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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1934, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lsà, 1934'- NUMBER 44 jq, lff'%l TT"V on OLhawa; Pre0yteryPYoun BOARD Church Secretary TO SEND WESTHE Liberal Convention Names OshwaPrsbtey Yun METNGAcknowledges Car CRT MWS W. F. Rickard as Ca ndidate ~I~EIYPflAt an einergency session o Pe pl S a ed Co v ntonT, nna metn o te Se t oAi W s the Ministerial Association it WASGUET SEARR - citizensa of Bowmanville t el- 0 niiepr was decided to ship another E 'OIEFre NwaseReeve Necsl Uie Boc ASGETSPAE maniville Hospital for 1934- Nal 0 aiisAe adsrce etes h ra and United Countie Was Scene of lnspiring Eoom of the Townl Hall on Aided by Produce Ship- of produce are received can be Warden to Conteat Fed Sesos is ainThis is a public meeting for pedFo WetDra in this issue of 'The Statesman. rlSa -HueA Pickard of Bownianville citizens and ail interested in- Carievale Folks Ap- Citizens of the West end of the ec er rlin d Pikr fBw avlethe Hospital are urged to at- County are asked to watch for ec er rlin I noncettendg tiiei preciate Local Generosit edt e, whiandulbani- IM.P Elected President tn ere they have every tedt'~ ihWl ea rs yW .Moe The past weekend, Newcastle vil- directors of the Hospital. aivlSs. plt.I ssncryhoeM.P lage witnessed one of the most suc- Interestrng reports of the October 2th, Reeve of the villagendf Newcastle cesu ovnin edi hsvarious activities of the hospi- T. H. Lockhart, dents wilI contribute as gen- W. Frank Rlckard, formerly bt Presaul c.ovetions0eld n thopletai and its allied orgaflizations Bowmanville, Ont. Rerousofttheheisecondocar as Pareyte avr more aoug peoplile presented. ta ~s.toiir: wn the did to the f irst. There is and Warden of the United Counte gathered to learn moreMr.about lead-Owiilltbejmuch produce that will neyer f orumeldan Drh, ership. F. F. Morris, President. the absence o! our minister, Rev. E. be used in this section and o otubradadDr Th ovninoee audyC. H. Mason, Secretary. H akewo satedn a h was the unanimous cholce of Dr H.Wake, hoisatenin a te there is a great need in the ham County Liberals to bethi at 2.30 p. m., R. J. Houghton. pres-bdieo i ohrwoi l a etfrteeatce hc ident presdjng.Brougam Ybes id o! hist.,our eer ofWhe I1ii t est for teotile whichstandard bearer inn the forthcomi wsichreo osisevc.instant has been handed to me. st.arvatlon. Dominion elections at a huge cn Teteecoefoth oenWar eyhpyto advise tnat vention o! enthuslastic liberas ii tion was: ~JUBILEE SINGERS the car of produce shipped to usthTonHl rn nWe t I bt wast: _______breole______iecelen__y ftrno ond' Mr. Ritkard was named togete lovdexltdTHRILL HUNDREDS conition. It was dlstributed today ovd, bex TRrstITY CHURCH aoni 180 families, whose gardens VICE-CHAIRMAN 0F with S. B. Hatheway, former PEs knownS. be ea ardo w-th I uhand grasshoppers. Un- O T RIIOM A Diation and prominent Port Hope(it catev. S. McLean, pasthro e the routh. .1Iizen. who followlng defeat inte tcasthilhurc, anelcoed athe geS 0tp No. 9 o!f'flinity W. . er less a person was presçnt du~ring this ARMISTICE SPEAKERi ballot moved that the selection , to the village. and urged ail to ~vweil rewardd for their work on distribution it is hard to realize the md nnmu.Attlo 1 c builders, not destroyers, builders for Tedyeeigi on fatn good your donation bas done. mradte e ats wereA t rta enof be- God and Eternity. Tedyeeigi on fatn This being such an excellent car, Capt. W. C. C. Innes, Port Credit, rdt elgeswepeen Ater the business Part of the Harold M. GulIy dance and qua11t5ý o! program put onl absolutely none o! lit will be wasted.' tnusedCnda arVtr .fYn ikr idalrg ub oIne metnsotaorse eegvnby the Virginia Jubilee Singers. The mnspepl nuis bhe Canadia erWar Vte- W. Frasuppotersicditear sxsnes helaisad treand there are very maypol ni eb h us pae tte Former Iteeve of New~castle and 1Lbrlspotrsadtehl a by various conference and presby- Vice President o! Silverwood's sixesingers, three ladies an three adiaLeAristne onbrynex te CNv adno teUi oute.wopacked ta capacity wlth many v ter ofiers o te orko!their Di- orno n antv ow- gentlemen with their lady accom- amade happy tonay by your generos-.annual ArmisticenDieder o! the Can- seeral dfieparnteswa ollOW aille booynto adeanive aBotpanist and manager, opened the ity. 8tit ons aihHl at was on Wednesday unanimouslY sel- ing te stand tbroughout the po sevraideprtient, a folow: anvlleboywhodelverd amoi 1We bardly know how ta thaiik yoU 8h nS.Jonsîrs Hl.Cp ected *1 nts atam the n rinkfaddvosesan.HThewayting C. Fellowship-Miss Haxel DeGuerre, entertaining address on "The Ma- ped to conteCanda"st Durham riordmg yarsben o-i a !ddresvoessan. thew.ggv I olowd rops of spirituals, many for this gif t. Ail we can say is that bInnes oas for some years been or-e Oshawa -, M issio lai'y - M isa Hazel ings of a M ilkmaf" at the Rotary fal iad r, u hao " e r D m Belis" ,it is m ore apprec ated> than youWffll g anze nd mater of t eîs yRe se tti ofth erld g a s a j. ,Bowmanville', ______ _______ Sweet and Low", "Golden Slippers", evr cowgnitions te o fthtDay9amp n nid o k e eealEetin ollows: Bowmanvlle 60, D&rlg Staney J Rickard, 0 ______- and many others, some not s0 f arn- o! the fine produce it is wonderful copihdaogthsln .ws ton 40, Clarke 44, Newcastle 0 Cultural (Liti-Flred Barnard, Bail- iliar. The singers ail possess fine to tj lkkthat the people in the East elcmled along this Uanehe Oas _Cartwright_9,_______PortHope t Cartwrlght 9, wP.hile Porte HopeOf seanntivrigus boro; ileC.i.T.-s. P.COlrk, SLEMvoices of sweet and wide range t.hat are t hnn o!usad givioigu a elCemd Vce- hairman o the Ontar- i GROVE 55 delegates. The appolntmento Bowsnnvill ~ jiSLE j.appeaieci to their audience whose lus welw aa st n ur~ convnin. Heo! Uie vegin ati1MAPE > cgtes was worked out onrh B3lackwater; Leadership _Training_ appreciation was shown a! ter every luck However, through ail the bard atcneio.Hhssrvifrprnpeo!5techubvso, Su a n( p.m the asltoure e.A M eto ak S-nme. times we are managlng to keeP our some years as a zone representative picpeo oec udi churchesopen, bu this isdue to and is President of Port Credit Leg- W. M. S. meeting next week, el- two o! wbich had te be ladies. to the spacious f Mas- ing" as a subject for bis fine ser- The second part o! the prograrn great extent to the sacrifices made inw~hh raie er g cin0 fîes Reeve Ceci G. Mercer o!f op sey Community Hall for recreation. mon on Sunday. was given in native costume and the by our pastors, Who we f ind are and has headecl ever since. He en- Miss Vera Trimble. Ottonabee. Towntshorganizatient ofchira demnsratd nddirected by Mis.s Mr. and Mrs. George Corflish vis og er aîd Rev. E. F. Arm- equal totelico cr-igo sted in Canadian Corps in January spent the weekend at home. Esther Thorntofl, Peterboro, retUrf- ited at Mr. and Mrs. W. Fitze's, strong expresd appreciation o! the through these dîfficult times 1915 but because o! a defective lixnb Miss Laura Davey, Town. visited and secretary Lawrence C. Maso o îng one hour later to the banquet Janetville, on SundaY.I large attendance and tbe fine pro-i was unable to serve in the front witb Mrs. Ross Stevens on Sunday. Bowmanville read sections o! h hall. While remnainiflg at the tab- Mrs. F. Honey and Miss Marion Igramn presenteci. The prograIn closed We ol evr laeifyuinbtd aaubesricasa MsVr Scktn Tw.V-cntttonplygt éet les a er enoyalesnOfg was motored to Oshawa on Wednesday.' teNioa bm would pas along Our heartfelt staff officer under Sir Sam Hughes. ited Mrs. J. D. Pickard on Monday. addts conducted by Miss Hazel DeGuerre, Miss M. Barrett, Newcastle, accorn-tanso tsefefokwb c President W. F. Ward is very anx- Ms ooh arus lne. "I am not' running for the sikeo d d * -ily gave to ui. We hope and ostathr be a large turnout spent the weekend mith ber cousin, runnlng." Mr. Rickard sil x rprso omteshadan that at some future time we o! veterans at this banquet. There Miss Edna Swallow. takn h ovnin Iltn music appreciation given by Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wilkins and St. Paul's Young Peopie's GuIld people o! the West will be able ta is groing tendnc tcorgtnonraultionst r n m awn. Co11 ndogr1zt Norman Friedli. Mrs. A. Wilkins motoreci to Peter- i rwn ednyt ogt Cnrtltost r n n own ooeainadog The evening session opened at boro on Saturday and spent the day Regular meeting o! St. Pauls reciprocate in somne manner for ail Armistice, andi in this f orgetfulness Dan Kube on their recent marriage. ion are the two prinary needa ! h 8.30 p. m. the Presbytery EeuieW th friencis: Mrs. Wilkins Sr. re-I Young People's Guild was helci Tues- the kindnesses we have receiveci there is the tendency te forget the We welcome Mrs. Kube ta our coin- Liberals are ta brlng Durham no Officers being responsible for th e main-ing for a week's visit. 'day eveniflg in the form of a Hal- during the past few years f rom the great arfcso! 1914 - 1918. In beafod M.Rcr worhipserice ater hic Re. S - oween art whn te Snda Eat. orgetfulness, Legionaires believe Miss May Noon, Toronto, and nominated by Ex-Mayor T. S.H- MacLean installed the floigday evening. Oct. 24th, was conduct- School room was gaily decorated for Carievale United Church. lr ies trealithgorrra!vdeh ltersrthrM. .G to o Manvledob Arm- eciby thorreheden, Mr. F Black-the occasion. There were about Pe:D.H5Da, e.-r as. thelstndthus lthesndso!ore ofeeaonna y. rter r fMHahea s nmntd trong, BowmaentvilE P s den burn, when the following splendid present. President Eric Coombes tels n hse ytePeiet r .Bak e:D .DaSc-ra.huad fmr renn nSna.M.Htea a oia tog omnil;Pedet-program was rendered: Prayer by presided over the openmng exercises. - p----- lives may be sacrificed for nothlng. Miss Iva Foley spent thse week- Vernon Hunter of Cavan andW.A (Cntnedo pg 1) Mr. F. Cator: Bible readlng and The programn consisted of: Masked In the Legion News last week it nd with ber aunt, Mrs. M. Bladck« Meadows of Port Hope. ___________.on pagom10enSs B. Knox; topic, Mr. parade with prizes awarded' ta Miss was announced in error that tb e urn, Orono, and attended the Y. P. The feature o! the program.o d Sq---ir---piano cosolos, Mis e M. Hilda Hall, a lovely, !ancy cup and Motion P;<'tures goMeniasrvcwol 'h1 convention at Newcastle. dresses- w a brllant discouseb Honey and Miss M. ColiaCOtt; violin 1saucer' Cyril Coombes, a Gilette at St. John's Cburch on November Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt andi W. 1:. Moore M. p., for South n seII8ioFMr W.Taylr: uitr an raoraimcare tllthr hbut vcSt. Andrew's Church should two caugbters, and Mrs. L. C. Snow- tarlo, wbo was introducdb .A oreclselection r r. W . Talor cgutarandraor b incs.OlA e treash, avocalhave been named. Rev. W. G. Blake den visited ber parents, Mr. and Frazer M. P. for Nortbumbelal to vocal slectissH.MKnox; Ectobe; solo by Ms Olive Judey;ar-ons- address the veterans. Mrs. Westlake, Solmna. on Sunday. County. of a First Trip t Master Ronaldi Hall: rea.dings, Mrs. monica solos by Reg. Coombes. Seen a t Meeting Church services on that date will Mr. and Mrs. Will McLean, Miss in the Stevens-Benflett clash Ca ad ' apta1. Irwin and Mr. E. Doidge. A con- Guessifg coltests won by Alice Lux- - commence at 11.15 a. m. so as îto Flora MLean, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. sad, you ave seen the breakln Canad 's C pita testwas onduteoiby th leaer fr ton Edih Lye anMHnlofN CountMany eemontsaf Cservicemittht o theei Cenfotaph.nalbrotherontMr. stR. D. hTrimbienueSonnpgey7 the social hour. a! ter which the a contest, sing song. Appropriate ----- felunSmoi therce atio !the nual Kboter,Tor.R.oD. visite , S<oninec o pye7 -. m~~ffeetirng closed witb the League i'andy and refreshments were serveci Attend Open Meeting of ______________________________ Bowmanville Delegates ta a3enedicticn. Attendance 37. closing a very enjoyable evening. Dra lbo oot Conf erence Have T rr ___p___________________________________ Durham Cub of Toonto O 0Robbers Ransack Replete With Thrills - .1I l;lu toSePcsTaebyPo ietD rm nGvs Walker Stores Sabbath ObservanceRiesp ecLed ELflfisk1AAA'n 0A ManI Dr. L. B. Williams Original Address at Rotary Sna onn Strictly nforced i Ot- Theresidents o! Durham county u d y M r tawal d by D na ie l s were very much in the limeligbt on - taaThursday evening wben the DurhamnNtv Club o! Toronto openeci their series Harold M. Gully, Ntv of DONALD H. WILSONLais otan D yBackagILatortdesk)a!AertenBrHLevi Brunt la In- 1offailnd wnter meetings with a Bowmanville, Gives En- PORT HOPE EDITOR to the Value of $400(K k Bakaahlou ek fe tnBH .S.SENIORS WH e yfirom gatbering o! representat- days' vacation, EASYda50-1nVICTORY stantly Killed WhenH [sfon ail parts o! the gooci olci tertaining Address on Or-DIS U DELenb aigBrl we really worked harder than if we EAY5- tT R county. Tbe members and their DE U DNY e yDrn ugas- had remaineci in the office. we look OVER PORT HOP Slow Charge guests, numbering over 300, assem- iginal Subject "The Mak- Weil Known Ontaro Newspapermafl Back Door Is Forced it as WideORTnoHOPEnbondub na treeithaert spalusrymEditor of Century Old Paper. bk ihconsiderable pleasure on bled byelinvitation ins thesArta GallerY our visit to Canada's capital citY. o InasSret ngsysa ofsd wy uda taa As we ut wee ering metCtere tarenewold1The Rotary Club meeting Fridlay Age o!f omtm bt34 lngb n A epointedou last we Ottawa Game Played I Semi-BIizzard Com it and beautiful placefo such a gath-~ îmrese u imnsly Or at i- rvsJutaWrku o acquaintances, see the activities o!f fully maintalned the keen interest five o'clock on Sunday mornlnrb waypurpoten hgPoincialtonafiyeoare- hl batn o i ar oethis grand old county, its principal and enthuisno h lbatv Editor and publisher o! the Port bers broke into the Walker toe was c atedthe .PovnAl Confter- ne distance f!rom bis home near Ennis- men, its beauty spots, its educational iiles under the leadership o! Presi- Hope Evening andi Weekly Guide, and secureci merchandLse t h enceo! te A.Y.e P A.buttheraOntaropdaotflindayseasnedk annd AthurLeviBrut, centrderesglusecntretpreenterindentnaedCrHd.iWilsoAnner pe- DoaldH. Wlson die sudelueatoalueo!0$00 t wblesae prces alasetr noatnp o! tinglswth hall. B. H. S. Seniors tramedo! Darlington Township met instant moving pictures. The programn so fect attendance; a number o! visit-thPotHpHsialerySnTe akdrofhetr, klndman ineretin an axusiig oer ortHop toanoasytbeHevedeah WdaedayeOctber24t wel pannd ad sucesfuly cr- rsanda muh apreiatd ad te PrtoHpeosandleary Sn- he bck ooro! he tor, aaed incidents. it or not) 50-1 victory. wben a charge exploded as be stood riell pout I due to tesouhulnesca delightfully entertaining speaker day morning, Octeber 28tb. The tra heavy door protectecib Yl I ealour ti oOtw yintmc osy idoti u otetogtuns funeral service was held f romn the lock and padlocked steel ba1 a ra eca tf an to Oarycanby There really isn'ted muchoowsay. narby. The deceased was a l! e-an earnest labors o! Dr. andi Mrs. combined to make the meeting qulte United Church on Tuesday after- forced open by the burgiarswhre tri. eaueo!aneesaychneWhen B. H. S. wne ocdw long resident o! the district and bis , - Wm las hoo eqeto o! train in the early hours o! the they went down and got it and that death cast a gloom over the entire te -xWilliams o h Cu on giethef Rotarian Frank Morris briefly i- noon, and interment was made at moved practically everylaysct rornng we did fot take a sieper, was that. They trieci out almost community. teeeuiefteCu ogv h rdcdtegetsekr aodteUinCmtr.Nwppr ntesoeadtemr butendaviird a ctc a eWevery .play and they ail worked. It m-as learned that Mn. Brunt hg sos-!a eenm.panostoul ed the guetseHndthme in C m a.n ewspaPe- IDThe fsatreacithe moe xpesv houns nest in the decidedly iP055 That "almost" is put in lbecause the mwas engaged in carrying on bîasting the United States and Canada de- M. Gu"Harld riths e res ienat mfunom manyhe plaesatnddtexpdrees. ltin e cusoma)' for man y as befor thpp mae w fpasrg-ab oun , a db oave do t e ntidm cv omen B w anl ve h u b pnesented by M . Geo. W. James. ex rin d cot ng m n w s lu- m ale -ry time teyeasecorrtngwapictures tathat wouldme watfpldesent fbe hfilledtyanndim portanted Bornat plese tPortilHopen imp r1900,orde- Ptratede by19t0hde- ratethatththeyt hcom - maeto lean towards the feinale for Ilere's how they scored!* Wil- home. He is believed to have placed ~itrsigadetrann to position in the big city, as Vice-Pres- ceased was educated at thelcl endtoak cide's ots support. and as I gradus.ll)' dozed liamas for 1 point, Depew around the a charge under a lange boulder and btherelub and o ailresinohis ident o! Silverwood's Toronto Dairy public andi high schools and then which are difficuit to dispos" ! n o! a eae oadstesou-'tCu andwho oul eintofhs entered the printing business with seeîng their mistake thnew teia myhai endtoad teshu-right end for a toîchdlown, converted have retired to a safe distance for conywocud espond to the in- Lmited.1 obrhwe dertof a>bri!nsdep tI reumeltat dby a forward pas WilliamTs to Col- it to explode. Ater waiting for some viains odii) n eerously The subject o! bis address "The bis f athen, the late F. W. Wilson, in the fboor. Thenobshoerms- ynoun ani e couples ave aha i mr. Courtice throiigh the lune for time and no explosion havlng take i gîven odalyadgrmakiiigs o! a Milkmafl" and the the firm, o! George Wilson & Son. ed the most expensi'Je coatite yongmaredcopeshaea a 'ta touchdowfl converted by a place- place, he is thought to have gonienTechi.astkn by the Presi- speaker managed to convey to bis His father passed away f ive years store wbich was banglng ii neo o! resting their heads on each ohrmn ik llaTskcotherthrbc otecaretnsetiite TdehaMr. W H. Ceme, oe-listeners a lot O! philosophy iD bis ugo this month, and since tiat- the dressinig rooms. In aditin and I believe we ceated that ia etkcWlim ik nte a im-ecag DacrantednMr .H lms h x icus bu telcelfudadtm .H isnha eneio h ot ako rse pression on the trainman, who with single, Depew repeats for is second reason. As e was close te the boul- eddawloet h iios1 ae hc a n rse a enar have and coian.ounced lxpldebisaterfolstiwohandle it. Tercha r- ad putihen, of ae hchbse.Dese a en nagd ustoadobeet o -20:ar hescodP. . . O . exp>lcded eole. ssngnergenial and whol-hea.rteoigreeting. out as 1. a blind f aith; 2. neadi- The deatbo! the present editor most expensîve are taken. Tworcs forit ndorepraW as e athougH oestart thessecondierio dosnt ome oue opl hs e assing ner- Dr. Williams then reviewed the îîess to subjugate imself to the marks the passing o! a third gener- on wbich coats andi dressswr pniac. uie ppr-I op mdetasucesie irt ows ynoiccitht istem ! onesmotive for the eveninlg's eatentaii- wbims ad fancies o! others; 3. ation o! Wilsoiis. ugwrfon th ently mny brow is not yet adorned and then booted to the deadline for were unattendeci and investigated ment and as the members could not exbaustless enengy;, 4. capacît)' for The late Donald H. Wilson was aioraiag thnown in a corneri te with thse wrinkles o! the worying their only point Colmer plunges -with the result that the uxifortuxiete go in a body to visit the scenes o!f epta uismn .utnab- thonougbly acquainted with the yard. father o! two small girls, orntmlht ae ne acdeWaalorc oae ma inv stoundinean thetoxe.Sb-their youth he decided to brnag the sence o! social susceptability' 6. the pinting andi publishing business and Investigation revealedtie ac have dawned on the trainna ita d anl aealn u o ejetivsiainsoe hat "mourti oMahomet" and told realisio! a rustic. b re pamidst the saiell o! that the maraudens usedasml he anfMrsiWillscoret ut t According to the speaker f alth la printers' ink. At an early age be crowbar wlth wblch tbey 1rk ts we shortl)' would be observing the major score and "S" Hunt kicked1 he had been klleci instantly; bshow h n r. to asse u oli rwu f lth nnvei59.l'o! un an'iae. theconer. Hîf-im screB.1 injuries being o! sucb a nature as ta do the job and how the interest li- the explanaton we bave for the for started o!ff with a carnier's route, bock and f orced tise bar prtcto Howeenon o Otaw. W dl soH. .-3 P.H. . SI. nia intan deah. neaed nti th)' andy kew es hatcary u fowar. bt heîeaneetoCetsypef rm teocsefhnm *be oor Niht onsabi

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