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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1934, p. 4

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P A G E F O U R -R k5D A Y , N V E I N 1. R± s t, 1P 34 m -r -Eý f8 % PHONE 164 XAHLKER sTc(:RE:s. - - - -BOWMANVJLLE i nni ~ ~~APPLES ALWAYS HERE, RETAIL MERCHANTSASW OKTG HEhevla ndIwlgi (~~ f\I ~ c ~ ROSY 1 F INEFLAVOR!ITa e m yo e u o y u, a d ean ig o bid fath bu tr u h te S 0 TRULY CANADIAN! W IRE BENNETT ON N e w vs fo r th e (Fon chri ta cec oi or> o! e; folo rme an lo wy i rayr of sirtal u desand ST VE SREINA I As w see that we must work t- heart; and ye shall find rest unto whch entlyafrs h el liiApple Recipes Are AlwaysNP rospitaun Worth Serving 13 sytorer do szeo. Tre logi ne d the nec- tioicFCrisiaiy the burde inturadtepueymtia realze ur rea ned t knw hw ad m buden is light." In scien- the nia nd-mclusin0fthedvn Bowmanv 111e Branch o! the Retailest ogv oeadt eligteeab indn htteai-di !tatwihdist We av sme ppe ishs orMerchant's Assoociation, through its Srw o WnerFed aigt, to love more and to lov e e !divine the3s a d means apart fom o oeo the eternall H EALTH SERVICIE o Table Taîkers that will gîve a cer- President W. C. Caverly have joned SrwFrWne Fe bet iefidn htaatf o ropsdt 'M AWA EIAtanpoint them, with Association from Coast to While straw is not generally con- aright, lead us ta turn to a greater vailable always, for the entire bu-I law o! one cause and one fet ASSOCIATIONANDMEOICALtheain ein ofu ae h tho o ie oe-usdbyn usle INSRANE C A NIE no doubt feel. Hon. H. H-. Stevens as head of the stock, yet in times o! odder scarc- t revel t us the wxay and to Appl CoyNPlie Mass Buying Royal Commission. ity it is very valuable. Horses and ttrengthens in the way whereby Apl oy oisThe local Associatian this week ad- dry cows may be wintered entirely to work better and get resuîts Doead's Farnous Cookies, VOLUNTARY ISOLATION 6 baked apples, 5kin partly dressed the following telegrami tal on srif uppleteofa d yof- antandtrust g.amor Tospea o fottospea, s he P e ust Han. R. B. Bennett, Prime Min- hî atreqatr !apan ! Mtra rssaegiving wayL Ttsraorntt ped ste Pecutister o! Canada. linseed oil meal a day, or other sim- constantly.ividely. Spirita aue.WOESALE ADRTI question to which isolation offers a Lem on sauce Hon. R. B. Bennett, ilar protein feed. A ration of ha f spiritual mneans to spiritual ends, IF or ya s D d' s C o is h v e n a a oie l h u a d partial answer. Isolation is not so RolPie crust '/s-inch thick. Cut Prime Minister,- straw and haîf legume hay wili car-1 answer the urgent appeal of the fhesCobtsaerlasenapitdsled- well thought o! as formeriy; this is in 8-inch squares, put an apple on Ottawa. ry such stock through the winter in hour. The realism o! good is what orfuthom es. c or'btes efamos bcoaokie o ie. not due o any fauit an the part of each, fold the crust, dust with gran- Retail Merchants organizations1 excellent condition. Little straw humanity longs Vo find, and men tiuigaec o hs aoscoisi omn isolation, but rather ta the fact that ulated sugar and a little cinnamon, and the public generally deplore the should be used for bedding this year, are discovering that it cannot be They may be bought from Harry Allun, Neiles' two sto, isolation cannot accompiish as mucb place in a well-greased pan and bake resignation o! the Honorable H. H.i when it is needed for feed Good found in the material concept o! ex G. A. Edmondstone, W. C. Caverly, F. S. Coulter, E. Trimbe as we hoped for lit at one time. 30 minutes. Serve hot with sauce. Stevens from the Chairmanship o! oat straw contains a cons,;iderable istence. Men must wiork tgte .C sone r.HIoeR H iln n r.I Isolation, the separation a! the Lemon Sauce Price - spreads and mass buying in amaun 'o ttal nutrients, though for a Common goad, incapable o! nard. AIl these stores keep Dad's Cookies in stock atai sick f rom the well, bas been prac- 2 tablespoons flour vestigation. It would seem that pri- practicalIy ntoprotein.- This is why fiuctuating, universal in its nature trnes. tised for manyr centuries. Those who.ý tablespoons sugar vate interests an one band coupled straw alone makes a poor showing and soe SPECIAL FOR SATIJRDAY ONLY are familiar with the Oid Testament Pc atwt ako eun neeti as an exclusive feed for live stock. nThis canbdneadsbig will recal the description given o! inc pubwihlc wefareisceeinust-inbut wben supplemented with a littie dane today, as it was done far hu- WilSh at - rad A o rtiy - 4c lb.. 30 how, in ancient times, those who l eaponleo extract ing the one man wvho seemingly basj high protein feed, its carbohydrate manity s sake in those days WhlwhyLst-WapdAsoedTfesrgn0 b suffereci from leprosy were made toj Stir flor sugar and sait together, the courage o! bis convictions and conten t can be utilized ta excellent Jesus of Nazareth wre ner live apart, isolated, !rom their fel -l add the water and cook, stirring consequently bews to the uine inte datge Wenedigtrwa-ad ied mn thought to per- lo-e.constantly, until the mixture thick- expression thereof. ways prvide plenty a! minerai mat- eive the realism o!0 o n the Isolation is o! real value pravided ens sligbtîy. Remove,an dle If the investigation was justified te.i adiio. iv cttehase iiuor ntue ! heenir cma there is a reasonable understanding. mon extract.anadle and sworn evidence indicates it was' and sbeep free access Vo a mixture presentment The Saviour's voice1R ky touhtisoamtio other ishe dGildApe then surely the Chairman respon- lo! 28 pounds o! bone meal. 50) cails as surely as it did then, -Caev PHONE 3 WMN truhioain tews.i il rle plssible for this investigaticn sbould be pounds of finely ground limestone. unto me, aIl ye that labour and are I_________________________________ be largely a waste effort. Isolation 1 qt. pared, quaitered apples puitdt rn hswr aa2 ani !si,2pud !ia ~ - -- is flot for the good of the sick per- 34 cup corn syrup cle assu. ed resetuhi rge 2 oxîde, o-hait 2 oun ! of r sul son on whom it is puactised, but for !î4 cup waterclsassh.W eptfiyugodon-l ucefcperui the protection a! those wbo are well. Pew grains sait that the Hon. H. H. Stevens continue phate and one ounce of potassium Frequently we have uepeated the Place apples in pan ou baking dish as Chairman o! this investigation. iodide. advice that when a child bas a cold and Pour wateu and syrup over. Bowmanvilie Branch o! Retail or a sick stomach, or when ie lis Bake gentiy iii apples io la Merchants AssociationAnItrsigEpimt otberwise unweil, be sbould be iso- and pale Pink in color. Increase Pusien.An nofteet rxemenotag iated, as these are the symptoms o! heat to buown top. o! bay and high prices this year a the common communicable dîseases. Apple Deliglitsrsalfido!eclntedond Ths igt e ahedvounar ~O 2 cups flour NE;O IL by William Couse o! Streetsville is lation. IV is simple: the child re- 1, teaspoons baking powder - of~ unsal interest to Ontario f arm- mains in bed, and no one goes into 14 teaspoon sait Mrs. Mithlre.adi iCh ha ti osbe e an celentr bis room excepting bis mother or the ' cup shartening hospýaI again. ta yîi so!ssebleto uhty ayfcllom one other person who is iooking ai- 14cup milkoMr.tCyrilMaxim, Algonquin Par ter the cM.hild.Maxi, AgonugnPar, 1seed sown in th e saineseason. More- There is no danger in mereîy go- 6istedMupGerg StprtonJr over his drap is noV o! the emer- 6 applesrom, utiforip ae Mrs. Chas. Reid and Miss Hazel'gency character, like green oats or ingint th rom, ut f oher ar Mix and sif V flour, baking pow- Reid were weekend guests o! Mrs.miltsmhighareurssc- paylowe ih a fn. t e oihl iikly wathV e r n at u n brei g a John Reid, Port Hope, ial knowledge and speciai carte, but pla wthandfodi orkis headd miik and beaten egg and mix Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. Hassen and is largely alfalfa with a littie red sick child, who probably does not weli. Drop tabiespoonfuls a! batter Miss Evelyn Hassen were Sunday claver and timotby, and unlike the feel particularly iii and wbo would, into weiligueased muffin pans. Peel guests at Mr. Frank Giimer ' S. ergnycosthfidwilb E VA I *p m a T he w ho e danger lies in the pat- cores. P lace n top o ! batter W th M r andfMrs. Ed. M i chell, Lindsay. yea ietherefore beon l ad giad l ay .api es bt in havs nd r mo e Mr. and Mrs. Fred. SMith v i sit. e aa fr. ! rh r yed ! h y n x ien'ssecetons ad uualy hi the cut side up and fili boles with Mr Mitchell is a former teacher The field was sown about the !irst is limited Vo, the secretions from thel sugar. Bake in a bot aven (400- EF.) here.w Ày s ,A À £p * mouth, nose and throat. These aefr2 iueo iiape are Mr ad Ms.AuueyUry vsiedo! May hast spring with a mixture dangerous, because it is in themn that, tender. srig,1.1.adMs uryUr iie composed o! 15 pounds o! aifalf a, 5 the germns o! the common commun- gpl Sace.aker. and Mus. Harvey Bryson, Graf- pounds O! red choyer and 1 pound o! icable diseases leave the body. 12 cu shoueningary ervies. and nnve- imthe feldhonotbee previus-dFl auFl egtadlo Arc ia l , t e d n er c n -1 12 c pplS aucr ae to, a nd aten e sberanncver- at dm they ied.dno urs e ncu p reas used-i au, Fil w~ h n oest quelity arc standards lit A&P, From whick no e ito Paci callyf the dars n ger ca o ng a-1!2 cups b ow n sugar M iss H elen Stone took svch a y in alfa f a for 15 yea s. N o in- is ever tolerated. Ev r em ploye e cnows tis d e p t d ta L u ta k , po c . voie d the P ers a why o is 1kig 1 egg1 hemorrhage after the extraction o! oculation was used but an excellent thi adT EDGE....BREADu t tis olcy afe1h hh kesaa i teaspoan soda a taoth she was removed to Bow- catch resuited. Owing Vo dry weath- GITEG-RA face; by this is meant, that she dts 1 cup thick apple sauce manville Hospital. er the stand was an the thin side flot kiss the child or come in the 1 teaspoon sait is Hazel Reid was dehegate Vo wben the98irsb.uBting2was1mad uine o! flue of bis eoughs and sneezes. 1 Veasponcinnaon VhLe ing A ttmdON50R1O.MADE Aiso. she shouhd keep heu baudLs a- i teaspoon dlnaovete eague Convention in Newcastle. about the first o!July. Attat ie OTROMD CREAMERY way uOm er a n fce. cuub heul'2ta 2 cups flour 1 is M ary Lane aso attendd the hiht and a crop o! cose o a Ctb.on U $2 bands witb soap and water and a, Cream2shortening. sugar and egg convention. per acre o! cured b1b.a19>0akenwo!!. O2d aS. 25c nai-b us eeryti e helevesth tgehe. Dissolve soda in apple n Wednesday evening, Oct. 24. Had there been the usual am unt o! R.4ULATED SOAP .4LMER ORANG'iE patient's rooin, and bouls ail cups sauce and add. Si!V sait, cinnamon 1the etnil Vhei soitinmi u oueblee ha wc . and dises use b th ptiet.and love with part o! the flur and ctae a succesfuh dance. The As- this yield w uld have been secured. 1 PKG. 1 , c £v8a a aca U Jr Tbs eaue ih rvetteadd ta f irst mixture. Add enough soiaion is planning to buy and for The ay was o! excellent quality, BULà ROYAL ROSE.-CHOCE Jr 2 spread o! disease in the home. AtImare flour Va make a fairhy stiff a Park and bave a ink on it this wlVb pienty o! valuabie leaves. ied O t 5- Bnano.l b the samne ime. keeping the dhiid in 1batter. (This wildepend on tewne.Te aerie bu 3 idb iemis the second l 5 be. IL CeI oden2 Tî. - be i he b st ! r m o t e t m n , f. t ic n ss o a p e a ce > P ou r in i e d yj gro w,ý th w as m u ch fin er a n d t icker A US T R A L IA N FA N'C Y W l fO L E he has a cold or a sick stamnach. or ta greased ioaf pan and bake a cow gthre iyte.omu -with much o! the original seed, ap- Rn SULTANA 2~ IbS.21.]R C if!lhe Is coming down with some modeuate oven 50 Va 60 minutes . Aarntl, nt ggniiatig utilai- ithes Co.mmun-I E 1lfm communicable disease. .m eade othepaity Hall, geFridaynguevening-,]iVos"dot hon-10J CPorasn a eaddt e tau , Vo aeenbidng r oom.n-er the f iust cutting bad been re- SAlVE THE COUPONS U I Questions doncemnng Heaîth, ad- bttrif dj the. Ourst acrop t baidapndIgrom, OUR OJrERS Association, 184 Cohiege Street, Tor- IMu. and Mus. Ernest Stephens, when moved. While thSo Ncopws i arbh. 9 onto, wili be answeued Personaliy by Apl Tpoc hey pesented tbemi with a miscel- most entireiy alfaifa, by the middle N«h 0 B-Rýs29 Coffee OCOKM 9 lte.1cppeaultaioahaneous shawer, a!teu which ahi n-o! summneu bath the red eiover and DR. JACI<SON'S OC LOCK lb.29 ______Or 3'4 cup minute tapioca oyed an old time dance. The Cow- timothy began o appea. This crop ]R uman Idega PKG. :Z5c 3 cups boiling wateu an orchestra !urnished somte reai w "as ut in eariy October and aver- HSa T OIL 625 Absence of occupation is noV rest. 1, easpoon sait music. agedethree tons of green feed Peu CHRISTIE'SC A mmnd quitte vacant is a mind dis- 6-apples 1 u urete1osstn !M acre, ou betwveen a ton and a bal! B od aes 'l C BfSTeu S~ b 7 ress'd. -Cowpeu. Soak tapioca frachu Oi n us.qareGe, osigorgfbl, Miss adt Eh- fcue aMr B o a aes8 - o icu t se foand r nadMs.Gog apblMs E-Cueti tPkg. Cream b 7 _____________________thminute____WallcCouse M.strmated that one acre wouid 6 z enug wte t cve; hemiut 'e alac ad u.Uryassisted provide pasture for a goad miik caw JarII.bB 29 ',o I7 e o a s sKss,2I 5 ___________________tapioca wili requiue no soaking. Coibomne United Church with their ]for 140edays, iolaitswas decidcd tha,5 - - Drain and cook untîl it becomes annivcrsary services Sunday. Rev. hay was noV necded. OUJR OJVN SELECTED I transparent in a doube boiler with Thos. W alace preached in Coborre T is e p rm n se s Vo r veU L TI B F Ne _____St h oligwtrad at hsexeietsem opoeQULT EFROASTS New Picture Sets I wate and sait.Peel and Sunday morning, and in Belleville that it is possible even in the face P I E R Dl . 1 e W N b preareappes ndplace in butter- Sunday evening. Rev. Wm. Sterigody weather to, produce oe w R M I In groups of three, nicely i cd baking rush: spinkle with sugar. istb-psV 1inCoboneWtnspeGauIo!b-edhaI!Lm7h frmd itre.Forl is ou aioaoerapesadbake u. C. League Tuesday night was f rtya' seig faphe naADE lb. 901 I L I T A b toia adDcenuhra- 'wth sugarinanmd craoem . Srei is ersseig fapdo untiise! Vinna oDicktens n. Seve incharge o! Miss Mary Lane when generai scille it wouhd indicate that 7 te 1,00 s.PeuSe pe R ugrad ce the foilowing proguam was given: winter killing o! mneadows on a scale P R E IO S b x $e1cee.00Prcet rr in ut Mrae ea n like iast year need noV ble as seuious FRESH i 1-3 cups ride Jean Campbell; reading "Dame as is the case Voday wltb the bay MIIK-E H CNS5Ieâc u Ne3if hiaI ablespoans sugar Fashion'. Jean Campbell; solo, Miss acreage very seriously reduced. Fromn FRESIIib TE, New ift hina4 tablespoons coan syrup Ruby Wallace; reading, "An Audac- every standpoint the experiment ap- 3 apples iotas Expianation," Mrs. Aubrey Ur- pears practicai and indicates thatND R O N Another shipment o! new Wash rire and cook until tender ry. Meeting diased with a contest ycar-oId meadows, kilied out in earhy FRESH CUTS flO,:STlNYGNAOAL FS WEK PCI S Gifi China bas arrived. For in coinsp ad suar. Grae nda ba ____________ m hay beae turnsby odue r-AIOAtehyEE PEI bridge prizes and Christmnas cr ____n_______seaba-ma a rtrn y oertl gifts they are ideal. iPare shand su iale and plce a heavy soselngs wlthout nurse crops. OI lae a!d lappes errie.ntinuaea OBITUARY Furthermnoue, as a mixture rather ILLE S re16 ,,a,!,,. of____e____________Continu th an straight alfaifa, is advised by in this mariner until disb is full. Mu. Couse. the cost o! the secd is S ChrstasCorin S oulderslb.12cFUMLETS Sànokedlb 5 1iCaver, and bake in slow aven (350- Mrs. Elsie Cryderman Hawks, very iow, sucb mixtures as he used 'r~ ~ b. J15 Chritmasis ire atende fr.oruthiue hs tili aWord bas ben reontdan romseiiing for less than straigbt alfaifa, M.B7,c FlOUnder Yelow. weeks away. 31ake sure your aetne.Frtels 0mn' Wr a enrcie rmo e lvr otntl o n u t finsilada taes o! cooking Period, remove cay- Bozemazi. Mont., o! the passing on fCaresr who may w s ofllwM.S3IOK f e da n la d ac oss the Pr. Servings; 6. O c o e I of.oh r B w m n o s ' exam le n ext spring , am p e seas get their greetings in supiso hm rw aflasedLrr -a fa icl b 4 tim. ar r Vdywith ville girl in the persan o! Mus. Elsiesupisohmegonaffased Lre b.-Frh time. We are readý,.fts iCryderman Hawks, behovcd vife o! are Iu sight for next spring, tbough B nanas Ï-1-3'u.17 rs Greeting Cards and gifts so ,QARL h aeM. .D ak !Bte ed claver is golng Vo be scarce. l e q rout Çrorcian Bav lb.120 mydo your overseas WhI, adtdaughtero h-aeJu n e ~ o ~ n 2 glft shopping early. OWns the cooier head is the more Ave., Bowmanviile. Lcaving Voi m3 qaui h r ihe rdra ! cc WE O NWAFLo~~- .Ibs 19e New 4 Ply Scotch Fingering 'to blani e ---Goethe.moanheoso!amsdvodWcnyugV oknwafeo, l'ara Nw lu Sock. t e ltwsol aside.'- i a tkeo!sper ofming anotd Whej you etcae o nda estad YanNwi tc.wudnoV hast long if mother, arc anc son, Robert C.) nW bs joys and know bis cares, e i sR iin b 5 La ohfacud nc daughter Mary, o! Bozeman, him and the burdens that be bears, MAJESTIC w . Jewe l Inone; hais by cotoetn is rdra Edmonton, Ala.:an making and the troubles in isBa d C eer E LAG TI25 90 K à STATION ER V better in.vtncts a dk o le g h n i tr s Mrs. C. . c Rot erMa'Bo W h:n y ouv e Y M RL I E C l a e E A G I buought face ta face with tempta- mýan'vihie Muls. C. Buacken and Miss Then you find that be is different StaiYLMfER~Fo d2 1 PAINTS là WALLPAPER tion."--Chanining. Mamie R. Cryderman o! Butte, than you thought hlm yestcrday. t a n i nf n 9 o C ASSORTED)2 1 CHINA & GLASS "IV requires Vwo indiscreet per- Montant. Mus. W. C. A.ndersan, Jan- Yout flnd his faula aetiva n BECE 0 ýW ENTRE EWSTOCK OF COATS We have Immediately Replaced with New Stock the Coats recently lost from ourSore. We have gone into the Market and Purchased Coats at Great Reductions and are pass- ing these Values on to you. These are the Greatest Values in Coats we have ever been privilegeda to offer. Make your choice now from a Larger Selection than ever. A small deposit will hold any coat. In order to make selling and handling easier we have arrang- ed A Coats in four price groups : Values up to $18.75 - Selling at $12*95 Values up to $27.50 - Selling at $19,o75 Values up to $22.50 - Selling at $1650 Values uD to $35.00 - plnmf PAGE FOUR THE CANADUN STATEMUN, BOWMANVnýLg. 7WTTP--,n,&V Wrl-irL-àx-=ý - -- 1 . *-Oulllgitf oz iwÀro"ompw L..imil-rE:n

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