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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1934, p. 6

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an interesting programi was given. given bY Mrs. Walter Rundle. Min- HA D NMiss Muriel Baker favoured witha utes and satisfactory treasurer's re- H am pton H Y O oa oo r ib n Mr. Rundie IC DM SPort were given. Mrs. Herb Nichols. othOsaaDvso eepresent Mrs. Bert Wilkins and Mrs. Ted S. S. at 2. p. m. Church at 3. p. and gave a few remarks. Miss Ileen Mr. and Mrs. Marwaad McKee re- Rivett were appointed a naminat- m.on Sunday. Balson gave a piano sala. Rev. Dr. A. cnl isited friends in Kendal. ing conMmittee. A hymn was sung, Roast Go ose MissMay Lamb, Enniskiîîen, Sun- P.Braof Toronto gave a very i Miss Helen Fowler wuaaweek_ adWeII by R.n CPerarce, ws jury at Cobourg last wek League meeting on Monday even- af Mr. and Mrs. Muckle on Sundy Oke cnrbldlalt;acou S u p p er Mrs Henry Ashton visited at Mr. ing was in charge o isMarrt M.adMr.JsdTopo aveY. gvnb hegopi hre A.rea',Bakco s. ompt Tepori oee ih eundhoeatrv sn ren the solo being taken by Mrs. A. E. W .N 7Miss Gladys Martin, Toronto, worship hymn. The devotional per- in Orono. Rnl;atl n"e'rgs a W ed. ov. 7 spent the weekend at Mr. Win. Mar- iod was i charge af Mr. Bull West- Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGill spent a given by Mrs. John Found; anda ANIIRAYSERVICES tin*s. lake, and the Bible reading was giv- few days with his sister, Mrs. D. vocal solo by Miss Hazel Rundie. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4th Mr. Fred Cowling and son Freddie, en by Mr. Tom Baker; vocal trio by Corbett, Midland. Meigcoe ihahm n Purple Hill, Sundayed at Mr. R. Mc- Masters Harold Balson. Bob and Mr. anid Mrs. Gardon Browni. and prayer by the president. Mrs. Mar- Speakers: Neiî's. Gcrdan Scott; topic was well given son Rass, Toronto, spent Sunday shall and hier group served lunch Zp.m.-Rev. WV. B. Tanton, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery by Miss Helen Smale: reading, Miss with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Brown. and a social time was spent. Simcoe St., Osha.wa. and Jean, Salina, Sundayed at Mr. Margaret Scott; vocal duet. Masters Mrs.'Richard Stinsan. Mrs. W. D. 7 p.m.-Rev. J. H. Osterhout, E. Bradley's. Harold Balsan and Gardon Scott. Ferguson and Mrs. G. Fowler were 1 Orono. A large number af Young people Several games were played and a at Mrs. D, Fergusan's, Lotus, on ENFIELD Special Music by the Choir vere entertained Saturday evening social time enjoy-ed. Ater singing a Satur~day. assisted by at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Me- hymn, meeting closed with League Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson. M..James Hancock, Courtice. Neil. benedictian. and Calette, Bowmanville. were with Mrs. L. C. Pascae was in Tor- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Miss Irene Sharp. Enniskillen. Mr. li~ er parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mc- onta l&st week. HOT SIJPPER Henry Stainton, Hampton, Mr. Wm. 1 Gill, for the weekend. Mrs. E. Ormiston who has been servedi from 4.30 p. m Grant. Toranto. spent the weekerid ]BLACKSTOCK On Thursday night many friends ilI is out again. GR COCRT8at Mr. A. McNeils. of a Mrs. D. Ferguson presented hier Mr. Lloyd Ferguson is now driving GRAN COCERT8 p m. Mr. Murray McDanald. Mr. Nar- Mrs. Jabez Wright is visiting her with a purse ai money and offered a ChrysIer Sedan. by the following talent from man Welsh and son Roy. Toronto, sister at Detroit for a few days. best wishes for a happy life i Osh- Mr.and Mrs. Merwyn Habbs and Carlton United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Waatt en. En- Mrs. Herbert Hooey sperit the awva where she will live. A dance in babe visited in Lindsay. T'oronto: field, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mofi weekend with friends in Toronto. the Cam.munity Hall. Lotus was Miss Edith Cochrane, Raglan, vis- Harry Skiteh, Sang Leader fatt. North Oshawa. visited at Mr. Miss Susie Van Camp was a week- also an interesting feature ai the ited Miss Elaine Ormistonl. Harold Norman, Tenar - C. Avery's. end guest af Miss Eileen Riddle at nights entertairiment. Her sale on Dr. and Mrs. W. G. McCulioch Doris Shipman, Contralto The cammunity was shocked ta Orono. Saturday was alsa quite successfuî. visited at Mr. Wallace Scott's. Mrm Rowe, Soprano hear ai the suddEn death ai Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Carley spent, Young Peaple's League was held Mr. Walter Smith, Toronto, vis- Russell Skitch, Baritane Levi Brunt an his farm near Enii the weekend with his parents at lin the United Church. Miss Beth ited at Mr. Harold Ormiston's. Wilfrid King, Accompanist skillen while blasting last Wednesday Bolton. MeQuade gave the Bible reading. Miss Flora McRoberts, Oshawa. Mrs. McNaughton, Elacutianist evening. Our smypathy is extended Mrs.' Carl Wright has returned Bible study was taken by Mrs. H. 'isited with Miss Helen Pascae. ADMISSION ta Mrs. Brunt and famil'. fram Toronto and is much impraved Galbraith,. and the program consxst- A Hallowe'en Mascauerade is being Tea and Concert 50e*__________0_____ i_ n health. ed af a sala by Mr. Lloyd Thomp- held in the hall an Friday niglit. Chuldren 25c. Mrs. Harry Graham, Toronto, was sari, a reading by Mrs. H. Galbraith. Several fram here attended the TYRONE 1w1ith Mr. and Mrs. oscar Graham and music pravided by Miss Leah Goose supper at Wick an Wednes- ______________________ _____________________ on Friday. McQuade and Miss Gladys Cobble- day. Mrs. R. Harcourt, Toranto, wasCa fdick. Miss Ella Tamblyn attended the ENNISKILLEN i Miss Viola Shortt lias accepted a weekend giaest af Rev. and Mrs. C October meeting ai the Wamens Teadhers' Convention in Bowman.. _______________________position at Stoufiville. C. Harcourt. Auxiliary was held an Tuesday ville. Mrs. Win. Lake, Newcastle visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Flett, Bawman- ighýt in the United Churcli. It wa Mr. and Mrs. L. Stinsan and fam- Mr. and Mns E. E. Staples, Hamp- her daughter, Mrs. Harold Stinner. ville. were Sunday guests ai Mr. and I Pened by hymn. foIllwed by the ily af Harmnony visited with Mrs. J. Ion, visted at Wesley Okes. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones. Tor- Mrs. Mervin Graham. 1Lard's Prayer in unisan. Part af the Stiisali. Our Young people are givng their onto, spent Sunday with Mr. Gussie Miss Hazel English and Mr. Dal- 4lth dhapter af St. John*s Gospel Mr. A. E. Niddery and Mr. W. play at Blackstock on Friday. Rosevear. ton Englîsh were Sunday guests ai wa read, and in the business sess- Gray. Toronto, visited iriends here Miss Winnîe Oke is spendrng a Mr. and Mrs. R. Liston, Cleve- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Grahami. ion it was decided that the election recently. f ew days wvith friends in Taranto. land, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mis. Herb Galbraith, Miss af aificers would be heid in Nov- Miss Evelyn Stinson. Toranto, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton visited Floyd Duidley. Violet Dever and Mr. Wesley Mont- ember. There was considerable dis- spent Sunday with her mather, Mrs. their daugliter, Mis. S. May. Tan- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Little and gomery visited friends i Oshawa on cussion regarding a play and enter- H. Stiiisan. onto. IDiane, Oshawa. spent Sunday at Sunday. tairiment later in the season, and a~ Mr. and Mrs E. Ormistan and Jul- Mr. W. C. Stainton, Toronto. vis- Mrs. Wm. Little's. Miss Florence McLaughlin, Tor- quilting was planneci for Tuesday at ia, Bawmanville, visited at Mr. W. itegI his father, Mr. J. Staintonan Miss Rena Farrell, Bawmanville. anto, spent the weekend with her Mrs. Herb. Galbraith's. Those as- J. Ormîstonis. athier relatives. spent Sunday with hier parents, Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Me- sisting on the pragram which was Miss Ida MoCullocli spent the Mrs. J. R. Ormiston's class taak and Mrs. Byron Farrell. Laughuin. in charge ai Mrs. E. Sandersan's weekend with Dr. and Mis. Archer, charge ai the Temperance program Svenal fram here attended the Mr. Hectar Shartridge visited iii- group were: Mrs. E. Sanderson, a Oshiawa. at the close af the Sunclay Schoal. funeral ai Mr. Levi Brunt at Ennis- ends in Oshawa recently and miss 1 reading; Mirs. H. Galbraith, a read- Mr. and Mrs. M. Densem, and Fred Miss Bennice Staintan, Miss Mil- killen on Saturday aiternoan. Annie Wrighit returned with him J ing and Miss Marion Sandersan. a Ashton, Toronto, visited with Mr. dred Clemence. Oshawa, visiteld thel Mr. aud Mrs. David Hicks, Har- ta Blackstock. sala. The excellent program which and Mrs. Geo. Ormiston. farmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. ristan, spent a fewv days with lier Octaber meeting af the W. M. S. was af much profit ta everyone pre- Mr. Wilson ai Sunderland has the J. Staintan. brother, Mr. Norman Woodley. af United Churdli, was held at Mrs. sent, was closed by s'nging liymn contract ta build a barri for Mrs. J. iieMr. and Mrs. T McGillo, Mr Dryus York has returned Wç Roy Taylor's andflot at Mrs. Cecil and the Mizpah benediction. Habbs, ta replace the one destroyed viie r n r.To.MGl:hîs home at Keswick. aiter spending Hill's as reported ________________ by fire. and attended the funeral ai the late I1several weeks at Mr. W. F. Park's. Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart sud Rev. Mr. Harton of Greenwoad Mr. Levi Brunt. Master Donald Wicke, Toronto. is Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Barnard, Tor- EB NEERuna y tefbne ai re patar, o Mrs. C. Branton, Mr. and Mns. A. spending a iew days at Mrs. Jas. auto, were Sunday guests ai Mr. and C ENRev. W Parknthcreneofrpatr Rundle, Oshawa. visited at Mr. S. Staie, with his mather. Mis. Mrs. John Carter. e.WPakr Page's and attended the f unenal ai1j Wîcke. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradburri, Young Men's Class are entertain- Mn. and Mrs. C. L. Mackcy, Mr. the late Mr. L. Brunt. Mrs. J. Lillicrapp returned ta her Mrs. E. Farder and Mrs. E. Barton irig on Nov. l6tli. and Mrs. E. W. Psscoe, Broaklin. Dr. L. B. Williams, Toronto, will1 home at Cannington aiten spending were visitais with Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Mrs. McCutcheon, Toronto, was a aud Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe. Cal- present his interesting pictures aif two weeks wiîth her daughtcr. Mrs. Farder an Sunday. weekend visitor with Mrs. Ross umbtîs, recently visited at Mr. L. C. Dunham caunty in the dhurci an F. L. Byam. Mrs. Jas. Marlow was guest of Mr. Pearce. Pascoe's. Friday, Nov. l6th, at 8 p. m. ev. and Mis. A. M. Wattan and aril Mis. Wallace Marlow on Sunday. Chair members were niceîy enter- Mr. and Mrs, C. G. Bawman are Rev. F. Hartori ai Greenood tok Mater John spent Manday with his On the occasion af their twelth tained at JanetviUle on Sunaymaving ta their faim near Oshawa. theSunay ervceson hisciruit parents, Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Waat- weclding anniversary. Many friencis attended the service n.Bwa a ieiapesn Our pastan. Rev. W. Parker, wa ton, Peterbaro. Victarian Womnens' Institute are in the mornnrg when the little twin surprise Tuesday evening wlien her taking anniversany services at Kin-1 On Friday evening Trinity Wom- holding thein Navember meeting at daugiters of ev. and Mis. W- S enayShoolal andmui pu- sae.'s AssoDciation. Bowmanville, pie- fthc home ai Mis. John Wright an f raim were chRiseid . W l snday n dlass mh wovuc Miss Margaret Dalton spent Sat- sented their Minstrel Show ta a Wednesday aitennoan, Nav. 7th. Mn. and Mis. P. Dalton Jr., York_ boaks. urday with lier brother, Mr. Jack very appreciative audience in the M.adMi.Jh WrgtM.sir.ngndadMs.VA.Hu Dalon.Quen' Uivesiy. and at- community hall. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp and famt- ry, Ebenezer. visited Miss Margaret ce nikle tended the Varsity-Queen's rugby Mis. Theodore Dow,ýn, Miss Lorna iîy were at Mn. Osmond Wright's on Henry, at th home ai lier grand- Respece nikln game in Toronto. Hooper, Miss Mae Brent, and Mr. Sunday ta celebrate Mn. O. Wrigit's parents, Mn. W. J. Henry, Peterbano, Man Is KiIIed Mn. and Mns. S. H. Hancock and Ross Paoley sttended the Young birthday. an Wednesday. Miss Margaret Hen- son Elbert, Mns. M. Hancock, Roch- Peopfle's Canference at Newcastle on Miss Eva Brown. Miss Olive Van ry is a student at the Peterbora Col-(Cniedfmpae1 ester, Mrs. J. Joncs. Bawmanville, Saturday aiternoan and evening. Camp, Miss Mildred Hoapen and Mr. legiate. Cniudfopae1 Mr. and Mrs. Fnank MoGilI. Tor- League pragramn Thursday even- Eldon Eckel wene in Newcastle an Mr. and Mis. P. Dalton Jr., York- residence an Saturday. Oct. 27t1. onto, visited Mis. Lievi Brunt and ing was in charge ai Miss Helen Saturday and Sunday for the Young shire, England, Mn. and Mis. V. A. Service was canducted by Rev. W. attended the funeral on Satunday. Trimm. Devatianal was ably taken Peoples Convention. Henry and family, Ebenezer, were Parker. Interment was made in Baken's Home and Sohool Club by Mrs. Floyd Dudley. The pragram Mrs. A.L. Bailey is apening lier a.ternoon tea guests at the home ai Hampton Cemetery. The palîbearers will hold the first meeting fon the1 items included: Reading, Mn. Gar- home ianr the November meeting ai Mn. and Mrs. Martin Libby, Ritsan were Messrs Alvin Peters, John season an Tuesday evening, Nov. 61dyn Brent, "The Minister's Ser- the A. Y. P. A. ai St. John's church Raad, Oshawa, an Thursday. siter Dorland, Joe Avery, Thos. McGiIl, Ail members are invited as electian mon-; guitan sud piano selectian by an Wed.nesday evening, Nov. 7th. whidh Mr. sud Mis. P. Dalton en- Thea. Slemon anid Thos. Stevenson ai afficens will take place. Gladys 1 Misses Grace Stephens and Susie Pragnam will take the iarm i Bible trained for Montreal. Beaptiful flaral tributes expressed i Yellowlces, Secretary; Russell Gil- Thampsan; reading. Mrs. Russell Study. M.adMs .DloJ.a the s3'mPatiy af a large circle ai iii- bert, President. IVirtue, 'Myýseli"; piano sala, Miss LMerL.g il adnetr h 'olndClos , alkey, Jnkreofends and included the ialloing Our village and cammunity Wa5 li Eva Collacutt; readings by Mr. Dave Cammunity Hall o-1 Fniday rught England, were guests ai Mr. and Wffllw the Family; Wreaths, Mr. greatly shocked wien thc news Park, "Cheoken Game." and by Mr. wien s draw was made for tic lovely Mrs. V. A. Henry, ai Ebenezer dur- Wl Brunt and iamily. Mn. sud Mis. spread oi tic terrible tragedy whicl Clarence Hatierly. "Two Kinds ai quiIt made by the ladies. It was won ing las week. Mr. Dalton is a mcm jOfr akt n.sdMs .Hn cauedfl dafh i n.Lei rut.People." A gcognaphy match was by Mn. Orme Hyland. Praaeeds ber ai tic firm ai Stokes & Dalton, cack snd sari; Sprays, Mis. M. Han- About 5.30 an Wcdnesday eveming enjoyed at fie close. amounted ta $35.00. cack, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brunt, Mr. Brunt was blasting stone sud manifcurers. Le e d, Yorkshire,WmesAsoitnsu AdlB- was instanfly killed. Mrs. Brunt 4~Young Peoples League was lield England. Mn. and Mns. Daltoni were oe'AscitnadAulB- and f amily have the deepe2zt sym on Wednesday night in the base- on their way back ta England af-ble Class, Miss Dalton sud Public pathy ai thc community in their1 SOLINA1 ment ai the churdli. Following a ter visiting several ai the principal Sho.M.adMs .Drad very sad and i-udden bercavement. . hymn, Rev. H. J. Bell gave a mast centres in the Unifed States and Mrs. Haliacre and Ted. Mn. and inteestng tpic an an penFor-Canda.Mrs. E. Boyd and Mns. Stevens. Mr. _ _ _ _ _ i t e r e t i n t a p c , u d a o p r i F n - a n a d .a s d M r s . C . B r a n t a n . ___- Mn. Edwin Annîs s \isutung Reeve umi was held. resalve "'Mat Men C. G. I. T. ield thein meeting oun Many relatives werc prescrit iron NESTLETON >and Mrs. A. W. Jackson, Wiutby. Spend Mare on Enjayment than Wa- Satunday aiternoori at tic Parson-Rcesr.TotOha.Cur - Bethesda, is. Hoat r ad iaiyk mn age. with an attendance ai 21. The tice, Newcastle and Part Hope. sllyfRom coein r's.r ai heOn Sundav evoniuig twenty-five meeting apened with a lhin.tihe__ R.W hl s coeîgYoung people ofSt. P sAgia C.G.I.T. Purpase, and repi ni the ,clwlyfro hr ilnes.Ourchor rovdedth muic t hu roi, Taranto. members ai Rev. C.Lards prayen; and Bible reading was CARD OF THANKS Mn. Ralpih Emersan, Peterboro Catumnbus Harvest Home services an C. Hancount's former Bible Class, given by Ethel Wilkins. Those on ____ Normal was home for tic wcekend. Sli1day evening. matorcd ta Blackstack and attended tic pragram included: Readings,1 Mrs. Levi Brunt and family desire Miss Maimuie Archer. Part Hope, Mn. and Mns. Edgar Pascoc, hus evenxng service. Trlii visit wa a Doris Wilkins, Velma Peance, Jean ta thank aIl thein iniends and neigi- was a weekend guest ai Mr. sud Thorutons Cornercs, visitcd at Mis. giest surprise and delight ta bath Gay sud Florence (Oburtice: piano bar r ith i kdnesad s fi't Mrs. Sidney McQuadc. R. J. McKessock. Rev. and Mns. Harcourt, wio later soo. s Rv)Smt;vcl oo etn o emnesin symperae Mr. Clifford Hyland. Toronto, vas Mn. and Mrs. Walter Panranden entertained tiem at tic Rectory. Msoo.a MashalRl: sumth vcal olo.etanedtthem n th eirubneane- with his parents, Mn. and Mns. Fred snd family visited ici parents. Mn. The membens ai tic "Valdemar" Flns Martheaîl Miso.SMt ie- materntytdoth eaiai ubaload Mylnd o h k. and Mrs. Sin. Buae Sudy comCol nx undayus 1 Bible class af wiicl Mn. Harcourt closed with "Fallow tic Gleam" and tnibutes. Aoa Mr. nd Ms. idne McQade Sundy ShoolnextSunay a 10was leader for four yesrs, presented CG.IT. Prayer. spent Sunday with lier brother, Mn. s. m. and Churci at 11 a. m. on aS0- un with saiaridsome dcsk set. Their Ladies' Benean Casas held a meet- Hanry Edgcrton. Part Penny. count cf Hampton Hanvest Home ii xrse oehnofteeigonTuda a he om of BWIGAL N S tnomensmntituofte ll be heicMn. adMs eleClaatadgard wiich tiey hold ion tic papu- Mns. A. E. Rundle, apening witi a ton Woensay aitutextwe b ek. aMuryand Mrs. L. ieC. Scot nodn an new nectar and lis wie; wha are lîymn and nesponsive neading ai a Tie bowling alley is anc ai tic n. dnedaMrof Mertw Muntoy apile Gave, visited at Mn W.H:n apudly gaining fie lave and esteem Psalm. President Mrs. A. J. Gay busicat places in tawn tiese even- Mn.~~~~~~ C.Mof n n nhu t-'ctae.a their panishionens at St. John's. was in tic chair. Bible lesson was ings and everybody scems f0 tc hav- Mr .MGlladM.ArhrSa- eiaes ing a gaod time enjaying tic spart. pleton were with frien!s in'nLindsay 1 ïMu-s. Ed. Rundle, Meadvullc. Penn.. Tic standinîg ai tesms up ta, Oct. for Satunday. ansd Mis. Acy Peniound, Onano. _____________________________ ,3tflos chiîdren, Mn. and Mrs. DavIer, Bar- guests at Mn. Gardon Leask's. ie. were Suriday guesf s ai Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Awde and Miss Mis. Malcolm Emerson. Ada Pascoe, Toronto, and Mrs. An- Mrs. Menvin Mounfjoy nue Langmaid. Oshiawa, visited at wcne Sunday gueýts af Mr. Albert Mn. Luther Pascoe' on 5sf urday and Heaslip, Janetvullc. and attcnded! attended tie funcual ai Mn. Levi Annivcnrsay services tiere. Brunt. Enniskillen. Miss Laura Prautt. Taronýto. spent 1 Rcv. Dr. Brare occupicd the pul- tic weekend witi her parents, Mn. pit at flic chunci service on Sunday and Mis. George Prouif. Mn. snd aiternoon when fthe Sons af Temp- Mns Stanfard VanCamp and childrenI erance attended in negalia. Rev. Dr. were also guests.I Brace was guest af Mn. and Mns. A. Mn. Richard Watsoun has returned L. Pascoc wiile here. ta Califannia aiten a naonti's vîsit IWcmen's Institufe wiîî meet an with his brother, Mn. John Wat.son Thunsday, Nov. 8ti. af 2 p. m. in His sisten. Mis. Earlc, rctunned ta tie S. S. uoom. Program in charge Califannia witi hum. aiofgnoup 1 and will be an Canadian Mn. and Mrs. Russel Haîran havei Autiors. Roll ral "My favorite retunned fnom an intce(sfung moton Canadian witer." Ahl ladies wel- trip wheri they visifed Montreal and came. sevenal points in the United States" Mns Acy Penfound. Mn. and Mrs. lrucluding New York snd New Jersey. Melville Staples. Orno, Mns. Ed. On Truesday evening flic Young Rîdc edil.Pn. n n people's League lield a special meet- Mis L. Lukvll e nn.hav, Mr. Bob lng Ini thc Unifed Churci. Thc Bible Snowden, Maple Grave, and Mn. reaclng was t.aken by Nana Pot- Bruce Hogarth, Hampton, visited af eous, and ,Mis. Kennef h Sam cls I To.Bkrs gave the Bible StudY. Miss Florncc r.c I.Baers Fallis toak the topic and tiose who Mns. Bessie Williams. Niagara, asslsted on the pnoeram included: Mrs. A. William, and Miss Marlon, read-ings by Mns. R. W. Marlow and Mi's. Ray Cook and iamily, and Mrs. Mns. Wesley Camnpbell. Musical se- Gea. Hawsam, Port Penny. Mn. and lectiori 1» Madelinp Marlow and GiI- Mns. Walter Howsam sand family and b)ert Marlow, and Mr. Wilfred Jack- Miss Annie Thompson, Epsom, Mn. son favored i wth a carnet solo. Mus- Melbert Howsam, Ottawa, visited at ic waa also provlded by Messrs David Mn. Chas. Howsam's. GFoldring and j, Hammant. Fýollaw-' Division was lield in tic S. S. ing the interesti pr0og'am refi'esli- noom last Tiux'sday evening wlf i a Menteti ere =OW. good attciidaiice. Alter the business LAV INU TOWN I have decided to leave town and wiIl be holding a big Selling Out Sale Watch for particulars next week. j. R. MOORE JEWELER BOWMANVILLE I. -'I Bumition Cia. 9 6 14878 13 Moore, F. 6 6 11861 9 Foundny Ca. 6 6 11378 8 Dudley. W. J. ' 5 10 14545 6 Hately. W. 5 10 13717 5 Intermediate League Knitters 9 3 11116 13 T. Sciool 8 4 10529 10 Allinîs Grocery 7 8 13447 10 Olympia Caie 7 8 12762 9 Bankers 5 7 10002 7I B. Dairy 3 9 9690 3 15 High Averages Name Games Ave. Colwcll, B. 8 234 Ozborne, A. 15 233 Williams, F. 9 232 Martyn, J. 15 229 Spider, A. 12 22'7 Luxtan. K. 14 223 Cancilla, P. 12 218 Beckett, P. 12 217 Halîman. H. il 212 Large, S. 12 209 Oliver, E. 8 206 Tamnllnson, E. 13 200 Osborne, H-. C. 12 199 Brougi. J. 14 199 Oke, M. 15 199 Keys faund. Apply at Tie States- mari office. Mn. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Messrs. T. S. Halgate, C. W. E. Meath, W. J. Dudley, W. J. Furze, and Gea. W. JIames were ti Pont Hope Tuesday atteriding tic funeral of Donald H. vrllQon, editor of the Port Hope Guide. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T h e c o m p a f ly a s s e m b l e d a b o u t e i g h t 1 Io'clock and Mr. F. J. Groat, teacher HAMPTON of the Aduit Bible claSs called the C --- singiflgoai Auld Lang Syrie" and a Mr. . B rtt vîsted Mrs Bu tt t iw itting rem arks by the chair- TorntoGenraspital Mrs.cetly. manl, Mrs. H. Wilcox made the pre- Seeoront h nen optra' in Baw sentation of the gift. "For they are mavSee Operathou esNov. 15n o 16. the Good Fellows" was Sung and mAnil nu er aiHouneNop.le5attend-thegroom expressed on behalf of his ed theo young people on en- at , their surprise and grateful ap- Newca.stle on Saturday and Sunday. prcitian. Rev.W.racpkhaofinha Mr. and Mrs. H. Salter and Mr. e tmlrerkpoeoth and Mrs. T. Salter attencied the pleasure ai sUCh gatherings as these, funeral af the latter's aunt. Mrs. arnd thaughit it best ta give aur bau- James Leask, Port Perry. recently. quets t Ie living when they cari Mr. C. W. Souch visited Mr. and be appreciated. The remainder af the Mrs. K. Caverly. Toranto. over the evening was spent in cammunfity weekend. accompanying Mr. and siflgiflg and games. Refreshments Mrs. J. A. Cale and son Donald. were served at the close aithe happy Bawmanville. eveniflg. About seventY-five friends gather- Rev. W. Rackham was assisted at ed at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Jae Suiiday nlight's service by Rev. Dr. Chapman, a bride and graam of re- E. P. Brace. Toronto, who gave a cent date, and made them a pre-1 stirring sermon on 'TemperariCe" in senta tion af a beautifuiii loor lamp. iwbich he is a prominent worker. The Mallitary Dance FRIDAY NIGilT - ARE YOU READY ? You know. there's something about a soidier that is fine, fine, fine. That s ivhN- ou'Ii likeiy bc at the military bail on Friday night. The Eviyn Sbop is weil prepared for this great event %0th a magnificent showing of for- mai evening ciothes in Veivets, Taffetas, Moire and Satin. Then there's the Cocktail Hats and Dresses for informai occasions. And don't forget that we have every accessory for formai w car. from vanities to beautiful beaded evening bags. Shop at The EvIyn for Satisfaction, for Quaiity, and for Low Price. The Evlyn LADJIES' h SPECJALTY So Phone 594 King Street Bowmnvle Kerslake's Specials Large SIZE We bave splendid values in HOT WATER BOTTLES durable, priccd 10w and guaranteed 1 Year Guarantee . ...59C 2 Year Guarantee . ...89C 3 Year Guarantee.. $1.49 Bottie and Cover .. $1.09 Eslrct Vitamins 1 Gai. Olive Oil. .$2.40 ? Keýples Malt & C.L.O. -> & lb.L 95c - 2 lb._$1.50 Price D. T. Malt and C. L. O. $100 lb. 59c - 2 lb. 99r$10 1 qt. Milk Magnesia 69C -__________ IPaimolive J 50C I 50e 1 iLb. Soap I PondsI Armand Chocolate 4 for Creauns Creauns Buds 19 c 3 4 c 2 9c . 23c Kerslake's Drug Store P. R. COWLING, Phrn. B. WE FIT GLASSES AT LOWER PRICES BUT BE SURE IT'S «lue Coal» The dependable coal that gives the max- imum of heat and the minimum of coat. When you use BLUE COAL You drive away enemies to heating satisfaction and enjoy the supreme comfort of even, economical heat throughout the house. DON'T BE FOOLIED Bay BAR'GAIN FUELS There is a difference between semni- anthracite and GENUINE ANTHRA.. CITE. Be sure of getting real hard coal by ordering "BLUE COAL" from Sheppard & CiilLwnber Co, Ltd. PHONE 15 BOWMANVUM1 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lst. 1934 -ýw ri t fi 0 a A

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