb, Campbellford, on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. H. P. Hutchison, Mr. A. J. Trebilcock, Toronto, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock and attended Thank-Of- fering services in Trinity Churcb. Mrs. W. C. Washington and Mrs. B. M. Warnica were in Toronto oven the weekend, guests of the formen's son, Rev. C. C. Washington and at- tending the re-opening of the lat- jter's churcb. HaIlowE'en GAMES -DECORATIONS - MASKS - Everything you need for your Hallowe'en Party. STATIONERY Pad and Envelopes (35e value) Both for 25e WOO 0L Whaqtever you want to knit we have the WooI you need. A wide range of attractive shades in evcry ply. Needies and Pattern Books - - J. W. Jewell BOOKS &STATIONERY PAINTS &WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS $'Big 20" Bowmanvllle Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Beecroft, Whit- by, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Bateman. Mn. and Mrs. G. T. Charlton have moved inte thc block, corner Divis- ion and Horscy Sts. Mm. F . L. Souch, Onono, spent Thunsday with ber cousin, Mrs. Jennie Graham at Lorna Villa:~ Rev. Dr. and Mns. Kilpatrick, Hamilton, werc gucats o! Mayor and Mrs. W. R. Stnike, while in tewn. Mn. and Mrs. I. G. Hefkey and son spent the weekend witb ber fathen at Bronte, wbo is seiously Ml. Mrs. H. A. Farrow had a veny suc- cessful auctian sale of ber furniturp an Saturday. She is moving to St. Catharines. Rev. S. J. Alun, Toronto, visited bis sisters, Mrs. Anna Elford and Mrs. Kate Wight and old friends here last week. The goblins will get you Hallowe'- en if you dont watcb out. So will the govrnment inspectons if you baven't a radia license. Mn. and Mrs. M. H. Minore, Co- bourg, wenc iu tawn Sunday and attended the Thank-Offering ser- vices in Tnrinity Churcb. Mn. and Mrs. Harny Barton, Fred and Miss Snawden, Uxbridge; Mn. and Mrs. McDoweli, Weston; Mr Tom Ferguson and Miss Brisbon. Welland; were weekend guests o!' Mrs. L. J. Barten. Rev. A. E. Joncs, pastar o! Qucen St. United Church, Lindsay, will take the services in Trinity United Church ncxt Sunday. Rev. E. F. Armstrong will conduct Annivensany services in Lindsay. Mn. and Mrs. Cephas Osborne, Babby and Margaret, Whitby, Mn. and Mrs. Harry Wilcax, Lloyd and Madeline, and Miss Edna Reynolds, Hampton, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. John Challis. Mn. Fred Dickinson o! Alabama, U. S. A., and Mn. Walter Dickinson, Toronto, were in town Tbursday calling on aid friends. It's oven 30 yeans since tbey le! t their native tewçn and tbey found many changes in the people and town. Chuncb Street Gnoup o! the Wo- men's Association of Trinity United Chunch wcre entcrtained at the home o! Mrs. G. K. Brown, Oshawa, Friday, at 322 Coîborne Street East. Mrs. Brown was convenen o! tbe group befone moving ta Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. L. M. Keitb, Mn. and Mn. and Mns. Fred J. Van Nest and Julia, Toronto, and Mn. Ray Hoff, Montreal, wcre in tewn Sat- urday attending tbe deposîting of the ashes of Uic latters mather, Mrs. Greta Van Nest Ho!!, in the Van- Nest family plat in Bowmanville Cemeteny. Mrs. T. T. McWaters, 46 Hilihalme. Road. Tarante, is entertaining at a farmal dance for ber debutante daugbter, Miss Estber McWaters. on Wednesday, Oct. 31st at the Lamb- ton Golf and Country Club. Aniong the gucats will be: Miss Jean Mc- Cullocb, Miss Dot Nesbitt, Mn. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Mn. Kenneth Heddon and Mn. Murray Williams. Miss Jean McCullocb and Mrs. W. Pascoe are cousins o! Uic "deb". Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsb and Lela, Salem, spent Sunday with Mrs. C. G. Curtis. Mrs. Jessie Grigg, Misses Jane and Ruth Grigg, Toronto, were guests of Mms. C. G. Curtis. Miss Dingman and Mrs. Edmond- stone were in Toronto at Winter Millinery Openings. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Edmondstone and Miss Dingman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Wood, Tor- onto. Miss Mary Tamblyn and Miss Florence Anderson, Toronto, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn. Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Robins, List- owcl, were guests o! Mrs. W. H. Spargo this week and called on a number o! old friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wood con- tributed a floral tribute to the late R. J. Andrews, Oshawa, whose fun- eral took place on Saturday, Oct. 20. Miss Sue Corelli, Miss Mary L. Northway, Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toronto, and Mr. Herman Lapp, Montreal. were weekend guests o! Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mn. and Mrs. J. B. Osborne and daughter Audrey, and Mn. Jim Rus- sels, St. Catharines, spent Sunday witb the f ormer's brother, Mn. E. L. Osbonne, "Gladstonc Villa." Messrs. Andrcw Gray and George Armstrong, Long Branch, wbeeled to Bowmanville Sunday to spend the day with the fonmer's grandparents, Mn. and Mns. E. L. Osborne, "Glad- stone Villa." Lindsay Agnicultural Society re- ports a profit of $2,617.92 over ahl expenses as a result o! this year's fair. Few f ail faims can report such satisfactony finances after a deficit o! over $400 last year. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Chairman o! the High School Board, and Mns. Bonnycastle entertained the High School teachens and their wives te a dinner party on Fniday evening when ahl had a most delightful time. Mr. Henry Carpenter and son Harold, Mrs. Corden, Mrs. McKay, and Miss Martyn. Bowmanville, called at Mr. Wîhnot Mank's, Val- entia, te sec Mms. Henry Carpenter who is spcnding a short time bere. -LncdEay Post. Mrs. W. H. Argue, Librarian, Is te be commended for ber initiative and interest in the kiddies by starting a "'Stony Houn" Saturday monningsi at 10.30 o'clock in the Public Li-1 brary for children from f ive to six years o! age. His many fniends will be pleascd ta learn that Mn. Alex Binks, who undenwent a seniaus openation in Bowmanville Hospital a few wceks ago. was able te be nemoved ta the home o! bis parents, Dr. and Mms. W. H. Binks, Wellington St. Rev. Dr. McLaurin, Superintend- cnt o! Educational System o! a Dis- trict in India, who bas been visit- ing bis sister, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, addressed the students, of aur Higb Scbool on Friday aftennoon, giving a veny interesting talk on some of the problcms confronted in that fan away land. Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Anderson, Janetville, celebrated their golden wcdding annivensary at the home- stead in Janetville on Monday. Mn. Anderson is a pioncer o! the district. Mrs. Anderson was a daughter o! the late Michael Crydeninan of Hampton, and sister of Mrs. C. N. Ruse, Bowxnanville. The Alice Jackson Mission Band met on Monday aftcnnoon in the Beginnens class room in Trinity Un- ited Church. The meeting opencd with quiet music by Miss Clara Belîman, followcd by CaU te Wor- ship led by Marion Mahood. Fray- er in unison was repeated; hymn "I Would Be Truc" was sung; prayer led by Miss M. Belîman; after which Miss Clara Belîman told the Won- ship story. Minutes were nead by the secretary, Wlnifned Wood, and signed by Evelyn Harnden, president. The members divlded into groups, aftcrwards re-uniting whcn a series o! stenies was told by two girls, and then a treat o! candy, peanuts and apples, given by the leaders, was enJoyed. Trinity 'Young People's Society Thene was a good attendance at the Y. P. S. meeting at Trinity Church, Monday evening. Miss M. Pickard led in a sing-song, after wbich she announced the Y. P. S. Rally at Newcastle to be held Sat- unday and Sunday at wblch ahl members are expected te attend. Next Monday a Hallowe'en Masquer- ade party will be given. Everyone is invited to come in costume. Miss Rena Farnell's group bad change o! the prograns. thc genenal topie be- ing the introduction of the new mis- sionany bock, Trails and Tales o! the North Land, by' J. C. Cochrane. Miss Greta Wickctt gave a short bi- agraphy o! the autbar's life and in- trcduced the book in a very inter- csting way. The fallowing taok part in the wanship period, tbe theme o! THE SHAW Business Schools have added mucb te oun National Assets by training thousands o! men and womcn during the past forty yeans to become leaders ln Commercial Enterpnises of our Dominion. The wonk is being continucd under best conditions for prognes and results, and parents who have any problem on hand regarding Educational plana for their young people are invlted to write for our curriculum. Please address W. R. Shaw, Reglitrar, Dept. 1-2. Bay and Charles Streets, Toronto. ALONG MAIN STREET The ladies won't be able to keep away f rom Walker's Store's real hosiery sale at 57c pair. Aren't those Mums gorgeous in Groves' Flowcr Shop? A few flowers certalnly brighten up the home. It doesn't take much money to be smartly dressed when you can get a new f all dress at Coucb's for as 10w as $1.98. A:z. Mathews, manag*er of Nabor- hood Shoe Store reports a markedi increase in f all business. He says' a lot of people are buying Dr. Locke's shoes. Rice & Co. have two very stniking signs painted on their block. Jack Ncedham was the artist andhe ad a good job of them. 0* * 9 Your wrong again. The figure stylist coming to the Evlyn Shop is not a mathematician. Its buman figures tbat's ber specialty. * * 6 F. F. Morris Co. is another firm which commented on better faîl bus- iness. They report six dining room suites and several cbesterfield suites scld for tbis month. You're ,lust wasting your time worrying about a cold winter when Kerslake's Drug Store selîs bot water bottles for 49c-and to think they are guaranteed for a year. * * * 0 How's the battery working these cald mornings? Herb Jamieson re- ports an exceptional big demand for Willand Batteries already this faîl. For best results buy a battery from a battery expert. Harny Allin's gone into the export- ing business. Witbin the last week he bas sold three lots of cheese to customers going over to the U. S. A. Harry bas an enviable repu- tation for curing cbeese which bas just the right nip to it. Try a paund and see for yourself. a 0 . 0 J :R. Moore, Jeweler, has made a wonderful improvement to the in- tenior of bis store. The walls have been attractively painted and tbe show cases and silent salesman have been changed around. The store front also was tneated to a coat of paint. By the way this is West- dlock week at Jimmie's. Miss Anne Snyder, special demon- strator of the New Vita-Ray Toilet- ries, bas been at McGregor's Drug Store this week. Miss Snyder who bas a very pleasing personality, trained in New York and bas a wide experience. It is interesting te note that the Vita-Ray cosmetics were the only ones allowed a place in the Hall of Science at the Chicago World's Pair. COMING EYENTS Announcements of Meetings, Concerts or Other Events, under this headlng, are charged, 10 cents Per Une, wlth a minimum charge for any announcement of 50e per Insertion. These rates wlJI be strlctly observed. Per- sons aendlng In notices mustj specif y to whom account la to e charged. Tbursday and Fniday, Nov. 29-30. Hlgh Sebool Commencement. 42-7 The famous Virginla Jubilee Sing- ers wlll appear in Trinity United Church on Tucsday, Oct. 3th, at 8 p. m. Admission: AduIts 25c, Children 15c. St. Paul's Evening Auxiliary willl hold its annual sale for the benefit of the sck and shut-ins in the Lec- ture Room, Satunday, Oct. 2'tb. R.ummage Sale opens 2 p. m. Home cooking sale 3 p. m. Aftcrnoon Tea 15c. Capt. W. C. C. Innes, formerly on the late Sir Sam Hughes staff, and now Vice Chairman of the Provincial Command of the Canadian Legion. will be gucat speaker at the Annual Armistice Dinner of the Local Post, No. 178, in St. John's Parish Hall on the evening of Thursday, November 8tb. Ail ex-service men are invitcd to attend. j CHURCHES ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Sunday Services at il a. m. and 7 P. m.; Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. S. Kerr, Ministen Mms. C. H. Dudley, Organist and Director. Sunday, October 28th: Rev. A. J. Ternill, Graf ton, will pneach at both services; Sunday Scbool 2.30 p. m. A cordial welcome to ahl. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector Mns. J. A. Gunn, Organist October 28th, 22nd Sunday after Trinity: Holy Communion 8 a. m.; A.Y.P.A. Service il a. m., Rev. Bruce Jennings, Port Hope, wlll prcach; Sunday Scbool and Bible Class 2.30 P. m.: Evenlng Frayer 7 p. m. TRINITY UNITED CHURCU Rcv. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Choir Conductor. Sunday, Octeber 28th: il a. m.- Rev. A. E. Jones o! Lindsay will preach; the Virginla Jubilee Singera will take part ln the service; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday Scbool, 7 p. m.-Rev. A. E. Jones will preach; the Sunday School Orchestra will assist ln the musical service. You arc cordially invited te these services. CARI) 0F THANKS Mn. Albert H. Alun and son desire to express thein sincere thanks to alI the f iends and neighbors for Uic kindncas and sympathy extended to them i their bereavement by the death of the wlfe and mother and for the beautiful floral tributea. Ili Ill WEDDING Snowe - Allun A very pretty and quiet wedding to-ok place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allun, King Street, on Wednesday afternoon, October 24th, when their third daugbter, Miss Ger- trude Louise, was united in marr- iage with Mr. James Cecil Snowe, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Snowe, Arthur, Ont. Rev. E. F. Arm- strong, pastor of Trinity United Church, officiated. The bride wore a lovely brown velvet gown and carried a bouquet of Talisman roses. Miss Marion Allun, dressed in Colonial blue velvet, carrying a bouquet of chrysantbemums, was bridesmaid. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Ray Snowe. Arthur. The wedding music was played by Mr. Geo. L. Davidge, and following the ceremony Miss Margaret Allin, sister of the bride, sang "Because". The wedding dinner wau served by girl frîends of the bride, the table and home being prettily decorated with yellow chrysanthemums. The bridai couple left on a honey- moon trip to Western Ontario, the bride wearing a brown costume with accessories ta match. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Snowe will re- side in Oshawa. Previous to the wedding the bride was the recipient of two lovely show- ers when Miss Leola Miller gave a kitchen shower and Mrs. Ralph Flintof f of Oshawa a cup and saucer shower when a number of lovely useful gifts were received Picton Editor Now Retiring Af ter fif ty years as editor of the Picton Times. Mr. William Street, Picton, announced this week bis re- tirement from that office. The edi- tonial chair will be taken over by Mn. Roy P. McLean, son of the late Peter S. McLean. Mn. McLean, the new cd- itor, has been in the newspaper busi- ness in Toronto and Montreal for the past ten years and is widely known in newspaper circles through- out the province. The former editor, Mn. Street, came to Picton from the Seaforth Expositor in 1885 to be- come foreman of The Times printing plant. On the death of Mr. McLean, the owner, he assumed the editorial Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission Ànnounces Imnortant Hydro Reductions 1IN Domestic and Commercial Rates AS FOLLOWS: Doniestic ]Rates 1. Service Charge on domestie rates abolished. G-2- The minimum charge of $1.50 net every two months will not be changed, hoWever 33 K. W. hrs. can be consumed at this rate instead of 23 K. W. hrs. as formerly. 3.The former charge of 4.5 cents per K. W. hr. for the first 60 K. W. hrs. per month, plus a servicq charge of 33 cents per month, is changed to a chargë,of 5 cents per K. W. hr. for the first 60 K. W. hrs. per month. and no service charge. 4. The former charge of 2 cents per K. W. hr. for al consump- tion above 60 K.W. hrs. per month is changed to a charge of 1.5 cents per K. W. hr. Commercial ]Rates 5.No alteration in service charge or minimum'bill or amount consumed at fiÉst rate. 6. The former charge of 2 cents per K. W. hr. for ail consuxnp- tion in excess of first 100 hours use per month of installed capacity will be changed to a charge of 1 cent per K. W. hDn. Above Rates Decoune Effective with October 31st billing Accumulated Profits of $5324.18 to Retire Debenture On July of this year! the sumn of $5324,18 was paid out of accumulated profits to retire the longest outstanding deben- ture against the system. This means a saving to the ratepayers of this municipality of ail annual interest charge of $252.90, or a saving of $4425.75 over a period of 18 years, the balance of the perdod of debenture issue. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION October 23, 1934 Hot Water Boitte Specials We offer you exceptional value in Hot Water Bottles. Each Bottie fully guaranteed. Gem H. W. Bottie 1 Yr. guarantee Large Portage H. W. Bottle IN 1 Yr. guarantee....SZ Nyceat H. W. Bottle 2 Yr. guarantee . Water Bottle with Pastene Olive 011, 1 gal $2.40 1r. . 09 Kotex 19e - 3for5e Sponge Coe Pond's Creamas 34e Armiand Creamas 29e Ninurod H. W. BottleL' C West's Tooth Paste 2 for 39e 3 Y. uar4te.40c Castoria 25C 3 Y. garateeCod Liver Oi1 40c te $1.00 Kerslalke's Drug Store P. R. COWLING, Phm. B. WE FIT GLASSES AT LOWER PRICES For Hallowe'en And Other Occasions MUMS gorgeous blooms ln brilliant autuflin colors, also CARNATIONS ROSES, Etc. SEE OUR BIG VARIETY 0F BULBS Now lu the time to, plant them. Sec our fine selection. FLORAL SERVICE A regular suPPlY o! ehoice flowers at reasonable pices. Telephone ordera carefully f lled. Ail orders postpald to any address within the 20 mile postal radius. W.E.eGROVES KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP King Street - Next RoYal Theatre - Bowmanville P. O. Box 163 Phone 72 WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR ICE CREAM SPECIALS TRIS WEEK-END Our Bakery Departmnent Created Instant Popularity SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CHOCOLATE MARSHMELLO SQUARES JELLY ROLLS CHERRY FRUIT CAKE ORDER YOUR HALLOWE'EN LAYERS EARLY Watson's Bakery LUNCH ROOM Phone 97 SODA FOUN!JAIN chair, te make tbat paper one of the best known weeklies in the pro- vince. Miss Wicke o! the Sailors' Mis- sion, bas been canvassing tbe town in aid o! the mission and addrewSe the meeting hITrlnity United Church on Thursday evening. SA CKA C fr qulckly "diup. m theh Liverand Kodneys ort amd by D.~CIl1,1e' ilý----«

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