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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1934, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lst, 1934 PG EE LocEha r> d Fe rgso riei[N2e %.q PHONE 5 3 Miss Mary Young, R. N., recently Miss Belle Allen has been enjoy- . Remember the Operetta "South in visited Miss Frankie M. Jewell. ing a visit with friends in Toronto. Senora, " Nov. 15 and 16. Don't miss "South in Senora' ini Mrs. A. Quinn and son Frederick Mr. Jack Hutchinson, Toronto, the opera House, Nov. 15 and 16. Spent Sunday with the former's bro- visited bis mother. Mrs. M. J. Hut- Miss Susie Bailey, Toronto, wu in ther-in-law. Mr. H. Lat.hrope. i chinson, over the weekend. town Wednesday calling on old Mrs. A. Tait and Mrs. G. A. Oil- Rev. Mr. Black, Toronto, a grand- friends. lespie leave to-day to spend the son of the late Rey. Heu de Botirck, Mr. Aubrey E. Ingram. Detroit, is winter in Bradentown, Florida. 1 a former minister of the Congrega- visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John McClintock, tional Churcb. was inl tbis town on H. H. Ingram. Port Perry, were Sunday guests of Wednesday gleaning history re his Mrs. J. A. Gunn and daugbter her sister, Mrs: Geo. A. McTaggart. ancestor. Helen and Miss Madeline Jones vis- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mason and Changes have been made in ited f riends in Toronto. Mrs. N. S. B. James were in Tori scheduled rugby games for this week. Mrs. Florence Stinson and f amily I onto Saturday the f un- Oshawa Juniors will play in Bow- Lindsay, spent Sunday with Mr. eral of the late Mrs. Ernest Scott. manville on Friday at 3.30 p. m., and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Mr. Claire Slemmon, who has been, while Whitby Seniors will meet tbe Mrs. Russell Williams and Mary teller of the Lttle Britain branch of B. H. S. team here at 2.30 p. m. on Ruthb, Niagara Falîs, have been visit- the Bank of Commerce for several Saturday. ing Mrs. P. E. Greenfield. years, bas bren transferred to Bo- Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hancock and Ms.Osal Pllrdmanville. their sister-in-law, Mrs. Hancock, Toronto, spent a few days with his Rev. W. A. Bunner and Miss V Rcetr.N . wr ee atwe brotber, Mr. W. B. Pollard. inBne pn h ekn attending the funeral of the form- _________________________ R.and Mnnr s. E. n sw t.h elle- thers brother-in-law, the late Levi ____________________ Mrs. Buan. wh Been Brunt. Enniskillen, who was kîlled visting ber sister, returned withwiebatngsn. them. Messrs Geo. W. James and son Mayo an MrsW. . StikeWilliam, Stuart R. James and Nelson NOTICE s and the ee.en R.iSt.Mrys Osborne wrgusts of W.A.Hwt Mayore eeed n t rs adtrdaMaple Gre of Toronto United Church congregation onl the final nigbV*s thrilling perform- Sunday morning. it being Laymen's ance of the six day bicycle race. CHANGE TO The Autmyhn.ffrn et Bill Phillips, the enterprising CHANGEing 0fThe u Sp Tang MfisingBand young artist at Jury & Lovell's is wasof he i ring ity o Bn making quite a name for himself as DAYLIGHT was hld in TrinitySunday school a cartoonist. of ei.InMri DAÏLI il-lI rcom on Monday. Oct. 29th. Meet- Bowling Aley window is some excep- ing opened by singing Holy, Holy. tionally fine .examples of bis work, Holy. The cail to worship was giv- showing members of Rotary Club DELIVERY en byArthur Hooper, and the mes- 'bowling teams in action. Some of the __________ies were told by Mrs. Smale and the whole series of cartoons are most Mrs. Ingham. After the benediction cleverly executed. To our minds a social time was enioved bY aUl. Bill is wasting time rolling pilîs and Commencing Sunday morning As Mr. S. J. Courtice automatic- cleaning bottîrs. net Bov<gnanvilIe Dairy win i all ceased to be a member of the - revert to daylight delivery in High School Entrance Board for Liberal Convention South Essex when he resigned Prin- Bowmqanville. Please remem- cipalship of Leamngton H. Sehool, Nre .F ikr ber to order enough miik on he was presented with a very kindlyNae 'W.F Rck d Saturday to last you over Sun- worded address and a cane. At the (Contmnued f rom page 1) day breakfast. Your co-oper- samne time Mrs. Courtice was pre- of the old Conservative Party. Old ation will be appreciated. s. Courwticearbuet. re ndst parties and old party hunes are bound ing woith areativesein n - aroundto disappear, and in their place will ingwit rlatve- i an -arondeither come new parties, or new Bowxmanville.. party lines in keeping with the times BowmanvilieMui oeso omnil ili hh elv.W argtig be glad to know that Manager Tom- away from the spirit of ,voting for Dmy Ross bas booked wbat is believed party, we have got to vote for the D a ir to be the greatest musical'attraetion good of the world. of the screen, Grace Moore in "One We bave three divisions of thougbt W. H. BETTLES Night 0f Love" for the Royal Thea- from whicb we make our choice, tre for November 19th and 20th. State Socialism, as suggested by the Proprietor Grace Moore, the brilfiant Metropol- C. C. F., Fascism as in Italy. and itan star, made the unusually steep Economic Liberalism. such as the Phone 446 Bowm anville ascent to stardom in this ber f irst Liberals propose to give the country. picture wbich bas broken ahl records Hou. Mr. Stevens bas made theý _______________________ lin Canada It ran six full weeks ln statement, the speaker continued. IToronto. that aur economic system is upside, by that. It was aright under the King CGoverumeut and if it is al wroug naw it must have been chang- ed by the present goverumeut. We sometimes make the mistake of thinking that economics are some- thing mechanical. but they are not. We aIl have a want, and we are ahi capable of supplyiug a waut. There are only two ways of making aur wants filled by a waut. One way is to be driven and the other way is ta be attracted. The State sacialists and the Fascists want te drive you ta do it. Liberalism wants ta attract you to freely trade your needs for your abors. Mr. Moore severely criticized the system 0f codes for Iudustry and setting of standards of wages. If the Liberals f ail lu the next election. be said. it may be the ast time tbat you wilî hold a nomiuating convention. The polcy of the Con- servatives andi the C. C. F. are for enforced legishation or dictatorshlp. Liberalism is for democracy. The speaker termed tee FarmPo ducts Marketing Bll as acoyf brought Austrahia ta near baukrupt- brought Australia ta near bankrupcy cy and the warld ta depression. Other speakers iucluded S. B. Hatheway and Frank Rickard the nominees. J. J. Duffus, Peterbaro. Presideut ot Central Ontario Liberal Association; Bruce McNeven of Rae- bora; Hou. Nelson Parliament and W. J. Bragg. M. P. P. Votes of confidence were passed lu Hon. W. L. MacKeuzie King and Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn. Premier of Ontario; wbile a tehegram 0of cou- gratulation ta Mr. Rickard was read from Hon. Vincent Massey of Port iHope. ~ P ,,, fWhat's in aName 1~Win a Prize On Tuesday, November 6th, Watson's Bakery wlIl introduce a new loaf. We ail know what a wonderful flavor butter iso- parts to baked foods. You neyer heard of a baker using butter ln his bread, but that's Just what we are golng to do in aur NEW LOAF. 0f course we have no name for thîs lbaf yet. So we are golng to give you an op- portunlty of namlng lt, and at the same time win a prize. When this loaf is delivered to you a contest blank wll be given wth each oa! at 9c and if you purchase at the store you will also be supplled wth a blank to filU lu. Decorated Cake and $6. In Bread Tickets Given Away Watch Our Window for Bakery and Ice Cream Specials VVAATSON-9S 3A<ERY_ Phone 97 SODA FOUNTA11N IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST FIFTY YEARS AGO The following gentlemen are spok- en of in connection with municipali bonors in 1885:-For Mayor-Messrsi Loscombe, Wesley, McArthur, Hor-J sey, Dr. Hillier and Aaron Buckler. For Reevesip-Messrs Piggott, Pro- wer, T. Burden, Porter and Gal-> braith.1 The following pupils bave been1 promoted tram Miss Raines')oo ta Miss Birnie's: Ethel Triebcok Emma Knight, Maggie Neads, Louiei Andrews, Ethel Richards, Manchie1 Fawden, Fred Dowuey, Alice Souch, Lizzie Burns, Allie Sproule, James i Buuny, Dickie Bonathan, Maxwe Thompson, Guy Russel, Freddie Grant, Willie Fields, Charlie Britt-1 ain, Harry Allen, Harry McKowau, Gerald Loscombe, Johunie Fogg, Charlie Raffeil, Harry Weeks. The Salvation Army in Bowman- ville is going to have a Grand Jubilee1 next week on the occasion of thei placing of the Marble Slab bearingi the date of erection of the new bar- racks. Staff Capt. Madden, D. 0., and Mrs. Major Coombs, Torouto,i and other off icers are expected to assist in the ceremony. Born: Farrell-In Darlington onj Oct. 20th, to the wife of Mr. P. Far- rell, a son. Born: Weekes-In Enniskillen on Oct. 20th to the wife of Mr. F. A. Weekes, a son. Married: Argue-Vennng-At the Metbodist Parsonage, Port Perry, on Oct. 20th by Rev. J. F. Ockley, Mr. Uriah Argue, to Polly. daugbhter of Mr. Robt. Venning of Cartwigt Courtice:-Miss Belle Davi e witb quite an adventure at the cheese f actory hast week, while en- gaged in heating a pail of water' from a steam pipe the rubber noz- zle became detached allowing the steam ta escape with terrific force. Wheu assIstance came she was found lyîng on the floor in a swoon, for- tuuately she escaped being scalded1 and soon recovered from the shock. Children's Service1 A special service for chihdren was hehd in St. John's Church ou Suuday Octaber 2lst, wben the choir was composed of children of the Sunday Schooh, and Miss Lillian Naylor cap- ably presided at the organ. Mr. E. S. Naylor, Superintendent of the Sun- day Sehool, read the scripture les- sons andi Bey. C. R. Spencer preach- ed au apprapriate sermon. Trinity Y. P. L. On Mouday. Oct. 29th a Hahhawe'- en Masquerade party was helti at Trinity Y. P. L. Ater an apening worship service the theme 0f whicb was "Let ail the People praise Thee"; Dorothy Hoar, who was lu charge led the gathering ou a spaoky ghost wahk. Many amusing and lively games were played throughout the eveniug and at the, close candy and apples were en- joyed. Annual A. Y. P. A. Service The annual service of St. John's A. Y. P. A. was held on Sunday Oct. 28th. There was a large turnaut ta, the Corparate Communion at 8 o'- dlock andi again at the special ser- vice at il o'clock. This service was canducted by the President, Mr. B. H. Martlock, wha was assisted by Tommy Dustan Jr., and Artbur Cully, who read the lessons andi by Albert Culhy who read the prayers. The sermon wau preacheti by Bey. W. Bruce Jennings, Rectar of St. Mark's Church, Part Hope, and Chaplain of the Deanery of North, umberland and Durham Local Coun- cil of the A. Y. P. A. Norman Taylor and Robert Hayes acted as sidesman. St. Pau's Evening Auxiliary The regular meeting of St. Paul's Evening Auxiliary was helti at the home of Mrs. <Bey.) George Mason, High Street, on Mauday evening with au attendance of 16. After the opening hymu, the Lord's Prayer was repeated inl unison and the scripture esscn was read by Mrs. W. H. Hill and Mrs. P. Pattinson. Miss Jewell led lu prayer. Minutes of the hast meeting and the treasurer's reports were reati andi adapted. The program was lu charge of the mem- bers of the Watch Tower. Interesting articles, telliug of mission wark in varlous foreigu f ields, were read by Mrs. Kerr, Miss Allen. Mrs. Williams, and Miss Hutchinson. The usual soc- ial haur folhowed. CHURCHES ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bey. W. 0. Blake, Minister Sunday, November 4th, Moruluz worship 11 a .m.; Sunday School 2- 30 P. m.; Evening Worship 7 p. m. Preacher at bote services, Bey. H. R. Williams, B. A., Millbrook. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Bey. C. R. Spencer. M. A.. Rectar Mrs. J. A. Gunu, Organist 23rd Sunday after Trinity. Nov- ember 4: Holy Communion 11 a.m.; Suuday Schaal and Bible Class 2.30 p. m.: Evening Prayer 7 p. m. Pi-eacher at both services, Bey. W. F. Payton of Perrytowu Circuit. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Bey. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mrs. C, H. Dudley, Orgauist andi Director. Sunday. November 4th: 11 a. m. -"Abidiug Possessions"; 2.30 p. m.1 -Suuday Sehoal; 7 P. m-"h Need for Patience." The chai«r%a! Centre Street Unted Church, Osh- awa, will furulsh the musical part of the service. TRINITY UNITED CHURCIR Rev. E. P. Armstrong, Pastor Francis Suttan, Mus. Bac., Choir Conductor, Sunday, November 4th: il a. m,- "An Adequate Gospel for a World lu Nced"; 2.30 p.m.--Sunday Schaoî; 7 P. m.-Goodyear Nlght, the Goot- year Male Chorus willb provide the music; subi cot, "The Balanceti Ra- tio." All the emnployees and frienda o! the Goodyear Company are cord- lally lnvlted to this service. Every- body will be made welcome. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 1 Dr. Elmo W. Sisson. Chas. Adams' and Geo. W. James atteuded the championsbip football game in Havelock on Friday. Samuel Gates, who is about 82 years 0f age had a paralytic stroke Tuesday. His sister is bere f rom Bos- ton, Mass., and intended te take hlm home with ber. Master Frank Halpany, solo via- linist of the Peterboro Conservatory of Music, played at a grand bail in Belleville recently. Born: Collacutt-In Darliugtou, near Salem, Oct 27tb, ta Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Collacutt, a son. Born: Alun-In Clarke, Oýct. 27th, ta Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Allin, a daughter. The newly elected officers of the W. C. T. U.: President-Mrs. L. A. W. Tole; Vice-President-s--Mrs. W. C. Washington, Mrs. Thos. Tod; Re- cording secretary-Miss M. A. Bun- ner; Correspoudiug secretary- Mrs. A. J. Mollon; Treasurer-Mrs. Thos. Tod. Amount raised last year, $79.03; expenditures $70.'73 Election of officers at the Durham Teachers' Convention resulted as f ollows: Presidet- John Elliott; B. A., Head4naster, Bowmanville High School;Frst-Vice-E. E. Snid- er. B. A., Headmaster Port Hope High School; Second-Vice- Robt. Gifles. Principal, Port Hope Public Schools; Treaurer-Miss Edna Field- ing, Bowmanville Public School; Secretary-J. W. Bradley, Head teacher Newcastle Public School; Representatives -Darliugton, F. J. Groat, Hampton; Clarke, H. J. Hoidge, Orono; Cartwright, Miss Laura A. Orchard, Blacks.tock; New- castle, Miss Agnes Delamore; Bow- manville, Miss Edna Fielding. Rev. A. E. Jones at Trinity Trinity United Church congregat- ions were favored by baviugas their preacher on Sunday at both services. Rey. A. E. Jones, pastor of Queen Street United Church, Lindsay. His morning sermon was based in "And the Angel of the Lord Appeared- ln a flame of fire-aud the bush was not consumed" Ex. 3:2. A fine practical sermon on the difference of going out to duty in our own streugth or under God's commnand. The Jubilîe Singera who presented the concert in the cburch Tuesday eveniug sang two selections that were much enjoyed. Solos were sung at the Sunday Scheol session by Mrs. G. E. Pritchard and Miss Margaret 1Wightman. In the evening Rev. Jones took for bis text 'Then Pbilip open.ed bis mouth and preached iuta him Jesus." Acts. 8: 35. His mess- age was on Providential leading showing that if we are Christ.ians we will be directed by God and that nothing happens by chance. The soloist, Mrs. R. R. Richardson, wha sang sweetly '"Beside the still waters He leads me." The Sunday Sohool orchestra under the leadership of Mr. F. Sutton also assisted the choir in the musical service. COMING EVENTS1 Announcements of Meetings, Concerts or Other Events, under this heading, are charged, 10 oents Per line, wth a minimum charge for any announcement of 50c per finsertion. These rates will be strlctly observed. Per- sons sendlng lu notices must specif y to whom account is to be cbarged. Thursday and Priday, Nov. 29-30, High School Commencement. 42-7 Home and Sehool Club will meet lu South Ward School on Wednes- day, Nov. 7th, at 8 p. M. Speaker: Mr. A. D. Kean. Please note change of date. A musical treat is iu store at Eb- enezer Church, Priday eveniug, Nov. 2ud, when St. Paul's Choir, Baw- manville, will present the Cautata "Soug of Thanksgiving," and ather musical numbers. Admission 25c and 15c. The Operetta "Soutb lu Senora." directed by Mrs. J. Clark Bell, will be presented in the Opera House. Thursday and Friday, November 15 and 16, under the auspices of the Bowmanville Music Study Club and the Canadian Legion. Admission 25c. Kirby Anulversary Services wilh be hehd as follows: On Suuday, Nov. 4tb, sermons will be preached at 3 p. m. by Bey. E. F. Armstrong, Bow- mauvihle. and at 7.30 p. m. by Bey. Walter Rackham, Hampton. Trinity Quartet will furuish music at both services. Ou Monday, Nov. 5th, at 5 P. m. a fawh supper wlll be served, followed by a good program by Trin- ity Quartet, Mrs. W. Adams, reader, Chas. Cawker, pianist, and Allan Knigbt, solaist. Admission 50c. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedran, Mr, Bert and Miss Olive Luke. Tor- auto. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Poster on Sunday. 'TheOrigial' One Cent SALE This Week Jury & Loveli Phone 78 When we test eyes It ln doue properly Go to Harry AIIin's for Quality Javel Water'per bottie 5c WONDERFUJL LAUNDRY Soap 8 BARS 25o RED ROSE Tea per lb 50o BROCK'S Bird Seed GOLDEN BAR pkge iSe Cheese 6 OZ. PKG. 10c Rolled Oats 5 LB. 25C COOklng OUlomus 5 LB. BAGIO Carrots 10 LB. B3AG 15e Creani of Wheat PKG. 25e Coffee MAXWELL HOUSE lb 43e MINUTE Tapioca 2 pkgs 25e FINE QUALITY Marmalade 40 OZ. JAR 30e ROBIN HOOD Flour 24 LB. BAG 75e Johnson's Polisher Loaned Free with Purchase of Johnson's Floor Wax. Fish forThursday and Friday Harry Alliai, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville P I Motion Pictures Shown At Durham Meeting (Contlnued f rom Page 1) and places were.shown. Ta say it was an evening of, pleasure and pro- fit toalal is saying it mildly as every- one preseut en.joyed the unique en- tertaiument ta the f uUl. Between reels speeches and music were enjoyed. Thase making short speeches lu- cluded: the Editors of Durham news- papers, Oea. W. James, Bowmanville and Donald H. Wilson, Port Hope; inembers of Parliament, Mr. F. W. Bowen. M. P., aud Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P.; townmshlp Reeves, Fred B. Lovekin, Clarke, and Geo. F. Annis, Darlington; and Mayor W. R . Strike, Bowmauville. The musical talent included au original sang by Mr. O. A. Gamsby, Orono. and a delightful vocal solo by Miss Jessie McDougall, Toronto, the latter being accampan- ied by Miss Luchla Williams, Tor- onto. The appreciation of the Club and visitors was splcndidly expressed in ua vote of thanks voiced by Mr. Russell R. Nesbitt, M. P. P., and Dr. J. C. Dcvitt and ably supported by the Treasurer of the Club, J. D. Kea- chie. This part of the prograni closed Mr. R. W. King one o! the oldest Syne and the National Anthcm wlth by ail singlng heartily Aulti Lang members, at the plano. Refresh.. ments wcrc then enjoyed andi every- anc had a chance ta shake bands and recallu a social hour the events of the long ago. Take a gooti peek at the mer- chants' advtS this week and ,yaull get more than au cye ful of tempt- ing values. k .ri Don't Experiment with wA-r unknown coal 0 , V 5A. 'I. B Uy LEHIGII VALLEY ANTHRACITE 77m. Coal That Satisfi*. We have been selling Lehigh Valley Genuine Anthracite for over 20 years and our hundreds of regular customers can testif y to its high heat producing qualities and excellent satisfaction. Lehigh Valley Anthracite is the best hard coal for ail purposes-less ash- more heat-even burning. Dou't Be Deceived By buying coal of an unknown name be- cause it is cheap. You'll have no regrets when you buy Lehigh Valley Genuine Anthracite because it gives the beat heat for the least money. It is dlean and dusties-ail sizes. J. A. Rolgate C& Son Fuel and Builders' Supplies Phone 153 Bowmanville Gorgeous Autumn Flowers Roses, Carnations, Snapdragons, Chrysanthemurns ln colors to ap- peal to every taste and at prices to suit every pocket. Careful packing and deUivery. Ail orders postpaid wthln the 20 mile postai radius. PLANT IBULB3S NOW For a brght garden next spring, bulbs shouid now be planted. Our vaiues are outstanding. W. E. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP King Street - Next Royal Theatre - Bowmanville P. 0. Box 163 Phone 72 "%là Rules of the Contest 1 . canteat closes an Saturday, December lot. AUl names muet be mailed before midnlght. Annauncemefit of winners will be made followiflg week. 2. Bread names of other Bakeries muet flot be subm itted. Only 1 name on ecd blank. 3. Contest open ta anyone except employeca of WatBof'a Bakery and their familles. 4. Send choice of name ta Watsafl's Bakery, Bowmaflll, or glve blank ta our Sales. ma n. 5. Bianks can be secured by purcliasing a loaf af aur New Bread, price gc. You may sua. geat an extra name for every loai used be. fore closing day. 6, Judges wll select six best names and per. sons handilg in these six nomes will re. ceive $100 worth of bread tickets au prIze. The one who sends In the nome we use for the new loai wiIl recelve as an extra prize a decorated cake, on exhibît in aur wlndaw. LUNCH ROOM PAGE SEVEN

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