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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1934, p. 3

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ex -j~~~naeItim conoMical in cast bilus!iktiebfr and operatiot-.eitbfr with wood "Motals believlng that they pess-......Sy Aohrean y u ess intelligence spart f rom 00d, Of- sas' - authe hn wieDl sasin I. nohe reaso ng iy Fiynda o yl ten dominate eeanother. Inr ,should listen instead et leI ~I** J an~~~~~~~st o! God., Spirit, as the onis' cre- htYucn la nthgw There spiwreapdpros.triual, ofthes'nstrefrpemonlta o a' er ntlgwil W as_ your owu tongue la runlng. T h isFn it an d at e rd to 'e h 7 nw r t lc e s d m a e fria l p e so n - C u ltiv ate a sleep in g to u e su d s -" 0 e r , u n i s srt i ndayqu-i- YÏs ee ipovp p c, adlatr' - sesreceptive au.ditory nerve. Learn Vo :di 1 the accePted ltnal ons. -The Chrstian Science Mou- listen.P.H Wheu shopping tel the merchasits A womaii argued with a flod 1 (A ple omtis o suiV atîc- Ck CaM od atgaax vc you read their advt. lu The States- iàt.n<lv"<Ithaodof Le"a.-, Off ice THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lst, 1934 PG E ANNUAL REPORT INSTITUTE1 COMMENCEMENT IS FOR BLIND HELD AT NEWCASTLEI-EDuU'r _At the National Meeting of the HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY A NT F RE E ZE -ca Pie BndhdthsmnhteSteft .xj pnCanadian National Institute for theNE L p c a Bln-el hscat heSxnaandT eachersand - FM.nt-Presen XAnnual Report, coveriflg Cnaeda n ecer n tdet rs ALCOHOL - GUARANTEED PURE 5cPnsCias 4 Nemwf<undlafldwas presente. F- Entertainiflk Program - Many Beroke adi-ators. Buy Now! 9 0Pn dsexai 4 viewing the report for Ontario par- Pupils Receive PrizesBrkn aUtos u O!P ex . ....3c - ticularly, we find that 2,503 blnd persons reside in this Province out A bright and varied program Venos Cough Syrup, - of a total registration of 7,119 forI marked the High School Commence-35 -69 W. E. Groves, Bownanville As a general rule, any inseets that Canada. This includes ail ages from ment Exercises on Friday evening,CAewD G E T & R MELPamn 5-69 eat aa the leaves. belong to the infancy to the oldest registered blind4 October 26th, in connection with theM w G ET & RAS L Prn t.....57 Garden plants are attacked by biting class, and for these, Paris persan who two weeks ago attained 76th anniversary o! the founding ofH modTbes.79 many destructive insect and other Green or Arsenate of Lead has ta tus 108th birthday. Analysing the the schoal. The community hall was C4 ,)i . sM " P1. TyLcog 1.25 size 79c pests. Some destroy the foliage, be applied. For the person with but registration figures it is noted that f illed nearly to capacity and 1V was 7WSw yeu /Labgf.. others feast on the flowers, while a small garden~, It is usually the 25ç' are 70 years of age and over, the general opinion o! ail who ex- ...V.u. Bttes.3 still others drill into the stemis. It wisest plan to purchase one or oth- 50% are betweefl 21 and 70 years presed ay opnio tha thepro isral ot hl o vr a-e fthe preparations containing with the remnander of school age grasmewasnanoexellent one ineverYa The be e n geated50e Vacuhe greafeif3 dener to learn somethmng about these poisons. Any florist or dealer and nter. Since the education o! way. It comienced lit 7.45 sharp cd aebe rce ihtegets thes petsfor the more he inows, in horticultural supplies will advise blind juveniles, like the sighted, is and concluded at 10.27. It was noV uet rn u oronidvdciy onti.Tefrteohrpsstersosblt fthe Provincia Perfecf Face Powder, Perfecf Rouge, tebetter wil hle be able to f ight othshhn o h thrpsstersosbliyo h rvniluerefore unduly long. That thel them Thre re wo ciefclasesthat include green. red and white Government the Canadian National audience enjoyed the entertainment efcLisckPretEyShdw of Perles necs lt btf Enyebrndaweofte cleani- ntPen orte lndi cn-stdpovdd a mnfnt yth p cern-ybrwPecl tunhcot sects, which bite and chew their secticide that kilîs where it touches chiefly with the adult blifld. plaus accorded nearly every num F pno f Daggett & Rarsdell's farous FURTH food, such as cutworms and caer- isthe thing ta use. Some of these The Prevention of Blindness De- b ~er and the appeals, signified in the C ai deIy used by wamen ta EUA pillars o! various kinds, les! eating pests feed on the underside o! the partment o! the Institute enabledI usual mnanner for encore$, which in preserve cbarmn and refain youthFul skin.251Z beetles, etc., and 2nd. sucking in- leaves, and for this reason, care is 348 persans ith serious eye de- every case were graciously granted. PRETFC ODR-.0 îo secs hic sck her fodfro nces r tamae popfooonactf ctsmwo wreunaletheislve 0 cors ina choinommnc- *Cosei te DgcommePRFETcOUG--------1.0HE~ the plants without actually eating between the insects and the spray- to af ford the necessary care, ta re-1 ment no insignificant part is the Ramoselt hB ge t pcit PERFECT ROUGEIC- --- -- ---1.00 FRE seriaus, though they are not quite so Nctn sprays msy be used. In glasses required, with the result that the pupais woo dringes n paars to arin attendance at our toilet PERFECT EYE SHADOW -- .75ON Nicotine theds cuier.wPERFECTnEEBRhe PENCIL .5 common. They usually bore their making the solution. however, it is in the majority of cases their vision had earned theni. In every stellar goscutr EFC YBO ECL J wyinto the stemi o! the plant f rom slways wise to add a little soap. was saved. constellation there Is one star o!frsFcasb ponmft hn 2 the utsdeanddo their damage This helps tco make the spray stick Blinded soldiers in Ontario numb- superior brilliance. Sa in everyFreaclsb Poten. hne9.Olte..45-67-$10 by finding a way up the inside o! on the plants. I hnl o efr ering 70 were given aftercare and 1 school or group o! students in any î.D.A. Cod Liver 011, 16 oz. 79c testem. Biting insects have to, be gotten that soap and water alone other services bs' the Institute, un- one year there is one student who 1ozeYas......89 atakdwith a stomach poison; will worry these pests pretty badis', der arrangement wth the Depart- excels ahl others, and by hils or her ____$1_Hot__________________ contact insecticides are o! littIe and it might be used for the comn- ment of Pensions and National work and attainnients wlns the ad- Dooat TemtHa a 7 value, for thes' have to est some- mngenfsl iii n'o h Heslth. miration of feîîow students and the 1 ~ y ?L equaily new size hing for the remedy to be effective. advertised preparations. the lnstruc- 1 l hs oklatyaScs 15,InerseNpbi. enRckr,? " drng wmer SECA The aukn net r sal de-nin hudb ar!lyfolwd 513.60 while direct cash benefits o byoungest daughtei' o! Mr. W. F. There is no need for people ta 111011100 urig iner PEII stroyed bs' a ctact isetcie Ans r mr o ls agrd blind people served, hrough earu- Rickard. was that Newcastle High cl o knyor f*atchested. -O Fornts. j 8 edZEanCREA whc sntpest, and if they become trouble- ings fromn emplas'ment located or School student 155V year and on Fni- Give Thoraxium a trial and proveo MUNIdRais veysmtigV osome, might be got rid o! with bi provided by the Institute or cash re- day evening as she appeared again this yourself. 3 c 9UPmsef Eczema, etc with the prevention o! insect pests. suiphide o! carbon. This is quite lief, amounted to over $237.485.00. and again on the plat! orm ta receive hrxu saUelatirhvig59 Viorusplntfo smeresnsaedtnus f eh aayfoma ereand a'ads rtake oeinew easy treat- arnt s o leviooucs t. a e-Mk oein heroindlamabnearHome-Tesching, Atercare, Preven- portant part in the praceediiigs. she mn WIhWoodbury's Soap 3 for 25e eryhig osibe holdbedoe aenetapoib.purnatb tion, etc., were given without charge. received the enthusiastic plaudits o! works w hilte Dhmnmtis Castile Soap 7 bars 25e ertigpsil hul edn ot e ,a osbe or natb h seblg.Teewr ayyou are sleOp- Sa e 9 inueasru rwh htthe lespoonful ofthe liquid, sud caver Since 1923 the Institute has ad- 1the assemblage. There were4 fary I plats ay6 e btteyabbct bih-tpete etportiOidos-vcatdeG ermle. aTohece o ouier iO wh wo andwee a ths ia. horxlm REUMTIS, SC iA Ti C, Vlveta aior5 stand tepss ed hudnv u iln.pnin for the unemployable tume presented with academic, ath- wiîî give you LUMNBAGO qulckly relleved by Hlnd's H & A Creain, 23c, 43e der. A alowe Vof reithe gar- hee are som plant disesses life. During the past year a united prizes. AIl recelved hearty applause Wh1ch areFlyGaate odCem b 8 den. Ahnmber o!feth e pests feed other than the insects we have been recuest on behalf o! the blind has snd congratulations. watdtdy uo n ofthero oso!thestc tive lnted describing. M ildew is one o he been accomplished sd sympaLîetic For un minutes a,,e ,the peop ne oda y. A D c ___60e__ ________Lotion dseo! are kmostsrct ivderplant suphurbdute orthsme in!etd consideratiori has been given by were gathering in the hall, Jessie bpart oai yu je_______W._______WORRALL, Oten1 also traotenowr Vof mTheir planffetsisabut e mstsipl a both Dominion and Provincial Oov- VanDusen sud Jack Hare, Vwo o! prto y or li NTE IA SO~ t aur store~tCf diseaes ar on ~ The eeds ffectve reedy.Roses are subject erument representatives. IV is hop- the school's pianists.nlvedte*'esdonay1M also ntracho e ondays 10s fr a.ivm.d he odypForhm. the cutwormof mg- a ths ot mildew. So also are somte o! the ed legisîstive enactmnent will soon be ime with piano selections. sowcraw ek, UNI ECYRSOEMnas1 .m .7 o!eglyiug. Clean pereunials. There are several ad- srwyncAEC cultivat ion helps very much in the vridfugcdpeartontate! !ected. Following the address o! welcome at battle against pests. aeueu.Tbcods saqie The deficit on the year's operat- bs' Chairman H. J. Toms, Rev. F. H.elgs R. effective remedy for sny o! the ioans in Ontario amaunted to $12,- Mason o!fered prayer aud invoked -~ n es e 714.74. The Canadian National In- tebesn ! hediyua h uite guaran- suking insect pests as wvell as forth lsigo.h et pnteedormey A E GROR D u s I D G S I N the f ungoid diseases. If, when us stitute for the Blind is a philanth- exercises o! the evenmng. bock.M ~ R GO ,D r g round the plants. so much the better. volutars' contributions from the pub- opening remarks, represented the ,HN 2PECITOSASEILY W EIE You are sickarnd moera'le wheflyafllave Birds do such little damage to lic for the greater measure o! its Board o! Education: Principal Ward i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Indigestion. Gao, Heartl'urn, Pains sfter support. nx eiee nadeso e Eating, Blaatingand Belching. Save your. gardens, that we do not advise war cone eld fautdde ss o! wTe- self mn days of sufenrng byte' gainst them. Thes' certaills will neyRK' TMLK.arred o et sanie of the seed we sow, sud S EE N)TEEIO whole school, with Miss Neya SwiV- - l'vr e without once yau try it. EconmS.oEERAD.H EI zer at the piano, and Principal Wardla Wallace sud Lloyd Hancock Ti ie edotpoetn cal and neer fais to bring quick sure will sometimes nip out the buds o! IIC relief in even most stulorn casesof sur, such plants sass I IJLAutCS dre tng rn erd tw ou ig uTal nies the l eu t ete ea ma Butori f h iscsadthes' rss 0Cndan laM- Form il Prof iciency, Miss Switzer oM.L- cs acidstornac . At drugrsteres. Editors N ote- The following dr ci g e d r d t o r u i g equal y t Get a bottie cf KIIlK'S STOMALKA at Sil !teiscs u poem was sent Vo us bs' aur good er. Iunthese numbers the audience _ OM.s .-.l' is MGEO' RGSOE "give t. V5cane.,fi.-'.r.J.Ne1i, cisn f in e Iis nsaw hernit o sewhenl. 1othenDse;earthlce Isg lerWhe ce aldre brngsuh lesue ha w ss'n ipenda DreJ. N unisaln boyi. a tsoîs pDru.s'o sen FîShe dwrelt alone-or this I thouglit, And branches o! lllacs bent w McGEGR' DRG TOE ten achace" ipeg, a forer Ennisiendboy. Dr.and heariug the school en masse. Matriculation Mathematics Prize, And marvelled at hier tranquillity. snow, dently continues ta sec the bright Jean R4ckardl, eading student of W. H. Anderson, Fred Anderson A wish was boru within my heart But fiagstone Path stlll beékfe jside of i!e as instanced in sending the 1934 graduatlng class, then in June Brown. ih r.(r)1n lnvrsol o oeyb.le e ihle rasa Ithe editor of his home towui paper, hier charmingîs' modest marner, de- Lower School EnglshMr.(.)TVnersoudIoloe' this poem: livered hier class valed.ictorl7 address. L. C. Fallis, Miss Hattie Mason-I saw her move about with glace, And share ihhrdem fln She spoke o! the Jos'ous das's o! her Alice Fail. Though falteringîs' she chose her ago. four s'ears' atteudance ait high M. School Euglish sud Canadiali was';An h algi sredm E c n m a u s The way ta Hell was long and cold, school. o! her happy' experiences ad Histry, Public Lbrary Board, Miss Until ler f rail hand grasped a. plume AThns pl ogngsldm bear t E c n m a u sthe Editor alone, o! the warm f rleudships she had McIntosh-Bessie Law. AdlThus p o oe slergay lcid log gbe a wllgtinea Felt as hie neared Hell's f riendis' formed. She alsa gave f ull credit Prof. Squair French Prize, Late Wan od cent 10w o'rerssilver-g r AssuO ranea ng enie aatngm warmth, that hie was going for all lier successes ta the capable Prof. John Squair, Mrs. F. H. Ma- And light o! the stars shone in her fears. Prairie Blossom FLOUR, 98 lb. bag....... $2.59 home. and painstaking teachig o! her son-Jean Rickard; presented and eyes; - The Devil staod beside the Pit and' teachers. former Principal Gea. A. accepted in the French lauguage._________________________ RED & WVHITE COFFEE, 's per lb. 39e stopped him at its mouth. Cos'ue and Principal E. M. H. Ward Histors' Prise, Men's Canacflai RIED & WHITE TEA, 's per lb. 57e The shivering Soul looked up sud ansd Miss Neva M. Switzer. Her Club, Bowmanville; Pres. D. R. Mer- FALCON MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. 25e down, West, East, sud North uncle, Frank Staples. NewtOnVille. riSon-Johu VanDusen. YORK JAR PEANUT BUTTER, 26 oz. per jar 25c S' 'u h ei rne who died in s'aung maiihood, was Public Speaking, Seniors, Mrs. J.- A TAT- TABE LAGES HED , b RAZIL NperTS lb 10c7 had fyu h Dvlgindthe vers' !irst Newcastle High School A. Butler-5V, Doroths' Trenwith; NE AG WSE RAI USperlb 7 as hie surves'ed the Soul. student ta, win the Wilmot Groldi 2nd, Marjors' Lycett.A TAT COOKING FIGS 2 lbs. 19e 'You'll neyer lack employm'ent here Medal. which she more than thirts' IPublic Speakiug, Juniors, Mrs. H. CHOCOLATE CHERRIES 1 lb. box 25e while s'ou can shovel coal. years later, was haP' ta have wou W. Dudley-5V, Douglas Wallace: Falcon Golden Bantam CORN ..... 2 tins 19c Up there you led the folks asi.r53, this year. nMrcPoel OXYDOL, large package per pkg. 2le Well start a big newspapei' here to ubeennubrontep-IGil'thecCH. arTiPinshimeE FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS 2 lbs. 20e circulate in HelI. grami were: Guitar and piano duets dal, Principal E. M. H adJsi BLAK PPPE l lb. far 10c There's millions o! subscribers who'll by Ralph Qibson and Jack Hare; a VanDsn CONNOWS HER-INGS in Tomate Sauce per in 14e Thes' havent seen an extra for reading o! the school paper "The Rev S.C hen~o1lsWalc.l e a pr F u e l PIN APPE, ingpor, sice 2 ins19cmans' a weary year. Buzzer". principall3 f rom its editor- 1Paster Prizes. Board o! Education, PIN APPE, ingpor, sice ..... 2 ins19c But as for advertisers, I vers' great- lal, current events and lokes col- i E. M. H. Ward-ist, Alice Fanl; 2ud, MUFFTn pks. 9e y faruruns, bs' the Editar-in-Chie!, Eve-1 Roy' Wright; 3rd, Marguerite Haris. 1_ýIFFET 2 pgs. 9c LCANa GILLETT'S LYE per in 2e O! thcse ho bought your space ou yii Allin; piano selection, Jack Middle School Diploflas, DePt. a! JICORICE ALLSORTS '~ lba. 13e Ea'.yuwut fm maus' Hare; vocal Solo, Aud.rey' Brown,. ac- Edlucatioli, H. J. Toms - B e s S1ie T 1JA Ir D MIRCL WHP ALA DESSNGper jar 20e here. campanied by Miss Switzer; vca Blackburnl, Jean Rickard, Alex Heu RAES WH ALNU aD DESSING1 à lb. 23e Ail ads. o! departmentsl stores and solo. Marguerite Harris; vocal sala,ý dry, Hubert Anderson. coasi, Kellogg's CORN FLAKES, Kellogg's PEF, both for 21c chain stores are taboo. Rubs' Wallace, accompanied by Mrs. i J. Matriculation holar5hlp5gue COOKINGONIONS10 lbs. 21c The mien who rau then haven't been E. C. Fisher. 1$125 each, LaVeTh.Mntg.I LL-READX STUFFING for peultry, etc.) per pkg. 10c by me permitted through. Six stucieuts. three juniors ad Rev. J.Sot wrd-JuRi- Extra Special !-MOLASSES SNAPS. . 3 Iba. 25c setslciaugurated same Wlit Goîd Medal. Jr. Matric. ALME SUP (xcptChckn)3 tins 25e And countless priuters' devils will years ago by Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Butier. Saniuel WilniOt Famils, Rv .H ALYMR SOFS (xcep Chikeo GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX per in 25e help yo01 geV along. and the Board o! EducatioTi aud the Masofl-Jean Rickard. TIGER SALMON, l's per in 23e Sa welcoeme in, nis Editor, you've School were pleased ta agalu have COAL wIBRISper lb. 19e f illed my heart with cheer, as judges, Rev. Father J. F. Mc- per lb. 29e For HelI wiil be much hotter with a Guire, Chairman, sud Rev. A. S. ESSAY ON SILENCE KOLONA COFFEE prl .....3cnwpprhr. Kerr Of BoQwnianville. I lsn'tth ieln eou o Chase & Sanborn COFFEE, eTlbheWsp4i as er her ae." oStnfrt ieRv r Kerr has giveri Few o! uslieon eouht it replied: his services lu this capacits' aud Rev. 1 learu thse virtue o! being sulent. S11- "I fear there's vers' little use for me Father McGuire has off iciated here ence is au art that must be learrted ta go inside. as a judge O! public speaking for s0 by practice sud, once learued, bc- A Tif tids. I caunot geV f rom those yau maus' yesrs that he has becanie au comes a valuable accomplishnient. F e. W Nllse have just named ta me, almost indispensable integral part of! n is vastîs' more impertant lu No paper can survive foar Tme, much this annual event. compans' ta be a good listefler than Phone 599 WE DELIVER Bowmanville less Eteruits'. The hree comipetilig juniors were: ta be a goad taîker. Remeniber that Sa with your kind permission, aAde Pold.MrcPwell san ybd can talk, but that the Earth I will returu Douglas Wallace; sud the seniors, greatest taîkers say theestPer' Ton I sl edncnsu that sphere, in Bnýeie Liraw, MariorY LYcett sud Dor- There are rnans' Occasions when What V r, Aoths'2000 LBS.

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