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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1934, p. 10

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THE .CANADIAàN STATEfrL4N. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER isi. 1934 ~A*J~ I ~,IN PAGE1 __ __ __ __ __ Christian Youth Council of North < ' IAmerica held at Geneva, Wisi BIRTHS T e N w ate Independent Jeras80 Young people met at 7 a. m.Snday morning and particiPat- GRANT-In Bowmranville Hospital, einhoiy communion, adxinistered on Thursday, October 25th. 1934.1 Se South in Senora' in Bow- ST. GEORGES HARVEST HOME by Rev. S. MacLean. a11 t o Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grant, the Sce The regular chumch serviceati gif t o! a son (Donald Robert). I manville Opera House, Nov. 15 or 16. SUPPER a. m. was again in the hands of the go. netPhdeiphi Fankfoneindhaefi- Teaudne fg hnsYoung people, Miss Pickard presid- CLARKE-In Bowmanville Hospital, ite operid withfo anhiden-th e Giver ce of oati god g assistecl by Rev. S. MacLean, on Frida, ,October l9th. 1934, ta ite erid. wth hichtheGive ofall oodwith1 Newcastle Y. P. choir and Bow- Mr, and Mrs. William A. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Grubb and gifts has favored this section of the manville maie quartette supplying the birth of a daughter 4Coelene daughter. Weston. spent the week- country this year was magnificently the music, the quartette rendering Roach). en wt M.and Mrs. P. LeGresley. eflected in the ssupper room decor- " atm f et eifrJss" ________________HOI Women's Memorial Library Aid ations and the sumptuously laden an'd the choir -The World for the ~i are catering' for the military ban- tables at St. Georges Church supper King." R. J. Houghton gave anoe 1 DEATHSN quet in the community hall on Fni- in the parish hall on Wedriesday ev- 1otymsag ncaacB oe day evning.ening. Oct. 24th. The feast provided otymsaenchrtr build _________________ Mr.Fulr aor alm adbyte aieif h cuchafodding, stating when one Christian man Mrs FulerCatr admchidn. than aples ofotheunity forvryoewas asked what was his ule for liv- WILSON - At the Hospital, Port Mrs. F. C. LeFevre aing hedenreapaieedpprIunjusto estopneand ask Hope, on Sunday, October 28th, si: Toronto. were weekend guests of ta put the severest kind of test onl si the quple"Iusti, Wt wu 1934, Donald H. Wilson. Editor o!fif Mr. and Mrs . Wmn. Parnail. his gastronomical system. But thanks Jesus do?' " and he recommended Port Hope Evening Guide, in his D Mrs. S. MacLean eturned home ta the art and the dietetic science of ai2!t o ieie 3t er on Monday from a week's visit with the ladies who planned and pe- l on g th e t oOn thd o v e ti on SCOT T-Sde ni t h Pivte H hed r snRi S.aWhantl Oaaghe. M nopneti ther m enu ai tod piweiad delegates again met in the body o! Patients' Pavilion. Toronto, Wed- al anti rs. R S. Wittle Ottaa. nne suthred DeepchicknMpiesas a Browni, Mis- nesday, October 24th, 1934, Mar- s Mr. Walter Douglas, New York. f irst on the course and mashet iorie church. Missh or artW.Shmddery eod a adMr. anti Mrs. H. J. Ragen and potatces and carrots andi peas. Ant i envedrnr.leaing heiswor- garetofW.rscmt. Sacy ovetan a tiaughterS. Toronto, %were guests of there were refreshing jeliies andi sip erve, uer ofOshwach Miss Mii- wef o Ernef si W. cottVeande. Mis. John Douglas over the week- cabbage and ti dret DeGuerme of Oshawa fvtuei setmohro Ioe ndVre end. the potatoes made a fine vegetabl ie avca*oo Terp Mrs. P. ONeil has cioset iher course, plenty of iran and vitamines. resolutions committee Was given by h N M M RA housefoth itradgn As ikeadtmt eie, Stanley Rickard, and Miss Kay IN____MEMORIAM______ fo te ine ad on a ls pckeani omt rlihe.Dudley of Bowmanvilie, who hati at- el Npne esoMr. Percy ONeil, breati andi butter for strength antid ne a LeSme hoîH MaNn eoyfa Beilevilie, motoreti up. for her on growvth. AMter that theme were cakes this sumOerk spke Sbriey n "hattHAIaTOf-Ini.Wilmo fani- 1 Suta.and pies for dessert and red appie s umr pk relonWht iaefind Wlim Facs B Mr. and Mms. Arthur B. C. Harris as an after dessert and plenty ofCapHsM ntaMe"aitn. ho astiaaN- an fmiyhave moved froin the cîetybeeitawt ra n Mr. Stephen G. Sayweli presenteti vember 1933. Jnes house up street ta Mms. Win. sur if dbesied, et quech ones the Attendance Banner ta Abert St. Not just to-day. but every day Jaones ou brick res-idence, corner ' thifmst.d o unh re Y. P. S. for the largesi percentage In silence I remember. F of King St. and the former Wils'- In the enjoyment of ail this anti in rgseeidlgtspeet rn -Lovingly remembereti by Ceeil A baretti Ave. the prcgram which folioweti the ity. Bowmanvilie, ran a close sec- Hydie. t SI. George's Church - Rev. F. H. absence o! Rev. F. H. Mason oa nti. with ColumbUs-Kedronthrit Mason. M. A., Rector. Sunday, Nov. noted with regret. He hati been un- IadBoga ut nrnteeF0ý 4th. 23rd Suntiay after Trinity: il expectedly calledti t Toronto. But being a total of 135 registemed. these harvest grains and fruits were a. m.-Morning Prayer and HOlY Rev. C. R. Spencer of St. John's Mr. Bert Scott again atitresseti an ever present reminder of Gotis Communion; 2 P. m-S un da y Church, Bow,ýmanville. was present theA Paceher, cosig hesubeet bounteous gifts to men.3 Schoal; 7 p. m.-Evenir.g Prayer and companY %with quite a number of 1Y APlc hreToWysMe, Rev. S. MacLean on Saturtiay a!- F0 Sermon. parishioners anti favored the gath- point ing out that youth isatth ternoon extendeti a cordial welcome F W. M. S. of the Uniteti Church ering which packed the upper hall cross-roads today when choosing a ta the Young people. They deeply V meets on Thusday afternoon of this after the supper. with an adtiress in vocation in life, when decitiing what appreciated bath bis anti that of the E week No. lt. r. ett G.Kil whch e wsel blnde god cun-ta do with leisure time. and when decoration committee, through their' born, from Chengtu, West China, sel with humour. rgrigteCrsinLf.mdu fganadfut n will atitress the meeting. The reg- In the absence o! the rectorMm. Which Wa.v Shall Our Souls Go? f lowers anti foliage. Previaus ta the ular autumn thank offering will be Howard Gibson, Church Warden, of- Newcastle Y. P. S. was in charge convention. Miss Winnifmed Rickarti, FC eceiveti. f iciated as chairman for the 'pro- of the Sunday evening service, Mishaio1h iitn onite Keep WetinesdyeeigNv 1 gram which ir.cluded piano select- Winnifred Rýckamti, president, pre- spnt mof thoughlt nd o tee in open for the roast fowl supper anti ions by Miss Helen McEvoy, solos siding. The Y. P. choir again fur- "etting in touch with the homes.; entetainment ta be provided by the by Mr. Geo. Walton accompaflieti nisheti the music, '"Folow On" anti êhe hati no diffieulty in scrn Woman's Association at the United by Mrs. E. C. Fisher, recitation by "aeM hne !Besn, places for ail. F Church. Newcastle. An excellent miss Jessie VanDusen anti vocal while the speaker was Mr. Morgan George Buckîey, i charge of re-FC supper anti after pogrami is guar- duets by Misses Doris and Florence S. Croekford o! Toronto, secretamy- gistration was another local leaguer c anteeti toalal. Spencer, accompanieti by Mrs. j. trea-surer o! the Inter-Provincial upon whom devolveti' rather heavy 1 Unitedi Church - Rev. S. Mac- Garroti Cauncil, anti past presitient o! the tiuties on Saturday afternoon, se- 1 Lean, B. A., Pastor. Suntiay, Nov. A very humomous number was a Toronto Y. P. Confemence. curing names anti atdresses anti giv- 4th: il a. m.-Momfling Worship; sketch the theme of which might Mm. Cockford commencet i hs ad- ing out the identification dises re- - 2.30 p. m.-Suntiay School; Evening have been imspireti by the reading o!ftiress by comparing the modes o! presenting the smiling face of the FC service withtirawn on account. O! Davidi Copperfielti who, it will be travel some years ago with the wearer.1 Clarke Church anniversary services remembereti fell in love with many speeti now in existence. anti the ex- There is no record of a commun- i at 2.30 and 7.30 P. m. o! the fairer sex before he finally pert workmar.ship demandet in au- ion service with prayers, reading o! Mrs. J. S. R. Joncs anti Mr. anti mai'rieti. Donald Gibson sitting in tomobiles, radios, etc. to the slip- the scriptures. hymn singing anti 1 Mr-. Raroldi McFadden. Toronto, a chair representeti the bachelor of shoti way we shlow the youth o! to- sermon. ever having been helti in anti Mrs. A. F. Pepper anti sons many loves. Howardi Gibson eati day ta grow up. The cryiiig neeti in this ehurch before at sunnise on a Gardon antiWilliam. Whitby. visit- the text o! the story anti as he eati the world today, he saiti. is for Suntiay morning. But there was anc cd Mrs. R. Parker, Mr. anti Mrs. A. theme appeameti on the scene from Young mcn and womcn who will last Sunday morning with about O. Parker, Mm. anti Mis. W. J. Roc- out o! the pasi in epresentative dedicate themselves in real service ninety communicants present. Wmn. kmn anti Mm. anti Mrs. Eti. Powell costume, the bachclor's sweetheart ta is cause. not as missionaries but Parnal. sexton, anti Mrs. Pamnal last Sunday. f o h ieo h eyerist as they go about their tiaiîy tasks. hati the chumch aireti anti nice andi Frientis in the village and viinity amours. Fimst came a very littie girl thir.king. acting anti talking as reai warm. The service lasteti an houmi were shocked anti sorry ta iearn that tender in years anti sweet. Jacque- Christians, in Spirit ant ini Truth. with Bey. S. MacLean in charge and on Tuestiay morniflg o! this week uine Smith impersonateti hem. Foi- The convention was brought ta a the Junior choir o! the church led in Mm. Norman Aluin hati suffemeti a lowed Charlotte Gray as a tomboy sitectacular close by the whoie con- the singing. The service began with stroke. He had attentiet divine ser- sweetheart. Doris andi Florence gregatian fomming a f rientiship cir- the electrie lights. Before it was f in- vice on Suntiay çwith Mis.Alnat Spencer Mrs. Perey Brown, Helen cie arounti the outside aisies anti isheti the mamning sun was pouring Marion anti visiting tielegatsate McEvay, Lois Martin, Jessie Van- down the centre aicle o! the church, its golden rays ia the church. AlI Youn., People's convention. Dusen. ail came on in turn, repre- anti al Joining in the singing o! two other services were in charge o! the Mr. Ueo. Meadows. Neweastle's senting a number o! his captivat- verses a! "Blest be the tic that Young People anti vere iargely at- baker, rentiereti himself hors-de- ors o! bygone years. Once there were Bintis." tendeti. Everyone from youth ta old combat at St. Georges Men*s Club twins, hie loveti them both. They1 Observations and Impressions age founti in them an opportunity on Thurstiay evening. Oct. 25th, seemedtet have truly came to life1 By H. R. Pearce for truc worship, much o! helpful- when while engageti in boxing prac- anti action again in the persans o!f saturday anti sunLlay weme reti ness andi encouragement anti much tice he f eh backwards ta the floor Mis. W. Thomas anti Mrs. P. Le- letter tisys in the calendar o! the thai was inspiring. anti fractumeti his lefi wrist. But Gresley. The pretiy milk-maid ap- Young People's League o! the Un-I The Oshawa Presbytery Young 1 Newcastle got its breati just the peareti in the persan o! Frances iteti Church anti indeeti cf the whole' People's Union honoreti itself in el-I1 saine for George went ai it with his Brereton. Audrey Brown, Dorothy Chumch. On ihese tiays Young peo- eting Miss Marion Piekard as Pres- ight hanti anti arm anti engageti a Trenwith. Irene Brereton, Eleanar pie of the Oshawa Prcsbyteiry, e- ident. She combines a eharming young man from Bowmanville ta Anderson representeti espectiveiy preseniing the Oshawa Presbytemy pesonaliiy wiih evideni ability ta assisi him. an army, a tennis, a football anti a Young Peoples Union, helti their f ulfili the tiuties devoiving upon hem. Messrs. Ralph Gibsof anti Man- golf girl. Noms Gibsan anti Coma But- autumn convention anti ele o fHem home, the school anti the chumch son Souch, guiarist anti violinisi 1ler a Japanese anti an Italian lass. ofîicers ai Newcastle. lcino have ail hati a share in developing assisteti by Mm. Chas. Cowan, Cow- Anti of course there is always the Giorious, vital, forwarti looking, anti training a noble Young woman anvilie. anti Mis. Clarence Mitchell, captivating anti amful widow, re- prospective, energizing youth! Their anti fitting hem for the responisible Part Britain, pianisi, provideti the presenteti in this fairly truc ta life convention theme, emblazoneti in position in which ber coleagues have music for the dance in conneetion pageant by Mrs. Ueo. Springham. large iciters on a broati white unanimously piacet ihem. She anti thel with the miscellaneous shower for Throughout the preseniatian of the streamer acrass the front o! the pipe Union have a very able secretary Mr. anti Mrs. Ernest Stephens, nec sketch Mis. F. H. Masson playeti soft- organ, ihat ail mighi reati anti pan- in Miss Sybil Langmaid o! Oshawa. Greta Cowan. ai the community ly on the piano in a way that put dem, was--NotI , but Christ be She is clever, enthusiastic. pains- hall, Newtonville, an Fritiay evening, everyone imta a kinti o! eminiscemit honoreti, loveti, exalteti; Nat 1, but iaking anti rias a distinctive per- Oct. 26th. Messrs. Gibson anti Souch revemy.I Christ, be seen, be known, be hearti." sonality which woulti daim attent- were aisa playing in Oshawa on the - . - - 'They came f rom ail parts o! the ion ai any gathering. Miss Razel De- Thursday nighi before. Presbytery, !om the city o! Osh- Guerre, Oshawa, was another out- Misses Elizabeth anti Margaret Oshawa Presbytery 'awa, the towns o! Whitby anti Bow- standing femninine leader ai the con- Wiimot have closeti their house for manville. !rom villages anti rural vention, anti we cannai canclutie the the winter which they will spend i n Staged Convention districts; !rom as far wcst as Pick- observations anti impressions without Newcastle however ai the home o! ering, Brougham anti Claemont, reference ta the treasurer, Mr. Wmn. Mr.S .Bnta.Miss Eliza- (Continuet f romn page 1) from Port Perry on the north anti Westlake. who submitcd a well bai- MbethS. R. onatheida n mro Newtonville anti Kendal on the casi. anceti budget anti who very kindly bei Wimo mcevet anumerO!Miss Marion Piekarti, Bowmnanville; These were the tielegates. epresen- assisteti Ueo. Buckley at the regis- gîfis anti many expressions o! con- Vice Presitent-Staniey J. Riekard. tatives o! urban anti rural leagues, tration office. gratulation, persanally anti by mail, Bowmanville; Seretary-Miss Sybil about two huntireti sirong. ------- on hem nineiieth birthtiay, SundaY. Lamgmaiti, Oshawa; Treasurer-Will There were aiso epresentatives Oct. 28ih. On the Wednesday ev- Westlake, Enniskillen; C. FellowshiPpreett pa rlse n rmHeId Hallowe'efl Party ening previous she aitendeti St. -Miss Chrissie Simpson, Booklin; the ellevile, Coorg, Keningston The Parish Rail was gaiiy decor- torgane's hiken piersper inant isinr-is v mon lc- Lindsay anti Peterboro Presbyteries. ateti on Monday cvening when the taokan nihsiatieintres ifailstock: C. Citizenship-G. Ferguson. anti fom the Toronto anti Hamil- A. Y. P. A. o! Si. John's Church helti the proceetiings. Whitby; Cultural-Miss Eileen Rid- ton Conferences. uts annual Hallowe'en masqueratie Mr. anti Mrs. W. E. Beman ai- ticîl. Orcno: Recreaiion-Miss Vel- A notable anti gloriaus gathering party. Following the devotional per- tentiet the funeral lasi Friday, Oct. ma Harris, Oshawa; Leadership o!f hrhsftr asiuns o ae yPeietat etr 26Hdonfo! helieMsIe v.i A. G.tTiing-Beruaiood, OshJaE.a: e-conservais anti adminisirators, in a grand march was helti when Mr. Hudonf rm errrdSt UnitedilgasEuainRv .E lvr whose hantis arc the destinies o! R. M. Ainslie anti Miss E. M. Soper Church. Toronto. Frientis in New- Ciaremont: CUGI.T-Miss Alice Ar- their several communities andti he o! the High Sehool Staff acteti as castle were very sonry ta learn of nold,. Broaklin; C.S.E.T.-Aiex Me-'state as a wh oIe. jutiges. Prizes were awartied ta Mary the death a! Mis. Hudson. formeriy Uregor, Bowmanville: Atiditional The homes in Newcastle wee Wallace as besi dresseti girl, Bert Miss Aninie Wilson, daughter o! the Members-MisS Grace C a wk er. pot nt ap t pnthi ors Momtlock ma best dresseibyat late Rev. J. C. Wilson, pastor o! the 1Brookîin. Malcolm Naismith. Law- podt a pthse young peen ti eeiveBb asfni e coyeanped Mehois- Curh f ewa--ef omre-eSaer,_ewonIle them as guests. It was a pleasure son. Games anti coniests were en- 1903ta 907 ani Mi, Wlso. ati R J.RouhtO expessti is i-a - a ccthem nti an insiration ta joyeti anti a capable commitice un- of Throu their artiteeforis th COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY fec tables presenteti a lavcly appear- Saturday. November bith-B acres 11week from 9 a. mn. to 9 p. mn. Gordon E. ance. 1o! Woodtiwlhl be solti by public suc- They hati also gaihemeti o! the tion in 1/4 acre lots o!ff the William Garntt i chage.fruits o! the fildut, the orchard andi Brown Esiate, Loi 2. concession 9, NOTE-Where at ahi possilhe kindly make appolntments the garden anti tecorateti the Darlington. Sale ai 1.30 P. m. for examlinations. cburcb wlth these that ihey might Terms: 3 monihs' credtiu. Purchas- Garettin hare.offer a golden weucome ta the con- crs given ta April 1, 1936, ta emaive veniion visitons. The presence of timber. Elmer Wilbur, Auciioneer. ToLmLs LIS TORET-AL ONVN-LOST-WILL THE PERSON WHO )USETO RNT-AL COVEN- accidentally picked Up the wrong ences, central location, possession ma' ta S.JhsTan- ýov. 15th. Sheppard & Gui Ltd. mnhta t.Jh~ hns Bowmanville. 44tf' giving Supper, Oct. 25th, please return same to Jim Cully. Phone VO ROOMS TO RENT -FO 503. .ngle person, furnished or u-W ne Eurnished. Apply ta "L. O." Drawer B., Bowmanville or Phone 28. 43-2* STENOGRAPHER WANTED- ________________________-1 Temporary work. Preferably with USE TO RENT-ON ELGIN ST. some knowledge of handling mail. at pressent occupied by Mr. Joe *'F.W." Drawer B, Bowmanville. Sheehan. Possession any time 44-1* after November the first. Fred J. Manning. Phone 158. 43-2. WANTED-SMALL SPACE HEAT- -.Ied i winter for mailing printed RENT-FIVE ROOMED BRIICK iatter in Bowmanviile or New- Louse on Liberty St., Bowmanville, castle. John Fisher, Box 151. cellar, kitchen, furnace, wired for Whitby. 44-1' electric stove, garage, hen house. nd good garden; possession Nov. SALESMAN-ONE 0F THE LARG- llth. Apply Albert E. Hircock, est Canadian Lt! e Insurance Com-I Box 479, Cobourg. 41-tf panies require an active represerit- ative for Bowmnanville and district. For Sale Apply "L.C." Drawer B, Bow-man- ville. 44-2' DR SALE - 1 ACRE TURNIPS. A.pply to A. B. Ferguson, Hamp- BE YOUR OWN BOSS AND MAKE ton. 44-1 substantial profits. Work and _________________________ succeed. No risk Write for de- DR SALF-50 CORDS DRY 4..FT. tails and catalogue:-The Famiiex hardwood. Apply Jack G. Smith, Pmoducts Company, 570 St. Clem- )rawer 6, Bobcaygeon. Telephonel ent St., Montreal. P. Q. 44-3* 32rl2. 44-5* DR SALE-COOK STOVE WT Boarders Wanted water front, $400; also, Harmony BOARD AND ROOMS-$5.0O PER Electric Health Beit. Mrs. Pun- week. Mrs. George A. Gibson, nett, Omiole Tourist Camp. Mapie King St. over Darch's Store. Grove, Bowmanville. 44-1 * 44-1* freshen Nov. 11. Ueo. Richards, Manvers Road. R. R. 5, Bowman- ville. 44-1' OR SALE-HOUSE IN NEWCAS- tie, on highway. 7 rooms. good cellar and garden. Cheap for cash. Must seil. Make offer. Apply "J. L." Drawer B, Bowmanville. 44-1* OR SALE-JERSEY COW, SEVEN years old, due ta f reshen ln two weeks. Jersey cow, 4 years. fresh- ened. Apply Green Bros.. R. R. 3. Bowmanville. Phone 133r14. 44-1 BOYS Suites anti ail other fumniture e- covemeti anti epaimeti like new. Foot stools anti Ottomans matie ta order. Auto Tops necovemeti. Woodwork, ail motiels. Slip cov- ers. Tops tiesseti anti repaimeti. Expert workinanship. Samples. Estimates free. J. A. Fry, Scugog St. Phone 536. 44-1* Repaira R. PAWSON BOOI AND SI-bE REPAIRING Soies sewn on iay Goodyear Stitching Machine. Prices reasanable. King Street East - BowmanvIllo opposite Oarton's nus Station 9-tf 'I. GIRLS WIN A REAL AUTOMOBILE ~ FRE ZIP-ýPEP-ýGO and How Auto Sweepstakes Race! Corne On - Loads of Fun! HURRY N LET'S GO'!4~~ WIN A REAL *",4I START COLLECTINGI CAR -JUSTJ) ICOUPONS NOW! LIKE DAD'S These Wonderful National Junior Racers on a Gallon of Gasoline run approxiately sixty miles Powerful four cycle motor - Two speeds, forward and reverse - Five lVheels andi reah baîhoon tires. Here's ail You Have to Do to Win Thtis Car SEE THIS NIFTY CAR ON DISPLAY AT OUR THEATRE. IT'S A $250.00 CAR! attending the Royal Theatre will receive a MILEAGE COU- PON FOR 50 MILES, at every perfor'mance. The "Auto Race" starts on Saturday, Nov. 3rd, and ends on Monday, Dec. 24th. The boy or girl having the most "MILES" gets this $250 real automobile ABSOLUTELY FREE. Fi out the Registration Form below and get 100 miles FREE immediately. Contest Starts Nove 3-CoiItest Ends Dec.24 ROYAL THEATRE, BOWMANVILLE tr - REGISTRATION FORM - i Il ;., This Advt. Good for 100 Miles-ofly one can bc used by each contestant. NameI. g i Ir Business Directorvi LEGAL M. 0. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, BowmanvilUtý W. R. STUIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 9 1 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail Uts branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. P'hones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL I)R. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Oraduate of Royal Dental College. 'oronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmaflville. Office hours 9 a. ni to 6 p. in. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipmeflt in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any di.3 F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipmeflt Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service 1Modern Equipment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt Aubrey Smltb Phone Days 58 Nlghts, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276 music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus.Bac. F.C.C.O. 4 A.T.C.M. Diplomas Private lessons or lessons in clasa. Pupils prepared for ail examinations. Phone 42, Bowmanvilie 40-tf qr Phone Address

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